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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  July 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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y won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. thank you all for washing this special edition of kudlow. larry is going to be back tomorrow but first up, liz mcdonald is up next. have a wonderful july 4. >> you, too. we are going to get to the landmark supreme court ruling giving president trump they went on legal prosecution.
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you details coming in on justice clarence thomas going after special counsel jack smith but first, breaking his. former georgia congressman douglas collins, former ranking member house judiciary. this is probably the worst scandal in modern u.s. history. biden's deterioration and decline. it sounds like a desperate hail mary move. the biden white house and dnc trying to stop and block all democrat calls to replace biden on the ticket after the scene in the debate debacle. they're talking about moving up nominating biden as early as july 21 instead of august convention. do you think that will work? >> the thing is they had to move it up but the donut on the seventh because they must've scheduling too late to get on the ohio ballot.
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lead up to july 21 doesn't surprise me, they need to put a bandage on this problem because right now everybody is wanting them off and his family and he dug in and he is the key to anything, he have to let the ballot go. he's not going to so i think they're trying to do anything they can to put that to rest so they can get on trying to do a repair over the disaster last thursday night. >> his condition is not getting better, he's getting worse so what you make of axios reporting biden, jill biden, his family and inner circle did cover-up biden's deterioration now blaming campaign staffers, blaming cnn moderators, even biden's makeup artist but not biden himself. what you make of first lady jill biden, hunter biden saying biden do not drop out, democrats donors want him to, they say
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statement, why are they urging them? why is hunter biden urging that? >> i think it's more embarrassment. he could have been the democratic party in december when everybody knew this was happening. something that was last thursday night, we knew he wouldn't be able to handle it but instead of that, before the primaries when they could have nominated someone else he chose to run. now for him to back that would be the ultimate disgrace. nothing else would be known, the only think they were talk about was how the disaster of the debate and he had to leave because he was not mentally fit for the job which the special counsel in the d.o.j. said he was incompetent. this is bad enough so they are trying to hold on to what they believe is any shred of decency if he loses in november, he loses but if he quits now, only thing people will remember him for presents a disaster policies
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is the fact he quit. >> he's talking about preserving joe biden's legacy, he should stay and to preserve his legacy and staying in power. nicholas kristof columnist said i hope joe biden is thinking about the nation's interest. new york times editorial board new yorker magazine saying he should drop out. cbs all after the debate 72% say he's unfit to serve up from 65%. 81% of hispanics more than seven out of ten women voters think he's unfit to serve. how do you win an election with seven to eight out of ten don't think you are fit to serve? >> in a typical year you don't put the same pulling you see head-to-head matchup. this shows the democratic party. for the elitists newspapers and magazines, i said this before,
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the day the democratic party can't forget because they may keep joe biden on the ticket and they want to keep it for september and october, they will come back in 30 seconds soundbites and commercials in text messages to remind people what happened thursday night. they are desperate to stay in power and reaching for anything that works. the problem i have and i think what most of america has is they are too late. they knew this was happening and kept people away and wouldn't let him answer questions and now they have to deal with it in real time so i have no sympathy. >> they said biden had a cold. does a common cold cause you to make incoherent statements? someone set on twitter it's not so much a campaign imploding, it's a scam unraveling before our eyes. get back to the first lady and biden's white house circle covering up even from other white house aides how biden has deteriorated. that's what axios is reporting.
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democrats donors have said he had to use the teleprompter fundraiser saying he's visibly unwell. he used the turn the idea three dozen times in the debate. whatever it is, it doesn't get better with age. this news, biden only works hours a day from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. what about 3:00 in the morning phone call hillary clinton learned about for emergency? >> you will have to take a message and get somebody to get back. this is the problem we've seen, if they kept him away, they just tried to hope it would get better for someone who's dealt with vote issues of age, dealt with it through life and family members, you saw the evidence the other night he got agitated, he started using cuss words you don't normally here in a
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presidential debate, nobody's talked about that because he is getting frustrated he couldn't express himself the way he wanted to express himself and i think that is something that sums it up for me, they kept them away for so long he didn't know how to react when they could see it with no filter and if you have a cold not feeling well, you take people to a waffle house? no. i don't think so. >> cold spreader. thank you for coming on the show. great to have you on. welcome to the show, federal prosecutor katie cherkasky, great to have you on. what is your reaction when they gave trump a win, he does have immunity for official acts, at least presumptive immunity for core constitutional ask kicking it back to lower court? is there any chance they will do this trial before election? >> absolutely will not go to
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trial before the election for the sole reason that once the case is back down to the trial court for determination of what is an official or unofficial act if the court determines something is unofficial and prosecutable, it's an issue appealable before trials of the case with then go back to the public courts before could go back down to the trial level so it's unrealistic if not impossible. >> the supreme court ruled the president has no immunity for unofficial act. he's not above the law, is this the debate that pushed state officials, electors and 2020 election, or those official acts since trump was president until noon, january 20? >> the court did not find anything was an unofficial act. they did find certain discussions with the attorney general and d.o.j. employees
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were official acts but everything else is up for further fact-finding analysis so we don't know for sure and there arguments both way life that may or may not fall within the executive duties and that's why the case has to have the factual record before it can be reviewed on appeal. >> what's interesting when you read through, the court pushed back against lower courts for rushing it through non- holding hearings on the significant constitutional issues here. justice clarence thomas took a shot at jack smith's entire office basically saying jack smith's office is not legal, not constitutional not authorized by the american people to do this, it's difficult to see how jack smith has an office established by law required by the constitution. thus justice clarence taking a shot at jack smith.
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>> jack smith's timetable has been artificial, all about getting it and before the election and overridden concerns with the constitutionality with this process and justice thomas makes good points about the constitutional questions that surround the idea of special counsel and authority they have which is a collateral issue but the idea that this has been rushed on the timetable is no secret. >> evidentiary hearings, jack smith will have to go back to lower court, this could go away if trump wins and says can't get rid of the entire case? >> absolutely and as the supreme court said in their opinion the executive has authority over the department of justice and overall investigation and prosecution's so we would expect to go away if elected. >> get some rest, you're working hard today on this. see you soon.
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we have a hot show tonight. jampacked newshour. congressman andy biggs from house oversight. lieutenant general keith kellogg and guy lewis, breitbart political editor. american majority ceo ned ryun. we are taking in deeper into the report that joe and jill biden basically used their homes as atms for theft cash with nearly three dozen refinancing and home equity credit lines for the y year, 35 of them. this debate. who could make the payments on this? could any of the cash lawmakers say hunter biden made overseas selling access to joe biden and the government, could that have been used here? new details in the biden white house accused of being out of touch on inflation hitting u.s. voters and the white house is media attacking reporters for
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covering up, reporting on biden's deterioration but a new "wall street journal" report. deeply concerned about this for months and staying on the ruling of the supreme court and the impact on the cases against former president trump. the biden white house reportedly launching a massive media blitz to stop democrat calls to get them to follow. bob woodward disclaims biden's debate debacle as a political hydrogen bomb for biden and the democrat party. everything on "the evening edit". stay right there. ♪
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet.
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and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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look who's back with us, ceo american majority, ned ryun, good to have you back on. let's get your reaction to this news, the white house biden plan to do a media blitz to keep biden on the ballot stop was likely the worst scandal in modern u.s. history, the white house, democrat party and media complicit covered up for president and serious physical and mental decline. attacking reporters covering what's going on cheap fake video.
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was it fake video? the mark of course not. this is a big lie pushed by or republican us in democrat party and biden white house, those of us with eyes that have common sense and have known this for years that joe biden has been in physical and cognitive decline and i think the thing that makes them the angriest is the fact that they can no longer hide the light. 51 million people watching the debate thursday night seeing with their own eyes someone who's clearly in cognitive decline, the gig is up but instead of saying we realize the game is over, they are taking in. the biden has made it clear, they are not going anywhere you see report from bloomberg today that the dnc is thinking of pushing of the nominating process for biden to july 21, a full month before the august dnc and chicago. the biden's are determined joe biden will still be the nominee. >> media getting criticized for not report from the beginning
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saying biden was sharp as a tack answering the preapproved question, they handpicked for him to call on press conference. the national review says if you're willing to lie about the president not being senile when everyone see it, you're willing to lie about anything to advance your political go. >> the gig is up for the corporate propaganda who tried to present themselves as fair and balanced when any of us know they are there to push and amplify approved narrative just because it suits their purposes but the american people are starting to wake up when they see with their own eyes thursday night spent a life. the most interesting part thursday night most people will forget what was said. i think the biggest starkest contrast in the biggest thing that took place was the split screen in which he saw trump fully in control versus biden
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with his mouth half open looking around completely dazed and i think that was the biggest impression people came away and saw with their own eyes he's not well, he's no way in any way, shape or form able to run this country. >> what is it going to be like in four years of reelected? let's take a listen to what is being said now. >> you know joe, he loves trains but apparently not -- somebody thought he left the stove on the 50000 new jobs. we finally be medicare. there's a lot of women to be raped by their in-laws, by their spouses, brothers and sisters. >> you answered every question. >> the white house's response every single time is, for three and half years has been to deflect, gaslight, not tell the truth and is not any good. voters who say biden has mental health to be president, 35%,
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look were instructed to now post debate. 27%. how about he should be running for president? 37% pre-debate and now 28%. i've never seen numbers this bad for an incumbent president during my lifetime. >> we are having a serious conversation what to do whether he is the candidate or someone else is the candidate, he's going to be the keynote eager. >> jamie raskin, he can be the keynote figure. let's stay on this, biden is held as you've noted, the newest solo press conferences of any the late 1980s. we got several wars, border crisis, he's not doing that. what you think of free press saying this is a catastrophe for the class of experts, journalists the independents who have since 2020 insisted biden was sharp as a tack on top of his game, anyone who reported
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the truth were attack is engaging and disinformation, misinformation, fakeness, what you think about? >> i would agree it was intentional, they knew this. people with their own eyes and common sense could see this person was in decline years ago get they still pushed it for their own purposes. for their own control, their own desire to have power and that is what you see layout, it's extremely fast and a disservice to the american people. pushing joe biden as the nominee is not for the good of the country and not good for the democrat party but it's good for those who want to retain our whether it's joe biden, whether it be obama, whether it be the administrative state actors doing the governing of this country, they are pushing him for their own purposes if not the good of the country and that's the crest part. >> when you look at this context, this is why democrats have been biting so hard to covered up and stop the release of the audio shall counsel
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robert hur questioning biden and trump the classified documents case because he's an elderly male with poor memory. what you make of lawmakers doing 80 college to get that tape because they say the tapes will show the situation is even more dire than realized? >> i applaud them, i think it will confirm what a lot of us saw thursday night, serious cognitive decline. he's not able to be the president of the united states and will only confirm what we already know. >> thanks for joining us, appreciate you. still ahead, the reporter who started it all in first broke the news at the new york post to the world about hunter biden's laptop and joe biden's involvement in his family's overseas deals. breitbart political editor, joe morris joins us. we are digging deeper into the report that joe and joe biden used their delaware homes as an
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atm for cash with nearly three dozen refinancing and credit lines. sparking the debate, could this have any links to the families dealmaking is over the seas? andy biggs in house judiciary joins us, president biden faces new criticism over mishandling of u.s. economy. we got that all coming up on "the evening edit". we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ the prettiest tree, ♪ ♪ that you ever did see... ♪ ♪ now the tree has roots that need water to grow ♪ ♪ grow jobs, grow skills ♪ ♪ make the whole world go. ♪ ♪ make the green grass grow all around all around. ♪ ♪ make the green grass grow all around. ♪ at jpmorganchase,
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welcome back, president biden facing renewed criticism over his handling of u.s. economy after his debacle debate performance. as close as advisors in the spotlight and when it comes to who exactly is driving white house policies, edward lawrence at the white house with more. >> president joe biden desperate to turn the page from the debate and talk about the administration's economic wins. the administration only want to talk about those wins. janet yellen highlighted on the
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employment rate at 404% but brushing over the fact that overall prices are up 19% since president biden came into office, secretary yellen in a recent interview said she did not feel sticker shock when she goes to the grocery store. that claims she's out of touch and democrats say policies will propel president biden into the election regardless of his age or the debate performance. >> take a look at what was left when i became president, what mr. trump left me. we had an economy freefall, pandemic so badly handled many people were dying. >> patient of the facts like the line from the president he was handed an economy in decline. the congress and former president trump supporters pushed back. >> up until january of 2021. inflation rates 12.2%, 1.2%, 1.4%. does that sound like he handled the economy with exploding inflation? the most amazing thing is he
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handled the economy was 1.4% inflation biden and 18 months. i don't know how he did it so quickly, inflation rate 1.49.1%. >> we will hear from the president in public speech today, he will be on his way from camp david back to the white house. reports say over the weekend his family told him to continue to fight towards the election. >> thank you so much. look who's here, let's welcome back to the show from house oversight, congressman andy biggs, pleasure having you on again so your reaction to this report? we saw the average wages after inflation down 5% to 8% over the last five years but house prices are up nearly 60% over the past five years. this is tough stuff. >> it is and you can guess like the american people tell how wonderful it is but if you are living in the real world, you know when you go to the grocery
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store and i go with my wife, prices are up. it's tougher. in arizona people like to get out where it's cooler, they are doing state vacations because he can't take a real vacation. people know it at the pump and it's down from 450 to 380 but people are still getting this and that's where bill clinton was right, ronald reagan was right, always about the economy. that is the success or failure of a presidential admini administration. >> a new pool of 1500 latino voters in seven battleground states, more than four out of ten hispanic voters trust trump on the border more than biden. biden is at 38%. they say the top issue is inflation, we should say 36 million u.s. latinos are eligible to vote in this year's election, what you say to that? >> i think when you talk to
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legal residents and u.s. citizens, naturalized to latin american countries, they understand the pressure, rampant insecurity on the border causes this in a nation. they understand the micro sense how does it affect their micro economies, is a hard to get jobs and maintain jobs? they know the answer is yes. it is harder to have safety and peace in communities? the answer is yes so they know what's happening. are you keeping drugs out of the community? this administration is not. they see it and feel it just like the economy. >> former president trump campaigning on cutting taxes saying no taxes on tips, that will help millions of workers. interested again listening to the president of el salvador on what they are getting for when they pay taxes and government. this into what he said in february.
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>> the real problem is you pay high taxes only to uphold that you are ending the government what you are not. [applause] is true, the government is funded by printing. paper backed with paper. a bubble that will inevitably burst. most americans and the rest of the world were to become aware of this, currency would be lost. western civilization with it. >> scary stuff and your reaction to that in the light of what washington post is reporting government watchdog saying something like 6%, less than 10% of federal workers work full-time at the desk job in their offices.
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one out of three work from home fully remote, they've got big government buildings in d.c. less than 10% of the office space used when taxpayers spend like 7 billion on the every y year. >> is exactly right. that's what's driving the inflation is the fact that we spend money, we don't -- we have currency and just printing money not paying the full amount, structural deficit of trillions of dollars every year which will lower inflation and devalues currency and puts us in jeo jeopardy. the other issue is what is the federal bureaucracy doing press? multiple hearings trying to get people to go back to work even the mayor of d.c. says she wants people to come back to the office. we have millions of square footage of office base that's sitting vacant so the government
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is so massive and big my colleagues, we need to get in and cut these agencies but until we do that, it is a scary thing. >> great to have you on the show, appreciate you so much. now a great segment, let's welcome to the show breitbart political editor, joe morris, the hunter biden laptop story testified to congress about that. great to have you on the story out of the daily mail that joe and joe biden took $6 million out of their home and they say based on records and loans it including three dozen credit lines, could be hunter biden helping out joe paying back these loans?
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we know it is speculation but we are still trying to duck and how he's getting his cut. >> it begs the question you must wonder how he's getting all this money from the bank when he's a public servant. it's like 170,000 a year or something like that. i don't know about you but $4 million mortgage for that salary so obviously that is the question. you have a text message from hunter to his daughter when he's explaining, brooding to her saying on like pop, i will make you give me half your salary. that was weird but then you have all kinds of receipts on the laptop four hunter biden and all sorts of things, home repairs and joe biden's home and own bills and covering various expenses.
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i was going through old reporting trying to figure out is there a link we missed not realizing honestly joe biden is a source of income for him. the new york post from 2022 that he's reporting on an e-mail the presidential partner the company that was in charge of the cfc, 10% for the big guy and burisma deal so the president of rosemont, a partner of hunters and e-mails hunter saying in july of 2010 saying i got first line, i just got off the phone with her father and we were discussing the mortgage. >> why would they be talking about the mortgage? >> that's it. it's impossible to know because i wasn't on that phone call. joe biden has been exactly zero effort to draw any boundaries whatsoever between him and his son and his sons business. eric has testified to house investigators that he was giving
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free financial advice to joe biden. this is the president of rosemont is giving financial advice to the ccp. it is all to close and questions like this where it's how he's getting the mortgages, signing on the mortgages, what is joe biden's salary actually or whose salary is it the bank feels comfortable lending the money to? >> we did call house oversight at this time, the hunter biden laptop was used as evidence by hunter biden's gun trial. when you look at your reporting between the finances and hunter biden as well. >> joe biden will say and critics of you and me and reporting will say hunter biden, joe biden is the office today
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but clearly there is a there there because there is zero distinction between hunter and joe. democratic primary and top advisor according to the entanglements. >> you are terrific. her great reporting. good stuff. still ahead, scott perry from house foreign affairs along with former national security advisor vice president pence retired lieutenant general keith kellogg. "wall street journal" editor financial times both report european diplomats were alarmed about biden's deterioration and declined even before the cnn debate debacle. first, let's check in with dagen and sean. what's coming up next hour? >> we have a great showing coming up.
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the president have community for official ask, what does that mean moving forward? ask about that as well as the disastrous debate performance last thursday and what impact it will have on the polls moving forward. lee carter will join us. >> joe does not go. he stays in the driver seat but who has their hands on the wheel? we know where deal is at least right now, she's on the cover of vogue magazine. a $5000 ralph lauren dress. so much for working men and women out of touch. what about tomorrow? we talk top of the hour. ♪
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soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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joining us, congressman scott perry from house foreign affairs along with former national security advisor vice president michael pence, retired due to the journal keith kellogg. thank you so much for being with us tonight. let's take a deal first, general. several u.s. military bases across europe are heightened state of alert, fears of terror attack, what you make of this, general? >> thanks for having me tonight. this is not unusual when you
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look at what's happening in the region, he got to wars, one of the middle east and one in ukraine and russia. the start of the paris olympics in a couple of weeks. a lot of things happening. a target rich environment and they put a level of charlie which means an attack is likely instead of going to delta which is the highest meaning that the attack is imminent. this is the highest in ten years and when you look at throughout europe, host country, the french, italians, they have visible security requirements to protect those what you get on, it's u.s. protection but a target rich environment and you see isis k with russia so i think the americans should be very concerned. i think they are ready and this is an unusual. years ago we had the faction, just a unsettled time and it puts a premium on decision-making in the united
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states. >> we are going to move onto this as well. let's listen to reporters pushing back, president biden falsely claiming the cnn debate, no u.s. troops died on his watchmen 16 died, 13 out of afghanistan and three of the four with syria. >> three u.s. troops died in jordan this year and more afghanistan, how can the president say not have died during his administration? >> the campaign about specifics and fact checking. >> the fact checking? the press secretary on this, goldstar families are devastated outraged he's falsely made this claim. they say biden never called them. biden is on fire anybody over afghanistan but wants to fire people because he has dementia allegedly and made the decision to do a debate anyway? ben shapiro is pointing that o
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out. >> thank you for having me on, thanks for your service. service members all around the world no we fall short of the grace of god and make mistakes. this is an egregious mistake but to just throw it off to somebody else and say you talk to the campaign about it, the facts are the facts. american service members lost their lives because presidents decision-making and poor judgment, just own it but at least be remorseful. there are families without loved ones who died in uniform and to act like it didn't occur and you can send it to somebody else like it didn't happen, it's outrageous. insult upon entry. i can't imagine a president e ever, especially, i can't imagine a president saying such a thing or anybody on behalf of the president especially when he's out there acting as though he's been the strongest president ever most in support
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of military and military families. it is unbelievable. >> this story from the "wall street journal" president biden was essentially unable to function at the g7. he was the only leader to not go to the office script meeting with each other plus the eu u.s. summit antony blinken had to help biden read his own talking points. financial times reported biden and the meeting with the eu leader earlier this year with the same anecdote he started the meeting with. when they heard biden repeat himself, everyone heart sank. your reaction to this? >> there is a syndrome son down syndrome which they have diminished capacity and you see this right now. it should be concerning to americans is happening to the most powerful man in the world, president of the united states because that means that list decision-making ability as you go deeper into the night and when something that happens to
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the world that's bad it generally happens around 3:00 in the morning, not during normal waking hours and that happened to me in the national security team went numerous times we had to wake up the president and vice president and say mr. president, this is what's happening and we need quick decisions. >> but what he was saying, the president only works 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. >> the world doesn't stop all the other times and the general said bad things often happen when you are sleep and the rest of the world is necessarily on washington d.c. time. one of those diplomats called what's happening to the president of the united states unmitigated disaster. when we see our adversaries seeing it, weakness is provocative, it's making our country less safe and feeds into the fact that the military bases overseas increased awareness
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status, people don't feel safe around the world and our allies don't feel safe knowing this president has these problems and is not prepared. >> thank you for joining us tonight. a great discussion. former u.s. attorney guy who was saying on the news of the supreme court today, the landmark ruling giving president trump a victory in the 2020 c case. how it hits all of trump cases and what it means for trump, prosecutors, special counsel, jack smith as well. we are taking it on next on "the evening edit". we'll be right back. ♪
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look who's back with us, former u.s. attorney guy who was. what was your reaction when you heard the supreme court gave trump a win today ruling presidents do have immunity for official acts? he's entitled to at least presumptive community from prosecution. >> a win for the constitution. this case is bush the core or any other president is there. the position, the decisions that
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person has immunity constitutional immunity. merrick garland has it. i had it when i was a federal prosecutor. jack smith has it. you're telling me the president of the united states -- immunity is prosecutor has? come on. it's a good decision and consistent with the law. >> it's official acts, right? sort of like presumed guilty, presumed to have this presidential immunity for official action. it's the push about state electors, i know this is controversial finding in georgia push back against the narrative, how does this square with what the supreme court ruled today? >> that's a great question. i think the president of the
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united states has certain functions that make it appropriate for him to make sure elections are held freely and fairly. when you add that to today's decision with the decision a couple of days ago regarding conspiracy statute i think all three of these cases are, the january 6 case against trump. that's gone. i believe the georgia case is gone. the florida classified documents cases. all these cases i think are on life support as we speak. >> the criticism was the classified documents case moving deliberative lee to make sure she's getting the right decision at the trump case lowercase rusted through without any hearings about presidential immunity. do you see the contradiction
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inside was going on? >> i've got to tell you. i am normally supportive of prosecutors. born and raised in the d.o.j. and i like to support them what i can but when jack smith is arguing for accelerated review rushing this as fast as he possibly can, something is not right. when you look at it, it begins to look political and you cannot put politics and prosecution together. it's a recipe for disaster. >> it sure is. thanks for joining us. please be with us tomorrow. we got kevin o'leary, miranda the biden. i am elizabeth macdonald, thanks for watching "the evening edit". now time for my dear friends to take it away. >> thanks. ♪


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