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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 9, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> the problem for the white house is they've been covering this up for a very long time. even if they give an answer that might be the truth, guess who doesn't believe them? everyone. >> should have had a real primary with real candidates to go debate ideas. they didn't want to do that because they didn't want the far left coming out of the wood work again and really making this harder but taking a bigger risk and obviously it's backfiring. >> he's a very sharp guy and everyone in america realizes this president isn't up to the job. he sure isn't up for an additional four years.
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>> every news organization is now asking the questions that a lot of people say they should have asked for a long time. how the white house has handled this postdebate has exacerbated the problem for president biden. >> i'm getting really sick of the leftist journalists from the new york times or washington post deciding they're suddenly now just going to notice this sort of behavior. it's too little, too late. stuart: this is the national anthem for narcissists. i wonder why they're playing that for me. it's great to be back. i missed it. hi, everybody. it's 11:00 eastern time and tuesday, july the ninth. getting to the markets, the dow is off 90 points and significant losses in home depot, mcdonalds, caterpillar and microsoft.
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nasdaq doing okay, 60 points higher as we speak. a look at big tech. it's a mixed picture, but we do have alphabet, meta, amazon, apple up, microsoft is down. the yield on the 10-year treasury, that's coming in this morning at 4.31%. it's going up a little bit. this is just coming in to us, house democrat meeting wrapped up and lasted about two hours. we heard from jerry nadler last hour. he's come out of the meeting and said he does not want biden to drop out. that's quite a contrast from what he said on sunday. just a couple of days ago. now this, you don't hear that much from donald trump these days. gone are the daily press conferences from the courthouse and rough language seems to have been trimmed back too. this is not a new donald trump. it's a more politically astute donald trump. he's liting the democrats destroy themselves. why step in when your opponents are at each group.
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trump did appear with sean anti-last night and he was calm -- sean hannity and he was calm, measured and down. trump knows if there was a slip and there was a slurred word and every democrat would jump on it and claim trump was no better than their guy. what good for the trump campaign if he gives the democrats a reason to be distracted from their own troubles and trump is exploiting biden's problems and the longer the president stays in the basement, the better it looks for trump and he wants biden to stay in the race and believes he will stay in the race. he told sean hannity he's got an ego and he doesn't want to quit. he said jill, the first lady wants him to stay and trump is happy to have biden stay in and lead in the polls is widening and chaos in the democrat party. let him get on with that. trump is feeling pretty good right now. third hour of varney starts right now.
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stuart: mollie hemingway joining us this tuesday morning. all right, trump can sit back and let the democrats destroy themselves. is that the game plan? >> he certainly understands when the democrats are going through as many trauma and drama as they are now, there's not much he needs to do. it's worth noting that this is a campaign that's been run very well for a long time now. obviously donald trump has political skills but it's a very did i have linned campaign and almost hear nothing about it, which is sort of a sign of how well it's going and there's not a lot of internal drama and so the whole team shoup commended for run ago tight ship there. stuart: think there's a real chance that biden drops out our forced out? trump says that won't happen and he's got too big an ego and what's the chances he drops out or is forced out? >> there's a chance and that's what this entire story has been
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about since the debate and americans have known that joe biden is dealing with the issues and known that for years and told pollsters about it for years and what changed with the debate is media and other top democrats became alarmed that they would not be able to win the election in november. that's the only thing that's changed and so that is going to continue to be a concern for them through their convention at which point it'll be pretty locked in. he, i think president biden has staved things off for now, but they're going to be looking for ways to oust him because all that the top democrats including the media care about is winning in november and they do not have confidence in joe biden's ability to do that. stuart: nbc chuck todd defended the democrats and elites -- democrat party elites and biden lashed out and said his anger at elites and biden anger at elites is a bit misplacessed and elites that put too much faith if biden that got the democrats into this position.
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mollie, is biden losing the media and nbc? >> chuck todd is half right there and it is true that the democrat party leaders made it so there wasn't really an open primary. they're the o ones that helped hide biden's condition and noticed you were crazy and should be censored but so did the media. chuck todd is just as much to blame and other democrat leaders and funny to see him "defending" the elites and it was a conspiracy of silence amono-top democrats and top media folks and again, the only reason we have changed their tune now is because they're worry that had biden will lose. they're not concerned about the country or having our military under the congressman of someone who they by their own admission saying he's slipping and can't handle things during the day. they only care about power and so that's the prism through which you should see everything and not think like oh, they're being honest now. they're being no more honest now than they were two weeks ago
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omelet care about power. >> i my people would be willing to have him as a figure head and going back to where they were a couple weeks ago and cover up his slips and don't report on what all of america has been able to witness and not just all of america but the world has been able to witness. but i think they would be happy to have it if they thought he could win. they don't think he can win and that's what all of the opposition to him is about now. stuart: nicely summed up, thank you very much indeed. >> thanks, stu. stuart: red for the dow and green for nasdaq and s&p and mike murphy is with us today. the market is rallying. is there a connection between trump's rising in the poll and the democrat's huge problems and the market rally? >> i think you have to admit there is, stuart.
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if president trump wins the white house again in november, he'll push as he did in his last term and push for lower rates sooner and powell will be in charge and the fed that's not tied to the president supposedly, but he's going to push and push hard. the markets want interest rates to come down. i think the bet is whether we're going to get rate cuts in july, well september, november, december. when they come when trump's in charge, he'll push for them to come quicker and deeper. stuart: there's a very strong political connection between the markets and the election? >> now, each company trades on its own and earning ands thinking the markets aren't watching, what's going on with biden with the presidential race right now, you're missing a big part of the picture. stuart: i want to know about nvidia. we follow it very closely, obviously. lauren, you're looking at nvidia. put it on the screen. lauren: keeps going up.
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another 3%. they say it's going up to $180 share. that's their new price target and this is why. strong demands they're seeing for the new blackwell gp and the chip has not come out and it'll generate $200 billion in chip sales in 2025. stuart: any comment on that? >> i do. nvidia stock going hyperbolic and keeps going up, they keep increasing their earnings so this argument that the you hear people say can't go up forever but can it go to 180? can it for sure. in the private markets that's interesting and we're meeting with a company later today that has a chip they claim is 21 times faster than nvidia's fastest chip and it's a company valued at $30 million. we're looking and saying there's a lot of people making that claim and if this holds water, it a great place to be investing for us.
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remember, these chips are not making them but designing them and they're being made at foundry at taiwan semiconductor for the most part. if there are other people that can be designed something as good and investing in it at a fraction of the price of nvidia, that gets me excited. lauren: yeah. stuart: everybody viewing this program in the moment saying which company are you talking about? lauren: there's enthusiasm behind ai and there's chip designers, foundries and cloud companies and data centers for the three parts to ai. it's not probably going to be till 2025 that companies need to show return on investment stuart: up another 3%, 132. next one is chewy. it's down. lauren: about 3% and moving to decline in number of active
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customers using chewy to get their pets the products they need. long term fundamentals look good and revenues tripled over the last three years. stuart: door dash? lauren: drivers delivering booze for the convenient store sheets in pennsylvania. stock's up 2%. stuart: okay. stuart: governor gavin newsom and gretchen whitmer floated as potential replacements for joe biden but both say they still fully support the president at the top of the ticket. we've got their full comments coming up. california barber calling out insane cost of grocery store bill from trader joes as he tried finding cheaper alternatives. we'll ask him because he's on the show a bit later on. $444. yeah, leaders of nato gathering in washington as the president faces public scrutiny about his ability to serve. how is he being viewed on the
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world stage? retired lieutenant general keith kellogg discusses that next. ♪ (man 1) can you hear me now? can you hear me now? can you hear me now? (dj) can you hear me now? (runner) stay with me now! (teens) oooo! (woman 1) mírame ahora!
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stuart: all right, calls for biden to drop out are growing jig as he hosts the three day nato summit in dc. edward lawrence is in washington for us. this is a high stakes gathering for biden is has to con syringes word leaders he's fit to serve. does he have a plan for that? >> yeah and his plan, stu, is watch me as he's been saying. the event starts tonight and president joe biden giving a welcoming speech to the nato members and first time publicly we'll see the president is when he leaves the white house about 4:30 to come over, 4:30 eastern
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time i should say, to come over to this area. the nato summit heavily related to ukraine and how to counter moves that russia is doing. there'll be a clear path forward set out for how you crane can -- ukraine can become a official nato member. >> you'll see some announcements on deuterons capables. not just with respect to helping ukraine but boosting alliance and sighing announcements with respect to the defense industrial base and how to shore up that and make it more resilient and invest in it more including in our own industrial base here. reporter: president biden went to bed early instead of meetingg with german chancellor in 2022 in austria and knowing that he does doesn't things late set an early evening meeting and
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secretary blinken showed up at and blinken was always supposed to attend the event and nato members refuse to talk about what they see and the german chancellor said he's not seen any health issues in his dealing. republicans say they're hearing privately as well as public concerns from democrats. >> so if they're saying he can't be the nominee, he can't be president right now, which the hypocrisy in all that is interesting when you get into their arguments he shouldn't serve another term, he shouldn't have the current nuclear codes right now. reporter: well, we should get a joint nay torr statement about more of the priorities these members want to complete here at this summit. that should come in a bit later on today. stu. stuart: edward, thank you indeed. lieutenant general keith kellogg joining me right now. last night president trump was interviewed by sean hannity and trump said world war iii is right around the corner. you're a military guy, what do you say to that?
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>> look, stuart, it's clear. just around the coroner europe and problems in the middle east. there's a major war going on in europe and let me give you some comparison here. looking at russian army in the field and ukraine right now, it's in the range of 460,000 troops. entire unit active army is 440,000. that means it's got an american army in the field. looking at losses they've incurred and russians of 300,000 dead and much more wounded and look at ukrainians that lost over 100,000 dead and you look at those with staggering numbers, look, russia, then the soviet union, got out of afghanistan after losing 15,000 troops. we got out of vietnam when we lost about 60,000 troops. look at loss numbers and look at what they're trying to do. you're looking at putin actually expanding the war. he's bringing in what he calls engineered troops, they can fight the infantry and bringing them in to help the war and
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getting drones from iran. the war sex up and downing from europe and president trump has it right. you ought to be cautious about this, and we don't really pay as much attention to the actual numbers you see and that's where they're trying to draw down and break it down a bit. ukrainians are fighting valiantly but reach a point of attrition and stalemate and push back on the russians. he's right and have to look anumbers alone and what the russians are doing and putin is doing. stuart: just a moment ago, edward lawrence mentioned "the wall street journal" reveals this is 2022, biden could not attend an event, early evening with germany's chancellor because he had to go to bed. you served with trump. did you wake him up in the middle of the night? i remember the soleimani news. did you wake him up in the night
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for that? >> absolutely. me and robert o'brian, the national security adviser to the president and security called us and said we have to wake the president and vice president up simultaneously and got on a conference call at 3:30 in the moment. his first comment right away he said we're not losing the embassy in baghdad because that's what was going on. they were burning documents and that was an indicator you were going to lose an embassy and the president was clear to tell the chief of staff, we're not losing the embassy and second thing he said, he said this is the first of january 2020, he said who's behind this? we outlined soleimani because of the force leader in iran. he said okay, he's going to pay a price. that was 1 january, on 3 january soleimani was dead. this is the way that president trump reacted. he reacted very directly and very hard, very clear minded when he made those calls. i'll go back historically, look at what alexander hamilton wrote
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in the papers and one of the key attributes of key executive of president is intellectual and physical energy. they knew that back when forming the constitution. that's true today and i was very comfortable waking president trump up and this is where the answer we got this was very firm and direct and followed them up. fast and admire that. stuart: thinking twice about trying to wake up president biden i take it. i'm trying to read between the lilines and more difficult to gt a dramatic and quick decision out of president biden than out of president trump. we can sum it up like that, can't we? >> well, i think you can. what they are is he's risk avers and makes risk avers decisions and he's historically done that and stuart, this is the same guy, president biden that has director of cia and bob made the comment and joe biden is wrong on nearly every decision in the last 40 years and here's the key one and key was when president
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obama made a decision to go after osama bin laden in the situation room, they went around and asked if we should or shouldn't. the one person that said no was joe biden as vice president. that's a leader that's risk avers and doesn't want to make the hard calls. when you make the calls, there's going to be consequences and you accept that. he doesn't accept those and doesn't make the hard calls. stuart: lieutenant general keith kellogg, thank you for being informative today. see you soon. thank you, general. >> thanks, stuart. stuart: related note, u.s. troops withdrawn from a base in niger. they've been there for 15 years and security operation. why did they withdraw? lauren: niger asked us to. u.s. troops are now out of air base in the capitol city of niger and starting to withdraw from another air base in the north and will do so by the middle of september. there was a air base cooperation deal and it was scrapped of a
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coup of july 2023. in the type since, niger strengthened their ties with russia, which has provided them equipment and instructors. stuart: thank yous, lauren. a new poll shows we're losing confidence in higher education. we'll tell you what's behind that decline. medical professionals in the media used to attack anyone that dare to question president biden's cognitive abilities. now they're on the defense. what looks like a cover up. alicia finley is here to take that on, she's next. ♪ ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart ♪
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stuart: more reaction from democrats inside that secret closed door meeting on the president's cognitive abilities. listen to what cori bush just said. >> congresswoman, describe the temperature in the room. >> same right wing influences trying to take me down trying to take down president biden. that's where my head is and listening to my colleagues and constituents and we're having a lot of [inaudible] over the next coming weeks and so at the end of the day, we got to beat back the right wing influencers.
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just like i said, the same people trying to come against me are coming against him and that's what we're working on right now. stuart: that was pretty much refusal to answer the question. senator elizabeth warren going to a separate committee meeting declined to answer if she still supports biden. quick check of the markets, please. the dow is down 105 points now and nasdaq is up 28. 10-year treasury yield is up and hurting the market a little. mike murphy. most popular part of the week. mike murphy's stock picks. going for a winner this time, amazon. >> a couple winners, yes. we've talked about am zone quite a bit here and it was a laggard earlier this year and look at stock, old high is 201 and sitting right at $200. i think if you look at what the new ceo is doing and look at what amazon is doing and think of them not as a delivery company, but more as an ai
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company, and the cloud cover and how they're going to continue to expand and be a major part of our culture and lives going forward, the stock can trade a lot higher than 200. stuart: kudos to you, you got it right. a few weeks ago about 160 and you said going to 200. >> thank you. stuart: well enough, i'll give you credit where credit is due. palantir, why do you like them? >> palantir is an ai play and a lot of defense contracts and where they're playing, there's not a lot of competition for them. stocks got up to these levels once before and pulled down to around $20 a share. now you look at it moving higher and look for it to breakthrough 30. i think palantir can get going to the upside. stuart: okay, amazon and palantir, we'll take them. thank you, murph. this, california's governor gavin newsom responded to concerns over biden's ability to be the president. what did he say, lauren? lauren: he said -- well, he's stumping for the president and continues to have his back.
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>> end of the day, the decision is not what determine os fate and future, campaigns about shape and communicating message and lifting up issues and driving contrast and this campaign is kicking off. i'm all in and i have his back and i believe people that come to it. lauren: this is notably in new hampshire and it's a recent poll and the college poll trump's up two and biden up by ten in december. now trump is ahead. what game is gavin newsom playing? is that risky to stand behind president biden to that extent and stump for him? he's playing the long game for 2028. biden is vulnerable right now. what's his strategy in keep challengers close? stuart: i don't know. lauren: i don't know what gavin newsom's strategy is continuing to stump for president biden and so many saying now might be the time to step out. stuart: i'm not convinced he wants to be the president this time around.
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lauren: he's going for 2028. >> his strategy should be getting california's situation in order going to run, he can point to what he did in california. what he's doing right now, i don't know how anyone could say look what he's done in california, aisle vote for that guy. stuart: he's impossible and can't go for the near term either. op ed in "the wall street journal" fauci and medical experts gave biden a memory pass. they ignored the president's obvious cognitive troubles and attacked anyone that pointed them out. alicia finley wrote that and she joins us this morning. tell me how medical experts gave biden this pass on memory. >> whenever there was concern or republicans raised concern about biden's cognitive incapacities and his stumbles on the campaign trail, mistaking names for instance, the media has gone to alleged experts citing them saying there's nothing really wrong with biden's memory. just a normal sign of aging. when you get older, you're
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getting wiser and he's becoming a better president. stuart: that's how they did it? >> they've been doing this for the last -- stuart: i mean, that sold a bill of goods to the american people. >> did it? i don't think a lot of people believe it. maybe sold to the liberal media that's believing what they're saying or self-deception. i don't think the american people were taken in by it anymore than they were taking in and pointed out by what the liberals were saying about covid and lockdowns these were saving lives. they were liberals actually speaking to themselves in that way and americans weren't buying it. stuart: we in the media, not ustion in particular, wall street journal and fox, they've indulged in a coverup for a long period of time and deliberate coverup by the media and democrat party and it's coming to pieces at the moment. >> that's right and i think something they have diluted themselves in their own reshowsness and what they're
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doing. righteousness and what they're doing and they're in the mess they're in because they tried to cconceal the bidens and they're complicit in his down fall. stuart: donald trump on his plate in the immediate future announcing vice presidential pick and rnc in milwaukee. he doesn't have to do anything, does he? doesn't have to go out and announce a question to the media. he could just sit back and watch the democrats fight amongst themselves. >> that's right and shown surprising discipline and if he stays quiet or just stays on point and doesn't throw himself into the news and let's democrats crumple on their own as they seem to be doing, i think he's going to have a very successful convention. stuart: see his interview with sean hannity last night? >> i did not. stuart: it was a measured tone, it was calm and even. no nasty language, no nasty insults of anybody. i think that's quite deliberate. >> yeah, we saw that during the
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debate and even the liberal commentators were amazed by howdies linned and restrained trump was, and he totally beat expectations. stuart: he d. have you any idea -- would you care to speculate on whether joe biden will be at the top of the ticket on november 5? if you don't want to speculate, don't, but i'd like to see you try. >> i think he will be. stuart: why? >> unless barring some unusual or call from the almighty, which is basically a health event that debilitates him complete, he will be because he's turnovers and born and will refuse to step down. stuart: if it's trump versus biden, who wins? >> trump. stuart: fine interview. thank you very much indeed. something about michigan governor gretchen whitmer. she shut down talks of her replacing biden, but she's got a new book out that reveals her political ambitions. lauren: yeah. stuart: what are they? lauren: political ambitions to
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eventually be president, but right now she says a, i'm not running and b, i'm not replacing joe biden and told the ap and distraction more than anything and i don't like seeing my name in articles and i'm totally focused on governing and campaigning for the ticket. the ticket. conveniently. i say conveniently. her memoir is out today and it sets up her profile on the national stage. it's a female and strong on abortion issues and has a story and has a state legislature in michigan under gretchen whitmer is blue for the first time in four decades. stuart: any comment? >> yes, i think that all of these people like newsom and whitmer saying i'm not going to replace joe biden, if the powers at be say we're going to put someone in to replace president biden for this election, all these people will line up to say pick me, pick me. stuart: that's the thing. if somehow or another biden were pushed aside or walks away, the
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most awful fight to replace him. they'll be at each other's throats. >> and don't take kamala harris and so many anger from the black voters to be honest. my simple susp suspicion is thet biden to luis in 2024 so they can run in 2028. stuart: investments from major ai companies would bring people back to the office they thought. office vacancies hit a record high. full story coming umm for you. republican party just announced 2024 platform and saw that promoting maganomics and pledging to end all of biden's failing policies. grady trimble breaks down maganomics after this. ♪
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stuart: look at tech names this morning. mixed picture, we have one loser that will be microsoft, which is down all of $3. nvidia, nice gain there, 2.5% up, amazon, alphabet, tesla all on the upside. tesla $5, 2% higher, 258. yield on 2-year treasury, please. look at 10 and look at 2. 4.66% and yield is going up. cryptos doing well again this morning. bouncing back a little. but you've still got bitcoin only at $57,000 a coin. ethereum just up a bit. donald trump trying to take back the narrative in disarray of the decline. is the republican plan to focus on maganomics, grady? >> that's port of it for sure, stu. they're letting democrats squabble among themselves for the time. in the newly released look ahead
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to november and party platform looking ahead from lowering prices and increasing energy production and cutting taxes and regulations and also discusses securing the border and reducing crime and strengthening the military all of those issues former president trump brings up a lot at rallies and likely will again tonight. the democrats disarray over president biden mental fitness is dominating the conversation right now and as trump waits to reveal the vp pick possibly this weekend and at convention next week, he says that could play into his decision. >> a little bit and wanted to see what they're doing and to be honest and might make a difference. i'm not sure they would. i think probably within the next week, week and a half and probably sometime i'd love to do it during the convention and my people say that's a little complicated.
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>> trump predicted that biden will stay in the race but if biden drops out, he'll most likely face vice president kamala harris. all that is a big question mark he doesn't have an answer to and we're all waiting with baited breath to find out the answer to it. stuart: that's exactly what he wants. thanks, grady. mike murphy is still here. weigh up maganomics versus bidenomics. where do you stand 124 >> it's pretty simple. if you go with the maganomics, you're talking about smaller government and giving american citizens the ability to control their own fate. whereas in bidenomics, they're a lot smarter than everybody else, they being the government, therefore bigger government, more taxes, more fees and charges, which just hurt businesses. regardless it looks good on paper, but never works. i think the less government we v the less taxation, the less -- if you remember when president trump got in last time, he started getting rid of regulations that were causing so
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much red tape for businesses top ask we need businesses to operate and thrive and hire people and be able to increase wages and give bonuses and that's what drives the american economy. stuart: does a normal every day average investor want trump to win? >> yes, because they want higher stock market. you can't argue that the stock market has done well. stuart: does wall street want trump to win? arguably biden will keep on spending and wall street like as lot of spending. >> they do and a lot of times you get people on wall street hitting a certain level of wealth and they stop thinking clearly and they start thinking attack the best way for them to preserve the wealth, and no longer make the right choices they made to get there. without naming names. in you're talking about business and talking about the entire united states of america, you want to have, in my opinion, less taxes and let people dictate and if you want to be a truck driver, be a truck driver and earn a fair wage. if you want to start a business
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employing truck drivers, do the same and you're not going to have government regulations to prevent you from doing that. stuart: agree with you, murph. >> thank you. stuart: new polling shows americans confidence in higher education has take an dive. show me the numbers. lauren: down 21 points since 2015. it's a gallop poll and 36% have confidence in college and he is it was 57% in 2015. 32% have no confidence so there's concern about the agenda that what you're taught in college and the cost. interestingly, more respondents were concerned about the political agenda of the schools over the expense of going to the schools. stuart: really? lauren: yeah, i was surprised by that. next case, a father in california showing just how expensive it's become to keep his six children fed for just over a week. watch this. >> here's what it takes to feed
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six kids and in about a week and a half, you have six kids, this is your trader joe's seat. stuart: whoa. is it worth it staying in california? worth it to stay there? the father joins us next. ♪ everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile.
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stuart: more reaction from democrats after that closed door meeting where they were discussing the president's cognitive ability. this is congressman steven lynch from massachusetts. roll it. >> i think ultimately the vast, vast 45 jordyty of members support the president. >> can you put a finger on it, sir? 90%? >> i would say around that area, yeah. >> is that enough? >> one is the time frame and the process. got to deal with that as well. stuart: to repeat, he says 90% of congressional democrats want president biden at the top of the ticket. 90%. in california, a father of six went grocery shopping for his
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six children and was shocked by how much it costs. >> here's what it takes to feed six kids and about a week and a half. if you have six kids, this is your trader joe's receipt. keep going. oh my god. stuart: my goodness. that father joins me now. you've paid $444 to feed your -- you and your children, family of six. what was it like, how much was it two or three years ago? >> two or three years ago it was probably maybe about 25% less i would say, you know, some of the normal things we would buy, but definitely thing have increased, but we're a larger family. we're the modern day brady bunch in california. stuart: that receipt went viral and a lot of comments focused on
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what you were buying. for example, why do you buy organic options when there's usually much cheaper jessica mitchell nerve pathology ick options. synergy home do you do that? >> we try to make somewhat healthier choices obviously for the family just kind of given what -- you don't know what's in certain products now a days and we try to make relatively good choices, but it costs more to vector-borne the healthier choices than generic brands but cheaper than some of the medical bills later on in life. stuart: fair point. you live in a nice area of california but have to pay the very high prices. is it worth it to stay in california when you've got to fork out so much money for food for the kids? >> yeah, you know, i mean, california you've got so much taxes and got the sun tax, the beauty tax, you know, the -- everything is taxed here. it's also a lot of economic opportunity. stuart: you're not leaving? >> not yet, you know, we looked
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at it. we've looked a the it. we're weighing our options for sure. stuart: plenty of sunshine in florida but that's another story. sergio gonzalez, you're a good sport. thank you for being with us. >> i appreciate you. stuart: sure thing. mike murphy. >> yes, sir. stuart: i'm sure you have a reasonably sized shopping bill, grocery bill. >> i do. stuart: how much has it gone up from two or three years ago? >> you know, it's definitely gone up and certain items like milk, i know for one and butter for another have gone up a lot. the cost of fruit and i do buy organic fruit because i think -- stuart: you do? >> i do. i think fruit skin can take in pesticides and when you wash it, that doesn't come off it so we buy organic fruit. you pay a bit more for, but i believe it's worth it. if you have a family of eight to feed, it costs money. like when i first saw this story and it went viral, thinking well, you know, if you had a family of four, $222. that wouldn't go viral.
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but there's eight people to feed here and costs money so yes, there's inflation. yes, cost of thins have gone up, but you have six kids, you have to feed them. they need to eat. stuart: and they've got to eat organic. >> on the fruit, yes. stuart: right. it was believed that san francisco's ai boom was going to bring people back to the office. that did not happen right; lauren? lauren: san francisco has op openai, anthropic, all the buzz of ai is san francisco. i would say the ai boom is softening the blow for landlords but not fixed the situation and office vacancies there topping 34% in the second quarter. that is a record high. rent on the other hand is starting to move down. it's at lowest level since 2015. stuart: thanks very much. now it's time for the tuesday trivia question. interesting, the world's longest walkable route is how many miles? 12, 13, 14, or 15,000 miles? the answer when we return.
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(man 1) can you hear me now? can you hear me now? can you hear me now? (dj) can you hear me now? (runner) stay with me now! (teens) oooo! (woman 1) mírame ahora! (woman 2) get em now! (roger goodell) we're ready now! (woman 3) have fun! (fan) ooo, pinch me now! (woman 4) save me now! (toddler) let's go now! (woman 5) check me now!
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(toddler) catch me now! (gamer 1) cmon! (gamer 2) play me now! (toddler) okay, bye now! stuart: before the break we asked this. the world's longest walk route is how many miles? 12, 30, 40, 50 thousand? you have to go first.
12:00 pm
lauren: 14,344. >> i am feeling the vibe from lauren. 13,320 miles. stuart: the longest walkable route without using a boat. i'm going with 12-two. the answer is 14-three. you could technically walk from cape town, south africa all the way to northeast russia. you have to cross multiple war zones it will take a long time. coast-to-coast starts now. neil: today, we will no, not whether joe biden will survive as the democrats presidential nominee, that old tussle


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