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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  July 9, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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at what you do, it comes from knowing that what you're doing is having an impact on society. it comes from knowing that your efforts are moving the needle and making the country a better place to live. if you wanna earn something more than a paycheck, there's big opportunity in the big business of building heavy equipment. check out the many opportunities in heavy equipment construction over at as for operating those big machines, well, that's a topic for another episode, one that my inner eight year old is anxiously awaiting. see you next time. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. president biden making it clear he will not drop out of the race, there will be no visit from the lord almighty. charlie hurt, tammy bruce on
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set to talk about that and other things. and talk about the almighty i can do that. first up hillary vaughn on capitol hill with more, have you seen the almighty? reporter: not yet, on capitol hill. i don't think he would show up here. >> right. reporter: the president is waits for a sign or intervention from god to tell him to drop out of the race, lawmakers on capitol hill are calling for him to do that. at the white house today, the press secretary faced a lot of questions about president's mental health and whether or not raw makers should be -- lawmakers and americans should be concerned about his cognitive ability, press secretary said, a cognitive test is not on the table. president wants to calm concerns, is not willing to take a cognitive test, and a par parkinson's expert
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visited white house 8 times over 8 months, all press secretary would say is that president does not have par ki parkinson's. the president has gone on the attack today. firing off a letter to call congressional democrats warning them, that an attack on him as the nominee is an attack on democracy, writing this: >> but even though biden wants to shut up his democratic doubters people are still airing concerns in public and private, senator jon tester saying in a statement this afternoon, president biden has got to prove to the american people, including me that he is up to the job for another 4 years, and on a private
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phone call over weekend they think that biden needs to step aside as nominee. others on the fence, saying that biden needs to pass a test. >> we need to see him in an attended interview or extended press conference, we want more information to make the decision. we're rooting for joe biden. and the closer that test is, to what he will face on september 10 the more confident he will be. reporter: biden is confident he has the nomination and his party can't take it away from him, president declaring he is the nominee and there are allies rallies from behind him from senators bernie sanders who said this is not a beauty contest they should focus on the issues not the man, and also. lawmakers looking for president to prove himself he will get a chance in the week at a big press conference, the white house is calling that press
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conference, larry, a big boy press conference, larry. larry: big boy but no god almighty thank you hillary vaughn. >> so, forget the biden circus, the headline story is pro growth america first trump platform a week ahead of the milwaukee convention. that is what i think it is trump's platform issues that will decide the election, that is the subject of the riff. at the moment, major media frenzy whether president bidenning dr will drop out of the race, for what it is worth i don't think he will, mr. biden's open words the lord almighty will not come down, all the speculation should not be permitted to be on cure th the -- obscure the fact thatn national committee a week ahead of milwaukee convention just adapted and released former president trump's 2024 republican
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party in the platform, it was out about 90 minutes ago this is today's real headline story, if you ask me. the platform carries same message that mr. trump has been successfully talking about for the last several years, pro growth, pro opportunity. it aims to close the southern border and restore an america first standing in the world, peace through strength. the document is short, pithy and right to the point. some of the highlights include worker tax cuts, and by the way now tax on tips. stopping biden flag, restoring energy dominance, ending unfair trade deals, keeping the u.s. dollar as the world's reserve currency, important for strong growth and low inflation. wall street will you listen? restore america status as dominant world energy producer, cancel th
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electric vehicle mandate. and cut all costly burden some regulations. keeping men out of women's sports and radical racial and sexual woke policies out of schools. the platform states, unite our country by bringing it to new and record levels of success. these are the message points that have proved so popular on the campaign trail, they are the themes that mr. trump has used to organize a working class coalition, of black americans, hispanics, asians, young people and women, these were policies to successfuly build on mr. trump's first term as president. policy npolicies that art laffer has called one of the best policies any of first term president. tax cuts deregulation.
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and energy independence, superb supreme court picks, good trade deals, strong national security. including abraham accords, so, today, amid 20% bidenflation, an affordability crises with falling real wages and high mortgage and credit card borrowing costs nationwide crime and public safety averages of biden's illegal i'immigration catastrophe, most folks know they were better off mor 4 or 5 years ago, that is mr. trump's message, success is the best uniter, that is tonight's riff, having said that, joining me now to set, charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor, fox news contributor tammy bruce, welcome to you. to the flotsam and jetsam
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out of the way, there is no way joe biden will get knocked out he won the rig primaries fair and square because he kept people off of the ballot, he got it, god is not talking to joe biden. >> sure they were rigged, none of am people who are crying about this now were complaining about the fact they were rigged back then. larry: right. that is a good point. >> there is nothing new they have known for years that joe biden is cognitively challenged and listening to new york times and "washington post,, editorial, how he needs to step out of the rate, i call if a media insurrection, it is a profound contempt they have for actual voters. >> i. larry: i agree, tammy, god is not coming down. biden is in denial. you are shocked he won't take a neurological
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cognitive test? donald trump has taken a couple. and happy to take another one. >> this is fascinating,. larry: donald trump won the golf tournaments. >> trump is supposed to be the only bad guy, evil, he is sitting in courtroom all those weeks listening to that crap. he goes to the debate, he goes with the bad guys who are mod tater -- moderators and no audience, he will go where we point him because he loves the country and he is willing to do it, he knows what he stands for and he will do. he took the cognitive test, he did everything that people wanted. he is in this for something other than himself. and there is as we know, nothing to hide. and i think that is important. what i think is happening here this is which is fascinating bidens clu knew what was happening when he
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by came and ran for nominee, they would protect biden, they just had to get rid of trump, he was grandpa and they soul be safe and the fam -- they would be safe and family would be protected, then their scheme to knee cap donald trump failed, now they have to how is this democracy you decide, oh, that guy who was elected president, 81 million votes in the most secure election ever? and suddenly that is shuffled out the side door? are you kidding? so -- >> pro democracy. >> no wonder, the bidens they have every right to be angry, i agree with biden's letter, he says people voted for me, i am elected. like the frankenstein monster saying, hello, and realizing she not under the control of the doctor any more. larry: you know -- woodrow wilson's wife who ran
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country for two years that is jill biden, she will not let him leave and hunter biden is now his chief of staff and number one one and tommy's logic, they went through a process, he won 81 million votes, you can't dump him now. >> this is a problem of their own make, thank god trump has done a great job, sitting back let them about through this. >> beautifully. larry: never interrupt your enemy when he is hanging himself. >> i don't know what they are doing. but -- and by the way, i am not an expert on the lord alalmighty schedule, when you are 81 or 82, don't temp the lord almighty to make you know, reactor changing his schedule to come down -- reacto rearange his schedule. >> a good point. i am moving on to more
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pleasant things. vice presidential stakes coming in to the convention period mr. trump said it could be before or during ththe convention, i hear chatter about glen youngkin of virginia former ceo banker, virginia in play and executive experience not to demean burgum or vance or rubio, do you put credence in the -- i will call it chatter. >> i think we all loved it when we saw youn youngkin benefit from accidental situation with the come about parents don't have a right to be involved in their charge's education, that was an accident. but youngkin was ready, and he tack advantage, he was behind at that time, he won that race. we know the schooling remains inn an issue, that is important. but, i think that between
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you know you have tom cotton, rubio, and jd vangs it mjd vance it must be someone who understands the nature of monster of warriowaswashington, d.c. who is in it and knows the players, and we'll see a lot of youngkin, but i think there are so many others are in washington, who i think that president knows better, knows he can crust them, and -- trust them, i think that is where he will go this is not just someone that sits in the chair, he will be a work based job like cheney, of someone who can carry on the flag, without hesitation, maybe governor youngkin i think it great, but they are all good. larry: they are all good, it say deep bench. charlie, how about the platform. we'll talk more detail later in the show, but it say straight forward, just
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really a bunch of 20 bullet easy to read, this is some sense classic trump don't waste your time, i don't want a hundred page document that no one the believe, it has all pigg pithy stuff he has been talking about. >> there is -- these are the issues that people care about, they and donald trump is on the right side of every one of these. the frustrating part is, that as bad a week as last week was for joe biden last two weeks, and i think that will continue throughout this week, is that it is almost better actually than talking about the issues, if you talk about the issues, whether it is the border, or the economy or the wars that have sparked because of joe biden's negligence and of his war on american energy
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independence and this laughable you know, disregard for countries like russia and iran, when you look at these things. trump should -- would be just destroying him on these issues, and it is almost like joe biden is better off talking about his age than these issues. larry: i think that the issues count, the interesting thing, people have i have watched the media for i'll call can three years but last two, i watched media ignore trump's messages that have put together a working place coalition. that includes border security, and low taxes and deregulation and energy dominance and so forth. and stopping some of the crazy woke stuff in the kids schools, i watched them ignore it at their own peril, polling shows that people agree with him.
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i am saying here they go against everyone will talk about the biden circus that will come to naught. but here is trump's message, which will come to something. and it is a good prelude to milwaukee convention coming up we'll all be there, but i was very impressed today, this is first time i can remember, this is short, coherent plung a bunch of bullets a week ahead of time, this is it. i'm all for it. >> like th the constitution and the bill of rights it is short, every word matters people understand it, you can relate to it, it is perfect and thank goodness, convention is going to move that further along. as people watch as joe biden is still trying to figure things out. larry: and remember, adam smith's wealth of nations here it is. it is stuck right here. >> th the footnotes. larry: all right, tammy bruce and charlie hurt, you are fabulous. >> catch charlie, he is
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coquo co-hosting "the bottom line" with dagen mcdowell. coming up. why are democrats against proof of citizenship to vote? they are. they wouldn't be democrats. we'll ask congressman jim jordan next, you can catch kudlow, mone monday through friday at 4:00 here is fox business. you will never miss the wealth of nations, ever, i promise you.
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larry: among other problem why are democrats still against a proof of is the citizenship to vote, joining me now to talk about that ohio congressman jim jordan. chair of house judiciary committee, welcome. i just i don't want to obsess about it, but what is wrong with having a proof of citizenship these days everyone knows about illegal immigration, democrats are like opposed to it, why?
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>> because of left has taken over their party and they have crazy positions, this is just common sense. but i guess when you don't have a border and let in 10 million migrants, we should not be surprise they' -- they don't want a proof of citizenship requirement which it is time to vote, that is today's left, live what governor sara huckabee sanders said a year ago this say crazy policy that the left supports, now unfortunately controlled democrat party. we're for common sense, for regular things, normal things like you have to be a citizen to vet particularly in a federal -- to vote, particularly in the federal election. larry: moving on from ridiculous to su sublime all week long mr. biden in his interviews refuses to take some kind of a newer
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lof a neurological noth neurologcognitive test, why wouldn't biden take one, you would think he would want to put that to rest and take one. >> you would think he would, to you know, put out the results from it. i don't think it is needed for the country, i don't think any cognitive test is needed for us the citizens to understand what is going on, we saw it front and and a week ago further day, i think the country has common sense, and what was it i think 60 million people, that watched, they all saw it democrats admitting what everybody saw, just the day before they were talking about cheap fakes. i don't think that we need one, i think that country has figured it out, but you would think that president would take one to give results like president trump did. larry: you know i still think, as i said in my opening riff.
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i think that biggest story today is not biden follies, he is not going and place, i think that big story is about 90 minutes ago, jim jordan, the republican national committee put out donald trump's platform. for the convention, they put it out a week ahead of time, which is unusual. it is short, it is to the point, it is about economic growth. and tax cuts, it is about energy dominance, it is about america first overseas. to me that is the headline, because this is why trump has lead in polls, and this is why he is putting together a working palac class coalition. >> the common sense policies that worked a few years ago when you were in white house helping president trump, we have a common sense energy policy and a commander in chief who protected strength in the world. versus what we have now no joe biden, i think this
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campaign is pretty basic. and three years. and three and a half years we went from secure border to no border, and safe streets to record crime, from $2 gas to $24 gas, i think most americans want to go back to great policies under president trump he wa was making america great again and maybe most important, a commander in chief who from jeck projected strength on world stage versus joe biden, and we had government agencies that worked for we the people that is the campaign, and by the way, we saw last thursday how great president trump did in the debate that is -- what american people see. larry: that stuff, think about regulations, supreme court, just passed very important decision says to regulatory agencies stop thinking you are god, stop
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think you are run the country, no congress runs the country, the executive runs the country, you are not a 4 regul 4th branch of government that donald trump has been saying for years, donald trump wants to cut taxes and rebuild cities this brought tears to my eyes, he said u.s. dollar must be kept as world's reserve currency, he wants that, that is part of america first, you believe in life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, i know you memorized adam smith's wealth of nations this is powerful stuff, success is the best way to unify the country. >> yes, freedom and success, open markets free markets all that we had under president trump, think about last 10 days president trump's amazing debate performance, and then we had the three dig decisions, the one you reference chevron, and fisher decision, and they say, hey congress writes the laws not a
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prosecutor who thinks he can do anything not a regulartary agency in chevron case and then decision on presidential immunity that happened in last 10 days, amazing continue days for country and president trump. larry: that is the stuff that will drive this election. not the biden follies, chairman jim jordan, thank you for visiting with us, i'll see you in milwaukee. >> i look forward to it. larry: up next. art laffer will tell us why president trump had one of the best policies any of first term presidents in history. remember, kudlow is a podcast, episodes every weekday after the show, sho spotify, apple and fox business, i am kudlow we'll be right ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals
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larry: great art laffer said president trump has one of
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best policies of any first term president in history, former reagan economist, my friend art laffer. before we get to that one word, i want you to know for what it's worth. i know you don't follow this as closely as some in republican fla platform, number 13, keep the u.s. dollar as the world's reserve currency. number 13. so, you and i and some others, steve forbes we had an impact on that. wall street are you listening? none of them like trump particularly but he will keep the dollar as world reserve currency. don't you think that is an important point and he will keep that promise. >> i think that, if i could take people back a few years, larry kudlow phrase, king dodollar.
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>> a strong will d a dollar means lower prices gold, and less price on bitcoin, it means dollar is doing what it should be doing. transactions medium that you can gauge. and make contracts all of that is critically purpose in a strong -- important in a strong dollar we lost that in 1972 with the smit sittinsmithsonian accord. larry: you are right, and kind tomorrow king dollar. mr. trump has flirted with the whole issue of gold and restoring it, i am not putting the words in his mouth it is not his view here, looked at this, and thought about it, you get this, other thing people say trump wants a wee weak colorwill do dollar, trump -- dollar, trump wants for
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japan and china to have stronger stable currencies, they have been devalued that sun fair trading -- that is unfair trading practices, they need to be blamed and they need to solve it not killing the u.s. dollar. >> this is a problem we did in 1972 of going you of fixed exchange rates and breton woods. i wrote about this a lot of time in womb, we need to get to a stable currency, whatever it is we need a strong dollar, we need to dollar that is a world currency for sure. larry: it could be a commodity price rule there are a lot of ways do it. >> it could be. larry: but your point on the other paper, we talked about it on the radio, his first term, was dynamic, spectacular stuff,. >> it was. larry: a lot of stuff is in
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platform. >> let me say i'm talking as an economist not about the social issues, just on economics. the tax cuts and jobs act was best first term tax cut and pro growth agenda and he did not make the mistake of phasing it in looking at operation warp speed, it was fonphenomenal, we got a vaccine in 11 months, people thought it would take years, with research, it saved my daughter's life. all of that research and she still alive. if you look at energy policies, he was terrific on energy policy. if you look at medical, transpare transparent see. if you look at supreme court picks. i am not talking about the judicial picks on all of other issues, on economics this supreme court is world class. and the new members of great
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on you know putting the regulatory branch of government, in its place, and it has to be done by legislative executive, period that is the only place. when local all these policies together, theory t right to try, this stuff is the best single first term president with regard to economics in history of united states that is my view of the world and you can see why seem supply side economics all of the way, only economics i'm talking it is good we need that back again. larry: he was -- you look he was tough on china trade, as he should be, they were unfair trading practices. as you point out in the paper, i remind everyone, we lowered barriers trade barriers with south korea, with japan, with australia, with brazil, the usmca for all of north american story. >>
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>> he uses tariffs to negotiate to be tough with china, he had barrier lowering agreements, which you know he believed in reciprocity, you have people in newspaper in wall street saying oh, my god trump will raise tariffs on everything and inflation rate will go up that is not true. >> it is not true, also, you have to understand, the link between strength and economic strength and military situation, peace through strength is important. donald trump with growth and economics and good economic policies that is what it called strength. and that led to peace, we didn't have wars under donald trump or under reagan either, there would be no ukraine had trump had a second term no gaza, no houthis, these are because
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of bad economics which leads to weakness which leads to war. i am sorry but that is the way it really. is peace through strength is really important. we like peace, we need economic strength and supply side economics. larry: weak at home, weak abroad, strong at home, strong abroad. >> thank you. larry: segue to our next guest. we have steve miller former senior trump policy adviser, trump campaign surrogate, my friend, and former colleague, you know steve, i just think it was really cool, today a week before the convention they put on the the platform, it is easy to read, and concise, and consistent with thingses that mr. trump has been saying, everything he did in first term as presidency, you heard art laffer say was so successful, what can you tell us with this platform, you may have read it or had
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a hand in it. >> talk politics and policy. politics, if you have to say something in a hundred pages, you are doing it wrong. historical approach to party platforms has been to go on forever and ever and ever and ever about everything topic under th the sun, that means you say nothing, this trump led platform that reduces republican party agenda to 20 essential promises is political genius, every american can read it, every american can share it and can discuss it, that is what we're doing on foreign policy, military policy, trade poll ti policy, dollar policy, economy policy. immigration policy. and this is a vision for radical prosperity, job
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creation, economic opportunity, right, lower taxes for everyone. no taxes on tips. slash government regulations. explode american energy, make energy in america as affordable as possible, tame the inflation dragon that is ravaging life savings, kyi keep the dollar at world standard that means keep america at world's super power, they are linked, fighting foreign raid cheaters -- trade cheater and restoring rule of law in our cities and communities, as you know without security there is no prosperity there is a vision to get americans back to work in full time, high paying jobs. they can afford to pay for the things their families need. larry: steph miller, i straw number 13, no, number -- yes 13. about the strong dollar, world reserve currency, i
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was weeping with tears of joy. tears of joy, i was so happy. i am almost as happy to hear you are in the chair listening to our show. that wonderful, whole thing is a day of blessings, but, the other point, these are things that mr. trump has been talking about first, you could argue throughout his first term, which was so successful, as art laffer attested to. he has been talking about these things key message points last several years, on the campaign trail, liberal media keeps ignoring it this is one reasons he has put together this working class coalition, teams to be, i'll ask you for your take one reasons that i know polls are not votes they are snap shots, they are best polling numbers mr. trump had this is his message, people keep ignoring his message, i don't want biden follies
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tonight to b obscure the import act of this message from the platform. >> yes, if you want ton everyone talks about, if you want to know what a populist agenda is, it is these 20 promises you have biden campaign, you have the leftest media out well lying every day. claiming they know they know what trump is for. this is the 20 promises, right here if you want to see what president trump will do here are the 20 promises seal the border, stop the invasion, lower taxes, no taxes on tips rebuild military build a missile defense system for u.s., and keep dollar as world reserve currency, it an agenda that democrats can get behind, and independences and moderates
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and ca this is an 80% governing agenda. a recipe for protio prosperity and opportunity and rising wages. larry: i love, great iron dome missile defense she'l she'll ove over -- shield over the country, this is a powerful reaganesque promise but powerful in times of uncertainty after biden's foreign policy mistakes. >> yes, as president trump has spoken about how we now have the technology to build a truly state of the art missile defense system so we can achieve an unprecedented level of security for united states in these troubling and dangerous times, president trump is leading the way on laying out how we could have mist defen
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missile defense here in united states snow grea. jim: great stuff, steve miller appreciate it. >> thank you. larry: on kudlow, is joe biden a national security risk. that is an important question we'll ask senator joni ernst wha what -- when kudlow returns. (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more. (other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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. >> george, i'm the guy that put nato together, the future, no one thought that i could expand it, i'm the guy that shut putin down. larry: really? nato together, and put shut putin down, joining us now senator joni ernst. welcome to the show. is owas not aware that mr. biden either pulled nato together but shut putin down, as i recall biden said don't but putin did. >> oh, my gosh larry, i cannot stop laughing about mr. biden's comments about that, isn't it president biden that said a minor incursion by the russians into ukraine would be okay.
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just that is fine. go ahead mr. putin. he did not put nato together. we know that. we saw this under the trump administration where president trump stepped up and said, you know what nato members, you need to stay true to your commitment. to the washington agreement. which was 2% of gdp, he got more nato members to atne up than we had seen. no. mr. biden is a failure, on the world stage. and world is on fire. because other leaders see him as being weak. and ineffective. larry: seems to me, we have talked a lot in recent years, started in afghanistan. and runs through putin and ukraine, goes right to the failure in iran and, of course, hamas and israel, the war continues to rage now, china is still on the march.
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not only with taiwan but the philippines, the world is on fire. now i'll ask you, in biden's current physical cognitive situation, whatever it may be, is he a national security risk in your judgment? >> okay, we were just talking about this politicians, rarely can give one word answers but, larry, yes. he is a risk. again, people see him as being weak. we saw 13 of our precious service members killed outside of abbey gate in afghanistan during the failed withdrawal and more recently this year, three service members killed at tower 22 by a drone attack from iranian backed terrorists groups. so, we continue to see failure after failure, when president biden stated during the debate, just a little bit over a week and a half ago that no service members have been killed under his watch, for
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heaven's sakes we have seen dozens of service members killed under his watch because of his weakness on world stage and his inability to push back our adversaries we need to return to trump era of peace through strength, we'll see this in this upcoming year after president biden is off the the office. larry: senator have you formally endorsed mr. trump. >> i did it way back. >> okay. >> yes, i think we're all onboard. with national security, and this is a great area of interest of mine, i have a daughter that serves active duty, a son-in-law that serving active duty with my own military membership and watching how mr. trump handled our military, he would build it up, but he also pushed back against our adversaries he used other avenues diplomatic avenues
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economic measures, we have talk about it our world was a much safer place. larry: i thought -- >> you have seen that. larry: i thought thank you ma'am, i figured you had. in the platform, they are talking about iron dome, missile defense system, the technology may be around what do you think about it? >> i think it is fantastic. we need to make these investments and make sure we're protecting our troops that we're from checking -- protecting our own homeland, i think this is important that we do this. we need to invest in our military for decades and decades we have not done that, we see the security of the united states has been failing us in the last three years. >> senator joni ernst thank you, we appreciate it. >> i'll be right back with my las (soft melodic humming)
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if your business needs a new application then developers will have to write code. a lot of code. if an application needs to be modernized then you'll need time, resources... and caffeine. if this sounds daunting then use watsonx code assistant ai designed to multiply developer productivity so you can generate code quickly. let's create a more modern foundation for business, with watsonx code assistant. ibm. let's create.
6:00 am
larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. ♪ ♪. maria: good tuesday morning everyone. thank r


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