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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 1, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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of news coverage and the last three hours, mark, final thoughts? >> on friday seen the fallout from the debate watching the trump stocks do very well on the market were as the biden consumer base underperformed in a be interesting to see what happens this week, i think you will see that continue, we will see it play out. >> i hate to overestimate the impact of the 10:00 o'clock decision by the supreme court of the united states, not just for the selection or this year but for the future of the united states. >> the countdown is on in the supreme court will make that decision 10:00 a.m. eastern time or a few moments after but that will not be my issue because we have ashley webster in for stuart varney and he's going to be ready to go for all of the excitement. ashley: ready to pounce. good morning, everybody i am ashley webster on this monday for stuart varney. president biden returning to the
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white house after gathering with his family at camp david who are reportedly criticizing his tough advisors and urging him to keep fighting despite his painful debate performance, and the new tweet billionaire bill ackman says he no longer blames biden for not stepping aside, instead he's pointing the finger at first lady jill biden claiming that she enjoys the white house clamor life a little too much. in one hour as cheryl said, the u.s. supreme court set to make what are the biggest rulings of the year whether former president trump is immune from criminal prosecution. the supreme court will also release a decision on whether social media platforms handling of user content is protected by the first amendment, all sorts of issues to debate today, let's look at the markets as we kick off the third quarter in the second half of the year, we are in the green, the dow, s&p and nasdaq all up about a quarter of 8%, let's take a look at the ten
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year yield we always like to keep an eye on this as it goes up, stocks generally go down and it is up 4.6% on the tenure at 4.44%. the two-year also up 3.6 basis points of close to 4.84.79%, what about bitcoin, up $2600.62840, on the show we have steve moore, bill mcgurn, house oversight chair james comer in the always terrific kt mcfarland. it is monday july the first, 2024, "varney & company" about to begin ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. ashley: thank you very much
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producers what a way to kick off the show with a little bit of david bowie as he looked on sixth avenue in midtown manhattan quite a few vehicles, a few people wandering around but it is a holiday week let's get right to it president biden's family encouraging him stay in the race joe. good morning, what exactly are they telling you? >> they huddled at camp david in the new york times says his relatives were acutely aware of how poorly he did against former president donald j trump, they argue that he could still show the country that he remains capable of serving for another four years, one of the strongest voices employee mr. biden to resist pressure to drop out hunter biden which the president has long begun for advice. now they're working to craft a strategy to tamp down the national anxiety about biden staying in the race, his campaign will reportedly hold a call today with his donors as
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his allies in congress stick with him, watch here. >> i would joe biden it is our assignment to make sure that he gets over the finish line come november. >> it's always a bad bet to bet against joe biden i think is the only democrat who can beat donald trump. >> let's not make a judgment about a presidency on one de debate. it's not about performance in terms of the debate is about performance in a presidency. >> forget everything that you saw over the 90 minutes on thursday and just remember the past four years, that's what the party is saying they want him to be the vessel to push through their wish list and i don't think humor can people are buying it. >> if that is the best that they got, what did jamie raskin have to say about biden's debate performance.
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>> is not defending joe biden and he acknowledged it was a bad debate that has his party doing some soul-searching, watch here. >> there very honest and serious rigorous conversations taking place at every level for party, one thing i can tell you, regardless of what president biden decides, our party is going to be unified in our party also needs him at the very center of our deliberation and our campaign and whether he is the candidate or somebody else is the candidate he could be the keynote speaker in our convention and helping the figure that we rally around to move forward. >> will that be an open convention how does the party unify with her so divided on issues and now they divided on our leadership? ashley: nikki haley also morning republicans of abiding replacement, what is she saying. >> she's telling the wall street
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journal, the good to be very smart about it, they are going to bring somebody younger, they're going to bring 70 vibrate, they are going to bring somebody tested. this is the time for repub republicans, she says to prepare and get ready for what's to come. there is no way there will be a surviving democratic party if they allow joe biden to continue to be the candidate. that is a very good message to republicans, do not get complacent, she also called for mental competency and maybe the ideas a little bit more popular now. ashley: i think you might be right. thank you very much. axios reporting that biden is only dependably engaged between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and is more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigue outside of that timeframe, this is your commander-in-chief, joe concha joins us now, does anyone really believe that joe biden can be president for another four
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years? >> it's rhetorical monday, good to see you. i just have to answer your question with a question, is this what we've been reduced to at this point as a country we have a sitting president of the united states commander-in-chief of the armed forces and is only mentally available six out of 24 hours a day what are the folks in russia or china or ukraine, al-qaeda, isis what do they think about that exactly so much for the 3:00 a.m. phone call we can barely get this guy at 5:00 p.m. how could anyone even diehard democrats vote for this man what do you think is good get better with age, this is a fine wine that were talking about and this is the president aging worse than mayonnaise left in the sun based on what we saw not just thursday night and tired of the narrative where we have people say i'm shocked by what i saw we did not see this coming we've been talking about this for years on the network and we were told by many in the media that the videos of biden
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mangling the english language, forgetting his cabinet member names claiming his uncle was eaten bile cannibals, he drove an 18 wheeler, 9% inflation that he inherited, they were no manipulated how is that narrative working out at this point. , 10 - for an hour joe biden will be available to be president of the united states, congratulations america, sleep tight. ashley: assuming he is still around, maybe the next debate should be between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., we will see. a former campaign member country manager to president obama says biden needs to do more interviews, listen to this. the. >> the question, what are you going to do his good have to be more aggressive with all the risks that come with that, longer interviews on friendly places. i think, do the september debate in the trump doesn't do more, that is the big thing. ashley: you know what, the white house has spent a long time trying to get joe to avoid the
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cameras, what do you say wit without. >> comedy solo press conferences are answering the questions, how many solo press conferences houses president held this year, 0. how did he will last year, three, donald trump held 35 solo press conferences in his final year in office, he was constantly available and accessible to the press, if you suddenly think that joe biden like a boxer is going to go into a heavyweight match, he is not taking questions and so long in any live setting and particularly from reporters that may ask tough questions not the handpicked variety like we always secretly do you think that's going to go well, it is not. if you hide him, look at his schedule this week, not one campaign outside of washington, d.c., it is july of an election year get a train wreck of a debate performance and you think he would be out there every day trying to prove that no i'm okay and they're hiding him again.
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it's a good theory having to press conferences and interviews, that is not going to happen is it. ashley: it's not healthy huddled in the basement. thank you for joining us on the rhetorical monday we appreciated as always, thank you so much, let's get back to the market, all green ahead of the opening today a holiday shortened week let's bring in jessica, jeff sica it will have an inflationary that inflationary. >> what i see, this is an unpopular opinion, when the biden administration is able to recruit 17 nobel economist to say that the tariffs the 10% tariff that president trump is proposing plus an increase in the tariffs on china is going to create inflation, it goes against the grain to say it is not, what i believe is the
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reason is going to create more deflation than inflation in first off we need them and we need to protect jobs in america and we also need revenue to fund the continuation of the truck tax cuts. not only that, what it does it puts multinational companies that are trying to sell to the u.s. consumer. it puts them on notice that they have to compete and when they have to compete, the only way to compete is lowering prices. it may not have an initial impact but it will have a longer-term impact in creating deflation. ashley: very quickly i want to ask you about it quite the supreme court ruling overturning chevron basically same to federal agencies you can't make up the rules as you go along, could that help the coin?
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>> it certainly is helping bitcoin and as you said your seen bitcoin move up in the chevron decision, the 40-year-old decision that took power from the government from the executive branch to the agencies has created a monster and that means there 300 alphabet agencies can make up rules as they go with the defeat of this and now that that is over since 2019 for bitcoin, what it means is that minors had a lot of heavy regulation it was very confusing and opaque and now there's going to be a little bit more clarity and consistency so i anticipate that this is going to give bitcoin another leg up in approaches 70000 mark.
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ashley: clarity is always good, were out of time, thank you so much as always for your contribution this morning. coming up nbc chuck todd question but the democrats are putting party over country keeping biden on the 2024 ticket, listen to this. >> the real issue is he telling the truth about whether he can serve a full four years, you have to say what is in the best interest of the country, not the party. ashley: it didn't end there, will have the full tape. biden intra- playing the blame game on inflation but it shows prices clearly skyrocketed under joe biden, steve moore is here to break it all down next. ♪ ok y'all we got ten orders coming in.. big orders!
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ashley: president biden and his cabinet are facing new criticism over the handling of the economy they are being called out of touch, edward lawrence at the white house this morning, whatever biden's advisors same, pushing back the president tries to prove that he has a bad night and not the person that was all the debate stage last night, his cabinet members are trying to make a huge push to change the perception and treasury secretary janet yellen doing a damage control of her own she was seen at a grocery shopping giant in the washington, d.c. area with her husband after claiming she did not feel sticker shock. >> have you been to the grocery store lately.
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>> i have delivery every week. >> it sticker shock isn't it, when you look at shipping cost, those have come down, global food commodity have come down but food prices still remain high. >> she said no. in the treasury secretary last speech she only had glowing things to say about the economy adding the familiar line that more needs to be done president biden released to campaign ad and battleground to move past the performance in a futures no sound from the debate like leslie nielsen moveon nothing to see here, move on. >> i know i'm not a young man, i know how to do this job, i know right from wrong, i know how to tell the truth. >> we will not hear from the president today he will be on his way back to the white house from camp david and reports are saying that his family was telling him to keep fighting. ashley: thank you very much.
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both trump and biden her play the blame game on inflation but the data shows a real story, consumer prices rose more than 7% under donald trump but it will be 19.4% under biden, there is in fact there, the data tells the story does it not, there's no question about it trump's that i've held inflation under control, even the fact checkers in the media, your friends in the media were saying inflation was on the rise when trump left office in the truth is i look to the last four months when trump was in office and that will be up until january of 2021, you would know they were one point to percent, one point to percent, 1.4% and 1.4% does that sound like he had it with
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exploding inflation and the most amazing thing, he himself the economy with 1.4% inflation in 18 months i don't know how we did it so quickly inflation went from 1.429.1% and is important for people to understand this did not happen by accident it was a direct result of the multi-$3 trillion spending spree all paid for by printing money. ashley: i'm assuming you would believe if biden wins inflation continues to climb. >> we will see, of course inflation is a result of what the federal reserve does and i still think it's too early to be talking, i know your viewers will love to see a rate cut and i would love to see 12 i see persistent three, four and i think it might be premature for that. ashley: i want to get to your op-ed it reads the last
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7 trillion-dollar lie, biden outpaces trump by racking up the national debt. 7 trillion-dollar lie, that is a lot of money. >> it is and it directly refutes what joe biden did the people in the media were saying is that trump had a worse record on debt than biden did, that is factually untrue, trump had high deficits to and i love the guy but we did spend the borrow too much but biden came in and if you look at the ten year forecast of what the debt was supposed to be when trump left office this is a congressional budget the fair referee and then you look at where we are today with biden's budget. add the $27 trillion of additional debt. i would make the case that i've been doing this for 40 years that at least in my lifetime, joe biden is by far the most financially reckless president we've seen. i can't tell you in the 19th
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century and so want but i tell you the last 50 years there's no with a comes close to joe biden in terms of ruining the finances of this country. ashley: 30 seconds is just not sustainable and i don't think a lot of people realize the peril that we face if we continue to spend. >> you know it's really scary people keep talking about how incoherent biden was and he was incoherent but when he was coherent that was a problem to his closing statement about what he will do if he's reelected, i hope people pay close attention the last thing he said my solution in the american economy is to soak the rich with higher taxes that's good to solve our problems of highest taxes in the world, that is ridiculous. ashley: steamer, terrific stuff, thank you very much. i want to take a look at the futures and we can and looks like we can have a mildly higher
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ashley: let's get back to the markets showing in the premarket of a slight positive tilt up attend for two, the dow, the s&p of the nasdaq, keith fitz-gerald joins me now, you say i want to talk about boeing and we could be looking at the end of boeing as we know it, what do you mean by that? >> i think the criminal charges are unbelievably serious, management has gotten caught with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar and i think that the company may well cease to exist at least on the civilian airliner or go through a massive transformation in the likes of which is not being contemplative by a stock price. ashley: from an investor's point of view are you touching it or not. >> this is one of the stocks there are stocks that you want in one stock you know what to be in a hundred miles of right now always allotted for me. ashley: we hear you loud and
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clear, on another topic where you see the s&p ending at the end of the year as we start the second half? >> i put the numbers opinion paper, 575151, not that i'm known for precision or anything but quite a bit higher. ashley: that is very bullish, let's talk about the stock picks for us, let's start with stu's favorite, costco. >> very simple premise, consumers are still strapped we were in the store, long lines all shopping cart, good attitude, smiles this company is firing on all cylinders and if you look at the contrast with a company like nike that is not it's very clear which one you want invested. ashley: no big surprise, nvidia there are people that think it's frothy but you still like. >> not only is it frothy but they don't understand accounting rags, a.i. spending is going to go up 18000 plus% over the next
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decade according to bloomberg, it is not difficult to figure out which way the money is going to flow and you have to have nvidia chips to power at all. ashley: that's what's been pushing a higher and higher in microsoft another gargantuan companies when it comes to tech. >> very simple, people want to hunt around the edges for the governor companies but they don't realize that inflation is serious enough, the fed is serious enough the world is serious enough and you want to go with companies with the side scope and balance sheet to deal with it, a.i. spend is returning $5 for everyone spent that is good to go to seven, nine, $12 within the next two or three years in microsoft is going to win. ashley: very good, thank you so much we have all those points and just before the bell rings, thank you so much here we go we set off on a new month for the
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first day of the third quarter in the first day of the second half, it is a holiday shortened week, trading volumes could be a little lower which is going to add to volatility but right out of the gate the dow is up 87 points we have merck travelers, but when at the top united health, intel let's look at the s&p and see where we are there, we were expecting 1042, the s&p 500 up to tens of 1% up 12 points in the nasdaq same story up to tens of 8%, 33 points to the higher, 17765 we talk about the tech names and we like to show you where they are out of the gate, microsoft turning slightly lower by amazon, meta, la follette, apple all moving higher, apple up three quarters of 8%, take a look nvidia the stock has rallied 150% in the first half of this year, right now essentially flat of 123.
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now this my tesla deliveries are set to fall for a second straight quarter, lauren, the stock is higher, what is going on with them. >> china deliveries have been strong and maybe a surprise to the upside and we get to the june quarter deliveries for tesla and are expected to fall 4% and that's the first time ever that tesla reported two straight quarters of declining deliveries, the obvious reason would be that people like hybrids and also less expensive cars, look for a number around 440,004 deliveries in the past quarter, there is good news, wells fargo added tesla to the tactical ideas in the stock is at two or three, up 2.6% this monday. ashley: very good. we've been talking about boeing the department of justice preparing to charge the company with criminal fraud, what are the details on that.
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>> criminal fraud and violating 2021 settlement following two fatal crashes involving a 737 max playing, that let boeing avoid prosecution if it complied with certain conditions and fraud laws, now the d.o.j. is accusing boeing of not living up to its end of the bargain, the justice department reportedly urging them to plead guilty or go to trial in trial as seen as risky, but we will have to make the decision this weekend is to include the fine, and corporate monitor. it's amazing that the stock is rallying to enter their present right now i know keith fitz-gerald said he would not touch it with a 10-foot poll but the news also boeing is acquiring spirit aerosystems, that is the company that makes the fuselage and the alaska airlines plane that had the door blowoff moderna, it's working have better control of the production process after all of the mishaps since the crashes about five years ago you could
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cease. aerosystems of 4.2%. ashley: interesting development. let's get to a stock that we talk about, gamestop, means stock, start 6.5% it has something to do with roaring kitty. >> the guy behind during kennedy has been sued and accused of security fraud in a class-action lawsuit and he uses his social media post to cause stock volatility in other words he is pumping and dumping gamestop and not disclosing all of his trades, flip the screen do we have chewing shares it is searching 6%, keith gilroy in kennedy picked up a seven steak and the pet product retailer, he consistently moves the market. ashley: the kitty roars. let's go to disney's animated
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film inside out two past a huge milestone. >> $1 billion at the global box office, the first movie since barbie to do so it only took them 19 days, here is the deal, 70% of the audience is families, when was the last time that that happened you take the whole family to enjoy a movie together and fretted the big screen, teenagers are included in the family demographic, teens never go to the movies these days, this is good for disney and pixar in the theater chains. ashley: kids are too busy looking at the iphone. amazon increasing incentives for startups that use their web service aws, why are they doing that. >> the reportedly doubling credits to $200,000 starting today for startups that use their aws, their cloud they have about 20300 but now almost all our unicorns unprofitable companies in artificial
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intelligence and that's why there's a lot of momentum in a.i. in amazon is doubling down. ashley: not doing much, but to the present, google partnering with blackrock for solar energy capacity, what is that all about. >> they are invested in undisclosed in a company that is new green power in new green provide solar, green energy for taiwan in their electric grid, taiwan makes 60% of the worlds chips, fabrication incredibly energy intense so google is working to make some of that from solar so they can meet the green goals and they can do it more environmentally friendly, google stock is up three quarters of 1% in blackrock trading up half of 1%. ashley: very good, now onto birkenstock, i think their ugly sandals but everyone says they're comfortable, who is bullish on them. >> they last forever, ubs says
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by it they see strong brand momentum in asia in very little discounting which i can attest to, not only are they giving them a by, they raise their price target implying that the stock can go up 57% to $85 a share, that is ubs's call, did you call them ugly sandals? ashley: i apologize profusely to birkenstock, what do i know, up to a third%, great stuff thank you very much, let's take a look at the big board, the dow 200 points for half 8% gain, gaining upward momentum that is a ways very good let's take a look at the dow winners my eyesight will help me, boeing, merck, apple, goldman sachs, amgen leading the way, but we know 3%, the s&p 500 winners let's take a look at the
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constellation energy, tesla we talked about tesla, merck, boeing and return a and the nasdaq winners, the tech heavy nasdaq if you can see constellation energy, tesla, but during a, apple ii among those up about what it half percent, coming up u.s. military bases in europe are on heightened alert for a possible terrorist attack we will have the details on that story, billionaire investor bill ackman says there's one person to blame for joe biden not stepping down, that is first lady joe biden in will bring you his full comments, and meanwhile nancy pelosi suggested the donald trump who has dementia. roll tape. >> there are healthcare professionals who think that trump has dementia, that his connection and his thoughts of not going together. ashley: doctor marc siegel will deal with that next.
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l♪ everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie?
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ashley: let's take a look at the market a positive start to the second half of the year being a holiday shortened week on wall street but the dow, s&p and nasdaq all up in them gallops extensive 8%, billionaire bill ackman says he blames first lady joe biden for president biden refusing to step down from the 20202024 race why is ackman blaming the first lady. >> chief keeps encouraging him, this is what bill ackman wrote i no longer blame the president for not stepping aside, he no longer has the mental acuity to make judgments about himself it
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is becoming increasingly clear that the fault lies with the first lady jill biden, i'm sorry to be harsh but what is become clear first lady values what is best for herself over her husband's health and the safety and security of the country at large, j first lady jill biden loves the glory, she made the cover of vogue magazine, we will decide our future and she vows not to give up on her husband's second term run she says don't let the 90 minute debate defined a for your success, you cannot just ignore the debate. >> no you cannot, listen to this, congresswoman nancy pelosi suggested that donald trump could have dementia, roll tape. >> this is an opportunity for joe biden to go out there and show he has the stamina and by the way while the press for some
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reason that they don't, there are healthcare professionals that think that trump has dementia and that his connection it is thoughts do not go together. ashley: let's bring in doctor marc siegel, great to see you, have you seen any evidence that donald trump might have dementia? >> good morning let's start with the idea that i've never seen nancy pelosi with a stethoscope let alone a cognitive tester and ability to diagnose anyone and i don't know what health professionals she's talking about. again were not president trump's doctor but i'll point this out he seems to do a lot without a teleprompter, he speaks spontaneously and we sat riveted and watched him at the philadelphia valley and i was on the set of "the big weekend show" in we were riveted at the way that his thoughts did go together.
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when i interviewed him four years ago he was sharp as attack and didn't use any notes or have the questions in advance, even though it is not a cognitive test actually acting extemporaneously goes against the idea of any cognitive impairment, i think the issue, by the way on the other side with president biden is it only the 90 minute debate is that there's other sides of not keeping thoughts together and we can't blame everything on a cold medication so i think the idea of spoiling our children where you said you think our guy is demented, your guy is demented it's like high school. >> it really is and is pretty rich that nancy pelosi accuses the media of failing to cover the dementia suffered by donald trump in her mind when the mainstream media is protecting joe biden for a long time, not anymore after that debate. i want to move on and talk about the study taking multivitamins
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each day won't make you live longer, the study says there's no differences in mortality, the question becomes what is the point of taking multivitamins. >> this is the business channel, that is a multibillion dollar industry that were talking about but the nih looked at over 400,000 u.s. adults over 20 years and found no survival advantage, that doesn't mean vitamins don't help you by the way, my message in one way i've always practice medicine into medicine i go one by one i like vitamin b complex for a lot of different things including migraines and memory, i think it helps with memory by the way i told stuart that on our weekly alzheimer, helps memory to the white house and i also like vitamin d3 a lot because i think it's like a hormone the way vitamin d works but you have to test and check levels to see if
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you're getting enough naturally or in your foods, the key that a lot of the vitamins are inner foods like vitamin c you get a lot of this in your food so you don't automatically take a multivitamin and say i'm missing this because most likely you're getting most of it so i test for the vitamins that i'm suspicious about in a look at it per patient. ashley: we have one minute left, another study found that ultra processed foods are linked with a high risk of death i was a captain obvious but some doctors say the foods can still fit into a healthy diet or should they be cut out mpletely >> nobody's going to listen to us, your producer said i think i'm in my 20s and what do you think i did over the weekend i'm not mentioning his name but over 500,000 people were studying in the point here is that the ultra processed foods, we already know that there associated with colon
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cancer in associated with g.i. cancer in associated with heart disease but the real issue what are you eating instead, i think you cannot alter processed foods, small amount in your diet providing a healthy diet, mediterranean diet on the show, fruits, vegetables, fish in a glass of wine occasionally that is what is good for you, don't overdo the alter processed foods, that is the message. ashley: we hear that loud and clear, thank you so much as always, coming up the supreme court has made it easier for cities to clean up homeless and encampment but the mayor of los angeles criticizing the ruling, will anything change, jason rantz is on it, ten minutes from now the supreme court will rule on presidential immunity and what that could mean for donald trump's criminal charges, we we'll break it all down next.
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ashley: in just a few moments the u.s. supreme court expected
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to rule on presidential immunity, lit again here you joined me now, what could this mean for donald trump. >> this is hugely consequential for donald trump the run for the white house and also personally as well if the supreme court agrees with the lower courts from d.c. and decides that there is no immunity, then special counsel asked ms. criminal case could immediately resume against the former president donald trump but trump's lawyers are asking the supreme court to decide for the first time ever that a former president has full immunity from criminal prosecution in many court watchers expect that the decision will strike a balance which means the court could enunciate a new standard offering immunity for official acts but not an official act read if that happens the case would be sent back down to the trial court for a lengthy
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process on how immunity applies to trump in this case, we will also get a first amendment decision today the supreme court will decided a pair of cases whether states can restrict social media content regulation, this comes after florida and texas passed laws that prohibited platforms from censoring post based on content, the purpose was to protect conservative messages after former president trump was removed from twitter and facebook the social media companies claim that the first amendment gives them the right to take down post as they deem fit, these opinions will cap off what is already been an incredibly impactful term, just last week the high court gutted federal agency power involving commercial fishermen, the ruling being celebrated by businesses and conservatives alike, the court dealt a big blow to the justice department prosecution
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of hundreds of people for obstruction charges relating to the january 6 riots and it's a few minutes away from the supreme court starting today and all eyes on the immunity decision. ashley: indeed, i believe your sticking around to make make sense of all of this i appreciate that. still ahead bill mcgurn on senator lindsey graham claiming that the media has failed to cover biden's cognitive issues, house oversight chair james comer on hunter biden being one of the strongest voices telling president biden to stay in the race, kt mcfarland on the far right party leading after the first round of the elections, what could that mean for america in border guy chris klem on the dozens of migrants who stormed the el paso border in march being released into the united states. of course we are still waiting for the immunity decision from the supreme court, the 10:00 a.m. hour of varney is going to be a busy one coming up next. ♪
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