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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 5, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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out, you should have been doing it two years ago. >> something is not working and you shifted, shifted and shi shifted, you can only do that so long before everybody wakes up and says hang on, this doesn't feel right. it's not right and we are not going to put up with it. >> we can't let a rogue prosecutor in new york at the end are right to have access to hear from presidential candidate mike if you don't know how your country works, his history invites profound we have the privilege to live in 21st century america than no wonder you will be unpatriotic and fall for propaganda. >> this is about the economy and the border, crime, all the things affecting everyone everyday at the kitchen table and it doesn't matter if they put a new mask of the person who's destroying our future.
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>> 11:00 a.m. on the east coast. we were waiting for music and it never came in. july 5. basically empty sixth avenue midtown, manhattan. i'm in for stuart varney. when you don't have music, you miss it. the markets, it's been a positive week. record highs on s&p and nasdaq and the dow itself down a tenth of a% let's look at the tech names, treasury yields have come down which has helped growth stocks in the tech sector. meta, alphabet, microsoft moving higher. let up. at the present. let's look at the ten year if we can. that's been moving lower, down vix and a half basis points, now
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down to 4.29% on the ten year. let's get to this. the labour party won in a landslide in the uk's general election and ends 14 years of conservative role. stephanie bennet is in london and dreams is now. the prime minister has resigned so what happens now? >> good morning. just like stormy weather today, it's been a stormy election. he was here earlier saying farewell speech and went to say hello to the king goodbye to the nation but of course we do have the new prime minister and the labour party winning with 412 parliamentary streets, 121 seats and as you said, 14 years in power for the conservative minister. the labour party leader in keir starmer shaking hands with supporters, staff and family
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members as he gave his first speech as prime minister. >> brick by brick, we will rebuild the infrastructure of opportunity, the world-class colleges, the ingredients of hope for working people. the security, working class parties like mine can build their lives. >> and of course tradition, prime minister met with the third two from the new government right after he resigned with the king. for now he will represent his constituents in yorkshire. >> a clear signal for the government of the united kingdom must change and yours is the only judgment that matters. i have heard your anger,
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disappointment and i take responsibility for this loss. >> the new prime minister will only have a couple of days to settle in to number ten downing great because he will hop a flight coming to the u.s. d.c. for a crucial nato meeting happening next week. >> hitting the ground running. thank you very much. steve hilton joins me now, the perfect person for the you work for david cameron when he was a minister. we kind of knew this was coming but why such a crushing in this election? >> i think it's true they did, a landslide against the conservatives. there are two parts to that. a policy dimension after brexit in the place of enterprise and opportunity and regulation crucially controlling immigration, none of that was delivered and on top of that a sense of chaos in terms of the
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personalities constantly changing my ministers david cameron and teresa mae, boris johnson, rishi sunak, just enough after all these years. the interesting is it's not actually a landslide for labor. there vote share, the share of the vote was way to lower the most incoming governments and one example that gives that perspective barely from nowhere they got 15% of the vote, 15% labor and just of 30% 400 seats. just about half of that getting for so real questions asked about the election system in the uk that delivers a strange result. >> fascinating. we are going to move on. after calls for biden to abandon
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his reelection bid, governors now speaking out in his defense. >> we came together tonight to listen to president biden to tell us in his own words president joe biden is in it to win it. we will stand with the pres president, we find that force, the force being donald trump. >> none of us are denying the impact what i believe he's delivering some of the president was very clear, he's in this to win this. >> california governor gavin newsom only put out a post defending the president. there it is. what you make of that?
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>> the whole situation is extraordinary, they summoned these governors to the white house to try and somehow problem up including gavin newsom from california whose as a result of that had to drop one of the things he's been working on which is an attempt to sabotage the ballot initiative dealing with crimes and dropped all t that. rushed to washington and didn't even come to talk about it in public. i think the situation the democrats face is totally impossible for them to navigate on the one hand they have someone in the form of biden that clearly isn't capable of being president. they know he's a loser and they look around at the alternatives, kamala harris to be the one and gavin newsom, they are not confident they can win either, it's a complete nightmare for them. >> who knows as we look at our crystal ball here but how do you think it plays out? does joe biden eventually have to succumb to the pressure? >> it is hard to tell. he's got an interview today with
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george stephanopoulos and we will see how that goes. we'll go into that saying i'm here fighting and capable of doing the job so he's still clinging on, there have been a few story saying he's considering leaving. there's no one who can make him leave if he doesn't want to so it is this dilemma because there isn't an obvious alternative who's better who they could say right, if we pick this person, we are guaranteed to be donald trump, there's no one like that in one reason is it's not just about biden's weakness and the weakness of the alternatives. you have to look at the other side of the equation. donald trump's strength in that debate, exactly the kind of presidential figure who knew the issues, strong on policy so that is the part that they can affect which is gotten a republican candidate whose very strong and miles ahead and so many of these
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polls. >> fascinating as always. even hilton, thanks for joining us. >> let's look at the markets, you're in for the hours of thanks for that. how long does this bull market run? we are up again but it's been a hell of a run, does it continue into the second half? >> about music, q of lionel richie all night long because i'm here to tell you this could run only, all month and summer and here and that's not just me being wishfully optimistic if you look at the data. july is the strongest month of the year. gains. seasonally so we have that. second half of the election years are decidedly more positive than the first half if you look at the first half of the year, over 20 all-time highs for the s&p 500. when that happens, second half of the year brings all more all-time highs in the end of the day sucks ultimately follow earnings and analysts, it looks
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like we will have doubled digit profit growth bound to drive socks higher. >> indeed. you want your thoughts on today's jobs. the jobless rate take out 4.1% what did you make of that, if anything? >> more evidence that we are getting the expected cuts. >> dominating the global race and generative artificial intelligence. the country has filed over 60 --
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china in the lead. look at this from the united nations, china has filed 38000 generative ai patents from 20 2014 -- 2023. japan with 3400 in india with 13150 but china dominating liquid seen in recent years china has tried to play catch up with the american advancements and ai. ali baba with their own ai acts. stealing technology but they do seem to have a massive lead and ai patents, is that a concern or is this really about quality over quantity? what is your take? to make let me give you the headline below, 95 to 97% of patents are worthless and i say
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that with the data we have as a firm only globally translated databases because they are too narrowly written for infringing on other patents and china is the most egregious of doing this so i think it is instructive to understand this big never should not alarm people but is the trajectory. all the big tech companies predict or telegraph where they are going based on their mailing so i think it's a wake-up call if anything else to america. we have to be on the forefront generative ai, we have to have policies that support that and were don't restrict that and that's the key take away for investors as well as elected officials as we can put obstacles in the way allow us to innovate it out innovate china. >> we get the message about think of that. coming up, the fourth of july,
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swimming pools the experts are warning diseases you could ca catch. isn't that wonderful? they are ignoring the prices are way up since joe biden took office. we will break down the numbers for you. marking jewish students with concerns about their safety during the anti- israeli protests. next. ♪
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we have this just in, jewish
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democrat illinois capital office is been vandalized by protesters in the month of july. he tweeted out this photo with the caption quote my capital office was analyzed yesterday in a vial hostage in gaza including eight americans. at his home orbited by 50 must protesters screaming anti-semitic. we will bring more on this as we hear about it but that's the latest from his office being vandalized. next case new text showing columbia university worked jewish students over there concerns about anti-semitism on campus. one been writing comes from such of his privilege hard to hear
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woe is me. congressman mike joins me now. >> academic rock and set columbia university. i went there with speaker johnson the head of the protest and stared down pro- hamas agitators and faculty that was joining in with them. i think what you see is the absolute hypocrisy. during the trump administration of these universities were creating basis so students opposed to the presidency of donald trump could feel safe yet here where you have jewish students being physically, verbally harassed and it's also
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who thinks it's a privilege to want to feel safe at college university. it's shameful, they should be fired but the first person that should be fired from columbia president chevy, her handling of this episode was abomination and be allowed this to occur for weeks on end. >> an awful double standard but i want to get onto this one. new york city is going to give a round of prepaid debit cards, the cards will be getting more than 7000 migrants that cost the city about two-point vix million dollars. doesn't this entice more migrants to come in, what are your thoughts? >> this is the result of the democrats disastrous policies. for years they've supported open
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borders and connected sanctuary city provisions in democratic cities across the country including your in new york and they have used billions of dollars in taxpayer money to provide rehousing, free healthcare, free education and clothing, free food to illegal immigrants and as eric adams said last year, it's destroying new york city. new york state has increased state spending by the billing dollars in the last four years. sixty billing dollars as new york leads and migration. part of the reason is losing his tax base is because people look at the waste fraud and abuse on programs like this meanwhile we have a list veterans and new york. senior struggling to get the benefits and resources they need to get we are spending millions upon millions and bordering on billions upon billions of dollars of taxpayer money to
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provide free everything to illegal immigrants. disgusting and shameful. >> i couldn't have said it better. thank you so much. we do appreciate it. one of new york city's most prominent police unions asking members to decide which candidate they will endorse the election. detectives endowment association represents 18000 active retired officers, the first time the union is holding about issue and if they do endorse the candidate will be the first time union has publicly back to candidate. we are told it will be open one month july 8 to august 8. members can vote for either candidate, abstain entirely or even right in their own candidate for something it's pointless because they say donald trump is obviously the pro- police candidate. coming up, president biden insisted the economy is just
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fine protocols is majority of americans cannot afford to go on a summer vacation. we will begin to that. fda approval eli lilly's groundbreaking old-timer drug. what does doctor siegel think of it and what he recommended to a patient? the dog is next. ♪ thanks.
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all right, let's take a look at the markets, two hours into this friday session. generally higher the flat. let's begin with russell 2000 atf. you call that one the trump trade. >> absolutely, he wants to make america great, i want him to make all caps greater again and you look at his first term as president, he did exactly that because he's anti- bureaucracy, pro-business, lower taxes in
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this country. instead of having to pick a single company and stock to own. all their stocks rallying by way and we seen this case often is a bigger form that comes along and acquires the company at an average of one 100% so as an opportunity to get into compelling biotech buyouts that don't always happen. >> thank you very much. now this, the fda has approved eli lilly's groundbreaking alzheimer's drug.
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doctor marc siegel joins us right now. great to have you here, doc. would you recommend it? >> comes down to the tale of another drug like it from bio jen that was last year. both are similar. chris sula if you look at back with it, you could probably stop taking it and this is once a month where it is every two weeks. the big price tag, 30,000 year. proteins building up. essentially the brain gets conduct some nerve cells in the brain can't communicate with each other but it's only part of it.
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my drugs to stop the tangles alzheimer's and it looks like they are clear up even more. this is a tool but it's got serious side effects including brain swelling and one quarter of patients so i say is a conversation, personalized that is in between you and the patient and the family, how progress are you? it's got to be early in the game, what risks are you willing to take and what benefit are you looking at? it's about a 30% decrease of progression over 18 months. that's not nothing. >> let's move onto this one, a new study showing ozempic and can cause blindness. how rare is that? >> it's called nai on it's a form of blindness, 6000 cases a
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year which is rare and they haven't proven it causes this, they just noticed in diabetics who have this, there's an increase of those on the truck. that is it prove it causes about another reason to remind people not to get from somebody you don't know. go to your regular doctor, do you really need to drug? there's potentially a risk of thyroid problems. it helps with insulin resistance and weight. it does a lot of good things but like the first topic. >> certain patients more likely to develop this blindness?
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>> yes but it's very rare so can't say that this causes a but we can say here's another yellow flag. not a red flag. everything is side effects, nothing in life is free. i don't know if it causes it. it's very rare, something we have to study. it probably is associated but in a rare situation. it's not a reason to not take it. >> okay. there are enough. this one is high on the it factor but a lot of people heading to the swimming swimming pool. warning people to catch a whole host of illnesses at the pool. >> for the topic we missed, mediterranean diet on the way to the pool. poop in the pool, something
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called crypto which one of my family members have gotten from swimming in the pool. by treating it but it's there, 50% of the it's much lower. >> the topic you mentioned on mediterranean diet, it's heavy on what, fish, all of oil and vegetables. it can help cancer survivors
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live longer, is that accurate? >> that study is in the journal of the american college of cardiology, a very good study, it's out of italy. italy is studying their own f food. you know what it is? the food you mentioned in a mediterranean diet especially all of oil are loaded with antioxidants, berries, fruit, if they oxidants. not only decreases recurrence of cancer but cut down on heart disease and they found 60% decrease in people dying of heart disease in the study who also had cancer so you may not be dying from the kids or, you could be dying from heart disease. this is a good idea and an important study. everyone should be on mediterranean diet. you will at risk for heart disease should be on mediterranean diet. people with cancer decreases your risk from long-term outcomes. i liked this study. >> i still can't find pizza on
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the mediterranean menu but i'm not giving up. doctor marc siegel, thank you so much. >> just don't eat the bread. have the pizza but don't be depressed. >> that was the point? [laughter] we won't get into my diet. let's move onto soda. soda may start tasting a little different, the fda banned the use of vegetable oil and food products starting in august. a common stabilizer of food fruit flavored drink linked to neurological problems to all exposure can cause thyroid damage. it's worth noting you have to consume huge quantities of drinks containing romines and major soda acres removed it from their products years ago so hopefully it's not in there but it can be nasty.
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coming up, the u.s. signed a deal with panama to stop migrants and cartel members using the variant cap it to the united states. how much of an impact will we see on the southern border? business community putting pressure on president biden to drop out, the money democrats cause donations because of it. full report next. ♪
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the president to step aside. the filmmaker and air to the distinct fortune taking it a step further and the biden campaign will not receive another assignment of the ticket changes and then there's gideon stein. a coalition of business leaders under the leadership now project published the statement wednesday saying the threat of the second trump term, as president biden and democratic party to pass the torch of this year's presidential nomination to the next generation of highly capable democrats. there are also reports looking to raise up to $100 million to
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support a replacement candidate because there's lots of questions. as of now, if not filed federal paperwork so the calls are not limited to just donors, taking a look like their publishing it's only call for biden's withdrawal slapping the presidential seal on its latest cover. the u.s. chamber of commerce to he for backing nearly two dozen house democrats in 2020 telling politicians that economic growth should be the top priority of this year end beyond. president biden has said he has every intention of staying the race and participating today and campaign event in the battleground state of wisconsin. >> the money is starting to dry up. thank you very much. a new poll finds most americans are unable to afford a summer vacation. according to the poll, 52% of americans cannot afford to go on vacation. 55% say they've opted for
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cheaper destinations and 45. more americans are saying they are struggling with the cost of living is prices remain high and wage gains lag behind so luke come back in here. i have a feeling you're going to go on vacation this summer but it's a tough go for many. >> have a brand-new baby at home so that keeps us help homebound but i read a poll, 53% of people say they can't afford it, i read a poll that shows 82 americans say expect to go with 42% taking more vacations this year. this is the thing. 2.5 million americans a day traveling so we may not be able to afford it, erases the question to say, how are we funding it? >> the white house deputy press
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secretary put out a post celebrating prices hit a three year low on the fourth of july. let's dig into the numbers. yesterday a gallon of regular was 3.51. the 23 was 1 cent higher, 3.52. 2022 is the highest price and the biden at 4.80 a gallon. gas prices were $2.17 on the fourth of july. there are lies and there are statistics.
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>> just missed. >> it is that that is politics. all right, thank you. the sense of the market is our. kind of just been around the flat line, down about, we are seeing more selling. s&p 500 and nasdaq both hitting all-time intro day high. of trading. let's move on, criminals at the southern border set to hit an eight year high.
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more than 13000 cross since october.
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. >> all got to do is claim is adam, i don't have to prove my case. that lowers it. that also gives opportunity for agents cannot just be an administrative roles during processing but they can work the line be apprehending a lot of these getaways which under this administration has been close to 2 million getaways and that's hysteria. it's so easy to come across and get released we still don't know what the criminal background is. imagine how horrible the criminal background is of the individuals to go the extra steps not to even turn themselves in. >> it is dreadful. i want to move onto this one,
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talk about the other border, the feds are seizing conventional weapons of the northern border with canada. we facing a bit of a crisis on two fronts now? >> it definitely. it's been going on for quite some time, seeing entries from the northern border, the southern border in northern border, the numbers have been somewhat lower the going up because drug cartels realize where the issues are and many on both sides of the border. on the u.s. and canada and u.s. and mexico and they seek were strategically agents are being place so they know where the gaps are and what areas they can enter and bring more drugs. it is not dysfunctional, we see an uptick on methamphetamine in the country as well. >> awful. i wanted your thoughts on this one, the u.s. and panama signing the deal to stop the cartel migrants from using the gap. how much of an impact do you think we could see from that on
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our southern border? will be helpful? >> a little bit helps, only time will tell. a lot of the ideas you been up to the last one they come up with putting a cap on the individuals they received, even that has backfired because they leave the polls so unaccompanied juvenile don't fall under that cap so there's an up tick so now they are being turned over at the hands of organizations so a lot of it is the administration is throwing things out a lot of times because we're so close to the campaigning season. obviously they are trying to win election but realistically everyone in america and border agents every single one of them are being used as political pawns. >> why didn't they do this three years ago? work with panama?
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>> it goes even further. if they have this type of plan, how about the millions that have already entered under this administration? was the plan to find out where they are? they don't have a plan for that. they don't want to talk about the millions they already 11. >> so frustrating but ardell well, great to see you. keep us on this issue. >> thank you for having me, have me again. >> time for the friday trivia question. how many words are in the star-spangled banner? eighty, 90, 100? ♪
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call or go online to request your free quote today. ashley: we asked how many words are in the star-spangled banner. i tried to count them out. lou, you normally follow me but you are going -- lou:i'm going
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to go with 110. 110. ashley: i could not get close to 80 so maybe i am missing out but i will go with 80. let's see what the answer is please. better to be lucky than good. the tsonga, i should play the lotto, was written by francis scott key during the war of 1812, he was in baltimore harbor watching the assault on fort mchenry when he penned the poem that was later set ironically to the published british tune, now you know. thank you for sticking around for the full hour. a pleasure. always a great sport. that does it for us for "varney and company". coast-to-coast begins right now. rob: get whether democratic politicians are


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