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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  July 3, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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ashley: we asked who wrote the pledge of allegiance. my wife just took her citizens test and scored one hundred so i just texted her, what the answer, she goes they didn't ask me that question. you are first? lauren: i'm embarrassed to say i don't know. i know it's not number one, i go with number 2 or 4. ashley: heather? what do you say? >> process of elimination. lemonade number one and as patriotic as i may be embarrassed to say i don't know. ashley: number 3. i was going to go with number 2. the answer is karma survey says, number 2. francis ptolemy wrote in 1892. we are out of time. adam: shaken but when it comes
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to the markets not too stirred over possible switch in a democratic nominee for president of the united states. so much we don't know, this much we do, the markets aren't worried, they are ready to go on july 4th abbreviated trading week and don't seem obsessed with it. how the biden camp is trying to calm concerns. eric shawn on how donald trump is enjoying all of this concern. edward lawrence at the white house. >> reporter: the president having a briefing with the vice president, they will have lunch, the president trying to do a couple things, to show americans but he is still fit for office. he scheduled an interview with abc news and he will make his case to governors in a meeting at the white house later today. fox confirms governor gavin newsom will be here in person as well as the governor of illinois and others, the
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president wants to divert attention from the economy in the border, to combat the increase in gas prices since president biden took office he released a million gallons of gas from the northeast gasoline supply reserve to help northeastern states. >> president biden has unleashed record energy production including affordable clean energy congressional republicans are siding with the big oil to give tax cuts while keeping prices high for families. >> reporter: republican say this is just an election year ploy. >> the fact that the president -- i say given away, he is trying to compensate for his war on fossil fuels and his press secretary to say republicans are siding with big oil, that's disingenuous and an out and out lie. >> gas prices started rising from the first days president biden took office when he canceled permits for the keystone pipeline. is $3.50 one cents today up
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from a week ago almost where it was a year ago, inflation under president biden also up, he would like to talk about the abortion at healthcare issue, he's defending his job performance. adam: given that, donald trump is enjoying all of this controversy around the white house and whether president biden is going to be running for president, days and weeks from now. let's get the latest on that. eric sean following donald trump closely. >> reporter: the former president trying to stay on the sidelines on this as the biden campaign tries to quell concerns about the president, top officials received it today, democratic governors such to go to the white house for the closed-door session, the president has been talking with congressional leaders as a chance, for folks to engage him face-to-face by seeing him in person to see what the situation is. the debate may have helped donald trump. it turns out the end of june,
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the campaign says it has nearly $285 million in its coffers, that's compared to 40 million less, 240 million reported by the biden campaign. the former president got a break with the recent supreme court ruling on presidential immunity. his sentence for that trial in new york city was delayed until september 18th. about that trial, first public comments about it, a vodka trump explain why she did not attend the trial, she's also been absent from the campaign trail, she says she will attend the republican convention. >> it's a pretty dark world, there's a lot of darkness, a lot of negativity and it is at odds with what feels good for me. as a human being. and it is a really rough business on a human level.
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it's my father and i love him very much so it is painful to experience but ultimately i wish it didn't have to be this way. >> the biden campaign says the president is not going anywhere. as far as donald trump, he is of course staying as the nominee of the republican party in advance of the convention. neil: thank you. we do know going to the white house i think about now, the lunch the president is having with kamala harris, the vice president, this is taking on added intrigue, they often have lunch together, the rumors that she is the anointed backup if you will if the president decides to opt out and not run again for another term it would be the easiest thing to do because she would instantly inherit all the money that has been raised on the ticket's behalf and she is part of the ticket as the number 2 so that money, 270, $75 million will
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immediately go to a harris campaign if that is what happens. political correspondent and the former new york state senator, democrat, what do you make of that that as far as if you're going to switch forces, she's a when you switch to if you want a seamless money rise? >> it makes sense at first blush, you get all of the successes of the biden/harris administration but don't have the issue of the mental capacity that biden is facing right now but there's a lot of questions that still need to be answered. bottom line here is even under all of this turmoil that you see over the past year going through the democratic primary system democrats are in lockstep behind president biden and in an effort to make sure donald trump doesn't return to the white house and that is the blessing democrats have, democrats support president biden because of his record, he's not just talk the talk,
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he's walk the walk and whatever happens here, we have a month and if biden does decide to step aside, democrats will support whoever that candidate is, gives an opportunity to reach towards the middle, something donald trump is not been able to do even with all these opportunities, reach across the aisle and a little bit into the middle of these voters that are still on the sideline. that is where this battle is going to be won and that has to be on everyone's mind, forget about the money, billion dollars being spent, don't think it moves the needle much. it's the people in the middle. neil: might be a metal of too little too late, rearranging the deck chairs of the titanic went don't need to besmirch the biden campaign but it is been exploding since the debate, he could right the ship but history is in favorable weather
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looking at democrats in 1980 with the ted kennedy challenge or jimmy carter, that ticket went to defeat, look at 1976, gerald ford fighting off a pretty strong challenge for ronald reagan, didn't survive the election with jimmy carter so -- i grant you, tiana, to you. are republicans looking to that and salivating, are they getting ahead of themselves? getting too excited? >> no one wants to get cocky because we are very divided electorate but david is right the democrats have one month for the ohio deadline to put a democratic presidential candidate on the ballot, we have one month in four days and that's it. obviously there's the big issue of the money that could only go to kamala harris if president biden drops out if he wants to drop out. in either case it works out great for trump because right now trump is leading in the latest post debate paul, six
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points ahead of president biden nationally, another cbs poll shows in battleground states, 3 point margin. all of the significant better than trump did in 2020. kamala harris is almost as unpopular as president biden, joe biden is approaching that negative net 20 approval rating, kamala harris is still in net negative double digits and this is before the focus was on her and we know what she's like under the national spotlight because we saw her crumble before she had to drop out before iowa in the 2020 democratic primary. the biggest thing of all is you have to defend this record and the fact that the white house record isn't good, the age thing and the fact that biden could get away with using a teleprompter to answer interview questions is a symptom of the problem which is there is no leadership. >> the economic record is not awful.
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we've seen steady growth, jobs improving, retail sales, packed airplanes, packed hotels, that's the noise going on but you are right to point out it isn't benefiting the president. wonder what changes if he stays in the race. >> it's about making that case, some of the early polling since thursday's debate around that it shows trump slightly ahead of biden but according to all the things we are talking about, who would imagine donald trump would be way ahead, he's not. even if biden stays in the race which the jury is still out on that, it will be very interesting to see if he can move that debate closer towards the middle and talk about the s&p, the index which if we started when biden started we have a 40% increase, look at the stock market, you cover it extensively every day. it's been on the rise, the economy is heating and it is easy to poke holes and attack
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sectors but the biggest problem with the economy is people are being left behind and that attributed to the massive tax cuts to the wealthiest americans that was donald trump's legacy. neil: are you still using that buzz saw, come on, you don't attribute any of this problem to the present talk but of the white house? it is everyone else's fault. >> having record low unemployment rate, having -- neil: gets a little extreme there. i understand what you are saying but let's not go back in ancient history. by the same token i wonder if donald trump should be salivating at this when the guy could be on paper might be very different if it is different guy, what if it is the vice president, then everything changes and they might have been deleted zealous to get rid of joe biden to face a more
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divisive and problematic phone. what do you think? >> it's why you should expect the republican party to start filing legal challenges if they do try to move biden off the ballot especially if they try to replace them with someone other than kamala harris because since they on the ticket they are more combined. president biden has 99% of the delegates, very difficult to rob the voters of that choice. neil: you saying republicans will likely file a lawsuit if it isn't kamala harris because she's part of the ticket? it would be an open convention. >> the delegates are already theoretically committed, you have 99% of delegates already voted. >> not of the guy who has others delegates quits. >> if they can find a miracle consensus candidate, that's one thing but to try to leapfrog the first female, black, asian vice president in history, try
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to leapfrog her with pete buttigieg or gretchen witmer. neil: her this expressed in the past, easier said than than going to someone other than kamala harris. if that were to happen -- >> regardless, if you have an open convention where he does releases delegates, it could be messy, it could get ugly but at the end come that deadline you will have democrats united. that's the bottom line. neil: they are turning on each other like me at a buffet. to get to the prime rib. >> it's about beating donald trump. most people vote against rather than for and that's where we are. people have not decided yet. it is the distraction is on biden, it is not -- neil: talk to a lot of your colleagues and friends who are frantic, don't know what to do. more than concerned.
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>> they focus on their energy on biden and his mental acuity. if that's out of the picture, what happens? that's a troubling scenario. >> if that's out of the picture, the first real inflationary cycle the majority of the electorate is experienced, 20% increase in overall prices since biden took office, 40% increase in energy costs, something younger voters, voters under 50 have never lived through this kind of inflation, they lived through and decided it is terrible, doesn't matter if their 401(k)s are doing well. >> they are going to listen closely to what donald trump is going to do. >> they already lived under -- >> retribution -- rob: if the homework assignment next time you skip to the subject. you were both right, i enjoyed you, i appreciate that.
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following closely a corner of wall and broad because trading will end and 45 minutes from now, the markets are digesting this because they other big news events dating back to the israeli war in the attack by hamas, these are big big events that normally royal stock traders anything but and that continues now. the backdrop for all this is an economy that looks pretty good, democrats keep pounding that and the proof, going on the nation's roads and airports across the country, record holiday travel ahead of the fourth. that is a sign of a strong, they say, very strong economy. after this. ♪ (vo) what does it mean to be rich? maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number...
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and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. (marci) so, how long have you lived here? and how are the restaurants around here? are they good, bad, meh? (luke) marci, we've gotta go. (marci) i'm sorry. (luke) we've got seventeen thousand more parks to visit. [marci screams] (luke) we bring you the best neighborhood info. (marci) ding dong (luke) homes-dot-com.
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olukai sandals capture the feeling of stepping barefoot into wet sand. the perfect balance of instant comfort and lasting support. say aloha to olukai. anywhere comfort. anywhere aloha. (♪)
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want to save on some of the biggest names in streaming on the network made for streaming? x marks the spot. now you can add the new xfinity streamsaver™ that includes netflix, peacock, and apple tv+. that's xfinity streamsaver™ for just $15 a month. all your favorites. all in one place. only from xfinity. for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff.
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adam: americans taking to the road, the airport, they are busy, this could be a record travel season. alexis mcadams at newark liberty airport. >> reporter: no major issues so far this morning but as we know that could change at a moments notice because it is going to be one of the busiest travel
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holidays on record. one thing we've been dealing with the newark airspace is somehow we've been talking about for months, faa air traffic control shortage. they don't have enough staff so twice this week they had to pause those arrivals here at the airport so we will see what happens today. look what's happening on the screen and throughout the day at airports across the country, talking about chicago, dallas, orlando, houston, you can see it's a line of people in chicago which is pretty busy, houston not so bad at this time, the tsa's is a record number of travelers are going to pass through security checkpoints this year so one of the busiest travel laser the airport this holiday would be today and the seventh and eighth of july with people coming back on monday, travelers say get to the airport early. >> got here early, plenty of time but we will see how it goes. >> honestly this is my first time to travel during this holiday. visiting my sisters.
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>> let's at a hurricane, hurricane beryl is currently sweeping through the caribbean you see with strong winds leaving behind severe damage in its path, two have died and many others left without power, that leading to delays including at newark to a few destinations. traffic on the roadways unprecedented. this is what things look like on yosemite freeway in fresno, california. most people are driving to their destination. you see behind me tsa doesn't have any major issues but one thing that did happening new york was a flight heading from detroit to amsterdam, had to divert to jfk, had to come to jfk because the food on the airline was spoiled, that was an issue.
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neil: the food spoiled? how did that happen? >> i don't know but people were not expecting to land at jfk. they end up up here. neil: could be a mixed blessing but we will see. i don't know what leo thinks of the food but he's a good travel expert on this and can advise you if you are running into problems but if the flight gets delayed or canceled, delays are one thing, cancellations so far are very few but that could change with the weather but what did you see? >> if you are relying on airline flute, think ahead. delays and cancellations happen, you have to take precautions to minimize them, get to the airport early as the gentlemen said prior especially if you are checking luggage, want to get there, get checked in ahead of time if you can but
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if you have to go to the airport give yourself time, try not to check bags, if you can, use air tags because that will help you stay on top of the airline to give them less chance to lose your bag and again, be patient and travel off-peak times and peak days. if you can return to your destination monday or tuesday, do yourself a favor and if you are driving it is pretty obvious if you're in a major area like new york or los angeles. >> sometimes people themselves get stuck, this dude got caught in the luggage compartment in the body of a plane. i guess there was some turbulence and a seatbelt wasn't fastened door he ended up in there and i hope he is out of there but how did that happen? >> i saw the video and it is
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kind of unclear how that happened but the bottom line is they were experiencing 20 or 30 minutes of moderate to severe turbulence before the actual drop where a lot of people hit the ceiling and the captain and crew advised them to wear a seatbelt and they chose not to so i have a hard time really feeling bad for these people because they didn't have their seatbelts on, the other 300 people who did have their seatbelt on didn't have a problem so they were injured because they weren't following the rules and wearing seatbelts. neil: hope everyone is okay. safe travels. rick reichmuth on some good could cause disturbances if you are anywhere near the caribbean, he's been following hurricane beryl, the fastest and strongest moving hurricane in the season, what are you hearing? >> reporter: i've been talking that this season is going to be bad, this is evidence of it. we've broken every possible
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record with the storm. never had a category 4 this early in the season, never had a category 3 storm forming out here in the deep atlanta, now, never having a category 5, the storm breaking these records at it is because ocean temperatures are off the record warm, talking about peak season, higher than peak season ocean temperatures and that is what is happening when you have those temperatures and a storm form, breaking all these records, the old record was hurricane emily in 2005, one of our busiest seasons, no reason to think this won't be one of those seasons. you need to be making your preparations and planning for what could happen, jamaica under the gun for this category 4 storm. the next couple days we are talking yucatán peninsula of mexico. a popular destination, it will take a while up from the storm. let's look a little but ahead of that because the storm is going to move back over here across the western golf, very difficult to say what happens with intensity at that point, based on what happens as it
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moves over this land must but we expected to be over these waters, these waters are incredibly warm, record-breaking warm temperatures so we could be seeing restrengthening of this. look at possible scenarios, somewhere probably our best guess northern parts of mexico, part of texas, all this area of high pressure that has been protecting this area will get nudge to the east and allow this moisture to get closer to texas. right now looking at heavy rain, at least along the coastal area of texas, houston had incredible flooding about that a half ago. some moisture coming, plenty of time to watch but you need to understand by monday you could be having some sort of tropical system on your shores. real quick, take a look at this, tomorrow we've got big moisture across the east coast causing problems and we have a major heat wave about to come across parts of the west, we will break all kinds of high temperatures across areas of
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the west over the next week. it will be a dangerous one as well. ashley: in the meantime it is a holiday in this country, july 4th which our independence from britain, they are having a crucial election tomorrow that could doom the conservative party that has been in power the last 14 years, you've been hearing about the right-wing populist way of taking hold of the world, not there. we will tell you why after this. the thing you care about most is a job well done. ♪ but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels a little different - your wallet. because we believe no matter what you're working on you need high quality tools at a great price. and that's what we're all about. ♪ whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪
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neil: we might have a constitutional crisis, we don't know who's going to be the democrat nominee, there's talk that president biden is being pressured out of the race. you would think the markets would be panicking, they are not. how often has this theme played out. scott martin, 30 minutes of trading, blasé response. >> much ado about nothing so far but some fallout from the debate is being taken to heart by the market meaning prospect of donald trump coming through in november is a good thing for the markets, they feel president biden's track record, markets are taking things in stride with the hope trump pulls this out and we get good economic policy post next january. neil: different people have different views on that but let's look at what's driving this, looking at another strong day, s&p and nasdaq as they make gains of any sort, if the
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s&p did that in the first half, it will do it again in the second half. that gets to incredible numbers. >> of the markets hung in as well as they have, the green new deal, rampant inflation, the federal reserve, border crisis, geopolitical concerns, housing at a stagnating point, markets can take a lot, trump buoys this little more as we go into the fall, he pulls her head in the polls but i tell you biden's comments on the economy do not ring true with investors, don't ring true with voters and you will see the markets react to say any movement biden makes is a negative thing for the markets and they are behind trump. lauren: 1 markets have done well under president biden as they didn't under donald trump. they follow their own world.
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>> when you print trillions of dollars, it helps. neil: so did the last guy. they are good at printing money. >> we all do. you want the money to go to the private sector, not the public, the private people do what they want, not the public sector but that something the government needs to learn going forward. we 20 always good catching up with you. alex hogan following another big developer in halfway around the world as we celebrate the fourth, the fact of the matter is the people we liberated from our having a crucial election, the 14 year government could be falling apart as their conservative party, tomorrow they could be looking at, we don't know yet, alex hogan in london with more. >> as you mentioned, an extremely big day in the uk on the eve of the election, the final day of campaigning and what is at stake is what you just mentioned, the conservative party has been in power for the last 14 years,
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there been 5 different prime ministers yet in that time, what's really crucial, what we should be looking at in the next day, in 24 hours we could find out who could be the next prime minister and it could be you, polls are suggesting it will be a landslide victory for labor, specifically gear starmer who could be the next prime minister because of cost-of-living concerns, scandals and the conservative party among other things, labor campaign is simply one word alone, nothing more than the word change. the current prim rishi sunak trying to convince voters to back him once more despite having until january of next year, rishi sunak called for this election taking a gamble calling for this election early, one the polls predict could backfire on him just as it appears french president emmanuel macron's gamble is backfiring on him as
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well, after france's eu election swung to the right, macron called for an early election. the first part of the country's snap election this past weekend his centrist party came in third, that was behind the left-wing coalition and first place was the country's right-wing national rally party led by marie le pen which took home one third of the vote so it does your majority that would mean macron would need to appoint a prime minister from that party which would create a massive divide in terms of what policies are put in effect. what we are going to see in the next 24 hours, big day here in the uk so people will flock to the polls that open at 7 am to 10:00 pm to determine the next prime minister and french voters will head back to the polls for the second stage of this snap election is coming sunday. neil: go to neil sean, uk political analyst extraordinaire.
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i love talking to you because you spell your first name correctly. help me with this. it's interesting in your wonderful country governments whether they are labor oratory or conservative or liberal generally hang around 10 to 15 years and run out of life. the 14 year point for the tories. how does that happen that way? >> it's like bad luck. when you think about us, when boris johnson had the massive majority, after that into the pandemic, the pandemic was the icing on the cake for everything going down. listening to your report, everyone saying -- the circus, titled privileged person related to number 10, the bottom line, people are not that invested in him either. it's like going to the
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supermarket and deciding which loaves will last the longest, that looks freshest. there is not much choice. a party that is doing very well at changing things is the reform party headed by nigel farage, it's a very young party but interesting to see how that has shifted the way the kind of interest of the british public has moved to but starmer would not be our number one choice. neil: just happens to be the leader of the party and becomes prime minister but let me ask how the uk is bucking this otherwise consistent trend where parties on the right are rising fast, not in all places. in mexico, largely liberal government was reelected in a landslide but those are the exception. what's going wrong for conservatives there?
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>> british people are fed up with being sidelined. everything is not for them. walking the streets, army veterans who were homeless, illegal immigrants coming in 5-star deluxe hotels. you can only take so much and someone like yourself or myself go around and meet many different people. i think the british public have simply had enough of being treated like a second-class citizen. it's their country, they feel somebody should be sticking up for them and everybody really, we've had this last few years, the welcome box. everybody is sick to death of not man or woman or trans or whatever, we want to get back to normality, build business, build a great country again and stop pandering to the people who are literally the minority and that is engulfed in all major parties, we have a party leader over here who can't decide what a woman is, so at
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least our current british prime minister windsor point there. neil: i feel for the brits and yourself, this is a tumultuous year, king charles battling this illness, the princess has her own troubles. been a tough time for the royal family and tough time for brits to watch that, this government, it's a lot to take. >> it is. we are very resolute as you know because we' ve all throughout our history, always fallen back and won the battle as it were but a lot of people are nervous, what the actual public want to see, fight it quite watching president biden not an accrual way but clearly you've got major problems their too. the other side, nobody wants to say what everybody is really
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thinking. people are thinking over here, this is going to hit every single party we've got coming up in this election, if you had listened to the electorate and said this is what british people want you would have done very well. a newspaper over here suddenly back to the lake popular party, sales are down. why? why would you do that? madness. neil: neil sean, uk political analyst. they have had a lot. thank you, appreciate that and i appreciate a good burger. it's a lot more expensive than it used to be. madison alworth is in new jersey at her home. madison. >> starting the party little early because like you said, the cost of your grill is a little more this year than last year especially than three
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years ago. how much more your delicious burger is going to cost after this. ♪ (vo) a law partner rediscovers her grandmother's artistry and establishes a charitable trust to keep the craft alive for generations to come. from preserving a cultural tradition to leaving a legacy, a raymond james financial advisor gets to know you, your passions, and the way you enrich your community. that's life well planned.
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olukai sandals capture the feeling of stepping barefoot into wet sand. the perfect balance of instant comfort and lasting support. say aloha to olukai. anywhere comfort. anywhere aloha. (♪) it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
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want to save on some of the biggest names in streaming on the network made for streaming? x marks the spot. now you can add the new xfinity streamsaver™ that includes netflix, peacock, and apple tv+. that's xfinity streamsaver™ for just $15 a month. all your favorites. all in one place. only from xfinity. for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff.
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adam: don't know if we invented the hamburger in this country but we certainly perfected it. unfortunately it has gotten a lot more expensive than it was just a few years ago but that's not stopping madison alworth from finding ways you can still enjoy this stuff, just keep in mind to chew slowly. >> reporter: with burgers costing more i didn't want to be the one cooking them because they would have been garbage so i am listed the help of my dad, the grand master grilling up. everything on the grill is costing more compared to 20212 today, prices are up 19% for your fourth of july cookout according to the american farm bureau. it will cost a pretty penny but
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an important holiday with great food. let's break down what we are talking about in terms of cost, the burger, you can't have a fourth of july cookout without one, two pounds of burger meat, up 55% since 2020 one. with your burger you've got to have the bun, the buns themselves up 45%, used to cost one dollar and $0.66, now $2.40 one cents. now i have good news for cheeseburger levers which i am a cheeseburger family if you want to add the cheese dear patty, good news, down 13% so you are saving a little bit with your cheese. got to watch this all down so looking at lemonade two courts of lemonade, that's up a steep 20%, used to be $2.75, now $3.32. got to add one side, that's important for any grill out, i chose my dad's favorite potato salad, 2. 5 pounds potato salad, 2,020 want to cost you 365 it is cost you $4.19. what is that?
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14% increase. almost all of this costing you more but this is a great holiday and if you are lucky enough to spend with family totally worth it especially if you have someone as good as my dad on the grill because other than that she's everything else looks delicious. i will send it back to you. neil: that man has been cooking all day, deal let him eat something? he has got to get a break. i enjoy the food. >> thank you. ashley: great seeing you, comes from good dna. a good crop as does this fellow, art laffer, very influential figure in the last century and a bigger one this century. the whole inflation argument if you think about it is most felt when you go to the grocery store, when you're having a barbecue. a lot of people are feeling it and they know it and they see
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it. that's one thing you can't hide. >> you can't. i love that madison segment, really great. how much more did the charcoal cost? didn't check that out but it was a great segment. thank you. you are right. you can't feign the inflation, can't feign the high prices. we've got them, they are here. everyone comments why they are, the monetary base or bottom line everyone has their own pet theory on it but bottom line we printed too much money, the fed balance sheet grew too much and the economy has grown more slowly, then you're going to get inflation and that is what we have. neil: if donald trump returns to the white house, talked about these tariffs, they can be inflationary. americans will be paying that
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if it becomes as widespread and you heard president biden try to say in the debate that will be inflationary. what did you make of that? >> trade is my specialty, the only reason the country exports goods is to earn the wherewithal to purchase goods from foreigners. if you raise the price of foreign goods which will impact inflation, make it higher, in the same breath if you export less because of the tariffs which you will, that's called learner symmetry theory, those goods will go down in price and these types of adding up this, that, and the other is gobbledygook. it really is. you want to look at the monetary base, you want to look at the economy, that is what drives inflation. prices may tick up, they may take down but not because of the arguments of tariffs causing it. neil: you heard this report out of goldman sachs, chief economist that we see several
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rate hikes, up to 5 as a result of the inflationary pressures coming from this, what do you make of that? >> i think it is gobbledygook, he had a space in the >> needed to fill and decided to try this on for size. there are so many ad hoc theories of why inflation is this, that, or the other and it comes down to monetary policy and real growth and if you have real growth like under reagan we had huge growth and tight money under paul volcker, the two of those brought that inflation way down for a number of years, brought on interest rates, when we took office on january 20, 1980, when the prime interest rate was 201981 the prime interest rate was 21.5%, not only that but inflation was in the middle double digits, we were there together, you and i talked a lot back then as well and that's just it. that's what you should focus on and that is where it should
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stop, filling in little gaps with this stuff is just wasting time and causing people to be too afraid, there may be 5 new jobs in the rates but i don't think that will be caused by trump's tariffs. lauren: 20 do you think we got a rate cut by the end of the year and is a good idea? >> i think we get a rate cut before the end of the year and i don't think rates should be cut or raised, to be honest with you. i think the fed should try to follow interest rates, not lead interest rates, that's what paul volcker did, he followed interest rates a major the discount rate was slightly above the 90 day t-bill rate so people didn't fire from the bank successively. these people think they have the wisdom and power to lead markets and make interest rates go up and that's a silly policy and always leads to an expansion in the balance sheet and higher inflation which is exactly what people brought upon us and unless they change their ways i don't see this problem is over with.
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it. 20 start aging. i feel like i'm the only one aging. lauren: 1 of got the dow, even money now, the average average is with new records and we only have 5 minutes of trading to go. >> looking at gold. standing the test of time.
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30 seconds left to trading to go, jeff basis we are getting word has sold her plans to sell $5 billion worth of stock, we should point out the stock is taking it on the chin, not the nasdaq, amazon is up 11%, but this worries some investors but the bill closes july 4th holiday, jackie deangelis in "the big money show" guys. john: jackie: i'm jack


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