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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  July 10, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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generative a.i. to improve operations but i also think you want great example of a.i. it is robo taxis. i don't think robo-taxis run over uber. i think they become part of the uber fleet. i think that is how they win. you open up your uber app, you will have uber, uber x, uber black, robo. you will have a better riding experience. liz: our outside dual play is due waa lingo. it has 111 pe. that may be unloved right now but i have to go in. mark mahaney, thank you so much. wow. [closing bell rings] a huge market day for the bulls. dance party continues. fireworks with the dow jones industrials at up 134. nasdaq ad records. we'll see you tomorrow. larry: hello, folks welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.
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all the energy was with president trump last night at his rally in miami. he is sticking to his growthier america first message. congressman mike waltz, carlos gimenez were both there they join us in a few moments. first mark meredith standing by with all of the details. mark, what is cooking. >> reporter: good afternoon to you, former president trump is daves away from announcing his vice presidential pick. everyone is trying to read the tea leaves if trump's schedule or rally locations will give us an idea who will get the job. last night at doral rally trump gave suggest suggests marco rubio remains contender of the job. he talked about democrats hitting vice president kamala harris who he could face off against in november. >> the radical left democrat party is divided, in chaos and having a full-scale breakdown all because they can't decide which of their candidates is
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more unfit to be president, sleepy, crooked joe biden or laughing kamala. if joe had picked someone halfway competent, they would have bounced him from office years ago but they can't because she has got to be their second choice. >> reporter: trump campaign talking a lot about the vice president today. fox also learned that florida governor ron desantis, former trump opponent will have a speaking role at next week's gop convention. we don't know yet what night he will speak or if he will appear with trump in person. former ambassador nikki haley will not be at next week's convention. trump says he has bad blood with her after she stayed in the race for several months. no stops today. rarely, he will be in pennsylvania another battleground state for another rally. not too far from the ohio border, which could fuel further talk about jd vance's chances for the vp slot. larry: mark meredith, thank you very much. give biden the union elites
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while mr. trump takes the rank-and-file. that is the subject of the riff. ♪. so joe biden met with the afl-cio union leaders today, repeating his boast that he is the most pro-union president in american history. so you say, mr. biden but we shall see. in fact, while the liberal left-wing union leaders are lining up for biden, you can bet that donald trump is going to take a record share of the rank-and-file. actually, teamster president sean o'brien plans to speak at the republican national convention in milwaukee next week. he has 1.3 million members. i'm going to guess trump will win a big majority of that group. here's what's bothering the teamsters and the rank-and-file of other unions as well. joe biden has created an affordability crisis for the typical working families. their kitchen tables have been
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squeezed by a 20% rise in overall prices during biden's term, including a 20% hike in groceries, a near 40% rise in energy. don't forget, gasoline still $3.50 compared to just over two bucks when trump left the white house. look at it the actual numbers, average weekly earnings during mr. trump's term rose $5065 to 65,216. that's a good number. through may 2024 during mr. biden's term those same weekly earnings declined by nearly $3,000, to 62,248 bucks. in other words, biden has given working folks a pay cut whereas trump gave them a sizable pay raise. ronald reagan, he is used to call it take-home pay, and that's been the soft underbelly
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of the biden economy for 3 1/2 years and that's why he is losing votes among union and non-union workers. in an important sense these numbers are the backbone of mr. trump's whole working class coalition, including blacks and hispanics, whites, young people, the very powerful movement. take a listen to president trump on this last night. >> every day we are welcoming more americans to our ranks, african-americans, hispanic-americans, asian-americans, young people, old people, union members, non-union members. basically everyone is joining our movement because it's a movement of common sense. larry: and while the ultraliberal union leaders stand behind joe biden's open border illegal migrant catastrophe, the rank-and-file families want an end to the criminal gangs and the destruction of public safety. add to that, the auto workers union, which has a very liberal
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left leadership, but the workers themselves are furious at the green new deal and the mandated evs that are going to create jobs in china and lose jobs in america. on top of all of that, none of these folks likes the woke, ultraliberal values of joe biden and his crowd. typical mainstream working families, they don't like the anti-religious bias of the bidens or the dei regulations affecting virtually every business in the country and therefore every worker, nor do they like gender sex mandates in the schools, teachers and curriculums, including biden's insist sterns that biological males are allowed to participate in female athletics. trump would turn all of that around, ending ev mandates, opening fossil fuel spigots to slash energy costs and
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inflation, cutting middle class taxes, protecting american industry and its workforce from unfair trading practices. so, biden will win the union leaders, okay. but trump is going to take most of the rank-and-file who go to work every day, play by the rules, work with their hands and proudly wear their hard-hats. you can bet on that. that's the riff. all right, joining us now, florida congressman michael waltz and carlos gimenez. welcome, gentlemen. michael walls, you were at the rally in doral in miami, what was it on the 10th hole? you had about 10,000 people. plus how was it? did you hear this message, i call it growthier. the trump platform is out, i call it growthier, what do you think, mike waltz. >> i think you're spot on, larry. these were not 10,000 people
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sitting in an air-conditioned tent. they were in the miami sun in july for hours just to see president trump's vision and these are people, as carlos well knows as a cuban-american that have seen the face of socialism, they have seen the creep, they have seen the signs and they still have family in cuba, venezuela and nicaragua, you name it. and so they were fired up and counting the days until november and just one other thing we had a couple of new things for the rally. the first with barron trump, now that he is 18, a new nickname, laughing kamala. i favor cackling kamala. i think it is more of a cackle, not a laugh. a new nickname for the kamala. larry: welcome to the show, sir. trump will absolutely carry florida, and is he going to carry south florida? is he going to carry miami-dade? is he in solid with the cuban and hispanic communities, sir?
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>> very solid with the cubans and hispanic community, especially those from venezuela, nicaragua, cuba, those that ned communism and socialism. he is rock solid there. i think he will carry south florida. he will definitely carry florida. i do believe he will be the first president, republican candidate in a long time to carry miami-dade. desantis carried miami-dade, first governor candidate for 20 years. i think trump folks that up with a victory in miami-dade. that will be somewhat historic. that will propep him to a huge victory in florida. >> mike waltz, did senator rubio speak? >> oh, he did. he gave a great speech in the warmup as did representative jimenez and other members. look, he was fired up. he gave the speech in both english and spanish. larry: oh. >> and got, you know, 100% line president trump's vision, that
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we just introduced the party platform. the president personally edited twice. senator blackburn and i got that through the committee in milwaukee. and, look, i mean we are unified. i can tell you, larry, seeing the democrats right now, it looks like a funeral around here. they are coming apart at the seams. larry: low energy, low, low energy, you're right but just to follow up, michael waltz, i think mr. trump, i think i heard on the report by our mark meadows, mr. trump spoke very highly ever senator rubio, did he not? hint, hint, vice president, how did you read that? >> i read it that way too. also he dropped a couple of hints during his speech saying that he needs certain laws to be passed with maybe marco rubio would not there to pass the laws but work on it in some other capacity. let me tell you from my personal opinion, marco rubio would be a great vice presidential pick. i've known him for a long time.
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he is, he will bring more hispanics to the republican party. he will add to the base. and i think he will make a great vice president, if he is chosen by president trump. larry: we have some great, deep candidates i say that. mr. trump, he hasn't said anything finally. neither will i. i don't know a thing about it. you're both terrific. i'm sorry we're very pressed for time because we have mr. rubio on the show. we also have mr. burgum on the show, another veep candidate. >> we have a great bench larry, it's a great bench. larry: you betcha, strong, gentlemen. listen to what mr. trump had to say last night about democrats and their policies? >> the biggest problem is their policies are no good, their policies are horrible. americans want strong border, not open borders. we want low taxes, not high taxes. we want american energy independence, not all electric
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cars and the green new scam. it is the greatest scam. above all we want america first, not america last. larry: america first, not america last. it was a growthier speech, that is my new favorite word going back to days when i was in the government, on my blackboard in my office. north dakota governor, trump campaign surrogate, one of leaders, finalists for the vice-presidential, whatever they are. governor burr -- burgum you heard mr. trump talk about. first of all, president trump always first of energy. second of all, the republican party has so much energy. you can see it, you can feel it. it is funny. senator lummis talked about it on this show how much energy. the other team, the other team, mr. burgum, this listless, moping around, whining, low
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energy, low energy everywhere you look, they're not even going to have a real convention, for heavens sakes. it will be a virtual convention. it will be virtual low energy. what does that tell you about politics today? what conclusions would you make, governor? >> well the obvious conclusion is just how strong president trump is and what a great job he has done unifying our party. and you talk about it with his pro-growth platform. nothing is bringing america together more than the fact his policies reach across party lines. they touch as you talk about, they touch anybody who works. if you're an independent, if you're a democrat but you're working and you have a paycheck, you are better off under president trump's policies. you are likely better off when he was in office. it is one of the reasons why he will be a landslide. you talked about the dems moping around, when he had his rocky-like knockout in the debate, he just doesn't knock out a candidate, he blew up an entire ruling coalition. this thing was something that was formed back in 2020, cobbled
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together with a group of special interests with no real center. when they lost their candidate they don't know which way to turn but president trump has got a plan that's good for america, it is good for workers, lower taxes, lower regulation, strong on the border. everything, and as a business person myself, i feel growth is a choice. every company i was involved in, if we wanted to grow faster than the market it was a choice, we had to choose to grow and president trump is putting out a plan that allows us to choose to have the greatest economy in the world again. larry: i mean don't you think really when you get down to brass tacks, when you look at the numbers, the kitchen table numbers, workers had a pay cut under biden. workers had a pay hike under trump. i mean right there. plus the cost of living has gone up so much unbiden and the cost of living virtually flat under trump. i mean, am i out ever line? i will give the union
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leadership, not so much the teamsters, but the other union leadership, i will give it, i will give that to joe biden. those are the union leaders but i think the rank-and-file is going to trump. i think it will get more union votes along with non-union votes along with union votes. are trump will get rank-and-file union votes like we never seen before, what do you think of that governor? >> i think it is absolutely true. i've been campaigning for president trump across the blue wall, michigan, wisconsin, now minnesota is in play. if you work, if you're a union worker, non-union worker in those states i am telling you understand you got a paycheck and that paycheck doesn't make it to the end of the month and if you look ahead to joe biden's policies where they're, electricity prices up 30%. tear response, let's shut down more power plant. president trump, when he wants, talks about unleashing american energy, it is not just oil and gas. actually giving us the electricity we need to bring manufacturing jobs back to america. the electricity we need to win the a.i. war against china.
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china's building two coal plants a month. they have got hundreds that are in line to be permitted. if we got a lead right now in a.i., which is a productivity tool which can also, a.i. is pro-growth, it can help us increase our productivity, but we can't beat china if they have the power to drive the new technology and which literally don't have power to keep the lights on. that will happen. we'll have the biden blackouts coming soon under joe biden. larry: we have two other initials, ev, ev. i think the auto workers union whose leadership is very far to the left has been for a long, long time, okay, but those auto workers know as long as electric vehicle mandates, charger mandates, all that stuff, as long as they are and they will lose jobs because gasoline-powered engines will to the way of horse and buggies i guess you would say. they know the jobs are going to
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china. they know their jobs are going to be extinct in just a few years if biden's reelected. i mean i think trump is going to make enormous inroads. now the auto workers are primarily in those great lakes states, aren't they? michigan, wisconsin, and illinois, and whatever else, ohio? i mean that's fertile ground for donald trump. >> absolutely and, when, you called it but it is just this simple. if you're on team ev you're on team china. the only way that works you buy the batteries from china. think control 85% of the materials. team liquid fuels, you're pro-usa farmer, pro-usa oil and gas. pro-usa owners of gas stations around the country. we built 300,000 gas stations in america with the market in 20s, 30s, '40s. we don't node federal subsidies
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for ev charging stations which will bankrupt us, because the ev scam is that. total amount of subsidy is. we can get that for 1/15th the price with liquid fuels, decarbonize liquid fuels. we're doing it in north dakota today. larry: got it. governor burr up -- burgum. thank you for short notice. good luck on the campaign trail. see you in milwaukee. coming up on "kudlow," john carney says and inflation election will favor trump and his growthier platform. we've got joan carney and we've got the great steve forbes on set. i'm kudlow, lots of energy, growthier, growthier. be sure to tune in next week when "kudlow" will be live from milwaukee at the republican national convention, start being monday, july 15th, at 4:00 p.m. eastern right here on fox biz. i'm kudlow. be right back.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles]
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why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. larry: all right, the "new york post" says that trump-shaped gop platform is an rx for economic boom in the wake of biden disasters. couldn't agree more about that joining us now to talk about it, john carney, "breitbart"
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economics editor and steve forbes, forbes media chairman and editor-in-chief. also editor of the daily "breitbart business digest. >> correct. larry: how about that because i'm a daily reader. okay, gentlemen, thank you. steve forbes, start with you, it is a pro-growth platform, it is definitely a pro-growth platform, or do you see problems with it. >> you can find problem the in any platform. people know there are troubles in the world. they want to know what are you going to do about it. cutting taxes is better than raising taxes. cuttings back regulations better than trying to force people into evs they don't want. how about a military that can finally meet our obligations in the world and our freedoms instead of being gutted -- biden proposed the defense budget every budget he submits while the world gets more dangerous, how crazy is that, reckless,
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criminal? larry: particularly onerous cuts. in a ends is the world is on fire, no question about it. john carney, it is interesting to me, old supply side adage, i'm an old supply-sider, you're sitting next to an old supply i hadder over there. we've been around so long we're both gathering moss, but if you cut taxes, tax rates, and then deregulate also, but part of this is, a strong dollar. he absolutely, and i heard trump say this nobody believed me, i've been saying this for years, trump wants the dollar to be the world reserve currency. so i'm going to say lower tax rates and king dollar is a prescription for growthier growth without inflation, without inflation. >> absolutely. one of the things that really struck me this week as we saw a big boost in the small business optimism index, i think that is because of everything that has gone wrong for biden and right for trump. why are small businesses more
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optimistic now than they were a month ago, two months ago, three month ago, it is because they see the election coming and they think they will get relief on taxes, relief on regulation. a few months ago, a lot of these guys were looking, saying oh, man we'll get hit by the biden taxes. we'll get hit by even more regulation. now they see the relief coming. they look at the platform, say, yes, we'll get growth again. larry: steve forbes, i know you're a hawk on the dollar as i am for many, many years, what did you think of the clause in the platform that says he wants the dollar to remain the world's number one reserve currency? and mind you you have had a lot of shenanigans going on with china and the yuan and russia and so forth and so-called "bric" countries although india stayed out thankfully but you can see there is competition. trump laid down a marker as far as i'm concerned. >> the fact it is in the platform is remarkable. no focus group said, oh you got to put that in. that came out of belief.
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larry: right. >> a strong country has to have a strong currency. john kennedy made that point in the early 1960s and trump recognizes it as well. they go hand in hand. ronald reagan recognized it. so one of the things pathetically listening this week jerome powell with testimony before congress, reiterated phillips curve nonsense, if you want do conquer inflation slow the economy down, hopefully not too much, you have to slow it down. baloney. you have to have a stable dollar and the economy can probooming. larry: absolutely 100%. john carney you're writing in the "breitbart business digest and inflation election will favor republican. >> when you ask american voters who they trust on inflation, they say they trust donald trump far more than joe biden, for very simple reason, right? we had almost no inflation when donald trump was president, and
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we had record high inflation, the worst in 40 years under joe biden. joe biden has been telling us inflation was over, it wasn't going to happen. he was going to solve it. no, it is corporate greed, it's putin. he makes every excuse in the world. things got a little better but we're still above 3%. so even when they say, oh, no, no, he brought down inflation, yeah he brought it down from nine to three which is still twice as high as it was under trump. larry: still 20% above where it was when he took office. >> of course. you talk to anybody they will tell you -- larry: shrinking kitchen table is what you got, a shrinking kitchen table. >> with less food on it. that's a big problem. larry: that's right. good point. >> the inflation numbers don't include when you pay on interest for tens of millions of americans, a killer. larry: 20, 25% credit card rates, you're 100%, old cpi used to have borrowing costs and it doesn't. we running out of time. you were a stalwart joe biden would not run as head of ticket.
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this is wednesday. i thought monday biden had put an end to it, but now watching all the politicians waffle and waiver, i'm not at all sure biden will be head of the ticket. in 15 seconds where is steve forbes know, what will happen to joe biden? >> biden will be off the ticket. the hounds will not stop until they eat him up. larry: i knew it was coming. i couldn't resist. john carney, steve forbes, you're doing fabulous. coming up we'll ask senator rand paul what he thinks of president trump's growthier prosperity platform, next up on "kudlow." we'll get to the sack of joe biden. knew you were going to say it. things will go wrong for your customers. but your business can make it right, with watsonx assistant.
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♪. larry: all right, welcome back to the show. kentucky senator, don't want to leave that out, kentucky senator rand paul. senator paul welcome back to the show.
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so now you have seen president trump's platform and i wanted to know what you thought about this platform? >> well you know there is a lot to be liked about it. anything that includes tax cuts, regulatory restraint, all of those things would be good. we did it in 2017 under the trump administration and a republican congress. you need all three basically. you need the house, the senate, and the presidency to get anything done and we did that when we had all three. we had probably the most significant tax cut in a decade or two and we still had great lingering effects of that but what we have to not do, not shut down the economy again. we can't have massive covid type of spending and borrowing. if we don't do that, with he stick with tax cuts and regulatory reform and repeal i'm all in. larry: several times in the platform mr. trump says he is going to cut spending, he calls it wasteful spending. i'm sure you would agree with that. one of the key themes besides
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economic growth. it is a very growthy document as you point out. he also wants to curb inflation. he says it time and time again. to me these are rand paul themes. you know what's coming. i'm going to ask you, when you're going to endorse mr. trump? he is pretty much given his whole strategy over to rand paul themes? >> yeah, i will say i'm pretty ecumenical explaining who is responsible for spending, who is responsible for inflation. we have gotten into the habit calling everything biden inflation, that is fine in terms of partisanship. we borrowed 8 trillion under trump. we'll borrow another 8 trillion under biden a third of our debt is bought by private investors, about a third is bought by foreign countries and a third purchased by the fed. the 8 trillion under trump is a contribution under the inflation. all the lockdown, all the covid
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spending programs, added fuel inflation eventually came, biden made it worse. we have to admit both parties need to do better. when both parties stand up and we'll not look at reforming entitlements at all. that is 2/3 of spending. when they say they will not touch the military. that is half of the remaining spending, what remains is 16% of the spending f we want to be honest and documents, platforms are one thing, but we have to look at spending across the board and this is why i said overall, if you really care about inflation, you care about debts it needs to be across the board everything. it could be small. one or 2% across the board but it has to be everything. then you need to explain to the american people that medicare budgets a trillion dollars, we can cut 1% of waste out of medicare budget and not cut anyone's health care. someone has to be brave enough to say that. >> i don't have to, i don't agree with some of your debt numbers, i want to put that aside for a minute.
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you have a clear choice between a big government socialist administration which will get worse if joe biden is reelected. you've got a choice between that and what is essentially a free market administration that says -- >> you're right. there is no choice. you're exactly right. larry: limited government. >> you're exactly right. larry: i'm waiting for the rand paul endorsement for donald trump on that basis because those are the things that you have taught me down through the years. >> no, you're exactly right, larry. there is no part of me would ever consider joe biden. i will not vote for joe biden. in all likelihood yes, i will be voting for donald trump. the difference between voting and supporting and endorsing is, i need to be more thoroughly convinced we'll not make the same mistakes that everybody around says the lockdowns were mistakes. passing out checks to everybody was a mistake. giving businesses money was a mistake t was a terrible, terrible thing that we did. i wasn't part of it. i was one of the few republicans who refused to get involved with the lockdowns or the spending.
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i voted against every bit of it. every bit i was here. i was sick during one of the votes. i voted against all of it. we have to acknowledge that. we have to own up that entitlements are part of the problem. i'm looking more forthrightness, more honesty, more people who really believe deficits are a problem. is there any comparison? no. donald trump is way better than joe biden there is nothing about joe biden i would support but as far as enthusiastic endorsement, getting out on the trail, i want to hear more from the former president himself. i'm open to hearing that. larry: i'm sure he will talk to you. growth dissolves debt. who said that, i said that actually. once upon a time. senator rand paul, thank you, sir. we have appreciate it. >> thank you. larry: folks joining us now, distinguished panel, joe concha, fox news contributor, david webb, host of "the david webb show" on siriusxm patriot, mark simone, wor radio show host, hall-of-famer this is a sot for
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all of your favorite politicians. listen to miss nancy pelosi. hang on a second. here it comes. >> does he have your support to be the head of the democratic ticket? >> as long as president, it is up to the president to decidehe is going to run. we're all encouraging him to, to make that decision because time is running short. larry: that was almost as bad as rand paul not endorsing trump. [laughter]. if you think about it. i wouldn't exactly say she through herself into biden's arms into that one. >> not at all. it is where she said it. msnbc, "morning joe, apparently biden's favorite show which i never quite understood that whole thought process whenever you hear biden watches every morning. he wasn't watching unless he is doing the old dvr thing, tivo, whatever you may say. between pelosi, between clooney, the dam keeps breaking for joe biden but he keeps pushing
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back but i aunt going anywhere. larry: i thought he was dead, i thought the issue was dead in the water monday, okay? it is just, maybe it is dead in the water but all of sudden, you're right, clooney and pelosi, some other senators and you had some back benchers, had some little back-benchers coming out there, guy bennett from colorado, senator bennet said till with be a landslide for trump, i think if the vote were tomorrow that would be true but it is not tomorrow. david webb, what is your call on this, is biden going to be democratic nominee? >> unless he is incapacitated can't get out of bed at 10:00 a.m. in the morning -- larry: he giving it best shot. can't get out of bed. >> that is where the bar is right now. >> like the bar on the hos in all seriousness -- larry: killing me. you're killing me.s always been, larry, we know this from his 50 years. he wants the title. he wants to hold it.
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you and i know this, he wants his portait on the wall with two terms. like a lot of d.c. elitists, insider politicians he wants his 24 hours in the rotunda before they hustle him off to whatever cemetery they choose. this is who he is. he always wanted. he was willing to plagiarize, he was littling to lie. willing to lie about shore lotsville last time around. play to any group, left-wing, progressive, climate change hoax, whatever else is out there, because he wants that title. then he has got jill biden and jill biden loves being there. jill biden is the cruella deville of politics because she's the woman who is in charge. larry: jill biden is the edith wilson of politics. who was edith will on? >> edith wilson was woodrow wilson's right, ran the country the last two years when he was
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incapacitated. that was your sophomore year, sorry. larry: edith wilson, jill biden is the edith wilson that is the most incredible thing i have seen. mark simone, too much funeral music going on here. who is the vice president under the republican ticket? >> i watched trump 30 years, who he hires, the young hotshot never gets the top job. jd vance. he doesn't hire guys with beards. he was very close to george steinbrenner had same rule, no facial hair. >> oh, wow. >> doug burgum, trump always likes distinguished looking older executive. he fits the profile. that is who trump always had at trump organization. one problem that strict ban on abortion in burgum's state. it is not burgum's fault. brings the issue back up too much. i think ben carson. larry: ben carson? >> interesting. think about this, african-american helps. he is from michigan.
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that could help. he has the greatest temperament of any politician. think about joe biden in his condition running against a brain surgeon. larry: [laughter]. >> set that up perfectly. larry: that was very good. i'm flat-out of time. five seconds, joe concha, vice president? >> marco rubio. i just love the fact we turned this into "the apprentice" where trump is stretching it out to the very end. at the end instead of getting a rose you get a red maga hat. larry: also five seconds vice president. >> nobody knows but donald trump. i'm not sure if he is sure of it yet but nobody is real sure. larry: i love ben carson, makes the cutting-edge analysis, ha, ha. joe concha, mark simone, david webb, terrific stuff. coming up next, the aforementioned marco rubio who was a leading light at the trump rally in miami, florida, last night. senator rubio joins us next right here on "kudlow," along with edith wilson.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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larry: senator marco rubio was a leading light at the trump rally last night in miami. he joins us now, florida senator marco rubio.
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mr. rubio, thank you. you were, mr. trump spoke glowingly of you has night but before i get to all that, those big important questions, i just want to ask you, you've read the platform. it strikes me as a really growthy oriented platform which is what the country wants, especially what the middle class folk want. what you think about all of that, senator? >> yeah, look it is a pro-growth platform, it is a pro-prosperity platform. we want more americans to have more money in their pocket at the end of month sew they can save, they can invest, they can go on vacation. so i think it reflects that and i think the alternative is the democrats who as you have seen poured a bunch of money into our economy, chasing green new deal proposals leading to higher interest rates now made homeownership the least affordable it has been in almost 40 years. so i think that, it's, it's a platform we can be very proud
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of, especially on the economic side. larry: and it is going to curb inflation. that is what i want to emphasize. it will cush spending. he emphasized that. those are a little bit different than what you ran on in 2016 or even 2020 and of course lots of deregulation. we have, i think the whole country needs to be deregulated. i think washington, d.c., needs to be deregulated. i think the swamp needs to be deregulated, senator. >> what happens to these regulations, congress will pass a law, now tell the agencies write the rules to implement. not only do they get to write the rules, writing rules to implement they are writing the law and decide what it means and we've seen that happen. look, no one is making sure airplanes don't crash. no one is make against making sure your food is not poisoned or the medicines are actually what it is says on the bottle. the problem is going too far, people have money to invest, decide maybe we don't do this in
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america, maybe we won't make this in america, maybe we won't invent things in america, we'll go to another country where the environment is less generous. you saw in the trump era between tax cuts and deregulation we had a real economic boom. we actually saw government revenues grew. had it not been for the pandemic and local governments shutting down our economy and forcing kids out of school, i think the story of the first four years would have been even better. larry: and also, in the platform it protects the american worker. it protects them against unfair trading practices and i know you've been keen on that subject. i wanted to get your thinking on it. does the platform satisfy you? how far should the u.s. go in protecting against unfair trading practices? >> well, there is two things tied into trade, okay? the first thing tied into trade we have, we need to be a pro-american job policy making body around here. okay. it is a critical, it is good for our country to produce good,
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stable work that allows people to start families and buy homes and invest, be a part of vibe brandt communities. the second we do need industrial capacity in order to provide for our own national defense. if we can't grow our own food, can't make our own equipment, if we lose car manufacturing, heavy equipment and you cannot make ships and airplanes to defend our country. we win world war ii not because, because we were not an industrial power. the japanese, germans, had a huge start on the united states in terms of armaments. but it was our industrial power came into play and allowed us to tip the balance to save the world from naziism and imperial japan. we can't forget food security is part of national security as well. larry: mr. trump, you know spoke very, very highly of you last night. i didn't actually see the visual. >> it is better than the alternative, i tell you that. larry: i don't know if he put his arm around you or not, but it did, sounded like a who
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have-in. everybody knows you're among the final group to be vice president and so forth. let me ask you, our own brian kilmeade, you know brian, he asked mr. trump in the radio show, you are both from florida. now trump said, and does that prevent you from being veep. trump said no, but it does complicate it, senator rubio. is there a way to uncomplicate that to see? >> the answer to that, and it's happened before. not without precedent but it would be presumptuous to me. look, here's the thing, this is what it makes it so interesting. the president can't really make a wrong choice. the question making the choice he feels best about. that doesn't mean other people are bad. i don't know who the finalists are. i read the press like everybody else. jd vance is bright new star in the republican party. someone i worked closely. i don't know governor burgum. i know he has a good record as governor and very nice man. from everything i hear a very good person as well.
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the list goes on tim scott, my colleague is a superstar. he brought opportunity zones the time you were doing tax reform. life-changing for millions of americans and hundreds of communities across the country. it is an embarassment of riches. president will take his time. he doesn't need to make a decision. he needs to know by monday of next week when the convention convenience. he has time to make that decision. i think he is playing it right. ultimately i think only he knows who the right choice is. he will make the right choice because he has no bad choices before him. numbers more than people i imagine, imagine people we read about in the press every day. larry: if he asks you though you would say yes? >> i think, at this time in our history, given everything we've gone through, if someone has the opportunity to serve this country in that capacity, unless there is some reason why you can't do it almost have to say yes, especially if you care about public service as i do. i also think though i want to do whatever it takes to hip him win. so we can't afford another four years like the last four years.t
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larry: senator marco rubio, thank you very much what about africa? , sir. ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit ♪ in any business, you ride the line between numbers and people. what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it.
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larry: tell you what, gop has such a strong bench when it comes to all these vp candidates really. you saw rubio and burgum today and advance, carson -- vance, carson and youngkin in virginia. it's a very, very strong and impressive ben and have that tells you how much energy the party has and someone else strong and


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