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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  July 11, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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♪ larry: my last word is big government socialism. newt gingrich's phrase. doesn't matter who's at the top of the ticket, that's what you're going to get from the democrats, and it is very unpopular. and i just can't believe listman ed donald -- liz macdonald wants it. i just can't believe it. [laughter] elizabeth: it was said once that big government socialism is like sleeping with a hippopotamus. it feels warm and cozy until it
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rolls over and smooshes you. larry: a hipp if o. elizabeth: i thought it was pretty funny, i guess you didn'- [laughter] let's get right to the breaking news. welcome to "the evening edit," i'm liz macdonald. we've got house majority whip congressman tom emmer. wonderful to see you again, congressman. axios is reporting that president trump will announce his vice presidential pick at the rnc convention next week in milwaukee and that he'll do it after don jr. speaks, and that is a sign it's senator j.d. vance because don or jr.'s a big supporter of vance. would you be happy with this announcement at the rnc convention, and would you be happy with senator vance? >> i'm going to be happy with whatever president trump decides. you've got to remember, liz, the people are voting for donald trump, not for the vice president. and whoever he picks, he's got to have somebody who's going to be a great campaigner and is going to be somebody who will
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work, has a work ethic. and every one of the people that i've seen named has those qualities. elizabeth: so you like the move, announcing it at the convention? >> i think donald trump knows better than anybody if how to work a program and build up the excitement. it's just going to be part of a great week that we have coming. america -- republicans are ready to unite behind donald trump, and if it's going to be part of the show. elizabeth: okay. let's move on to this. congressman, what are you hearing now among democrats in congress about president biden? he's about to give a very rare solo press conference coming up at 6:30. "the new york times" reports the biden campaign is testing kamala harris versus trump, plus nbc quoting anonymous white house aides and biden campaign workers saying he should drop out. if can kamala harris win -- can kamala harris win the swing states? she's been misleading america saying biden is fine and the
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board's fine, nothing wrong. she also wants to the ban fracking which helps economies like the swing state of pennsylvania. >> liz, with the exception of fox, every one of the news media, the mainstream news media, has been complicit. they've seen what we've seen with joe biden for the last three and a half years as he has deteriorated, and now they're just noticing it now? it's all been a cover-up from day i one. the american public saw it for 90 minutes two two weeks ago. you can't undo that. and guess what? it doesn't matter who the candidate is. i believe it's going to be joe biden, but with it doesn't matter who it is, because the election is about the failed policies of the biden-harris administration that has put middle class families when they walk into the grocery store, they have to make very difficult choices about what they can feed their families with because the prices have shot up so high. you've got an open southern border that's resulting in crime and fentanyl overdoes in --
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overdoses, and you've got fires around the world because this current president doesn't have a foreign policy that people trust or that they believe he will follow through on. so the choice is easy, donald trump's going to be elected in november regardless of who's on the ticket. elizabeth. elizabeth: what can dow you make of this politico report? it looks like a circular firing squad among democrats. now barack obama and pelosi undercutting widen. -- biden. it basically says president obama did give the green light to george clooney winning -- running his new york times op-ed, that clooney showed it to him and obama didn't object to it and also nancy pelosi, quote, has disdain for the situation with biden, and pelosi also gave the green light to democrats to tell biden he won't win, should step aside. she's telling them to do that, though, after the nato summit. all of them are publicly saying vote for biden, he's fine. >> hey, liz, it's -- while democrats are eating their own
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right now, they are just self-destructing internally, and, by the way, this has been coming for a long time. that party is divided in so many different ways whether it's the marxists, the socialists, the traditional a democrats, they're got all kinds of different issues that they're dealing with. the great news for us is that republicans are united behind donald trump, and we're ready to win in november. elizabeth: okay. i mean, when you see reports like n nbc saying the biden campaign is worried fund raising's going to get cut in half, abc poll it's still neck and neck, 47 trump to 46% biden. when you see two-thirds of voters saying he should step aside, two-thirds of democrats and democrat-leaning independents say that too, and what do you make of this, the far left is still sticking with biden? what does that tell us? >> i mean, he's the candidate. they understand there are challenges to trying to change this, not the least of which this is a party that a wants the talk about democracy? 4 million people voted for $14
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million people voted for joe biden in the primaries, and now you're suggesting a very small group behind closed doors will decide someone else? i don't see that happening. i do see all kinds of problems with his campaign, and democrats see it as well. their problem is not joe biden, their problem is democrats are out of touch with main street, usa. they are not listening to the people that they're working for. they're telling them the world is better than what you think it is, and americans are about to to tell them in november, you're done. we're going to elect donald j. trump, here going to to elect a republican senate and a republican house, and we're going to go fix this country starting in january of a '25. elizabeth: congressman emmer, it's good to see you. we've got news coming in from axios, there could be a flood of democrat calls demanding biden step aside after nancy pelosi gave a green light to that, but the far-left democrats standing by president biden as the news at the top of the hour that that trump has made his veep choice, and he's going to announce pit
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at the rnc convention. we've got more from hillary vaughn on what's going on on capitol hill with biden and the far left. hillary. >> reporter: good evening, liz. house democrats we talked to are still defiending bind, but some -- defending biden, but some are more reluctant and some less enthusiastic. overall, they are still the standing by their man. congressional black caucus members that we talked to insist that biden is good to go and fit to serve. you're convinced that there is not a cover-up going on from people closest to president biden to try to hide how he really is? and his mental fitness? >> as far as i know, there are -- there's not a cover-up. i think some people maybe even high up did not have some information earlier that the press wanted, and the american public probably deserved. but i don't think, i don't think there's, you know, a plumber's
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unit like watergate with people trying to prevent information coming out to the public. >> reporter: but there is a slight change of tune in the chorus of biden's backers who aren't rushing to defend how people closest to the president have handled the president's mental state. do you think people closest to the president are being honest about his mental acuity? >> i'm, i'm here. [laughter] if i'm not, i'm not over there. >> reporter: do you think the people at the white house have been really honest with the american people about how the president's doing? >> i mean, i think -- listen, we're going to hear from the president today, and people will be able to judge that for themself. >> honestly, i can't speak to it. >> reporter: would it concern you if it came out that the white house was protecting the president and essentially being complicit in keeping a commander in chief that is not fit for office? >> i think everyone would be concerned. no one wants to feel duped. >> reporter: democrats will be watching tonight to see how
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biden does. liz? elizabeth: no one's better with a stick mic and getting the truth of -- out of congressmen. hillary vaughn, thank you so much. jon levine was the first journalist in the nation to break the news that white house visitor logs showed a top parkinson's specialist met at the white house with president biden's doctors and two others. jon, let's get back to this axios report that president trump's going to the announce his veep choice at the rnc convention. don jr.'s going to make a speech, and then that is an indication -- they think, axios thinks it's senator c.d. vance. there's no -- j.d. vance. what do you think, jon? >> this is, like, getting to a fever pitch. it looks increasingly clear like there will be a nominee announced at the convention, but, i mean, trump's whole thing is keeping everyone off balance. and everything is really "the apprentice." so i wouldn't be shocked if we just get all three on stage and
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someone gets a rose. i had heard that don jr.'s speech was preplanned a while ago, so i don't know that we should look too much into that for, like, this means it's vance, but certainly vance is a front-runner. he's been named as a front-run are runner for a very long time. it's certainly possible it's vance, but i still think the ball is still in the air in terms of who it might end up being. elizabeth: okay. so let's move to this, president biden's first solo news conference in a very long time, it's a very rare one, people are calling it a pressure cooker, it's a high stakes solo news conference. let's get your reaction to gop lawmakers saying what's happening in this white house is a major historical cover-up on the level of nixon's watergate. and then you're going to listen to nbc's chuck todd really slamming biden, saying it's his ambition and that a biden cabinet member actually told chuck todd the biden could not run. watch this. >> this is really their watergate moment.
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who knew, what did they know, and what did they do when they found out, because they have covered this up the entire time from the vice president on down. >> it's the biggest political cover-up that we've ever seen maybe in u.s. history, and it's the most consequential as well. these foreign leaders are coming in, prime ministers, heads of state, and they are telling us privately that they're deeply concerned. >> it has made me want to rethink a lot of the biden biography. i still can't believe he ran for president in the first place begin that his family was in crisis in 2018. i can't believe he put his family through this. and now looking at a his behavior now and clinging to this, i, you know, i think the entire narrative on joe biden is going to change in that he was, he's always been -- everything has been about his ambition. and if his ambition comes first. >> but i had a cabinet secretary two years ago -- >> right. >> okay, two years ago all -- out of the blue ask me, do you really think he's -- he can't
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run again like this. and they said i don't have a lot of interaction with him. elizabeth: two years ago? [laughter] they don't have a lot of interaction with him? what does that tell you? >> one of the congressmen that we saw earlier, i think cleaver, said, oh, well, nixon had a plumbers' unit. the plumbers' unit was the press who actively looked the other way. the people who watch this network and watch the -- read "the new york post" saw it, but those were derided as cheap fakes. when "the wall street journal" published that piece talking about how president biden really was kind of out of it and a growing number of people were talking about it, it was derided by the press. oh, this is a partisan hit job and the white house pushed back on it. and now you're seeing a lot of reporters actually saying, admitting without any shame that they had heard rumor, cabinet secretary told chuck todd is he going to do this again? and he didn't do anything about it. remember carl bernstein of
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woodward and bernstein on cnn saying there were 15-20 the incidences where biden was kind of out of it that he personally heard about. and i ask you, where was he? no one -- now everyone's got a story. oh, everyone knew about biden, you know? he was a vegetable, he was out of it here. but where were they at the time? and now they realize that their complicity and what they've done has so gravely imperilled his re-election chanced because now the american people are seeing it, and think there's a lot of self-anger at the media. they're angry at what they themself have been complicit with. so you're starting to see a reaction to that. but they've in deep. everyone's in deep. elizabeth: it's a real turning point. jon levine, you're terrific. appreciate you. still ahead, congresswoman beth van duyne from ways and means, attorney general andrew bailey, lieutenant colonel james carafano, doug holtz-eakin, former house oversight committee staff director julian epstein, he's also former chief counsel
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of judiciary. also fox news contributor deroy murdock. we're getting reaction throughout the hour as we await president biden's highly anticipated solo news conference coming up in just about an hour. and the details coming up too about new reports that european diplomats the from multiple nations at the nato summit happening now in d.c. are, quote, alarmed by president biden's apparent decline. and we've got new action coming in on former president trump's new york case. it's still in play. and this surprising testimony too by fed chair powell, that amid higher costs for american families, fed chair powell has not met with president biden in two years. if and the latest this hour on the biden white house spending nearly $2 billion of your tax money to get elected. it's doing it in a number of swing states, spending it to retool car factories to make electric cars that consumers are not buying. and we're digging into a new u.s. news poll, young voters in
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key swing states now if ignoring, they're not interested in biden's democracy is on the ballot campaign push. "evening edit" debate, are obama and nancy pelosi pushing out biden? and who is leaking at the white house against biden and why? and we show you the long list of things you need id for, we need id for things like opening a bank account, flying on an airplane, even adopting a pet. so so why are house democrats so hysterically attacking a bill that simply requires voter id for vote in federal elections? we've got et al. on "the evening edit" we're going to take it on. we've got a jam-packed hour. we'll be right back, stay right there. ♪ ♪ ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking.
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actually had to have a photo id to come into the capitol to visit your congressional member. if so, yeah, you have to have your id for a lot of things. basically, what it did was it confirmed the fact that we have been right all along. having the open borders and having biden's, you know, just abysmal border policy from the if data that he got elected which allowed over 11 million people into our country illegally, why are they doing it? because they want them to be able to to vote. they believe it's going to be a voting bloc for democrats, and that is solely why they did it. they don't care about the number of deaths, the number of, amount of crime that's gone up, how it's putting pressure on these local governments to be able to house, school, educate all of these focus that are in their communities illegally. they don't care about that. this is all about power and all about maintaining control. basically, that vote last night prove pd it. elizabeth: republican congressman bryan steil said, quote: democrats argue it's already illegal for noncitizens
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to vote in elections. yeah, that's true, but it's also illegal for someone to illegally enter if our country, and that hasn't stopped millions from doing so. >> no, you're absolutely correct. if you don't enforce your law, they mean nothing. if you don't have a border, do you really have a nation? that that's what you're seeing under this president. when we look at the polls across the country, when i look at the polls in my own district, well over 60% of people want to close the borders, and they want to deport the people who are here illegally. that is a result of the last three and a half years and the millions of people who are in communities that are committing crimes that people are upset about. and why are they doing it? well, look at -- listen to yvette clark from new york, she's a texas -- a new york democrat who said the reason why they want these people there is to populate districts that have lost democrat represent representative numbers like california, like new york. they want to repopulate them so they can keep their congressional districts. this is all about allowing
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people in our country illegally to make up for the horrendous foils of the far left -- policies of the far left and the extremists. it's on full dispray right now. elizabeth: yeah. they're not saying that on the house floor. let's listen to what house democrats actually said in the slamming the save act that would require states to get documentary proof of u.s. citizens to register to vote in federal elections. watch this. take a listen. >> this bill is essentially a poll tax. i am not aware of a single proof of citizenship document that does not cost an individual money to get it. unless we are requiring every state to provide one for free, and then it's an unfunded mandate. >> mr. speaker, house republicans so-called save act is a dangerous anti-democratic bill that has no place on this floor. >> if we believe in the power of democracy, we should reject discriminatory rules rooted in fear and division and instead increase protections and expand access. >> so this extreme hag georgia
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republican voter suppression bill is not designed to solve any problem on behalf of the american people. it is designed to jam people up. and prevent americans from voting. >> our fundamental access to our democracy is being politicized. and this xenophobic attack that we're debating today will make it harder for americans to vote. if. elizabeth: wait a second, so is it discrimination, is it suppression when you're required to show id to buy alcohol in certain states, cigarettes, get jobless benefits or apply for a job, you know, buy a cell phone, rent a house, rent a car, rent a hotel room, you know, hunting licenses, head care, social security you need id? you need id to get married or open a bank account, is that all discrimination? >> it is when they say it is, apparently. the simple matter is people who are here illegally should not be able to vote. that's the only thing that
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republicans were trying to do, and democrats came out fully and said, you know what? if we don't care who votes as long as we get to maintain power and control. elizabeth: congressman van duyne, it's great to see you. still ahead, missouri attorney general andrew bailey, he brought a lawsuit against the state of new york over what he calls reprehensible lawfare against former president trump. and president trump is moving to overturn the new york conviction. plus, we have former cbo director douglas holtz okayen, excited to have douglas back on. a new inflationary report coming this at 3%. also this new u.s. news poll, the majority of young voters in swing states say, yes, inflation is their number one top concern. not biden's push to, quote -- that, quote, democracy is on the ballot. we're taking it on if on "the evening edit" coming up. stay right there.
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updated on this story. welcome back to the show. the president of the american action forum, douglas holtz-eakin, is going to help us out with this. okay, it's great to have you on, doug. >> thank you. elizabeth: so june inflation came in at 3%. still above the fed's 2 target for rate cuts. inflation is still up double digits under bide, like 20%, thereabouts, and for household goods. biden. do you expect the fed to cut interest rates? they're sill at the highest level since 2001. are you looking at a september rate cut? what do you thinksome. >> i'm a bit skeptical on that front, to be honest. certainly, the june report had some good news, shelter inflation is the lowest since august of 2021. but that doesn't change two things, it doesn't change the record from 2021 til now which is still one of very high inflation and very little growth in real wages, if any, at all. and it doesn't guarantee that you get back to 2. are remember -- 2%. we've had report z like this --
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reports like before, and we're feel not back to 2. going forward you've got another report in august, a read on the economy to see how hot it reads. it's far from locked that the fed moves in september. elizabeth: there's also this, this u.s. news and world report poll of more than 2,000 the young voters under the age of 35 if in 7 swing state, they say they're basically ignoring biden's push that democracy is on the ballot. inflation is their top concern. is there anything here that we should be concerned about that the president has not met with fed if chair powell in about two years? is that unusual? >> that's not unusual. certainly, i don't think there's anything that this president is interested idoing that would lessen the inflation. remember, this administration's running deficits of $2 trillion when the economy's at a full employment. that's just malpractice. is so they've made the fed's job harder all along. i don't think the fed would like to be seen as a collaborating with that.
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they're an independent agency. they're trying to get back to 2%. you know, it's been a long, hard slog, and they get a lot of criticism because interest rates remain high. but the lesson here is once you let the inflation get in the economy, you have no good choices. live with the inflation, no one likes that and and that's what the polling will tell you, or you have to put up with the things the fed has to do; higher interest rate, higher mortgage rates, higher auto loan rates in order to get inflation under control. the bad news situation was created with the policies in 2021 when the biden administration came in. we're just living with it now. elizabeth: the biden white house is going to spend to get reelected, they're now giving out nearly $22 billion to the to car makers like $2 billion to retool factories to make electric or hybrid cars. that's in eight states like pennsylvania, michigan and georgia. people aren't buying electric cars. nearly half said they don't --
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they want to go back to a gas car. they told mckenzie that. what to do you think of even more spending out of the biden white house to get electric cars into the mainstream? their saying it's going to create 15,000 union jobs. your take on this, final word. >> look, you know, the regulations dictate that you have to buy an ev. they're not going to be able to make gas-powered cars. they've giving you money to buy evs, and is if you can't make money when your customers are forced to buy your product and given money by the government to buy the product, you shouldn't be subsidized further by the government. you shouldn't be in business. that's it. elizabeth: all right. well, we'll see if, you know, the electric car mandate, it just doesn't seem to be working at all. has no common sense. douglas holtz-eakin, thanks for joining us. let's get you upday-to-day on the action in president trump's man at the -- manhattan trial. lydia hu live in new york with the story. >> reporter: liz, originally we were going to have the sentencing in that historic con
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conviction of former president donald trump today, but that sentencing has been delayed until september so trump's lawyers can argue that the jury's guilty verdict should be set aside. and a source close to the case tells me that the post-trial motion made by defense counsel was served on yesterday's deadline. now we're just waiting for that motion if to be made public on the court's web site. lawyers there, they're going to make arguments on the recent supreme court presidential immunity decision. that decision forbids the use of evidence of official conduct to prove unofficial conduct. but trump's lawyers are expected to the argue that's exactly what happened in this case. trump's lawyers will likely argue that, for example, witness testimony from white house aides hope hicks and madeleine wasterhouse about events -- westerhouse about events in the oval office was imper if mis, but used to proclaim that trump falsified records of his private business. they are also expected to argue
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that social media posts like this one made do during president trump's first term in office should never have been considered by the jury. they'll likely attack a whole host of other evidence, all this to try to convince the judge that without all of that evidence prosecutors could never have gotten a conviction which means the verdict must be set aside. of course, liz, prosecutors will have their chance to respond. and a note about the judge who's going to be deciding this motion. it will be decided by judge juan merchan, the same person who presided over the trial. and by many accounts and assessments, juan merchan is considered to be pretty pro-prosecution. but even in his order that delayed the sentencing to september 18 isth, even merchan noted himself that the sentencing will happen only if, quote, still necessary. if so it's possible, it seems like he's acknowledging the court could decide here that that recent supreme court decision on immunity means this jury's historic guilty verdict
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must be set aside for president trump. we'll see what happens. liz, back to you. elizabeth: let's ask a follow-up. so let's say they go through all of the evidence, right, that the trump team is going to present that basically says, you know, this piece of evidence should never have been admit canned, you know, supreme court immunity ruling covers that, you have to knock it out. lydia, wouldn't that take weeks to go through all the evidence too? >> reporter: yes, it absolutely would. and the judge has issued a timeline, actually, in which he's going to, you know, consider the arguments from both sides. and i believe it's early september that he says he's going to decide this motion on patient. so we already know when -- on paper. so we already know when his decision is going to come, but this'll probably be a nuanced and lengthy opinion. you're right, quite the analysis. elizabeth: sorry. thank you, lydia hu. we appreciate you so very much. let's get to missouri attorney general andrew bailey. it's great to have you back on. is so you file ifed a lawsuit against the state of new york.
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tell us more on why you're alleging new york state undermined president trump's ability to campaign and, you know, the gag orders and sentencing. are you saying this is election interference? >> it is absolutely election interference. this illicit witch hunt prosecution is injecting a poisonous if form of lawfare into our democratic process, and it's up to me to address the grievances that the missouri if electorate has with the state of new york. we can't let a rogue prosecutor and collusive judiciary in new york undermine missourians to participate in a national from presidential election in the most consequential election in this nation's history. by tethering president trump to a trial court and eventually an onerous sentence in the state of new york and by gagging and preventing him to exercise his right to free speech, the court is violating missourians' right to hear from a presidential candidate. so we're fighting back with the tools we have at our disposal. elizabeth: so when you look at
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the lawsuit and, you know, what is the standing that you have for the lawsuit? is it constitutional a violations? i mean, how many constitutional violations are there here, and is that the standing to bring it? >> well, the standing is that missourians are harmed. we have already had a caucus and have elected electors to send to the convention to cast their ballots, and and they need to be able to hear from the presidential candidate. yet they were deprived access to that candidate when president trump was tethered to a courtroom. he's still under a gag order which, again, the first amendment protects not only a speaker's right to say, but a listen or' -- listener's right to hear and those concerns should be heightened when you're talking about a national presidential candidate that's a favored by one of the major political parties. so missourians are absolutely harmed by this illicit, witch hunt prosecution in new york. we know the objective was never to obtain a legally-valid conviction. -- conviction. the objective was always to take president trump off the campaign trail. and there's always an argument under the purcell doctrine which
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holds that courts should stay out of any decision that would interfere with an election. and, again, those concerns are heightened the closer you get to an election. so by kicking the sentencing out until september, you're now on the eve of people having to go to the ballot box, and i constantly have constituents asking me, is president trump allowed to run for president? can he serve if he's a convicted felon and sentenced to prison in new york? so the court of new york needs to cease and desist, and the supreme court can exercise plenary power over the state court to stay any proceedings until after the election. elizabeth: a.g. actually bailey, appreciate you coming on. interesting story is. we'll stay on it. still ahead, tonight's "evening edit" debate panel, julian epstein along with fox news contributor deroy murdock. finish former president obama green lighting george clooney's op-ed calling for biden to drop out. should they give back the $30 million they raised at that a glitzy hollywood fundraiser? who was leaking at the biden
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white house against biden and why? and why are nancy pelosi and obama now basically saying effectively biden's gotta go? what is going on here? we're going to to take it on coming up. but first, we want to check in with my buddies dagen and sean to see what's coming up on "the bottom line." sean: hey, e-mac, thank you. we have a house committee subpoenaing top house staffers to come and talk about joe biden's mental fitness. anna paulina luna here on that as well as the big showdown tonight. joe biden doing a press conference. can he set the record straight? david webb here on that. dagen: and rich lowry as well. 6:30, that press conference is expected. sean and i are hear here for two hours. also joined by morgan ortagus. joe biden has been a disaster on the world stage, an absolute danger. that's his policy. now the person, the empty suit,
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the democrats rooting against him, it's -- we'll see what it him, it's -- we'll see what it is, coming up. starts the top of the hour. feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit when the sawdust settles and the engine roars the thing you care about is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪
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elizabeth: joining us now, former chief counsel to house
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judiciary, julian end epstein, during the 19998 impeachment proceedings against president bill clinton. also joining us, fox news contributor deroy murdock. his columns have appeared in publications nationwide. gentlemen, appreciate you so much coming on tonight for "the evening edit" debate panel. julian, president biden just spoke live on the teleprompter at the nato summit. in less than an hour, he's going to give his first solo news conference since his debate debacle. why, julian, all of a sudden are nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, george clooney with obama's blessing, you know, basically saying biden has to go? why are white house and biden campaign aides reportedly leaking saying he needs to go? do they really want kamala harris that badly? >> well, i think they're covering their asses. they've known for a long time that biden does not have the capacity for a second term, but they have stood by the deception, and now they are at a very late stage of the game, i think, trying to clean up their
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act. this is a story of mass deception by party leaders. it is a story of narcissism by the president who claims that he is fighting a noble purpose, but this is really just a craven attempt to hold on to power. it's a story of gross failure by the mainstream media reporting what they knew. we've known that the president has had this condition for at least yo -- two years. and, you know, it's overlaid by a sort of a culture within the new democratic party of authoritarianism that didn't allow for debate and doesn't tolerate dissent the way, liz, you and i have talked about before. i think at some point there's going to be a real comeuppance because this is not just about replacing a presidential nominee, this is about a culture of rot on the left that tolerated mass deception and thought they could tell people it was sunny the out when it was raining. wreath elizabeth yeah. what do you think, deroy? are obama and nancy pelosi really pushing out biden in and what julian is pushing out is the back story what's going on in this nation is the rot of the american left, that the democrat
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party went off the rails. it's not the democrat party we've ever seen before. that's the real back story as a everybody focuses on trump. what do you think, deroy? >> i think julian used a very good word there which is authoritarian. we've heard from democrats over recent weeks that president trump somehow is threat to democracy and he'll introduce authoritarianism, etc. and yet the democrat party's become the anti-democracy party. joe biden won 14 minute 3 million votes in the primaries -- 14.3. won 56 out of 57 contests losing only american samoa, and recontrol cans 98.9% of the convention delegates. yet you now have the party trying to disenfranchise voters or and essentially overturn the results of the primary election. i think that's appalling. these people showed up, they cast their ballots, and george clooney and other folks up on capitol hill are saying, well, the hell with them. let's pick somebody else who we want, and i think that's highly
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anti-democratic and puts a total lie to their claims that it's donald trump. elizabeth: the democratic primary was pretty rigged anyway, critics say. they knocked out other candidates and just focused on biden. let's back up. you make great points here. if we can just take a moment and put this solo press conference by the president in context. during his years in office, he went 30 months would want a solo news conference, 16 months without a tv news interview. but you're going to hear msnbc say, you know what? he should run again, everything is fine. first watch bind, then watch cnn's jake tapper, then listen to msnbc. listen to this. >> let me say as clearly as i can, i'm staying in the race! [cheers and applause] i'll beat donald trump. i will beat him again in to -- in 2020. >> your ears did not deceive you, that's president biden trying to assure folks concerned about his cognitive skills by saying he's going to beat donald
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trump and win in 2020. 2020. >> joe biden is a decent man who, like i said, has done nothing wrong. he hasn't been caught in a scandal. he is just aging. >> is biden qualified and could he run the country for another four years in i think the answer to that is, absolutely, yes. there's not a question in my mind. there have been people who have been much more seriously disabled than this that have been able to run the country. he has a great staff. elizabeth: wait a minute. biden's really done nothing wrong, julian? botched the exit if out of afghanistan, 13 troops murdered, said no troops died on his watch? a total of 16 did, impeachment probe into biden family corruption allegations? what do you think, julian? >> well, i think this is a story about how group think makes you stupid particularly when you're cheered on by a news media that has forgotten to do its job rather than put your partisan fingers on the scales for one party. you know, there was a good column in "the washington post"
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today that said fox news viewers were probably much better informed than the president's condition or the focus watching the other networks or reading the print publications. you can say the same thing about afghanistan, about inflation which wasn't transto beer you could say the same thing about the immigration wave, the crime wave. i mean, i tell democrats all the a time they'd be a lot smarter if they moved away from the group think and started reading conservative critiques, started watching different points of view because this is evidence of, again, a cultural rot and a group think where people just stop thinking and they pay attention like sheep going off a cliff. and this should be a teachable moment on the left. elizabeth: julian, deroy, thank you so much. deroy, sorry we ran out of time there. still ahead, retired lieutenant colonel james care tan fab know. -- carafano. we've got more details coming in this hour that nato officials
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from multiple european nations now at that summit in d.c. reportedly, quote, alarmed by biden's apparent decline. we're going to the talk about it on "the evening edit "tom -- coming up. ♪ ♪ (man 1) can you hear me now? can you hear me now? can you hear me now? (dj) can you hear me now? (runner) stay with me now! (teens) oooo! (woman 1) mírame ahora! (woman 2) get em now! (roger goodell) we're ready now! (woman 3) have fun! (fan) ooo, pinch me now!
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elizabeth: we have more breaking news, bringing in
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retired u.s. army lieutenant colonel carafano, sit tight. the president just made another unfortune gaffe. please listen to this new blunder. >> now i want to hand it over to the president of ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination, ladies and gentlemen president putin. >> president biden called leader zelenskyy putin, the leader of russia who he is in a war with. she is supposed to settle -- he is supposed to settle everyone's nerves. >> this is not as shocking on our adversaries. first. since day one all they have done is follow the obama playbook, for 14 years we know what foreign policy looks like. that is no surprise, they phone in foreign policy, second thing, people have intelligence agencies they
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are not stupid, they have been following biden, he works from 10 to over two day. since day one -- 10 to 2 every day since day one, he takes lock weekends they have a time in white house the fall guys, to follow him around making sure he does not get laughte lost or fall down. elizabeth: so, what does this mean for america overseas? >> i don't think we'll see dramatically different foreign policy in the next 6 months than in last three and a half years, live about in election, we have two candidates, i am not a republican, or a democrat, i don't have a dog in the fight, we have two candidates with different visions for america, they have a record you can look at. this is the best choice america has ester had in two leaders to replace biden raises a lot of issues. you don't have a national candidate, the infighting is
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ugly and it is tearing the party apart we have never done a bait-and-switch in our national election. elizabeth: we have nato leaders saying from european nations, at the summit, they are alarmed by his decline, nato leaders don't like trump, final word. >> trump will be great for nato, and great for europe. if you look at what he did the first 4 years and focus on, that everything he said of right, rearming defense, he armed ukrainians and warned people about the russiansism g. elizabeth: got it lieutenant colonel james carafano, thank you. >> president biden made a blunder called zelenskyy, putin, setting up news conference, dagen and sean are about to cover, take it away "the bottom line." dagen: thank you, emac. elizabeth: sur


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