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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  July 9, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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larry: my last word is growthier. you guessed it. low tax rates, deregulation, drill baby drill with a strong stable dollar. growthier economy. growthier without inflation and here comes liz macdonald. liz: i like growthier better than goodest, larry. larry: [laughter] yes. liz: you're the best ever, larry , thank you so much. okay welcome to the "evening edit" i'm elizabeth macdonald. we're monitoring former president trump about to hold a
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rally near miami tonight. he's going to reportedly slam biden's cover-up of biden's decline and talk up his america revival policies we're on this story. joining us now the ranking member of the senate special committee on aging, we welcome back to the show senator mike br aum. senator it's wonderful to see you again. thank you so much for joining us >> good to be on. liz: we ask you this. is the biden white house cover ing up biden's decline? are your senate colleagues saying that because the white house is now desperately trying to downplay a parkinson's specialist visiting biden, the white house there, eight times in the last eight months. ten since 2022. senator, they're saying, this is all just part of his physical exam. really? eight physical exams in eight months? what are your senators saying? is this a cover-up? >> well, a cover-up i think has been occurring a long time, liz.
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those that have been around the president from early on it was a few months after i got there, it was on a supply chain issue, and notecards were being used at that meeting on a subject that simple. that clearly wasn't working in the room that day at the white house. that was my first upfront kind of seeing it and that was years ago and not to mention that during the campaign, he was pretty well in the basement, so a lot of this was a gamble that they knew he be pliable, to their progressive agenda. that worked, but then when you try to double down on it, and continue it for another term, the clock simply has been running out, so i would love to get to the bottom of what has been covered up, because many in the senate think this has now become a security risk. how can you have someone that is obviously showing these signs be
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running the toughest business in the world, the federal government, with all the challenges out there. so i think we're going to find out a lot about it. shameful for trying to parlay that into another term. they just simply ran out of time liz: you know, that neurologist, senator, reportedly donated to biden's campaign and biden's white house doctor yeahs in on a business deal with james biden, so are you hearing democrat senators saying biden should dropout? are they saying this is a cover up because we've got role call now comparing this to nixon and watergate. >> i think you're going to see so much exposed in a narrow window here that it's going to surprise all of us, and i do hope that that same type of kind of analog to then is held true here, because this is even a bigger stakes, because think about it. you're going to try to parlay this into another
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election and who knows how long you can make this be undercover where you don't have a president really doing his job, if you would have pulled it off. i think this is a place where there are a lot more democrats freaking out than what you've seen come to the forefront and i think there will be a lot more of them, and if biden digs in, and does nothing it's even a bigger debacle going into the election. liz: interesting, senator because we've got president biden. he's going to speak live at the nato summit, world leaders us allies reportedly really concerned about his decline. democrat house lawmakers in dis array met today and they are saying it's worse than a funeral. we're probably not going to see this but shouldn't biden just let his neurologist give a press briefing, release all his health records, do a cognitive test, a two hour press conference, because we've got, you know, what this top democrat party donor reportedly said biden's not going to dropout because he's mad that he got talked out of running in 2016 by
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obama and hillary clinton. that almost happened in 2020, that he has to prove that he has what it takes to do it again, so when you say that we're going to hear more, how will we hear more exactly about what's going on? what's that about? >> all this cat has jumped out of the bag so fully that it's panic on the other side politically. they're not only worried about what happens with biden. down ballot is going to be a big concern as well. all of that has turned into an amazing trick box. how can you get out of it? all of us know that if we seen any relative, anyone that starts showing these signs, that never gets better or reverses. it keeps getting worse. they pushed it far longer. hit it from the american public and here we are. i don't know how quickly this all comes apart but it will
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comma part and we just need to stay tuned and don't let up. liz: got it. senator mike braum, great to have you on again thank you so much. let's welcome back to the show look whose here fox news contributor radio talk show host tammy bruce. we know you're fired up about this. you know, tammy, trump is about to say tonight at his rally near miami that the biden white house is involved in a cover up on the level we're hearing role call saying this is on the level of nixon. we may not see him pick his vice president tonight. he's saying he could pic sayings a cover-up? >> well, he should know. he's now been in this field long enough to understand all of the players. in 2016 he certainly learned very quickly, but as americans, we've seen this process and we've also seen the cover-up. we've seen, with basic issues
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that americans care about, like the border. we're told we see what's going on at the border. we're told the border is closed. we see inflation. it affects our buying power, the nature of what kinds of foods we're able to have and we're told the economy is great. we're told everything is fine with president biden but we see him almost on a daily basis when he does come out to be seen , like a hedgehog, we see that he's not fine, so all the time, liz, we're hearing things from our federal government that contradicts reality. that's part of a cover-up. it is being able to hide things, lie about them, mislead people about the nature of what's going on, so you don't need a seminar at stanford to understand this is what's happened. president trump is correct and in the meantime, you've got people, this is what's so difficult for the country right now. i hate that this is happening to
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us because we're all affected but the fact is that there is chaos in the white house. some people are covering up from other people. offices don't talk to each other we know that its been a relationship even between the vice president' office and the president's office. there's discussions. we see this from the new york times needing to be public with their declarations about biden's needing to resign, which means they don't have even a direct line into the white house. otherwise, why would all these entities that normally have gotten their talking points have to have these editorials that contradict what joe biden is saying directly about his plans so i think that there is one and i think that it's dangerous and obviously, it's going to have to stop sooner than later. liz: tammy the trump campaign is saying they are happy to let democrats shoot at each other all day long. listen to trump on why he thinks biden will not dropout.
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listen to this. >> well they cover for him and they still are sort of cover covering but now it's getting very difficult to do that and it looks like he very may well stay in and he has an ego. he doesn't want to quit. i think jill would like to see him stay. she's having a good time, and i'm hearing that hunter is calling the shots. you really have to speak to his doctors but obviously he's been sheltered by the fake news media that's why they call it the fake news. >> what do you make of all of the talk that if biden steps aside or is pushed out that it be vice president harris? >> i think she's an ineffective person. she was in charge of the border. she's never been there. she didn't do a good job and she hasn't done a job on a lot of things, but it would seem to me that from a political standpoint , that's who they are going with. they aren't even talking about alternatives. liz: so, tammy. he's saying it's his ego, jill biden wants to stay in, that
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it's kamala harris, we're going to show a usa today poll basically 41% of democrat voters want biden to dropout. 51% approve of trump. trump leads biden by five points in the critical battleground of wisconsin. that's according to a new arp poll so when you look at this i want your reaction to columnist george will, tammy. columnist george will writing in today's washington post said, " the bleeding sheep at msnbc reminiscent of george or well's classic animal farmette he said msnbc for example, the morning show were wrong at denouncing the "wall street journal" june 4 story, cataloging the abundant evidence of biden's decline but that the sheep at msnbc are still on the air. there's no penalty for failure in america in the face of evidence and he's saying many prominent people have the scary strength that comes from being incapable of embarrassment. is this about being shame less?
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>> it's about being shameless, but actually, they were successful. they are effectively state media , so there's no expectation that you're going to actually critically analyze something. you're going to stay what the system and the establishment expects you to say at the time and that's their job and that's why because people wonder why does it keep going? as joe biden is concerned, he's wanted this job for 50 years, half a century, and they were in agreement with how to proceed here and suddenly because the plan to kneecap trump failed , they are going to throw the bidens under the bus. no wonder the bidens are furious no wonder they're fighting but it is dangerous for the country and that is why this upcoming election is key and it proves to the american people why the democratic party has done such a disastrous job for the country. they can't even control their own house. liz: tammy bruce, you're terrific, thanks for being on the show. read tammy's books she's great. still ahead, senator marsha
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blackburn from senate arm services, congresswoman kat cammack from the law enforcement caucus, congressman dan meuser from house financial services former acting i.c.e. director tom homan, former pollster mark penn and fox news contributor joe concha. we are monitoring biden at the nato summit and we've got more details this hour about world leaders deepening concern over biden's decline plus more on the biden campaign pressuring journalists to cover-up biden's gaffs and blunders including pressuring the new york times and abc and we dig into a new and damming list of biden's lies and falsehoods misleading us voters as more and more polls show voters are in the know and they are turned off by this , and why president biden says he will veto a new bill to stop illegal aliens from voting in federal elections. 14 states and d.c. do not
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require voter id, photo id there and former president trump. he's hammering biden on crime right as a us marshall just shot an alleged car jacker near supreme court justices in d.c., and we've got the sound of senator john kennedy grilling fed chair jay powell who says yes the us is in a slowdown and yes the government is driving new job growth. that's bidenomics. as former president trump says the rnc platform will bring about an american economic revival. we've got it on the "evening edit" tonight. we'll be right back. stay right there. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari?
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a friend told me that i was the only one holding me back from being as beautiful on the outside as i am the inside. once i saw golo was working, i felt this rush, i just had to keep going. a lot of people think no pain no gain, but with golo it is so easy. when i look in the mirror, i don't even recognize myself. golo really works. liz: welcome back. we're going to show you the sound in just a second of senator john kennedy grilling fed chair jerome powell on capitol hill today. inflation is not coming down enough for the fed to cut interest rate when us market analysts had bet we would have seen one by this september. hillary vaughn on capitol hill with the details. hillary? reporter: good evening, liz. despite pressure from democrats to lower interest rates, fed chair jerome powell would not forecast to the future or say if any rate cuts could come before election day. >> i'm today not going to be
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sending any signals about the timing of any future actions reporter: powell also admitted the economy is slowing down and when asked about bidenomics, passed on the question. >> most people, if you ask them to define bidenomics, they would say that's easy. we get to pay more to live worse >> i wouldn't touch -- >> you don't want to answer that one. reporter: treasury secretary janet yellen also on the hill today was asked about the state of the economy but also the president's state of mind during her time behind the scene s with president biden. >> well as a cabinet secretary, have you noticed any mental or cognitive decline in any of these meetings? >> the president is extremely effective in the meetings that i've been in with him. >> so are you testifying that you have not seen any mental or cognitive decline? >> mr. chairman? point of inquiry. she's not a physician.
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>> she's a member of the cabinet. >> let's keep the comments to the subject. >> it's not a medical question. it's her interpretation as a member of the cabinet. reporter: and yellen was asked if she's heard any talk from cabinet secretaries about possibly invoking the 25th amendment to remove president biden from office. she said no. liz? liz: hillary vaughn thank you so much. great reporting as always. let's welcome back to the show from house financial services and small business committee congressman dan meuser. those are all legitimate questions of a cabinet member. congressman thanks for joining us. we heard that from treasury secretary yellen that he's effective but not answering congressman lawler's question did she see cognitive decline? was there talk of the 25th amendment among the cabinet. what do you think of all of that >> well she's clearly ignoring the realities of his mental decline, and ignoring the realities of his failed policies and they are doing
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their best to have the rest of the american people believe the same. you know, prior to that, what senator kennedy said we're paying more to live worse. he summed it up. it's about 15 seriously different policies in so-called maganomics versus bidenomics. in fact they are opposite of each other. one wants to raise taxes, one has pro-growth initiatives to keep taxes as competitive as possible. and so-called maganomics, i just call it trump policies keeps us competitive on the worldwide stage. bidenomics is making it that much more difficult for our economy to grow. it's truly endless, from regulations to energy policy, that i refer to as gas backwards because it is. we're bullying the energy export s of russia and iran basically our adversary/enemies at the expense of the american people, and our own national
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security. liz: what do you think about trump's rnc platform saying they're about an economic revival, rescuing america out of stagflation by unleashing us energy, unleashing us oil & gas. us oil & gas kept america out of a recession in 2010 under obama. >> i love it, liz, because it is anti-inflationary. we need to be energy not just independent, energy dominant. it's one of the most contributing factors to inflation and inflation is just one rough shot that's truly an affordability crisis that by the way janet yellen ignores as well throughout my district and throughout all of the commonwealth of pennsylvania and our country. pro-growth initiatives will increase the supply side and it actually runs counter to what jerome powell is trying to do and bring down inflation. liz: we hear you finish your thought, go ahead. >> that the more spending, the
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more inflation will increase and the higher taxes, the more unemployment will increase, running counter to both of the feds mandates. we need a new president. we need a new economic direction for the strength of the american economy. liz: it's interesting what you just said because senator john kennedy got that out of fed chair powell that yes the economy is slowing down and yes the government is behind job creation lately. watch this. >> mr. chairman, our economy is slowing, is it not? >> yes, although still growing at a solid pace. >> our unemployment rate is rising, is it not? >> yes, it is, although the labor market is still strong >> about three-quarters of the net new jobs that were created in june were in government, healthcare, and social assistance. what does that tell you?
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>> so that's a concentration. you'd rather see broader job creation than that. yes, manufacturing is not creating a lot of new jobs. liz: manufacturing is not creating jobs. so unleash us energy so that's the thing. so the government is creating jobs. fed chair powell just admitted that. you see the numbers are staggering as they revise number s the job growth numbers down, after the fact by more than 1 million jobs since 2023 through year-to-date. 1 million jobs knocked out of the initial jobs reports that are cheered on as robust and glowing. you know, when you look at what's going on in saudi arabia. saudi aramco is just making major investments in powertrain company saying you know what? gas engines are here to stay. car gas engines are not going away. your final word? >> yeah, no, they are choosing venezuela over pennsylvania when it comes to energy and that's
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very wrong and the trump policies will make the us manufacturing that much more competitive and the biden burden s that they are putting on are making foreign goods more competitive. it's that simple. liz: congressman meuser, appreciate you so much. come back soon. still ahead, congresswoman kat cammack from the house law enforcement caucus and weaponization subcommittee. we've got more on this controversy. president biden says he will veto the save act that would stop illegal aliens from voting in federal elections. plus, senator marsha blackburn from senate arms services. the senator worked very hard on the rnc platform for former president trump. we've got president biden about to speak at this week's nato summit. he's putting his fitness under a microscope and he's hoped this will save his re-election and growing doubt about cognitive and physical decline and a new usa today poll more voters trust trump on national security over
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biden. we've got it all on the evening edit coming up. stay right there. ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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liz: okay, president biden about to speak at the nato summit. he's in the spotty light. all of this as he tries to ease foreign leaders and diplomatic concerns about his cognitive decline and fitness. edward lawrence is live in d.c. with more on the story. edward good to see you. reporter: yeah, hey, liz. yeah, here at the nato summit, i should say, the hans to the will come and address them and those leaders are listening to not only what the president is but how the president says it as you look live in the mellon auditorium in washington d.c. the president trying to prove he cannot only lead nato now but also lead the us for another four years. everything he says and does will
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be scrutinized. >> he had a bad night. we've talked about it. he understands people's concerns we have been out there as we have been in previous months but out there obviously in the past 10 days, more than 10 days now since the debate, and you see from his engagement with everyday people on the ground. reporter: so publicly only the german chancellor commented saying president biden setup a good nato summit and he's seen no real health issues. republicans taking a step farther saying the questions around president's mental fitness amount to a national security threat. listen. >> remember the president can order a first strike, a nuclear first strike and if he doesn't have the cognitive abilities, that's a very dangerous as well but it is of concern to our nato allies and the people i'm talking to from nato here in
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washington. reporter: so the president with a lot to prove this week at this nato summit. he's trying to show that his performance here at the summit with the world leaders and we have two that we know he's going to meet with so far the united kingdom prime minister as well as zelenskyy, they hope his performance here can turn the page as the president says from his mental fitness. liz? liz: edward lawrence you're such a great journalist. we appreciate your reporting thank you so much. joining us now from senate arms services senator marsha blackburn, a major player driving the trump rnc platform for an american revival in the economy. former president trump thanking the senator for that. senator? this is quite a story. it's great to have you on the show tonight, thank you so much for joining us. is this more than just a bad night for biden that debate night? the white house is getting criticized after john kirby and karine jean-pierre said biden would hold a "big boy press conference." is this more than just a bad night, that debate night? >> elizabeth what this did was
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to prove to the american people that the white house has been gaslighting them on what joe biden's condition is, and now, they're acting as if they are so surprised that this happened, but all along, the mainstream media, the liberal press, the white house, they could look at joe biden and see the diminishment in 2020. there were questions about his fitness for office looking at his mental health and the concerns for him on his health and now, it really, you've got to look at january 27 and i think the american people looked at this and said hey, wait a minute. are we being told the truth and they've doubted what they have been told by that inner circle surrounding him. liz: senator, the question to is
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can president biden secure america, protect america if he reportedly will not work past 8:00 at night, only work six hours a day, because the "wall street journal" reported that germany's chancellor and german diplomats were surprised in 202d and could not make an early evening meeting on ukraine. blinken went in his place, that was two years ago. >> that's correct, and now stories are beginning to come public, and i think the credibility of those around joe biden is pretty much shot with the american people, because they realize now, oh, it wasn't just an occasional flub- up or losing a train of thought, that this is something more serious. many people are just so concerned the president's health , and they're very frustrated with what they're being told by the white house and i do think that, you know, we're going to let the democrats
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sort their issues out, but i think the credibility and trust issue is the one that for many tennesseens that i've talked to that voted for joe biden, they are really very frustrated with that. liz: when you get beyond the point of no return you can't come back from it so everyone is focused on former president trump saying nato needs to pay its fair share. the us foots something like a third of nato's bill. we've got 90,000 us troops in europe. there's growing frustration with canada, seven nato allies not meeting the 2% minimum gdp defense spending requirement so the focus on trump saying yeah, they need to step it up, isn't the issue or our enemies, it's iran, china. i mean, iran, is going to fuel anti-israel protests in the us before the election. >> and the remarks by admiral h aynes are of tremendous
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concern to us that this is their expectation, this is their analysis and their prediction. this is not something that is a partisan statement, so elizabeth you have to be worried about that and we have to realize russia, china, iran, north korea that is your new access of evil. they are working in tandem. when you look at who is supplying some of the rockets, some of the drones for russia to attack ukraine, what do you find you find north korea and russia in that. china is bankrolling so nato, yes. they should be stepping up. every country should be paying their fair share, and they should be wanting to do that, to help secure the eu, to help secure their region of the world , and also to make certain that we address the harm coming from that access of evil
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every single day. liz: senator blackburn, pleasure having you on. thanks for joining us. good to see you again. now let's get to this story joining us from the house law enforcement caucus and weaponization subcommittee congresswoman kat cammack. congresswoman it's great to have you on again so why is president biden saying he will veto the save act that would stop illegal aliens from voting in federal elections and we require proof of us citizenship for all federal elections. why is he saying he'll veto it, if something like 14 states and d.c. don't require a photo id. >> well, liz, i think the only rational reason that anyone can come to is that he has to veto it because he can't win an election otherwise. he needs non-citizens to vote in order to win this election and of course, after that debate debacle, we know that he is going to need every last vote and so you combine the fact that we have an open southern border
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with over 11.5 million illegals coming across our border during joe biden's time in office, and now, they want to strip voter id , signature verification and lower the age to 16 and now they are saying they are going to veto this bill which is a common sense bill that 81% of americans support? put two and two together. it's simple math. they just don't want to be able to verify that americans only are voting. liz: congresswoman, let's go through it. democrats are saying they don't need it because there are laws already in place. republicans saying yes, we need it. you look at the 14 states saying no photo id. i mean, voters don't like this. 65% of americans according to a poll say yes, we should have proof of citizenship, including 48% of democrats saying that, 62 % of swing state voters. now we've got the wisconsin supreme court new liberal majority reinstating drop-off ballot boxes and house minority whip katherine clark saying well we're get a bill because it
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would intimidate election officials and over-burden the state's abilities to enroll new voters? americans don't want to see cheating. they hate cheating in elections, period, full stop. it's the american people who deserve fairness here and to be treated fair because they are the ones paying taxes. >> absolutely, liz. i mean, if you are going to cast your ballot you want full confidence it is being counted as it's intended to be cast and so it's very very simple whether you're republican, independent, democrat that all citizens are voting and that are eligible. not non-citizens and this bill is saying for federal elections only, because that is where we have constitutional authority. in order to ensure the integrity of the elections, so again, 81% of americans support this measure and if they say that they don't really need this because it's already illegal to be a non-citizen and voting, well then they should vote for it because guess what? they should have no problem with it. the only reason you vote against it is if you have a problem with
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only us citizens voting. it's a common sense measure and again, it proves why this november is so important, liz. liz: congresswoman kat cammack great to have you on again. still ahead, pollster mark penn, along with fox news contributor joe concha. the "evening edit" debate tonight, the biden campaign accused of pressuring journalist s to change their stories about biden's blunders including abc, and the new york times, plus we take on a new and damming list of biden's lies, plagerism, and misleading statements to america. but first we're going to check in with my duda lackeys dagen and sean. what's coming up? >> we have a great show coming up e-mac. so what are lawmakers on the hill saying about biden as wisconsin prepares for the rnc coming to the great state next week? we have wisconsin senator ron johnson joining us as well as bidenomics is now scrutinized on the hill, as joe 's failures have nothing to do with his age. liz peek here on that.
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dagen: biden falling flat on his face literally and figuratively. we have dan turner on american energy sticking it to biden and his green gunes who want you to pay higher prices or just use wind and the sun, and then congressman pat fallon on illegal aliens should not be allowed to vote and why is codifying that so offensive to the democrats? because they want illegal aliens to vote. illegally. top of the hour.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse.
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well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. liz: well, with his debut on the "evening edit" we welcome pollster mark penn. it's good to see you also fox news contributor joe concha. the "evening edit" debate tonight is this. mark, thank you so much and joe, it's good to see you. mark first to you. what do you make of the new york times more even dowd calling out the biden campaign for bullying and pressuring her, saying you've got to get rid of biden's gaff in your column where he used the word goodest in his abc interview with george stephanopoulos. what do you think? >> i think the games up. i think that the biden white house and campaign are used to a lot of special treatment where
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they could give journalists questions and they could add transcripts. i think the press is really upset now, and they feel that what's really happened here is that they weren't getting the full story. maybe it was partially their fault because the story was right in front of them, but they think that they took all of these things from the white house and now they are saying no and in fact they're turning around and saying look, this is what they're doing so what i think when it comes to the president's health, i think that's where they're drawing a line now. they have become an active press back to the old standards. liz: so what mark just said, you know, joe, i've been doing this since 1986. i've been following what mark has said. what he said is it feels spot-on i mean, abc news, joe, also reportedly altered the transcript after it was bullied by the white house. let me just read what was said.
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joe biden said i'll feel as long as i gave it my all and did the goodest job as i know i can do. they changed it to good as job. joe, that makes it even more nonsensical. >> yeah, he said goodest, right it's very obvious things that the to mark's point you can't avoid as far as covering this president, so when he falls up the stairs at air force one or falls on stage at a graduation, or he falls off his bike, all of those things are impossible to avoid but then the audio as well, when he talks about how, you know, my uncle was actually eaten by cannibals or i inherited 9% inflation, or i inherited a mess at the border. all these things are so easily fact-checkable that the press should have been doing this for three and a half years. you can't wait until after the debate when it was exposed to all the country basically and then say oh, now we're going to
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do our jobs. they knew what was going ongoing back not even at the beginning of this presidency, but during the campaign, in 2019, 2020, and they ignored it because the goal was to get donald trump out and to get whoever replaces him in even if it's joe biden when they knew that he was suffering from mental decline at that point. it's only accelerated now. now they act like they are doing their jobs but quite frankly they should have been doing it a long time ago, liz. liz: you know, mark, what joe just said. given that we've been at this , i've been at it for nearly four decades and watching joe biden in action, no other politician is so bullied the media like joe biden. he's been the worst. you know the media and democrats are saying biden is a good man. top democrats say that. cnn, msnbc say that. look at the list of falsehoods, the plagerizing and deceptions. mark, he plagerized jfk, rfk, he plagerized five pages from a published law article in law
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school, and in 1973 or there abouts he said you can't bet that i'm not going to engage in corruption. i prostitute myself for campaign finance donations. he drove, look at the falsehoods on and on and on. mark, this just feels like an abnormal time in us history that people don't understand, don't realize it because they so normalized this lying. >> well, i think, i don't think the press was bullied. i think the press was seduced. i think they were going along here, they were pulling back from the kind of examination, when i was back in my college newspaper, then those days it was all about get the president, right? it was all about questioning authority, not going along with it, and look, a lot of those things go back 20 and 30 years, but you look at the debate and they say he had the endorsement of the border patrol and it was clearly, i
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don't know what the heck he was talking about, and at the same time, really the number one talking point of the biden campaign is that trump is a liar and so then they make every time trump says oh, it's the best economy ever, that that's a lie when it's kind of standard marketing puffery and so the press is still buying into the notion that it's only trump lies. i don't think they bought at all into this notion that biden lies liz: yeah, so joe, the reason why we showed list too is to show this is part of biden's psyche dating back generations trump will talk up the economy when he had 6% growth and handed biden a good economy, he handed him 1.4% inflation it was average 1.9% below 2% but i'm talking about something going on with joe biden where its become so normalized to accept it as oh , it's okay, he can do it. that's joe biden. >> liz, two things that joe biden had going into the 2020
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elections was that he portrayed himself as a moderate and the press pushed that narrative. we've seen obviously since then that's not the case, and that he was a true teller out of the mold of george washington, a good man who cared about his family. i wrote a whole book on joe biden, one of the few people that have gone back his entire adult life. he has lied from the very beginning. he had to dropout of the 88 presidential race because of plagerism, literally and i could go through all of the lies but you've listed them there nicely. he can't play that card any more liz: mark penn you were terrific , joe concha always great to have you on you're great too. we'll see you again soon. still ahead, former acting i.c.e. director tom homan, fired up president trump hammering biden on crime. slamming cities across the nation we'll get right at it with tom homan.
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does not take law enforcement serious. there is a reason why joe biden didn't get a single police officer association to endorse him. president trump is proven in his 4 years he supports law enforcement. we lost that, that is why we need to get president trump back. elizabeth: this shocking report on "wall street journal" biden house officials, dealt with his border collapse by overriding concerns of lower level workers starting in 2021, put vulnerable migrant children into unvetted household, red flagged as not safe. like hostile type homes in florida. they are not upset about that? >> look, i read that story, they are claiming trump cages. i was there. under the obama administration, jjohnson of -- jeh johnson of secretary, i was at site they built the so-called cages, if you want
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to call them cages, they are fences that separate children from adults in the processing center to keep the children safe, they were built under obama, i was there. and second, this administration practicing, becerra bragging the other day how quick to release these kids to sponsors, that is not anything to brag about. they are not vetting properly or doing dna testing like we it in the trump administration. elizabeth: tom homan thank you for joining us, we'll stay on the news for you, forever we hope. as long as i can do the show, thank you for watching "the evening edit" now to my buddies dagen and sean. dagen: thank you emac. elizabeth: sure. dagen: good evening i am dagen mcdowell. sean: i am sean duffy welcome to "the bottom line"


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