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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 15, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: just coming into it us. judge aileen cannon dismissed just moments ago, dismissed the classified documents case against donald trump. come on in, joe concha. i need your expertise on this. this seems to be a major league development in trump's favor. what say you? >> i'm reading about it now, stu. thanks for having me. the whole lawfare effort against donald trump is a disaster against donald trump and can take out donald trump and the election and the album brad case
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and going with 34 counts of donald trump found guilty and poll numbers only go up. fani willis in fulton county, georgia, and that case is done. obviously for her conduct and hiring her boyfriend, married boyfriend, to prosecute the case. it was like they better call saul of prosecutors basically they were trying to go forward with. she lied about it and got caught. that case is done. now jack smith in the documents case is done officially. so there's nothing left for democrats at this point, stuart, as far as taking out donald trump through the judicial system and recognizing it and now i guess they have to run on the issues and character and joe biden versus donald trump and there couldn't be a bigger contrast in terms of the way they want to run the country and that's what this election should be about, decided at ballot box, decided by policy in world view and not by this crack, this stuff that democrats put farred as far as trying to take out donald trump and jailing him
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before this election even oc occurred. stuart: take a look at money. a lot of green on wall street this morning. dow is up 150 and nasdaq up over 100 points and the vast majority of the dow 30 in the green. the 10-year treasury yield below 4.25%. 4.22, the price of oil above $80 a barrel and looking at 81.86 and bitcoin is rallying today. 63,200. that's the markets and now this, those people calling for a lowering of the political temperature should look in the mirror. many of them are responsible for raising the temperature in the first place. president biden days before saturday's assassination attempt labeled donald trump a dictator, enemy of democracy and a liar. he was trying to revitalize his own campaign and disastrous debate in the gaffe-filled press
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conference and the shooting to change the election and the president came out strong and the violence he had encouraged and absolutely right to call for national unity and should have rallied -- acknowledged the role he and his party cemented for trump. there's a constant drum beat of loathing and the media encouraged biden's undemocratic lawfare pursuit of the former president and they gloated over the mug shot. new york times and the washington post only turned on biden when they figured he couldn't win. they don't love biden, they just hate trump. now they're urging unity for the good of the country. lower the temperature when you are responsible for the boiling point. let's not forget the president's immediate circle. they deliberately have the attack and going to go finding out at the debate and claiming he was in good shape and the only guy able to beat trump and
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they assured us that only joe could deliver us from the evil of trump. lie to stop trump. not good. the ball is now in trump's court. he is rewriting his convention speech to concentrate on unity. he has survived trump hatred and assassins bull lit and -- bullet. a cnn host scalding trump for his reaction immediately after being shot on saturday. roll that tape, please. >> i do want to say there was one thing that when i watch the tape, i found odd because of all of the heated rhetoric. that is that after he was hit, former president trump got up and said fight, fight, fight. i think what we're hearing from people is that's not the message that we want to be sending right now. we want to tamp it down. stuart: that's not the message?
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oh, deary me. joe concha still with us. turn to something else here. george stephanopoulos said trump and his supporters contributed to the violent rhetoric in the u.s. after his attempted assassination and still criticizing his reaction. i don't get it. >> the attempt on donald trump's life, stuart, is one of the biggest stories that we've covered in our lifetime. it should have resulted in the kind of measured, unbiased coverage that the coverage deserved in the nearly tragic moment and instead outlines failed the test and especially stephanopoulos going with it talking about how trump had contributed to nearly his own assassination attempt and something about january 6. the fact that cnn had somebody on their air after this assassination attempt happened. donald trump nearly had his head blown off keep fighting and
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moving forward and this app list is a problem with that. why is the immediatiest trusted with that and it's a big reason? cnn had a headline, stuart "this is right after the shooting when it was clear that the president was shot because he had blood all over his ear and face. secret service rushes trump off stage after he falls at rally. "donald trump has been escorted off the stage during a rally after loud noises ring out in the crowd. loud noises like i don't know, gunshots where you had donald trump stand up and clear hi has blood on his face and you're going with loud noises. new york times, sunday morning "trump hurt but safe after a shooting. no, it wasn't a shooting, it was an assassination attempt. that should be in the headline
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and you see the headlines on your screen and it's not something we have to verify and make sure one minute after trump was shot and clear he was shot. in isn't hard but how our media conducts itself at this point and los angeles times story and one, two, three, four, five, six bye lines on it. give me a break. stuart: msnbc pulled morning joe off the air today and the network is airing breaking news coverage on assassination attempt and according to msnbc they want to avoid a scenario and one of the shows stable with two dozen plus guests and make inappropriate comment on live television. what do you make of that, joe. >> for once, msnbc did something responsible. bottom line is that joe
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scarborough and he was compared to hitler and scarborough said on the air and donald trump if reelected will execute generals and journal is and execute political opponents and gee, i want to fight somebody who speaks like that over and over again on that network. they have conducted themselves in a way that's beyond just giving an opinion and against republicans and against this policy. that's fine. that's cable news these days and the fact that they got personal and compared this man to the fascist and racist and all these things and i'm sorry. you have to be permanently and really responsible and they found way over the line at in point and it's unacceptable given where this country is in terms of the temperature, stuart. stuart: joe concha, rising star, don't be a stranger, come back soon, joe. we need you. >> see you next monday. stuart: check the markets please. dow up close to 200 and nasdaq
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up over 130 points and mike lee joining us for market coverage. you're in sarasota, florida,. the moment. what reaction is that? >> on saturday night, people i hadn't heard from in years and obviously i'm a pretty vocal trump supporter and when something like this happens you've been a handful of times and history of our country that in an attempt has been made on a president or presidential candidate. first thing i did was talk to my kids. my 12-year-old daughter was impressed with donald trump's rizz as the kids say or charisma after pumping his fist after this and, look, what more can you say about this man? okay, millimeters away from having his brain exploded on live tv only to stand up and start pumping his fist in the face of his supporters and tell
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them to keep fighting and never surrender and never give up and there's not a better matchup on sunday cot for the -- better matchup mascot for the masulintf someone to protect our country than that. stuart: well said, mike. this is a trump rally on the stock market and we're out of time. i do hope, lauren is looking at the movers. what steel dynamics are there? lauren: new core up 3% and some mna this monday and cleveland cliffs buying a canadian company for almost $3 billion and first acquisition since the failed bid from u.s. steel and all them sharply higher and top s&p 500. stuart: smith and wesson, gun guys and it's up 13.5% and it's up 9 and ammunition companies up
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16% and this is a trade and he'll likely make it easier to own guns. stuart: making sure trump wins the election. lauren: prison stock and geogroup and surging up 10% and the rnc this week and day two theme is donald trump and safety and going to have more behind bars and deporting of the legal immigrants you need in the detention centers and that's a trump win. stuart: yes, it is. look who's here now. dave portnoy is with us. hey, dad, glad you could come on the show and i want to get your reaction to the assassination attempt and where are you and how have you heard that trump was shot? >> actually flying back from sarasota to nantucket and i was on a plane and i missed it by about six minutes. hi no wifi when i got off the plane, my phone exploded and i saw everything that happened and
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the election is over and this is moment that this basically this event has propelled it unbeatable in my mind. this is the agent struggling to get her gun out of a holster and going to blame the secret services dei. >> you couldn't not notice it because it's the female secret service agent, she struggled to holster her gun. felt like a comedy skit at this point even though so serious and it really seemed like it was out of the naked gun or something.
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i don't want them protecting me on the line and showing it over and over and couldn't not notice it. stuart: the election going toward forward and trump characterized ofay can ick picture of him -- iconic line and joe biden going to put up against that. >> the new york times which i hate, they intentionally cropped that photo was everywhere. they cropped the american flag out of the photo because you can't because that's one of the most american photos of all time. that's the effort. like people pay any amount of money in a campaign to get that photo shown and it was a near tragedy but the end is going to make him unbeatable. stuart: did you see what happened in the copa america final in miami? thousands of fans broke through the entry gates, climbed through the vents to get into the game.
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it was delayed for an hour and a half. what do you make of that chaos? it's not good for soccer, is it? >> that's people, stuart. that's people, get them under control. law and order, stuart. i don't know how it's not happening in a u.s. sport. stuart: how did this interview go so far all the rails but it sure d. i'll leave it right there. going there and thanks for seeing in and being with us this morning. judge aileen cannon has dismissed trump's classified document's case and that was a very big deal and especially for trump and bringing more in a moment. going with the direct attack on democracy and what do dictators like putin and xi think about
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this? kt mcfarland deal withs it next. ♪ did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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stuart: trump media doing very well this morning and up 33%, $41 a share up 10. officialsare now investigating the trump assassination ateam as potential ability of domestic terrorism. david spunt joining us from the department of justice. do we have a motive for the shooter yet? >> stuart, no motive yet. the key here is for # investigators to get inside the cell phone of the suspect,
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20-year-old thomas crooks and it's at the lab in kwanty koenen, virginia, and need to get inside the town -- quantico, virginia and look at pictures and text messages and seeing if anyone else was involved and fbi officials held a conference call with members of the media and said it appears he was a lone wolf and can't say that with 100% certainty till they're able 20 touchdown catch get inside his phone -- to get inside his phone. his colleagues, fbi director chrischristopher wray said it's despicable and a law enforcement source said his family is cooperating with the investigation and investigators say that crook's dad legally bought the ar556 rifle used to shoot the former president.
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a innocent trump supporter also killed. two others also injured and now crooks belonged to a local shooting club and had access to guns long before that shooting took place. former classmate said crooks seemed like a loaner and bullied in -- loner and bullied in school and all things fbi will look to build a picture of what happened? a lot of people have cell phone withs all different angles and fbi imploring people to call 180-fbi and share the videos and angles and they want to see what the suspect was doing leading up to the shooting. they've got about 2,000 tips so far but hopefully that grows. stuart: david, thank you very much indeed. bring in kt mcfarland now. kt, what do world leaders, i mane like putin or xi jinping, what do they think about this assassination attempt? >> welshing they'll think donald trump has won the election and
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they'll also think this is our moment of opportunity and window of opportunity. am of the leaders with xi jinping or vladamir putin or whoever but they all looked at how they took advantage of the united states and going to share that and joe biden is a declining president and initial reaction even before he started declining was passivity and appeasement and they'll get that from biden more appeasement looking the other way and pretending it didn't happen and what they've seen and all seen that picture of donald trump fist raised and blood coming down his forehead and american flag in the back grouped and they'll face that in january. they know what's going to happen when trump's president and their incentive is take advantage of this narrowing opportunity before it closes. stuart: that's frightening and feels like this election is more about policy, totally about policy but about the strength of trump versus the weakness of biden and that's how i see this
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election shaping up. >> i've been around politics for more than 50 years and worked for four presidents and known them all and been in the oval office with all of them. there's always a defining moment in a candidate whether a campaign or presidency where there are people kind of latching onto an image and get an impression of that and that impression lives on forever and reagan at berlin wall telling them to tear down this wall. jimmy carter making a speech and richard nixon making a speech saying i'm not a crook. with trump, it's going to be that fist raised. that's who he is. that's the character and, you know, you can have all the breaking books in the world and preparation, nothing prepares you for the instinctive reaction you'll have to be shot in the face. so trump has shown his true character and that's got to terrify the bad guys in the
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world and give them every incentive to take advantage now. stuart: fascinating stuff, kt, thank you for being with us. i'm sure we'll see you again. kt mcfarland. president biden and the left have a history of inflammatory rhetoric against the former president. watch this. >> i mean this from the bottom of my heart, tram subpoena a threat to this nation. >> he's not only unfit but destructive to our democracy and he has to be, has to be eliminated. stuart: only a few months ago that democrat congressman benny thompson introduced a bill to strip trump of the bill with secret service protection. how about that? assassination attempt nikki haley invited to speak at republican national convention and move towards unity maybe. we'll speak to trump's deputy communications director about all that, next. ♪
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# lauren: just the way the i pod changed music 20 years ago and iphone changed social media 15 years ago and they think that that's what generative ai, apple intelligence will do to ai in general. stuart: all right. cesar's entertainment. downgrade to negative today to sell basically with the price target of 33 down from 44 and they believe this is underperformance versus mgm resort and they expect that to continue. stuart: okay, macys down sharply. lauren: saying four years and down 14%. they've terminated their buyout talks with the management company and going for them undervalues macys as it is.
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stuart: republican national convention kicks off tonight and we could learn trump's vice presidential pick as early as today. alexis, this choice has become important after the assassination attempt; right? reporter: hey, stuart, we're at the rally in pennsylvania and the former president might make vp announcement then and down to a short list but no dice there. then as we know, the former president was shot nearly assassinated in front of that massive crowd of people and his temperament and decision here could all change coming to his vice presidential pick and we checked in with the rnc chair and could come as soon as this weekend, watch. >> really comes do down to unity and donald trump unified the republican party stronger than anybody we've seen in decades. we need to be unified going
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forward. reporter: who was on the short list for vp and about the candidates and vance is only 39 years old and first time senator and could be one of the youngest vps if chosen and back in 2016, he pointed out a never trump guy but boy, has that changed and now one of the strongest defenders out on the trail. burgum, north dakota's 33rd governor and he had a short presidential campaign and many milwaukee and dropped out and endorsed trump and called trump north dakota's near abortion ban a real issue coming to burgums. we'll have to see. rubio the senator from florida born to cuban immigrants and worked way up through the house and senate and ran for president in 2016 and dropped out. scott a senator from south carolina was a presidential
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hopeful and dropped to tram and he's an ally that could bring in black and hispanic voters to the gop and going to a newer trend here, hearing more and more about garner glen youngkin and his name floated and rallied in the commonwealth state with trump one day after the debate and the president trying to win blue states like virginia and minnesota. hearing about all the breaking news here with these classified documents case for the former president that was just dropped and said so much happened in just a short amount of time and landed in milwaukee. yesterday hearing that news and have to see how that plans out in terms of vp announcement, stuart. stuart: things are moving quickly and that's a fact. alexis, thank you. stuart: calin, looks like a show of unity. is there a chance that trump will go for nikki haley as
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president? think chance at all? >> hard to believe anybody wouldn't want to unify around a great american fighter like president trump who in the immediate moments in assassination attempt entraining to his feet and blood on his face and looked at that crowd and said fight, fight, fight. when president trump spoke those words he wasn't speaking to a specific type of voter or specific type of american. he was speaking to the country. i wouldn't get ahead of president trump and any announcement to make, but nikki haley said she endorses president trump and urges her delegates to vote for him. her words and not mine, nikki haley said that joe biden is not fit to serve a second term and kamala harris would be a disasser and this country needs a president who is cape 8 of holding our enemies to account, cutting debt, securing the border and making america great again. those are her words, not mine. president trump has unified this party behind him. there's no nikki haley voters and no this photo or that photo and one party unified behind
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president trump and ready to make this wealthy and great save again. stuart: many on the left calling for a lowering temperature in politics. they were hostile towards trump, watch this. >> tram subpoena a threat to this nation and he's even more dangerous now. i'm serious, he's unhinged. he snapped. he said if he loses, there'll be a blood bath. >> america needs to wake and you happen realize that tram and his maga republicans what they're trying to do, we're going to engage them and stop them. >> he's not only unfit but destructive to our democracy and he has to be, he has to be eliminated. >> how dare you say the things he does. of course i want to punch him in the face. >> yes, i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white
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house. >> with this kind of inspiration, i will go and take trump out tonight. >> in the donor class can't sit back on the sidelines and say oh, don't worry, this will all work itself out. they're still going to have to go out and put a bullet in donald trump. that's a fact. stuart: all right. granted, we want to lower the temperature in politics, but would you say that it's the democrats that lay the ground work for violence against trump? >> it's a democrat party not capable of unifying the country let alone their own party and only thing remarkable than president trump's survival and assassination attempt on his life was immediate reaction. which brought hope and unity to the american people and i want point your viewers to something that going to that stephanie stay lori harmon saying that she didn't vote for president trump in 2016 and was planning on sitting this election out and
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not somebody that wore a maga hat and seeing him strand up in grave danger saying fight, fight, fight awoke the patriotism inside of her and she's going to cast her vote for president trump for this election psychoand will another man going viral on social media saying he's no longer afraid and make america great again hat if president trump can take a bullet, he'll wear his hat proudly. the american people is not looking to this to unify the american people and looking for unity. i'll sound a little old fashioned, stuart, love and hope are tremendous powerful forces and it's exemplify on the stage and american people finding that hope in president trump. stuart: caroline sunshine, thank you for being with us today. appreciate it. lauren, seems the biden campaign is no longer focused on drama sounding cognitive decline. lauren: this comes from axios. the biden camp is in cool down
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mode for two reasons. they need to show unity as a party and it would be bad form to criticize president biden's mental acuity. here's the second reason. some democrats have already resigned themselves to a second trump presidency. is it even worth it anymore? stuart: good question, lauren. still ahead, elon musk has fully endorsed trump and even donated to a pro trump pack despite voting for democrats in the past three cycles, presidential cycles and madison alworth on the support he's getting from businesses and trump gave first post assassination attempt interview and they were just a few feet away from him when he was shot. we'll tell you what trump said to her. selena is next.
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stuart: strong rally on a monday
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morning following the attempted assassination of donald trump and green across the board and it's up four points and it's a rally. crypto on the upside and bitcoin going back up to 62,000 and ethereum now at 3300. not bad. several business leaders spoke out in support of donald trump after the assassination attempt and endorsed by elon musk and madison alworth joining me now. what did husbanding say? took to x to bring in the news of assassination attempt and video and said i fully endorse president trump and hope for his rapid recovery. and now this post comes after the reporting from bloomburg that musk said he's voted democrat in the last three presidential cycles has also donated to a pro trump pack. another business leader that came out after assassination attempt is bill ackman and
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formally endorsed tram and came to the decision after spending time together and hip colluded in his endorsement is a warning urging readers to keep an open mind and cautioning them and reporting against hysterical reporting and messaging. take a listen. trusting what was a mortal damage to the democracy and wins the country is going away and take that position, that is an apocalyptic and hysterical position and that's bound to
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>> our former president showed tremendous grace and criticism under fire and thankful for safety and sad for victims and families. we know the rnc is officially on and we're going to be hearing from more business heavyweights if you will including likes of ufc ceo dana white and more. stuart: thank you, madelynn. ma. her name is selena zito and joining me now. you're one of the first feet. >> just a few feet from him my daughter and son-in-law photo journalist in the bumper and
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interviewing him for the minister and he knew we'd had that just before he went out on to the stage and going when he was hit. one thing he doesn't do and he turned his neck and president trump does not turn his neck and turns his whole body and he saw and heard the pop pop pop and i saw the blood go across his face and him go down and protective stance taken around him and he was taken off right in front of me and his hat fell and landed in front of my face. that was on the ground. he called me yesterday and it was important to put to tell you that because he called me yesterday morning and he called and said, sac celina, are you o?
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is your daughter and son-in-law okay? i was like, mr. president, you were just shot. we had a conversation and talked and i could tell his mood and defense in him and i asked him if i could ask him a couple questions about how he felt in that moment. how he'd have anything change about the convention. and when he raised his fist, he said, i wanted people, that was not about me in that moment and o representative of the country and america is seen as pillar of strength. i wanted them to know the country is okay. that we're okay. i thought that was really important to do in that moment.
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it was important to convey unity and home dinger of a speech planned and he ripped it up and he was going to be a completely different speech now. stuart: it's been a long time since i heard the expression hum dinger but very aptly used this this case. thank you for giving us impression of the president's spirit after being shot by an assassin or would be assassin. thank you very much for being with us. you've painted a remarkable picture with us, salena. donald trump is in milwaukee 24 hours after a brush with death. dr. mark siegle on his -- dr. marc siegle on his stamina and spirit. the doctor is next. ♪
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stuart: bret baier con if i weres that donald trump will announce his pick for vice president today. he also told bret there are
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"other surprises to come". i'll leave it right there. dr. marc siegle is with us this morning. you said that trump's survival was miraculous. how close did the bullet come to his brain? >> about an inch. i mean, actually i checked with multiple trauma special is around the country and i myself worked in a bellevue er for 15 years and saw plenty of gunshot wounds and nobody has seen anything out of an ar15, which grazes an ear. it's an absolute myrrh cal because he happened to -- miracle because he turned his head and he talks right to the crowd. the coincidence that that occurred at that exact moment saved his life and parts of the brain which we're talking about here, the temporal lobe, the back of the brain, the cerebellum and those were, almost instant death all the time, 95% or more instant death
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and then of course he somehow had the instinct to get down. believe me, when that happens most people freeze that aren't used to combat situations and he gets down and then he gets back up and shakes his fist and says fight. that's a fight or flight response by the way. that's a physiological response of courage. stuart: doctor, from your observation, did trump suffer any psychological trauma? >> incident of post-traumatic stress is 10- 25% and respond with strength and courage and showing caring later on for the other people that were involved with the poor fire fighter that died and expressed concern and made sure his children were okay and all those positive responses, stuart, bode well for full psychological recovery. stuart: he didn't want any
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band-aids or bandages on him. >> no, send a message to the crowd and coup triple-demic and let's go home. afterwards my sources say he wasn't even talking about the sere. ear. he goes to the emergency room and doesn't stay overnight. i mean, a couple of hours there, they tend to his ear and he's gone. another sign of fortitude, physical and psychological strength. stuart: no doubt in your mind he's a very competent presidential candidate, period. fast the way he went down and got back up and responding in that situation and you're talking about the extreme stress here and it's a test of your mental acuity and mental abilities and not what we hope for and it's not going to test that way.
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stuart: a hero died protecting his family from gunfire saturday. lauren: 50-year-old husband and father of two girls and a former fire chief of major trump supporter and literally threw himself over his family to protect them from the shooter's fire. so he died a hero. saving his family. the governor of pennsylvania, josh shapiro, is ordering that flags with flown at half staff in his honor. stuart: thank you very much. now check that market, please. still way up there, dow is up 220, nasdaq up 180. still ahead. kansas senator roger marshall demanding answers from the secret service. morgan orlmomormorgan ortagus os happening and the 11:00 hour is
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we had a whole lot of equity just sitting there, you paid down the mortgage, invested in your home. i guess, you could say, your home owes you. if you're 62 or older and own your home, learn how you can access a portion of your home equity to give you cash. a reverse mortgage can put more money in your pocket by eliminating your monthly mortgage payments, paying off higher interest credit cards, and covering medical costs. look, aag can show you how a reverse mortgage loan uses your built-up home equity to give you tax-free cash for almost anything you might need. just eliminating the mortgage payment freed up a lot of cash for us. i get to go do what i want when i want. aag customers talked about the counseling they got along the way so they know how a reverse mortgage works, and how their home could help pay them back when they need it the most. i have no more worries anymore the fact that we're still in this home, means so much.
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it's done everything for us that we hope it would do for us. call now to receive your free no-obligation info kit. the kit shows you how to get you the cash you need using your home's equity with a reverse mortgage. find out how your home can start taking care of you. the worry every single month to make that payment was gone. our customers' homes are taking care of them. maybe, your home could do the same for you. call aag, the country's #1 reverse mortgage lender, and get your free info kit. call this number >> he puts his interest in the air and fight, fight, fight and that's the guy i want to call in and he's the quarterback that we
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need and he's the leered that we need and that comment represents years of comments. >> democrats have made from the entire party and talking about ways to vilify and hit donald trump. >> how donald trump handles this shows his level of leadership and the market likes strong leadership. >> if we're hiring people based on a crash and not based on their talent and more importantly their warrior skills in this position and, houston, we have a big problem. >> donald trump nearly had his head blown off on national television and this person's first instinct is to criticize trump for letting his supporters and more importantly the country and the world know that he was okay. >> that is one of the most american photos of all time. that's going to live on forever. >> but the end, it's going to make them unbeatable. stuart: 11:00 eastern time, monday, july 15th anou


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