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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  June 28, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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sectors and industrials and materials are coming from increase in infrastructure and supporting the ai boom. liz: ai boom and look at first half numbers and so much of the gains driven by that, megan hornman, thank you so much. please come back. markets closing out first half with monster gains driven by the enthusiasm over, yes, the ai movement. we are looking right now with the dow jones industrials down 56 points. it will though year-to-date come in with gains same with the nasdaq and s&p 500 and we're going to kick off monday, a holiday shortened week and brian kelly with the travel point tricks. see you then. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow.
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i'm larry kudlow. president trump kill it had on tax cuts, growth, inflation, the border, abortion. absolutely smashed joe biden on the issues. mr. trump took the lead and was in full control of the entire 90 minutes and kate pavlich and brian kilmeade onset to go through all of it. first up, our own it was last night's i did bait and news coming out today, edward. >> yeah, two candidates on the debate stage and we'll have two dualing campaign events and president biden and campaign confirms to fox news and president biden at the second debate in september and also confirming president biden will not drop out of the race for the
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presidency and >> i didn't. but these tariffs and 10% tariffs and everything coming in the country. middle class has been devastated by you and new tax cut of $5 trillion over the next ten years and it's going to fundamentally bankrupt the country. >> those making under $400,000 a year and answer about abortion rights and another topic and president biden mistakenly inserted border issue and listen to this.
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>> a young woman that was mured and he went to the funeral and idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in. it snowballed into what we're seeing today. >> he'd have never invaded ukraine. never just like israel invaded because iran was broke with me. i wouldn't let anybody do business with them. they ran out of money and broke. reporter: reaction from democrats about if and when president biden should remove himself from the ticket and what happens going forward. back to you, larry.
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it was a complete game changer and that's the subject of the riff. larry: the day after the presidential debate, most of the media focus on catastrophic performance of joe biden. who imploded before our eyes looked old, hard to understand, confused and resorted to mud slinging and name calling as the debate wore on. i don't blame the media for focusing on all that and are there related questions for the morning and how are democrats going to replace joe biden is we'll get to that later on in the show. it's a huge but. biden's crash and burn should not obscure just how masterful donald trump's performance was. he kept his cool, had a straight demeanor and sharp and energetic
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and his content on issues across the board is caring about was superb and question on inflation and taxes with regulations and jobs. in other words, the positive optimistic prosperity and opportunity message that is always a political win. >> i gave you the largest tax cut in history and the largest regulation job in history. ed that's why we had all the jobs. biden tried the lies and inheriting a disastrous economy and trump vanquished those argument withs factoids and strong narrative. larry: he had done his homework and he was ready and joe biden spent a week at camp david and airplane hanger rehearsal and twice a day with 16 or more advisers and frankly was
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completely befuddled and unable to put two sentences together to defend his record in the face of trump's relentless attacks on the issues. many of us hope mr. trump will continue his campaign message that successful policies to grow the economy and keep the peace would bring unity. take a listen to this one. >> my retribution is going to be success. we rebuilt the military and largest tax cut in history and i cut regulations that gave jobs but he's put ago lot of regulations back on. all of the thins that we've done. larry: trump chimed in on the disastrous border and threatened safety all across the country. again and again, trump talked about the border and the economy. his meat and potatoes. biden's unable to deal with it. then biden starts slinging mud,
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calling trump names and of course bringing up january 6, 2021. now, trump delivered an absolutely brilliant response and bone crushing and game changing moment of the entire debate. take a listen to this. >> on january 6, we had a great border. nobody coming through, very few. on january 6 we were energy independent. on january 6 we had the lowest taxes ever. we had the lowest regulations ever. on january 6, we were respected all over the world. larry: that was really something and went onto remind people that nancy pelosi went on for the 10,000 national guard troops and at that point with the bone crushing response mr. trump made about january 6, the match could have been and should have been called off. it was a tko and thereafter joe
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biden sunk to grade school name calling and virtual gibberish. now, on abortion, mr. trump was equally deft defending the supreme court decision to move the matter to the states and then the former president emphasized his view to preserve exclusions for rape, insist, and the life of the woman. then trump pointed out how radical and extreme the democrats are on this issue. take a listen to this. >> problem is they're radical and take the life of the child eighth month, ninth month and even after birth. look at former governor of virginia, he was willing to do this and said we'll put the baby aside and we'll determine what we do with the baby meaning we'll kill the baby. larry: at that point, mr. biden responds launches into this incredibly offensive and erasional stream of conscious
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about the dangers out of young women in different places and take a listen to this and more. >> an immigrant coming in and here's the deal. there's a lot of people and by in-laws and spouses and the context. larry: if it had anything to do with abortion. mr. trump quickly re-posted by repeating the migrant crime wave and has swept the country and resulted for mr. biden's open border policy and unfortunately we have seen all this and rapes and murders and that stymied biden even more.
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this will be a game changer and threatening biden's candidacy and talk about that later on in the show. the reality is biden was thrashed by donald trump on the issues. mr. biden may have got cold, may be too old, may be cognitively impaired and may have dementia and i cannot attest to any of those medical issues. here's what i know. the last two years in this campaign to return to the white house, donald trump has emphasized issues of economic prosperity, higher take home pay for working folks of all stripes and colors, closing the border, restoring public safety, and returning to an america first peace through strength foreign policy. it is an optimistic mainstream common sense platform going back to the white house. you wait and see. that's the riff. joining me onset, great fun on a
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friday. kate pavlich, editor town and fox news contributor and brian cohost of "fox & friends," brian kilmeade and more about the radio show. larry: thank you for coming onset. katie, start where you want to and this thing with the abortion and talking about women being damage and i happened juried and i found that off key and relatively calm up stairs and the found leadership >> when i saw him say those things last
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night i knew it was over and it was a complete disaster and not going to recover and it made no sense and president trump and his performance able to get joe biden and a number of things are coming for the party and donald trump's candidacy. joe biden admit that had inflation was not a problem under donald trump. he admit that had terrorists have come over the border. he admitted through consoluted argument that he made strangely -- convoluted argument that he made that women are being murdered as a result of open border policies and people coming over the southern border. broadly speaking, when i was looking at him last night compared to donald trump talking about issues like the war in israel and ukraine, you're looking at two different people and who can handle something like that. people are scared of what's happening in the world and commander in chief and
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empathetic way of donald trump listening to what joe biden was saying and not making any sense and standing up and talking about his record on foreign policy and joe biden can't get through a sentence and not just allies that are watching this and embarrassed, but people who are adversaries and it's terrorist organizations, at the same time the fbi is saying lights are blinking red and you have a commander in chief right now who can't even get up for 90 minutes and have a coherent conversation about very serious issues facing the country. that is a terrifying thing for a number of people. larry: my wife likes to turn the sound off and look at picture. that's a very telling story. which was the president?
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the president was a commander in chief and look at two guys and you'll see day and night and nixon kennedy and nixon one and the kennedy interview and how composed and nixon knew the issues and i can't get to what joe biden was looking at and most unforced error getting a question on abortion which he lives for in the democratic party been living off of and then segwaying into the murder of -- segueing into the murder of young lady at the border that he opened up. it's crazy. and state queens shows -- it shows i'm unhinged and going to me about 11:35 for the channels and seeing how they're throwing
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things urn the bus and saying things we've been saying for a year and a half, three and a half years and all the sudden they go yeah, he's old. he's robotic. he didn't know what to say. he was confused and didn't know what he meant. >> as if he didn't know already. >> going to change and since i've come on and going for the disaster and going for shapiro with the full support and nancy pelosi having a great night and great values and they've now not talked about replacing them and >> anyone other than joe biden. larry: take a listen and.
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>> all these people are coming and putting them on medicare and social security and they're going to detroit social security and destroy social security and these millions and millions of people coming in and they're trying to put them on social security and he will wipe out social security and medicare and so he was right in the way he finish that had seasons and it's a shame. larry: trump turned immigration on social security and went more. trump made this case and never got to a lot of publicity at this rate and we'll ruin the entitlement state and part of
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the fabric and like it or not. >> they're worried about being overrun by illegal immigration and big problem with inflation in that issue and more broadly speak and looking at two candidates here. it's the thousands of people working inside the administration pushing through an agenda and people making a decision about who they're going to vote for, they should maybe think about the rest that are running the show and who the president is and going to be around the president. >> he takes off for ten days and i couldn't take off for ten
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days. larry: forget your marbles. >> how do you do your job and backs off for ten days and going to be instinctive on positions like this is my policy and this is the pushback when donald trump does interviews with caitlyn colins of cnn, that's all about january 6 and he's a little used to it and sit there is with him sitting with 60 minutes and he's getting yelled at or pushed back and joe biden was discombobulated and also his new rhetoric was not as young as i'm used to being and a better debater and going to get it right from here and i don't know if that'll fly. >> the great movie ton tender. >> about the middle weight
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boxer. >> there's also the great story having no closed. that's what biden was doing. larry: you've interviewed all the vps and i've interviewed all the vps. >> you're kudlow and they shouldn't be yelling at you and you get control of your staff. >> unbelievable. i think that the president brought up tim scott again this week and going to shorten the list and leave them out and the president mikes him so much and governor burgum is the ods on favorite and going to north dakota sunday and going for them on monday and going to look like >> the governor of inside looks like georgia washington with a shoe in now. why not. he looks very presidential.
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>> he was at a big event last night and he was there and said he's a really good fig fig fighd adversarial situation. larry: what do you think? quickly, just your gut you've seen it all and know it all. what do you think? >> i don't know. trump is good at keeping people guessing. larry much the boss made up his mind and that's what he said and larry: he's got several weeks left. not that much but two weeks left. >> the day i'm worried about is july 11 because the judge that doesn't like him and has the sentencing and only one that can stop him and a roll to his convention coming back. larry: they'd have never thrown georgia washington into jail, nevada. not even in new york. please don't miss one nation with brian kilmeade saturdays at
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9:00 p.m. eastern on fox news and thanks to both of you. appreciate it. coming up on kudlow, did the supreme just kill the entire big regulatory state? maybe. constitutional law authority jonathan turley telling us about that and it wasn't long but it was a great time. (♪) the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. (♪) at enterprise mobility, we guide companies to unique solutions, from our team of mobility experts. because we believe the more ways we all have to move forward. the further we'll all go.
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larry: so, supreme court today may have killed whole big government regulatory state and charging us is&now we have jonathan turley and, jonathan, welcome back. as always, so this is most important was not a opinion and could have been a contender and on the water front with marlin brando. larry: that's right. god, i couldn't remember it. i couldn't remember it. i'm here for you. many of us are critics for chevron for a very long time.
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it's created a type of fourth bran and have system designed for three branches and that chief roberts said they need to perform their traditional role and some of the justices said this doesn't make a lot of sense. the trump administration comes in and changes a bunch of pompeo seizure disorderses and then we get those interpretations and we de-deer hunting to the agencies. then the biden administration comes in and take as 180 on the policies and we get them again and defer to the agencies. citizens are being injured and is this a reasonable interpretation? it's not just that this opinion
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reinforces the courts and it protects citizens and it comes after soon after a decision when an agency comes after you want civil finds and you're entitled to a jury and these are very important protections for average citizens because we live in an age of regulation. larry: that's a great point. how do you read sot-called decision of obstructing business and that was from trump and are you surprised with that decision? >> no, it's a little different than the lineup. you actually had jackson going with the majority and barrett going with the dissent. it's a important case because hundreds of cases had this charge. the department of justice was
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using it all over the country and many cases charged on trespass or charged on unlawful entry and a lot of misdemeanor cases and they won't be affected and those then were only based on obstruction. obviously those would have the best claim if they preserve this appeal. it's very important and going to aif he could hundreds of cases on resentencing and for trump knocking out two of the four counts and will jack smith go for super ceding indictment? he'll try not to and trying to go forward on the only two remaining count to try and get a trial before the election. i think he clipped the wings off the plane and this was the theory that held together all four counts. larry: yep, very interesting. very interesting on top of the debate and everything else going
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on. jonathan turley, thank you my friend. thanks for holding. i should have -- marlin brando, of course. best of the best. jonathan turley, thank you. coming up on kudlow, will the deputies replace joe biden on the ballot? we'll ask former house speaker kevin mccarthy next up on kevin mccarthy next up on kudlow. ♪ an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time.
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[thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ larry: heading out to peter doocy from the white house. peter, what's cooking? reporter: larry, what's cook asking we've been told by a campaign official, biden campaign official there's no discussions about him dropping out and they're telling us that he is going to debate trump again in september and that last night he had a bad night. >> you get knocked down and get back up and keep fig fighting ad
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that's why they're going to reelect him in november. reporter: barack obama said bad debate nights happen and i know but this election is still a choice between someone that fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone that only cares october himself. today on telepromter, president biden offered this excuse. >> >> i don't speak as smoothly as i used it. i don't debate as well as i used to. but i know what i do know, i know how to tell the truth. reporter: he seems to be feeding off the crowd. last night there was no crowd because the biden team said they didn't want one. it was one of their conditions to participate in this debate. and with the empty studio, the president's answers did come across as halting and hard to follow.
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reporter: most fridays, they haven't just spent the entire workday trying to convince a bunch of other democrats that they guy doesn't need to drop out of the race, larry. larry: it was another night, peter. like the yankees losing to the mets. >> they're saying it's a bad night. if barack obama said it's a bad night. can't convince them to say anything better. let's bring in house speaker kevin mccarthy. larry: all the denials out of the democratic party and they'll walk away from joe biden is with certainty, the leading democrats are all talking about walking away from joe biden.
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my question to you is how would you do that? going to the convention and have an open convention and a legitimate floor fight for president and vice president or what? they fought to make sure they can't be on the ball let against them. they created this problem and only way joe biden can come off the ballot is if he decides it. could you imagine putting somebody else on the ballot than the people decided in a democratic way going through all these primaries. joe biden will be the nominee. joe biden won't give it up. because jill does not want to give it up either. what's interesting to me. i talked about these problems with joe biden for the long
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time. i learned when negotiating with him. you can't. you have to negotiate with staff and told "the wall street journal" all this and came out with a story and everybody criticized us. larry: joe biden has not officially been nominated; right? he has to be nominated by the convention. >> he has the delegates. they don't have the super delegates. he has to remove himself. they've got ohio coming up because they got that quirk where they have to affirm it even before they get to the convention. he has to make the decision and realtime would have been a year ago before he started to rest.
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it's not a democracy about that. >> they changed the rules to protect them and set up and kicked kennedy off the ballot and try everything they can and there's no competition and this is what they end up with. they dictated the rules of the debate and had to be cnn and no crowd. everything about it and it just showed and president trump is right. he said i'll debate you anywhere, any time, any place, any rules. and he defeated him. this is the difference with what obama is saying. obama had a bad debate. his first debate. but joe biden is no president obama. his problem is age. it's not even what he said. it's just the look of where he did and his actions which everybody knows. he's not the same person he used
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to be. larry: i got it. they made their bed and now they're going to sleep in it. kevin mccarthy, thank you very much. i appreciate the civics lesson. moving right along, folks. joe concha and david webb and bright barts john carney. joe concha, they're all going to line up mind biden having a bad night and the other night derrick cole goat hit but they'll come back the next night, no problem? >> he's done game 7, joe biden and only one more debate left. this may be one of the most consequential moments in political history in this country. this is a situation where joe biden's only party may want him to step aside. that's never happened before. lbj left on his own vascularized legislative session, vietnam,
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health problems and -- volition and donald trump agreed to every condition that joe biden wanted except the sitting down part and still beat him by secretarial proportions in an away game. larry: secretariate, what was it, 38 lengths? >> 23 lengths. larry: it was a point that was done and we'll have your editor on in a moment, but bright bart made this point too, let's not overlook the fact that trump was on message, on,s a masterful performance and did he growth, regulation and tax cuts >> he successfully defended tariffs
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against an attack on joe biden is attacks on the middle class and he got an assist from joe biden because joe biden just lied about the economy over and over and over again. and that's really damaging why do people feel better -- why do people feel better under trump than biden and biden said when i took over, the economy wasn't ruined. it was not in ruins. we had grown 33%. he grew 4%. 5% in three quarters. larry: that's exactly right. >> you put it right when you're in the white house, larry. these happen. larry: kevin hassett and i were working the numbers and the numbers were there and even oddly enough and trump made this point, i'll argue that trump corporate tax cuts is re-responsible for what little
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economic those tax cuts are still in place. >> it was a huge benefit when we had the crisis you couldn't have foreseen that we had a reason for businesses to invest in growth in the future because they had favorable tax for the regime. >> i'll remove for the total ban and the total initiative relative to what we'll do with more border patrol and more asylum officers. >> president trump. >> i really don't know what he said in the end of that sentence and i don't know what he said either. larry: two things interesting and one is biden's incoherence. not the only time last night but that was a big time.
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trump's clever response and reposes. that's very interesting. >> people know this that have known trump-appointed for some time. he's a bit of comedian and got that quick wit and he's well trained in the media and he knows how to throw in a line. what's scary and confused all of us is what was biden talking about? total ban and the fact is they tried to prep him i believe for six days for short term memory recall so he could try to get trump and get him offline and maybe get a little emotion. that cutting of the mic benefited donald trump. we focused on getting it across. did he get every single point perfect? nobody does in a debate. we've seen too many over the years, but he was able to counter and say look, what i had and what you're lying about.
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by the way, joe biden started out in his first answer with a lie. and he supported more lies, the charlottesville lie, even snows had to own up to that. snopes owned up to that and goes out and spends the night at a waffle house for a few minutes and calling trump a liar. trying to drive narrative. what trump did last night and i think this is important, he reached beyond the base. on their base. trump reached beyond the base and talk to americans who are looking for higher food and fuel prices and inflation numbers came out today and look at them. larry: he was very, you know, he was so clever and he was the common sense guy. you know. saying stuff that made sense. biden was like the off the wall -- i mean, with that clip that we played in the first
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segment and biden talking about in-laws or spouse. this is about attacking women for example. that wasn't about the issue. the issue was immigrants committing horrific crimes and biden is going off on the riff and should have been pulled on national security grounds. >> another analysis is boxes and sparring. trump's been sparring and out there campaigning far more than biden and one final point, biden did a speech today in north carolina and social media is absolutely hilarious today because liberals saying where was that joe biden last night? he's awesome and on point. that's because he's read ago telepromter. that's telepromter joe. debate joe has to think for himself and nothing is written for him. that's the real joe biden. that's the difference. larry: joe biden in a meeting mg with xi jinping. there's no telepromter and think yourself. y'all are coming back on radio tomorrow. joe concha, david webb and john carney. trump slammed biden for his
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embarrassing afghanistan withdraw and we're going to talk with hugh hue wit and alex marlow. stick around, folks. the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. [door creaks open] [floor creaks] [door creaks shut] (♪) (♪)
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as far as affordability began stan is concerned, i was getting
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out of afghanistan but getting out with dignity, strength, with power, he gets the win out and was the most embarrassing day in history of our country's life? larry: editor in chief and you made this point and read one of your tweets and it was very important. trump covered all the economic issues and hit on the foreign policy issues and afghanistan, which is -- afghanistan was the original sin for biden foreign policy. he drew the line into israel and more importantly and going for joe biden is joe biden going for violence watching for president trump. more navy coreman and gate coremen and and earlier this
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year and i can't believe they wanted to forget that and i don't think he can help himself and i think we're in resignation and political domestic policy and iran and xi jinping and putin is watching and saw a ghost of a leader in joe bind. larry: friends of mine said the same thing, foreigners and particularly enemies and adversaries looking at this and joe biden was a security risk last night the he was a security risk and that's not what you want. alex marlo, i want to congratulate -- a alex marlow, i want to congratulate you and how effective donald trump was and i felt the same way and talking about trump's good messages for two years and i wrote a riff on it, but trump covered the water front, you know, afghanistan as
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hugh was saying and all those mistakes and he got in taxes, growth, inflation, immigration, and so forth. it was a virtual self-performance by mr. trump. >> it sure was. he was so calm and disciplined, but to hugh's point, he was nailing a lot of policy issues. i love the way he hammered joe biden on his undeniable role in the russian invasion of ukraine and i see his facing on joe biden of afghanistan was excellent and he brought the facts and clearly had done a lot more research than a lot of people gave him credit for and he came on with a lot of arguments. larry: alex, his demeanor was so good and calm and able to communicate this stuff. david webb said in the proceeding segment, i think he reached out and broadened his base last night. not just the hard core followers, but i think he made a lot of new friends. >> just the body language. it's just pure leadership and he's clearly risen to the occasion. if you're a neutral voter and watching that, i think it's a pretty clear cut answer who is
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