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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  July 8, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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>> is a a 1 foot? in summer. david: we both got a hint one of our crew members maybe the heat makes this seal expand somewhat, i'm going to say grows 6 inches, the answer is 6 inches, it did grow, you're right about a growing, you're wrong about the amount but that's alright. it's because of the warm temperatures it can get hot enough that the metal expands it makes it grow a little bit, that is all the time that we have, stu will be back tomorrow, it is now time for "coast to coast". see you later. david: thank you, president staying in the race investors stayed in the market, the latter shall we say, nicely. average is chasing once again
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the s&p and the nasdaq time to get to the bottom of it all now. welcome everybody i hope you had a wonderful weekend, i am neil cavuto, things that asset management with us right now and see was happy with the dow. >> great to be here the song remains the same, the market is driven by two things, the fed and a.i. were to get a measure later this week with cpi it up with a happened last month with the stock market, the market was a little appearing it was going to be on shaky grounds and the cpi never came out and with the cpi number came out the market rallied and a finish last month about three to half percent. where does that bring us until today, right now is the same thing, a.i. driven that's why we see the nasdaq leading the
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market, the s&p is following in the dow is retracing, there is a vast difference within the stock market if you look underneath the hoods between the haves and have not the magnificent seven are approximately 40% or close to it the s&p 500 market cap and that means by nature in order to make money in the market you need to be in it to win it and at the forefront of a.i., that's whispering in this market higher, it's a.i. in the fed lowering rates. neil: do you need to be in it to win it when it comes to the technology stocks even if you've got nothing in the bigger portion of a lot of people's portfolios, a lot of market strategist say that's not good but the alternative is to sell off some of those shares and some people don't want to do that. that's a great point, over the next 4 - 6 quarters, the major
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market catalyst is growth within the a.i. market, first it was a semiconductors and nvidia and microsoft in the hardware sales, now we start to see that lead out to other components within the a.i. space. if you look at the 11 sectors of the stock market, the 11 sectors this year, six of them are down and five are up in the one up the most is technology, you have to ride the wave and it works until it doesn't but there is usually three things that will disrupt a specific stock for that matter, number one is fundamentals, if you look at the a.i. plays in the magnificent seven, although their trading a higher valuation the fundamentals are still strong and another possible disruptor if there is an alternative, we haven't seen any alternative it's a.i. driven technology
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driven, you brought up a good point if you're invested in the stock market by hook or by crook whether you know it or not you're invested in the stocks as well because if you bought a broad-based index of an spy or an etf that tracks the s&p 500 you have approximately 30% of your portfolio in the magnificent seven without even knowing it and that right there is what is creating a lot of the momentum behind the trade as well, were a faster market in the etf market in high-frequency trading and because of all of that and the conglomerate you are still seeing a vast difference between the haves and have-nots and case in point if you look at the s&p 500 rsp which is the equal weighted version meaning every company is equally weighted compared to the s&p 500 where the market cap is weighted, the difference is clear rsp is up for a half% in spy is up 17.5% coming into
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today. neil: the latter dominated by technology. it great seeing you again. as he says the bull is not going anywhere for the time being and neither is the president of the united states he's got a score of interviews where he sending the message and telling democrats pretty much the same i ain't leaving, edward lawrence from the white house. >> president joe biden trying to move on but still being doggone questions about his mental fitness. as nato world leaders come to washington, d.c. this week the president wants to move beyond the calls for him to step aside, taking a page out of former president trump's book, president biden for the first time called into a television program on msnbc and says only one that can guide nato in the defiant biden added he's not going to explain anymore what he should or shouldn't be doing, he is running. >> come with me, watch, and getting so frustrated by the elites i'm not talking about you
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guys but the elites in the party, they know so much more, these guys don't run then run against me, now's the president challenge me at the convention. >> the president did an interview with abc news to clean up the debate performance this morning he called and msnbc to clean up interview performance the deputy national security advisor believes joe biden's america may not be safer for us and the globe. >> is he up to the job, he has one week to show the world in the united states that he is but our allies are looking to us because they don't have a lot of political stability at home and even worse as our adversaries looking saying europe is in disarray, america is in dis disarray, maybe this is our moment to make our move whether iran, russia or china. >> "fox news sunday" asked the nato secretary general about president joe biden's mental fitness as they met in june the
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secretary-general says he's not going to discuss domestic issues and nato survived this long enough because they did not discuss domestic issues. neil: i think i get that. edward lawrence, hillary vaughn with the house not necessarily in revolt against the president of the united states but showing more skittishness about staying in the race. let's get the latest from hillary vaughn on capitol hill. >> president biden is not sitting back and waiting for democrats in congress to decide his fate. instead he's telling them to sit down and stay in their place. a letter to congressional democrats president biden is calling out calls for him to step aside as the nominee saying incident tackle democracy. biden writing the borders of the democratic party have voted and chosen me to be the nominee of the party do we say this process didn't matter and the voters don't have a say, i declined to do that in the question on how to move forward has been aired for over a week it is time for
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it to end. biden daring democrats to challenge him at the convention were into the race himself, biden's defiance might not be the answer to calming democrat concerns senate democrats will discuss the future of the policy lunch tomorrow after house democrats held a private phone call this weekend were several top democrats said biden should bow out and step aside as the nominee one democrat don byers sat on the call and said he should step down from office now say my perfect world is joe and decided after talking to leader jeffries and majority leader schumer's steps aside now and that, low run as the income that. republican say if democrats swap biden out and here is they don't think it changes the odds. >> kamala harris is just joe biden to. she won't policy but in the middle of a sentence by her sentence will be pretty silly and when she's done with the sentence shall be punctuated by crazy laughter.
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>> despite fears of biden's mental fitness he still has allies like bernie sanders and john fetterman in the chair of the congressional black caucus stephen morris for, other democrats either cheering for biden but need him to be put to the test first. >> we need to see him in an extended interview or an extended press conference because he's going to face on the september debate. we want more information to make the decision were rooting for joe biden in the closer the test to what will face on september 10, the more confident we can be. >> when biden ran in 2020, he promised to be a bridge to the next generation but it doesn't seemed like biden is ready to be the bridge even if some democratic lawmakers think it may be the end of the road for joe. neil: we will watch closely, hillary vaughn on capitol hill read we want to go to andrew andrew yang democratic presidential candidate he's been in the ring with the president
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and knows a thing or two were all of this is going, what do you think the president has made it clear in sounding feisty by the day, i'm not going anywhere, he says it's up to voters not democrats on capitol hill. i am running until the end, what you make of all of. >> the reason why the president wrote the letter to congress was because he knows dozens of members including what i spoke to yesterday are planning to call for him to step aside as the parties nominee and his claim that the primary gives him total sway over the party, the fact is they canceled the democratic primaries in multiple states and refused to have debates and if there was debate we would've seen the condition of the president six month ago, saying i wonder primary so you have to listen to the voters rings very hollow not just to me but many other people in d.c. neil: it would be messy doing an open primary or an open
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convention. it used to be the rule of thumb that tell conventions were in the not-too-distant past is that when democrats are in for or would you like that to be what they are informed. >> i think a mini primary would be an incredible catalyst because millions of americans would tune in to see who the new nominee is going to be and you have a real robust process, that's respect for the voters that would look like right now instead of relying upon a primary that was a bit of a sham so people that want to open up the process, i'm certainly one of them and i think the democratic party could field a ticket of governors that would be much more formidable in november and i'm someone who does not think we should be giving trump a cakewalk victory back to the white house because what joe biden is offering right now. neil: you don't sound like an automatic fan of kamala harris that she could step in and the capacity of a running mate in a vice president of the united
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states. >> is a vice president should be part of that process, one reason were in this mess we've essentially anointed folks and that the democratic party say this is a way is going to be, let's open it up let's let governors make the case in various members and senators make the case i think there's a lot of leaders who want the exact same thing. >> do you think it is rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic you might be able to get a nominee and doing this process if you look for an alternative but normally parties in disarray and disunited rarely go want to win we saw in 1960 we democrats we sell in 1980 with ted kennedy challenge jimmy carter and he went on to defeat the call. we even see the republicans when gerald ford was fending off the challenge by ronald reagan that went to the convention, he survived it but of course he went down with defeat. it's almost preordained the democrats are going to lose, what do you think. >> is a very different
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perspective, whichever candidate can move on from the unpopular octogenarian has a great chance of winning. donald trump is underwater and approval numbers by double digits the same as the president by the way. if you were to have a fresh face common as the democratic nominee, i think that you could easily prevail and that's exactly the exercise of the democratic party should be seeking right now instead of slumping to defeat in november the party better than that hopefully in the country deserves better than that. neil: if things are so bad to the president and his challengers very close to that bloomberg survey has six of the seven battleground states within the margin of error, with all of that that is pretty amazing isn't it. >> it just shows how polarized we are how the teams have such clearly defined boundaries in battle lines. neil: think about what that saying all the troubles you alluded to and i hear where
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you're coming from andrew, joe biden isn't doing that poorly it's kind of an even race. >> again he is running against a very beatable opponent. >> why risk changing horses if you're being politically calculating, why change in that environment and wouldn't that be something that republicans might not like to see either. in other words you gotta president but he certainly competitive in the polls right now and you would assume for the moment this is the worst of it, maybe you assume that's not the case. >> is a republicans are rooting for joe biden to be the nominee. i think a lot of americans would be very happy to see a 50 or 60-year-old freshfaced on their ballot in november they would say finally one of the parties has given me someone that could move the country in a better direction and turn the page. neil: would you ever enter the
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race if you open up. >> i get asked every single day whether i'm going to run again in my responses apparently agon 40 more years but the country may not have 40 more years. i'm definitely here is my name is called but i'm not somebody you think the democratic party has my name on speed dial, there are a lot of other folks that will make the case in the coming days and i'm certainly someone who is pass the torch to biden pass the torch i think we deserve a different nominee in this president who is clearly past his prime show we say euphemistically. neil: one today, we will see. it is still early, maybe it's not, that's the raging debate. thank you very much. good to see you again. the backdrop for this, the crazy elections all over the world they used to say it was a populist way that all the
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conservative governments taken over and we've been warning you about consensus on the show and sure enough in the second round of voting in france it was a far left that united against the far right and now the only problem in france, no one has enough numbers to do anything, it sounds like this country. after this. ♪ (vo) a law partner rediscovers her grandmother's artistry 's will
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>> this evening the national rally is far from having the absolute majority the commentators predicted scarcely a week ago. in fact it's totally the opposite. neil: that guys party, i have no idea how to pronounce his name, he is the leader of the party with three others united on the left to stop the right from taking over the country summer relay pens overall party beyond the manual micro, what is the real story, no one has an outright majority just yet so france is in a government list. right now with existing prime minister going to stay right
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where he is according to emmanuel macron and i get it again if a populist conservative way and we didn't see it in britain last week and were not seated right now in france let's get to read from jerry. the wall street journal editor at large, crackerjack writer. it didn't materialize the experts thought, what you make of what happened there the left united in the right was caught offguard, what does it mean. >> is a great pleasure to join you again. i've a different take, the national rally which is a right wing party led by marie le pen everybody called the far right but is not far right they want to be tough on immigration and restore traditional culture things there not a fascist party in the way the media covers them
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they were expected to get a larger share of seats, they did not because the other two blocks combined stood down in the seats where the rn the national rally was running and they were pushed into third place they were pushed in the overall boat they came first in the overall boat they got 36 or 37% of the vote, the key thing the national rally the right wing conservative populist party has been rising steadily for 15 years, they have two seats in parliament in 2012, eight seats in 2017 and 89 seats in 2022 and 140 something yesterday. again i think this is actually a period defeat for the national rally because it puts them, they don't have to for the government which would be very difficult they would have to govern a couple years with a hostile president that would be difficult for them there's good to be another election a presidential election in three years in france, macron cannot
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read again i think they're in a strong position. in the meantime you can have a left-wing very far left, his people are going to form a government and macron will not be able to work with them very much and doug and have chaos for a couple of years which will be perfect conditions for the right wing party of marie le pen to win a presidential election. neil: three years is a long time a long-term for me is breakfast sometimes next week. but having said that i'm curious what you make of the implications here. in the 22 elections without the republicans would gain a much bigger majority in the house and they ultimately did in their paying for that now with the houston question and all the controversies and the selection about the debate. i'm wondering what the fallout in the messages. >> i think a populist movement of what donald trump's avatar in this country i think it continues to be on the rise i've written the column for the wall street journal in addition to the french results with the
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british general election last week with the labor party got a massive majority. again on a much smaller share of the boat that was expected only ended up with 34% of the vote the left wing labor party and new populist party that did well the conservatives got hammered but between them it remains a strong overriding feature that was seen, to features and democracy at the moment one is deep dissatisfaction with incumbents they're being thrown everywhere, macron's policy came second the parliamentary but third in the overall boat and is extremely unpopular in the conservatives in britain were thrown out there extremely unpopular with the connect candida the election of justin trudeau cadigan party going to get drawn out in the next election that goes badly for joe biden if joe biden is the candidate and four months time because incumbents are unpopular everywhere. the second big thing is a continuing rise of populist
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parties who want a more nationalist approach and crackdown on immigration put national security first about their own national interests first that goes very, very well for donald trump i think the global movement against incompetence in towards a conservative populism is going to be repeated in the united states. neil: we will see about that, you're right to raise the issues about the boat versus what you gain when you form a government in the share of the vote that showed republicans doing quite well in the midterm election but deflected in the even house, the rules are what the rules are i get what you're saying but the end result, could we have election were the clean sweep that republicans were counting on and we don't know how the debate in the fiasco from that place among democrats. it is not going to be a clean reagan sweep like a lot of republicans want. >> i think that biden is on top of the ticket i find this incredible to believe with
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somebody people party calling on him to stand down and the idea that he'll be the candidate republicans will have an amazing opportunity because i think it's plainly obvious and whatever thinks about donald trump and you and i had a conversation were not big fans of donald trump but against joe biden right now joe biden cannot be president for another four years, w2% of americans believe that he is not equipped to be president. if you could be at the top of the ticket as he insists he w will. i think that takes down not only him in the general election against stroke and were talking about a big win for trump that happens but that would down the ticket, down the ballot you see republicans taking the senate they only need to take one see in the 30 in the bag in west virginia and i would expect them to sweep well in the senate and again, if this happens i'm not saying it will but if i did is on top of the ticket you expect the house to go the same way i disagree i think as it stands
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republicans are very well set up for a big win in november. neil: i don't know i look at the same numbers and i don't see it translating this far to donald trump's benefit, six out of seven of the battleground states look fairly good in the margin of error is still early i would bet a euro on that but then i would have to speak french and i don't know if i can do that but you did beautifully. [speaking in native tongue] neil: whatever, he is the best is that he. in the meantime should have million people without power in the use of texas area from beryl as a category one storm, hanging around with a lot of rain and apparently it is not going away. the latest after this. and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there.
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neil: a live shot of port arthur texas 90 miles east of houston, the whole area getting inundated and flooded to a half-million without power and roughly 100-mile radius and it's easing up a little bit in an out of the category one storm that is beryl the latest and callous in texas with more. >> the storm has since downgraded to a tropical storm but causing a lot of problems it recently went through the heart of the houston metro area causing rescues underway right now you see drivers getting
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stranded by floodwaters crews trying to help them and we've seen and heard of crews responding to people trapped in their homes surrounded by water not only in houston but a town called rosen west of the city, we know tragically the storm is to blame for two deaths in harris county where houston is one man in his 50s and the woman in his 70s both killed when trees fell on their homes. were in galveston along the coast, more than 60% of the county is without power along with 2 million across the state we spoke with the mayor and galveston in the last couple of hours who said crews are on the ground assessing damage. >> we got reports of a tornado and we had one house with roofs being lifted off on the west end of the island and were asking for all the residents tuesday sheltered where they are right now in the storm still has three or four more hours to go before we feel were out of harm's way.
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>> those hours could be an indication of what power restoration could look like as it is hot here were getting back into the texas heat as soon as the winds died down it did come with the cold front server get to be back in the heat in my hotel lost power last night around 2:00 o'clock in the morning and it did not take long maybe less than an hour by the time i checked the thermostat it was 80 degrees and people are worried how to get to get through the coming days with heat like this. neil: incredible, be safe thank you to you and your crew. i want to go to look at the assessment of the storm because it has been nonstop, perhaps the region was hard-hit in the aftermath of jamaica with us three time grammy award winner, marley if the last name rings a bell marley's daughter, very good to have you, you're putting your best efforts to help folks it's pretty severe is it. >> is very severe what we see
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happening in jamaica we have to prepare for what is to come, thousands or without light, thousands are without roofs with over their head, were blasted not taken a direct hit, we're going to feel the effects of the hurricane for a long time because what extended saint elizabeth which is our primary agriculture and fishing region, we have a lot of work to get done. neil: you know what's remarkable you don't take any kudos for this but tonight you're being honored in the korean music awards, the attention could be back on you and all that you've done in your great songs in your awards, your dad and everything else but this is what you're focused on, i think this is quite a bit about you. >> i feel like sometimes you say what am i going to do today and it could be something like i'm going to work out or i'm going to go fishing and i want to go
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get food for the poor and help them pack boxes, there is a song and i remember when we used to sit in the yard and trench town and what is happened now to the tenement yards and trench town and surrounding areas, those images that were seen this is exactly what is happening so i would rather get up and try it and make a difference in their lives because jamaica has done a lot for us as a family and it's time for us to get back. neil: you don't forget your roots, i think your father would be very proud looking down from heaven. i was thinking of your dad and all of the attention to him now of you in your own music. it's like a rebirth for jamaica these days and bam the storm comes, how do jamaicans deal with that now? >> we are quick to get up. if it is one thing, when
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disasters like this happen we help one another, we protect one another, we feed one another, we share the generators with one another or the candles or the kerosene lamp and and i feel like it's brought out the best in all of us, i just want us to continue to remember that this is just the beginning of the hurricane season, we have to prepare for what is to come. neil: well put in sadly you are right it is just the beginning. in the meantime i want to congratulate for not only what you're doing but the big awards tonight used took the focus off yourself to help your fellow countrymen. i think that's remarkable. cedella marley thank you and congratulations. >> thank you, one love. cedella marley on all of that, keeping track of but wayne, it was rumored it was going to work into a plea agreement with the united states government to pay and deal with the fallout from
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the two crashes back in 2018 and 2019 but a lot of people are completed about that agreement even though the stock is up will explore and explain why that is after this. moving forward with node-positive breast cancer. my fear of recurrence could've held me back. but i'm staying focused. and doing more to prevent recurrence. verzenio is specifically for hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence versus hormone therapy alone. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death.
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hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. so when my doctor told me i needed weight loss surgery, i knew i had to make a change. golo's helped me transition to a healthier, sustainable lifestyle. i'm so surprised just how crazy my metabolism has fired up. i have a trust in golo 'cause i know it works. golo isn't like every other program out there, and i'm living proof of it. (announcer) change your life at that's neil: were getting word from
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boeing, faa orders inspection of 2600 boeing 737 airplanes over oxygen mask issue, sometimes they don't deploy all of this at the backdrop of blowing pleading guilty to criminal charge of 2737 max planes back to back i believe 2018 in 2019, dan springer on that story, the latter story on how it's sorting out. the stock was moving up smartly and then we got the oxygen mask and that is taking some of the heat out of it, what is going on. >> the oxygen mask is small but i think what's happening on the stock market but we can finally move past this, this is been going on for five years even though this is a very bitter pill for boeing a proud company to swallow it will plead guilty to conspiracy and different the federal government a serious charge could cost the company's government contrast in the future and boeing admits it to seed the faa on the software 737
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max planes which is directly tied to two fatal crashes back in 2018 and it killed 346 people, the crashes and ethiopia and indonesia led to grouting of the maxon cost blowing $20 billion plus a $2.5 billion fine, and 2021 that a probative justice entered a deferred prosecution agreement at dpa with boeing allowing the company to avoid a no conviction, two days before that deal expired in january of this year but wayne was responsible for a near catastrophe when the door plug blew off the 737 max just after takeoff from portland, oregon the ntsb says for critical bolts were missing from the door causing the blowout this led the d.o.j. to save but we had violated the agreement and a revival of the criminal case, the guilty plea comes with a $487 million fine, some of that has already been paid and the money being invested in safety measures, essentially three
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years of probation under an independent monitor, some of the families of the crash victims have asked the federal judge on the case in texas to reject the plea deal. >> many of the victim families feel like boeing is still not being held fully accountable, specifically boeing is pleading guilty to conspiracy to defraud rather than say manslaughter. if the guilty plea is accepted, but we know avoid the log damaging trial as a company is trying to improve its battered image, boeing took reporters on a tour of the 737 max plant in washington showing us the quality and safety improvements that they are doing but will that be enough, certainly only time will tell, the two max crashes have caused the company's billions of dollars and now very likely a criminal conviction. >> amazing, dan springer thank you so much as dan pointed out the stock is up on the belief that the worst is behind it,
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wealth management which he makes of that, it is tipping got a little bit right now but i had been holding up. i'm just curious what you make of that, normally markets close on some certainty that a huge legal settlement can provide certainty but it is what it is, how do you play and see this going forward for boeing. >> the biggest outstanding question with the settlement, is boeing going to be allowed to be a federal contractor because it earned 23 billion or was awarded almost $23 billion worth of government contracts, defense contracts last year, that makes $500 million fine look pretty darn small, that's a really important thing. so far what it looks like wall street is expecting that boeing is essentially too big to not be a the lucrative portion of its business and this enables to finally rebuild trust, to get ahead of this and put it behind
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and put all these issues behind it and start rebuilding the trust. neil: you did refer to the 407 billion, georgia 43 billion of that is recognized already and what boeing has already been paying under previous agreements, it is actually 243, nothing to sneeze at, don't get me wrong i'm just saying in perspective a lot of people look at that saying wait a minute. we don't have nearly as many defense contractors as we used to certainly it is down to boeing as an airplane maker as this country did that play a part in this? >> i think the portion where wall street is expecting it being convicted or guilty of a felony will not allow it to continue business with the u.s. government that will receive in the stock market, essentially that's what they're saying, we will plead guilty as long as we can still do business because we are too big for you to ignore us
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for us not to be a contractor. there big contractor in space and a key player in the starliner what's become of a fiasco international space station and to say nothing of the artemis and all that going forward, if you were to look at the stock and the potential for a turnaround what would you say. >> i would say that we could potentially see 10% is going to take a long time one of the problems of course if we see further problems in the headlines, if we could finally have six months of a quiet. where no issues are happening, i think the stock could easily rise 10% or 20% over the coming years that depended with complying with the period of not having issues and addressing all the issues and adhering to the agreement. >> not having issues could be
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the test these days, thank you so much we appreciate it, another backdrop for this, overall air travel demand in this country globally is now at records not all airline companies not all the big airline stocks are doing that well. another was the profits of what they're making on this is translated the demand that they're getting from this. that is kind of weird but it is what it is after this. ♪ do you want to close out? should i? normally i'd hold. but... taking the gains is smart here, right? feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. (aaron) i own a lot of businesses... so my tech and my network need to keep up. thank you, verizon business.
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neil: let's take a peek of the markets worried about all the presidential stuff and whether the debate is forced, joe biden still out of the race, a lot of that going on but they are not worried about it if you think about it we have the s&p and the nasdaq and any gain after the run up on friday with a record is another record in the market is ignoring all of this, sarah bedford extraordinaire, this is what the white house refers to as a great backdrop with the markets are doing, what the economy is doing in the improvement and the lowering of inflation trends still high and still dramatically high but the trend is there friend that is
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what they cling to and that's what joe biden is specifically clinging to. >> i think the biden white house likes to pick the macroeconomic numbers, the big picture numbers that show the economy on paper is doing well at the expense of addressing the lived experiences of voters. that is obviously cost joe biden a lot of support it eroded his approval ratings, you might see some of the uncertainty about the election creep into the market as we get closer to november. i think it all of the frenzy over whether joe biden stays or goes, what is lost, the debate did not change the dynamics of the election, joe biden was losing in the polls before the debate and he continued the slide after the debate so we didn't really see a huge shakeup of where the candidate stands at least so far after the debate. neil: if you think about it still competitive this is something that biden supporters go through their more certainly in the house and something is
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festering in the senate we know mark warner is seen consist on his idea to talk to joe about this but the fact of the matter is in the latest bloomberg survey, the races in the margin of error, six out of seven battleground states. the biden folks come back to that and remind their donors and fellow democrats of that, were doing okay, were doing okay, what do you think of that. >> that seems to be the positioning of the biden white house they framed everyone who wants to get joe biden out of the debate of members of the elite pitted of the will of the voters who want joe biden to stay in office, the problem the voters know this joe biden's age long before the so-called elites did, before the media started raising these concerns, before party donors started raising red flags about joe biden's age, voters notice that that was baked into the concerns and joe biden needs a big event a big
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win to shakeup the dynamics of the race and it's not a gap that he can close somehow, the problem the time is running out to have a dynamic shift didn't move and if you think executing one that is a real concern for democrats. neil: in the meantime we have consumers were buying like crazy and the airlines themselves are making enough money on this unusual demand and i get a sense from some of the white house they are confused, why are weakening credit for some of that and they are not, "the bottom line" they are not. the pessimism about the economy seems to have really cemented itself within the public eye, even though inflation has eased a little bit people have the perception, the corrupt perception that it's expensive to go to the grocery store but to buy an airline ticket and
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travel the usual vacation spots cost a lot more than in previous years, that perception is going to be really hard to change absent some significant shift in the economic dynamic, would you look at the job growth numbers in some of the other numbers that the white house likes to tout, that doesn't really speak to the fears that the voters paycheck isn't going as far. sarah bedford following all of that we are meant to the president going to be delivering some remarks and taking questions from supporters and what they call campaign-finance call, these are the money guys who want to be reminded one way or another are you in it can we when it a good number saying with you in it joe we cannot, it's too early to rule that out or he can't wear this out, we will see the big money show is now, brian brenberg and getting. brian: hello everyone i'm brian brenberg. jackie: i'm jackie deangelis and i'm kelly o'grady and for taylor riggs, welcome to the big money show. brian: democrats tangled up in


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