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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 28, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: good friday morning, it's friday, june 20, 7 am on the east coast, hope you're having a good friday morning.
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the showdown between donald trump and president biden even shocking get democrats. grady trimble live in atlanta with more on this story. what a night. >> it was. president biden and donald trump will be back on the campaign trail today but safe to say are lies will be on biden after that objectively poor performance last night. vice president kamala harris doesn't seem worried, she shrugged off concerns after the debate that biden is too ultra four more years. >> it was a strong finish. what we saw tonight is more of the same. president biden fighting for the american people, donald trump fighting for himself not to mention on the issue of choice, there was a clear contrast. >> reporter: halfway through the debate we started hearing from biden's campaign that he
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had a cold as sort of an explanation for what we were witnessing, president biden confirmed he was sick after the debate. you heard the vice president say biden had a strong finish but he scuffled through his closing statement right at the end. >> we made significant progress from the debacle left by donald trump in his last term. to get rid of the ability of medicare, the ability for us to be able to negotiate. $35 instead of $400, no more than $2000 for every senior no matter how much prescription they need. i will make that available to every senior. those who are happy now and everybody in america.
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>> reporter: for his part donald trump appeared subdued focusing on his own policies like taking on china with tariffs, cutting taxes, he blamed biden for inflation and the crisis at the southern border. the democratic party this morning scrambling trying to figure out if they might have to replace their nominee but that aside the biden campaign says right after the debate, was their best grassroots fundraising our since they launched the reelection. >> years president biden at the cnn presidential debate. has gaps and rambles on full display. >> $2 trillion tax cut, i went to affix the tax system, we have 1000 billionaires in america, if they paid 24% they
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would raise $500 million making sure they were able to make every single solitary person eligible dealing with everything having to do with -- if we finally beat medicare. i'm going to continue to get the total initiative relative to what we are going to do on border patrol and asylum offers. >> i don't know what he said at the end of this, i don't think he knows what he said either. maria: a lot of gaffes, mistakes, billionaires, trillion euros, the numbers -- here's in an edited video we are watching now of the first lady leading president biden offstage last night.
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as the mainstream media is melting down over biden's performance. >> it was painful. i love joe biden. i work for joe biden, he didn't do well at at all. he's doing the best he can, to restore confidence of the country and the base and he failed to do that. that was not what we needed from joe biden and it is painful for a lot of people, not just panic but pain last night. maria: pain is not the only one saying this is the end of president biden's reelection campaign. even his allies in the mainstream media admitted this is bad. look what time magazine rates, calls for biden to step aside are about to get deafening, seen and rights biden's disastrous debate pictures his reelection bid into crisis. political writing dems freak out over biden's debate performance, biden's toast. the associated press writes debate watchers in the biden and from camp seem to agree on
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something, biden had a bad night. usa today] disaster so far, biden freezing on stage during debate draws fire on social media. joining me is house majority leader steve scully's, thanks for being here. a reaction. do you think they are going to replace joe biden for their nominee, the democrats? >> great to be with you. i hope they don't but i think a lot of the statements you are seeing a reflection of how well donald trump did, the media wants to play that down, donald trump looked strong, confident, he looked like a presidential leader and contrast that, nothing short of a train wreck for the biden campaign. it was on full display. they try to say it was a cold. the last 3.5 years of the biden presidency, a cold, nothing short of cringe worthy to watch but we've been seeing this for 3 and a half years. donald trump, they thought they
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had these rules set up to hurt donald trump and it benefited him. he answered within the timeframe of the questions but when biden had the time he froze up a lot of those, misstated things, said things nobody could comprehend and it puts more pressure on the vice president. does anybody want kamala harris to be the president of the united states. there is understanding that she could have that responsibility, nobody thinks she is up to that task either. maria: is that one path of a can take? i question whether they can get the delegates to agree. they've got to get president biden to agree to step aside before considering kamala harris. >> and i don't think he is going anywhere. at the same time when you look at his answers is the border secure, he might really think the border is secure which is alarming but in his answers as you talked about earlier how
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out of touch he is he thinks inflation is fine and maybe it is for him but for most families in america they are the recipients of a failed bidenomics economy and low and middle income people he keeps marking all the time. maria: you have to admit the policies did come through, the border crisis, top voter issue in focus at the debate, migrant crime in focus as it surges across the country. let's watch a little of that because they did focus on the issues that we care about. >> week worked hard to get a bipartisan agreement, border patrol endorsed my position. now you're in a situation where 40% fewer people coming across the border. >> those safest border in history. in the final couple of months of my presidency we had according to border patrol, who endorsed me for president.
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>> the idea they are emptying our prisons is simply not true. one sick, he is exaggerating. >> we are living -- they are killing our people in new york and california and every state in the union because we don't have borders anymore, every state is a border. ridiculous, insane and stupid policies, people are coming in and killing our citizens and a level we've never, we call it migrant crime. i college biden migrant crime. maria: they had the funeral and burial of joclyn nungaray who was killed and that the third in a string of murders at the hand of migrant crime. border patrol union wrote on x in the middle of the debate, to be clear, we never had and never will endorse biden.
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there was a lot of misinformation. president biden says the border patrol union endorsed him, they did not. that inflation was 9% when he walked into the oval office, it was not, it was 1.4%, your reaction? >> he said the borders 40% more secure under him than trump. nobody believes any of this but they are watching this and they are alarmed because they say does this guy really believe this? the american people believe it is not true. they are alarmed president biden might think it is true and they didn't get into things like prices that are out of control, but donald trump on the issues they talked about, ready to lead and fix the problems president biden created. maria: you've got your rnc convention and two weeks time but before that we will get the sentencing of donald trump after the conviction, any expectations july 11th a couple days before the convention?
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>> everybody knows how regular that is and that came up, the american people see it for what it is, president biden going after his political opponents. maria: good to see you, just getting started this hour, a lot more from the cnn presidential debate. martha maccallum moderated debates before. or expectations for the september showdown and the november election and stuart varney is here to weigh in on what was most important to him last night. we both worked at cnn we will talk about cnn and how they did. how markets reacted to last night's matchup, what's driving the rally in the tech sector. you are watching "mornings with maria" on fox business. did i read this? did i get eggs?
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maria: it is time, investors wanting your money.
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dennis gartman back with me and chris mcmahon, dennis, welcome to the conversation, good to see you. want to look at futures this morning on this day after the debate in the last trading day of the second go to, last trading day of the first half of the year, down just reels up 30 points, nasdaq up 85, looking at a good first half of the year as we head into the second half of the year, down just real were up 4% year-to-date, the s&p up 15% year to date, nasdaq up almost 19% year to date. interest rates picking up ahead of the federal reserve's preferred inflation measure, the yield in the 10 years shut to 4.3% up to. 3 basis points. they expect prices to be up 0.1% year over year, this is the federal reserve's favorite
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inflation tracker, the pce index. what are your expectations. >> the consensus is probably correct, up 0.1%, maybe 2.7%. we have a bad number coming up from 13 months ago pushing the pce down closer to 0.2% but it will be 0.1% when it is announced and the fed will not like it enough to move to lower the overnight funds rate at the september meeting. they will only have one funds rate that will come in november or december but they will like the number today and the administration will tout the fact they have reduced inflation to a tepid rate but it is a 1-off circumstance. maria: thoughts on the debate last night and its impact on the economy? >> it was a horrifying experience to watch for democrat. you have to wonder what are we going to do at this point.
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what interesting to me is the gold market is responding to, gold and stocks move in contravention, the gold market is up because of concerns of what the chinese may consider on the debate last night. the out of an attack on taiwan home on up, hezbollah looking at the debate last night wondering what it can do in the middle east. iran is probably looking at it saying we have a soft president, very disconcerting. maria: you were watching but so was china, so was russia, so was ukraine, everybody is watching the commander-in-chief on the world stage as president biden battled donald trump last night during the cnn presidential debate, biden claims trump will increase taxes on the middle class. watch this. >> he will increase taxes on middle-class people. i said i would never raise attacks. these tariff, 10% tariffs,
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everything coming into the country, economists say that will cost the average american $2500 a year more. night want a new tax cut of $5 trillion over the next 10 years which is going to fundamentally bankrupt the country. maria: says the guy who just told us he is going to raise taxes by $5.5 trillion. we fact checked it all. edward lawrence was fact checking president biden's comments in real time, biden claimed he would never raise taxes on anyone making less then $400,000 but if he allows the trump tax cuts to expire than taxes for just about every american will go up including those making less than $400,000 a year and by supporting this biden is supporting a tax increase. your thoughts, how does wall street see this? >> the middle class has been hit by wall street, you saw what happened yesterday,
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walgreens down 22%, nike down 14%, the middle class doesn't have money. the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse, auto insurance, auto lease is up 40%, fuel up 25%, these people have less money to spend, they are being most impacted. they are feeling the pinch. to be disconnected from that is extraordinarily concerning. wall street is looking for a change and that is why the markets are betting trump is going to take this thing. maria: real quick on the banks, we had the stress tests this week over the federal reserve and jpmorgan saying the fed overestimated a key measure of income, the losses under the exam should be higher than what the regulator found. >> he didn't assign us any homework but graded my paper incorrectly. these guys, the stress testing they put on the banks, the burden is enormous for the
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banks, they take it seriously, they tried to kick him in the shins by saying you did this wrong which is why they put a press release out instead of going to the regular fed but the stress tests are good and that bank is very safe. maria: we will leave it there, thanks for joining the conversation. we are grateful, thank you so much, see you soon, the congressional push from eric garland to turn over the audio tapes, taken into custody for defying a subpoena. live next, you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue.
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it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. maria: with more reaction to last night's showdown, robert h hur's interview back in the news, he said he thought the jury would view biden as, quote, an elderly man with poor memory. house republicans led by anna
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paulina luna are pushing him to turn over the audiotapes of that interview some claim in the white house transcript which they have, they have been altered. luna announcing she will call for a full house vote today to hold merit garland in inherent contempt, if the measure passes the house will order their sergeant at arms to bring garland into custody. anna paulina luna is from the natural resource committee. good to see you. thanks for being here. you have the votes to pass this and if you do pass it are you saying the ag will be brought into custody, this is really going to happen? >> it could be brought by the democrats. we have the votes to get past that at which time it will go to floor debates. i believe we have especially after last night's performance with biden, i do not think the sergeant at arms will detain him but i do think the speaker
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will order merit garland to appear before the house and this opens us up to have our own hearing in the house of representatives. this is no longer an issue, constitutional crisis on our hand with the fact congress is being treated as an unequal branch of government but more important i believe biden is mentally unfit to be president. my question to reporters at and the american people is what is on those tapes that garland would on risk of becoming a criminal and essentially protecting the president so much that he will define not one but two congressional subpoenas other americans would be in jail for. maria: you have the transcript. >> i believe it's possible it was doctored and i say that because there has been other evidence we received from various government agencies under this administration that has been altered and that is why we need those transcripts.
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any argument executive privilege applies is out the window. maria: eric swallwell has been attacking you for this. >> you have a colleague whose trying to put the attorney general in handcuffs with this anna paulina lunacy because she can't accept the former president was arrested and convicted. maria: what do you want to say? >> he's been attacking me since i got elected but i don't pay attention to irrelevant people, his track record speaks for itself and i'm focusing on upholding my constitutional authority of which thomas jefferson wrote that. maria: mental capacity was the leading issue last night and we've been talking about it a lot on this program leading up to the debate because we've had doctors on the show. ronnie jackson was the white house physician for 14 years
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and he was a doctor for presidents bush, trump, and obama and he demanded the white house answer him and tell him whether or not president biden would take a drug test, what did you learn from that debate? >> i do believe this president is unfit to be president but it is not just republicans, democrats on msnbc, cnn, young turks, are calling for president biden to step down and i believe he may not be the nominee. i said that before and it is very apparent there's something in the works. maria: how does that work? they have to get president biden to agree to step away. than they've got to decide if they want kamala harris, they can't just bring somebody else in over kamala harris and none of those candidates have pulled any better against donald trump. when you look at whether it is governor gavin newsom, illinois
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governor witmer, kamala harris, they don't pull better than trump. >> i think this is why those tapes are important. if they come out, and we hear that he is incompetent on those tapes or the transcript has been altered what is happening is we could invoke the 25th amendment but after last night's performance, other democrats need to say he needs to step down. what's happening right now i don't believe there's any world where this november a democrat wins because of what has happened with the economy and border policy in the military and the country. they want to put their kids to school and not worry about grocery bills. everything is at all-time highs. maria: did you say the biden cabinet would vote to get him out in the 25th amendment?
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>> i believe if those tapes come out, they would have to, based on last night's performance and outcry from democrats from news outlets from the american people, every news outlet, many far left bloggers were calling for a new candidate or for him to step aside. it was a terrible performance. i am concerned we have someone in the white house who is mentally incompetent to be fit, and too much constitutional authorities. maria: not just mental capacity, the illegal migrant from turkey who crossed into america through the san diego border is being accused of raping a 15-year-old girl from new york, here's trump discussing migrant crime. >> there have been many young women murdered by the same
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people he allows across the border. and consider the most dangerous place in the world that he opened it up and these killers are coming into the country and raping and killing women. maria: we haven't heard specifics on these murders we've been talking about, joclyn nungaray, from texas, mother of five, laken riley, where's the response from democrats? >> it has gotten so bad i did here at one point biden was considering invoking executive action on the border, and anticipated it might affect their polling.
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and it is not just women but children being raped by these monsters coming here. when you have people coming here, importing criminals that are hurting our daughters and it is our obligation and legislators to ensure women and children are protected. maria: we will watch that situation. thank you very much. arkansas governor mike huckabee with his thoughts on the presidential showdown. madison alworth is live with how voters are feeling having seen trump and biden in action. >> reporter: we were getting live reaction from voters as they watched the debate. boiler, economy was big. i will bring it to you after this.
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what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ maria: voters are not happy with president biden's handling of the economy. madison alworth caught up with voters. >> reporter: we were out with voters on staten island, the number one concern i heard from people was over the economy and inflation. voters told us while prices might be down on a month-to-month basis they are still much higher than they were three years ago. >> there is no way this economy is better. >> i graduated college in 2019. every dollar i made in 2019 is $0.20 less. >> you look at a variety of
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statistics, all in inflation, the average it takes to buy a house here. you need to live in reality. >> reporter: inflation wasn't the only concern. voters wanted to talk about president biden's debate performance. >> biden is scripted, i don't think he is genuine. don't think he has a grip on what's going on in america. >> i had a hard time understanding him. >> biden looked very old, very weak at times and he couldn't defend his record. >> live reaction we got in those commercial breaks and even with the most recent criticism the biggest concern overwhelmingly was inflation and the economy. the pce number will come out and less than an hour. maria: we expect fractional moves but thank you.
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madison alworth with voter concerns. president biden's gaps and rambling on was on full display at the cnn presidential debate. blue blue >> president biden: we have one thousand, trillion euros in america. billionaires in america. if they paid 24%, 25%, either of those numbers, $500 million, billion dollars i should say, and ensure the right when will make every single solitary person eligible. with dealing with everything having to do with -- if we finally beat medicare. >> thank you, president biden. >> president biden: i will move into we get the total initiative relative to what we will do with more border patrol
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and more asylum officers. >> i don't know what he said at the end of this. i don't think he knows what he said. maria: the biden campaign is claiming he had a cold during that performance, first lady jill biden was seen at the end of the night walking her husband off the stage. after that showdown, quote, everyone is freaking out and the biden, quote, needs to go and there's no replacing a mental, quote, unless he agrees. the trump campaign declaring victory in a statement saying, quote, donald trump deliver the greatest performance and victory in history. joining me is arkansas governor mike huckabee. great to see you. thank you for joining me. got to get your take. you've been on the debate stage with donald trump, moderated one of those debates with you on stage.
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what are your thoughts last night? >> the white house trying to pretend president biden had a cold and that was behind his performance, he didn't have a cold, he had pneumonia and the boogie-woogie flew. he was clearly a slice of cheese short of a cheeseburger last night. i'm kidding about it but this is pretty serious. people yelling just a few days ago four more years, i am not sure watching him last night he could go four more weeks. it was very disturbing and the fact is we weren't the only ones who sought. our adversaries around the world saw it last night. they have to be thinking nobody is minding the store right now. it was disastrous and democrats are in meltdown but i also want to say donald trump did such a remarkable job of never taking the bait the president biden
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was prepped to throw out there and it was a great move on his part to stick to his own message and not to try to react and get angry and that was an important move because last night he looked like a president and president biden looks like he needed to take out one of those ads from a place for mom. maria: trump also stuck to the issues, raised the border, mentioned migrant crime, migrant murder, inflation. what the democrats are going to do right now, lee carter, we've got 40 days until the democrats need to nominate their vice president to qualify for the ohio valley. a lot of people i saying it's very late even for a modern nomination, the calendar has become frontloaded, delegates are in place but when you look
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at the potential fill ins, kamala harris has to be considered, gavin newsom, witmer in michigan, they also polled low versus donald trump, right? tell us what happens next. >> if any of these other candidates were to go forward they do paul worse than donald trump, they would lose to donald trump. president biden is the strongest candidate out there right now. there's a lot of reasons why. kamala harris is a very unlikable candidate, people do not get excited by her and a lot of people feel alienated by her. i think the other candidates are virtually unknown. people don't really know what their agenda would be and to come in this late in the game and not know, people say we had four years of donald trump, that's what we heard from voters last night, we had four
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years of donald trump, we know what that was like. it's going to be hard for anyone to step in these shoes and people have to be careful what they wish for. they might say they wish for president biden to step aside but it won't be easy to go up against donald trump. maria: the rnc convention july 15th, the democrat convention is on the nineteenth, that of course is the official dropdead date to change candidates, likely early september early voting starts september 20th. the analyst on politics says we could well have been watching the third and final biden/trump they bait. what do you think? >> i don't think there will be another one. no way they will trot him out for another of these performances and it is evident he's not getting better.
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he is getting worse. we've seen over the past few months, i really hope somebody in the white house press corps will stand up for karine jean-pierre and tell him this nonsense about these videos being cheap fakes no longer will wash. we've got to accept that the media is complicit, they've covered for president biden, pretended he is as sharp as a tack and doing great and people who today on msnbc and cnn saying that was terrible, they knew this months ago but they pretended what they saw they didn't really see. they can't pretend they are shocked by what they saw last night. maria: we've been watching this for a long time, watching president biden make gaffe after gaffe, mental capacity the number one issue last night on display but also policy.
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bidenomics versus maganomics, he tried to push the blame on trump with more misinformation. watch this. >> when i became president, we had an economy, the economy collapsed. unemployment rose to 15%, the combination -- >> the greatest economy in the history of the country, we have never done so well. the only jobs he created were for illegal immigrants and bounce back jobs that bounced back from covid. she's not done a good job. inflation is killing of the country. absolutely killing us. maria: president biden's misinformation was just that, edward lawrence fact checked the biden claims, he claimed unemployment was at 15% when he came into office, that is not true. the an employment rate was at 6.3%.
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he also said when he walked into the white house inflation was at 9%, that's not true. inflation was at one. 4%. how does he get away with this misinformation? we've been fact checking it. does everybody else understand these are made-up numbers he's coming out with? >> he pulls them out of the clear blue sky but he's gotten away with it because the media has not called him on it. they tried to cover for him and that has got to stop. the tragedy was president biden did reveal last night that his presidency has been a disaster. donald trump did a great job sticking to his message and reminding americans this is not about the personalities of the two candidates. it's about policies. those policies affect every american family when they sit down to dinner table. maria: always a pleasure. mike huckabee joining us this morning, quick break, the rise
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of ai in journalism. programs like chat gpt relayed the news. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ maria: next week on "mornings with maria," monday, trump campaign national press secretary caroline levitt on a post debate bump in the polls for the presumptive republican nominee. violent crimes by illegal migrants on the rise. border patrol chief is here. a staunch putin critic leading the world's largest military alliance. the consequent is for russia.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: the supreme court ruling on a key abortion case after it leaked to the opinion draft a day early. lauren: the highest court in the land posted their opinion on the abortion case out of idaho that allows emergency abortions despite state law being more restrictive. the court accidentally posted a draft opinion the day prior. the supreme court will continue handing down opinions at 10:00 eastern as we await their ruling on donald trump's immunity case. the court will decide whether trump will claim immunity in his 2020 election interference case, freeing himself of criminal charges. the oklahoma state superintendent requiring public schools to teach the bible. >> it's essential kids have an understanding, the bible is a necessary historical document to teach kids about the history of this country, have a
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complete understanding of western civilization and the basis of the legal system. >> reporter: louisiana mandated that we 10 commandments be displayed in every school classroom. lebron james will make history as the league's first active father/son do well. >> the los angeles lakers rodney james. >> ronnie is, 55th pick in around 2. sideline for 5 months. and the excelsior hall of fame dad, they wanted to play alongside his son.
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that likely scared teams off. father and son duo. open ain time magazine striking a multi-your content deal to give the tech company access to 100 years since the publication's archives to train its chat bought. they sued open ai and microsoft for alleged copyright infringement using nonprofit content without their permission and as we round out our ai stories, the us is highly rated in preparedness for adopting artificial intelligence into the economy topped by singapore and denmark according to a report from the international monetary fund, netherlands and estonia round out the top five, china and russia fell behind and afghanistan and south sudan ranked last. we are prepared to incorporate this technology into our economy and keep human jobs as best we can.
7:57 am
maria: we are watching this as well. staying on site, martha mccallum coming up. kellyanne conway. and grady trimble in atlanta with a recap. >> after president biden's poor performance. and what are their democratic allies and campaigns saying. ♪ only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k.
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