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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  June 28, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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it was called the louisiana purchase and it cost 15, 30, 45, $60 million our resident historian ashley webster has the privilege of going first. ashley: i'm no historian but 1803, 50 million is a lot of money. i go with number one, 15. lauren: i second that is 15 million. we one upping the stakes, $30 million and you are right, it was 15 million, the deal was completed by thomas jefferson, the land of stretches from mississippi to the rocky mountains, 50 million, today that 15 million then is worth 417 million now. great show, day after the big d debate. lauren, ashley, good to see you, see you again soon. coast-to-coast starts now. neil: on market that doesn't
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seem to care about the debate. investors are much more focused on pce than who wants to be president because the election is more than four months away. this inflation number is fresh out today. it is the latest figure out there anywhere and calming figure. i am neil cavuto. happy friday to all of you, happy quarter, we will get into all of that. real stats still matter, good having you on, you put these things in perspective. i suspect eventually the d bait and election will be a front and center issue for the markets but not right now. >> a few months away, the next
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d beta september 10th. neil: if that happens. >> if it happens. the market loves stability. what the fed no longer raising rates big time, printing to $9 trillion you have the 10 year yield sitting, relaxing between 4.4, 43/4, corporate america is doing fine, productivity gains, the trade quite insane. it is very concentrated. all year to have good gains if i bought the russell 2,000 it is only up one% this year and transports are flat to down. you've got to go with the good stuff, technology usually wins the day in bullish markets and i can tell you when drove still. we 20 you mentioned the broader markets, they've been very
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quiet, they have not gone along with it, that's a fairly bullish argument. what do you think? >> in order to continue longer-term you need the market to broaden hot. it is so long you have such concentration and we 've not done the year 1999 on technology versus the rest of the market so eventually there shall be some comeuppance, the question is will other things come to the 4 and the hope is that's what we are going to get so we are watching the russell 2,000 very carefully. if it can break above the last four months high that will be real good news but we want to see better. retail has been we, transports have been week but i've got to say the word again, technology has been as fruitful as can be in a long time.
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neil: say you own nvidia stocks, apple and amazon, tesla has been spiking of late but by sheer force of nature they become a more dominant part of your portfolio even if you've gotten rid of your other holdings, what is an investor to do? >> got to hold on for dear life as long as they are working and i must tell you like apple which was dead money for a while. a eyes mentioned big time and the stock spikes 10% all-time highs. software stocks which were dormant 4 to 6 months, coming on strong right now, names like oracle and microsoft amazingly all-time highs so again that's the trade going on right now. on 100% sure there will be a point i won't want to own one stock in technology but right now that's the place to be and
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i'm a big believer in being part of the bus that's being driven. neil: the personal consumption expenditures, very tame. i don't know if it is true but that's another reason to get back on board thinking about cutting rates before the election, what do you think if at all? >> the closer we get to the election they are not going to lower rates do not look political but after that i do believe so and they have room, 5. 4, five. 5, the 10 year at 4 1/4 so we can pull back a good half point and i think an important part of the equation is they haven't done too much. just leave the markets be. i'm a big believer in corporate america's green markets. if you let them be they will flourish and we are seeing is
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that. the other part about tech, there's a rhyme and reason, you have growth rates of 30, 40, 50, 100% growth rate in some of these names versus things that are not working that have growth rates that are down. as long as that continues that will be the place to be until it gets too much and you end up with a 1999 where it hits a wall. neil: maybe we are not at that point but we are watching it closely. have a wonderful weekend, thank you very much. in the meantime after the debate we do know that they are campaigning to try to score points but for president biden it was not that fortunate an event, growing doubts whether he's the guy to be leading the democrats. right now that's an immovable force but we've seen that in the past. the president will be visiting north carolina shortly.
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>> reporter: by all accounts the president had a very rough d bait last night, we are talking to some of his supporters out here, every one of them admitted that it was a bad debate performance but he's looking to bounce back today holding his first rally in 30 minutes. look at this video in north carolina, just before 2:00 am last night, 250 to 300 strong here waiting for him they were chanting four more years as he got off the plane, he came to this battleground state after his campaign chair made some recent headlines. take a look at this, she recently told us before last night's debate i am bullish on north carolina. she also went on to say she does not see the state of
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florida as a battleground state anymore. what can we expect at this rally? wrappers fat joe and eve 40 here, they will keep inviting celebrities and influencers to, quote, save democracy. out here live, we talked to a handful of biden supporters about the debate performance last night and asked to give a grade if they were a teacher we are lot of sees, some of them said they would like to hear him acknowledge during his rally today that he struggled last night and would like to hear him talk about concerns about his age and health and how he plans to address that moving forward. neil: that clean playing behind you? >> it is. it was earlier. nauert:-)cyrus. >> the president would not have struck me as a clean fan but
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you never know. always learn something. thank you, great job. the guy who wants to return as president will be visiting chesapeake, virginia, wind at his back here, debate performance, getting good reviews on. lucas tomlinson has more. >> fresh off his momentum from the big debate last night donald trump is coming here to virginia, a state that has not voted for a republican since 2004, when george w. bush won the state of virginia and we spoke to thousands of people that lined up this morning to getting here as early as 7 or 8:00, he is speaking at 3:00, let's listen to what they had to say. >> my dad cried when the star end banner came on. i miss that about america. >> my demographic my age are all-pro trump had everyone is starting to see after the last
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debate last night how unqualified president biden is to run a nation. >> the debate last night, if you need any more proof that joe biden is not fit to run the country that is it right there. >> a few months ago, nobody was calling virginia a swing state or pickup opportunity for donald trump but a different story today. according to our new fox news poll showing the race in a dead heat widgets also likely the reason the first lady came here to campaign in virginia beach. >> it comes down to who has the wisdom and who has the experience and who has the ability to really lead this country in the right direction but more than that, i know you all know this, we are really looking at what man has the character.
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>> reporter: donald trump expected to speak here at 3 p.m. in chesapeake, virginia just outside norfork, thousands of turned out. organizers expect 10,000 people to come here and we will hear from virginia's popular governor glenn youngercan. neil: is talk that donald trump might not have interest in a second debate. might not want to do what some presidents have done in the past after a bad first outing they come back and do better in the second. he doesn't want to give president biden that opportunity. anything like that? >> reporter: trump officials we spoke to said the former president is ready to debate president biden anytime anyplace. stuart: you just answered that. dragnet, that's it.
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we've got steve forbes, patrick murphy, undersecretary of the army, thanks to both of you. let me get your take on donald trump and his debate performance, even the president's fans for him, donald trump might not be interested in a second debate but still a ways to go. >> karl rove pointed out is 11 weeks between this debate and the second debate. usually you have one or 2 weeks. the impression you leave doesn't linger. in this case it will be three months and i think reporters are not going to give him a pass on asking questions. he has to go beyond yes or no. another debate, specific things on taxes, statistics, the administration versus the biden administration so people can
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see the substance so i think he will be ready to unroll that in the second debate and say, for example, on inflation, 1.5% when i left office, peaked at 9% a year and a half after the spending binge and things like that, contrast it, biden cannot open his mouth the way he did in that debate. adam: neil: that's me every day. you mentioned the president. a lot of people saying got to swap him out. easier said than done. >> in the pentagon we said amateurs talk strategy, experts talk logistics. neil: it's true, easier said than done. >> the reality is in states like wisconsin and nevada it is almost impossible to take them off the ballot until they die, won't happen.
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to me there is no doubt president biden stumbled on the words. what he has put into action the last 3 years, when i woke up this morning in fox county, pennsylvania the sun was shining, the stock market was record high, 15.6 million new jobs, we are still there. it wasn't until last night that i tell you we are going to see a rematch in september and i'm looking forward to seeing the rally today. neil: another thing that occurs to me on this whole issue, replacing him, as far as i know governor newsom, kamala harris, not exactly lighting up the polling charts either. you could go from the frying pan into the fire. it is a tough call for
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democrats this november. presidents make mistakes. the opening debate, walter mondale, the rest was history. there's the possibility the president rewrites himself. easier said than done. >> much harder because i am surprised the campaign, we had 16 experts priming him, he spent days and days and days. neil: filler with this stuff. >> that could be but he goes out and falters, abandons openings, trump gave him plenty of openings he didn't take advantage of. that's a real problem and some people saying they pushed him out as a hail mary hoping he could do what he did in the state of the union. you don't have prompters in a debate, won't have prompters in the second debate.
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in this rally, can do it off-the-cuff and can have the prompter there. and in terms of doing it rules can be changed, laws can be changed. if you have a new candidate going on, it's an obscure governor that has nothing to do with washington. i don't think it will be newsom. maybe the governor of kentucky or somebody like that, a democrat and a red state or something like that so you have a fresh slate. neil: i'm not a fan of playing, the president stumbling down stairs, i do it so often myself but there was a difference here. >> my wife make sure i don't have video in the house. neil: don't like doing that. is cruel and mean and don't think it is necessary but
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there's a difference in a debate where cognitive skills are on display or lack thereof or perception, lack thereof and that played out for the world to see. it is hard to an see. very different. i am wondering if that's the distinction here and the difference because the people who heard about some of these incidents, and does this stick around longer? >> the president didn't have a good look last night. he got stronger as the debate went on for 90 minutes. i think folks who tuned in the whole 90 minutes the majority of american voters did not tune in but they will read about it today and i think people have questions about it but i don't think most democrats are going
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to abandon ship, won't talk about gretchen witmer. the new generation of democrats. rob: the good of the country and all, we are just really worried. the history on that to your point a little dicey, the party doesn't regroup and really strong in 1980. i get that. >> people like president obama, nancy pelosi, withholding judgment, that is why we saw president biden at the bar full house. at the super bowl last year and things like that. president biden will stuff up, he was a fighter his whole life, he stumbled last night and stumbled in the past.
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he is time and again still backup should that grit and show in his heart for the american people, that's the contrast in this race. neil: they did that to reagan in the first d bait. >> in the second debate if it comes in september between the two of them you will see more substance and contrast between policies, the regulations they have done, you will have a meet there and i don't think biden will have his meet, and donald trump's need. all the experts soon enough. neil: great seeing you and i am dealing with the lawyers. if you are abetting person, people are overwhelmingly betting on donald trump has a
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clear favorite to win back the presidency, they placed money on it and the chips hit the fan. see what i did? ♪ to me, harlem is home. but home is also your body. i asked myself, why doesn't pilates exist in harlem? so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy. chase ink has supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help. and chase ink was that for me. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. make more of what's yours.
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neil: so many ways you could bet even online, there bretagne of people doing that as the debate was in suing and putting chip on word, donald trump to be the next president of the united states. it stabilizes the knife we are on but a lot of people saying he has far better odds at winning back the white house than he did 24 hours ago. charlie gasparino following is that not that he would know anything about gambling or vegas. what did you make of it? charles: i was conversing with democrats, pretty senior democrats in the new york state democratic party as it was going on and there was horror. it was interesting that they were totally unprepared for it. i wasn't and you probably weren't because this network does air his gaffes.
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the democratic echo chamber anytime biden stumbles gets branded as a deep fake. that's just the gop putting out memes on twitter and it wasn't. this is a guy -- neil: it was undramatic display, not so much the tripping incidents but this was something that really hit hard a lot of people. charles: that is why you see the freak out on msnbc, i switched to msnbc to see their take and they were apoplectic. the reason they are apoplectic is they literally tried to gaslight the american public every day at about his mental acuity. joe scarborough is a friend of mine, basically said he's as sharp as they come, he can do
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backflips and acrobatic moves. he can't. he can't think. this is a guy with problems. neil: whole new audience is never seen this before. charles: the mainstream media gaslight the american public every day and policies like there is no inflation. the rate is coming down. wages -- neil: he rarely makes, limits that. in a 90-minute straight on. charles: the other thing with biden, barack obama would be able to sell far left progressivism, all that much better than this. this cannot sell liberalism today. neil: you think another debate will change this? charles: i think it is toast. i can't imagine.
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wall street this morning, it is steaming with analysis how to get rid of him, what could happen. reminds me of the line in the godfather, difficult, not impossible. this is very very very difficult but not impossible. the dnc based on what i am reading, has the delegates to do some sort of kabuki thing. if president biden likes the food in the white house so much, wouldn't be putting him up there to make a fool out of himself. neil: a guy in a rowboat wanting to meet with you. charles: i know that guy. neil: the secretary of the treasury was kind enough to
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join us. donald trump raised a tempting proposition for waiters and the like, those tips of yours, i'm going to do away with tax hikes. what do you make of that? good to have you. >> hope you can hear me. so we have, so, a tip herner, my parents were to earners. what we have seen. we have been fighting this issue about tips for 30 years. the reality is tips are going to get taxed. the problem is donald trump made a promise and a speech at a rally in vegas. he was president for four years
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and never said anything about tips and taxes on tips. he has been out for four years and never said anything about taxes on tips. the truth of the matter is donald trump is right on some stuff but this is serious. the idea of taxes on tips going away is a wild promise. senator reed was a champion for us on taxes on tips. congressman stephen negotiated with the irs. we had some work done on this but there is some damage out of this deal. those folks out of now fat outside big shippers are tax cheats who don't want to pay taxes. neil: would it be tough to follow up on fat? i am wondering, you prefer president biden.
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a lot of union members really like donald trump. is there a gap between bosses like your self and the members. >> 20% of members are republicans, i don't think we are worried about the gap, what the issue is, how can we get actual relief, the problem is when you make a problem out there, tip earners aren't paying taxes on tips, the majority of the workers, 90% of workers don't make tips. the ideas that tippers are tax cheats, what tip earners need is relief. we negotiated with the white
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house after covid, the biden white house, 60% reduction in the irs brought it back and this has got to happen but here's the other thing i want to put out. there's a bill in the senate and it is out there, it is different. the idea of putting a bill on the table as opposed to a lot of promises are in doubt. we support this idea of getting relief on a tax bill in congress. neil: good seeing you again, secretary-treasurer. powerful donors to donald trump are out there but not among at least the top fortune 100 companies. on the fortune all the fortune 100 as well. why? fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer.
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what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ stuart: "the big money show" on fox business. >> the american dream is there for the taking. neil: we told you about people bettinger on all of this but also people betting on donald trump's technology behind social and other sites. the ticker symbol tj teed tipping 53/4 of 1%. betting on the prospect of returning to the white house,
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not a reflection investors feel that the product was a bit premature. we are watching that and what donors do. surprisingly enough, he had no trouble raising money from hedge fund managers, when it comes to fortune 100 ceos, most of the fortune 100 ceos are not giving money, to be fair many are heads of public companies and don't like to do that but very influential with this crowd the. what do you make of that and whether the debate last night changes that whether some ceos and executives are restricted at least publicly so but that could change. >> it definitely is going to change things. president biden's campaign in the last night. whether he is going to keep on as a candidate or not we will
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see but january 20, 2025, he will no longer be president of the united states. those company's make a decision. many get nervous about coming out publicly because trump can be a little bit bombastic, controversial, the left despises trump so easier not to have the left come out against you as a publicly traded company, got to stay on the sidelines and not say much but at this point, won't be supporting biden. many will be coming over to trump. a dangerous company. he couldn't fill the time, two minutes on medicare, he's not running the country, the democratic party came out afterward and did the whole thing about the media, trump lied, he lied, we've been lied to for at least six months about the mental capacity of president biden.
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the wall street journal's an article a few weeks ago and they were attacked by the new york times and others, the wall street journal claiming president biden has a mental problem and had sources for it. we saw it on display last night. we are to the point there needs to be an article brought up against president biden, i don't think we can survive another six months, the world is too dangerous come in china was watching, iran was watching. neil: you raise good points all, but i am so old i can remember ronald reagan's first debate with walter mondale. he was doddering, seemed incoherent, there were analysts who said he's not going to win this. hardest that is to believe right now. he came back in the second debate, you know the whole thing, it was a change. i know we get locked in the moment. not casting aspersions on
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either candidate but history has a way of reminding us a sure bet isn't necessarily a sure bet. >> i understand what you' re saying. barack obama had a bad debate against mitt romney. it happens. this is different. this wasn't a gap here or there, this was losing a train of thought in the middle of a statement which has happened over and over for months. i think there is more to it. there's clearly some mental decline. you can watch tapes of biden from a few years ago, completely different now on tape. i don't think it is the same as reagan. it to different deal and the democrats are in panic mode over this and did it to themselves. they had a close primary, would let anybody challenge them, they didn't want kennedy, robert kennedy on the ticket, made him run as an independent, they have done this to themselves and it has been exposed and they are in panic mode.
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i don't know if they can get him off the ticket. it would be difficult, biden would have to step down. neil: it is too soon. stranger things happened. reflections are not the ones that pan out. in the meantime we are looking at this issue, democrats are concerned, they hitch their wagon to the wrong guy and what do they do about it. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown.
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neil: a day after the big debate a light goes on, the house is still in session. the supreme court ramps things up on the immunity measure on the same day. chad pergram has the latest. >> reporter: democrats did not want to talk to the press after the debate last night, the last day of session before july 4th recess. they left the capital like they were shot out of a cannon.
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>> no comment. >> the worst performance -- >> i am staying with papa. >> what does that mean? >> stay with papa. >> 12:00. >> is your flight more important than the decision whether the president should stay on the ballot? >> that will be decided by the president. >> i'm not going to attribute to anything, he had a bad debate and we move forward. i support the president. debates, do debates matter or does performance as president matter? >> reporter: the president's performance shook the democratic party to its core which one senior house democratic leadership source tells me those closest to the president have not served him well. the source adds this is not sustainable.
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the top democrats stand by president biden. >> leader jeffries, do you think president biden should step down? where you okay with how he handled it? >> later, jeffries said he would, quote, reserve comment about where the party stands. the delegates president biden won in the primaries, the only pledge to him right now. they become official during the roll call vote august 7th. things become harder after that unless the nominee dies or is disabled. it will take a counsel of democratic elders like former president obama or nancy pelosi to coax biden to step aside. neil: you were in a baseball cap. you are a famous person. did the baseball help, it can't
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be chad. hello. >> it is summer, the capital plaza is hot. i don't have a lot of hair up there. it doesn't say feds or nationals. i deliberately got one. is completely off the books. neil: it is chad pergram, chad following that on capitol hill. steve forbes and pat mcmurphy, to a man or woman, is that the official stance? >> unless president biden changes the narrative that won't happen. i'm reminded of the adage democrats fall in love,
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republicans fell in line if trump was convicted 34 counts, in a civil trial. democrats went to bed and to me. two years ago john fetterman had a stroke and people said he should drop out. him and josh brewer rental one convincingly, for the first time in decades. if advising democrats, ran for congress. stop bedwetting or stop feeling sorry for yourself, trump says last night in the debate overturning roe versus wade was a good thing, remind the american people 50% of black women in america today have no reproductive freedom.
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talk about the issues. neil: biden can't do that. >> he needs to start doing it. neil: can't do that for whatever reason. >> hopefully he will in the next debate. today in north carolina. neil: the down ballot position people worry about, he will be a leather drag on what do you think of that? >> that's going to depend whether he still in the race and on the issues, we need a clean sweep like we did in 1980, there will be coattails. neil: the last couple weeks phenomenon, they were tight in the polls. a week or two before the election. so what would be the cascading event short of a debate to do that? sometimes these things fester and don't.
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>> could be the economy, trump is starting to get growth on taxes and will resonate with the american people. they are not moving ahead. they have no faith in the future. they may decide trump may become president, we want a balance and flip the house. it will take the senate. neil: they have a good shot. >> the democrats will take back the house of representatives. the senate is in play. it looks good for the democratic side. it is nip and tuck. this is an epic rematch. my money is on president biden to beat trump again. neil: kamala harris polls worse than she does. the unifying figure -- >> academic exercise, but unless president biden confers
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to it, talk about nancy pelosi, it was a good run. not doing it. neil: the only one they would have to do. >>'s partner, barack obama and nancy pelosi. to say it was one debate. neil: politicians fritter away when it looks like there ticket -- >> didn't serve like i did in the 82nd airborne division. you stay the course. i would stay at the course if my course as americans weren't moving in the right direction and we are moving in the right direction. you can't go back. >> i would say we have to go forward. biden is taking us backward. foreign policy, if there's a
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second debate you get substance, what do you do about ukraine? neil: thank you very much. more after this.
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feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. adam: the final day of trading for the month, half a year and the halfway point here is where we would be with the dow advancing 4%, the s&p close to 15. the nasdaq not very far, could that be maintained in the second half of the year. most time the gains continue. not necessarily at this blistering pace. it confounded so-called experts. speaking of experts they are coming up on "the big money show," taylor riggs, take it. taylor: i am taylor riggs.


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