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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 28, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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when you need to prepare for unpredictable adventures... (gasp) you need weathertech. [hot dog splat.] laser measured floorliners front and rear. [drink slurp and splat.] (scream) seat protector to save the seats. [honk!] they're all yours! we're here! hey, i knew you were comin'... so i weatherteched the car! can we get ice cream? we can now. kid proof your vehicle with american made products at larry: donald trump's stellar performance last night at the debate, another huge step toward his return to the white house. he was totally on message. and liz macdonald, always on message. up next. elizabeth: yes, we are. larry, thank you so much. have a good weekend. welcome to "the evening the
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evening edit." let's well to the show fox news contributor liz peek and new york post columnist jon levine. we're going to show a live shot of trump at his rally in virginia, saying biden is the worst president ever. liz peek, first, this breaking news. speaker mike johnson saying biden's cabinet should consider removing biden through the 25th amendment because of biden's, quote, dangerous decline in full display at that debate last night, liz. top democrats, the media's saying he's got to go. biden's not stepping aside. he's talking a second debate, liz. what do you think of this this. >> look, i think there's some real concern here, liz. this is the leader of the free world, and we saw last night that without a teleprompter, he is lost. and really that is the only difference between what happened on stage last night can and what happened a at a rally today. with his teleprompt per, with someone telling him what to say, when to pause, when to smile, he comes back to life.
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but when we have a national crisis and it's 9:00 at night, what's going to happen, liz? is he really going to be able to muster his energies, his faculties and deal with the problems of this country? i think, i think mike johnson is probably over his skis a little bit on this, but my if gosh -- my gosh, the idea of him running for four nor years, it's laughable. elizabeth: yeah. what liz just said, jon. by the way, more breaking news. abc and ipsos polling show voters are saying biden is in way worse decline than realized. also the hill's u governor poll of voters, trump won by a 211 margin. democrats are saying he's got to go within minutes of the debate opening. jon, talk to us about this biden white house keeping america in the dark or trying to do that of biden's decline. i mean, biden spent a full week of preparing this, and he set the debate rules. >> i've been saying to people
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all day what we witnessed last night was a full nuclear meltdown explosion. the lid is off the core, and everyone can see it. and yet you still have people in the democratic party, including president obama just an hour ago, who said, no, we're going to stick with biden, everyone has bad debates. they're like these old soviet officials after chernobyl that said there's absolutely nothing to see here, it's not a big deal, there's no radiation, and meanwhile, the air is glowing and people are melting. the core is open. it is not okay. you're going to continue to see this disconnect where the american people are going to have questions, and you won't just be able to say it's a deep fake or a cheap fake or doctored, edited video. but the democratic party is just going to circle the wagons. thomas friedman if wept in his own words today in his hotel room in lisbon when he saw the debate. everyone knows he's got to go, and at the same time the party leaders are going to circle the wagons, and i don't know what's going to happen, but the core is
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open. elizabeth: yeah. i mean, everybody's saying biden just bombed. and it started right out of the gate, within minutes. watch this. take a listen. >> that's exactly what we began to do, we created 15,000 new jobs. what i've been able to do with the, with the covid -- excuse me, with dealing with everything we had to do with -- look, if -- we finally beat medicare, the idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in, they talk about that. but here's the deal, there's a9 lot of young women that are being raped by their in-laws, by their spouses, brothers and sisters. by just, it's justly dick allows. there was no inflation if -- ridiculous. there was no inflation when i became president. for example, we have a thousand trillionaires in america. i mean, billionaires in america. i'm the only president this century that doesn't have any -- this decade that doesn't have any troops dying anywhere in the
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world. i'm i wanted to make sure we use the pa machinery that can detect fentanyl, these big machines that roll all over everything. elizabeth: all right. he's just really out of it. you know, liz, he's out of it. by the way, no troops dying on his watch with, three troops died just recently over the past year at the syrian/jordan border, and 14 soldiers died in afghanistan. and so what jon is just saying, he just reopened the debacle that dragged his polls down from the beginning, afghanistan, liz. >> yeah. liz, there was one thing he had to accomplish if last night. it was to reassure people that at a age 81 he was still with it, that he could manage the country's finances, manage the country's nuclear secrets, etc., and obviously that is what he failed to do. and, yes, jonathan's right, they're going to circle the wagons. already they're saying, well, he had a cold and he had a bad debate night. i don't think america buys it, and i think, look, democrats are
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in a very tough position here -- elizabeth: you know what? what liz just said. here's what people are waking up to, jon -- and, liz, come in on this too. biden has been in d.c., in washington for 50 years. he's the one holding a lock on the democrat party. veteran democrat operative paul begala says anybody's going to the say biden should step down, their career's going to end. so it's been biden bullying, biden dominating. biden's the one who torqued and twisted the democrat party to the way far left, and anybody who goes against him, they're shut out. he even tried to ice out "the new york times" when they misreported something he didn't like, jon. >> there's no getting rid of him. there's no someone. maybe president obama could have done something, but as we just said today, he's backing biden now. and jill biden wants to stay first lady. jill biden wants to stay president, frankly. the whole biden family is tied into the gravy train of him being in public office, senator,
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vice president and now president. we've seen that on the hunter biden hard drive. it all a goes away if he stops being president, so they have no interest in letting him go off quietly in the sunset -- elizabeth: what jon just said. >> -- he gets to win. elizabeth: liz, it's also the government campaign donation gravy train of spending a lot of taxpayer money to make your constituent9 says happy. final word, liz peek. >> yeah. look, i think the biden family is corrupt, and that message really hasn't gotten out. it may never. it doesn't really matter at the end, liz. he's not a competent president, and the entire world was shocked last night to see what happened, frankly, i'm shocked they were shocked. where have they been? elizabeth: yeah. we've got reaction getting into it later in the show. media in europe, in france, england, china and more weighing in. they're shocked too. liz peek, jon levine, great to have you on. joining us now, gop separatist and -- strategist and attorney
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ford o'connell. we got big news out of the supreme court, it's good to see you, ruling that it could make it harder for jack smith to go after trump in the 2020 case. basically, the supreme court, you know, they tossed out the government saying they overreached and used that enron era, you know, accounting books and records obstruction law to go after a january 6th defendants on instruction. the supreme court tossed that out. how's that going to hit jack smith's case against trump? >> oh, it's going to put a big hole in jack smith's case because this ruling many fisher should come as a surprise to no one because this iteration of the roberts court is have pro-criminal defendant rights. what the court basically said is that jack smith and the biden doj misusedded and abused the law to criminalize political dissent. so it's a huge victory for president trump and also hundreds of j6ers wrongly charged by the biden doj. elizabeth: what do you make of justice ketanji brown jackson joining the majority? what do you think? >> she understands what the
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larger picture is, and that is that it's the about the defendant's rights. what really blew my mind away is that amy if coney if barrett actually authored the cities sent here because i believe if she hadn't joined the dissent, this would have been a 9-0 ruling. elizabeth: the supreme court is expected this monday to deliver a landmark ruling that again will hit jack smith's case in the 2024 race. it's about president trump's claim of presidential immunity. where do you think they go with this one? >> i think the court's going to come down with what is known as a hybrid decision, and they're going to say all official acts of presidents get 100 criminal immunity. when you act as a political candidate, you don't have that, so the question's going to be what is an official act. as gorsuch said, you're writing a rule for the ages, and smith's d.c. case is not going to go forward before the election. elizabeth: could the court say we're going to kick it back down to the lower courts to deal with it? >> that's exactly right, and then they're going to have an a back and forth on what do you
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wants a presidential act. this is about every president that came before and after trump. elizabeth: what do you make of president biden today saying lock him up? now it's out there. now everybody can see what trump was talking about last night was the lawfare push to go after trump in the courts. what do you make of the president saying that? >> joe biden turned in the worst presidential debate performance in the modern era rah rah, and he's looking for a way to juice his crowd. when they can't win at the ballot box, they're going to criminalize, jail their political opponents. it's win at all costs. elizabeth: yeah. and what i think people are now understanding is that the democrat party went after a trump even before he sat down in the oval office. they wanted to go after him within months by impeaching him. they pushed to get his tax returns leaked. they went after a him on his businesses, you know? they went after multiple avenues, aided like something like seven or eight dozen
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targets that turned some of them in to these prosecution. what did you make of cnn asking trump if he would impotion pose if relately -- impose retribution if he won the election? he said his retribution is success for america. >> i think that's exactly the way trump should have answered that question. he showed focus and discipline and extreme can have. my question to you, liz, is where does special counsel robert hur go for his apology after proving joe biden is, in fact, an elderly old man with a poor memory who cannot lead this country for four more years and may not even be able to lead for four more months in the oval office. elizabeth: ford o'connell, have a good weekend. thanks for helping us. 9 out. still ahead, senator tommy tuberville from senate a armed services, congressman tim burchett from foreign affair, johns hop kens professor if dr. marty makary. nancy tengler, talk show host jason rantz and fox news
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contributor deroy murdock. we're digging more into the media meltdown over biden's disastrous debate performance. now many americans saying he's got to go. they're finding biden's condition alarming, even abc's "the view" now saying biden should go, he needs to step aside. we've got the sound. plus, what voters have to say about trump's positive agenda for america. what they're saying about how trump handed biden a solid economy and border, but biden destroyed it for his radical left wing. and what foreign media are now saying, what this means for america overseas that media in europe, england, china and more calling biden's debate debacle, quote, catastrophic if, using words like carnage. and biden, we're going to dig in more on how he hid his own personal kryptonite. what started his poll plunge. biden again outraged, ignoring that u.s. solderriers --
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outrages, ignoring that soldiers were killed on his watch despite saying no soldiers died. and the details on the supreme court dealing a massive blow to unelected bureaucrat ares setting laws for how you live. also that too could basically upend biden's agenda even more. and did voters hear this? biden saying the quiet part out loud last night. we're going to do dig into how he said, yeah, i did not inherit inflation when i took office. we're digging in on "to evening edit." we'll be right back, stay right in. ♪ can i have another pancake? from full house... empty nest... free birds. vanguard personal advisor can help you prepare for every chapter. we got this. that's the value of ownership. to me, harlem is home.
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elizabeth: okay, we're just bringing you the news moments ago, votesser reaction on that debate last night. a u-gov poll, trump won by 2 to 11, 538-ipsos polling, voters saying biden looked way worse physically and mentally than realized, and and voters weighing many on the inflation debate last night. madison alworth in new york city with more. madison. >> reporter: liz, the latest inflation reading shows that it's slowing. pce, which measures how much americans are spending on goods and services, was flat in may after three consecutive months of 0.3% gains. it was also the lowest annual rate in more than three years. this is a good sign for the
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federal reserve who's been working hard to bring down inflation. pce is their preferred economic measure. but for everyday americans, percentage changes might look good on patient, but the paper they are actually most concerned about are their receipts. prices, they still feel they're too high. voters at a debate watch party in staten island expressed their frustration over inflation saying while prices may be down month to month, they're still much higher than where they were three years ago. >> biden is full of it. there's no way this economy is better. >> i graduated college in 2019, and so every dollar i made in 2019 is now about a, is now about 20 cents less, so it's about a 80 cents. >> you can look at a variety of statistics, cost of goods, the core pci, all-in inflation, you know, think about the average income it takes to buy a house now. you just need to live in reality. >> reporter: inflation wasn't their only concern, however. voters also wanted to talk to us about a president biden's debate
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performance. >> biden is just scripted. i don't think he's genuine. i don't think he's got a grip on what's going on in america right now. >> he look looked like he wasn't very focused. i had a hard time understanding him. >> biden looked very old, very weak at a times, and when it just came to it, he just couldn't really defend his record. >> reporter: despite the concerns, biden has confirmed his intense to stay in the race and to stand in another debate. liz? elizabeth: thank you so much, madison alworth, appreciate you. let's welcome to the show laffer tengler investment's cio nancy tengler. what did you make of madison's report and the debate last night on inflation? [laughter] >> well, we all know the numbers don't lie, that inflation wasn't 1.4% -- was at 1.4% when president biden came into office. the profligate spending really sort of capped by the inflation reduction act fanned the flames of sort of growing inflation from all the a covid spending and then really, it really took
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off a then. so we know, every average a american knows that inflation has become a real problem under president biden's administration. elizabeth: so there's also this, there is that big deep state regulatory state, right, that is affecting americans' lives. the supreme court dealt a major blow to unelected bureaucrats, nancy, making the rules how we live. they just knocked out the longstanding chevron doctrine that basically says that the deep state, you know, bureaucrats can set the laws and rules about how we drive our cars, what appliances we buy, even lightbulbs. if they decide how america's economy is run, but now it's about a separation of powers. now it's giving -- putting it right back where it belongs, congress has power of the purse. this affects everybody, small businesses, everybody. what do you think? >> yeah, i think this is huge, liz. i was really heartened to see it and so were the financial stocks which rallied today just as the
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futures rallied during the debate and energy stocks got crushed after the debate, clean energy stocks. this was an important moment for the average american and for small businesses who have been bullied by regulatory agencies for far too long and arbitrary rulings that they have difficulty appealing, there is no accountability at the regulatory level. i think california is a classic example where farmers this year are getting 40% less water than they are entitled to get because regulators are once again trying to protect the 3-inch smelt. and this effort, this regulatory effort has caused the farming industry $7 billion and 40,000 jobs since 2014. elizabeth: okay. >> that, to me, is the big crime. and you had i think it was justice kagan who said that, you know, that the courts -- they're not experts and the regulators are. elizabeth: right. >> i don't think very many regulators have farmed and understand the indications of
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their ruling. elizabeth: let's get back to what happened with the debate last night and the economy. watch what went on. we want your reaction to this, listen. >> he's done a poor job and inflation's killing our country. it is absolutely killing us. he also said he inherited 9% inflation. no, he inherited almost no inflation, and it stayed that way for 4 months, and then it blew up under his leadership because they spent money like a bunch of people that didn't know what a they were doing. >> there was no inflation when i became president. i say i don't with blame them for being disappointed. inflation is still hurting them badly. >> he caused the inflation, and it's killing black families and hispanic families and just about a everybody. it's killing people. nobody's ever -- an economy like us, nobody ever cut taxes like us. he's the only one i know, he wants to raise your taxes by four times. he wants the raise everybody's taxes by four times. he wants the trump tax cuts to expire so everybody, inned colluding the two of you, are going -- including the two of you, are going to pay four to
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five times -- elizabeth: trump stayed on message, he stayed on policy. biden inherited a 6.3% jobless rate, 1.4% inflation. let's show what democratic economic officials are saying about how government overspending did fuel inflation. nancy, penn wharton, moody's and cbo all a warned that as a well. what do you say, nancy? >> yeah, they're right. i think we all know it too. and the low-end cohort's getting hurt, now the middle class is getting hurt, and inflation is sticky, and it's going to take a long time to bring that last mile down. so it's the spending, the spending and the spending that have driven inflation and kept it high. elizabeth: nancy tengler, you're great. come back soon. still ahead, seattle talk radio host jason rantz, more on the media melting down. the media had been saying biden is cognitive, he's sharp, he's on it, sharp as a tack. now even "the view" says biden
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should step aside and not run again. cnn, msnbc, abc, cbs, nbc all calling out biden's disastrous debate performance. where were they months ago when people have been saying, look, there's a problem with biden in this white house? he's not on the stick. he is not meant if aally -- mentally -- [inaudible] plus, senator tommy tuberville from senate armed services. look at the border patrol union fact-checking biden in realtime last night. biden saying, yeah, they endorsed him. border patrol said, no, we didn't. we're taking it all on on "the evening edit" coming up. ♪ everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile.
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elizabeth: okay, well, look who's here, senator tommy tuberville from senate armed services. senator, thank you so much. we've got this story coming in, we've got more democrats and lawmakers, their phones are blowing up. we're hearing it here in the studio. they're saying biden has to go.
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the debate was a disaster. we've got breaking news, senator. gold star families who lost 13 family members, service members in biden's botched exit out of afghanistan, they are now outraged that biden said he lost no troops on his watch. he said that the in last night's debate. he lost 16 including the 3 in jordan. they feel disrespected. they even had to apologize to their own kids who were upset, this report said, when they heard what the president was saying, ignoring the deaths in their own family. what do you say? >> well, very disappointing. he knows that happened. obviously, he's probably forgotten about it. he -- it's not been brought up very often to him probably in the oval office or wherever he's been on vacation. but, liz, this was a disaster. it was a disaster for everybody involved in the military because we're looking down the barrel be of four wars right now, and there was zero really going on other than afghanistan when he took over. so, you know, you've got to feel
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for the gold star a families. i immediately thought president trump was going to come back right at him after he said that he lost no soldiers during his administration. but he didn't do it. but people though that, and people understand that, and i'm glad the gold star families are saying something about that. it's just a shame9 that the leader of our country, the leader of the free world, the president of the united states and commander in chief failed to remember that himself. elizabeth: you know, senator, biden claimed the border patrol union endorsed him. at the debate, he said that. the union did not. show what therd border patrol union tweeted out. we never endorsed him, never will. it's also what he did not respond to the, senator. he didn't respond to the border collapse, to terrorists caught crossing. and when talking about the border, he said, quote, a lot of young women are raped by their brothers, spouses, in-laws and sisters? that's a direct quote. that's what he said. watch what happened. show it. >> we don't have voters anymore. every state is now a border.
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and because of misery dick louse, insane and very stupid policies, people are coming in and they're killing our citizens. >> by the way, the border patrol endorsed me, endorsed my position. look, there's so many young women including the young woman who just was murdered, and he went to the funeral. the idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in, talk about that. but here's the deal, there's a lot of young women that are being raped by their in-laws, by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by -- it's just ridiculous. >> i really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. i don't think he knows what he said either. >> fentanyl and the by-products of fentanyl went down for a while, and i wanted to make sure we use the machinery that can detect fentanyl, these big machines that roll over everything. >> he's the worst president but, look, he's the worst president in the history of our country. he's destroyed our country. elizabeth: senator, does anybody
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have any idea what the president was talking about there? >> no, he's just a feeble old man that really doesn't know what he's talking about. he gets all these daily briefings, they say, but i don't think he gets them. secretary mayorkas cat has lied to us in the senate many, many times. he really doesn't know what he's doing. either he's mentally impaired, mentally retarded or a very smart person to continue to lie to the american people -- elizabeth: okay, you said mentally -- or sorry, you said mentally retarded. you mean senility? >> well, just -- well, he, every time you talk to him, he just says, he looks you in the face after we just get back from the border, oh, the border's closed. we've got total control at the border. this has been a total disaster from day one, and, you know, there's got to be something wrong with you. if you continue to tell the american people that the border's closed, we've got control of it, we're doing the right thing, their doing exact -- they're doing exactly
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the wrong thing for the american people. they work for the american people. they don't work for themselves or the party, they work for the american people, and they have destroyed this country in terms of finance and making sure we have to take care of all these people that are here. feed 'em, house 'em, clothe 'em, educate 'em. and if mayorkas and biden believe that this border's closed, something is mentally and physically wrong with them. elizabeth: all right. senator tuberville, thanks for joining us. let's get to this story, we've got the host of the jason rantz show, jason rantz. jason, we have seen this over the months, over the year or so, people on cnn, msnbc, other networks say that biden is sharp, he is mentally fit, he's okay. but now even abc's "the view," nbc, msnbc, they're calling out biden's disastrous debate performance, people saying he should step aside including his former top spokespeople and allies. what do you think of this
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1180 -- 180 in the media? >> at a some point it's hard to continue to lie. a combination of folks flat out lied to the american people, and they knew this was the reality of joe biden. but for the most part, it's kind of easy to spin your way around it. it's not like he was doing a ton of interview, so all all you have to do is say these are deep fakes, cheap fakes, a.i. videos, and you're going to convince a group of people because you're i just repeating it over and over again. but then you've got i legitimately think some members of the media who are so insulated, they have only surrounded themselves by like-minded people and convinced each other that there's nothing -- elizabeth: is it, let me step in. is there something more? because we've seen it too that people who have access, people like to have access to the white house. they like to be on the inside. they don't want to, you know, throw over the apple cart. and when they're inside the white house, that's powerful stuff. so when you do anything against this biden white house, they cut
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you off. is that at play? >> yeah. i mean, there's always that threat, that if you say the wrong thing, if you take a position that they don't like, you're going to lose your access which makes it very difficult for you to do your job. i think that's cheerily a part of this. i -- clearly. i think there's a lot of folks who want to play that game intentionally because they als also really loathe donald trump. we've seen the lengths in which people will go because they hate that man. elizabeth: okay. >> and i think it's now coming back to bite them. you cannot spin your way out of what happened last night. elizabeth: okay. let's watch msnbc. you're going to hear them say there's no problem with biden, he's okay. today they were saying, well, there is an issue. you're going to hear, first, them saying he's okay. then you're going to hear the media a reaction saying, well, you know what? he should probably go. you're also going to hear from his former spokespeople and his own vice president saying the debate was bad. watch. >> start your tape right now, because i'm about to tell you
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the truth. f, if you if you can't handle the truth -- f you if you can't handle the truth. this version of biden intellectually, analytically, is the best biden ever. not a close second. >> i think president biden needs to step down and be replaced. >> he needs to put country before his own ambition, and he needs to step aside and pass the baton. >> he did lose. maybe he needs to to go. >> well, i think consistent with your reaction, rachel, and others on the panel, it's kind of a def-con 1 is level. >> it was a slow start, that was obvious to everyone. i'm not going to debate that point. >> joe biden had one thing he had to do tonight, and he didn't do it. he had one thing he had to accomplish, and that was reassure america that he was up to the job at his age. and he failed at that tonight. >> i don't think we should sugar coat this, this was not the debate performance that the biden campaign team wanted or needed. >> it was a really disappointing debate performance from joe
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biden. >> there is a deep, a wide and a very aggressive panic in the democratic party. >> there are going to be discussions about whether he should continue. elizabeth: so now they're saying step aside when just months ago they said he was okay. >> yeah. i think at some point they have to realize that their can credibility is truly on the line. very few people in this country still find these people credible. and you can't, after witnessing what happened last night, just flat out lie to the american people and yet again just gaslight and tell them what you just saw wasn't legitimate, didn't actually happen. you do have to at some point just simply be honest because people are going to tune out. and they kind of know that, right? there's only so much you can do over the course of the next few months that's going to get people to forget what they just saw. and i know today the president was out there and he was doing a speech in a very controlled environment, reading from a teleprompter. that's not the same as being put on the spot like you would be in
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a debate. elizabeth: he's saying he wants to do a second one. biden's saying he wants to do a send debate. >> exactly. elizabeth: what do you think of that? >> i would love to see that second debate. i would love to see how they're going to try to prepare him in a different way. these are fundamental problems for joe biden. this just wasn't an off night. elizabeth: thank you, jason rantz, good to have you on the show. appreciate you. still ahead, congressman tim burchett from house foreign affairs along with fox news contributor deroy murdock. tonight's" evening edit" debate, gold star families furious over biden, what he said that no u.s. troops died on his watch with. 13 did in afghanistan,3 in jordan. what does this mean for america's policies overseas? we've got the foreign press weighing in. we are talking media out of china, france, england, europe saying what they saw in america at the debate was a biden debate debacle. catastrophic, are the words used, carnage. we're taking it on next on "the
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evening edit." stay right there. also we've -- oh, sorry. we want to hear from dagen and sean, what they've got. [laughter] they're tired -- fired up and ready to go. sorry, guys, got so excited. sean: thank you. donald trump rallying today in virginia after last night's successful debate. we're going to have win? sears, the lieutenant governor of that great commonwealth. she's also a going to break down what she thought about last night's debate. dagen: joe biden tried to play cleanup reading off a teleprompter today. ben ferguson on who has been lying to the american people about the state that is joe biden. not here, never have we been lying about his cognitive decline. and then also bernie moreno, he's running for the senate. we discuss the impact of joe biden in that debate last night on all the down-ballot races. who is running this country? the committee, shall we say. we discuss, top of the hour. ♪
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elizabeth: okay, we've got more news coming in. look who's here, fox news contributor deroy murdock, from house foreign affairs congressman tim burchett for "the evening edit" panel. congressman, biden's debacle of a debate performance, what does
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it mean for americans overseas? brutal reaction out of the foreign press p congressman, out of europe, france, england, poland are, india, china calling it, quote, catastrophic, carnage. britain's economist magazine said biden's debate performance was horrific, his entire candidacy is now in doubt. if what does this mean for america overseas, congressman? >> well, i tweeted about it on my account today, and i said that our enemies now know what was whisper pd about in washington for months if not years, that joe biden is not mentally fit to be the president of the united states. and i worry about the next seven months is and what mischief putin or xi jinping or the rest of these -- north korea or whoever thinks that they can pull off because we really just have an ab a seven tee president right now -- absentee president. elizabeth: what the congressman just think. -- said, what do you think, deroy? >> yeah, you show showed some of
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those headlines, you probably could show similar headlines from pravda in moscow, i don't know what the pyongyang time, the paper in north korea, and the bad guys saw the same thing we did last night. this man's not in good shape at all. i wish the election were this coming tuesday and we could put president trump in maybe a couple months after that. but best case scenario donald j. trump not getting into the white house until january of 2025, that's a long time from now. elizabeth: president biden falsely claimed last night no troops died on his watch. today gold star families of the is 13 soldiers murdered in biden's botched afghanistan exit reportedly outraged, saying their phones are blowing up, saying biden disrespected them again. they're angry, saying that's all they get out of biden is disrespect. also america lost three soldiers in a jihadi attack at the syrian/jordanian border. let's watch what happened last night.
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listen. >> when he was president, we were still finding ourselves in a position where you had a notion that we were this safe country. the truth is i'm the only president this century that doesn't have any -- this decade that doesn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world hike he did. >> i was getting out of afghanistan, but we were getting out with dignity, with strength, with power. he got out, it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country's life. elizabeth: congressman, how did he forget that 16 troops died on his watch? >> well, president trump told the truth and joe biden lied. i do not know. i live on a highway, and it's staff sergeant ryan -- the last person who died in afghanistan was one of those 13. and, liz, you remember, we talked about this months ago during our hearing, that the marine sniper had that suicide bomber not once, but twice in his sights and was told by the biden administration not to take
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him out, by our state department and our military intelligence. this is a complete travesty. it is a disgrace to these families. i think he just lies and he thinks he can get by with it and, you know, he can say -- we can say he's mentally incompetent, but at some point he has to take some responsibility, liz. elizabeth: what the congressman said, deroy. how does a president forget that 16 troops died on his watch? these are our military members who give their lives. their families -- they sacrifice so much for america, for our liberty, for our democracy, for freedom. how does this president not remember that they died and were hurded? if. >> yeah -- hurded? >> yeah, it's absolutely horrifying. either he straight-out lied or somehow the names of these people and these horrifying incidents just slid are off his brain. i had a post on this topic, and i was able to quote joe biden, in fact, who said three americans killed in jordan in january, you know, biden issued
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a statement mourning their loss, mourning their deaths. somehow he's able to put out a statement and mourn the death of these u.s. g.i.s and yet in this debate he says nobody died on his watch -- elizabeth: why couldn't he, why couldn't he correct himself today and say, you know what? if i was wrong. why doesn't he correct himself and say i'm so sorry to these gold star families? please forgive me. you sacrificed so much, you and your families gave -- sacrificed for america. why can't he correct himself today, congressman? and i'll a take to you, deroy. >> that's a great question. i just talked to ryan's dad not just 30 minutes ago about this very incident. it was like when he was looking at his watch when the caskets were coming off with the american flaggings. it's a total disrespect for the traditional values of this country. elizabeth: deroy, final word. >> yeah, i agree. he basically essentially canceled these people, added to the grief and pain of their families. and as i say, too bad election
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day isn't this coming tuesday. can't come quickly enough. elizabeth: all right. thanks for joining us tonight. and thank you to those soldiers for what you did for us. we appreciate you. still ahead, dr. marty makary. it was the massive controversy that started it all, the pandemic lockdowns, the botched response, the backlash against president biden attacking trump on that. he blames trump for pandemic job losses, but then biden takes credit for jobs the economy clawed back. it's next on "the evening edit." we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ when the sawdust settles and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is a job well done. ♪ but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels a little different - your wallet.
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vaccine minnelli to mandate the vaccine which was letting the people most objected to about the vaccine and he did a very poor job. dagen: your reaction to that doctor. >> will of mandates have done a lot of damage that we are still dealing with was created never vaccines and people don't trust public up in avoidable publications young closures that biden administration, fully double down on the lockdown for sauce and philosophy shepherds are schools we have the unions and at the cdc document on whether not school should be open to speculation the biggest it worked the defenseless populations like children are torn minority immunity sick out there is a simple is just getting people to work more o'clock mass but administration goes tragically wrong realize that there turning their watch and under their administration, that under the previous administration. dagen: can you really blame any
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or either administration of the that's because, you know for myself and i pandemic so that is a tough cultivate those kind of assertions about this but when you look at president biden how he handled the commode even cabinet about term. >> looking if you look at her performance relative to other countries and welcome any not island country dealt with a tremendous dental from covid-19 pandemic it is almost an american was in office with the united states developed a therapeutics and vaccines quickly and with the trump leaving office, 90 percent of seniors were vaccinated. >> just took us a vaccine right. >> this right technique still get sick from an even dr. anthony fauci said that. >> is not a symbol of the recipe is the biden administration but it wasn't this was inevitable virus that infected everybody no matter what you did it was going to affect people.
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>> do you believe divided's response about health from botched it. >> will and meanwhile trump deliver the vaccine and record speed and so immediately only watching was that the bureaucracy the child selected the lab last debates and is a massive effort that was successful in getting seniors and average people vaccinated which is not leaving office. >> okay well history will be the judge doctor gary are helping out with reporting exactly what happened we appreciate you so much going on the search by we hope you have weekend enjoying is against the i'm elizabeth mcdonald think you so much for watching the evening edit on foxbusiness and we hope you enjoy the show when you have some jampacked news hours coming up next week and in the months ahead now is time given over to dawhen for the bottom line. >> thank you. ♪ ♪


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