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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  July 6, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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>> welcome to the program analyzes the week that was helps
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position you for the week ahead. happy july 4 weekend. i am in for maria bartiromo. it's a make or break weekend for president biden as he kicks off a swing state blitz in wisconsin. taped a rare and highly anticipated national primetime interview with george stephanopoulos. all in desperate efforts to try to shore up dwindling support. this is by despite pressure by members of his own party to drop out. >> i just ask that he be honest with himself about the situation, what he faces in with the impact will be on history. >> i do not see a path now for president biden to stay in this race in the long term. >> mr. president, please look at what is happened. recognize the reality out there may not be the same thing you are hearing from the circle of your closest friends and family and consider putting our country first and putting aside your personal interest didn't make that tough decision like lyndon johnson did under different
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circumstances to step aside and let us get an energetic new candidate. >> biden's got troubles with the donors to hollywood show runners and top democratic donors in particular damon have called on biden to drop out of the race. he is asking donors to withhold funding. he said he'll quote double the size of the checks if biden leaves the race. hastings, abigail disney halting donation to biden. one group of donors is reported working to raise as much is $100 million for an escrow fund called next-generation pack they will be used to support a replacement candidate. even the economists have turned on and featuring the presidential walker on the cover of their latest issue. here is what voters have to say. >> they should do a swap out for another candidate. i do think he should bow out i don't think you should have a person like that running for a leader of your country. he does not seem with it i don't think it is his age i don't mind his age at all. it is like literally questioning his health and his cognitive
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health. >> if you cannot see he is unfit for office you are crazy. the guys just not there. >> joe to meet now wisconsin senator ron johnson. senator it's good to see if resources are telling fox there is a letter of being circulated among democrat lawmakers calling on biden to leave the race if he cannot kick concerns over his mental acuity but what are you coming from your democratic colleagues and what do you think is the significance of him kicking off his rehabilitation tour in your state of wisconsin? cooks will cheryl, good to be with you here today. we are on recess were not talking to democratic colleagues odemocrat colleaguesother than e media. obviously think president biden is going to desperately try to cling to power he and his wife, his family, they like being in the white house. one of the rationales with a hunter being in legal jeopardy joe biden could be in legal jeopardy as well. they want to be able to have the
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next four years and they have a number of reasons why you want to stay in power. but it is a desperate act they do not think is going to work i been conservatively saying since last summer the going to have a really hard time leaving joe biden to be the nominee i've been saying for less three -- four years as a troubling is the biden scandals are his corrupt family, his obvious mental and physical decline what's more disturbing is the corruption within the federal agencies adamant covering up for him that he has a weaponize and even worse is the cover up of the mainstream media the corruption the complicity of the mainstream media. you can help me out we have been seeing this so why haven't we been saying anything about it? did media buy in large are not staffed by journalists they are
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staffed by activists for the left they are with this policy is in the open borders of certain men covering up for his infirmities and his corrupt family. >> it seems to be a lot of the anger is coming now headed towards the white house staff for protecting him the bubble of a biden summer calling it. there is blame being put on some of the media as well to your point. president biden is set to host 31 nato leaders in washington next week celebrating 75 years of the alliance is that week of photo ops, dinners, typically unscripted q and eight there will be a big press conference we know he will beat solo. all things biden was a slam for skipping out only to the g7 summit in italy last month their reports leaders were quote shocked to see his lack of focus there. what do you expect from them from next week is not on the world stage is going be hosting this major event. how high are the stakes for the
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united states? >> i'd like to have nato ministers talk about is in retrospect go back and say how do we go from a position in the early 90s the fall of the berlin wall and cooperation between then russia and the we west, getting rid of nuclear weapons in ukraine but getting rid of nuclear waste in russia russia accepting the fact that it needed u.s. troops in europe to maintain stability. now we have a bloodied stalemate a proxy war between the west and russia. rather than bringing freedom and prosperity to ukraine much of ukraine has been destroyed in this bloodied stalemate and vladimir putin is not taking it off the table. what nato ministers ought to be looking at is what went wrong? how do we lose the peace question people are writing the anti- history. history is in flames right now
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there's an awful lot of bad decisions on people on all sides rather than continue to push more and more arms of the threatening more use of arms into russia which is only going to increase that risk of nuclear war need to figure how can we step back from the brink a question macaque we ended the bloodied stalemate and try to come up with a better solution than we have for the last decades? >> another big piece of news this week you see a lot of the democrats going after the supreme court now. then next week aoc is vowing to file articles of impeachment against conservative judges she is criticizing their decision to grant partial immunity to former president trump as a quote assault on democracy. your senate colleague elizabeth warren is calling to expand the high court which chuck schumer slamming what he's calling a mega- court is undermined his own credibility. a recent analysis this is not the case in fact out of the 49 court decisions and this term
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only 11 were decided along ideological lines. what do you make of this push from those on the left? >> first of all fdr could not pack the courts because america was outraged by the concept to do that as well as the mainstream media i would not let fdr get away with it. now the left wing media it sits back and allows people like aoc and elizabeth warren to openly talk about packing the courts without any kind of pushback it is entirely possible that's what's definitely at stake in november if for example democrat nominee wins and they get the majority in the house and the senate kiss america goodbye they will pack the court they will turn what it's puerto rico, d.c. into states they get former democrat senators. they want a one party nation they want power forever they're trying to crush dissent that's why the weaponize the federal government against ordinary
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americans be very afraid of what democratic governors will do you come thank on the fact democratic governance is already done is literally put the nation oon a path of destruction. we need to defeat these people. >> are right senator ron johnson thank you for your time it's always good to see you. >> have a good day. >> jobs in june higher-than-expected we continue to get hit with revisions for the previous month. bob and steve on the actual health of the jobs market know what i (♪) (♪) what took you so long? i'm sorry, there was a long line at the thai place. you get the sauce i like? of course! you're the man! i wish. the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund
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>> here's a look at where marcus ended the first trading week of the second half of the year as a june sigh hotter than expected jobs report. the economy at 206,000 jobs topping 190,000 estimate down from last month revised 218,000.
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planet rate expectedly ticked higher 4.1%. we got more revisions april and may it shouldn't want her to 11000 fewer jobs were added than previously reported. joy to jordan mall former chryse depot chairman bob in trump economic advisor steve moore. steve, i want to start with you on these revisions. month after month we get new numbers 111,000 fewer jobs that is a substantial hit. >> it sure is, great to be with you a pleasure to be with you as well. probably nobody has their finger on the pulse of the labor market more than bob. i will simply say this i do not by the characterization this is a hot jobs market right now. we definitely shifted into eight lowalower gear i'm not saying we headed to a recession programs in the economy is slowing down a lot. we are seeing that in the gdp numbers and also in the employment numbers. one particular problem that i have identified in the jobs
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numbers and there are a lot of problems here. if you looked over the last 14 or 15 months the biggest employer the biggest source of new jobs as come from government and healthcare but my goodness we have a federal government running a $2 trillion deficit. they should not be hiring workers we should be dramatically reducing government employment. so we want to see more people making things in the american economy getting jobs but that just is not happening. i do not view this as a bright or rosy picture with the labor market right now. >> and bob what is your assessment of the job market right now? >> thank you for having me on and steve, thank you for the compliments. you are really the smart essay on here today. i just want to add to steve's comments i called that number deceptively correct. as you pointed out every month he gets adjusted. the 206,000 jobs again, steve is to write the second largest employer last year was the
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government they are back on the same track again this year. there is no gdp generated by government jobs. but was totally absent in the chart you just showed where his manufacturing? last month 2000 less manufacturing jobs. the unemployment rate is up year-over-year. the number of unemployed is up year-over-year. this is all attributed to this administration in my opinion what i will call is like inflation is that carbon monoxide it is the silent killer that is creating job problems and the quality of life. it is a pervasive. people should still using dynamic pricing to your point and we are continuing to suffer under reckless spending that's causing problems in our economy. it is stressing the faultlines in our economy whoever gets in that white house next year is going to be hit with a wrecking ball to try to pull this back. this are two different types of messages coming from each of our
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presidential candidates right now. speaking of, president biden did announce executive action earlier this week the white house extending over time protection for 1 million salary workers who make less than $44000 a year but that is up over $8000 from the previous salary minimum on january 1 the threshold is going to race again to more than $58000 per year. bob, what do you make of this and its effect on this particular segment of the workforce? >> two points on them. i saw during your show this past week $58000 was the average. they are saying almost the 160,000 a year. the inflation cost of living. every job has a different wage rate to it, right? i'm all for cost-of-living adjustments for families to have an affordable life. we saw 40% wage increases earlier this year through union
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negotiations. this is not equitable it's not equitable and if you have a lower skilled job why are they going to get paid more than someone with higher skills because they're both working a couple hours of overtime. i can i'm not sure this is equitable and an appropriate way to increase the standard of living for our families today. i think there are other things we should be doing and to steve's point he got to pull back on the reckless spending we've got to get inflation under control. i saw today at work automobiles the auto industry is going to lower prices to try and offset the interest rate people have to pay for cars and that's not going to work. >> have been seeievincing that i report to your point about the cost of auto insurance. as long as interest rates are sitting where they are that's going to continue to be a problem. and steve, white house spokesman earlier this week was touting july 4 gas prices expected that lowest level in three years but get this, in actuality was a 1
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cent drop in prices compared to last fourth of july. you have to almost laughed at by itemization tapped spr again this week they sold 1 million barrels of oil from the reserve obviously this is a political story in an election year you want to keep gas prices lower. >> look, when trump left office the price of gasoline was somewhere around $2.30 a gallon. under biden over the last three and a half years the average price of gas has been about $3.70 a gallon you're paying about a dollar 50 a gallon basically a biden gas tax because of his policies so let's not forget the first active joe biden put into when he was put in as president was to kill the pipeline with this war on energy i find that indefensible one of the quick thing when you're talking to bob about the regulations you may have seen just this week joe biden said
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what we are going to do about higher grocery prices is we are going to investigate grocery stores i'm not making this up, investigate grocery stores for price gouging. come on he's blaming the inflation that is it due to his three -- $4 trillion spending spree 7-eleven stores, grocery stores everyone is responsible except for himself. >> at the gas lighting loose in the policy side and of course this past week we've got more gas lighting on the health of the president and his cognitive abilities. steve moore and bob come its way to speak with both of you. thank you guys. >> thank you. looks thank you very much. >> it don't california and tennessee white residents of one tennessee town say they are living because the blue state exodus is driving more residents to their town.
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♪ ♪ >> the blue state exodus redding to gallatin, tennessee 30 miles north of nashville. over 13% jump in its population since april of 2020 its counties also enjoying economic surge from the mass migration. sumner county economy growing 8.5% annually between 2020 and 2022 putting it in the top 7% of all counties for growth in the u.s. mayor paige brown joins me. most of it residents have moved from blue states like california, illinois and new york. i have to type my foxbusiness program american dream home we did an episode on gallatin is a beautiful place i can see what people want to move there. but why do you think they're coming? >> i appreciate that we speak of gallatin it's very similar to
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what's happening all around nashville. and to some degree across tennessee people look at the tax burden of living in tennessee, the qualiquality of life or livn tennessee and they look to a place where they can have a better life so they come to tennessee. interestingly, we talk about this exodus i heard that in your tease i think there is some of that i think the dynamics are far more complex than that i think the people who are coming here are largely very conservative. in fact were single and if i am more conservative than you are going on. it's very, very interesting how things are happening with some things never happen in our country because is not just gallatin was seen the trend happening in other states in texas we are seeing this we are seeing this in parts of kentucky, the carolinas need to have a long time residents that are slamming this blue state newcomers they say it don't
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california my tennessee cute. one commissioner said traffic is gotten so much worse and the developers are buying up a lot of farmland they want to build new homes. and now you've got residence in your town pushing for restrictions as the home prices skyrocket that doesn't push up the higher cost of living so how do you respond to those resident's concerns? >> i do not think the consensus of most of our residents as they live in they are very happy living in the communities that they live in. the challenges are there. the traffic certainly is something people are not very happy about is you can imagine but if you have lived other places our traffic does not compare i've been in far worse cities and much much worse traffic we are not around atlanta that we are not like around l.a. but we are certainly busier them at once were. we are in a community that when i was a grown up with tro try et or 9000 people you could be the
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only car on the road. and now you don't get to be and you wait a few minutes very. >> quick before you go, how is the housing market today? when we film there's been a couple of years. quick to think that is the biggest challenges for the conflict comes from. so many people have moved here they'they taken up existing inventory. people who are already in our community a lot of grown want to start a family and buy a home or their older want to downsize there's just not housing available and the housing of course is so much more expensive than it was just a few years ago. it's more than doubled in most cases. >> mayor paige brown it's a pleasure to speak with you give my best to the folks in gallatin thank you for being here. >> thank you come appreciate yo harlem has everything. but i couldn't find pilates anywhere. so i started my own studio. and with the right help, i can make this place i love even better. earn up to 5% cash back on business
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>> welcome back but one thing you need to know ahead of next week the big bank set second-quarter earnings season j.p. morgan, citigroup, wells fargo are reported for the bell on friday. second quarter reports overall expected to be solid with consensus estimates calling for more than 9% jump in the s&p 500 eps growth from second quarter of last year. they get tech healthcare, financials, energy, utilities all expected to show strong earnings per share. lpl financial says good earnings news may delay the s&p 500 pullback that were probably overdue fo for. we'll be watching it all on foxbusiness. that was it for us here. thank you so much for joining us. have a won weekend, we will see you next time. >> barron's roundtable sponsored by global x. ♪ ♪


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