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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  July 1, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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being too woke not too long ago tractor supply started to go down the path they made an abrupt u-turn last week and the company noted the middle of america they talk about the roots in the values and they say we invested millions of dollars in veteran causes an emergency response, animal shelter, state fairs, rodeos and farmers markets in the also mentioned they invested in rural america the largest supporter of ffa and have a long-standing relationship with 4h, that is the magic middle of america word they also said that management will no longer submit data to the human rights council. that is really, really huge, by the way i love the in the statement see you in the stores, they keep acting like this, they certainly will, liz claman over to you. >> i have covered so many ohio state fairs with the 4h kids have their caps, it was incredible in the butter cow at the ohio state fair, you cannot
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miss it. >> we have to go together next time. liz: i'm busy that day. thank you. on this first trading day of the month in the second half of the july 4 fireworks it kind of started a little early all you have to do is look at the dow intraday to see how the session started off looking like a roman candle popping more than 200 points, the higher the session was 230 points and then quickly turned into a dead went negative and flared up and now we see again of two points, were watching this very closely after soaring 14 and half% in the first half the s&p kicking off the first half about seven points the nasdaq stellar gain of 18% in the first six months of the year might be hard to beat but the tech heavy index card enough this first day of the second half of 108 points, not a record yet, notable names showering sparks as we kick off the final hour of trade, merck, number one on they're down and
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that's enough to make it number two best performer on the s&p the three and a third%, merck and finland's orion striking a licensing deal to developing a drug for the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer, boeing is getting a nice puppet to a quarter% after the embattled aerospace giant solidified a deal to buy its parts suppliers spirit aerosystems back there is so much to the particular deal were you to give you a live report from d.c. in a moment take a look at j.p. morgan, the bank cantering higher by 2% by a record high after announcing a quarterly dividend increase from $1.15 a share to a dollar 25 per share for third-quarter along with the $30 billion stock buyback, look at tesla shares if we can bring those up to headlines one bad line, investors have decided the good outweighs the bad the stock is up 6.5%, top of the nasdaq 100
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and s&p it's gaining $13 after wells fargo keeps its rating at underweight that's the bad part that adds the stock to the technical ideas list, that is the good part, investors are also ignoring the ev makers quarter deliveries are set to be announced this week are expected to drop for the second straight quarter amid increasing competition is over demand, speaking demand as we barrel toward what is expected to be an incredibly busy travel weekend with college aliens hitting the roads and skies travel stocks from expedia to erbium be in booking may be down but american express the card many used to book their travel is adding three quarters of 8% to the 24% ggame this year but should you e ditching one of amex cards for another amex card, different metal color, the point skype brian kelly is about to reveal the best amex card for points a
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choice he says is a clear one and you cannot miss, in the meantime pay attention to your screen there is no doubt nvidia gets a first-half gains but as we kick off the second half of 2024 well lit and should it keep the lead role let's get to the floor show the most experienced traders of our era because it sounds dramatic, kenny polcari and john. at least my era starting in the late '90s. right off the bat nvidia obviously had a very stellar first-half. what about it do you feel makes in a position to continue the leadership or should take a backseat. >> it should continue the leadership, everybody wants their chips, elon musk with the x a.i. has ordered a boatload of those chips at $40000 a piece or thereabouts i don't know if
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there is a quantity discount i don't think they discount it at all. liz: they don't have to. i think they continue to draw investor interest because it did cross the 3 trillion-dollar m mark, yes it pulled back after the richest docket america or the world of real stocks, i think this is deserved but does that mean he puts on another hundred and 40% in the second half i don't think so. liz: here's why i agree with john, the it sector overall the second-quarter earnings which will start coming in relatively soon are expected according to fax that to gain 16% year-over-year, that is not even as good as the communication technology sector which includes apple and google, those names, google and meta up 31% that is the expectation for their earnings, the meat is there in the steak is there not just the sizzle, does it still take the
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leadership position or do people start to finally begin looking elsewhere because there is another area that were about to talk about that is showing serious mojo right now. >> there is but these tech and communication names deliver on very high bars because this court is a very high bar unless we suddenly see estimates come down in the next week if these companies hit the high bar it's only going to fuel the fire because investors are to be very excited if they report what they think they're going to report that will keep them in charge and nvidia is nvidia that everybody needs their chips it's quite clear that they do they continue to change the world the same way apple in terms of what the future holds if a.i. is in the infancy stages. >> it's not like were a
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lot of these names were meme stocks before the term meme came out, etoys, you bid, a complete disaster, no earnings or cash flow, just fluffy shiny objects. that said there is another sector that certainly in the last week has gone absolutely parabolic in that his nuclear energy stocks. >> certainly, if you don't want to be in a single stock like camco which is my pic and i own it i own call options on sisi j, why do i own them, it's only up sevenfold in the last couple of years, this is nuclear energy they provide the uranium and also you are a which is the etf of multiple uranium producing stocks and i think both of those are in big demand, partly because of the shutdown of course of the pipeline from russia into europe and the rest
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of it because a.i. and dvds are very thirsty. >> if you show the week to date charts, ticker symbol and ne if you look at light bridge l tbr up 40% last week and no vic's up 29% last week is this a flash in the pan or not. >> i don't think it's a flash in the pan at all, to john's point it is a demand for energy that is driven by very much a.i., the chips, the electric vehicle push and whether or not that stays up but if you go to a.i. it is a.i. alone in high demand for energy that they gotta find it somewhere if they push back on oil and climate change, nuclear is one of the places to go and that's what the market is telling you and what investors are telling you as they dive into the nuclear names. >> nano for instance they make many nuclear reactors and we know a big nuclear reactor takes
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decades and lots of permitting, these minis i know two insiders in this company and they are very happy campers because this thing has zoomed because it's become public and by demand, they're not the producer of uranium like i described before, camco or ura they are mnuchin nuclear reactors which means power instantly and someplace where it's needed. liz: let me go macro we have a jampacked calendar and we already got the ism purchasing managers index and it continues to contract, that is good if you're hoping that the fed will push up the rate cut eventually to sooner rather than later and were getting the jolt rearview mirror because it's may, june auto sales, wednesday adp the precursor to the june labor department report on jobs which
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comes friday in the expectation 185,000 gaining 95000 jobs, what do you think any one of these has the power to gyrate the market. >> the june manufacturing came in at 51.6 it's a percentage below last month but it's of expansionary territory anything above 50 suggest expansion the one that people should be looking at is the services because remember the united states is a 75% service economy in effect continues to stay in expansionary territory that is the ongoing robust economy and argues for not so fast, slow down on hurting for the rate back next month in september which i don't think is happening i don't think we'll get the cut all this year it's been pushed out until early next year, the market is pricing 300 basis point reduction by march of 2025 the looking for rates of five
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and a quarter to two and a quarter by march of 25 which i don't know what do you think it is sounds completely ridiculous. liz: one quick word i gotta bring up something in the mean stock. i agree and we see that many cuts in 2025, it's good to be a great time to be in stocks, 2025. liz: not a great time to be and she we today, kenny, we're looking at she we stock which is fallen does this mean that roaring kitty has lost his claws? he's taken a huge position 240 million-dollar position in the stock, we don't know if he doesn't love gamestop anymore that was his other big position earlier, you're looking at a loss of five and a quarter percent and that's bringing down petco the competitor because if keith gill is pouring this money into the competitor, wolf is
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down ted and half% is this the game that you don't even look outward play. >> i'm not in the meme stock i don't follow roaring kitty or lazy kennedy i don't follow it and i think it's ridiculous but my clients aren't following it is not a narrative that i push in the client wealth management business, those are not places that i would put clients at all because they're too violent so in all story stocks and is built around the one guy the citizen's base and someplace in massachusetts that gets on youtube and starts to tell everybody trying to create it and we saw what happened with gamestop two weeks ago when he came out with the youtube presentation now it's happening to chewy whether him or not i think people are starting to smart up and discount everything that he says. kenny thinks he's getting paid by the word. he is in fact, is there an
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options play at all? >> i think there is, the fact that roaring kitty picks stocks that are heavily shorted which we all know and whether its place, children's place were beyond meat or gamestop where this one werewolf i think that's a smart way to trade he's trying to squeeze somebody but i think a lot of the people that followed him into the likes of gamestop have been burned and they're probably not able to commit more cash to this one. liz: we have to run gentlemen to great traders, kenny and john great to see you both, thank you so much. america's aerospace giant finds the spirit to increase his safety culture by bringing the former division back under its wing, just because but we has locked up a $4.7 billion deal for spirit juice. aerosystems does not mean the problems of the department of justice regarding two deadly praying crashes are over. we before report since the first
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of the crashes nearly six years ago, boeing has been chopped in half, down 48% the c "the claman countdown" is coming right back. (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. a test or approve a medication. we didn't have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations. and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed our lives.
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liz: fox business alert pulling up but when, two in the third% at this hour rather the company announced it would buy spirit aerosystems in an all stock deal worth $4.7 billion, the move is reuniting of sorts because back in 2005 boeing spun off the kansas and oklahoma operations which later became spirit
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aerosystems, while the deal is providing some hope that but we can get the safety culture back in order and fixed investors have been suffering the aerospace giant is down about 28%. to grady trimble in washington, a new plea deal offered by the d.o.j. over two deadly crashes of the 737 maxtor. >> break this up into two parts starting with the deal which is supposed to close by mid-2025 and as you noted spirit aerosystems is a crucial supplier to boeing and it makes the fuselage for the 737 max and famously or infamously made the door plug that flew off the alaska airlines flight in january because. also works for airbus some of spirit's operations will go to the european playmaker and as part of that deal spirit will actually play airbus within five under $50 million to take over
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manufacturing lines related to its planes, and announcing the merger boeing ceo dave calhoun says this is an opportunity to bring back critical airplane manufacturing work on boeing airplanes into our factories were boeing and spirit engineers and mechanics can work seamlessly together focused on a common mission to build safe and quality airplanes for our customers but here is what the senior senator were state were spirit base has to say. >> it is annoying to me that boeing seems to be suggesting that problems stripped one of the major suppliers, but we needs to get its act together and be the safest manufacturer in the world utilizing the talents and skills that spirit can help them do that. >> here is part two separate but related news, the justice department is giving boeing until the end of this week to plead guilty to conspiracy to defraud charge or the company
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risks going to trial, the plea deal that the justice department proposed over the weekend stems from the 2737 max crashes in 2018 to 2019, the d.o.j. alleges boeing misled faa regulators about the safety of the planes before they crashed, neither boeing or the d.o.j. or commenting on the agreement but the families of the crash victims called it a sweetheart deal, they say the door plug blowout earlier this year is proof that boeing hasn't done enough to improve safety and by the way the mishap took place days before a separate agreement between the d.o.j. and the company that granted immunity from criminal prosecution expired, boeing was almost out of the woods and now they can face criminal charges as a result of the new plea deal. liz: a long way to go in the tuna half% gain might not be all that is counted out to be,
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that's what people are watching, thank you very much we appreciate it. u.s. travelers don't appear to be worried at all about hopping on a boeing plane, experts predict record travel this for the fourth of july holiday the caribbean or maldives or africa to asia, the points guy has tips and tricks for all of your procrastinators after to get the best deal for the lowest price now, brian kelly also has to tell you which amex card you need to toss in the door, back in 2003 seth berkowitz was ready to max out his credit card in order to satisfy a late night craving, the self-described insomnia made something fresh-baked en suite that can be delivered 24 hours a day and so his idea for a 24 hour cookie chain was born, how did he turn his apartment kitchen that he shared with eight roommates into a test kitchen that launched the cookie empire with more than two
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to 65 stores in three countries today, seth berkowitz founder and ceo insomnia cookies turned a lump of cookie dough into a lot of cookie dough in my brand-new episode of everyone talks the lid podcast it just dropped over this weekend apple, google, spotify, iheartradio wherever you get your podcast, the c"the claman countdown" is g back the dow eight points of gains.
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hi, i'm sally. i'm from phoenix, arizona. i'm a flight nurse on a helicopter that specializes in trauma. i've been doing flight nursing for 24 years. i had a fear that i wouldn't be able to keep up. i wanted all the boost i could get! i heard about prevagen from a friend. i read the clinical study on it and it had good reviews. i've been taking prevagen now for five years and it's really helped me stay sharp and present. it's really worked for me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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liz: a fox business alert of roman candle the dow jones industrial turn negative and is now down 43 points after having been higher at 319, 319 points and now we fumbled all of that down 41 a record number of americans plan to skip the local july 4 fireworks, aaa is predicting nearly 71 million of you will take to the roads and skies, 5.74 million travelers are expected to pass through the nation's airports, that would be a brand-new record if you have not booked the fourth of july travel plans, you looking for a last-minute deal to find a different type of fireworks in an exotic locale, first on fox business one of the nations very top travel deal expert the points guy brian kelly, the thinking it's terrible for procrastinators to book at the
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last second, the nearer you get to the travel date the more expensive it gets is that a misnomer or is that true. >> when you're paying for your ticket and cash, that is true the airlines like to fleece the last-minute business travelers but if you're using points i can't express saver levels in the last-minute i was waiting to talk to you pulling up air france this weekend has 50000-mile one-way tickets in business class from new york to paris if you want to catch the taylor swift tour in amsterdam and fly to paris and take a train 50000 points one-way business class, 100,000 if you want to get home once again let's talk about other deals that you have been able to dig up in the last couple minutes, new york city to lax. >> we have domestic deals as well for as low as $263 to
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puerto rico. also you can use your frequent flyer to l.a., that will actually tell you how many miles you can use if you have amex or chase points or bill points, actually showing you on a certain route, also if you're looking for last-minute deals and you want to say the caribbean, google flights doesn't explore future when you go to you can put your home city like chicago, caribbean's or to europe and it will reverse engineer and show you a map of where all of the best deals are and there are quite a bit it deals out there. liz: when you use 22000 points exit to go from new york to l.a. that is a very reasonable deal, jfk to charleston say you want to go south. >> absolutely we see them for $180 for less in charleston is an amazing food city but also they have amazing beaches, don't
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overlook everyone goes to florida but the really beautiful beaches all along the atlantic and puerto rico deals, you don't need a passport, a lot of deals when going to the caribbean in the summer you're taking a risk with storms and i highly recommend especially nonrefundable hotel pay the 7% to get travel insurance because if there is a storm you won't get your money back hotels will not refund you. liz: we have the radar on the screen alive radar of a category 4 hurricane barrel right now it is at the moment making landfall on the grenadine carry alco island, 150-mile sustained winds is there a way you see the way to make sure you can get a refund. >> absolutely the airlines are pretty easy you can cancel your flight and get your credit or they will issue whether waivers meaning you can rebook for later
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especially the small hotels they don't have the money to refund you so you have to get travel insurance especially for gambling and going to hurricane companies during hurricane season, could be as low as 5% of the cost of your trip and as long as the hurricane gets named you can get all of your money back and you're not out any anything. >> there's a big discussion going on at dinner tables lately in which one do you pick the gold american express or the platinum if you want the best points, suddenly people are realizing the platinum is not all that can you kind of call it here on the show which one people should toss in the door. >> when you're looking at rewards cards, perks and points and if you looking for perks, the amex platinum is pretty much the top dog you get into 25 delta lounges and 5x which is
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really rich but most are only earning one point the little sister the amex gold is amongst points and earners in the community we love the gold card it is four points per dollar on dining in u.s. supermarkets which is most of us spend a lot of money on so that can supercharger point strategy, i give the win to amex gold if you want points but if you want perks the platinum is hard to be. liz: what was hard to be going to cairo looking at who i read into brian kelly when i was there last month that is not vegas and the luxor hotel that is a real sphinx amazing trip to cairo. >> i highly recommend hot in the summer, less crowds and egypt is a fascinating place and cairo is not the only destination, nile, river cruises and beach resorts on the red sea, egypt is
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up-and-coming destination for sure. liz: those of you wondering i crawled into the appearance. >> not for me, that's why we showed you, i know you're too tall but we all went we were there for a wedding, good to see you thank you so much, brian kelly fox business alert tesla topping the nasdaq 100 at this hour as investors wait upon the second-quarter deliveries report chinese rivals have already jumped the gun and their numbers have the stocks raising higher, neil top the guidance delivery more than 21000 cars in june wall street expected 19000, that's good for seven and a third% jump, li auto came in line with expectations and it delivered 86000 cars and right now we see li auto up 7% in next paying mixed expectations for
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under 400, it is deliveries of 10688 cars, the stock is jumping 5%, combine the trio delivered 596,000 vehicles in q2 up 47% year-over-year, tesla waldorf that tesla is expected to come in over 400,000 cars delivered during the quarter but is it expected to miss what they had expected the wagons are circling at massimo and a letter of intent the medical device maker coo threatened to resign as activist investor polity capital management takes control of the company enforces ceo and founder out, polity capital which is a 9% stake has sought to get his own kids selected to the company's board siding concerns over board oversight, the selection of directors and the 1 billion-dollar purchase of consumer audio products unit
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sound united in 2022, polity and hates all of it they wanted to control, apparently people on the inside do not want to do that in the stock is down 7.5% and then the prospect. apple which is been involved in a lawsuit with massimo over the wearables and took a hit as far as lawsuits were concerned and rising between half percent, apple got the vibrating maintained today in they reaffirm that price tag at $220 a share at 215 a change. we have been quite one-week high $3138 to 63320, the digital assets research had attributed the early week rally from friday when a district court judge in washington, d.c. dismissed a portion of the security and exchange commission lawsuit against crypto exchange finance regarding the secondary sales of unregistered securities for some tokens, let's check on the
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crypto related stocks, when the sec get smacked down in those rulings the stocks moved higher, that's what's happening, marathon up 14% hot is up 3.6% in block chain up 6% and quite base was up another 6% micro strategy up a third of 8%, bit farm up for naprosyn. political uncertainty, not just an american issue believe it or not, last week's great debate adding to turmoil around the world as it creates new challenges for investors and not just american investors in international investors the father of emerging markets mark mobius is here for some fox business to tell the subject of politics can alter your portfolio and where you should put your money now and why you need to pay attention. anna help? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot
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lakesha: childhood cancer is-- it's a long road. it's hard. but st. jude has gotten us through it. st. jude is hope that you have a chance at life.
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and it goes such a long way for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. it's awesome. [music playing] liz: a fox business alert, all we can log people were talking politics and not just here in the united states, the big
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question to politics have a stronger magnetic poll on the global market now more than ever, take a look at what's happening in france this is france's benchmark index hit a high discussion after the open, closed up 81-point now was a full percentage point that is a lot and it tanked earlier in june on election drama swirling around president macron and marie depends far right party, the boost today coming on the heels of the first round of french parliamentary elections with the far right getting 34% of the vote, not a majority but the got 34% in the left wing got 28.5% in president macron alliance getting 22.5%, the situation in france raises parallel questions here in the u.s. especially in light of last week's presidential debate which president joe biden halting performance marked a flurry of questions and concerns about what happens next in difficult impact not just our market but
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those of our allies and trade partners, let's go to the man who understands the space better than anyone mobius emerging opportunity fund chairman mark mobius who is joining me as we sat on fox business, we see the french elections lifting up european markets today even though there was no definitive answer and then you see what happened this weekend where you had democrats chattering amongst themselves, concerned saying many of them including the new york times and the atlanta constitution saying that biden needs to leave, how to something like this affect the market short-term, long-term? >> it's really amazing to see the parallels between what's happening in europe not only in france but was happening in the u.s. and it seems there is a move to the conservative move of the world and trump's policies against immigration and against
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ukraine were pretty unpopular and it seems like the mood of the populist here and in europe is changing gradually it hasn't changed completely but is changing gradually from a global point of view i would say a stronger president is usually more acceptable once he gets in the power. if trump does when he will probably be somewhat positive in the emerging countries, they will feel that there is more stability and you can probably see the u.s. dollar continues to be strong. it is a very interesting development taking place right now. liz: you say more stability donald trump is called african nations not very nice names but on another side of that joe biden has done things that have not been helpful for certain
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emerging markets, specifically when you look at the developed world, one of the questions during the debate was about nato in donald trump was asked, would you exit nato and he shrugged basically, you think european markets might be extremely concerned and when you look at bringing it back to what happened in france, macron has a pro-growth strategy and who knows if that will continue if marie le pen worst to take control, a lot about people, what is the best tax that investor should take in those types of situations? >> my feeling first of all the euro is a not good shape generally from a point of view, you're better off in the u.s. in the emerging countries like india and the latest numbers for india as a growth rate of over 7% which is amazing, generally
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speaking i would probably steer away from europe not totally but those in europe that have a big holding in the emerging market including india would probably be the ones that you want to favor the otherwise probably very careful i believe the u.s. dollar is going to continue to be strong in your going to see bond prices at these rates very attractive for anybody looking at the u.s. dollar investment and i believe europe is probably a place to avoid at this stage of the game will. liz: let's talk about the bond market globally, saudi arabia has dethroned china as the biggest emerging market issuer of first half of the year selling around 35 billion in deals and if you were advising investors who might want to get in as part of something like that and dip your toe in that kind of international investing, how would you advise that they do that. >> it's very easy to do that, contact the brokers here in the
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uae and abu dhabi and saudi arabia and you combine bonds in the u.s. dollar dominated but to look at the industry it's about 5% not much better than the u.s. treasury coming after us a question why do you want to go there when you can do something in the u.s., i would be somewhat cautious in looking at some of the bond markets overseas when you're getting these incredible rates in the u.s. and is a huge economy and a growing economy and they need money in the staying up late were in the middle east we appreciate it. >> thank you, it's a pleasure.
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a soft purr at this hour after the mean stop champion gets accused a pump and dump over gamestop shares, charlie gasparino has the details on the legal action, what is behind it, substance, et cetera, charlie will break it next on "the claman countdown". ave you lived here? and how are the restaurants around here? are they good, bad, meh? (luke) marci, we've gotta go. (marci) i'm sorry. (luke) we've got seventeen thousand more parks to visit. . . ♪ when the sawdust settles and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is a job well done. ♪ but when you get your tools from harbor freight
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something about the job feels a little different - your wallet. because we believe no matter what you're working on you need high quality tools at a great price. and that's what we're all about. ♪ whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪
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liz: we're, we're speechless because charlie suswalked on the set. before we get to him you got to look at the nasdaq. the nasdaq is now in record territory gaining 136 points. it needs 126 to make a new record. it is obviously right there, first day of july, which is always known as a very strong month of the year. in fact the strongest for the s&p and the dow. but look at the nasdaq. we'll see what happens. db, zscaler, apple. shares of chewy down 6.8%, getting to the low of the session. surging initially keith gill, aka roaring kitty, disclosed a 6% stake in the pet supply company. if you go by friday's closing price of chu which, that is 245 million-dollar in a shingle
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stock. a class-action lawsuit has been filed against gill in his role alleged pump and dump scheme with game stock which sparked the meme frenzy of 2021. charlie gasparino is here looking at the lawsuit. >> it is interesting. i generally don't care about class-action lawsuits because they're a dime a dozen. they always get filed for a lot of reasons but here is what this lawsuit says, you can, i mean, mr. gill has got, should have his side. i'm sure we'll put a call into him, see if we get what he has to say. according to the lawsuit gill quietly sold or exercised all of his 120 call options for a large profit. he revealed he has dumped all the call options on june 13th. as you recall first he came in, you started, you know, i don't know if you could say he touted it. he posted a photo of meme him rocking and shares of gamestop. liz: it was the meme of a guy about to get on to his computer,
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getting ready to make a move. >> maybe he is looking at porn hub. who knows. it is a male, right? you don't know. men are sick, i tell my niece this all the time. stay away from them. i'm telling you. that happens. and then couple other things happen and then he sells. okay, now this confluence equal concurrence? is that the -- liz: came out on youtube. he had a big event on youtube, he talked about an hour. he explained everything he had done. he had posted his trades. so why isn't he allowed to sell them after he posted them? >> he is allowed to do that. liz: so class-action lawsuit? >> i just don't see it. you know what i'm saying. >> a dime a dozen. >> you see, i think what is also interesting about him he has now become like keith gill is in the market. remember the old days, i remember covering wall street, i covered it for a long time, we used to hear something is
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trading well, buffett's in the market. liz: that's right, exactly. >> now it is keith gill. the kitty is in the market. liz: roaring kitty. not having a is salubrious on po or chewy. >> people trying to figure out how you get all that money. that is multi-hundred million dollar stake. he lives in massachusetts. if he told his initial investment in gamestop, that went up, held it, paid the tax rate in massachusetts after selling. liz: maybe he made a lot of money on nvidia for the last three years since he has been silent. >> in bitcoin? liz: i put a big legal disclaimer at the end of his trade on youtube. >> remember ryan cohen was in bed, bath & beyond. he was in it, was on the board, one day he sold it, left the board. probably made a profit because the stock went up when he was
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there. no charges. market manipulation is very difficult. anyway, my guess the sec is looking at this. they will probably walk away empty-handed. liz: charlie, thank you very much. >> meow. liz: you heard the expression, hot girl summer? we're coining a new expression on the claman countdown. cool consumer summer. inflation is increasingly eating away at discretionary spending you know that. with the fed's edict not cutting rates anytime soon, it becomes somewhat of a troubling picture for shoppers. not troubling but they're starting to get smart around very, very specific. one stock however could do particularly well short term as investors look for better deals. that is amazon. "motley fool" senior analyst, shelby mcfaden says so. she joins me with her take on the stock. we know amazon has good prices but so does walmart? >> there are a few different
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reasons we like amazon and why we think it is a high quality name across our portfolio and of course a big part of investment thesis hinges on the success of aws. they do have that sort of ground valuation there. they have a massive marketplace for consumers w prime day coming up we'll have the opportunity to see just how much consumers are trading down, what sort of deals they're looking for and what sort of products and categories they're looking for deals on. is it the jump to say i want a new appliance and or looking staple time items, let's look at the opportunity to stock our homes. either way they get protection from the cycle. liz: amazon up 52% over the last year. amazon has a lot of its own product, amazon basics. you start to think about another option, which are the stocks, shelby, which are private label companies that make the private labels. you have costco that has
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kirkland. or fans -- organicses at kroger, target rather. there are opportunities you could have a private label chance to make some money here and they are better deals as well. are you looking at any of that? >> we're not looking specifically at either the companies themselves that sort of do the white label production. we do realize that there are advantages at places like costco, another major retailer in the united states known for the sort of value it produces because of its white label capabilities. white label tradedown is a real phenomenon. it is getting underway. [closing bell rings] liz: there it goes. shelby mcfaden. first day of july, first day of the second half. nasdaq sets the 21st record of the year. we'll see you tomorrow. david: hello, everyone, welcome to a special edition of "kudlow." i'm david asman in for larry


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