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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  July 12, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: my last word tonight, milwaukee! "kudlow" will be lye at the rnc starting monday, july 15th, at 44 p.m. eastern right here on fox -- 4 p.m. eastern right here on fox business. and liz liz mac don up next. [laughter] meth elizabeth are you be -- elizabeth: will you be taking phone calls? larry: i'm going to roam around the floor, do a chatter and say hello. i probably know a third of the delegates. it's going to be wild. elizabeth: it's going to be
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totally wild. see you there. it's good to sea -- see you again. i'm liz mac if donald, welcome to "ed the evening edit." fox news contributor, liz peek. liz, okay, this slippery ride, this campaign, you know, the news is now coming in, liz, that president trump is hammering biden. he says he'll taking cognitive test as long as biden takes one, what do you think? >> i don't think biden is going to do it, liz. look, there's a reason he hasn't done it up til now. that would put this entire issue to rest. he won't do it because he cannot. trump has and he will do it again in fess -- if necessary, but there is no comparing the level acuity and responsiveness and alertness of these who two men. they're certainly not comparable. biden is really not with it half the time. trump is just fine. elizabeth: you know, liz, the white house and his media allies are saying biden's solo press conference went better than his
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debate debacle, but didn't they set the bar so low a caterpillar could walk across it? [laughter] >> i think that's true. you know, he didn't have a major face plant the way he did during the debate but, look, he looked sort of stunned half the time. he called on friendly reporters. he teed up questions that were bound to get sort of favorable answers like the italian radio guy who basically said isn't it true that trump is going to demollish nato, and you have been so great for natosome when you set someone up like that, liz, it's pretty hard to fail. so, yeah, the bar was low. he did okay. i didn't think he did great, but this is kind of what we expect now. elizabeth: you know, the breaking news coming in too, liz, 538 now reports polling averages show biden again just hit a record low. he now only has a 27% chance of winning the electoral college versus 35% before the debate. that's according to 538. let's show how it went last
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night at biden's solo presser. problems started even before it began. watch. >> and now i want to hand it over to the president of ukraine, ladies and gentlemen, president putin. i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president if i didn't think she was qualified to be vice president. i'm following the advice of my commander in chief. remember what happened when you had the attack on israel. with rockets. i was able to unite the arab nations as well as, as well as europe. and nothing happened. nothing got hurt. the bottom line is all the polling data right now, which i think is premature because the campaign really hasn't even started -- >> you referred to vice president harris as vice president trump. right now donald trump is using that to mock your age and your memory. how do you combat that criticism from tonight? if. >> listen to him. elizabeth: nobody knows what that meant. okay, he said nobody got hurt
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when he got the mideast nations and european allies with israel and gaza? here's what's going on, liz. before and even just moments after his news conference ended, liz, reports came in that nancy pelosi, obama and clinton aides again hit the panic button to get him out, that the end, quote, feels clearly near. they're reportedly plotting hourly to get him to withdraw quickly, that it's just a matter of how it plays out, liz. isn't that going to be difficult to do that? they have no plan on what to do next. >> i'm really tempted to lean in and whisper, it isn't gonna happen, liz, like he did last night. look, he's setting a very high bar for getting him out which is that someone has to prove to him that he cannot win. guess what? all the other democrats that are being considered also poll pretty poorly against donald trump because they express the same policies as donald trump. and american voters are stick of it -- sick of it. they're sick of an open border
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and high inflation and all the things we've suffered under for three and a half years. so president trump's presidency right now looks pretty good in the rearview mirror, and i don't think a kamala harris candidacy or gretchen whitmer or gavin newsom is really going to change the needle very much. there would be a big techs motion of enthusiasm up front -- explosion, and then voters would say, wait a minute, aren't they talking exactly the same language as joe biden? why should i vote for them? i don't think there's an easy way out of this. elizabeth: i mean, biden's tenure has been catastrophically bad when you look at the polls. top democrats reportedly talking about taking the fight to him by commissioning new polls, lobbying obama and clinton, organizing donors. they're saying that the end for his candidacy feels clear. he ain't going. he's staying. that's what's clear after that news conference. is so now you've got the rnc convention, you've got trump in pennsylvania, in the keystone state, kamala harris there tomorrow. what is your take on trump really plowing ahead? you know, this time last year
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they thought they were going to have him in jail. what a turn-around. this is quite the comeback story, liz. he's got a positive message to revive and bring back america. that's why people are moving toward trump. what do you think about that, and what do you think -- who do you think he should pick for vice president? [laughter] >> oh, boy, that's a big question. look, today consumer sentiment went down again. the american people want a change, liz. and that is what donald trump is going to provide. i actually think there's an argument to be made that the tock market, what we're seeing -- stock market is a trump rally. why? because biden is anti-business. when he comes on in front of the american people and says, well, inflation is still a problem but it's because of greedy corporations and we're going to tamp down on that, we're going to control grocery prices and stuff, who are they kidding? they have no ideas, no policies that are going to make life better. and i hope in the republican national convention coming up next week that that donald trump and his surrogates and the other
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people in the party express a platform which we now have seen which really will make life better for americans including, by the way, bringing energy prices down which are about to go higher for a variety of reasons, and biden, that is one of his classic failures and classic wins for donald trump. elizabeth: liz peek, always great to have you on. appreciate you very much. now look who's here, let's welcome to the show fox news contributor and "wall street journal" columnist bill mcgurn: bill, you've been a journalist, a columnist, a writer for so long. this news coming in that the biden white house and the campaign over there got the media to cover up his decline. how's that going to play with swing state voters? you've got this civic media radio network in wisconsin saying, yeah, now it does regret letting the biden campaign edit its interview with biden before the broadcast aired. they along with philly, that station in philly, another station in philly in the swing state of pennsylvania, they
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admit that the biden campaign did give them preapproved, scripted questions, and now they're editing the interview in wisconsin at that station. what do you think? >> yeah, it's the typical beltway press attitude toward democrats versus republicans. goes back to 2020. they protected joe biden when he sat in his basement. they suppressed the hunter biden laptop when the new york post ran a story authenticating it. it's more of the same. i think the american people watching this not only know there's something wrong with joe biden, it's not just that he had a bad night. there's too many incidents. and they know, they hear all the people still covering for him saying it's one bad night if or, you know, not asking really tough questions. so they're going to take that into account. elizabeth: okay, let's listen, we're going to have the viewer listen to, we want you to hear what was edited out. you're going to hear biden falsely claim he a had more
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blacks in his white house than all other presidents combined. he made a gaffe on trump's call for the death pen ifty for the central park jogger case in '89. then you're going to hear biden's campaign admit, yeah, they do demand the media clean up what he said. really? that's a no-no. and you're going to hear that bind even scripts his own cabinet if meetings where cabinet if members have to send in preapproved questions? listen to this. >> in addition to that, i had more blacks in my administration than any other president, all other presidents combined in major positions, cabinet positions. i don't know if they call for their hanging or not, but they said convicted of murder. >> look, it is not making things a lot easier for us right now as democrats. i will say as a comms staffer, we will sometimes go after an interview and try to clean up the quotes. >> according to two sources, before cabinet if meetings that the president attends, cabinet officials will submit their questions and talking points,
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key talking points and bullet points that they plan to present to the president in these closed door meetings. this is how one source described it, they said the entire display is kind of an act. they would come and say, hey, the president is going to call on you about 25 minutes in and ask this question, what are the bullet points that you'll respond with? now, the white house's defense has been that is standard practice for any administration. if. elizabeth: okay, really? scripted cabinet meetings? [laughter] this is off the wall stuff, bill. i mean, he hasn't held a cabinet meeting in nine months, since last october. >> right. elizabeth: we should also point out biden said the victim in the central park jogger case was murdered, she was not. it's a big journalism no-no to let any campaign or politician edit what was said. he needs wisconsin, pennsylvania and michigan. his team is caught censoring and editing his interviews in milwaukee and philly, and he faces a boycott vote in michigan. how is this going?
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>> it's going very badly. look, since the debate 511 million americans saw for themselves everything they'd been told by the press, by the white house is not true $5 -- 5 million americans. not only pride, but his aides, the white house and much of the press are complicit9 too. they didn't say anything. they treated issues and concerns about joe biden's condition as a right-wing talking point. elizabeth: i mean, they even -- did biden campaign even try to get the new york times to not publish george clooney's op-ed saying he should drop out? >> yeah, and -- elizabeth: that's according to "the wall street journal." what if the polls were okay for biden? it's scary americans may not have heard about this because of the white house and the media cover-up, bill. >> yeah. i mean, the polls are going to go up and down, but, you know, they haven't helped joe biden. and that's part of the press
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embarrassment. their embarrassment is that america saw the cover-up, and they see some of it still going on. democratic problem is they know joe should go for the good of the party, but they're still covering, you know, if he muddles through, it's harder to call for him to go. and he has a lot of power. finally, or i'd say one part people aren't focusing enough on, we know president obama is involved and jill biden. i think jill biden -- joe biden has many resentments over how he was treated by the obama people, and he'll be damned if he's going to let them push him out. elizabeth: yeah. interesting. bill mcgurn -- and she doesn't like kamala harris either, reportedly. >> no. elizabeth: bill mcgurn, have a good weekend. >> thanks, liz. elizabeth: still ahead, congresswoman aaron how muchen from armed services, congressman jeff van drew from house judiciary or former acting homeland security secretary chad
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wolf, former home depot ceo babs nardelli and political commentator sarah bedford. all eyes on the battleground state of pennsylvania. we get a live report from there. trump's about to hold a big rally there tomorrow. the vice president will be in pennsylvania too. and msnbc hosts, they are falling wholeheartedly, they like this new biden whopper. biden's manipulative claim that his cognitive test is just his daily job. really in and tonight's "evening edit" debate, it is about the policies that will make you feel safe, secure and bring prosperity to your families. also this story, what the heck is going on with the uproar over the republicans' plan if called project 2025? the heritage foundation has been offering plans like this since reagan in 1980, okay? so we debate, you decide. and the details coming up this hour on republican senates slamming democrat senators for pushing back on a bill to block
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illegal aliens from if voting in federal elections. yes, that's where we are right now in this united states. and we're going to show you how biden flip-flopped in realtime on foreign policy and how he made gaffes. plus, his campaign, the biden campaign, again misleading on the economy. we're going to show you the democrat economists is and democrat insider s who have criticized bind on bidenomics. all of this, we're going to take it on on the on "the evening edit." we'll be right back. stay right there. ♪ so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch
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for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. elizabeth: you know, it's a mystery why some people in the media are saying the president's presser last night was a success because he repeated false economic claims and made a lot of gaffes. he touted the economy during that nato news conference despite inflation being up 19.2% since he took office. we're going to get right to edward lawrence at the white house. he's been hard at work fact checking the economic claims from the president. edward. >> reporter: well, liz, fox business was not on the list to get a question, or i would have pushed back in realtime with what the president was saying. he took some liberties with his economy. listen. >> find me a mainstream economist who said we haven't cone well. what have we not done that isn't
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working right now? and so we've got more to do though. we've got to finish the job. >> reporter: there are plenty of economists who said his policies would cause harm to americans' wallets. that's exactly what happened. look at how it started and how it's going. for motor vehicle insurance, up 53% under president biden. household energy up 29.5% since president biden came into office. these are costs that started to rise when president biden started implementing his policies. rents rose almost 22% from the month president biden came into office. to this, president biden pledged more added regulations. listen. >> if i'm reelected, we're going to make sure that rents are kept at 5% increase, corporate rents for apartments and the like, homes are limited to 5. >> reporter: but people feel price increases like this under president biden, flour up about 29%. so last night the president blamed corporations for inflation again. he also misled americans about jobs. the economy created 6.3 million
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jobs after adding back the jobs from the pandemic. the economy created 170,000 manufacturing jobs after adding back the jobs from the pandemic. the president told americans that his economy created 80000,000 -- 800,000 manufacturing jobs. there was no pushback from the reporter who got that question. back to you. elizabeth: edward lauren, always terrific to have you on. thank you so much. look who's here, former home depot ceo and chair bob nardelli. bob, your reaction to the president last night, to ed wart's report. -- edward's report. the president said basically all economists say his economy is best. obama and clinton democratic advisers have said, no, it's not, larry summers, steve rattner. what do you make of what's going on? >> it's good to be with you. i certainly don't is have the credentials those gentlemen have, but let me me tell you, i live in this market every day from large corporations to middle market and as a consumer.
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i don't know how anyone who watched that press conference last night and didn't, it didn't take their breath away when he was talking about the what a great job is he's done with the economy. i can tell you corporations and companies, we're till seeing a major -- still seeing a major tale of inflation. you look at the cpi, the ppi, the pmi. every one of those indicators say we have a problem. if you look at it, inflation has affected pricing. inflation has affected inventory. layoffs, manufacturing jobs. you look last month, there were no manufacturing jobs. one of the biggest employers was the government. i don't know how anyone can look at this and say that this administration has the economy under control. this inflation is like breathing carbon monoxide. it's the silent killer for all of us, all of us are suffering under this, all of us. elizabeth: that's interesting. inflation is like carbon monoxide. permeating throughout the economy. we have some news coming in that
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washington statehouse democrat marie perez told biden on a conference call that he's gotta go, and also she's been aggressively saying he should resign. that news is coming in. we got new polling from abc/ipsos. trump leads biden by 4 points. the percentage of voters who think biden is mentally sharp has been cut in half, bob, down to 24% from 53% in 20211. about 6 out of 10 voters say trump is mentally sharp, two-thirds describe both of them as, quote, embarrassing. 45% trust trump, 9 out of 10 called the economy highly important, 9 off the 10 say the same thing about inflation. that's where it's at. >> yeah. there's no question, again, any person out there today that is being realistic, not pessimistic or optimistic, but realistic and can and seeing the economy the
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way it is, you ask that question are you better off today than you were with the prior add administration, and the answer has to be no. you talked about energy. i just got an increase of 50% for a medical visit. there's nothing you touch today that doesn't have a negative impact on our cost of living. and, again, i heard chairman powell the other day, what happened to the red line about 22%? now he seems -- 2%? now he seems to be cratering saying, well, maybe we should take it down. is that the right thing to do or is that just a pre-election nod to this current president? that's a concern i have. elizabeth: you know, you mentioned fed chair powell. he said, you know, biden's campaign plank saying that, you know, it's greed-flation, it's corporate price gouging, he doesn't see that. stocks did hit records today on the possibility of a fed rate cut. we started the year thinking there were going to be five interest rate cuts by this time.
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we have the june wholesale ppi inflation rising to 2.6, above expectations -- 2.6%. wholesale ppi inflation is now up 4 out of the last 5 months. you know, the fed funds market is spiking in terms of pricing in the probability of a fed if rate cut in september. do you think that's being optimistic? what do you think? >> yeah. well, you're right, the dow, i think last time i checked, was closing about 40,000 which, again, is way up there. but we're almost talking about two different economies. i just wonder if these major corporations that are in the dow if you think about some of the banks that reported, you know, they're charging more, they're getting better interest rates, so they're probably profiting off of the inflation. the consumer's the one that's kind of hurting. and i know the biden administration's saying, well, corporations have gotta pay their fair share. corporations paying their fair share is what caused a lot of the offshoring that took place. when you're competing globally and you're paying the fed tax that you have to pay as a
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corporation versus what you have to pay against your competition, i know when i was competing i didn't have an outsourcing strategy, i had a global competitive strategy which forced me to take some of these jobs you have shear. and when you -- offshore. when you look at the wage increase we just went through, again, they may have won that battle, but they're going to lose that war. you look at what happened9 with the u uaw. they were on the sideline for biden in '23 because of his push on evs. they only came to the other side when he was walking the picket line -- elizabeth: but now reuters is reporting that uaw members are on the fence now about a biden. they -- or maybe balking about supporting joe biden. that's breaking news too. what do you think of that? final word. >> well, i think what's going to happen is what they say and how they vote will be two very different things. elizabeth: all right. bob nardelli, good to have you on. have a good weekend. still more news coming in, or congressman buddy carter from house budget. both campaigns focusing on
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pennsylvania ahead of the republican national convention next week. former president trump set to rally in the keystone state tomorrow. we will take you there. this as "the washington post" joins "the new york times" in reporting the biden white house is hammering and punishing reporters who report the truth about a biden's decline. what is going on inside the biden white house? will they get in trouble for all of that? tell us, doesn't it sound like richard nixon? if all of this coming up on "the evening edit d." we'll be right back. ♪ (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪
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commander in chief. he made odd comments, many of that you're going to -- more you're going to hear. but then msnbc, this was a master class in foreign policy. >> is putin ready to talk. i'm not ready to talk to putin. i'm prepared to talk to any leader who wants to talk including if putin called me and wanted to talk. i'm going to go to south korea, we're going to get the chip -- what are you doing? i'm following the advice of my commander in chief. >> president biden submitted the a televised, live televised, cognitive test tonight by taking questions in an hour-long press conference. what followed was nothing less than the most masterful televised presidential press conference about foreign policy. this is as good as it gets with an american president. elizabeth: really? that's as a good as it gets? if that sounds like a pretty low standard. >> well, without a doubt, it's a low bar. anytime that he does slightly
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well, the president, you know, you have folks coming out saying that he hit a home run because the bar has been so low for so long, that the expectations of the american people and i guess the pundits themselves, it's just as low. but i think when the majority of americans, an average american looks at that if and if sees the president talking about, welsh talk to whoever, that doesn't square up with reality. the reality is he has not talked with putin in over a couple of years, it's been reported. how do you expect to bring that war to a close and bring if peace to that continent when you not talking -- you're not talking to the people that are responsible? i think it's problematic on a variety of fronts, and every time the president unfortunately talks whether it's in a a press conference or a debate, more and more americans are concerned about it. elizabeth: this is a rapidly shrinking presidency. it's like he's been in a bell jar for all this time and now because of -- the white house cover-up, that's the accusation,
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the media cover-up too, that's the accusation, all of a sudden it's bursting out into the open because the polls are so bad because they don't like his policies. he said last night current border crossings are lower than when trump left office. that's false. he's talking about weekly numbers. something like 84,000 illegal aliens caught last month, when trump left, it was something like 75,000. he doesn't include the 2 million gotaways and millions entering through the cbp-1 parole app, that pipeline there. but what do you make of homeland security reportedly recently arresting 16 terror suspects in states from california to north carolina? >> well, it's problematic. i mean, it's problem mat ific -- it's good in the sense, obviously, that they're arresting dangerous individuals and getting them off the treat -- street, but as they came across that southern border, why weren't they properly vetted? why weren't they stopped before they came into the country and were leased into american communities? we've seen this from the biden administration as they parole
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people into the united states, and then they figure out if they are a danger or a threat once you get here, and then you have to find them, pick them up and remove them. it should be the opposite approach. look, the president also talked about how encounters are at 50 of what they were. what he didn't tell the american people is it's 50% lower than the 300,000 number that had come across the border on his watch in any given month which is a high water mark of one month under his presidency. and so now they're at 150 or 120,000 and somehow that's a big win. it's not a big win because even that number is the worst that we have seen. so it's all in the context that you make these comments and, obvious, the white house and the president and others around him are not being transparent with the american people. elizabeth: chad wolf, if you could please sit tight for just a second, we need to go to the keystone state, pennsylvania. we're going to come back to you in just a moment. former president trump and vice president harris both campaigning in pennsylvania this
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weekend ahead of next week's rnc convention. grady trimble is in washington with the story. grady. >> reporter: good evening, liz. former president trump and vice president harris will be on opposite sides of the keystone state this weekend sharing very different visions for the country, but with the same goal of rallying their supporters to turn out in november. trump and the gop are reaching out to workers in p -- pa, one of the top states for fuel production. the party platform if released this week ahead of next week's convention calls for unleashing american energy and cutting taxes. trump's rally tomorrow is also generating speculation about a his vp pick if only for geographical reasons. butler county is close to ohio which is home of senator j.d. vance. but another potential trump running mate says all of the possible picks are still in the dark. >> do you know yet? has he asked you yet? >> nobody knows except if
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president trump. >> reporter: on the other side of the state, this trip will mark the sixth time vice president harris has visited pennsylvania this year. there are more eyes on her this time around a though as the biden campaign is reportedly testing her against trump. but publicly, harris is still defending biden. >> the one thing we know about our president, joe biden, is that he is a fighter. so we will continue to fight, and we will continue to organize. and in november if we will win. >> reporter: and pennsylvania is one of the states that make up democrats' so-called blue wall. they're trying to lock it down, but republicans are trying to break through the it. so we can expect not only former president trump, but also whoever his running mate happens to be to spend a lot of time in pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan. liz? elizabeth: grady trimble, great to have you back on the show. chad, let's get back to you. i want to get to this story. you know, the media, the 'em the
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accurates are setting the bar really low for bind right now. the biden campaign and biden is pushing this, that a cognitive test is his daily job. really? watch this. >> he cannot do another four years. he cannot beat donald trump. they are sticking with this man, it's infuriating, irresponsible, and it's political malpractice. >> i mean, the reason that these conversations are in public was because there was, there was no way to have them in private because the president was cloistered and did not want to hear it. >> why is in the first press conference in eight months? eight months they've been hiding him away, keeping him away from a solo press conference with the press. you know? why is it that in the michigan primary in february of this year, why did he not campaign in michigan? not once for three weeks leading up to the primary did he go to michigan. he was afraid to go to michigan. elizabeth: then you've got larry o'donnell saying, you know,
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basically biden submits to a televised cognitive test by taking questions at a press conference. really? [laughter] >> it's remarkable. i think what most americans saw on that debate stage is what a lot of us have been seeing for the past several years, and it's why you see almost all of president biden's appearances heavily, heavily scripted. it's the reason why he hasn't, he doesn't do spur of the moment press conferences, right? they have to be heavily scripted, he has to know which reporters to call on. i don't think that's what most americans want to see from their chief executive, from that commander in chief. they want someone that is knowledgeable, that has command of the issues, that can talk most if not any issue of importance to the american people at the drop of a hat. and they don't see that in president biden. and i think that's what's concerning most americans. so they can continue these scripted conversations whether it's cabinet meetings or the lack of cabinet meetings, i should say, and everything else. but most americans see what that's about -- elizabeth: show the --
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>> -- dramatic difference between that and what we saw with former president trump. elizabeth: show "the washington post"'s megan mcardle saying the white house has basically been punishing reporters who ask questions, they're cutting off access to senior staffers. how do you cover -- how does the fourth estate cover the executive branch when they're doing that? final word. >> well, it's amazing. i don't know how they do that. i don't know how -- the press should be asking the hard questions. we certainly saw that during the trump administration. we saw it every day of every week. and you just don't see the same coverage of the biden administration although it has turned, obviously, since that debate, and they're starting to ask the hard questions. and my question to them is where have you been for the last three years? elizabeth: chad wolf, you're great. thanks for joining us. still ahead, congresswoman erin how muchen along with political commentator sarah bedford. we're taking it on in the evening edit debate tonight. whose policies will fix america,
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bring safety and prosperity to you and your families? and what the heck is going on with the uproar and hysteria over the conservative project 2025? when every incoming administration since reagan, both democrat and republican, for generations has been given road maps -- been giving road maps for going forward. let's hear what's coming up on "the bottom line." sean: hey, e-mac. as joe biden's in michigan, democrats, lawmakers continue to call for him to drop out of the race. stacy washington here to discuss. dagen: yeah, and the firing squad where biden and company are shooting back at the democrats who want him out. it helps all those down-ballot republicans. mike rogerses is one of them on what is happening in michigan on the ground. he is running for the senate there. you don't want to miss him and john carney. why do economists keep saying
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that inflation would be worse under president, another president trump? than joe biden when we know the opposite was true ask and then some during 45's first term? top of the hour. da ♪ hter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. theyant that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. (♪) with wet amd, i worry i'm not only losing my sight,
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elizabeth: joining us now,
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congresswoman erin hau. >> chin and sarah bedford, it is "the evening edit" debate, it's about the policies. congresswoman, this is what america's about this november. show kimberly strassel's column in the wall street journal. trump wants to stop biden's inflation, border crisis is. it goes down to power grid instability, unlawful mandates like buying electric cars and more. did you ever expect america would be at this place when biden was elected? >> well, i did expect that america would be in this place when biden was elected. i certainly had hoped we would have another four years of donald trump. you know, what americans want right now, they want indiana an affordable america, a safe america, they want a secure border and fair elections. they want a president who's full time and not just awake and if alert between the hours of 1 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. elizabeth: okay, there's also this story, sarah. project 25 out of the heritage foundation. president biden is in michigan, he's going to give an address on that coming up, but michigan
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democrats like governor gretchen whitmer won't be there for that. alyssa slot ken, congresswoman slot kin, will not be with the president in michigan. talktous about the her fanning foundation's project 2025. you know, we've got people on "the view, requests on msnbc saying this is a fascist takeover. hasn't heritage been showinged road maps to administrations since 1980? >> yeah. when people cite from what's known as project if 2025, it's from a document called mandate for leadership that, yeah, the heritage foundation has been putting out editions of since 19811. i mean, this was first a playbook they started running during the reagan administration. but i think it's a lot of misleading rhetoric has surround ised project 2025, and there's an enormous double standard here because joe biden and mainstream democrats are never forced to answer for the policies of left-wing think tanks.
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joe biden doesn't have to answer for every radical statement made by anti-israel democrats, made by defund the police democrats, but donald trump is being made to own, you know, every further right conservative policy proposal, some of which are not even affiliated with his campaign. there's a lot of misleading efforts to tie donald trump to something that doesn't have much right now to do with his campaign. elizabeth: it's interesting what sarah just said, you know? trump has distanced himself from project 2025. key allies are involved in it. what do you think, congresswoman? it's a 900-page platform of conservative ideas that we've heard about for generations, like cutting back the size of government, tax cuts, cutting back the regulatory state, abolishing the education department. but the media is attacking it like it's new. they're attacking it like it's the new qanon. it's absurd, the hysteria over this. what do you think? >> yeah. these ideas are not new, and
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it's certainly not new to have a playbook, if you will, for ideas that might generate legislation in the next presidential term. but president trump has not endorsed project 2025 and, in fact, he released his own platform which in some cases may contradict some of the things in project 2025. i commend the heritage foundation for putting forth policy ideas but, you know, i'm a member of the republican study committee. we put together a sample budget. it doesn't mean it's endorsed by any of our fellow members of congress or the president, but what it does is it provides a line of sight for some of the things that we may want to accomplish to turn this country around and get us on a better path economically and certainly from a secure border perspective and take us to prosperity into the future. so, you know, president trump has not endorsed it, it is not his plan. i would point to the republican platform that he did release, and, you know, this isn't anything new. elizabeth: what do you think, sarah? final word.
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>> i think that donald trump is a lot more centrist on one of the hottest topics in the election, abortion. donald trump has actually, you know, angered conservatives by taking on a more moderate position on abortion, leaving it up to the states and explicitly not embracing a purely pro-life platform. so it's a really misleading effort to make donald trump look extreme on an issue where he's incredibly centrist. elizabeth: thanks for joining us this friday night, appreciate it. still ahead, we're going to get right to congressman jeff van drew from house judiciary. he's fired up because senate democrats are pushing back on a house bill to stop illegal aliens from potentially voting in federal elections. why are democrats claiming voter id is discriminatory when you need id to go to the doctor, fly on airplanes, open a bank account, adopt a pet in is that all discriminatory? we're taking it on on "the evening edit." well boo -- we'll be right back.
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the bill out of the house to stop illegal aliens voting in federal elections by requiring voter id. i thought five house democrats across the aisle to vote for? >> the house was good but i can't tell you how aggravated and tired of it i am, i want to liamericans to think about this, what these democrats are saying everybody who crosses the border illegally which they shouldn't be, among them are the terrorist watchlist and people north korea from 30000 nationalist from venezuela to kazakhstan, from iran, never going to let them vote, for god sakes it's bad enough which feeding them clothing, housing them, transporting them. how can any american, i don't care what political party you are, but for a politician that believes in that, we might as well open our borders up to everybody all the time, don't
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even bother having anybody monitor what's going on of the border let everybody pour in from every corner of the earth, come here, vote, live off our walls and do whatever they want to, that is the destruction of the united states of america. i cannot believe it you see me a lot i'm really angry about this one and i don't have those politicians a survive in the political office. liz: you don't have a country without a border, we see msnbc and other people saying and that's not that big of a deal, if you need voter id in any edification and go to a bank account and get jobless benefits or get a job of finding airplane or even adopt a pet, why is it discriminatory, why don't they say that's discriminatory because they want people that are ineligible to vote and
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wouldn't be voting to vote, those people unfortunately go for the new democrat party in the new democrat leadership, borders don't separate us in our country and they don't divide us in a good border unites us as a nation every race, color and creed is united in good strong country they love to play the at least card this is nothing to do with not wanting immigrants, we want legal immigrants. this has nothing to do with any race, has to do with them playing a card because they want to win elections where it's getting harder for them. liz: thank you for being with the show tonight. i am liz mcdonald, but send it over to dagen and sean at "the bottom line". ♪


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