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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 10, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> they do not care that the president is mentally shot in the white house. all they care about is because he's mentally shot in the white house, it's going to cost them politically. >> either they're lying to us or this is an effort to deceive the american people because if he doesn't have parkinsons, he has something very similar. the man is ill and he's not well or fit to be our commander in chief. >> biden's policies are helping to keep prices high and to stoke
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inflation. >> biden is dug in and he's surrounded by ever shrinking group of people whose self-interest lies with him staying in the race. stuart: that's elton john. it's 11:00 eastern time on wednesday, july 10th. the markets dow up 20 and nasdaq up 57. technology is doing very well. show them to me now, please. all of them. apple, alphabet, microsoft on upside, meta platform no change and amazon down just a buck. big tech doing well. 10-year treasury at 4.30%. now this, we've been asking this question for the past year: can joe biden be president for another four years given his
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obvious cognitive decline? the universal answer is no, he can't. that means a vote for biden is essentially a vote for president kamala harris. the more biden declines, the more attention harris gets. listen to cnn's van jones, roll it. >> i think people are hoping he'll recognize we're running kamala harris for president right now. she's the one running. nobody believes joe biden will be president in your years. stuart: donald trump has taken notice and his florida rally noticed and mentioned her saying she was part of the biden coverup condition. she's laugh in kamala harris, l-a-f-f-i-n, laffin kamala harris. it's the tendency to laugh and giggle at inappropriate moments. watch this. [ laughter ].
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stuart: then the polls showing harris' disapproval rating at 51%. given what she said about anti-semitic disapproval on campus and it may rise. she says this about the pro hamas demonstrators "they are saying exactly what the human emotion should be as a response to gaza". since when has anything been good about hamas? harris never mentions the despicable taking of hostages. all right, now take a look at this, some of the more memorable items for her three and a half years as vice president. >> i just love the idea of exploring the unknown. i love electric school buses.
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i just love them. for so many reasons, maybe because i went to school on a school bus and i really love vin diadiagrams. stuart: many want a different head of the ticket and if biden is out, they're no matter off with kamala harris. if they lose kamala, there's a big chunk of the black vote. democrats are stuck. kamala is the classic example of the backfire from identity politics. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: ben domenech is here. the man himself. there's a lot of focus on biden, but shouldn't there be more focus on what a kamala presidency will look like? >> stuart, i think you're completely right. this is one of the things that
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we have to take seriously at this juncture. you know, namely that van jones comment that kamala harris was already effectively running for president and it's an honest admission on the democrats part that they never really believe that joe biden was going to last for four years, just using him as a vehicle because he polled better against former president trump. now that that's no longer the case and now that everyone is up in arms about the fact that they could be facing a landslide election that goes against them, now they're turning in desperation to the only other real person that they can do within such a short time frame and that's kamala harris. but we know that she's far more radical in terms of her approaches. she comes out of a radical background when it comes to the democratic party and, you know, so many of the items part of that agenda have been deployed under joe biden. it's one of the reasons why the domestic agenda has been so much further left and coming to kamala harris, i think people
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need to pay a lot more attention to what she'd do as president. and, stuart, one more thing, she's been the lead champion on abortion for them, and they want to make this election about abortion. they don't want it to be about the economy or immigration or border security. they want it to be about abortion so it would be fitting they'd choose her over joe biden if given the opportunity. stuart: an interesting development, ben, nancy pelosi was asked directly if biden should step aside. roll tape. watch this. >> it's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. we're all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. stuart: ben, pelosi is not offering on endorsement for biden. seemed to me like the wall of denial around him is not holding up. >> that is not a projection of confidence to say the least,
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stuart. i think in this moment, there's a lot of people who are arguing we can't really run with anybody other than joe biden. that's just not true. the delegates can make a decision for themselves about whether he's the right person to run with. they have time to make that decision and one more thing, these polls are rolling in showing joe biden falling apart in every single swing state. they're going to get worse and you see a convention bounce after the convention and rnx going off and you're going to see the number -- rnc going off and numbers getting worse and maybe hitting double digits and a lot more people coming out and agreeing with pelosi that a decision needs to be made right now about biden's future. stuart: one more crack in the wall, george clooney just moments ago just said we need a few nominee. i think that's another crack in the wall, what do you say? >> it's not just washington people or media people, it's his hollywood backers that have
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given so much money to joe biden now saying he needs to go and that's a big deal. stuart: ben domenech, see you again real soon in these interesting times. >> thanks, stu. stuart: we have mark tepper with us for the hour as a matter of fact. the s&p hit fifth record high late yesterday and sixth for the nasdaq. i alms think you don't think this rally has legs but does it? >> i am skeptical. i mean, look, i'm not a raging bull but right now for path of least resistance is higher and between now and year end the market will be higher and i expect that 10% correction i've been waiting for and a lot of people have been waiting for to happen between now and then. now, we had a great first half and market was up like 15 mercer. going back through history, when the market is up 10% or more in the first half, the average return for the full year is + 25%. that would imply another 8, 9% upside from here.
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stuart: 8, 9% upside from here, i'd take that. >> me too . stuart: how about two rate cuts at the end of the year. i understand there's an 80% chance of a rate cut in september. >> yeah. stuart: do you agree with that? >> i don't think it'll happen in september. i think it happens by december because the jobs market is cooling off and powell made it pretty clear that i think he'll prioritize jobs over fighting early intervention program fellation at least for the time being. inflation for the time being. i've said this several times on your program, unfortunately sister stocks -- for stocks, they don't do well for the first rate cut and down 20% after the first cut typically because the fed is cutting at beginning of recession. i don't think we're there just yet and what you could see happen here is that the fed cuts maybe 75-100 basis points over the next year, policy is still slightly restrictive and it's not quite easing. in that situation, i think there's still a path for stocks to not be down 20% over the next
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year and potentially climb higher. stuart: quick comment on the jobs market. part-time jobs up 1.8 million in the last year and full-time jobs down 1.6 million in the last year. that's not a strong jobs market. >> and multiple jobs holder at all time high and losing full-time jobs and adding part-time jobs and look no further than the president of the united states. stuart: cruel. >> got you there. but the jobs market is cooling and as i just said, i think jay powell will focus on that first and foremost over the course of the next several months as he decides whether it maybes sense to cut rates. >> okay, mark, thank you. stuart: they right there, you're with me for the hour. lauren is looking at the movers and taiwan semi up 2.3%. lauren: the toll booth for the world's semiconductors and major customers apple, intel, nvidia and second quarter revenue up 40% on the ai boom. they could be the next $1 trillion company. so certainly reason to be
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bullish, but it's also risky because they're taiwan these and should there be anything going on with china, some of your investments could be at risk. stuart: kellogg. lauren: fruit loops and corn flakes and raisin bran, down 4.5%. stuart: who eats corn flakes? lauren: my pantry is like fruit loops and frosted flakes. >> frosted flakes over corn flakes all day. stuart: when they arrived in the 1950s, i liked them. lauren: i liked bananas in them. bank of america cuts to sell. they say weakness in general in packaged food including corn flakes and they expect that trend to remain after the next 12 months. stuart: i moved onto a grapefruit a day instead of corn flakes. much better for you. next is dekkers. s. lauren: they make ugg and hokas, those popular shoes. i don't see outright reason why but there's a data platform
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called m science, and they see a notable deceleration in hoka and ugg in the month of june and recent trends aren't looking good. they make sandals but who buys ugg boots in june? isn't that obvious? stuart: good question. thank you, lauren. coming up, donald trump and joe biden squabbled over golf canned caps and now trump is challenging biden to a charity golf match. watch this. >> i will even give joe biden ten strokes aside. ten strokes. that means 20 strokes in case you don't play golf. stuart: it'll be the most watched sporting event in history. clay travis will weigh in on it. look at meta. they've updated their hate speech policy on anti-zionist posts on their sites. we'll break down the changes for you. house republicans want to hold merrick garland in contempt of congress for refusing to hand over the biden hur tapes. will we ever get to see these tapes?
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i'll ask congressman russel fry. he's next. ♪ you can cashback 5% on travel purchased through chase with freedom unlimited and... buy better plane seats. switch to a king suite. or book a silent retreat. silent retreat! oh! hold up! earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? (man 1) can you hear me now? can you hear me now? can you hear me now? (dj) can you hear me now? (runner) stay with me now! (teens) oooo! (woman 1) mírame ahora! (woman 2) get em now! (roger goodell) we're ready now! (woman 3) have fun! (fan) ooo, pinch me now!
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time.
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that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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stuart: let me add to this, it's very important, actor george clooney just came out with a strong opinion on the president. it's in on op ed in the new york times titled "i love joe biden but we need a new nominee". that's a big change since clooney helped joe biden raise $30 million in a hollywood fundraiser and he's not crack in the wall just like anne donovanty pelosi. anna -- nancy pelosi. congresswoman wants merrick garland held in contempt of congress for re-z fusing to turn
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over the biden tapes. >> good morning. it could levy a major fine against merrick garland and luna wants the house to use its own powers to force a subpoena for audio tapes of president biden talking to special council robert hur. >> resolution states that every day he doesn't bring the tapes to the well it's a $10,000 fine he'll have to pay personally, and we adjusted that with support of speaker johnson and we have a lot of members that did not know if they could take that vote on using the sergeant at arms to bring punitive actions in regards to basically detaining him. >> in his report investigating how the president had classified documents at his home, hur suggest that had president biden was forgetful and republicans believe the tapes boost their argument the president is out of it. this was on full display at debate two weeks ago but not all republicans are on board with the gambit including house speaker mike johnson.
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>> look, if it's brought to the floor, i'll vote for it, but as a constitutional law lit gator and former constitutional law litigator, my duty is following the legal process and proceedings and i frankly have a little pause. >> democrats dismissed the effort as election year gamesmanship. >> it's just another example of gop trying to score police political point as opposed to doing what's best for the country. republicans never miss a opportunity to try and score cheap shots when we're really trying to have a conversation about what kind of country we want it to look like in the next fur years. >> now, democrats say the house already has the transcript from the interview and it's possible democrats could try to table or kill the resolution. stuart. stuart: got t thank you, chat pergram. south carolina congressman russel fry joining me now. congressman, the hur tapes who you would sew the extend of -- would somehow the extent of
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biden's cognitive decline. will we see them? i don't think you'll ever see them no what ther what you do. >> that's the hope to get them and certainly the justice department and white house want to delay this as far as possible. going past the election and it's likely. there's two tracks right now. traditional track of holding him in contempt, which we did a couple weeks ago, which is now going through the court system itself and we'll see what that looks like, but the second track is representative luna's inherent contempt resolution is that again, e with issue a lawful subpoena to the attorney general of the united states, he releases the transcript but then tells us he alone will decide whether is a legitimate subpoena or not and refuses to release the tapes. the tapes are the best evidence that we have. what was the cadence in joe biden's speech and did he pause and things taken out of context or misprinted on the transcript. we know the transcript was doctored to some extent with the
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input of the white house and what extent did that happen? we need the tapes. stuart: they'll delay and delay and you'll never get them till after the election. if trump wins, you'll see tapes for sure. during donald trump's florida rally, he accused the democrats of covering up biden's cognitive ability. >> the joe kamala entire democratic establishment caught red handed in the thick of the biggest scandal and the biggest cover up. it's the biggest cover up in political history. as you know, they're all coconspirators in the sinister plot to defraud the american public about the cognitive abilities of the man in the oval office. stuart: congressman, was there a cover up? >> well, there's no doubt about it. the mine, the democrats on capitol hill have been spending
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the last three years or more trying to say she's sharp and able and capable. when i'm in the district in myrtle beach, south carolina, that everyone see it is too. honest media sees it and the republicans certainly see it. it's unfortunate that we're here, but they've engaged in the cover up completely and now this week, democrats are finding new tunnels in which to hide from the media for asking actual tough questions of democrats for a change. stuart: there's some cracks in the wall that surround the president. we just had george clooney come out in an op ed in the times saying we need a new nominee. before that we had nancy pelosi not offering an endorsement of biden at the top of the ticket at all. there are some cracks in the wall. how long before the wall tumbles down do you think? >> you know, we'll see. republican haves stuck with president trump through thick and thin, through russia collusion and impeachment. it takes one bad debate performance and democrats
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fleeing for the hills and so we'll see how long he can sustain this. stuart: do you think it'll be biden/harris ticket going to the polls on november 5 in >> i don't know how they'd get out of it. tevin they dorks they put kamala harris in the top and she's been complicit in the coverup too and allowed a mentally weakened president to occupy the white house for a listening time without saying anything. it's of concern to every person in the country and should be. stuart: i believe you're asking and want to see the verdict in trump's new york case be reversed. are you trying to do that? >> i think there's some real issues on appeal. look at unconstitutional gag order on president trump. look at judge merchan not recusing himself despite his daughter working for fundraisers that raised millions of dollars on this particular case.
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look at evidentiary issues within the trial itself and trump wasn't allowed to bring a witness, federal elections commission expert to talk about how he did not violate federal election law. they weren't allowed to do that and there's some realissues on appeal and the president has some things to do, but for sure right now i feel pretty good about his chances on appeal. stuart: got it, congressman, thank you for joining us and see you again soon. new report shows trump has the edge over bide anne donovan three key swing states. which states? lauren: cook political report and shows trump gaining ground in arizona, georgia, and nevada. all three now considered lean republican instead of toss up. democrats however not giving up, particularly on nevada. president biden will be in nevada next week, kamala harris was there yesterday. i think the upshot of this latest poll is even if biden survives these calls to step down, he's likely still going to lose in november. stuart: okay. that's from the polls.
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thanks, lauren. good news for home buyers, that good news is that the number of homes for sale is on the rise. the bad news: prices keep going up too. we'll try to explain that. president biden hosting nato leaders and making an effort to prove he's a competent and capable leader. is he providing the leadership that the western world needs right now? defense expert rebeccah heinrichs responds to that next. ♪ - does this look right? this influencer says it's a once in a lifetime investment
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stuart: on the markets this morning accident we have plenty of green, nasdaq up 83 points and continuing the big tech rally. now, mike tepper -- mark tepper. slip of the tongue. my age, it's easy to do. >> four letters, one syllable. close enough. stuart: you're sharp today. now stock picks. what is this? mexico etf, eww is the ticker. >> yeah, this is a play on near shoring of supply chains and we've been talking about it for the last several years and last year mexico became the number one exporter to the united states surpassing china. we think that trend will continue. this is a position that sold off over 20% very recently after mexico's election. and taxpayers very common in latin america and outsized
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responses to elections like that. typically it claws back the losses very clickly and i like it short term and long term here. stuart: okay. you like -- there's another etf and natural gas etf. fcg. >> this is a diversified basket of natural gas stocks and not the natural gas commodity. lauren talking about this quite a bit and another ai derivative play and power to the data centers and i've been talking for the last several months with you folks about nuclear being the number one option and that's longer term. and in the short run, the best way to get power today tafanely center is natural gas and if president trump wins in november, he's going to remove the cross hairs from the fossil fuel industry. stuart: that could be a political bet. etf on the strength of trump's victory if that happens. >> heck, yeah, without a doubt. stuart: thanks, mark. it's day two of nato summit.
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baden made it through day one without any stumbles but biden has to prove he's fit to serve; right? reporter: to them also and to the rank and file democrats who the president dismissing their bantering and if they demand he withdraw from the race, the president might consider it because he's not vowed to defy that and push past them and remain in it if that happens. for the people that want him out, there's no consensus on who instead should lead the ticket and in the absence of that leadership is staying with president biden for now, telling their members that they should put this whole discussion on hold at least while biden is hosting 31 foreign leaders for the nato summit. >> >> let him deal with the nato conference.
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this is a very big deal and hold off what you're thinking and tell someone privately but not put it out on the table till we see how we go this week. reporter: it's not just lawmakers spotlighting their concerns about the president's age. german officials aware of biden's fatigue at night sought to accommodate the president by plan agameting with german clans chancellor in the early evening and secretary of state antony blinken arrived and announced that biden had gone to bed according to two people that were there. the state department denied that secretary blinken said anything of that sort. since this debate, president biden's falling short in his own efforts to convince people he was having a bad night. abc george steph nap luisa saying this -- george stephanopoulos saying this. >> do you think he should shut
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down. down? reporter: tomorrow president biden has another shot to convince people and holding first solo press conference since last november, stuart. stuart: laughs a long time ago. jacqui heinrich, thank you very much indeed. rebeccah heinrichs joining me. in your opinion, is biden providing the leadership the western world needs at this point? >> no, and hasn't been his entire team and a will the of focus over the last week between the debate between he and former president trump and the truth is he's been absent when we really do need strong american leadership right now. i mean, there's a war of ideas going on with countries like china and russia seeking to undo the u.s. led order celebrating 75 years of nato and we need a president projecting not american decline but ascend seizure disorders and strength and -- asen den seizure disorders and strength and vitality and world leaders not seeing from president biden this
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week. stuart: any quiet grumbling or even public grumbling by world leaders about biden's leadership? >> of course, you do see that and reported pieces. nobody wants to talk about the status of the president's health and people are nervous of the president seizure disorders and confident in our leadership and that makes me uncomfortable. i want to convey that the united states has a leader who can -- here's the other thing too, stuart, who can think on his feet and take in new information, accessoriesings and we heard today that the britts are going to authorize zelensky and ukraine to use their storm shadow long range strike systems to hit russian targets inside russia. that's critical for ukraine and mean a leader a that can accessoriesinings and make -- accessoriesings and make that judgment. there's a lot of critical thinking and i would say i've
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not been confident over the last three years he's done that well. stuart: director of national intelligence said iran is providing financial support to pro hamas demonstrators in america. what are the iranians up to? >> they're looking for anti-person groups and finding a nice ecosystem of anti-americanism on the left. those are the people protesting in favor of palestinian hamas side against israel, against the united states. i hosted speaker johnson just yesterday at hudson institute and we had protesters outside with bull horns that came in and very anti-american saying all kinds of things that are terrible, and you know these are the same people who cozied up to the asad regime in syria and others and dia come out saying these regimes are facilitating this in anti-american groups. stuart: what's happening to
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america? good lord. not the country i came to 50 years ago. rebeccah heinrichs, thank you for joining us and see you again soon. >> thank you. stuart: meta and the stock is not doing much and the company is up dating its hate speech policy. tell me more. lauren: it is expanding it to include the term zionist and facebook and instagram will take down content atabbing zionism. one of the terms used in congestion with anti-semitic troupe or rhetoric. meta spent 15 experts and months to come to this decision. stuart: mark temer, think other social media p platforms shouldo the same thing? >> they should. meta said their policies evolve over time and they just need one policy saying hate speech isn't welcomed anywhere in any capacity regardless of the target group. i do think, yes, x, i think obviously meta owns not just facebook but instagram as well
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and all social media companies should get very strict about hate speech. stuart: how do you define hate? how do you do that? >> that's a fine line of censorship. is it hate speech or isn't it? i think any time it incites violence, obviously it's hate speech and that escalates to a criminal issue as well. stuart: i think it would. very difficult thing. >> it's tough. stuart: censorship is a tough thing. change the subject, shall we. remember the sitcom, who could forget, golden girls about three older women all living together. watch this. >> oh, i'm sorry. i know it's awful but i have this incredible sweet tooth. >> what is it? >> cheesecake. >> what kind? >> chocolate. i think this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. stuart: a number of baby boomers are taking a page out of the golden girls play book and
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getting boom mates of their own. madison alworth will have that intriguing story after this. ♪
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stuart: remember the golden girls? a group of older women, not related to each other, all living together in the same house. well, a new -- new data shows baby boomers are following the golden girls lead and opening their hopes to nonrelatives. interesting story for a youngster. madison alworth is with us. tell us more about these boom mates and why this trend is becoming popular. >> absolutely, stuart. there's good news in&some tougher news to swallow. it's becoming popular because it's a necessity. they've worked hard for their entire life because of high housing costs and shortage of
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affordable housing and inflation. it's made it so those in retirement age can take on roommates. a harvard study finds close to 1 million older adults are currently boom mates in that group and women are the most likely to take on a roommate at older age. according to nonprofit home share online, they told us that 60% of their home providers are homeowners that want to take on a roommate are women aged 65 and up .x older adults are the fastest growing segment of americans that are homeless and these roommate agreements help them avoid that scenario and becky is a boom mate and wanted to save money and brought in a roommate. >> i'm retired on social security and funds were tight. and i had the extra room and bathroom. i was scared to death, but i decided to give it a try.
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>> i have money saved, but i want to keep that money saved and live on my retirement. and this way i can. >> so there's a good end to the story. the two are really good friends and enjoy living together and it's not all bad. there is also a loneliness component this tackles. this is important to robert who opened his home up to margaret two and a half years ago. >> i'm recently divorced, happily we're still friends so that's a good thing. i don't like to live alone because i'm the eldest of five. so i wanted to get a roommate. >> they want to advertise to people and people come organically all the time and saving money and tackling loneliness. stuart: thank you very much, madison. lauren. lauren: yeah. stuart: would you take in a stranger as a roommate? lauren: stranger?
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100% if i was older and alone. it would be fun. have someone to play bocce with and go to the bar with. i don't want to spend my older years alone. stuart: mark? >> absolutely not. i haven't had a roommate since i was 21 years old. actually, i got out of a relationship at age 23. i let a buddy move in with me for four days before i said get out. it's not going to work. i need to be by myself. lauren: you're both wrong. go on social media and see the mean of little old -- memes of little old ladies traveling and drinking wine together and helping each other out. stuart: it's paradise. lauren: it's a good thing and prices also keep rising even though supply is going up and you typically don't see that. right now 4.4 million homes on the market total. both new and existing. but the normal is about 6 million. can i help you with something?
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stuart: madison, heavyweightsly retreating from -- hastily retreating from the studio. a look at dow 30 and we get a sense of the market every day at this time from the dow 30. look at them. read them and weep. not bad. more winners than losers and dow is up 93 points. now, this is something. i was watching this afternoon. a young man, 16 years old, he scored aive toll goal to help -- a pivotal goal helping send spain to the soccer european championship and this lad is a sensation, a news sensation. look at that goal. that perfect. get that banner off. clay travis is next on this young man. ♪
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. stuart: ladies and gentlemen, you're looking at 16-year-old lamar from barcelona and scored a brilliant goal to send spain to the european championship final. clay, this man is a sensation.
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do you think he's the next big player? >> i hate putting that on anybody as the age of 16 years old because i've got a 16-year-old myself and he's away at summer camp and not scoring bole goals in the euro and i hope he rises up to be really successful in life too. but this child prodigy angle, the likelihood he's going to be very, very good awe unfortunately as a american soccer fan, there's been a lot of guys that were teenagers that we thought would be the next great american hope and none of them panned out that's because the reality is you aren't ever exactly sure. it's like venture capital investing, who's going to have the highest ceiling and going to continue to get better, even still to score a goal in the euro at any age is an incredible accomplishment and certainly this young man is very likely to have the next 15 years of making a really good living playing soccer. stuart: a very, very good living i'm sure of that, clay. change the subject, i'm sure you remember during the debate,
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trump and biden bickered about who was better at golf. now trump just told biden, hey, meet me on the fairway. listen to this. >> i'm also officially challenging crooked joe to 18 hole golf match right here. i will even give joe biden 10 strokes a side. 10 strokes. that's a lot, that means 20 strokes in case you don't play golf. if he wins, i will give the charity of his choice, any charity that he wants $1 million. stuart: clay, i will absolutely guarantee that joe biden will not play and take up the offer. >> i went on with jesse with, atters last night and said he won't take the offer and joe biden i don't think could take on 18 holes or stay within 20 strokes of president trump and i think president trump knows it and it's brilliant and response from the biden campaign showed
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why they're losing. it was not funny. it was way too serious and by the way remember biden was the one that challenged trump initially at the debate. trump's just accepting his challenge and somebody inned media needs to ask biden directly about it. stuart: change the subject one more time. actor george clooney got a new piece in the new york times that just came out a few minutes ago "i love joe biden but we need a new nominee". that's a big deal because biden got 30 million out of hollywood a few weeks ago and now clooney is turning his back on him. is this another crack in the wall surrounding the president? >> certainly, and i also think, stuart, the bigger part of that editorial that i just read a few minutes ago is that clooney said biden is a shell of the man he knew in 2010. not even the same man he knew in 2020, and that the biden he saw on the debate stage is the same biden that was at that big
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hollywood fundraiser you just referenced. so i think it just -- and the other thing clooney said there is every senator and governor he talks to privately mind the scenes agrees that biden has to go. they just won't say it publicly. i think those are the two most crippling aspects of this editorial that new york times just published. stuart: clay, i get the impression that things are snowballing, that people are saying stuff in private, they don't yet say it in public, but there's a snowball coming down the hill where more and more people will come out and say we've got to have a different candidate. that snowball is building, isn't it? >> it is. and i really question who is sort of the monster snowball here. it's bill clinton, barack obama, it's hillary clinton and somebody that has the eyes of the entire democrat party that comes out and says no, this can't happen anymore. biden said i'm not giving up this asset and nomination and only way to pryor it from him, i
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honestly think if barack obama and bill clinton maybe decide to weigh in jointly as james carville and axelrod have been begging it seems to me those former presidents to act. and remember, this is the other big part of this, stu, the only reason this is a story is because trump is winning. if biden were winning, everybody would stay quiet. the real story here is biden is losing and they're afraid that's going to continue. stuart: so true. clay travis, good stuff. thanks so much, clay, we'll see you again real soon. >> appreciate you, man. stuart: here it is, the wednesday trivia question. another good one i'd say. don't look it up. it would be too easy to look it up but how much did the u.s. pay russia for alaska? 4, 5, 6 or $7 million? the answer after this.
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(man 1) can you hear me now? can you hear me now? can you hear me now? (dj) can you hear me now? (runner) stay with me now! (teens) oooo! (woman 1) mírame ahora! (woman 2) get em now! (roger goodell) we're ready now! (woman 3) have fun! (fan) ooo, pinch me now! (woman 4) save me now! (toddler) let's go now! (woman 5) check me now! (toddler) catch me now! (gamer 1) cmon! (gamer 2) play me now!
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(toddler) okay, bye now! stuart: how much did the us pay russia for alaska? your choices are 4, five, six, 7 million. lauren: if i could remember the year but i'm sure the answer is $7.2 million. >> 6.5.
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stuart: i'm going to go with lauren at 7.2 million but i would like to know the year. it makes a difference, the value of the dollar. reveal please? we got it right. thank you very much indeed. 7.2 million russia offered to sell the land in 1866. william seward negotiated the deal, finalized in 1867. alaska would not become a state until 1959. you got it right. thanks for being with us on the show for the our. appreciate that. good stuff. that is it for "varney and company". may have to tap dance. the dow is up 100 and so is the nasdaq. coast-to-coast starts now. adam: here we go again. not talking president biden and whethe


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