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tv   Barrons Roundtable  FOX Business  June 28, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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6 million others will fly more than 4 million will travel by bus, cruise or train. and expect to see some big crowds in seattle washington, the florida and anchorage, alaska breaking is the top three travel destinations and will be following this on morning trip maria always six — nine on foxbusiness i will see when sunday morning, over the "fox news" channel at 10:00 a.m. eastern live sunday morning futures live exclusive interviews this week and was in a gop conference year senator john brosseau and cochair laura trump and former house intelligence committee chairman, you know is alive and sunday morning and "fox news" and i hope you will join me that will do it for us on foxbusiness and thank you so much for being with us and have great rest of the weekend and leave fourth of july and will see you again next time. >> global xetx, barron's
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roundtable. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome to barron's roundtable we get behind the headlines and prepare you for the week ahead and i'm jack author and borrowers are frustrated over persistently high rates with those same rates are great for investors and sabers and we have income investment ideas giving is much as a percent and later, much as sports fans have all the fun wall street is making it easier for speculators to make quick bets on the market moves throughout the day we begin with our expert panel and three things investors ought to be steve out right now, on the mid- hudson teresa and andrew baron and so bad the debate on thursday nights, certainly change the dynamic in the presidential race in a reaction to using the market. >> will on the top of the market there was so much of a reaction at all living the debate did not do much and the dce this inflation numbers that we are watching for friday morning, that did not do much we end of
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the market of basically flat for the week of the s&p down .1 percent in the nasdaq below be more than that but i think that with the real action was was happening inside of tech we have the big a.i. favorites like nvidia work this past week with the software socks are finally back in silence oh be something like service now and adobe of 104 percent of the weekend that is will be acceptance marketing i think that's what people are going to pay attention to. jack: the be results did have a little effect in some actors and andrew will get into the weather that in a minute meantime, halfway through the year as they're doing pretty well it 50 percent have been do you think that will continue. andrew: usually the market starts off this will continue to do pretty well for the rest of your everyone time, without was we had 1987, where most of the gains after a big collection in october but yes, i do think that this will continue does not seem to be much in the way i'd like we don't have to really worry
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about a recession quite yet and if it is still leaning towards cutting rates. the thing to remember is that what good is the s&p 500 is doing, we see the person market that are not doing much at all caps basically flat and is not a great thing. jack: were here for ridge reversing the minute that he thinks is opportunity but that let's talk about what is going on the market from an economic standpoint that is he reported she said, not much happening and though it was good news and inflation is coming up with a lot of jobs number and is are a danger that we can be slowing through much. >> i don't think we'll get that from the summer expected to see about 190,000 jobs added misting around 4 percent think it will get that kind of number, the fed will be happy with it and probably keep leaning towards this cut in the worried about is more about the slowing economy you do not think that it will happen that is much as we talk about interest rates i think that's just what people are really paying attention to now the other economic data. jack: why andrew to be some of the head of the market you look at sector by sector result of the debate on sundays also impact.
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andrew: while yes cold-blooded creatures always trying to anticipate the future lenses since a guild may be a truck presidency i would just on friday was an misting group assented to benefit from the trump going they were higher knows the stand to lose were actually declining. so we saw bank stocks were up one and have a 2 percent including j.p. morgan bank of america wells fargo and you have a less regulatory environment pretty hundred trump administration you saw still stocks were higher like newport and he likes tariff said the steel industry is still stocks could benefit and manage. some healthcare stocks were higher and you can see a little bit less onerous reimbursement another issues and also less pressure on drug prices and so humana and united healthcare were higher also you saw takeover socks were higher like discover which was one of the biggest talks and gainers the s&p and this today and self you've seen potentially antitrust environment and basically trump with.
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jack: the bond market to get hit is good did you kill of these is that if your tariffs are other policies could be inflationary. >> is among the losers were like with some of green energy stocks were downright first solar was down because he was critical of all of the subsidies with the biden administration is basically this put out there for renewable energy and you also saw higher interest reason for this with the trump tax cuts are extended, has 2025, you can widen the deficit which is running a 2 trillion a year that could be inflationary pretty them on market is something that right now. jack: okay teresa subject about the only person is wondered if america really needs either of all greener cbs on every single corner and apparently, we do not actually need that. teresa: this was a walgreens and fourthly had a very bad week this week they announce to the going close possibly thousands of underperforming source and as you know they have a lot of them around the country but simply, is not making money a lot of times in the ceo actually came out during their earnings call
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to say that the model is just broken. jack: so did we go from here in this office perhaps covered nearly $100.1 pretty about $12 now and as they continue to f fall. teresa: so stop getting 27 years of this week. definitive spent result to be honest it's hard to see with visio comments of the fundamental problems with the industry not only see small reimbursements with drugs but foot traffic in florida backing away from the clinics so there is no easy fix your. jack: okay and the drug drug issues in the way we pay for bronx rory insurance companies will be dealt in general is touh and we just off target and amazon start to look into ways to get creative to try to drive more traffic. teresa: exactly someone way that people get shopping as you order we have the things they want for low price and that's what we are doing and we do see amazon trying to compete with tino and of low-cost chinese providers and target obviously can do the
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same thing as of the parking of its up a fight, to be spent a third-party marketplace and bring some of the items in store as well. jack: ultimately good news for the shoppers of prices keep going down thank you teresa and why a.i. might not be such a great investment idea investment strategist richard bernstein what will drive the market for the rest of 2024 and far beyond, that is next. clem's not a morning person. or a...people person. but he is an "i can solve this in 4 different ways" person. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you with a plan that's right for him. let our expertise round out yours.
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jack: everyone is talking aboute powerful forces moving the market here to explain is richard bernstein advisor ceo richard bernstein himself and think you for coming by this show. richard: thank you. jack: and so, conventional wisdom is the only thing in the market now is the artificial intelligence talks and video for the most part, but as you say,
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that is actually not where the investors are to be looking if they want to understand what really will be good of the next couple of years. richard: will i think jack much better the misty globalization, listen kind of hunting everybody the face right now we will not woken up and we see where it is going on in eastern europe and we see what is going on the middle east and this is going on in the relationship with china, and africa latin america the world is changing. and that is important because globalization was huge and then an increase competition around the world we all know increasing competition puts downward pressure on the prices as we had secular disinflation and falling interest rates but now come the other side of that was the united states is a massive tray death of the deficit because it easier to produce a broad then the united states and cheaper and so the way i think about this is that everybody understands national security applications of the united states be dependent on the rest of the role for semi conductors but we do not seem to understand the national security applications of being dependent on the rest of the four every
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thing ever absolutely everything itself this story is a story three industrialization of the united states: near showing french warring restoring, infrastructure anything you want to call it and is all in the exact same thing we do think it's powerful force. jack: all of this set for the stock investor, even looking had the excellent nvidia i thank you so 30 percent this year and s&p returns three microsoft are probably close to half of it and what would it take you to change that dynamic. richard: so jack, i would suggest people leave the stock market is a seesaw we have like seven stocks in one site or five or two on one side and that we have everything else in the global equity market on the other side of the seas on the way i describe it to people is a really only seven growth stories on the entire world. no. there's tons and people are overlooking them and so i think if you run an index fund, you will be very concentrated in this five or seven stocks, any we missing the opportunities on the other side of the seesaw
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that i described and we thank you so with the opportunity yes and that the universal opportunity a story historically brought almost a once in a generation opportunity. jack: nobody of about money by buying whatever videos has been buying and yet it just so painful, the buy the stuff that everybody hates him where the opportunities are and what would cause small stocks have been cheaper at least legging for a long time civil because that to change. >> they have been cheap but i think the different cells the fundamentals are starting to change and if you look at analyst estimates work sucks in the find by the end of 24, the beginning of stocks and emerging market stocks guested to grow faster. jack: to earnings. >> absolutely and so that we achieved set up stocks fundamentals improving way more the people think. jack: what about the other way semi by your globalization thing, d globalization thing which i do with other things to
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buy and what other sectors maybe would benefit from it. richard: big story is in small and mid size industrial companies here in the united states and these are companies that have the dominant part of their sales his focus domestically in the united states like a big industrial selling company china read the and these are u.s. company selling to u.s. customers. and they are departmental of this three industrialization scene and you're not going to light up a party telling people the point a wire compare ball bearing coming or something like that but that is really the nuts and both of of this three industrialization think. jack: with the economic implications of all of us in his senses me as if this could be the opposite of globalization from a price perspective it could be inflationary. richard: absolutely, and i think that we will everybody knows that around the world we are starting to get nationalistic tendencies we would argue if that was day and a good bet
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nobody dropped but this opposite of globalization globalization increase competition downward pressure on prices and nationalization closes of competition and increases prices. jack: it is one way or the other and is the trended thank you richard bernstein speed under. richard: thank you for having me. >> we would learn to love high rates opportunities in the markets right now thanks to the feds hiking camping with you how to make your money work harder, next.
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jack: investing upon for morethy did you wither lose purchasing power when famous and physical bonds return for the rest, there are opportunities for these juicy deals and soft deposit andrew berry published just way and how to get income andrew start with the most liquid market in the entire world,
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treasury investors lock yields in here run for park continues to have looking pretty good right now. andrew about 44 percent for 75210 year treasuries run for 40 right now, and inflation is running run 3 percent and seems to be heading over so you are getting an inflation-adjusted returns are positive for the first time in a while you want to buy treasury come you can buy directly from the government and also etf good option because you get monthly income in the actually liquid like the tlt which is the year treasury easy up. jack: this good point is been a long time since you can get two points over inflation in the bond market and explain something for something called treasury inflation protected securities tips and are you better off going in that direction are sticking with treasury. andrew is a good alternative it because their protection if the inflation prices that would make them the only bonds the do so and right now you better and tips versus regular treasuries
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if inflation runs more than 2 percent given the fact that inflation is 3 percent, is a big deficit is a lot of government and financing for the next decade. >> interest rates are high which is done is for homebuyers with securities are only the investors can benefit. andrew the flipside hive mortgage rates and 7 percent in the doing well getting like five and a half or 6 percent yields on government guaranteed securities right now and is historically a pretty good yield and widespread versus u.s. treasuries so the better to plan the securities are etf's and mutual funds and you have etf's like the shares and may be, and 45 percent and the bond king fund double win total return fund about 6 percent is little bit more aggressive but good record mortgage area. jack: andrew, enough about bonds up in a boring work and i find income to talk. ric.andrew: girl yielding a bron one & you get 3 percent yields in a lot of different stocks and
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etf's and mutual funds like tart yields three love the consumer names like pepsico and banks are yielding roughly percent right now and much of etf vanguard has wanted schwab as one and so, there a lot of ways to get income and many income oriented sectors of the performing the s&p's tech is the mark this year and something that's reversible he could have some of the sectors doing well in the second half. jack: what about utilities they've always been traditionally it evident that kind of places close defensive do they look good now. andrew: muscles like a kicker now from a.i. artificial intelligence in a build a data centers to basically fuel the a.i. boom and that means more power demand is of the means that you can get about 3 percent given the yields on utilities and the growth rate and evidence of earnings for many utilities six — evans percent annually and five — ten years you could have about ten this percent a wide variety of utility southern company and benefiting from thi.
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buildout committees like duke and you have etf which is the xl view, despite the making 3 percent right now. jack: let me bug you about one morn sorry to take up the trump and wondering about will bunch of different recent another traditional. andrew: there actually the red overall the vanguard the b and q which is the big etf come a couple of percent and reads are actually trolling the market for a couple of years in a row beginning about 4 percent yields now close inflation protection because real estate should be a bit of a hitch if you do get higher prices nuclear good warehouse like collage head some of the tower sour tower like american hotel and multifamily which owns apartments like avalon bay, residential and candidate you'll be around 3 percent is actually good market now c1 and in this interesting pipeline sometimes the form of partnerships and sometimes corporations and those
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yields can really get up there up to a percent tell us ♪ ♪. andrew: five just a percent strong sector this year and this year and so not quite as cheap as they once were but you have companies that are like mlp and you have energy transfer enterprise products which yield more than some of the companies and corporations which are like tender morgan and williams, but the good the evidence in reasonably good growth and i think the fossil fuels going to be around for what about really natural grass withers demand here this country because of the buildout of all of these liquefied natural gas plants of this benefit williams at the gas pipeline companies a particular. jack: mlps can get tricky a texan with a k-1 form of it some people still like them and on the tax advantage side however you're not a big fan of municipal bonds now. andrew: for the good not great yield spread treasuries want historically attractive but the quality is good you talk about three — 4 percent yields which is actually tax-free if you get
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it is way higher rates trump tax cuts expire that will make them relatively more attractive. jack: thank you your fund of wisdom thank you entry send andrew have investment ideas and ventures a new way to place a wager on the market, stay rights feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts.
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now is losing place people betting on sports and was going on as we have these zero dated options that are expiring at the end of the day in the me get very easy to place a bet within the market will rise or fall normally available in texas by nestlé s&p 500 and nasdaq and things like that but they make it very simple to just go in their template make a bet i was waiting up into the market. and they got in popular their inherent about half of the volume of the s&p 500 index options now. and so they are a great wa a dad to be want to just try to make money market moves, this a great way to do it because you do not have to put up a lot of money functions getting a lot of leverage negative 1 percent move in the market get to percent return. this is really just a fun way to bet. as always realize there's also risk. jack: among other things you lose 100 percent of the money to
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put down it is not like it goes down to percent goes to percent. ben: is not like buying a lottery ticket and you get to scratch off he went great but if not there goes your dull rates of these bigger sums of money and you know the payoff but if they don't, that's it in cash is gone and i thank you so a big difference between nothing like the daytrading at its way back when you could lose money but you limited you don't lose all of your money you still have some left but you have to be very careful on the risk control otherwise you could lose a lot of money quickly. jack: i will not be doing this with my 401k note that happening huskily under though you have a really interesting country an idea for an actual idea. andrew: yes weakness for value stocks one of them is. like in britches this beginning nelson investment is supercheap stop writing on the u.s. trading around 11 and three times or think that it most of the big stake in force which is in the entire market value a lot of cash until the speculation on the auto industry.
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jack: sivan something the truffle cooler interesting coming up i went for $80000 in fairly there 120,000 makes other there's more for you tresa which i guess. teresa: we've all heard of honeywell major industry coming to make everything from conveyor belts to airplane engines and their very steady kind of company over the past few years that kind of language to help overcome the good news is taken by the deeply and the new ceo play last year seems to have an incredible path forward 210 percent earnings itself between cost savings and acquisitions we could be accelerated. jack: to valued ideas think you guys. mark check out this week's at barrons roundtable will see you next week. -(theme music playing) -♪ bad boys -♪ whatcha want, whatcha want ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ when the sheriff john brown come for you? ♪ -officer: you better stop!


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