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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  June 28, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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of entertainment and put iten oturu map and grind it out. taylor, you like that? >> power over the mind. mind over matter. you got this. >> taylor would like this. this. this is crazy. listening at home, not even looking at you. don't do it on the plane. that's disturbing to your passengers around you. jot modern day swashbuckler l. it's crazy. charles: ladies, thank you very much. liz claman, the market was up, can you get us maybe into the green for the weekend?
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liz: lowest inflation print if three years can't help the bulls on the inflation point last day of the week and month and quarter and first half. only the russell 2000 is trading higher on the session and we've got the dow down 149 points and s&p lower by 11 and nasdaq down 35 and we've got the russell up just two points and after the open, both the s&p and nasdaq hustle to all time inter-day highs and the s&p needs a 4 point win when the closing bell rings and about 59 minutes from now is a clock at 30 second record of the year and nasdaq, they're facing a taller order and closing higher by 53 points or more to mark it is 21st record of the year.
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nike getting dumped down 20.5% and pandemic low of march 2020. investors sprinting away from the stock after the athletic apparel giant issued a surprise cut to the full year sales forecast and competition from brands runners appear to now prefer including hoka, on and berkshire brooks running and left nike in the dust at the moment. who will american performers prefer after the presidential debate and big question after a points for maya and many democrats call it a disaster and president biden showing no signs at this hour and he's considering dropping out of the race. he just attended a rally which you see on your screen about an hour ago in raleigh, north carolina, and he said he's not going anywhere. he committed to participate in the next presidential debate in september. as for former president trump, he's expected at any moment to speak at a campaign rally in chesapeake, virginia. you see the crowds there and
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that's a live picture and polls show both candidates are deeply unpopular among the electorate and calling for president biden to bow out of the race at a high decibel and two major political voices giving a commentary on the debate and coming up, maryland governor wes moore and later on in the show and top independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. will join us live but first let's take it live to edward lawrence at the white house where both sides of the aisle are a buzz gaining what happens next. >> what happens next for president joe biden and going from north carolina to new york right now. he's going to have another speech in new york and there's the president >> i don't debate
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as well as i used to. but i know what i do know. i know how to tell the truth. reporter: now, fact check the debate and president joe biden claimed he inherited a economy in free fall. the fact is inflation was 1.4% when president biden got into office and the unemployment rate when president joe biden got into office was peaking at 14.8% in april of 2020 then it was on the slide back downgoing januare economy started opening up and president biden said this during the debate last night. >> i said i'd never raise the tax on anybody making less than $400,000. i didn't. these 10% tariffs and everything coming in the country, middle class has been devastated by you and now you want a new tax cut of $5 trillion over the next ten years, which is going to fundamentally bankrupt the
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country. reporter: president joe biden created 6.2 million after adding back all the jobs lost in the pandemic and manufacturing and the economy was adding back all the jobs from the pandemic and created 185,000 manufacturing jobs in the first three years under former president trump and the pandemic added back all the jobs in the pandemic and president trump in the economy created 419,000 manufacturing jobs now on taxes and claims that former president trump will raise taxes on people through the 10% import tariffs on chinese goods and the president during his last tenure had between 10 and 25% import tax on $250 billion with the chinese goods and we did not see inflation at that point. love to see what happen ifs 24 tariff goes into effect again if former president trump becomes
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president again. back to you, liz. liz: both want tariffs on chinese good coming in. thank you very much. edward lawrence. heading to the market and crucial closing bell and week, month, quarter and working half all end and now 55 minute minutes. it's a big day because you don't usually see month, quarter, week, year. majors look to close in the green for the month and for the quarter which during the dow both hit and lots of green on the screen and several important topics with extreme investment and economic implications and never came up and get right to the floor show.
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joining me now and john lonski. you've got economic hat on. keith, trader hat on and i'll start with you, john. let's just talk about one thing that never came up that a lot of our viewers are invested in and that housing market and home builder market and housing affordability is hitting record lows. people cannot afford to own homes and neither of these guys. or the moderators even asked about it. >> that's true and, you know, this has been the worst peak spring selling season for housing since the covid recession. that gets overlooked and homes just aren't selling the same way they did year two or three years ago and there's not enough homes.
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affordability remains a big issue and home prices are too high and mortgage yields are too high and on top of that of course, you have this problem with rising home insurance premiums and it's upright now across the state the moment. liz: that's a way off the highs of the past year and november i believe it was close tore 4.9 and almost closed at 5% and that has come down and shouldn't mortgage rates start to come down.
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>> that's distorted the housing market and people with low mortgage rates don't want to sell and people are scratching their head saying how in the world home prices can be so high if mortgage yields are so high and shouldn't this have the effect that at least taming and pulling back home prices inflation and it hasn't. liz: they didn't even touch that, guys. let me get to keith fitzgerald. you look at individual stocks and one thing for sure, during president trump's era, many, many record highs during joe biden's era and stock market hitting record highs over and over again and they both had vibrant markets depending on which point on the calendar because of course the pandemic came through and >> you get one
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side promising a carrot and one side promising a stick. that volatility tends to vanish relatively quickly and to your point exactly why i look for great companies putting up numbers despite it all. no matter who's in the white house. liz: you don't look at politics. you keep that out of your efforts and your list of what matters to a individual stock and whether you buy it? >> yes, and it's betting on americans and a brighter future. that's what's making stocks group. liz: the markets hitting record highs for s&p and nasdaq and, keith, there are issues politically that certain presidents make, that could affect sectors that i know you invest in and you've piled in on
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nvidia and chip stocks and clearly the chips act ensures many chip fabrication plants back to the united states and not ail but arizona, ohio, texas. texas instruments, taiwan semis and global foundries and micron, samsung and all starting to build back isn't the united states and not helpful for a stock. >> don't forget, it worked the other way many, many years with that offshore stuff and markets move in great big cycles and that's not four year term or four year idea and multi-decade perspective and looking at these companies in the technology they built. liz. there was one word, keith, that we did not hear -- john rather.
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we didn't hear about it was infrastructure and the spending bill and that is supposed to create loss of jobs, which we have lots of jobs at the moment and looking for quality, high paying jobs, aren't we? >> going from infrastructure from the steal and whatnot and cement that goes into repairing roadways and the positive for employment growth and helping for the economy and helping improve productivity of the infrastructure improvements are such that you're able to ship goods around and i want to bring up another thing and reduction act and all of the subsidies and promising for the electric vehicle industry and manufacturer of batteries and windmills and the like. that's incredibly important. there's a chance that under donald trump, those subsidies might be gone.
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the auto company may suddenly find out and my goodness, that support has disappeared. liz: that's one piece of the spending and they've spent and i hate the analogy like drunken sailors because i love sailors and that's not very nice. i got to tell you, john keith, it's a lot to take in and thank you both so much. the first historic debate between the two u.s. presidents raging questions about the fitness of the president. cnn presidential debate and set off a totally new debate: do the democrats need to find a new candidate to step in for president joe biden as president? >> people that don't watch cable news every day and not on twitter and people that don't absorb politics the way we do, they watched last night and said my god, i don't think he's up to this. they did tune in last night. many of them democrats are hoping for the best and instead of their worst fears and were
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con if i wered and i like you guys and kamala harris' name a lot last night and i heard gavin newsom's name a lot last night and josh shapiro and wes moor's name last night. >> look at him and he's standing by a lot. liz: we'll ask him about that possibility and what he thinks about last night and governor moore is no stranger to crises and he's been working 24/7 to deal with the collapse of baltimore's key bridge and latest on that and governor west moore for the "claman countdown". ♪ (grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world. hi baby! (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is.
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my streaming payments, my rent payments, even my phone payments, can raise my credit scores, instantly free! more ways to build credit. download the experian app. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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liz: we are getting some
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breaking news here. new fundraising numbers show last night's show down between former president trump and president biden did not scare away donors on either side. according to the trump campaign, the former president raised $8 million yesterday. and meanwhile according to the biden harris campaign, biden raised $14 million between yesterday and this morning but last night after the debate, some democratic voices including former obama adviser van jones dropped the spin and got serious about the stable performance. >> it was painful. i love joe bind. i worked for joe biden. he didn't do well at all. he's doing the best he can, but he had a chance to restore confidence of the country and of the base, and he failed to do that. that was not what we needed from joe biden and it's personally painful for a lot of people. it's not just panic, it's pain of what we saw tonight. liz: joining us now from baltimore, democratic governor of maryland, wes moore.
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thank you for being here. i know many democratic leaders are in an awkward position but could you give us your assessment on president biden's debate performance? >> no one can argument the president had a great night last night, he didn't. no one can argue that donald trump had a great presidency. the thing that we continue to see is that i know a lot of conversation today is about debate perform maps, but i also really -- performance and i also really think particularly as one of the nation's chief executives and one of only 50 governors, what also matters is presidential performance and what matter it is the work we get a chance to do side by side with the president every single day and the results we see with this president every single day. i know that when i think about the things happening in the state of maryland, the momentum that we're seeing and we're having record lows in unemployment and record drops in homicides and violent crime all across the state of maryland. our largest city of baltimore
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now on pace to have the lowest amount of homicides. homicides not this low in baltimore since i was born that does mutineer this conversation today as well. liz: if you look back four years, some on your side would say -- many on your side would say president biden has done a great job, but democrats including as you heard van jones coming out last night and today expressing real concern, but that concern came just ten minutes in about whether the next four years president biden is able to do it. he began trailing off and listen and react to this because this is what many found alarming. >> we have a thousand trillion natural rights approaches in america -- i mean billionaires s in america. what's happening? they're in a situation where they pay 8.2% in taxes. if they just paid 24%, 25%, either one of those numbers, they'd raise $500 million -- billion dollars i should say in a 10-year period and we'd be able to wipe out the debt and help make sure all the things we
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need to do, child care, elder care, making sure we continue to strengthen our healthcare system. making sure we're able to make every single solitary personnel jill for what i've been able to do with -- eligible for what i've been able to do with the covid -- excuse me. dealing with everything we have to do with -- look -- if -- we finally beat medicare. liz: that is disjointed and complete opposite of what he probably wanted to say. governor moore, this becomes a very central issue and got worse from there many people felt. what is the plan? you were mentioned as a potential candidate to step in. would you if asked to do it? >> listen, that was a very challenging moment for the president. i know that. and the president knows that. the president has acknowledged it. the thing that i know and the
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reason that i'm -- i am and continue to be so full throated in my support of president biden is i've seen him in challenging moments and i've seen the way he continues to rise to the occasion in challenging moments. i saw what happened just months ago when the -- somebody that represents 13% of our state's economy was shut down. when a vessel the size of three football fields collapsed one of the most iconic bridges in our state. and i know the first phone call that i received from the white house was at 3:30 that morning and hearing the president tell me, gov, we're going to be with you every step of the way and he's done that. aye seen him in times of trouble and challenges and that was a challenging moment. i know that . that's why he's the person i support and will continue to support going into november. liz: fair and balanced, we don't just sit here and focus on points that one side had or miss
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stepped on one side and donald trump last night was asked about migrants and he made this comment specifically about the jobs that migrants he says are taking away from black people and hispanics. listen. >> inflation, the black kill on the millions o f people that are coming through the boarder and taking black jobs now and could be 18, could be 19 and even 20 million people they're taking black jobs and hispanic jobs. liz: that was pretty insulting to blacks and hispanics, especially considering that migrants are taking very low wage job in many case. what's your response to that? >> as the nation's only black governor and only the third african american elected governor in the history of this country, when he made that comment, my phone started blowing up because i saw how so many members of the community
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were responding and reacting to that . i think that's actually a really important point is after the president's debate performance last night, the president acknowledge that had he did not have a great debate last night. do you know who has not said that? donald trump. donald trump said he had a great debate performance. he thought his debate performance was outstanding last night. when you make comments like immigrants are taking all of the black jobs. he thought that was a great comments. i think that give as lot of people pause. a lot of people concern from hearing what we heard from donald trump last night for him to say he thought it was an outstanding debate performance and i think that says a lot about what his vision is for the next four years and it just continues to increase the reasons why i am so excited to be outthere for president biden is why i think that, why i think that president biden will not only win in november but president biden should win in november because we care about the long term economic growth and the long term future of our country and we care about having
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a economy that is a participatory one. liz: bringing back to maryland and the bridge. can you give us the update? this was a hocker tragedy in -- horrible tragedy in march and you've been working morning, noon and night and are we seeing that commerce back to where it was before the accident? >> we are and i'm so proud of my state. that first morning when we knew that we had tens of thousands of workers who now did not have a job, that we knew we had a bridge that around 40,000 people relied onto get to work every single day, a two mile span bridge that was now gone. and we knew we had six individuals unaccounted for that in the process of since that time period, we've been able to return all six -- bodies of all six individuals to their family members to bring closure and comfort they needed and we're able to despite having tens of thousands of workers that lost their jobs that morning because of hard work of our state and our local leaders have been able
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to maintain the lowest unemployment rate in the country and now reopen the federal channel in what many said would take 11 months and we got it done in 11 we weeks and we got t done because we worked together and worked around the clock and in partnership with the biden/harris administration and worked in partnership with private sector and flip-floppy and a case study -- philanthropy and responding to tragedies and you know and i know we will not stop till we get the francis scott key bridge rebuilt and it's not just a state priority and it's a national priority to get this done. we'll do it with bipartisan support. liz: and props to the officials overnight who shut it down before cars could come across and saving a lot of lives no doubt. governor moore, thank you. keep us posted. >> saving countless lives. liz: dow jones industrials down 141 points. stay tuned. (♪)
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i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. liz: fox business alert and look at shares of optical networking gear maker infina jumping 16.7% after finish network equipment maker nokia agree it had acquire the company in a $2.3 billion deal and nokia said the acquisitions will expand the business in north america and increase profits by 10% until 2027nokia getting a boost here up 1.25%. investors powering synchrony financial and on top of the s&p
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500 and 6% gain after the financial services company on track for highest close in more than two years had beared niche i can't tell coverage of outperform ra rating and $56 pre target and it's up to award synchrony with the number one domestic private label credit card platform. flip over to poll star shares and losing speed to the tune of 7% after the swedish ev maker said last year's revenue fell about 3% amid slowing demand for the higher priced models. poll star reported revenue of just 2.38 billion last year, down from the 2.45 billion in 2022. the ev maker said it will report first quarter reports and second quarter volume this tuesday, july 2 and now it's a 77-cent stock. meanwhile investors hailing rides with uber and lyft both moving higher and gaining 3%
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lyft up 5% and that's the ride share and is paying drivers a minimum wage and benefits still classifying them as independent contractors. drivers will now be paid for a minute how many of 50-cents per hour and paid six leave based on number of hours and standing on the job. so at least that issue in massachusetts is behind them and the stocks are both moving up. the slowing economy and the ballooning deficit among the top issues for voters but we didn't get much from either president biden or former president trump on their individual plan to fix that issue. up next, we're bringing in the other candidate in this 2024 presidential race, independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. standing by live with his plans and reaction to the cnn presidential debate. the "claman countdown" is coming right back.ut ♪?
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liz: reaction to the first show down of the election season blaring from headlines splashed across the nation and we want to read some of them to you. trump's performance usa today and republicans deserve the version of trump we saw during the debate last night. too bad it won't last. politico, how trump shockingly thrived with the new debate roles. reaction to sitting president's performance last night and no so forgiving. politico democrats freakout over biden's debate performance and biden is toast. business insider and the first debate was a disaster for joe biden and cnn said they pitch his reelection bid into crisis. who do two deeply unpopular candidates mean for the third man vying for the white house. 2024 independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy streamed his answers to the same questions the candidates got and did so on x in a rival event
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that drew 10 million viewers at its peak. joining me live now from los angeles, robert f kennedy jr.. 10 million. tell me about that idea and that i think is a pretty creative idea. if you're going to grab some of the eyeballs and oxygen live tweeting which answers did you feel really resi resinated withe people following you? >> the most reaction i got, liz, has been my answer on fentanyl. on both the candidates talking about how they were going to deal with the fentanyl epidemic by stopping at the border, which even if we seal the border, which i intend to do suicide president, you can't keep out the fentanyl. fentanyl is so tiny by volume it's one 200th the size of morphine. you can bring in an entire -- enough fentanyl to kill the
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entire city of los angeles in a briefcase. we have to reduce demand and do that by taking care of our children. we have a whole generation of children that are dispossessed or alienated or social media generation anding fragmented and lost connection to the the community and faith and we need to start reclaiming them and my kind of moon shot project is to build the healing centers in rural areas all over our country to actually issue begin taxing marijuana federally and move off schedule 1. many of the state haves legalized marijuana, but the dispensaries that are selling it are not allowed to collect federal taxes. i'm going to allow federal taxes and we'll collect $8.5 billion a year and use that finance creation of drug rehabilitation
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farm and organic food separated from their cell phones. liz: there's other things we should be spending on and things we are not. last night there's a big back and forth between president trump and president biden and i want to play that for you and get your thoughts on what to do about that issue. listen. >> we had the greatest economy in the history of our country and have never done so well and everybody was amazed by it. other countries were copying us. we got hit with covid, and when we did we spent the money necessary so we wouldn't end up in a great depression. >> the greatest economy in the world, he's only one that thinks that i think. i don't know anyone else that thinks it was the greatest economy in the world. the fact of the matter is that we find ourselves in a situation
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where his economy, he rewarded the wealthy and had largest tax cut in american history. liz: mr. kennedy, both spent a lot and committee for responsible punishment found donald trump approved policies requiring $8.4 trillion of new borrowing and biden so far approved $4.3 trillion in increases. how do you plan to wrap your arms around this issue, bring it down? i mean, last time we had a budget surplus was under bill clinton. >> yeah, that's one of the spear tips of my campaign and only way to stop inflation is by stopping addiction to printing money. you can have a great economy if you print $8 trillion. he printed more money than every president in the united states history combined from george washington to george w. bush.
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and actually president biden is on track to beat him and paying more in the military. liz: what would you cut, sir? >> i'd cut the military budget in half, which would bring it down to the level of 2024 to dollars that it was during the cold war. there's no -- the height of the cold war. there's no reason that we need to be spending more on our military today than we were at the height of the cold war. we need to protect our boarders, but most of the money for the military is now spent on dominating the globe and being the policemen around the globe and i'll stop that and close many of the 800 bases we have abroad, the chinese only have one and a half bases, russians only have one, we don't need 800 and add chronic disease epidemic, which is the biggest cost. that's $4.3 trillion and five
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times our military budget. liz: president biden accused president trump of wanting to pull out of nato just at a time where the russians, if they're left to their own devices, you know this, your uncle john f kennedy as president dealt with the soviets and cuban missile crisis and they'd roll over anybody including neighbors to take over and swallow up and play like what hilt herrera did and how can you take money away from the military at a time like this? >> yeah, i don't share that assessment of putin or russians and i don't think there's any evidence that the russians are trying to take over europe or have the capacity to do so. they're in ukraine, which is the poorest country in europe, and they're stalled in a war in ukraine. liz: they're a sovereign nation though. >> putin was provoked into going
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to ukraine. when the cold war -- when the cold war ended and the soviet union collapsed and we reunified germany under nato and soviets moved out 450,000 troops, they asked us for one promise, and we gave it to them. gorbachev asked do not move nato to the east and james baker told them we will not move it one inch to the east. sings then moved a thousand miles into 14 nations and russians said since day one, you cannot go into ukraine. russians have been invaded three times through ukraine. the last time hitler killed one out of every seven russians. they have a legitimate national security imperative.
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liz: it did you want resinate. >> why doesn't it resinate? liz: because we're looking at putin who's a murder and killer and took a wall street journal reporter and put him in prison and we're running out of time. i want to thank you, sir. for coming back on. there's a long runway here between now and election day and we continue to watch your candidacy. please come back. >> liz, thank you so much for having me. i always enjoy coming on your show. liz: thank you very much. all right, president joe biden saying today he's committed to the second debate, but that may not be good news for some of his biggest donors. some of them are getting cold feet after last night's performance according to charlie gasparino. he breaks the story next.
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dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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liz: president biden and former president trump both on the move at this hour, both on your screen. you can see president biden is exiting on the right side of air force one. he just landed at jfk. he'll promptly head to the west village in new york city for a pride event at the stone wall
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in. trump is expected to make remarks in virginia at any moment where a crowd is gathering. right there you see in chesapeake. as the dust settles on last night's presidential debate, democratic fundraisers were kicking up another pile of dust as they're quietly quitting the biden campaign and the president's shaky on stage points for maya. charlie. >> a couple of interesting take aways from this and take aways are still coming in. i did a lot of reporting on my twitter feed with cavuto earlier today and getting more stuff about the debate and biden being called a energetic rally in north carolina. how did released and bound from his cold last night to this? very strange, you know, usually -- liz: that came halfway through the debate where supporters were saying oh, he has a cold. >> then how do you get better so fast?
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usually when you're that old, you don't. but any event, what i'm hearing from the democratic party and sources that work on wall street and a lot of folk haves served under him. under, you know, under obama. i mean, they've been around a long time and it is a lot of dems on wall street. this is disaster. i mean, this is not a good thing. there is a discussion going on about how to replace him. they're way into the process and wall street research out about it and it sums it up and difficult at this point and he has the elect and delegates locked up and he has to give them up. liz: he has to give them up. >> obama has to do something and this is definitely an existential issue for the party.
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let me point to it. liz: raise more money last night than donald trump. i'm not sure this is an issue. >> who knows when it came in exactly. >> i'm hearing that the donors. liz: 14 million for biden is 8 million for trump. >> a lot of big donors are really recalibrating if they're going to throw good money at that and they think he lost the election. trump wasn't perfect last night and i'll tell you that trump, i know this because he does -- this is his style. after he's calling them all the time and saying almost the same ten people. what do you think? talking to them and he spoke with them about the debate performance and on cloud nine and told about the pointedly and you're good. you looked really good only because he looks so bad. talking point and stay away from
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the name calling and stay away from talking about golf game. i mean, it was just some -- he veered off and he wasn't perfect and not even close. so remember, they're telling him this isn't a specific thing. i spoke with people that are huge democrats and like joe biden and for them to tell me what they told me today and i never heard this from them at this level. it was unavoidable. what was avoidable, he should not have run. liz: that's what i was saying. testifies avoidable. he should have said i served a term. >> like last year. liz: things look a lot better. exactly, charlie, thank you very much.
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charlie gasparino. check the clock and look at dow. erased a lot of losses down about 41 points and now three minutes to go left in the first half of the trading year and nasdaq, big winner in 2024. you know why. the tech heavy index and gaining nearly 19% just since january 2. and count down closer said things are slowing down early and further with the equity rally stalling this summer on slow down and capitol adviser cio megan hornman has ideas on how to sort of portfolio if that's going to come to pass. >> some of the g.o.a.t. type of tech names in the sector and momentum driven rally here
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lately and we think the economy is still in a slow down mode, and it's starting to accelerate and this could put the earnings expectations at resident and can we're defensive and we would prefer things like stables over discretionary or tech. be careful of those with high multiples because it's pricing in way too many rate cuts and have cash on the sidelines and have dry powder put to work and there's a correction that could occur at the summer. liz: correction this summer by how much? what do you think, megan? >> not that 10% is out of the cards at all given the expectation and looking for just way too inflated earnings expectations for this year and next year. the fed can cut but not as much as the market is pricing in. liz: what do you buy? >> we have cash on the sidelines and a lot of things that can be beneficiaries of maybe the ai boom. not directly technology and
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that's becoming and maybe the sectors and industrials and materials are coming from increase in infrastructure and supporting the ai boom. liz: ai boom and look at first half numbers and so much of the gains driven by that, megan hornman, thank you so much. please come back. markets closing out first half with monster gains driven by the enthusiasm over, yes, the ai movement. we are looking right now with the dow jones industrials down 56 points. it will though year-to-date come in with gains same with the nasdaq and s&p 500 and we're going to kick off monday, a holiday shortened week and brian kelly with the travel point tricks. see you then. larry: hello, folks. e


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