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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 12, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> didn't have a full impression but he reminded the world that he's just not up to the task. >> i don't think any of our
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allies walked out reassured and all of our adversaries are absolutely emboldened. >> stuart, we're going to take a victory lap photos over prices falling 0.1%? this is absolutely ridiculous. prices are up over 19% since the president took office. this is the arsonist playing fireman. >> this was their plan. that's why they're unprepared for this. it didn't matter that they were setting the country on fire. it didn't matter the left was getting their wish list. that failed and now joe biden is thinking well, i'm the one that's going to go under the bus. stuart: that is give you hell, all american rejects. that's quite a name for a band, all american rejects. 11:00 eastern time. it is friday, it is july 12th all day. we're going to check the markets for you.
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look at that. dow's up 250 points and back at the 40,000 level, how about that? nasdaq is up 190 points, 18,475. big tech have they recovered from yesterday's losses? not all of them. we have apple up $4 and alphabet up 16-cents and microsoft, amazon and meta plat for the purposes are down, meta holding above $504 a share and yield moving down to 4.20%. now this, i call it the obama hollywood access. fellow democrat and generally supportive of joe biden till now. now it's over. the obama team's fingerprints are all over the attacks on the president and in particular george clooney's op ed in the new york times demanding the president step down. there's some speculation that a obama staffer suggested clooney write the piece.
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when a copy of it was presented to obama before publication, he did not veto it. that is the same as approving it. well, that was followed by a stream of criticism from obama's main man, david axelrod and former obama aids on the pod -- save america podcast and laid it on thick on how biden should withdraw and criticizing the performance at george clooney hollywood fundraiser and the super rich closed their wallets and dropped $30 million and now they're saying no mas, no more. the times headline says it all. how biden lost george clooney in hollywood and this represents an extraordinary split in the democrat party and that champion, former president obama is at war with the current president and the democrat celebrity bank hollywood turned off the money supply to a sitting democrat president, amazing. backdoor way to get them into
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the top spot and gavin newsom, who knows. but there's clearly no love lost between the former president and the current president. there's only 115 days to the election. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: steve hilton, our man in california, god bless him. now, steve, what do you make of this split between obama and biden? it's pretty fundamental, isn't it? >> it's fundamental but it's also funny because it's irony here, stuart. looks very much to me like it could be the case that obama, axelrod, the pod save america host, george clooney, all the people are the ones that guarantee that donald trump is elected in november. why? because there's nothing more certain to make biden dig his heels in and cling on than obama
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trying to push him out and we already know that biden is totally resentful of obama for passing him over and backing hillary in 2016. patronized and looked down upon and sneered at by all these guys and if obama is there trying to get him out, it's a guarantee he stays in and great news for donald trump. stuart: do you think obama is basically running the white house at the moment? no, he's not running the white house. hunter is running the white house, jill biden is running the white house. obama is running the opposition. >> that's right. that was the story of the past few years and all the obama crew in there, blinken and all the characters and susan rice and all that. that was the story that he was like the puppet master and now he's decided to cut the strings. now hunter and jill. the whole thing is in shams and i don't think i've seen a political party make such a mess of things as the democrats are
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doing right now. it even makes the british that have been utterly shambolic for years look competent. stuart: last night's press conference extended the democrat's dilemma because they want him out but they can't get him out. they're just waiting for another terrible slip up. that's the way it is, i think. >> 100%. it bought him a bit more time and not great and not a disaster and you've got enough people in the party for example and congressman ro khanna with the press conference saying he did really well. there's enough people saying that so keep him chugging along for another few days and limping along and he needs a few more days and they've got role call vote to do the nomination before the convention and then it's a done deal and hilarious thing is all the people telling us that biden is not fit to be president suddenly change their tune and they're saying he's the greatest leader ever and it's hilarious.
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stuart: far too much fun, young man. that's a fact. i want to bring up soccer with you. or futball as i would call it. england took on netherlands and took down spain and it's at 3:0. do you think this year, finally the english will do it? >> i'm wearing the england shirt, the three lines on my chest. my son said if england get to the final, make sure you wear that shirt on tv, it's his shirt actually. doesn't fit me that well. it's an amazingly important weekend for england. this is the best performance in terms of the tournament progression for the england team since 1966 and the first time since they're in the final of a major championship on foreign soil.
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the whole country playing and consumed by this and they've got to the final and in the end, results matter. stuart: to repeat, it's on fox and be clear by this. one more for argentina in the copa american final. you're rooting for messi. >> it's one of the greatest players and we've got to seat columbia brazil game in the brazil area and it was an amazing match and what was strike about it, it felt like a columbia home game. very, very strong columbia support here in california. stuart: amazing. steve hilton, i hope you enjoy watching the game. thanks, steve. back to the markets, the dow and s&p looking at record high closers. look at that. we're up 300 on the dow, well above 40,000 and the nasdaq is above 200 points higher, not bad. jonathan hoenig joining me as he does on a friday morning. the producer price index, a little hotter than expected and
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up 2.6% over the past 12 months and not much of a problem for the market by the looks of it. >> nope, you can trust the data about as much as you can throw it and ppi was hotter than expected and cpi, consumer price index was cooler than expected. the fed promised us that inflation would be transitory and i don't buy it at all and inflation is actually likely heating up. one of the indexes at all time highs is the indexes of gold mining, gold mining stocks and in fact they tend to proceed rising in actual metal itself and i'm leading inflation and rate slowed but i don't think it's gold and i think we could see it heat up again and government spending hasn't stopped till government spending stops, inflation won't stop either. stuart: your exotic pick of the day is gltr. is that a gold miner stock? >> indeed. look, you want to keep it simple, stuart. buy breakouts and gold stocks as i said are breaking out, aem, cde, nem. what i like about gold stocks
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more than anything now, gold in particular, it's not correlated with the rest of the market, stuart. all right, well, i don't know if you have me or not but gltr is one to put on your list and considerate for diversified portfolios and i own it at capitalist pig. stuart: it's $107 at the moment. where do you see it going? >> i think gold itself could likely double and sounds extraordinary and look at what bitcoin has done over the last couple of years and gold is undervalued on historical basis and same thing with platinum and palladium and silver. don't fight the tape, the last time gold was in a real big bull market and stuart: jonathan hoenig, thank you for joining and yous have a great weekend. one of the movers is wells
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fargo. lauren: on the call is the economy being strong and slowing and low in demand and it means tepid and stock is down almost 7% and in the quarter where wells reported and say their profits fell and a key metric called net interest decline and that's what they pay out on deposits and they only fell and expected to continue. stuart: idec. lauren: yeah, stock down 2% and piper sandler cuts price target and they see tepid sales for alzheimer drug. stuart: oh, dear. dear. lauren: they cut in half fiscal 25 sales expectations for that drug. slow up tick. stuart: i think if i'm not mistaken, eli lilly hit another new high, is that right? lauren: yeah, 948 was the high. it's at 946 now for a gain of over 1% and ubs said going to over $100 and mono-jar row and -- monjaro. stuart: thank you, lauren.
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democratic socialist of america pulled endorsement for alexandria ocasio-cortez because she thinks israel has a right to this. this is a highlight of a real split in the democrat party. one of many splits and we're all over it. president biden delivering a gaffe-filled press conference and meant to quiet concerns of the most vocal critics and did it work? we'll break down some of his biggest blunders. i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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(man 1) can you hear me now? can you hear me now? can you hear me now? (dj) can you hear me now? (runner) stay with me now! (teens) oooo! (woman 1) mírame ahora! (woman 2) get em now! (roger goodell) we're ready now! (woman 3) have fun! (fan) ooo, pinch me now!
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(woman 4) save me now! (toddler) let's go now! (woman 5) check me now! (toddler) catch me now! (gamer 1) cmon! (gamer 2) play me now! (toddler) okay, bye now!
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want to save on some of the biggest names in streaming on the network made for streaming? x marks the spot. now you can add the new xfinity streamsaver™ that includes netflix, peacock, and apple tv+. that's xfinity streamsaver™ for just $15 a month. all your favorites. all in one place. only from xfinity. for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. stuart: following last night's press conference, more democrats are calling for biden to step aside. peter doocy joins me. peter, hawkeyes the white houssaying about increasing number of defections? >> stu, president biden himself
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is saying he would step aside as the democratic nominee but somebody would have to show him a poll that he doesn't think exists. >> looking back and someone said there's no way you can win. me. no one is saying that. no poll says that. how accurate does anybody think the polls are these days? the polls have likely voters, me versus trump where i win all the type. reporter: if for some reason the president wants to leave, he's blessing kamala harris as replacement preliminarily because of her work with women's rights. >> first of all, the way she's handled the issue on freedom of women's bodies to have control of their bodies and secondly her ability to handle almost any issue on the board. this was a hell of a prosecutor. she was a first rate person and in the senate she was really good. i wouldn't have picked her
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unless i thought she was qualified to be president. the reporter:. president is basically daring democratic delegates to try and up send his nomination at the convention and warning them they won't get any help or money from him. >> if i show up at the convention and say we want somebody else, that's democratic process. it's not going to happen. start from scratch and, you know, we talk about, you know, money raised. we're not doing bad. we're up $220 million in the bank. we're doing well. so with that, i want to follow that. reporter: affected their calculations one way or another.
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back to you. stuart: thank you, peter. just fine. president biden claimed trump gave putin a free pass to do whatever he wants. roll tape. >> meanwhile my predecessor has made it clear he has no commitment to nato. he's made it clear that he would feel no obligation to honor article 5. he's already told putin and i "do whatever the hell you want". in fact, day after putin invaded ukraine, here's what he said "it was genius, it was wonderful". some of you forget that but that's what he said. i made it clear, a strong nato is essential to american security. stuart: brett velicovich joins me now and he knows a lot about what's going on in europe and especially ukraine. brett, i don't think trump ever gave the russian as free patch to do whatever the hell they want, as he put it is, did he?
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>> no, of course not. the facts don't lie, stuart. putin waited until biden took office to fully invade ukraine and why do that? putin is intense officer and he could get away with it and not when trump was in office and look at recent events and trump saying he could win the war quickly and as fact as putin could come to the negotiation table and hearing those words. ukrainians with the war ending and everyone is exhausted and the more dangerous issue is day-by-day, i see us losing our respect on the world stage from other foreign leaders and biden is the victory lap and claims it was the best nato summit ever and photographs of world leaders in the press mocking him and the summit and many others see us like that. the president is going to be a direction of the strength of our country and it'll be of our power projection and strength. it's blatant they're mocking us and russia getting more and more
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emboldened by the day and seeing current geopolitical climate and getting away with anything and they're spread way too thin and handling of north korea and china and gaza and that's emboldened security and we haven't looked strong as a country to help our allies and really challenge a lot of these efforts on behalf of putin. stuart: it's the latest patriot missile air defense system to ewe yanis. first of -- ukraine. what tactical benefit does that provide to ukraine and stop by ukraine. and aircraft and modern and very sophisticated air defense system and it's crucial to protect ukrainian air space and strategic assets and more protection is needed and russia targeted with the largest
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children's hospital kill ago number of people, it's disgusting and it's a number of people with hospital and chancer patients undergoing heart surgery and no reason to target it and now it's become this norm of the rockets coming into the capitol that people seem to just forget about quickly and we've lost our muay manty and when they're striking children's hospitals at this point, we have to do more and this is a long step -- a great step in that direction, but i personally felt, you know, attacks multiple times while in the ukrainian capitol from the russian long range rockets and the biggest issue is hypersonic missiles and that has to get stopped and i don't come fast and you barely have any time before those things get through and a lot of them are penetrating the ukrainian air defenses and so that's why additional line of this protection level is really going to keep the ukrainian economy going. that's going to help the ukrainians getting more people back there and that i have already returned and kyiv used to be a ghost town and now
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traffic and bustling shops and markets popping back up, and that's because there's a protection bubble but it's not enough. again, with this recent asack on the -- attack on the children's hospital, it's clear some of the rockets are getting through. stuart: are we getting into a forever war and could trump if he was president again cut it and stop it? >> i think if trump takes office again, the war is stopped almost immediately. that's not to say that it wouldn't start up again years down the road, but i think a lot of people are ready for this war to stop including russia and they've taken a lot of losses and i think they see trump as a mechanism to potentially come to the negotiation table and stop the war. stuart: interesting. brett velicovich, thank you for being with us this morning. appreciate it. see you soon. chinese navy ships spotted near alaska's islands. lauren: there were four and said they're conducting freedom of navigation operations but the four chinese military ships
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spotted near alaska on saturday and sunday and they were in international waters and inside the exclusive economic zone of the baring sea and 200 nautical miles off the coastline and it does not restrict operations within the economic zone and the coast guard showed the chinese ships out the door. stuart: got them out of there. let's take a look at some of the spots and they're big on the list and big e winners of the dow 30 headed by intel, which is up 3%. on the list, caterpillar, apple, home depot and am general. the big -- amgen. builder's first source, bank of new york, enfaze energy and coming up on the friday morning and food delivery fees in new york have spiked 58% in the last year and we'll tell you what caused the massive jump. hillary clinton has a message for democrats ode to oust biden
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and can't force them out and tomi lahren will take that one on next. ♪
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gold. standing the test of time. stuart: see that, dow at all time high and intraday high and it's 40,074 right now. nasdaq up 218, 483 and that is a rally. what's going on with apple? i've been looking at that gaining ground again today. the story? lauren: up about 2% and dow and nasdaq are spiking and the foxconn factories in china that are the assembly line for the iphone and they're reportedly on a massive hiring spree ahead of the new iphone 16 launch in september. that would be the ai capable iphone they expect to sell well. mass production, hiring well to gear up for it. stuart: archer aviation, they were on the show and have electric planes. lauren: air taxis and point to get you from your house or to the airport via an air taxi and they're in a deal with southwest
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airlines to develop operational plans for those air taxis at airports throughout california. that's a key step in the idea of the air taxi taking you to the airport. stuart: bring them back to the show. really electric care taxi. lauren: stock's up 9%. stuart: now this, the trump and biden campaigns are focusing on pennsylvania. obviously it's a crucial state, it's a must win state in november. and grady trimble is with us. what do the campaigns have planned for pennsylvania this weekend? reporter: stu, former president trump and vice president harris on opportunistic side sides of the keystone state sharing very different visions for the country and same goal of rally their supporters to turn out in november and tram and gop reaching out to work -- trump and gop reaching out and top states for fossil fuel production and convention energy and cutting taxes and tomorrow
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is generating speculation and vp pick and only for geographical reasons and solid red county close to ohio is home to senator jd vance and all of them are still in the dark. >> nobody knows except president trump. reporter: nobody knows but president trump. on the other side of the state, this trip will mark the sixth time harris visited pennsylvania this year and the biden campaign is reportedly testing her against trump, but publicly harris is defending biden. >> one thing we know about our president joe biden is that he is a fighter. so we will continue to fight and we will continue to organize, and in november we will win. reporter: president biden
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himself acknowledged himself last night that he'll make a good president and biden still believes he's most qualified for the job. stuart: i've heard you say that several times. grady trimble. hillary clinton is reportedly trying to calm fears about biden's campaign and told democrats biden cannot be forced out of the race. tomi lahren is with us. sounds like she's defending biden and i thought she was aligned with obama and obama is undermining biden. >> i think hillary clinton is incredibly self-serving and i don't think that south carolina cares much for kamala harris and i don't think jill biden cares much for kamala harris and might have something to do with it and on the other side of that, i think this and hillary clinton is so indulgent and i think she wants her party to stick with biden is i think she's okay with biden losing to donald trump because i think she still is so bitter she lost to donald trump
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that she doesn't want joe to defeat donald trump for a second time because it still bothers her so much that she lost to donald trump in 2016. i don't think hillary clinton cares as much about her party or certainly this country as she does about herself, her legacy, and i also think she says these things so that we talk about hillary clinton. stuart: that's right. >> she loves when we're talking about her. everything always has to come back to hillary. she'll never stop and she's the christmas fruitcake that won't go away, and we're stuck with her. stuart: interesting line, christmas fruitcake that won't go away. >> that's hillary. lauren: does anybody give fruitcakes anymore? stuart: they were used as doorstoppers when i was a kid. democratic socialist of america pulled their endorsement to squad member alexandria ocasio-cortez because she thinks israel has a right to exist. a part from -- that's nonsense and the democrat split for the
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ages. that's huge. lauren: why proclaim to be democrat socialists in the first place and that's concerning and going for the show and how radical part of the democrat party is and we're talking about the he's got president joe biden back and he's calling for him and really odd and they're worried about their own races and saw what happened to representative jamaal bowman and maybe staying tight lipped and trying to appear less radical and they're worried about the squad and everybody in the democrat party is self-serving and most are and they're curious of the squad and they're choosing to stand behind joe and think maybe the first female black president. stuart: if he's elected, to put it mildly, he's unlikely to be still the president in 20
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whatever it is. it's going to be, the vice president will be kamala harris. we'll love to have kamala harris with a problem. >> there's very few people that will publicly talk about how much they love kamala harris and i don't see a lot of people up till maybe a week and a half ago when talking about replacements for joe biden and kamala's name was not in the mix and maybe till the last week that people have from an obligation standpoint talked about kamala, but in the early discussions, it's all been about gavin, gretchen, kamala's name was way down that list and she's the current vice president. that's got to sting. stuart: we've got like a snowballing movement here of more and more democrats saying the president should step aside. what do you think? should he stay or go? after you saw last night's press conference? >> i'm not a democrat so i don't care what they do quite honestly but fig your out what hay want to do amongst themselves and
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it's chaos and joe biden will not be their nominee. can't put that genie back in the bottle when nancy pelosi, barack obama and many others come out and not defending him and maybe being tight lipped about it and some that quite honestly said he's got to go. you can't reverse that now. there's a mutiny and an insurrection within the democratic party and you can't verne verse that snowball. stuart: you want bide ton be the candidate because you think trump will beat him. >> yards in aggie, and kamala harris as well and either of those two and it's easy and gavin newsom is tougher to beat, it if they're going to go with joe or kamala, have at it and best of luck to them. stuart: you're enjoying it. >> so much. stuart: you're all right, thanks for joining us. stuart: a trump super pack raised millions in the last three months and a lot of money. how much? lauren: 104 million in the second quarter and make america great again super pack and big donors include the banking heir
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20 million and linda mcman $5 million. they're spending money on mainly ads in the swing state and pro trump ads. why not. stuart: there's a very tight senate race happening in began and now tell me what do the polls have leading or leaning democrat. lauren: it's a political report and going toss up and going for democrats and there's likely democrat and lean democrat toss and you happen moving into republican territory. the democrat running for debbie stabenow's seat could lose to the republican-backed republican mike rogers. that primary is in early august. michigan obviously is a swing state and right now is the tightest of them and real clear political polling average and trump up only by 0.6 points in began. stuart: thanks. coming up, a small store in massachusetts giving free ice cream to children, but only if they can pass a patriotic test.
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we'll tell you all about it. stuart: there's a few notable names missing from the meeting and why four prominent governors are not there. that's next. ♪ investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price, we ask smart questions about opportunities
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everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really?
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look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? stuart: dow hit all time high at 40 10:55. by the way -- 40,055. new intraday high is going on right now at s&p and could close at a record closing high. rally right there, dow is up 300. gathering in a meeting in salt lake city and going there for us and anyone notably absent from
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this meet something >> yeah, hi profile democratic governors being discussing to replace president biden at the top of the ticket should he step aside and not in attendance is the summer meeting here in utah and gavin newsom and this morning i talked with governor democrat jared polis at the state of the race and department watch last night's potential news conference and remember that democrat with them and polis told biden he heard a ground swell of people from biden that would end his campaign and if that's increased.
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>> whether it's strategy or the message administer candidate, we're open to all possibilities and democrats want to make sure we can prevail in november and protect our democracy. asking him about that as well. >> the flattery and that kind of context and i don't let that be a dis-fraction and i'm focused on be -- destruction and i'm focused on be -- distraction and i'm focused on being the governor of colorado. >> i asked governor polis if he believes biden should step aside. he did not say no. stuart: that's all you can say, he did not say no. thanks very much indeed. now this, there's one state which will now allow people to order their cocktails to go. i can't think where this might
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happen and going for north carolina. lauren: yeah, mardi gras. yeah, i guess they won't arrest you for it. stuart: in new orleans, you can carry a drink around. lauren: governor roy cooper of north carolina signed this into law earlier this week and take your drinks to go and it was popular during the pandemic and north carolina is the 29th state going with alcohol to go and louisiana is on there and it is. the law lowers the tax rate for cocktails for the ones and premixed and going for lower tax and it allows for alcohol sales on certain holidays. stuart: the bulk of rising cost onto customers and it's enormous increase in delivery and paying
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for more the service and grub hub and your workers are making over $19 an hour. their higher wages mandated by state law and in the year since this went into effect, the fees that customers pay on the food orders up almost 60% and comes to $20 million per week in fees that new yorkers pay to get their food delivered. the workers are paying more but their tips are down. this report says by 60, 6-0%. stuart: that really hurts. bad news. thanks, lauren. it's this time of day we show you the dow 30 and a sense of the market. looks pretty good. some buying out there. most of the dow 30 are up and the dow is up itself 317 points and new intraday high and well above 40,000. do not leave your screen.
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♪ stuart: don't you love that, i'm in love with a woman in a four wheel drive. lauren: really? stuart: i think that's what it is. toby keith, 80 degrees and however before we get started and i want to bring you a feel good story, real good one. there's an ice cream store in swanzy, massachusetts, called eskimo king and special offer for the month of july, every monday from 4-7:00 p.m., children under the age of 12 can stop by and if they can recite the policemen of alleges -- pledge of aleans from memory, they -- allegiance, they get a free ice cream cone. lauren: i love that .
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stuart: who's the most famous person you've met and most inspiring person you've met in your career? margaret thatcher. what a woman, fantastic. inspiration was david, where you know of the growth indexedest broadcasters of all time and -- greatest broadcasters and great human human being and more. lauren: he picked me out of the crowd and shocked and a lot of reaction with with it so it sticks with me and unexpectedly doing that with one or two questions. lauren: he was the president. stuart: this is from kasandra. lauren: most famous person. stuart: you must be excited for the european championship. who do you think will win and rooting for england? lauren: spain. stuart: excuse me? lauren: i only know that because you told me who was playing. stuart: i'm for engined land and
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watching all afternoon on sunday at 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon. lauren: couldn't careless. stuart: i'll move on from there. i worked in new york state court system in new york and judges can't serve after the age of 47. should a similar age limit in place for the president and entire executive branch. no, choose the leaders you wish. i don't care how old they are and i'm over 74 and i don't want to get marched out of the door because of my age. lauren: it's a tough question. there's rules for ceos and their age and for pilots and i don't know if it should be uniform or not at all, i don't know. stuart: easy for you, you're a youngster. lauren: well. stuart: from anne, stu, how big is the culture shock moving to america and for you, what was your biggest shock when visiting another country? the biggest shock was how big america is.
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lauren: when i got to other countries, i'm surprised that everybody speaks english. it's so rare that i have to speak or try to speak another language in another country. stuart: okay. that's a good one. why not. lauren: it's terrible because i would like to learn other languages and nobody speaks them. everybody speaks english. stuart: that's right. stick to your language. clark says you always ask your viewers for questions on the feedback segments. any questions you hate being asked? yeah, hate being invited out at night. i don't do that . i don't socialize at night. i don't do that . how about you? lauren: at least you get invited out at night. stuart: occasionally. not so much anymore. lauren: i hate pretending to be tall.
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stuart: ten pounds and two inches. from luke, i remember a while back you did a brief segment and read quotes from famous individuals throughout history. what's your favorite quote from a historical figure? i'll go first if i may, winston churchill and camel is a horse designed bay committee. i like that one. lauren: was it disney that said that or iger? stop talking and start doing. don't talk, just do it. half the doing is in the starting. stuart: from a former relative of mine. lauren: your mother? you tell me a lot of your mom's quotes. stuart: she was fantastic. lauren: i know. stuart: friday feedback is over and now the friday trivia question, what was the first movie to release a sound track album? singing in the rain, the jazz singer, snow white and the seven
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dwarfs or wizard of oz? answer when we come back. .. (man 1) can you hear me now? can you hear me now? can you hear me now? (dj) can you hear me now? (runner) stay with me now!
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movie to release a soundtrack album? singing in the rain, the jazz singer? the wizard of oz? what is your guess? lauren: the wizard of ahs. stuart: i am going with snow white and the seven dwarfs. the jazz singer was too early. that was 1927 i think. i am saying snow white and the seven dwarfs. i was right. released 1937 by walt disney. the first movie ever to have sound was the jazz sinker, released a decade earlier in 1927. a good week, hasn't it full of good policy. next week will be better. neil: doesn't that creep you out?


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