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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 8, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ ♪. david: taylor swift, don't blame me a lot of that going a lot of finger-pointing going on in politics, good morning, everyone it is 10:00 o'clock eastern.
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i am david asman in for stuart varney, let's get straight to your money all in the green is started out much lower than what is happening on the dow up over 200 points, the s&p is up 11 in the nasdaq is gaining a little ground it is up 24.7, the yield on the ten year is up about .9 basis point to four-point to eight, oil is trading down and well over $80 a barrel at $82.75. bitcoin is up $760 to 57000 almost 57.5, just a moment ago, president biden spoke to msnbc and joe scarborough's calls grow within his party to drop out of the race. biden said he is not going anywhere. roll tape. >> all the data shows that the average democrat out there who voted 14 million of them that voted for me still want me to be the nominee and the average voter out there still wanted joe
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biden, i'm not going anywhere and i wouldn't be running if i didn't absolutely believe i'm the best candidate to be donald trump. david: joe concha joins us now for details. it's in a boilerplate, this is part of his cleanup on aisle five and he had the big try with george stephanopoulos on friday and did not change many minds with that. does this make any difference with what we saw with joe scarborough. >> he was reading a teleprompter during the interview. i don't have any definitive proof but those answers, you called a boilerplate, were almost to perfect workday, no thought process, anything that would indicate that he's thinking off-the-cuff, there is a reason and msnbc is pathetic by the way for saying we will do a phone interview but the president doesn't have access to a studio. i met my basement talking to you. i pretty sure the president of the united states has access to an area that he could do the
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interview on video, they did not put on the video so therefore they can answer questions and if you don't think joe and mika, they talk to this president on a daily basis and joe scarborough admitted to this. off-camera, then you are insane, you believe it's going to be snowing later in new york. david: joe scarborough has a little bit of cleaning up as an understatement. it was a couple of months ago saying joe biden has never been as mentally fit as he is today. he has a complete turnaround right after the debate, now he modulated a little further to be somewhere where he was after the debate and where he used to be a couple months ago. is he finished, his joe scarborough finish? he did not look so good during this episode. >> it was in march of this year where he said receive the best
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of joe biden and told his audience ask you if you do not believe that he was trying to be definitive as possible to protect his guy and after the debate said would you trust joe biden to run a fortune 500 company obviously implicated that he should be president anymore and once the blowback came because he said this on msnbc, that's a big no-no now is try to come back to an area where he can get the next contract but that's all this is about he has 0 credibility. david: meanwhile, the real heavy like david axelrod are predicting biden is going to lose the 2024 race in a landslide, roll that tape and get joe's reaction. >> that is really the concern, it is not about his record every time he's asked whether he could do the job until he's closer to 90 than 80, he says look at what i did the last four years, that's not the way it works. there is immutable facts of life and those were painfully obvious on the debate stage in the
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president doesn't seem to come to grips with it. he is not winning this race, he is more likely if you look at the data and talk to people around the country, political people around the country it's more likely that he'll lose by a landslide then went narrowly. david: a landslide, that is pretty tough language. >> it is in this perspective is coming from david axelrod that is essentially coming from barack obama in a landslide is accurate if you look at donald trump leading in every swing state, north carolina, georgia, arizona, wisconsin, michigan pennsylvania, florida and ohio are gone but the map is expanded were trumpets leading in new hampshire which hasn't gone read in decades. virginia hasn't gone red since 2004, new mexico in decades, new jersey is competitive, colorado is competitive. i could go on but this president
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is not nimble to defend all the swing states and also the other states are being thrown into the mix and by the way take the mental part out for a second he is losing on every major issue, inflation is what it is, crime is what it is, energy independence is what it is and emigration in the border is what it is. until those conditions change unless biden gets better with age, tell me how he wins, i don't see it but we are 120 d days. david: very quickly, the scandal which i think is been resolved and somebody getting fired to radio host admitted that biden aides gave them the questions that they wanted them to ask the president and they used a few of the questions. where do you think this ends. one of those people have been fired by the radio station. these are new photos by axios from staffers in the biden white house showing pictures, essentially paint by the pictures walk on the stage for
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the president but first of all, the story on the radio host, do you think more people are going to come out and say we got the questions as well? >> i would hope so, this radio host was brave andrea was being honest about given the preapproved questions in advance and she shared the information publicly, she was fired for it, you're telling me management didn't know that she got the questions in advance, the biggest interview you don't think was all hands on deck afterwards when she revealed that she became a whistleblower, was she given the acts, is prophetic and i would hope more reporters come forward but they probably want to keep their jobs so that probably won't happen. david: joe concha, good stuff. we appreciate you being here. but check the markets, they are doing pretty well, the dow has lost a little bit, it's traded under 200 points up 184, the s&p is up 11, nasdaq up 40 points,
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we now have a guest to join us to talk about the market, thomas hayes joins us now. is the market spread a little too thin we've been focusing on the few companies particularly those dealing with a.i. it's not that the rest of them are doing terribly but these few are pulling the whole market index up. >> the question there is a saying you're probably familiar with the last shall be first, the second quarter second half is going to first the flood for stuff on its side yet the magnificent seven, top five stocks were responsible for 60% of the gains in the first half of this year. that's going to change for two reasons in the second half were on the cusp of a see change were to get more participation in the first reason earnings composition, in the first quarter for instance the magnificent seven had 15% earnings growth and then magnificent at negative 1% earnings growth by q4, to focus
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on 493 stocks had negative 1% earnings growth in q1, by q4 it's going to be 70% earnings growth and a magnificent seven to a deceleration in growth in 19% earnings for 493. warren buffett says whether stocks or stocks would like to buy quality merchandise when is markdown there's plenty defined. david: crown castle, i understand is pretty good, tell us about it. >> 6.5% dividend yield 40000 cell phone towers, it's going to trade with interest rates, we believe are to get 1 - 2 cuts the market is pricing that in about 70% chance of a cut in september, 72% chance, 95% of one cup by december that's going to help all they have a fiber business a nacelle often deleverage a balance sheet and a
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new ceo in a 6.5% dividend 6.5 dividend paid while you wait. david: gxo logistics is a warehouse copy. outsourced logistics it is one of brad jacob's companies, he just wrote a book how to make a few billion dollars he made a few billion with uri if you invested 1 million in united rentals you got 47 million. if you did it with the x pio you made 31 million on 1 million and now gxo logistics plan out and they're estimating they're going to double adjusted ebit by 2027 in the business will grow. david: gxo logistics, great to see you. you are looking at movers, let's look at intel. >> it should be a 5% there's 4% 33 - 34 they call intel a great a.i., the first expensive this year the researchers say the big beneficiaries of the a.i. were nvidia, broad. those trades are not dead at all
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but this would be rotation into other names that include intel the apple and amd. >> raymond james says they are a buy, they like the promising liver in hiv treatments, stock is up almost 8%. it's at 67 the given and $93 price target. david: target. >> back to school and back to college savings including 20 must-have supplies for under $20 total, that's pretty good. now they're selling the cheapest backpacking ten years, $5. david: i might get one for myself. >> target is up 2%. david: thank you very much. president biden is going to host nato leaders for three day summit in the sea this week, they're expecting for more weapons aid for ukraine as russia ramps up attacks. we have the details and china expert gordon chang says he's extremely concerned about the spiking chinese migrants illegally crossing our southern border, dhs secretary chad wolf
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david: checking the markets in the green and nice way to start the week, to a point in the s&p 500 is about ten and a half and nasdaq is up about 26. now this a new report showing the poorest areas in new york are getting hit the hardest by the migrant crisis. it always seems to be the way and hit the hardest. >> the new york post looked at the zip code where the migrants were going the most in the answer is queens. it has 70 of new york's 193 shelters, resident specifically
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in long island have some of the poorest areas and are mad because they're competing with migrants for services and they live here, some of them pay taxes. the post says manhattan has 49 of the shelters, brooklyn 44 and the rest in the bronx in 20 in staten island. david: china expert gordon chang, he says we should be very concerned by the rise of china to our southern border. roll tape. >> if we go back two years, were seen primarily family groups coming to our country. in other words desperate chinese. 80 - 85% according to border patrol are single males traveling in packs of 5 - 15, not with family members of military age and border patrol knows that some of them have links to the chinese military so we have to be extremely concerned that some of them are operatives coming here to attack our country. david: acting dhs secretary chad wolf joins me now, thank you for being here it is not just the
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7000% explosion of chinese migrants but the threat of mideast terrorism as well. put all the threats and perspective for us. >> i think it is across-the-board when we look at the individuals being apprehended along the southern border. it's not just as you indicated a rise in chinese nationals. although that is concerning, the rise of the nationalities, 150, 160 different nationalities at the border patrol is encountering coming across a number that we have never seen before. when you look at the threats that the united states is facing overseas and the border continues to be open. i think that is what is giving fbi directors a lot of concern and others in the intelligence community, a lot of concern saying we are primed for an attack because of the threats and because of the nature of the open border. david: meanwhile, the internet was exploding this past weekend of stories of illegal migrants getting offers to register to
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vote from various sources, mostly local officials, et cetera. isn't the dhs wanted those organizations of the federal government that is supposed to prevent that thing from happening? >> u.s. cis part of dhs certainly has a role to play there. this is a difficult issue because obviously different states handle this issue different ways and allow. we need to do everything in our power to make individuals that are registered to vote are actually u.s. citizens. i think that is critically important, the idea that checking ids is somehow discriminatory or whatever else the left says, it's nonsense the majority of americans support this. david: 81% majority, that's how big it was according to support the idea of voter id. i want to talk about the nato meeting happening this week in
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d.c., nato leaders expected to pledge more weapons aid for ukraine. should we keep pouring money and weapons into ukraine? is it paying off for us? >> i don't know that is paying off. i think there's two points. it's always good to see other nato membership in member countries step up and pay their fair share into what they need to do for the alliance. that something the president trump push them to do and was very successful at that. the bigger question that you have, what is the end state for the war in ukraine. that's with the biden administration hasn't provided the american people. there could continue to pour more resources, american resources into the war without any final in-state or what is the strategy behind bringing that conflict to a close. president biden has no vision on that. every time he gets asked about it, you leave with more questions than answers. i think that's what the american people want to see.
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we understand if we have to provide our allies additional support but where does it end and what is the end state. david: also a diplomatic state, whether it is wise to give or deny ukraine nato membership, the biden administration has made certain statements that say that they want nato, they want ukraine to become a member of nato. but a lot of nato countries don't. how do you think that's going to work out? >> i think that is dangerous, i think you would probably need to leave that question a little open. i think there's a lot of different issues at play there and how member states and nato as well as ukraine. i think as long as this work continues and the way in which it has yet not being able to find the in-state by the biden administration, i think that's where the focus should be, how do we bring the conflict for people dying every single day to a close and we do it pretty closely and pretty soon jan wheatley membership to a
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different time, i think they have their priorities backwards in this case. david: it does not seem to be the right time particularly because the thorn in the side of russia that might make them stick at the moment when they might be lawfully debit. thank you very much. russian missile attack left 31 people dead and hundreds injured one-hit at children's hospital. >> a large children's hospital in kyiv, the hospital had to be evacuated and closed. use all videos of mothers. their wounded were children out in the search underway for any victims including medical workers under the rubble. so sad. ukraine said it shut down 38 missiles launched by russia. david: thank you. now this senator roger marshall said president biden could be seen a doctor who specializes in
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parkinson's disease. >> sources tell me that a neurologist, specialists in parkinson's has been at the white house ten times over the past year, these doctors are so rare they're not making house calls for anybody. david: we have doctor marc siegel dealing with that in a moment. for senior democrats joining the call for biden to step aside after the abc interview. aishah hasnie has a very latest from capitol hill. that is next. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab.
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david: check the market the dow is the winner although he lost a little bit of steam under 200 up 159 points, the s&p 500 is up about eight points in the nasdaq is up 28, come on in your looking other movers starting with the video. >> up to.5%, ubs did some channel checks and they saved nvidia's next-generation chip, the blackwell, it is exceedingly
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robust meeting were not seen a positive purchasing by clients, they continue to upgrade to the newest and the best from nvidia. david: service now, the opposite direction, the stock is down a workflow software company, guggenheim cox undercuts them to sell, unlike what i just said about ubs and nvidia, guggenheim says they have been doing checks on service now and they've seen a dearth of generative a.i. sales because of slower spending by it companies, that is down 4.2%. david: let's go to spear airlines. >> deutsche bank low-fare carriers like spirit continue to struggle despite record demand, use all fourth of july travel. the stock is down almost 3%. david: now this, for senior democrats reportedly joining calls for president biden to end his reelection bid as congress returned to capitol hill today. this is biden campaign faces mounting pressure following the
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abc news interview on friday. aishah hasnie joins me now from capitol hill, what is the latest. >> good morning to you, that is a big story developing right now, that is the reason why president biden this morning fired off a letter to congressional offices to try to stem anymore defectors from speaking out publicly, take a look at the letter, the president writes in part the question on how to move forward has been well aired for a week now and it's time for it to end. any weakening of resolve or lack of clarity at the task ahead only helps trump in hurts us. it follows a major hit to biden over the weekend when the top democrats in the house called on him to step aside. were talking vacate members of pretty powerful committees like jerry nadler, adam smith, mark takano and joe morelle. they made their stance very clear during a private leadership call on sunday held
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by hakeem jeffries and they now join five rank-and-file members who already called on biden to basically step aside as others are speaking out in expressing serious concerns. >> he should be mopping the floor with donald trump. joe biden is running against the criminal, should not be closed and there's only one reason it is close in that the president's age. >> i'm standing outside mark warner's office right now where everyone is waiting for him to speak out, that is because over the weekend on friday there was reporting that he was trying to round up some senate democrats to get them together to ask the president to step aside, there was supposed to be a that happened later on this evening among so democrats and warner, we are told that the husband cancel, it is not happening in details about it word leaked out. house republicans are now
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demanded that the president doctor com to the hill and testify before congress to answer questions about the president's mental state unlike democrats, they are looking at the president's job if he is able to perform that right now in this hour as opposed to whether he can actually make it the next four years, back to you. david: the details are popping every minute, expected to happen all week, thank you very much, president biden appeared to be saying on friday that he does it need to go neurological testing. roll tape. >> have you had this specific cognitive test and have you had a neurologist or specialist doing examination question. >> no, no one said i had to they said i'm good. >> would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that included neurological and cognitive test and release the results to gimmicky people? >> have a cognitive test everything will day, every day
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have a test. david: doctor marc siegel joined me now, it is not clear he is speaking euphemistically saying my job is essentially neurological test and maybe he's taking simple neurological test, your thoughts? >> good to be with you if his job as a cognitive test which could make a case for i don't think he's passing it, the cognitive test that were talking about like the montréal test or the status exam, the 10 - 50 minute test that look at spatial orientation, recall judgment, attention, they are a lobar it's a real red flag, what i'm concerned about isn't the president necessarily. i think it seems to me that he's probably in a state of denial. the patient is usually the last to know or admit it but what about his handlers in the first
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lady i feel compassion, empathy for the president but who's behind orchestrating all this and if you look at kevin o'connor's report from a couple of months a there's a swarm of neurologist, that examined the president but i was wondering at the time and i was wondering last year, where is the mri not just one cognitive test but something that addresses the issue specifically we call them gaffes but they're not gaffes, they look like spatial orientation and issues of a complete loss of memory. i don't feel that doctor o'connor and his team have been straightforward, everyone is focused on dementia and alzheimer's but there might be something else, senator barger marshall said the presidency the doctor who specializes in parkinson's disease, roll that tape. >> i sources tell me that the neurologist, specialist in parkinson's has been at the white house ten times over the
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past year, let me tell you what these types of doctors are so rare they're not making house calls for anybody. i don't know if he has it or not we need to do a physical exam but if you look at the way that he shuffles and he swings his arms, the way he freezes at times, all of these are consistent with parkinson's. david: do you think it could be parkinson's? >> no i don't actually. for a couple of reasons. first of all we should watch out who is speculated about stuff. we have not examined him. but listen, the last two physicals stated flat out he does not have parkinson's. as you know i have a neurologist in my pocket that's looking at all these videos and we think this is more consistent with something vascular like not enough blood flow to tiny pockets of the brain, that's why we're talking about an mri he has atrial fibrillation which is a related irregular heartbeat in a major study out of switzerland
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shows 6% of incidents where you don't get enough blood flow, everything will your, that's why wanted the mri. david: we have one more issue that we want to talk about what the doctor, the neurologist happens to be your wife she's wanted the best neurologist in america i want to switch to another. >> you outed me. a new study out showing the people with a history of alzheimer's on the maternal side of your family have a bigger risk of developing the disease, what can you tell us. >> this is a huge study that came out another drug in its tracks and the monoclonal antibody that gets rid of it reduces how much you have at the brain. let me tell you why that's important this study out of mass general that looked at 4400 people is actually measuring amyloid and insane people
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without cognitive problems at all seem to have a buildup of the amyloid plaque if their mother had alzheimer's. we know alzheimer's is genetically linked we've known that for a long time but we don't know the exact link, this is a major step forward looking at the genetics of the situation hopefully coming up with more treatment and possibly a cure. david: doctor siegel that comes from a great family of doctors, great to see you again. now this a group of students in pennsylvania impersonated teachers on tiktok, they posted lewd and disparaging videos on the fake accounts. we have the story coming up in the president of the top teachers union gets mocked for an unbelievably unhinged speech at a union meeting, look at this. >> we have to win all the things, all the things, all the things, our colleagues are depending on us to win all the
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things. david: all the things, school choice advocate corey deangelis said the naa president is desperate to maintain control over the minds of her kids while taking a lot more of her money, cory is next. ♪
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when you're in the military you're really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. did a military freefall, and i had some faulty equipment.
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i hit the ground. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. i was able to actually get on the mountain and ski with my family, i can't put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i'm still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vets last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that's probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried.
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david: the president of the national education association the biggest teachers union is being mocked for her unhinged address to members, roll tape. >> we will do this work because our students are depending on us to win all of the things and in here we have to win all of the
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things, all of the things, all of the things, our colleagues are depending on us to win all of the things keep going to preserve our democracy we must win all the things. david: corey deangelis joins me now. beyond hysterical what does she mean, what is she mean by all the things. >> the basics are included in all of the things, math, reading and writing are down the drain and in the gutter, they're asking for more money obviously but becky pringle the head of the nea she pulled into white shrewd is totally unhinged lunacy and parents and grandparents at home, do you want this person raising your kids for seven hours a day, obviously not you have to fight for school choice, defund this person she makes over $500,000 a
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year to spew this garbage and she wants to fight to control the minds of other people's children and that's bad news for this country but the good news parents are seeing this, the sunlight is the best disinfectant and parents are pushing for school choice money following the child. david: all the things that all the di stuff that she is putting equal to if not above getting good reading and math scores. >> are focused on the lgbt's than the abcs and they want more money, they want to indoctrinate your kids not to educate them, this is why families, free advertising for homeschooling and school choice, hopefully we continue to play the clip on repeat. >> for schools by the way, new york city public school system is one of the most expensive in the country but it goes up to lesser degrees all over the country, $38000 per student they spent on k-12 education, 38000
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schools to put in perspective is about $10000 less than that and they have much better scores, were not getting a return on our investment in schools, are we? >> is the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over expecting different results, nationwide we increased per student funding by 170% after adjusting for inflation and how the outcomes got 170% better, obviously not. david: absent an advocate of school choice what you were advocating every person that spends money spends tax dollars on education should get a voucher for their own kids to allow them to take the kids to the school of their choice which would include nonunion schools because this woman that we saw is focused on saving the unions in saving union jobs but a lot of good education going to schools that don't have it union
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teachers. >> write the power-hungry control freaks like becky pringle are terrified because school choice is advancing more in the past three years then we've seen in the preceding three decades and it's their own fault, people like becky fought to keep the schools closed as long as possible that showed the true colors and also should families what was happening in the classroom through zoom, again she is free advertising for school choice and they have been so drunk on power for so long they don't how to reverse course. david: great to see you, thank you very much for coming in. a group of middle school students targeted teachers online by impersonated them on tiktok, take us through this. >> those were seventh and eighth graders, not even high school or young kids this is at a middle school in pennsylvania they created fake tiktok accounts for 20 of the teachers in the school, nothing like a.i. related or highly skilled they basically took images of them and their families and created
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the fake tiktok's and said the teachers said things that they did not say. all sorts of things. it can go through the list are not remembering off the top of my head but the new york times in-depth peace and they give examples what struck me about this, you think kids are going to be nice, where is empathy from the students, the teachers in the piece were saying how do we go back and to. they also weaponize social media against the people in charge of their education and their care. it was nasty. >> we have another one education dozens are suing social media. >> 11 school districts in long island for contributing to the addictive nature of social media and the corresponding increase in mental health problems among the students that they teach, this is cause them to spend a
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lot of money hiring mental health professionals for changing lesson plans to include how to deal with the effects of social media, they've had enough and now a lawsuit, there been somebody lawsuits 11 school districts in new york that we've seen states sue the social media company. david: thank you very much, celebrations turn into riots in france after left-wing alliance secured the majority in the parliamentary election, steve forbes deals with this political upset in the next hour. a real state strategist says the housing market is on the verge of a steep price correction, could that give first-time homebuyers waiting on the sidelines a chance to finally be able to jump in hosted mantle global katrina campaigns on that coming up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪. david: fox business will be highlighting ways to achieve the american dream in a very tough real estate market, today were focused on homeowners who are looking to improve their space, jeff flock joins me from new jersey, what can homeowners on a budget will do to improve their
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situation. >> how about rip out the kitchen that you don't like, that's what's going on in new jersey right now taking out a kitchen and the wall coming down you see the cabinets come about of people are scared to sell their house and find a new house so there improving what they got i have remodeling solutions here this is common even though maybe you don't get all the money back for your renovation. it's very difficult to move so people are improving their homes is a great time to remodel in the kitchen project like this is going to add a lot of return on investment be back take a look at the numbers this is value compared to what you spent, curiously enough curb appeal is important a new garage door you get a lot of value for a new garage door into new roof 50% back a major kitchen remodel 50% people are doing it anyway even if they don't get all the money
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back because they cannot make a move right now in the tight housing market. >> are looking to improve their lives, make the function of the kitchen work better, you can entertain and it's a right way to go. david: this is a paint believe it or not, bold colors are coming back this is an old kitchen you have a nasty color, now it's gray, go gray dark gray could increase according to zillow the value of your home by $2500. >> dark grays, four screens, bold colors, adds contrasting interest and makes the space more dynamic. >> don't paint your front door, cabinet going out we could repurpose i could use them in my house maybe. >> we will save it, good deal i may get a deal on it. >> in the house and the kitchen that you're in is likely to be gone. >> no offense to the homeowners but that has got to change,
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thank you very much one real estate strategist is predicting a steep price correction for the housing market he says we could see prices from residential commercial properties plunge up to 30% hosted "mansion global" katrina campaigns joins us now, prices are skyhigh. i don't think it would be a bad thing if they came down particularly for first home time buyers. >> it would be bad but i think sometimes are getting ahead of themselves with saying there will be a price correction in commercial real estate absolutely but commercial and residential are two completely different animals we have to remember the market is very different in the landscape is very different that it was during the crash i see headlines that say we may see a market crash and that is click bait the reality were not seeing the same level for appreciation that we saw during the pandemic which is very healthy as you mentioned in
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some markets are taking longer to sell property and ironically florida and texas are experiencing that because we have more supply in the market and we have a three month supply nationwide in the six month supply is healthy. david: it kills me when i see decent people try to buy a house and they can't do it. a brand-name residence i have not heard about this, tell us about. >> a good friend of mine was the first to do this back in florida and he did it with trump that was the first he license name and they built six towers and after that he went on to porsche and he sold off the tower and we covered on "mansion global" and it was really fun and now he said it with bentley and is about 45% sold, it is no longer, now with so much inventory in the cargo space especially in miami you need a brand-name and people are loyal to the brands some want the ritz someone saint regis, porsche clients that are absolutely in love with the brand and they know what to expect, it is not so much about the hype is about knowing the level of luxury that you're getting in the expectation
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people from other countries love foreign buyers love it. david: is the trump name big now as before he was a politician. >> that's debatable where on new york is a whole different animal. david: ford is great but not so much new york. thank you so much i appreciate it the 11:00 a.m. hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. stay with us. ♪ in any business, you ride the line between numbers and people. what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it. solving today's challenges while creating future opportunities. it takes balance. cla - cpas, consultants, and wealth advisors.
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how do you cashback? >> hi really believes he's fine and even though he thinks it's his mission to beat donald trump. if the money isn't behind him, he's ain't winning. >> we need to focus on the damage he's done to the country whether it's the run away inflation, out of control border, crime in the cities, mayhem on the campuses. they're all a direct result of biden policies. >> msnbc are pathetic saying we'll do a phone interview. that the president doesn't have access to a studio in i'm in my basement talking to you. they didn't put it on video so they could answer questions by reading them. >> this idea that checking ids is somehow discriminatory or whatever else that the left says is just nonsense. the majority of americans


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