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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 3, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ ashley: gimme gimme gimme. i don't understand, always loved it, back to 1974, with waterloo in my hometown, i was a young lad back then but i was a fan ever since. now that you have learned something you didn't want to learn it is 10:00 eastern. i'm ashley webster in for stuart varney, straight to your money, very muted trading today, the markets close at one p.m. eastern but the dow in the s&p and the nasdaq essentially flat in very light trading, let's look at the 10 year treasury yield that was right around 4.4% and it's right there down a couple basis points, 4. 40. look at the price of oil, that was heading up a little bit earlier, still is, $0.40, $83.22 per barrel and bitcoin
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under 60,000 earlier and now it has come back a little bit, still down 1400 $60,800. by the way. just got the latest read on the services sector. the number please. neil: joined manufacturing sector in contraction for the month of june falling much more than expected to to 48.8, anything other 50 is contraction. so prices fell by two points coming down to 56.3. inflation coming down in this report. the services sector contracting. ashley: maybe positive with regard to the fed, we are green across the screen though it is very modest. i want it to take a look at this new paul, nearly one in 3 democrats think biden should
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drop out following his poor debate performance. republicans and independents, jumps tomorrow than half. great to have you here, batia, was the debate the final straw for biden and many in his party? >> thank you almost july 4th. it is very important your viewers understand what happened here. the mainstream media, the liberal mainstream media and top democrats and all the people in the democratic elite circles spent years covering up things they knew to be true until the media was literally scooped by the truth which all of america could see first hand and the labeler media is rushing to catch up and cover
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what we all saw with our own eyes and the reason for this epic journalistic malpractice is because they do not see their job as telling the truth and informing the pupil is the state of things, they see their job as keeping donald trump out of office and all of this in the, quote, name of defending democracy. it is appalling the media across the board pulled the wall over the eyes of the american people and they are so craven and such coward today saw the dam break so they are saying the same thing because they can do so in lockstep. that is what happened. ashley: you are right at the white house is been hounded with questions on biden's health, certainly during yesterday's press briefing, listen to this and i will get your comments. >> after the debate, did the president get examined by a
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doctor or did he get a neurological scan? >> a neurological skin? >> it' s a legitimate question to ask if this is an episode or condition. which one is it? >> what i can tell you is he had a cold and a bad night. >> does president biden at 81 years old have alzheimer's, any form of dementia or degenerative illness that might cause -- >> i'm ready for it. it's no. ashley: those are very legitimate questions. we continue to get he had a cold, he was tired from travel, he had a bad night. are the american people buying this? >> none of these people would be asking these questions, none of the people calling for president biden to step aside
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would be doing so if he was leading donald trump in the polls, they don't care at all about his ability to serve. they only care about his ability to win and to beat donald trump. they don't worry at all about the state of his mind for the next four months, whether he's capable of carrying out the office of the president, they only care about power and about winning and all of this in the name of defending democracy from a president who reigned over the most peaceful four years in american history. >> almost treasonous, i use that word, it's a strong word to say the least but the inner circle had to know that this was joe biden taking afternoon naps, hard to concentrate, the vacant stare, the open-mouth, they must've known all of that and yet they put him out there for a nighttime debate. what were they expecting?
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>> exactly right and the coordination between the vast majority of american journalists are democrats and saw their job as defending president biden and his white house and top democrats in all these people, this is class solidarity of the elites in the media and in politics and waiting class warfare on working-class americans, vast majority of whom see and donald trump someone who cares about their economic fortunes, that's what this election is about. ashley: thank you so much for joining us, it was great to have you on board, thank you very much. white house officials are reportedly freaking out after biden's debate performance. lauren: a deeply source taxi a story that says and i'm quoting, the first topic of every conversation senior leadership has given us
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nothing, to act like it is business as usual is delusional. and other official put it more bluntly, everyone is freaking the bleep out, the uncertainty after thursday is palpable and anxiety liens. people are looking for leadership and direction, they were told to trust, hope was there but it is now clearly a defining moment for the presidency. seems like these officials are angry at what they've been told and what they are dealing with. ashley: likely rest of the american people. a long time democrat donor going after biden. >> whitney tilson, former hedge fund manager, he says biden deceived us and is calling for him to drop out, he says giving biden more campaign money is a waste of time. he came out and proposed two alternate tickets he could put his money behind, not trump,
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cory booker, president, gina romano vp or gretchen witmer president, wes moore, vp, kamala harris is having a genuine moment. i can get behind her as president but not because biden dropped out. she wants her to sync with, relate to, make people think that she is capable of doing not only her job as vp the president too. ashley: no comment on that. let's take a look at these markets, all very muted today, we are slowly positive now but markets closing at 1:00 pm eastern. david, you say it's time to take some profits and get defensive. why nauert how do we get defensive?
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>> reporter: good morning, we witnessed 33 all-time highs year to date for the s&p 500. we've seen a nice upside. we've added $11 trillion in market since the october lows. that's more than the entire stock market of china. we've seen significant increases just in the short timeframe since october so everyone knows it's an election year. as we look toward the second part of the year we are likely to see challenges ahead. risk diversification, strategy diversification and tax diversification. we know it's an important election year and the outcomes are critical, whatever side of the aisle you're on. it matters less with the right risk diversified approach with cash assets and risk return assets, the very process, because we can see a lot of
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challenges even getting downgrades in the months ahead. strategy diversification. i'm not as interested in indexes as i am in individual names, looking at how the market has done in general, the breadth of things is not an imbalance. we think summative jewel names and ideas could be intelligent but we want to be tractable and still one or 2 tax returns left for the tax and jobs act, this is about rough contributions. a single greatest opportunity in our lifetime to reduce taxes is here right now and it will be gone at the end of 2026 so we have -- ashley: very quickly before you go i want to ask you, give me one minute reason you like
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occidental petroleum. >> reporter: as we look at the oil industry it is essentially pricing stocks in the $70 range. think it is a strong trend moving in that direction. oil is going to continue to pay dividends. we think occidental and other names will be good names for the long haul. ashley: very good. you got a lot in. thank you so much as always for joining us. we appreciate little bit of caution. lauren, you are looking at some of the movers, familiar names. lauren: up to sense right now but we are getting quarterly sales numbers up from c1% to 24,000 vehicles in this quarter, hybrids rose much more, 56%. all in all, total vehicle sales
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up just one person, final number 536,000 units. it's a slow down, one of the issues is the cyber attack that hurt their dealerships. lauren: a lot of another automaker, tesla of 4.4%, where. is going to a $300 price target, they say to is the's ai story could be a $1 trillion market and southwest airlines is trying to fend off the activist investor elliot management, they have 11% stake in the airline and want to oust the chairman. they have a poison pill that gives shareholders the right to purchase more at half-price. we are talking a record-breaking travel weekend this fourth of july but southwest is struggling this
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year, doesn't make sense. ashley: interesting. all sorts of things going on, great stuff, thank you very much. coming up the biden administration signing a deal with the president of panama to grant on on illegal migration. the us will pay panama to detain migrants. white house staff stunned to see hunter biden joining meetings with the president and his team. apparently advising his father after his botched debate. congressman pat fallon deals with that and more next. ♪
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ashley: now this. the us cited us panama to send illegal migrants back to their home countries. william, what are the terms of this deal? >> reporter: panama will interdict or stop migrants in the us will pay to deport them. it's a major reversal for president biden at a recognition that the root cause strategy didn't work. 3. 5 years of catch and release, the administration is going to begin deporting us bound migrants before they hit the border, striking the stealing panama to stop migrants at the darien gap. that's the only land crossing between south and central america and it's a major stepping stone for migrants from africa and asia, fly into south america to ecuador.
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then they will travel through the jungle to their basically some 520,000 migrants last year, the administration said the deal with panama's new president to fly us bound migrants out of panama to their home countries as a deterrent, wife take ricin pay smugglers? >> what they hope is by the end of the year in the next few months migrants will say it's not worth doing this? >> the panamanians can't afford anything also at the good thing the us will be doing deportation flights directly out of panama to all points of the globe. >> reporter: the other major development, the first time in 6 years the us flew 116 chinese nationals back to china. that's a drop in the bucket of
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31,000 chinese hundred illegally this year menu coming through the gap and officials focusing on the beginning. what we are seeing now with the deportation, limiting of asylum, and listing latin america curve immigration is right out of the trump playbook. he asked latin american companies to strengthen their borders to help increase strength or better enforce our borders. ashley: exactly right. thank you very much. texas congressman pat fallon joined me now. you just heard william's report on migrant removal, a deal with panama, illegal immigration and a 3 year low. why is biden finally taking action? he could have done this years ago. >> reporter: maybe because in 100 days tens of millions of americans will be voting for president and this is one issue he will lose the white house over.
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we had never seen in 25 years that many illegal crossings, we've had 28 of them under president biden, we had 300,000 december of last year. that's what donald trump had in all of fiscal year 2017. by any measure this is the worst border in history but they are creating some bullet points to try to do that and it is not going to work. ashley: i don't think so either. karine jean-pierre says hunter biden has been taking part in white house meetings. listen to this. >> the question would be is he participating in meetings with senior advisors? >> he came back with his dad from camp david, walked into the speech prep and he was in the room and i can tell you he was in the room. anything else i can't speak to.
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ashley: we would know what president biden is like, he struggling and hunter biden is whispering in his ear. do you find that odd? >> i don't think hunter will help him much at all but when hunter biden was first indicted under a felony indictment, within a day or two his father had him go to a state dinner representing the united states and eventually convicted. president biden doesn't think rules apply to him. he's been in office for 50 years, it is catching up with us. ashley: let me, before you go, nikki haley said on more than one occasion be careful what you wish for. if biden drops out, someone could come in and create a new
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challenge for donald trump, someone who is younger, more charismatic. is that something you worry about? do you want joe biden to stay in this? >> as a conservative i want joe biden to stay in because he is by far the weakest candidate. you saw democrats internal polling was leaked where they are losing now after the debate in new mexico and new hampshire, in virginia. if you are talking about putting colorado and minnesota back on the map, that is a map you are going to lose. i would love to have joe biden remained the nominee but as an american you have to think about talking about is he competent as president right now? i don't think so. ashley: who is running the country? >> we don't know? is it joe biden? is it susan rice, barack obama? it is clearly his staff and
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this reminds me of woodrow wilson 2.0 in his second term. ashley: we will leave it there. so much to talk about, thank you for being here. now this. despite some legal challenges the biden administration is going to push ahead with it student loan bailout efforts even though the cbo says those handouts will contribute onto a 27% increase in the budget deficit. numbers be damned, grady trimble will have that report coming up. recent rulings by the supreme court handed big tech a when making it harder for regulatory agencies terrain them in. the court a lot of can kicking, she will explain that after this. ♪
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ashley: let's look at the markets. markets will be closing, the dow, the s&p, the nasdaq
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touching an all-time intraday high. and a lot of action but some record-breaking which is too bad, record-breaking, rascally rabbit, you are looking at some other movers. let's begin with mgm. lauren: take the day off tomorrow. he you will be fine as well the nation. these are big movers. mgm is up 3.5%, initiating mgm, stock at $52 a share, increase of 20%, they are very bullish, bacchus and china plus the new digital business, good news for the casinos. lee otto up sharply today, many chinese stocks the trade here are also higher, 6%, they are also launching a 0 down payment plan for those who purchased their evs in china where there's a lot of competition. charter communications,
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broadband and cable tv provider see larger subscriber losses this year. exacerbated by a government subsidy program that will be ending. ashley: thank you. the white house is pushing ahead with its student loan bailout efforts despite all the legal challenges. grady trimble joins me now to talk about it and how is the bailout putting pressure on the federal deficit? >> congressional budget office says the latest estimate of the federal deficit jumped more than $400 billion or 27% from its february estimate, top driver of that increase is the difference between government spending versus how much it is taking in, the biden administration's programs to forgive student loan debt, those programs alone accounted for $145 billion increase in the deficit.
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borrowers owe the government $1.6 trillion, education department data shows half of on aren't making their scheduled payments, probably waiting and hoping biden follows through with his promise of more student loan debt handouts if he wins reelection. lower monthly payments, facing legal challenges that he and his vice president are still campaigning on it. >> we have done with student loan forgiveness and there are a lot of people who didn't want us to do that. we forgiven over $160 billion in student loan debt. >> reporter: campaigning against it is donald trump, bashing student loan debt forgiveness and indicating he plans to undo it. >> this student loan program which is not even legal, the students aren't buying it, his polls are down.
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>> reporter: polls show student loan debt forgiveness isn't such a popular policy. and ap paul last month found only 3 in 10 approve of how biden handled the issue of student loan debt. ashley: interesting stuff. thank you very much. now this. the supreme court handed a major win to big tech companies, they will the government has limited ability to regulate big tech. cara frederick joins me now. take me through this. do you like this decision from the supreme court, did they do the right thing? >> a pair of decisions from the supreme court taking place over the past two weeks and i think what can best be described as can kicking when it comes to what they decided because they really didn't decide anything. they failed to resolve the fact that the government was most likely violating the first amendment in terms of colluding with tech companies to silence
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the speech of americans. and in another pair of rulings that were consolidated brought on by this industry group called net choice they remanded this case back to the lower courts. they had an opportunity to stick it to big tech and say you cannot silence the speech of americans, florida and texas had great laws taken to task by this industry group and they didn't do it, they kicked the can down the road and things hopefully will get resolved which is why congress is so important yet they failed to act. ashley: good case of can kicking. the kids online safety act, a bill that would limit the ability of social media platforms to recommend content to children, things like suicide, eating disorders and
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alcohol. the bill getting pushed back from republican leaders. what you think? >> in terms of the policy this is a great policy proposal in the fact that it has around 69 cosponsors in the senate speaks to the excellent policy merits of this proposed legislation. he gives parents resource, empowers the man takes companies, makes them accountable for the weighing they design their products. as transparency measures, third-party audits and i've said over and over including on this program parents need legislative help. we are at a loss, younger and younger users so congress has to do its job. they need to legislate on this particular issue. that's why they are in dc and this is on the policy merits of good policy proposals. ashley: but can it be enforced
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after the supreme court's first amendment decision? >> we don't see this as a content moderation or censorship bill. the ruling long ago that corporations have first amendment rights, potentially putting the first amendment rights of companies over the first amendment rights of citizens and a culture of free speech so there are interesting debates to be had. because of what the supreme court did, it looks like the ball is with congress, the kids online safety act as the bare minimum. what we do when it comes to children in the analog world is restrict the things they have access to and things they are privy to. why is that different in the digital realm. ashley: that's a very good point and a good place to leave it. now this. there is a new viral social
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media trend going around called sad fishing. what is sad fishing? >> when you exaggerate an emotion or situation to generate sympathy online. a call for attention, a cry for help but it's concerning because teens are turning to social media for advice or help her sympathy instead of seeking out a real-world solution. this is is a trend, psychologists say be aware of it. an example would be a few years ago kendall jenner had issues with acne so she shared that on social media and drummed up a lot of sympathy for her skin condition. she sells product based on that but that's an example of sad fishing. ashley: so if i say i really need tomorrow off that's a bit of sad fishing right now. >> you do, i am right there
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with you. ashley: thank you very much. now this. far right politicians pulling ahead in france, our liberal policies being rejected. jerry baker will deal with that in the next hour. nikki hilton is a biological female who identifies as a transgender non-binary qualified for the us a lipid team after winning the women's 1500 m race. caitlin wheeler will take that on next.
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ashley: we have might volume as you would expect for 4 july but the s&p and nasdaq moving higher. the nasdaq had an all-time intraday high, the dow slightly lower, very muted. the nfl sunday ticket, streaming service that allows you to watch every in a 4-game including once out of your broadcast market just made a big announcement. what is it? lauren: you can watch it in a bar or restaurant or casino. those establishments don't need the big satellite dish to show you sports. a joint venture formed by the nfl to distribute nfl sunday ticket is now putting it in commercial establishments. there you go. another reason. ashley: see it everywhere. ashley: we will move on.
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now this. a biological female who identifies as transgender non-binary run the race at the lepic trials, qualified to compete in paris this summer. warranty aa all-american swimmer caitlin wheeler joins me to talk about it. nikki is a biological female, that means they have no inherent advantages. are you okay with competing? >> this is a woman, a female competing in the female category. the idea we must worship, glorify and praise these athletes for identifying as something else outside of reality is silly to me and i think people are fed up with the nonsense but my question, this is a female who identifies as neither male or female
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what's keeping her from competing in the mail categories? why is it always men coming into the women's categorical a women going to the mail category and dominating? to put it in perspective, nikki hilton, her time as she finished in 1500 m us olympic trials for the women would have been six seconds slower than the last place finisher in the us olympic trial men's division so i think it is safe to say without the women's sporting category, without title ix, she would not of been an olympian if not for that. ashley: good point, ex-nfl reporter called transgender inclusion in women's sports, quote, insanity and she says it's not about hate, it's about helping women. is she right? >> totally right. 52 years ago in 1972, to have
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equal playing time, april opportunities for women, she was completely right. it is insanity, in saying that we are appealing to feelings of men and i'm blown away that we dodged a bullet with thomas, a male who was trying to compete in the us olympic team, dodged a bullet but not to say it's not going to happen in other sports. it's important to combat these issues and we are filing a lawsuit against the ncaa violating title ix, 18 athletes including myself, mary miller filed a congressional review act to combat the illegal rewrite the biden administration has signed of title ix, it's a 26 of us attorney general from 26 states, over half the country have filed a lawsuit to stop the illegal rewrite of title ix. ashley: we will be interested to follow where that ends up.
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we will follow every step of the way. thank you for taking the time to talk with us today. now this. female athletes are pushing hard to add a new sport to schools in michigan, which sport? lauren: black football is all the rage, noncontact version of nfl football for all genders, all ages and you can play it anywhere. it has grown in popularity, it's a sanctioned high school sport in 11 states, michigan wants to be one of the. it will be an olympic sport in the 2,028 games in los angeles. two years ago my daughter told me she didn't want to cheerlead anymore, she wants to play football. i asked the coach can she play? he said absolutely not. the boys hit really hard even at six. he goes what about flag football? planted the seed and everyone
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is talking about flag football. ashley: fascinating. is your daughter going to play flag football or is she already? >> soccer and swimming and forgotten about football. ashley: i love soccer very much. all right, thank you. coming up. a former editor at the new york times accused the white house of covering up biden's cognitive decline. he said the real reason house reporters didn't ask questions about biden's health was so they wouldn't be helping trump. brent brazil on that next. ♪
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soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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ashley: the white house has been hounded with questions about the alleged a cover-up of president biden's mental fitness. >> is anyone in the white house hiding information about the president's health or ability to do the job? >> absolutely not. >> the administration criticized the media for showing the president appearing
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to be confused, freezing at times, you call it cheap fakes. do you have any regret using that link which? >> it didn't come from me. i didn't call them that. that came from the media. they called it cheap fakes and they said this president, president biden was being targeted by misinformation. ashley: brent brazil joins me now. do you believe there was a cover-up about president biden's health? >> reporter: of course there has been. this is a great media be still my heart moment. conservatives have been pointing out the obvious for months and months and in some cases some people pointed out for years that this poor guy has been in real decline and all along, the media have been
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saying how awful you are while conservatives look at the obvious. kudos to carl bernstein on cnn who said bluntly very candidly between 15, and 20 different times in the last year that biden has shown that cognitive decline that every conservative in the world has seen. the media are either as dumb as wallpaper to not have seen the obvious, or they hate donald trump so much, they hate him, they despise him so much they will cover the fact that the leader of the free world may have alzheimer's. ashley: we saw it all the time. with the biden campaign going after news outlets, they say the mainstream media is
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overplaying coverage of biden's disastrous debate performance. let me get this straight. they are mad at the media for reporting the news. >> reporter: any time a republican does poorly in the debate, the media beat the hell out of him for months. if that is justified, then it is, we need to go beyond that, forget the debate. we need to find out what's going on with this man's health and how serious that is. the fact that china is looking at us, iran is looking at us, russia is looking at us and the united states has a president who may be senile. it is dangerous out there. so the media should be investigating this. ashley: they should. before we say goodbye, does biden drop out or does he stay in?
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>> when the media turn on him, they are his strongest base of support, when they turn on him it is serious, i think he dropped out. ashley: very interesting, brent brazil, very informative. thanks for joining us. to come, still ahead, congressman darrell isa on biden's claim that no troops died on his watch. jerry baker says the democrats deserve biden you fluent if the country doesn't. former levi's executive on her new pro women's athletics brand commercial, getting and on tiktok, the 11:00 am hour of "varney and company" is next. ♪
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>> one of the principal people at the post-election meeting at camp david urging him to stay in was hunter biden. god, depend on that guy's good


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