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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  July 10, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: tell you what, gop has such a strong bench when it comes to all these vp candidates really. you saw rubio and burgum today and advance, carson -- vance, carson and youngkin in virginia. it's a very, very strong and impressive ben and have that tells you how much energy the party has and someone else strong and impressive with
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energy is liz macdonald. liz: that's right i'm happier because you're into grossier benches and coming for the bumpier sticker. the white house, democrat party in historic meltdown. nancy pelosi and george clooney now michael douglas indicating that biden has to go when they just told the american voters he's sharp as a tack. they just blew up their credibility. watch former president trump in florida at his rally last night. watch this. >> tonight i'm officially giving them the chance to redeem themselves in front of the entire world and do another debate for sleepy joe biden and prove torch all over the world he has what it takes to be president and man-to-man the radical left, democrat party is divided in chaos and having a
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full scale breakdown all because they can't decide which of their candidates is more unfit to be president and sleepy crooked joe biden and if joe picked someone halfway confident and demolished it years ago and they can't. she's got to be their second choice. liz: all right, bring in the homeland security and homeland security senator roger marshal and great to have you back on and your reaction to president trump here and >> the reason is americans are rejecting their policies and democrat haves become this radical big government progressive party and americans are rejecting that and you don't hear the democrats
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ever talk about securing the boarder and what are they going to do to get the price of gasoline and groceries down and here today, you talked about credibility and they've lost credibility two or three days ago and leadership and the democrats are saying it's joe biden or bust, it's only joe biden is today they're saying well, maybe we better sort through this a little bit. boy, there's been a big change of tone up here in dc today. looks like more when the democrats come out of the meetings and our job is just to stay out of their circular firing squads. liz: senator, it's the line going to msnbc and it's flat out not dropping out and nancy pelosi, who's been going on tv and telling voters he's fine. nancy pelosi goes on msnbc implying that biden should drop out. watch this. >> it's up to the president to decide if he's going to run and we're all encouraging him to
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make that decision because tom time is running short. liz: he's going on nbc talking to lester holt and that's not going to fix it when he's getting criticized for botching the abc interview with stephanopoulos. george stephanopoulos saying he's got to go. what do you think? >> the onus is upon joe biden to serve and the emperor is not but the american public knows and the left media is waking up that the emperor has no close and the story broke and a parkinsons doctor was in the white house eight times in the past year and really americans are saying wait a second, is the white house lying to us about this? if they're lying about this, what else are they lying to us about? i think you nail it had right in the start of the show. they're in free fall right now.
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liz: maybe they should refund the money back to the hollywood donors and giving depositions on biden's decline and then you have this. look at polling and we're going to show you what is happening. trump now leads biden by three points in real clear politics averages and that's up from a point a week before the debate. the cook report senator now says five states are moving toward trump. trump now leads biden by three points in three swing states: arizona, nevada, and georgia, pennsylvania now a toss up. biden is up by less than a point in wisconsin and michigan and
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and that biden will coast into office hawaii do you think? >> it's great that republicans stayed behind their candidate through thick and thin. meanwhile the democrats are ready to push uncle joe off the cliff. the polling you're showing and president trump's numbers are polling republicans in these swing states in the right direction as well. we feel very optimistic we'll flip the senate and hopefully get president trump a republican senate, a republican house and we can extend the trump tax cuts. look, the democrats want to raise your taxes and president trump the republicans want to lower and secure the border and we want to make sure we get the price of gas and groceries down and what are the deputies talking about? anything but securing the border. anything except law and order and nothing about getting the price of gasoline down.
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liz: thank you, senator. ford, welcome to the show. we want to get your insight of abc news george stephanopoulos caught on camera that he can't think biden can last another four years and he's saying this just about a week after his interview with president biden and watch this. >> do you think biden should step down? >> you talk to him more than anybody else. liz: this happened as democrats decided to stick with biden. what do you think? >> long time democratic operative george stephanopoulos spoke the truth and biden didn't have the ability and mental acuity to serve four more months and let alone four more years and this is the greatest
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political coverup of the modern era. liz: ford, step notary public luisa said he should -- stephanopoulos said she should not have commented and this is his opinion and not abc's and when you sit back and see how media is reporting the story and biden campaign and white house bullying here and biden biographer and calls the white house the most scripted white house in modern history and obsessed with controlling the narrative. what do you think? >> the biden campaign is like lehman brothers in 2008 and go bust at any moment and joe biden and the biden family digging their heels in and frankly in you're president trump, let's be honest, you want joe biden in the top of the ticket and that he's the democratic nominee and if he is, you'll be the 47th president of the united states. liz: ford, we looked through the transcripts and what the reporting was and 150 gaffes and mistakes and public comments dating from january through
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june. first black woman serving with the president and killed under his watch and 116 were going to build a railroad over the indian ocean and we're hearing he's going to sit down with nbc next week and i think monday night with lester holt and how is that going to fix things? >> it's not going to because this type of cognitive decline. you can't rehabilitate it and it only gets worse and verbal miscues and everything else is not going to work out in his favor and senator marshal is exactly right saying this is delicious and republicans are thrilled right now and i just hope they don't eject biden to the top of the ticket and i think it's double a. liz: less than 120 day asks it's not going to happen. it was tough going for the president at the nato summit and let's please watch the verbally continuing to fall down the stairs and step on rakes and starting with the president literally not able to look away from the telepromter.
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watch this. >> he's a man of integrity and intellectual rigor and calm temperament in a moment of crisis. constant diplomat and five defense systems, destroy ukraine's culture. [inaudible]. reading the criation. liz: reading teletelepromter introductions again too. how do they feel about this, ford? >> they know exactly what i know and that is that america doesn't deserve four more years of joe biden and unfortunately the democrats do for trying to pull this russ and political coverup and many people pointed this out years ago and unfortunately you brought it up and going to push the conspiracy for now the emperor has no way to close it and china and russia seeing it
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too. liz: ford o'connell u great to have you on. hope to see you soon. congressman greg s steube from house ways and means and art dell cueto and steve moore and national review rich lowry and the hill's julian la manchester and putting their party over america and backing biden and his decline and more details on that and also the hill newspaper says yes, they're more focused on getting into power and what matters to you and we've got evening edit debate today and we're going to dig in and new details this hour on the white house reporting about scrambling at 11th hour to stop illegal aliens coming in from the isis terror hot spots and biden
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border crisis and we've got government whistle blowers blowing the lid off government contractors paying billions of tax dollars and going here with migrant children unhoused into forced labor and sex trafficking and politico reports welcome to mar nato and european leaders telling their message to tram and got a revelation from trump and ian bremmer world leaders have noticed and are concerned about biden's "increasing deterioration and feel they cannot serve four more years". we're digging into that on "the evening edit". stay right there. ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn
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liz. welcome back. we've got reports coming in that president biden's candidacy reelection could hinge on a press conference tomorrow part of a nato summit in dc and concerns growing about the president's decline and this is a presser that john kirby and white house press secretary karine jean-pierre called biden's big boy conference and
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edward lawrence is at the white house with more. reporter: yeah, good to see you, liz. every step of the way president biden is being scrutinized and world leaders getting up close look at the president and sizing him up because ovthe debate we're having in the united states about his mental fitness and the president would like this summit all about ukraine and how to counter move withs rush hawaii at a morning session the president said -- the afternoon session i should say that russia set up a full wartime economy industrial base economy and nato members must add to theirs. listen to this. >> they're significantly ramping up production of weapons, munitions and vehicles. they're doing it with the help of china, north korea and iran. we cannot in my view the alliance to fall behind. fact is that so many of my -- let me put it this way, i'm very pleased that today all nato
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members are making a pledge to expand our industrial base and our industrial capacity. reporter: you see reading from the script and he turned the page and he's making the point that the alliance cannot fall behind. overshadowing the summit and president biden's mental fitness and questions will not go away and in addition some experts say biden's policies allowed russia to feel emboldened enough to invade ukraine in the first place. >> there's no question that the largest land conflict since the second world war started because of his lack of maintaining the deterrence that we've enjoyed for decades and he can't spin this in any other direction and can't allow the fire to start and claim credit for response of the fire department and insurance company doesn't want to hear it and neither does the american people. reporter: tonight the president will have the world leaders over at white house for a dinner hosted by himself and first lady and his actions will be scrutinized every step of the way. liz.
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liz: that's right, edward lawrence. great reporting as always. love edward lawrence. joining us from house ways and means. look who's here, congressman greg steube, it's a pleasure and wonderful to see you again. please sit tight for just a second and we'd like to get your reaction from president trump. >> before i arrive to the oval office, shortly after we, we all of us together, win the presidency, i'll have the horrible war between russia and ukraine settled. we'll prevent the whole world from entering world war iii. >> president, in terms of nato, people believe that you want to get out of nato. is that what you want to do? >> i just want them to pay their bills. liz: we're going to get to the nato part in a second and president trump said he'll stop the war in ukraine. how do you think he'll stop the war in ukraine? how could he do that? >> reinstitute the policies that he had in place before biden took office like the sanctions
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on nord stream 2 pipeline and zelensky will tell you that opened up billions of revenue to russia but then funded this war and this is the a ton of economic sanctions to iran that can be take and biden white house removed it and opened up $6 billion to iran and iran and russia and china all making to work together economically and a ton of economic things to be done in place when trump was president and biden removed that he could reinstitute and put huge economic pressure not just on russia but iran as well. liz: politico calling the nato summit "maranato" saying that the leaders are giving their message to tram and trump said i don't want to get rid of nato but pay their fair share. congressman, sounds like trump scored a victory with nato and reportedly nato, the nato secretary general sultanburg said all 32 member nations of
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nato, they'll have to be spending, they'll be required to spend a minimum 2% of their gdp on defense annually. this will be a requirement not just an aspiration. trump demanded that. now they're doing it. canada sin colluded in the nine nations -- is included in the nine nations not doing that. is this a trump victory here? >> yeah, absolutely. what's happening is world leaders part of nato seeing that trump will win in november and realize they've got to pay their fair share just like president trump demanded when he was president and when he's going to get back into being president and otherwise he's going to require them to pay their fair share or why is america footing the bill for all countries and very interesting that world leaders are already reacting to the things that president trump is saying four months before the election. liz: now congressman, there's this. you'll hear from ian bremmer from the uroasia group on what world leaders are saying about biden's decline behind the
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scenes. let's get your reaction to this. watch. we have a tech error there. basically let me read to you and ian bremmer saying "back in the munich security conference in late february, they thought biden would win over the last few months it was a coin flip and now they think he's going to lose and see deterioration and slowing down and repeating the same anecdote twice in meetings". he's also not recognizing someone he knew quite well and had to be introduced to an ally again. >> yeah, this is things that republican haves been saying for years and white house has been lying to the american people that he's ready and cape and will he's mentally cape and will you even have democrats right here on capitol hill today and questioning whether he should be the nominee or not. that speak as lot to the capability and people in your own party with members of congress need to replace the top
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of the ticket and they're seeing they're losing support with the american people and american people are seeing what's been going on the last couple of years and lies coming from the white house and it's cape and will able to make decisions and it's physically capable and clearly not in the case right now. liz: what's your assessment from where you sit and you're in dc and halls of congress and what's going on with democrats and what's happening in the biden white house? >> yeah, even my conversations as of today with some of my democratic colleagues, they obviously don't have faith and confidence in the president but feel like they have to rally behind him because he's obviously they're leader right now. he got the delegates going into this election. be very hard to switch at this point in time but there's also other members of congress that want him to switch and they realize even some democratic polling is showing we may take 20 or 25 seats in the house in this upcoming election because biden is so weak, which is great things for republicans and the country and great things for president trump coming into
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november but obviously if you're a democrat, that's very concerning to them. liz: congressman steube, thanks for joining us. great to have you on. >> yeah, you too . mark del cueto and white house finally trying to stop illegal aliens from coming in from the isis terror hot spot tajikistan and hundreds have already crossed and government whistle blowers saying the government is wasting billions on contractors that end up trafficking border children into dangerous places like factories, labor conditions, sex trafficking and more. plus, congressman andy biggs from house judiciary, democrats in the media getting really pounded and slammed for putting parties over country. and backing biden amid his decline. what this all means for you on "the evening edit" coming up. we'll be right back, stay right
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liz: new wall street journal story based on documents and again raising red flags and rampant fraud and misuse of money and not watching this and gerri willis has the story in new york city. gerri, good to see you. >> liz, 50 billion, that's the amount of taxpayer dollars some of the nation's biggest healthcare insurers are said to have pocketed by making questionable diagnosis and billing the federal government for the costs. in some cases, no doctor treated patients for the disease the insurer sought payment for. the details contained in investigation watched by wall street journal and published today. at least one healthcare insurance provider, united health is denying the allegations. meanwhile the centers for medicare and medicaid services that oversees medicare advantage, that's the program in the cross hairs, said it was making changes to the program to ensure taxpayer dollars are well
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spent. the journal's story alleging the insurers made diagnosises and billed the government for the coverage. they can charge additional $273 each year for morbid obesity or 2500 for atrial fibrillation. sometimes they resulted in no follow up care. for example, 18,000 medicare advantage recipients were diagnosed with hiv but never received follow up care. in other cases, clients diagnosed with diseases they'd been cured of. 66,000 patients were diagnosed with diabetic cataracts and they'd gotten cataract surgery. medicare advantage was supposed to save taxpayers money by allowing private insurers to oversee healthcare benefits. unfortunately the opposite happened. liz, back to you. liz: gerri, you're terrific, thank you so much. joining us from house ways and means is congressman andy biggs.
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breaking news coming in, the house passed the save act bill, congressman, and would require, you know this. basically states have to get proof of citizenship from voters for federal elections and get rid of illegal aliens from voter roles, but the vote was 221 for it and 198 democrats voted against it. congressman, democrats are in favor of violating the constitution and letting illegal aliens vote in federal election s? >> it seems that way. five of them voted -- five democrats voted with us but 198 basically chose to say we just don't care whether you're legal in this country or not, whether you're a u.s. citizen or not and going to vote in the federal election and by the way, you said it's contrary to constitutional principles and now they're saying they're okay with that . liz: so does chuck schumer take it up in the senate? >> well, i hope he does and he tends to not want to do this and
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my guess is he's not going to take it up. we'll lay it over there and see if our republican friends can get a few democrats at least to come forward and say yeah, we have to respond to constituents and we need to be there and i hope this pressure is put on by constituents and stop the pressure by illegal ayens going to vote in them. aliens. liz: seeing the hill on dc slamming the biden white house and media outlets saying you're putting party over country and ego over ambition and good for america and backing biden despite his decline. holding onto power and all that hearts and they're trying to say move on, you know, move on from this. the discussion today is nancy pelosi blew back open the doors and indicating on nbc and biden should go and from where you sit, what is going on? >> well, it's really confusing
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and i've talked to a number of democrat friends on the floor and they're confused and some want bide ton go and sop want him to stay. the bottom line is the media has been gaslighting us for three years on his capacity and now the white house press office, they're gaslighting us still and it's going to be a family decision between joe biden, hunter biden and company. right there in that family. liz: yeah, hunter biden facing criminal tax evasion case coming up in september. so this is really historic times. you know, the president according to his -- according to reports, congressman, only able to do the job of president between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. goes to bed by 8:00. the world's bad guys don't operate on eastern daylight times and listen to dr. tom pitts, board certified neurology and he's displaying symptoms of parkinsons and the doctor said
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he's not been in the same room as the president and michael ben nit saying trump he's -- bennett saying trump will win big. >> classic figures of neurodegeneration and loss of arm swing, standing up orlikowskied toically and the voice saying it was a cold. hyper-phonia, small monotone voice over time is a small symptom of parkinsons. i would have diagnosed him from across the mall. >> donald trump is on point to take over the white house. he'll then take the house and the senate. >> i think they're right. this is all trending in trump's way and quite frankly republicans should watch this and this is where we need to be watching it. liz: congressman biggs, thank you for joining us. welcome to the show art del
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cueto. we need your reaction to this story. now the white house, they're finally scrambling to stop illegal aliens from the isis recruiting hot bed of tajikistan from crossing and haven't hundreds poured in already this year? >> thousands have already poured n. thousands of individuals poured in and unfortunately, liz, that's part of the problem. look, if they're not in the data base where they're being apprehended, that's one thing. but unfortunately under this administration, they opened up the flood gates and said all you've got to do is ask for asylum. they don't know how many have come in and have a criminal background or how many individuals that have come in with terrorist ties and when they've apprehended people that have been on the terrorist watch list, it's not like they apprehended them by themselves. they were coming with other individuals they'd been traveling with many months and people from the same area and region and some from the same city. they just happened not to be on
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the terrorist watch list. those individuals were released. the white house is scrambled to pretend they're trying to fix a problem, but they're not fixing the problem they've already created and they can come up with acts and come up with limits on those people asking for asylum, but what's their plan on the millions they already allowed in? what's their plan on the close to 2 million got aways? they don't have a plan for that and that is why this administration has been destroying our nation's border from day one. liz: we have news that the family members of rachel moran, the mother of five allegedly raped and killed by an illegal alien and her family will be at upcoming rnc in milwaukee and her half sister is slated to speak tuesday night and also this story and more on this. this is blowing the lid of what's going on with the biden border crisis and government whistle blowers told dc round table of lawmakers that biden is overseeing the biggest failure
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in government history. getting to pay billions of tax dollars and trafficking unaccompanied children into the u.s. and putting unaccompanied children in unvetted housing and hostiles and literally one was abandoned in an open field. that less than 10% of illegal aliens are crossing and released to their parents and what's happening here? >> again, this administration has not guilty figured out how to get the fixed issue in fact and they said they're going to limit the amount of individuals and crossing per day and you've got to remember they left a new poll and let children, unaccompanied juveniles coming across and not part of the numbers and what's the cartel going to do? they've been doing it for a long time and realize the new polls are out and know where the gray areas are and unfortunately and going to provide those gray areas and when you cut out
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unaccompanied juveniles and what's the cartel going to do? bring more. liz: yeah, they're making a lot of money. >> yeah, this admin -- liz: yeah, they're making bucks. we're running out of time. we want you to listen to one of the whistle blowers and deborah white, hhs work fertilizer office of refugee resettlement. listen to this. >> when i discovered it, it was horrifying and make no mistake and children were not going to their parents. they were being trafficked with billions of taxpayer dollars by a contractor failing to vet sponsors and process children safely. with government officials complicit in it. children continue to be sent to dangerous location withs improperly vetted sponsors. one case in florida, had over 12 children linked to one sponsor at multiple addresses. children were sent to addresses that were bonded houses --
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abandoned houses or nonexistent in some cases. liz: this is should being and heart breaking. it's just horrendous. innocent children, that's what's happening, art, final word. >> it's horrific and whistle blower talking about it for council with quite some time expanding it and don't know how many people coming in and they don't release it and trump going to release them and they don't know where anyone is at. liz: awful. just a disgrace. art del cueto, thank you for your service to america. and we have rich lowry and the evening edit debate. who should president trump pick for his running mate and the best counter point for kamala harris? many said it was a fill yuri colins and best tentering in a swing state voter and who is the best gop standard for 2028? we want to hear from dagen and
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sean what's coming up on the bottom line of the show. >> hey, emac. lots after cruzyness on the hill and what's not crazy is republicans and democrats there and all americans vote in american elections? we're now coming on jim jordan on all that and cook political report moving three swing states towards donald trump and tammy bruce to discuss. >> folks in holly weird have turned their backs on joe biden, but he is still clinging on with dear life. one possible replacement, gretchen whitmer, talks about people in the grocery store who are worried about mass shootings. what? senator tommy tuberville here on that and batya un-garmin saratoga gone on iranians here in the protest and regime feeding terrorists? we talk top of the hour.
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liz: we're so excited to welcome back to the show, we're going to dig into the evening edit debate and look who's here. hill political reporter julia manchester and rich lowry. thank you, both, so much for joining us. let's start with you, julia. who should president trump pick
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as his running mate? >> well, the three names that it seems to have been narrowed down to is florida senator marco rubio, ohio senator jd vance and inside governor doug burgum and talking to a number of republicans and marco rubio is the name that comes up quite a bit. you know, he's someone who can obviously appeal to latino and hispanic voters and major states like arizona and nevada and he's also someone that might have more sway with republicans or maybe more moderate voters that aren't exactly sold on trump but still don't like joe biden like nikki haley voters for example and he's a name being brought up. who knows, this is tram and he could throw in a wild card. liz: true. who do you think, rich? >> well, those are three names we're hearing a lot about. doug burgum is a totally safe choice; right. it would be a focus of attention about six hours and then he kind of disappear. maybe that's what you want to do
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in this environment when so much has been on biden and not in a good way. the like the virginia governor glen youngkin and helps with suburban voters and not so enamored with donald trump and being a business pressure and not saying the odds are in his favor, but there's some slender chance he'd be a very good pick. liz: yeah, all the gentlemen have stellar credentials and you're making a great pick. the president's pick matters. that person will be the gop standard in 2028 and bring in the swing vote and give a contrast to kamala harris that dc crit ibrams say it's not up for the task of being vice president. let's watch president trump slam biden pick kamala harris. watch this. >> he picked kamala harris as his vice president. if joe had picked someone even halfway competent, they would have bounced him from office years ago but they can't because she's got to be their second
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choice. there was an insurance policy, maybe the best insurance policy i've ever seen. i don't think kamala harris is california socialism going to go down well with the people of dural, the people of miami, or the people of florida. because in florida we don't like socialism. we want our freedom. >> i don't care if it's him or somebody else. it's also policy, it's more about policy than anything else and these radical democrats are all radical, everyone they're talking about is a radical left lunatic. and whether it's biden or whether it's somebody else, it's the same. liz: he's not worried about -- he's going to say he's going to beat biden, julia, but what do you make of him and what he said about kamala harris and the voters are sick and tired of the cover up of biden's decline and the big government approach? >> well, president trump's comments about kamala harris echo what republicans and
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including president trump have been saying for quite some time now. a vote for joe biden is essentially a vote for kamala harris and that's a maybe not so subtle reference to the fact that the president is in his early 80s, 85 or 86 when he'd end his term and questions as to whether he'd finish his term for whatever reason and you're going to continue to see republicans use her as a stake scapegoat. liz: interesting. trump is saying he could announce his vp choice, maybe at a valley in western pennsylvania this coming weekend, rich, that's near where jd vance is from. then jd vance ask from and he's a pit bull and what do you think of jd vance? final word. >> if i had to put odds on it, i give you the best odds. who knows. the states were prior to this point and biden holding up the best and swing states were blue wall straits and rust bell ststates and in theory there's
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appeal and certainly this is a key aspect of the economics and politics trying to win over working class voters and i think in theory, whether he could actually help much in the states or not. i'm not so sure. obviously if biden somehow wins, which there's some that seem unlikely and he'll serve as president of the united states till january 2029 as one of the most preposterous thins of the american public been going for the political party and it's not going to happen. you're in effect electing kamala harris to be president at some point without her being on the top of the ticket. liz: julia manchester and rich lowry thank you for being here. economic adviser steve moore and a should being report out of fortune magazine steve moore and seemingly harmless self-driving autonomous cars on american roads. are they collectindata and
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doing surveillance and is this a national security issue? coming up on "the evening edit". ♪ so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. maya knows how quality care can bring out a smile. but it's been a few dog years since she was able to enjoy a smile of her own. good thing aspen dental offers affordable, complete care
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story out of "fortune" magazine that china has been test driving driverless, cars on american roads and they are rolling surveillance spying devices, what do you think? >> this is scary, driver less cars are coming, automated cars will change our transportation system, two things worry me, what you are talking about countries like china using the driverless cars to monitor who is going on and whether the u.s. government will put devices on people's automated cars so they know where they are at all-times, i don't want that. elizabeth: we hear you. then, you make excellent points, "fortune" magazine saying that this is wild west, there is no oversight. china could use the cars to
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collect valuable intelligence on infrastructure, population movements and individual behaviors, they have been all over california for 7 years now, traveling nearly 2 million miles, with no oversight. >> why is shine making the car -- china making the cars? we have to have a vibrant u.s. auto industry. we have been wasting this money, research dollars on you know, electric cars, when the real car of the future the automated cars, i want those made in the u.s. of a. elizabeth: you think this is an issue. fortune magazine said it is. >> it could be. elizabeth: a national security issue but there is no oversight. do you know. >> you know who will deal with this is president trump, he will you know i read republican platform, all about making as many of these products here in the united states of america,
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with a better tax code and better regulatory system that would solve a lot of these problems. elizabeth: is he going to drain the swamp? get government workers back to their day jobs and desk jobs. >> federal employees. elizabeth: yes. >> with 6% going -- 6% of federal workers are at the job 40 hours a week in the office that is o outrageous, private sector workers are working in the office. elizabeth: amazing stuff, steve moore. always terrific, good to see you, i am elizabeth macdonald thank you for watching "the evening edit," now let's go to dagen and sean with "the bottom line." dagen: thank you, emac. elizabeth: sure. ♪ ♪ dage


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