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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  June 30, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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ferent - your wallet. because we believe no matter what you're working on you need high quality tools at a great price. and that's what we're all about. ♪ whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ >> new york city fox studios, this is wall street with maria
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bartiromos. maria: welcome to the program that analyze the weekend wasn't a position you for the week ahead and thank you for being here i am maria bartiromos a highly anticipated event so far, has turned into a nightmare for the democrats. >> the conversations range from whether he should be in this race tomorrow morning to what was wrong with him. >> my phone never stop buzzing throughout and the universal reaction was somewhere approaching panic. >> is started with the first couple of answers in a discontinued throughout the night from my god oh my god my god, did what do we do about that. >> the discuss with that he should inspectors argosy peerless privately discussions among difficult about whether biden can effectively god with this campaign. >> it so just panic it is pain what we saw tonight. maria: yes and even the liberal new york times and washington post headlines read the same, the great freak out is upon us
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and bided must bow out of the race and biting cannot go on like this but at least to get impressed to be the possible replacements regarding come up our city by their man. >> i will never turn my back on president biden never turn my back and president biden and i don't know the party that we do so. >> is a slow start no question about it at that it was a strong finish. >> it will be so tonight is more of the same joe biden finding for the market people donald trump fighting for himself. >> joining me now because of economic advisor chairman under president trump kevin house and economic advisor to president obama robert will and gentlemen thank you so much for being here this weekend we so appreciate your time you guys want to talk to you about the enemy points of the candidates made the debate on thursday night and we will get to that but first robert, very involved in a party and your leader there and you help
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barack obama prepare for his debate that gotta start off their get your reaction to joe biden's performance in the future for biden is the nominee. robert maria, think you for asking that question cabinets ice to see you. listen i have done president of biden for two decades. i love the guy when my dad passed away you know the empathy that he shared with me about his family troubles you know it was something i will never forget but i'm not going to sugarcoat it and i am not happy with the president performance and yes, maria, i give it to all of president trump's lies and so on and so forth into these would say about his ups but the truth is that was to fact check on the spot pretty and he did not do it and he had a lot of softballs maybe did it out of the park and he did not go there and on image presentation style, it was a bad night. i do not want to clean and
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necessarily and be to build a predicate bad weather hansen oh my god, we have to change tomorrow predict you know, this should certainly be conversations whether he can you know continue to go forward to be the guy we want him to be and so i think it was about night but i guess that it was only minutes. maria: kevin hasek, same question for you in terms of the future, we should point out the high inflation was one key issues during the debate to see how do do we know inflation was what 1.4 percent when joe biden entered the oval office and having on all up to 9.1 percent and have become deaf are the highs this boy in your reaction. kevin: basically prison invited inheritance exam percent growth in it 1.9 percent inflation when they have say, little previous year. and he keeps saying otherwise and you know when i was here with the president said.
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summa that would correct it and you remember bree i would go on my twitter feed and i was amendment here's the right number. is really stunning that they keep going out. and inaccurate numbers in order to try to place the blame for inflation for president trump nobody is speaking up to correct it. maria: and robert, look weather is going to the democratic as the presidential candidate were likely to have the same economic policies is that right and we know you put the blame on corporate greed for the blame on donald trump is going to say policies whoever it is that right. robert i don't think the president bidens legislations been progress even if you look at the two biggest things that he did which is that chips act and the infrastructure act, as we look at those, those were bipartisan and those are critically important from and if you look at what is going to happen in wisconsin with microsoft are you look at what will happen in arizona with intel those are key and kevin knows that he was advising the president trump during those
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times and we heard every become he was infrastructure we can we should applaud that infrastructure finally got past it we been speaking about that for decades. maria: will robert do you think of the spending had anything to do with the inflation because you mentioned some of the victories to president biden has had nobody was the chips act in the inflation reduction act of fiscal responsibility act forgetting the student loan that green energy tax credit any of the critics say, that is $7 trillion in spending and borrowing a joe biden's watch and did not not contributed to inflation. robert it did contribute to and i'm not saying the spinning both by president trump and president biden i thank you so that that you know it was a big overreach but it was also at a time we have never seen before braided and yes, i think will yes the answer is by the way, he been on your show another shows command i was not supportive of as much
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as they did not was actually probably would've been about 30 percent lower and it was probably closer manchin wasn't that on the surveillance but i think at that point it would rather have done something more than nothing. maria: fighting continues to save about text anybody making less than $400,000 a year but he does want that tax cuts to expire and so kevin taken on and look when you are talking about higher taxes, for many if including those who make under $400,000 if you love the tax cuts to expire isn't that right. kevin: all right well he's going to have to choose so he will choose one or the other in effect is the history of a visit looking president obama ending as the bush tax cuts but then when he on the economy and what happened to the economy in any extended them twice because nobody knows lower taxes are good for the economy and you do not want to be sitting the white house and the economy falls apart so president biden i guess is going to accept most of the
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trump tax cuts within things he might leave out really the most important, so right now for the things that are expiring that are reported most important, her expensing capitol equipment purchases breathe new machines make their workers more productive and drive their wages up in capitol spending last year when negative for the first time in a long time because of that expiring expenses and the other thing is good but that there's deduction for small business so that they do not have tax disadvantage corporations and 2l production is also expiring and so were going to get a big tax increases small businesses create jobs and big tax increase in first flying machines at president biden has his weight is only as good for inflation are the economy. maria: will robert i know president biden brought up medicare quite a few times last night, but president trump said that biden is killing social security and medicare with his open border policy watch this. trump: all these people are coming at some of the pleading him on medicare and putting them on social security they will
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destroy social security this man is going to single-handedly destroy wipe out social security see what pretty for the debate came a story about 16 nobel prize-winning economist and by the way is to point out that one of those economists is actually the husband a month treasury secretary janet yellen for nonetheless, yellen's husband is among those predicting that a trump inflation ball, it will happen with a plan of deporting immigrants robert taken on in your thoughts. robert will listen, we need complete border security and i think that it was incredibly disappointing that we did not pass the bipartisan order and immigration package that senator langford an incredible conservative from oklahoma, fourth and listen, it is ridiculous that people like lindsey graham would not support that and as for the gang of eight rubio was for the gang of
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eight and we need comprehensive immigration reform and that would have brought more for the security more enforcement, and with respect come into the noble economists you know and i am not a noble economist and here's what i would say i absolutely think of president trump's idea 100 percent harris is absolutely absurd anything protection that is never a good thing. and i think should let the market dictate pricing. so from that perspective, i know that i would say that willie is talked about it i if you have been as involved that administration i don't think will ever see that some of the things he talked about is incredibly inflationary. maria: kevin bassett and robert wolff we appreciate your time and thank you very much for being here in the socks are running of the month in the quarter the first half of the year as inflation show signs of slowing, the founder of strategic jason he is work was running the second half of the year and that is comin do you want to close out?
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see back. maria: will the back and mark is now the end of the month is the stocks into the final trading we, in the second quarter in the first half of the year, is amazing and we are through the first half of 2024, the s&p 500 is thing is best performance the first half of an election year since 1976, we also god made pc inflation data showing inflation of the lowest level in more than three years annual prices prices up 2.6 percent is expected and changed from the previous month in joining me now is chairman and ceo strategic jason turner is with us and jason his way toe you and thank you for being here and i want to get your take on much respecting for the second half of the year earlier, near inflation index which i'll ask you about as well but first give us your outlook for the second half and will be as strong as the first. jason: and is funny unlikely as strong as it was the first half
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just because we are up about 15 percent in the first six months of that year in earnings are probably not going to be anywhere near that for this year the probably be about my tenure so i would try to manage your expectations and i would not say that there are bearish but i think that the first half will be a tough act to follow having said that, i do think that you going to continue to get fiscal stimulus in my opinion it is way out of bounds and were doing deficit spending like there is no tomorrow, but this likely to continue and there is a decent chance, because the inflation numbers moderated a bit. missing of the year so makes of her debate risk for not be involved in the stock market but again be careful about extrapolating out the first half and the second half. >> c1. maria: is important point, and a fitness half includes election and isn't it true, then we see all sorts of ways from the biden administration, thank you so
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things up and you've written about this many times whether it is the strategic petroleum reserve or interest rates the race that janet yellen is doing the options and what are they doing to make the economy look his greatest possible going into november for the presidential election. jason: maria, they are doing everything it all i would say is every income it tries to gives the economy in the ways that they can but i would say the biden administration is taking this to heart for and never quite seen this before in my opinion of a poses great risk to the future of their future health of the market economy but in terms of spending, you've had about $170 billion of student loan forgiveness, and you have the renewal of employee retention tax credit is things that are in the big was four years ago and they put money indirectly the people's pockets and in addition to that, as you mentioned, the treasury secretary is messing around with
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the funding scheduled to issue a law that short-term debt as opposed to long-term debt to gives the longer-term rates lower than they ordinarily would be but again, you are using every two of the book and this is my opinion for political reasons as opposed to a sober and you know well thought out economic plan for the future of this country. maria: scott said the same thing when he joining the past jason only get your take in terms of the inflation store because of course is past week we got the pcd index federal reserve's favorite inflation data and however it shows inflation coming down and you have created a different index which is basically hearing on the things most people need, to live in tell us about the common man index jason. jason: right we call of the common man cpi these are things people have to buy every day every week every month so it is food and energy, shelter, children's clothing, and
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insurance utilities. and so you excluded you know flat-panel television screens and trips to places and this is with the common man has to pay for come have a hot water and if you look at that, the common man, there standard of living has deteriorated by about 7 percent of the last three years and i think it drives me crazy when you see some of these phd economists who you mentioned before, is a listen inflation has the better what the problem and they are ignoring that cumulative effects of the inflation which means that inflation has greatly outpaced wages over the past three years and so the workers are still very much behind even if inflation is coming down and inflation will re- accelerate in 2025, and in 2026. is very likely that the historical analysis of inflation waves and generally speaking once you have one wave of inflation over 6 percent, the chance of getting another wave
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are about nine and ten. and that will very much be the case if in my opinion if president biden is reelected. maria: that's we do see this weekend we appreciate your time and thank you jason trennert. jason: thank you for having me on. maria: will see you soon in support for joe biden way a former democrat efforts of the president has lost his vote and will this trend time for donald trump with the youth vote and we hear his story when we com awkward question... is there going to be anything left... —left over? —yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! i want a massage, in amalfi, from someone named giancarlo. and i didn't live in that shoebox for years. not just— with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. i guess i'll get the caviar... just kidding.
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maria: welcome back, debatedebas digesting president biden's abysmal performance against president trump on present thursday night a recent poll taken before the face-off, shows biden ahead with voters, more
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than 20 points of what do they think of him now joining me now swimmer democrat's effort jeremy edelson is going to have you this weekend you had been very involved in democrat party college and beyond you say, the will not vote for biden why is that neither young democrats telling you. jeremy: that's right and thank you for having me and i campaigned for president obama and hillary clinton about for joe biden and i like many democrats is incredibly optimistic in the beginning of the term and will be saunters down with the debate, it was disastrous performance that was emblematic of a disastrous term and i think the people are about to start talking about even when we seen already and i think that an avalanche is coming from party looking for a different candidate. maria: who do you want to see there and how easy would it be to swap out joe for somebody else. jeremy: i think this point it would be very difficult for the press to replace joe biden with some of the else, kamala harris is having the same struggles as joe biden is at this time.
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i think that impreza really reading reaping what they sowed within dissent within the party robert kennedy jr.'s pulling much stronger against it donald trump and joe biden is nine democrats missed their opportunity to have him as their candidate and i think in the eyes of a lot of young voters many voters more generally, this is now officially race between donald trump and robert kennedy. maria: how many people are you talking to who may have been because donald trump and now say that i've got to vote trump's b3 i think a lot of the fear mongering going on the prophetic party, about a possible donald trump presidency a second term and just collapsing from a lot of people's eyes. maria: because of joe biden's performance in the debate. jeremy: because of joe biden performance as well as all trucks and i think the president trump may have stepped into the bounds of hyperbole is he may do sometimes they may have been bit will overall he's very measured and compared to how the media tends to perpetrate him and he was surprisingly using a lot of
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unifying rhetoric. i think that is with a lot of voters are looking for especially young voters really with the get it to transcend partisanship and offer message that will really usher in a century of positivity for the americans. maria: will joe biden boarded young people by promising them that he will forgive their student loan debt and despite the fact that the supreme court said that it is unconstitutional and is that one of the encouragements for the young people and is that still there b3 and feel of the polling on that student loan forgiveness the president biden has been pursuing, sought resignation with voters in or the student debt holders and i think that the issues that have led to a generation being saddled in student debt and at the same time, i think a lot of people understand it is not necessarily ethical to distribute to student
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loan that to a population in which many people have chosen to forego going to college to save money could never afford college to begin with and i think a lot of young voters are not happy this to loan forgiveness the president biden is pursuing which is really seen as an right. maria: believe there and jeremy etelson thank you so much. jeremy: thank you. maria: okay jeremy etelson i one and 40 think that you need to know about ahead next we can i have another pancake? from full house... empty nest... free birds. vanguard personal advisor can help you prepare for every chapter. we got this. that's the value of ownership. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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6 million others will fly more than 4 million will travel by bus, cruise or train. and expect to see some big crowds in seattle washington, the florida and anchorage, alaska breaking is the top three travel destinations and will be following this on morning trip maria always six — nine on foxbusiness i will see when sunday morning, over the "fox news" channel at 10:00 a.m. eastern live sunday morning futures live exclusive interviews this week and was in a gop conference year senator john brosseau and cochair laura trump and former house intelligence committee chairman, you know is alive and sunday morning and "fox news" and i hope you will join me that will do it for us on foxbusiness and thank you so much for being with us and have great rest of the weekend and leave fourth of july and will see you again nex time. >> global xetx, barron's
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