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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 2, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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now it's impossible to move passes for the biden campaign
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because they were such a public display of the generation on the president part you can't shove it back inside the box. >> guy involved to talk about the power of the presidency, he's abused those powers every step of the way so i don't care what he has to say. >> the chances of judge merchan mershon and his flareups granting and throwing away in your conviction are about as strong as chances to make it into the nba. >> we stand because there are 1500 stop, a whole host of areas not only are participating for getting trash. >> i'm loving watching this implosion on the west. i'm enjoying it and i want to get my popcorn out and watch it because this is their own ma making. ♪
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>> i'm singing along. david bowie, we take a look at the city scape on a beautiful day this july 2, tuesday morning 11:00 a.m. on the east coast. thanks for joining us. let's take a look at these markets, turns positive. they're down since the opening bell so we are slowly changing momentum. we did hear from jerome powell earlier during a policy panel in portugal, policymakers have quite a bit of progress fighting inflation but he needs to see more evidence before starting to reduce interest. april and may's reports show price pressures are fading.
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so more of the same basically. let's look at big tech names, an hour and a half and big tech names mostly higher. apple up one in the third period amazon moving higher. the only fly there, meta down just slightly. let's look at the ten year treasury yield come down a little bit three basis points of 4..3%. let's get right to the election. pushing president biden to step aside. madeline rivera is at the white house. who are possible replacements? >> good morning. there are several people democrats reportedly consider to replace president biden if he does drop out. vice president kamala harris is the most likely and obvious replacement because you have access to the campaigns buns and infrastructure. other names loaded whitmer,
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government gavin newsom and westmore and candy bashir pretty no top democrats have publicly called for the president to leave the race partly because of fears that they would be seen as trying to take the shot according to politico. she's behind the president saying i'm proud to support joe biden as our nominee and i am behind him one 100% in the fight to keep donald trump. the biden team is trying to calm fears and touting fundraising numbers. they raise $127 million in june, the best month of the cycle. $30 million after the debate and they see this as a sign of the president viability despite the account from journalists who spoke into the president's allies. >> what song, the joe biden we saw is not a one off.
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there have been 15, 20 occasions in the last year end a half when the president has appeared somewhat as he did in the horror show we witnessed. >> and democrats want to replace president biden, the window of time is closing because the rollcall to formally nominate the president is happening before it begins august 19. >> the biden team is considering joe biden able to curb. brian brenberg joins me this morning, we also the debate so my question is, is there any amount town halls to relieve these concerns? >> joe biden at the town hall and didn't do a lot of press
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conferences before this, it's because he can't do them so how exactly is doing the thing he can't do going to help them prove to people he can do the thing he can't do? it's not going to work. he didn't have a bad night at the debate. he had a bible night. that's what he does normally so if they keep doing that, america is going to keep seeing the same thing. they need a new plan. >> cats out of the bag joe biden briefings careful because he's not a pleasant person to be around when he's being briefed. people are scared of him. it goes on to say he only listens to a top few days, the president apparently is being given with cherry picked truth that will make him mad. what is a disaster.
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>> maybe that's why he's so unpleasant to be around, why he gets mad but this whole thing clearly defective the whole process is broken and we watched pieces fall apart on television on thursday. thank think the question -- they don't know how to do this, how you move out? you can't keep them in, but not capable of this job, they don't have an answer for that so all these stories are just ways to plant the seeds to somehow see if they can finally get him to say i give up. >> i'm not so sure about that, he's got a big ego but i want your thoughts on this. vice president kamala harris getting roasted for cringe worthy cameo of the bet awards. >> madame vp harris, i'm worried about the elections.
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>> women's reproductive rights on the line, our basic items are being tested. i know you've been traveling cross country, what are you hearing? >> i'm out here in the streets and let me tell you, you're right. there's so much at stake in this moment. the majority of us believe in freedom and equality. >> they not. >> it is really cringe worthy trying to relate to voters, is anyone buying back? >> that looks like a set up like what you would do to somebody if you don't like them and want to make them look bad. for kamala, she's so desperate to find elaine, some way to relate to people but every time she tries to do something, she goes too far 20 watching you say please don't -- hey girl. hey girl.
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is that working for you? it's sad. i watched the end it would only be sad if she was just a regular person but the fact that she worked to be president to me makes it scary. >> i'm right there with you. thank you so much for being here and we will catch you 1:00 p.m. eastern not far from now on the big money show right here on foxbusiness. thank you as always. let's look at the markets, mike murphy joins us today. we are talking about this earlier, we heard dan say the nasdaq he school search 15% in the half of this year driven by ai. is that just a little too bullish? >> great to see you. it is interesting, it could get there. we are not going to get there in a straight line though. it is the message i might give people watching from home, you're going to see callbacks in
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the market along the way to a higher close of the year so plus 14% for the first half roughly in the s&p. i think we could see another double-digit return for the second half of the year but is not going to be a straight line so don't make the mistake of panicking and going to cash when we do have a week day or month in the market. that's what happens along the way but right now you have big tech driving us, artificial intelligence is a big part of that, i think a lot more to the story so stick to what has been working along the way and don't get panic out by any weakness. >> we had a report today, 8.14 million jobs open in may. what does that tell you about the job markets, still tight x. >> the message we are getting is one the market really likes and seen inflation come under control of the job market settle in a little bit but it's not getting really bad where is what
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you would call a soft landing, not something worse for the markets so right now it's giving the fed leeway to cut rates this year and it's also telling you one or two great cuts on top of the current economic environment could jumpstart the economy and pushed the market even that much higher. >> it would be interesting to see if that happens. thank you very much. you're here martha four hours so we appreciate that. you are taking a look at apple, what's going on? >> the city did some stock checks in china and since there is a big shopping of the, china of 20% year-over-year so positive because the market has been slower. apple shares up at 220 right n now. moderna, this has been all over the place now down by half of
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percent. government awarded 176 million to advance the development of bird flu vaccine, there is concern of multistate outbreak and infections of three dairy workers. trump media donald trump announced 105 million human the proceeds from a warrant exercise and over 3,150,000,000 in cash on their balance sheet and no debt. those shares down 1.4%. >> coming up, arise in cases fever spread by mosquitoes. doctor marty makary will tell us about the symptoms we should look out for. the judge dealing a blow to the biden administration's climate agenda after more than 20 states fought back so what happens now? was virginia attorney general patrick morrissey and supreme court hanging in a partial
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victory, now looking to set aside the conviction in his new york criminal case and get sentencing. he said opposed but has no merit. full report next. ♪
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we have this news coming in, lloyd austin says the biden administration will announce an additional $2.3 billion in aid for ukraine as soon as today. the weapons package will include air defense interceptors, antitank weapons and ammunition
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and it will help the u.s. build back up its own military stockpiles. that news just coming in. the trump team sent a letter to the judge asking for permission to file a motion to set aside the conviction and delay the sentencing in light of the supreme court's decision yesterday. lydia hu joins me now. you got some breaking news on this. >> we sure do. we're just getting a response in from the district attorney's office and ask they are going to agreed to postpone the sentencing and allow the defendant's attorneys from the former president brief this issue on immunity so that sentencing would otherwise have happened july 11 just next week but now it appears it could be very well stoned until later this month or even the following weeks beyond that. they are asking for a deadline, the prosecutors july 24th to
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respond to whatever briefing trump attorneys will file so as you recall trump was convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records in the case and getting a better understanding from the attorneys for trump, what evidence is problematic that came into the trial. on the supreme court's decision from yesterday we know trump would have community for official acts in office but also justices outlined any evidence that would have involved could not be used by prosecutors even if they were to prove unofficial acts. the problematics trump attorneys sang social media posts shown to the jury during the terms first term and records during his term as well as testimonies from white house aides and his former take from legal experts former acting attorney general matthew whitaker. >> judge roberts did say in the
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bucket of core functions and it cannot brought in as evidence so it is an appropriate exercise judicial restraint to go through each piece of evidence and determine which bucket it falls and for presidential action. >> as you develop to judge merchan, he moved forward with the sentencing. we should know soon when he ways and. special counsel jack smith's case election interference matter being returned to the d.c. trial court to determine which if any of the four federal counts charge lullabies official acts and immune from prose prosecution. while president biden reacted yesterday, he's saying the decision means there are virtually no limits on what the president can do. former president donald trump celebrating and legal experts are saying recent supreme court decisions up yesterday and last
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week throwing roadblocks in front of jack smith's case against trump an election interference case also likely to be delayed until after the election in november. >> fascinating stuff. thank you very much for late breaking developments. joining us now, former u.s. attorney guy lewis. let me ask you this, in the new york case from before trump's time as president, does yesterday's decision apply to that? >> great question, good morning. in some respects they do. of course this will be part of the intense and probably expensive briefing and does no one any good except the political operatives, bragg himself to rush this thing in
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the very important decision yesterday from the supreme co court, everyone needs to study it. the reasons courts send it back down to the lower courts because the record had not been sufficiently developed in a lot of ways so this should not be a rush to the courtroom. this needs to be put off. the lawyers need to stay, papers filed and the judge needs to be careful and cautious. >> next one, democrats as we've heard in the last 24 hours are raging against this ruling from the supreme court going to reprimand high court for their decision. will this go anywhere? what can they do? >> i think it will go nowhere. file impeachment articles and
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constituency is the far left. i am respectful of the framers of our constitution, how smart they were 200 plus years ago when they decided with got to separate the branches of the government and each one has independent authority, independent power and as much as i hear aoc and her pals yell and scream about the supreme court and at the end of the day what they say goes what they say goes. >> great to see it and thank you for your input. global mobile weighing in, what he things a trump when could mean for other countries will figure out.
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>> i would say a stronger president is usually more acceptable once he gets into power. if trump does win, you will be positive in the emerging companies. the same will feel more stability and probably see the u.s. dollar continue to be strong. >> was stability comes trust which would mean allies trust us more, businesses, policy like the regulation and tax cuts and you can obviously parallel to what's going on in europe. in france where it rose sharply it came ahead and round one of voting so there is this global push for more conservative politics. >> certainly the trend.
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mike, how important is the election to the markets in this country? >> i think it's very important but we've gone through the last three plus years of president biden and we are seeing that hopefully come to an end but the market has done well under with him as president, you can't dispute that so a strong u.s. economy which would be much stronger under president trump would be good globally and here at home. the markets are going to sell off, the economy is still strong but every category if we have strong leadership under trump. >> a quick programming note, charles payne is posting unbreakable investor, greatest wealth transfer next wednesday
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july 10. you can register for free tickets to join charles in studio. all you have to do is scan the qr code on your screen, i'm talking slowly to give you time to do that. okay, coming up following 18th championship win, boston celtics now for sale. we will tell you how much it will cost the biden team and why the owner is selling after a major victory. a federal judge walking president biden's paws on lng exports, west virginia attorney general patrick morrissey was one of the people leading the charge to make that happen and he is here to respond next. ♪
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call or go online now to request your free quote. let's look at these market trying to turn positive ever so slightly, nasdaq attempted to. let's bring back mike murphy, you got stock picks for us today, tesla which is a stock having a very good day.
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>> both of these companies we are going to talk about today i've talked about here in the past so i wanted to bring them up, update the viewers so you look at tesla and had to pull back from mid to hundreds or hike to hundreds all the way back down to the one 60 range and now starting to get it's mojo back. there's a lot of buying coming in, 230 on the screen so this is something if you believe in elon musk, tesla, you hold this for the ride back to 300. >> celsius, or setback? >> the energy drink maker number three in the country behind monster and red bull a strong performing stock over the years since they became public, in the last month the stock lost half of its market value so it's come
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down from mid 90s down to $57 a share did a lot of talk about slowing growth of the company. if this is something you watched growing up and didn't own this is great opportunity. sales are still strong and demand is wrong so they can be great number at three and if they are behind monster and red bull, stock is worth a lot more than $50 a share. >> very good, thank you very much. let's move on, the biden administration's limit agenda has hit a new setback after a federal judge ruled against the pause on liquefied natural gas exports. grady trimble. what happens now? >> the energy department tells us is reviewing the court order and evaluating next steps. it probably goes without saying it disagrees with the ruling of
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it's possible we could see an appeal but no doubt this is another setback in the green push, the judge's ruling temporarily blocks the department of energy's paws on new liquefied natural gas export permits. more than a thousand republican states challenged the ban, they argue the doe failed to consider concerns about the impact on national security, state revenues, employment opportunities and funding for schools and charities and pollution caused by increased reliance on foreign energy sources. the judge agreed questioning why the department had to pause approvals in order to review the permitting process. elected officials from energy producing states are celebrating today. senator bill cassidy called it a big win for louisiana, our country and allies. a ban on export permits was a war on the american worker.
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this ruling is the latest roadblock to the biden administration's climate agenda. last week you may remember the supreme court ruled against an epa rule intended to restrict smokestack emissions from power plants. the administration has issued new regulations related to electric vehicles that ended up being less stringent than the initial proposal because the auto industry and stakeholders broke out against that particular green push. >> thank you very much. west virginia attorney general patrick morrisey joins me now. attorney general, did you not lead the charge against this? i guess first off, congratulations. this is a win for you, right? >> louisiana they took the leadership, we were closely with louisiana and other state and a big win for the citizens of west
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virginia because we were so perplexed when they put this out there because we thought number one it was a national security risk. two, it was jeopardizing the economy of west virginia, louisiana, texas and all of the states and that's why we got so involved. they were trying blanket permit denials for exports and that's nowhere in the lock. anytime you have blanket statements by this administration in order to advance the radical green new deal agenda, it's a problem for our country so i think you're beginning to see the court setting aside time after time all of these biden policies because legal authority is on thin lead and i feel good you're going to continue to succeed as we go through this appellate process. >> it's interesting among those concerns you had, he mentioned
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national security and state revenue but also pollution. this is an administration that wants to go green on everything yet you say it was a pollution problem, right? >> i think it is because we know the united states is more aggressive to produce clean energy and it's different from a lot of countries around the world and think about what happens if the biden administration would fail. you are handing more power over to russia, iran, china and know what can make a credible argument they will produce cleaner energy in the united states so it's literally consistent with the way they trying to launch the system and that's why is encouraging to support ruled in our favor. >> attorney general, who will have to leave it there. we will, thank you for joining
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us today. and now this a win for the biden green agenda, tell me about it. >> for the state of new jersey, the department approved the atlantic shore wind farm, the ninth windfarm approved under the biden administration it would be atlantic city and long beach island generating enough energy to power a million homes. the project requires federal approval and state permits but it is a win for the biden administration now halfway toward their goal of powering 5 million homes with wind by 2030. >> as long as the wind blows. thank you very much. coming up, a woman in tennessee was fired for refusing to get the covid vaccine. she just got $700,000 because of that. we will bring you details.
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experts say fewer people are looking to buy votes. it is the more attractive option. madison alworth looking hard, it is called a canoe. next. ♪
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daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking.
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you don't have to be a billionaire to buy a boat. when it comes to voting right now, it is a buyers market. madison alworth joins me from huntington on the coast of long island for a tough assignment. madison, why are people getting good deals on both right now?
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>> people are getting good deals because of two things. one, rentals, he will have to pull out own it and because sales are down. july 4 week just like me, families across the country will be getting on the boat or convincing a good friend to let them on theirs but look at boat sales. since the peak in 2021, boat sales are down 22% so that's why you can find good offers but inflation, interest rates impacting sales and doesn't impact sales. he talked about sales and other ways people are getting out on the water today? >> you are right the pandemic sales dipped because they are normalizing but that doesn't mean demand has dampened. we see high demand on the water with rentals. to. sharing like airbnb for boats and charges of all kinds where people can get onto a boat for the weekend for a few hundred dollars. >> a few hundred dollars, when i was growing up had to own about or know someone so tell me the. to. and boat clubs where you can
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part of something like this and get out on the water. >> we can decide we want to get a boat this weekend, let's go in the zip code finder and find about, pay a few hundred to a few thousand depending on the size of the vote and head out for the day. if we use a boat club, that means we want to invest in this a little more and spend the summer having a boat at the ready, at the club down the street from our house and take it out whenever we want with or without a captain. >> i have to thank him, i will have to leave you with this, boat rentals are growing, 19 billion-dollar industry right now in the next ten years, they expected to be $29 billion so boat big business whether you own it for rent. back to you so i can enjoy open seas. >> you are having a great time and you are right, always better than someone with a boat and pay
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the expenses yourself. enjoy, you're doing the titanic. thank you very much, great stuff. now this. nba champions, for sale. the question is, how much is it going to cost? >> less than two weeks after the 18 nba championship record, there's no number yet but lester forbes estimated franchise is worth 4.7 billion, that's fourth behind the knicks and the lakers, huge spike in value when the team was previously sold 22 years ago for $360 million. the majority owner has been considering for months but the final decision didn't come until after they won so dave portnoy is interested he says if anyone has tens of billions i can have, i'll by the celtics. team owners are expected to complete the sale by 2028 but i will say they are starting lineup under contract and big
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contracts like five year 300 plus million dollar deals 2025, 26 season. >> i could mike murphy hanging out in the owners box smoking a fat cigar. >> i think it's like the boat you are referencing, better to have a friend who owns a team then paper your self but one thing here, they've loosened the nba and nfl, the big sports leagues loosened rules around private equity for funds investing and owning pieces of teams so the price for sports teams is high and it will continue to go higher so great sale for him for anyone getting in is a great opportunity. >> that's all it takes. thank you. covid cases back on the rise in 38 states. how concerned is doctor marty
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makary and does he think we should be getting a fresh booster shot? ♪ ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically]
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but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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we have this just in, supreme court will hear whether the fda wrongly blocked marketing flavored they've products. fda determined the products pose health risks younger consumers, the supreme court will take up the case in the text term which begins in october. some news there. this story, a woman in tennessee fired during the covid pandemic refusing to get the vaccine so she got 700,000 in a settlement. >> and backpay. she was with lou cross blue shield is a research scientist for 17 years and never interacted with patients but currently interacted with people surveyed she said she refused vaccination because of her sincerely held religious beliefs in a federal very quickly. does this open the floodgates for others were dismissed or
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fired from the company because of their refusal to get the covid shot? first one from blue cross blue shield to win. >> you got to believe there's going to be a lot more coming. thank you very much. now this according to the cdc covid cases are on the rise in 38 states. doctor marty makary joins me now. like to have you. should we be concerned about this, are there new variants that are concerning? >> there are, this is the lifecycle of covid that the common cold. the common cold disproportionally affects high risk people, people elderly getting trouble with the common cold but it's part of the common cold, and annoyance for the vast majority of americans but saw small sub select, they need to be monitored. this is the season, extreme heat, people move into air conditioning in the winter are the two season right now we see the heat season. >> should we get a new booster
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shot just in case? [laughter] >> i'd like to see the data before i recommend any medication and as you know, the fda and pharma companies, i can't tell the difference sometimes, they will just bypass regulatory approval. >> interesting. we are told cases of beaver rising in the united states which sounds alarming, a virus spread by infected mosquitoes 800 many places around the world in the first four months of the year my russian, one of the symptoms they should watch out for and how dangerous can it be? >> well, it is dangerous but there are some cases in the united states, i want able to think after recent pandemic that this is the next pandemic. this is endemic in tropical and warm countries.
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it's been reported and about 38 states in the united states. i have a friend who's a physician who had at last year, it's a hybrid beaver the characteristic i pain and rash. muscles in the eye can be painful and there is a test so if you think you have it, you can get tested for. >> is easily treated? >> no, there is no known treatment so we just support those who have it but it is spread by mosquitoes and that's a reminder to do what you can to reduce mosquito bites especially in the southern united states where this is more common. >> is there anything good a mosquito does? it spreads malaria and everything. potassium chloride medications are being recalled. they may not dissolve properly which apparently can cause a heart attack. these blood pressure pills, is that what they are?
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>> they are used for a number of different reasons but for people with low potassium was causing heart irregularities, some people get supplemental potassium. you need to be in a narrow window of potassium level in your body so if it's dissolved too rapidly, you can get high levels. that's why the fda is putting out the concern right now. >> got it. as always, terrific information. thank you for joining us. now time for tuesday trivia question. which here for fireworks used to celebrate the fourth of july? 1777, 1801, 1814 or 1826? the answer when we return. ♪
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ashley: good question, you might be hearing fireworks around the neighborhood. what year were fireworks first used to celebrate 4 july? 1777, 1801, 1815, 1826. lauren, what do you say? lauren: 1814, number 3.
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ashley: what do you say? >> i like following you to take your lead to. i will go with number 4, 1826. ashley: i was going to go with 1801. unless it is number one. number one. 1777. just one year after declaring independence. civilizations that are celebration's were held across the colonies, there is a 13 gun support. the sons of liberty set off fireworks. >> give that to stuart. ashley: that's it for "varney and company" today. thanks for joining us. coast-to-coast starts now.


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