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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 15, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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need and that comment represents years of comments. >> democrats have made from the entire party and talking about ways to vilify and hit donald trump. >> how donald trump handles this shows his level of leadership and the market likes strong leadership. >> if we're hiring people based on a crash and not based on their talent and more importantly their warrior skills in this position and, houston, we have a big problem. >> donald trump nearly had his head blown off on national television and this person's first instinct is to criticize trump for letting his supporters and more importantly the country and the world know that he was okay. >> that is one of the most american photos of all time. that's going to live on forever. >> but the end, it's going to make them unbeatable. stuart: 11:00 eastern time, monday, july 15th and if you
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check the market, see we have a rally. i'm going to call it a trump rally. the dow is up 250 and nasdaq up 186. big tech, a mixed picture there this morning. no, it's not. they're all green now. wasn't like that a moment ago. apple, alphabet, meta, microsoft, amazon all on the upside. check the 10-year treasury yield. got to check it. it's a very important number and we're below 4.25%. 4.21. the russia hoax and he was impeached and then he was railroaded into court where he was fined hundreds of millions of dollars and may be sentenced to prison and now an assassination atrament coming within an inch of catastrophe and trump hatred running strong. trump turns the other cheek. his team is reportedly rewriting his convention speech to focus on unity and not biden.
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nikki haley was invited to speak and what cemented the party was a picture of bloodied candidate and american flag standing unbound to reassure his supporters. he said this is a chance to bring the whole country, even the whole world together. in his oval office speech last night, president biden called for unity and there's indeed a widespread feeling that the political pembertonture needs to come down, fair enough. it's the democrats and the media which encouraged trump hatred. they're the ones calls for a new tone. the democrats need unity and they don't have it. biden's candidacy is threatened across the party and calls to choose someone else. biden is too old and he must go. this monday morning, the election looks very different. the democrats were hoping to use the trump mug shot. instead it's the iconic picture of trump coming through strong
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after taking a bullet. he's unifying his party to win, biden with that all too frequent vacant stare is still the same. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: the contrast between tram and biden is clearer than ever. what's your take on trump's response for the attempt on his life? >> superb, that iconic picture sum it is all up and they're changing the tone of the convention and he had a rally in florida a couple of weeks ago and a very positive agenda and they're going to emphasize that at the convention and they'll call for civility because we've got real debates ahead on which direction this country will go and it's got to be done in atmosphere where people get real facts and real discussion about that direction. stuart: this is from "the wall
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street journal" editorial board this morning and i'm quoting, the shooting of donald trump and near miss at pennsylvania rally is miraculous and could get redemptive political moment. what's a redemptive political moment? ceasefire on both sides? what is it? >> no, i think now we can finally get to real issues instead of calling trump hitler, a threat to democracy and that kind of thing. that seems to be the only theme the democrats have. oh, the evil man is there. that's been thrown out the window. so now they're going to have to deal with real issues like the economy and border and national security and like healthcare. atmosphere of people feeling issues being discussed and we the people make the decision of where the country goes. stuart: is this now trump's election to lose? >> in a way, but they'll take
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full opportunity to present a very different picture to the world. not civil discourse and emphasizing real differences and honest debate and that's what the person people want calm but debate. about who makes decisions in this country. stuart: you ran for the presidency in 1996. did you have a secret service detail? >> yes, they were very professional and knew their stuff and back in those day when is they told the crowd to do something they did it. it was quite a sight. quite a thing to see them in operation. it's sad to see the troubles the secret service had in recent years and spectacular, efficient agency and very professional and investigation is needed because we don't -- we live in a very dangerous world. stuart: should fjk have a rally? >> he needed to provide own
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security and metal detectors for that event because biden administration wouldn't allow the secret softs to provide it. that's outrageous and i'm finally glad last night biden is increasing services, secret service for trump, contrary to what the secret service they've been requesting for quite a while. stuart: think rfk jr.'s detail was kept away from him by biden deliberately to make it hard for him to run? that's a pretty nasty suggestion, isn't it? >> had has to hire his own security. that tells you all you need to know. first, the name, what happened to his father and uncle, he's making a credible race for president and the fact he's attracted several million potential voters and he's entitled to protection, and they didn't give it to him, which is outrageous and they'll finally now but they're playing cheap politics, life threatening politics on that and not giving trump -- in fact, he had a democrat from mississippi propose a bill in the house of representatives that atacting some support from the democrats
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to strip trump after the secret service protection. decisions made with concept 06 the governorred not by bureaucratic regulators. stuart: steve forbes on a monday morning. pretty good. see you again soon. it'll be 1.1% and dow up two-thirds of one percent. solid gains all around. jason katz watching the market today. is this a trump rally. going for these markets and going for the debate and a trump victory. now investors are sniffing out what, a red sweep. if we get that, what happens?
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>> onerous regulations and pick up in nma activity and it's not always rainbows and ponies and see under trump administration tariffs that lead to infellation and more of anagoges craig -- inflation and more of a negotiation play. stuart: there's a strong responsibility i believe of a rate cut in september. that's got to be a big factor on the market as well today. >> without a doubt. it's not so much as getting the rate cut that's a factor but if we didn't get one. it's driving on the highway and seeing bottleneck and tap on the brakes and handwrite asking on the wall. you're seeing global disinflation and the fed miraculously and whether by luck or smarts have actually achieved seeing the labor market soften and not polling off a cliff. they should heed the warning of the bottlenecking and start
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cutting sooner than later. stuart: global disinflation. >> others have been affected most by inflation. but it appears that inflation is getting in the right direction and appears that the feds target of 2% might be out the window because if they start cutting in september, we're not at the target, they've moved the goal post. stuart: they sure have. solid rally today. thank you, jason. always appreciate it and see you again soon. lauren: tesla up 13 of past 14 trading days and global equities research lifts price target to 400 on two weekends of very strong sales of the model 3 and model y. look at this. stuart: yeah, 5.7% now. lauren: not to mention elon musk fully endorsed donald trump. i forgot to say that. stuart: tesla is something of a
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trump play. lauren: it is. it's a green company though. stuart: netflix has upgrades. lauren: stock up 3% at 665 and morgan stanley said it's going to 780 and bank of america to 740. b of a said their third party data shows healthy subscriber acquisition trends and gaining subscribers and thank the ad tier for that. stuart: solar edge is cutting jobs and why are they down? when companies cut jobs and they often go towards profitability and go up. what's the problem? lauren: now in double digits because it's a trump trade and trump looks likely to win. he might pull government subsidies for government and green companies and it's and you happen make it is expensive to fund their expansion. stuart: trump trades all across the board and trip toe is where trump trades today. djt. all right, thank you, lauren. coming up, trump campaign
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started a fundraiser to help the people injured and killed in the assassination attempt and it's raised millions of dollars and give you the latest numbers. president biden and vice president harris postponing events in the wake of the shooting. they're also pausing ads and fundraising e-mails. we have that story for you. more local leaders condemning attack on tram and how does that make us look to our adversaries and morgan ortagus responds after this. ♪
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like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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>> called for former president trump and is issued this statemt "i'm appalled by the shocking scenes at president trump's rally and we send him and his family our best wishes. political violence in any form has no place in our societies". president macron wrote my thought withs president trump and victim of assassination ateam. it's a tragedy for our democracies and shares shock and indignation of the american people. >> angattempt on the life of donald trump is a heinous one that can only be condemned and shows how serious the lowball challenges of democracy are right now. violence in any form in any way must never prevail. >> not just an attack on donald trump but an attack on a candidate for the presidency of the united states. this was an attack on america. attack on democracy.
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>> mexico's president said we condemn what happened to former president donald trump and violence is irrational and inhumane and justin trudeau said violence is never acceptable and australian prime minister said the essence and opinions to debate agreeance in just a disagreement. jot president and safe and doing fine and i wish him and his family well. >> south korea's president tweeted i'm appalled by the hideous act of political violence and i wish former president trump a speedy recovery and people of korea stand in solidarity with the people of america. vladamir putin hasn't remarked on the attempt but dimitri tried to blame the current administration. >> atmosphere around candidate trump, it's this atmosphere that provoked what america is facing today.
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>> just days before, stu, the american intelligence community warn that had russia is implying a whole government approach to take advantage of issues that animate and divide u.s. voters and kremlin statement following attempt on president trump's life is a case in point. stuart. stuart: yes, it is. jennifer griffin at state department. thank you, jennifer. former state department person jennifer or day gus -- morgan ortagus going to expect trump to win. which means she and putin have just five months left with biden to do something before they run out their opportunity. how am i doing on this?
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jowski i think this has become -- been coming for quite some time and read the same public polls as everyone else and remain upset with a certain point, stu, and proving that xi jinping and north korea going on and out of all the scenario and it's the one that worries and concerns me the most and ayatollah is old and his health is not well and he knows in a second trump term he'd go back to economic pressure and we would go back to punishing them if they actually get close to nuclear weapon and donald trump has tried to say he'd not allow them for a nuclear weapon. enrichment by the iranians and dni is a year over due to certify where they are on nuclear weapons to the congress and administration is hiding something and that really
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concerns me about the next five to six months. stuart: bring you on board with domestic politics for a moment. judge cannon, i'm sure you saw this, has dismissed the documents case against trump. this seems to be a huge wir trump and a big loss for biden's lawfare strategy. what say you? >> it's a big win for tram and he's firing up the wins and what's interesting to me, stu. whenever i read this news and went into the details, essentially the judge is saying that the council should have been a con if i wered by the senate and he was never confirmed by the senate so it's really a technical issue and a very insider dc baseball issue and people in washington dc live and die over whether they can get senate con if i wered or not and the fact this is one of the main reasons why the judge throughout the case is just such an inside dc baseball thing and obviously clearly very important so now the former president after narrowly escaping
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assassination attempt and getting document case dismissed and only thing left is potentially a sentencing in new york and we'll see what happens with the dc case if they're going to try and bring it forward before november. perhaps they should be focusing the biden administration should focus on flailing campaign and candidate not doing well and opposed to lawfare instead of president trump. stuart: thank you for jumping into domestic politics. see you soon. that rally keeps ongoing, doesn't it? dow is up nearly 300 points. 40,300 almost. s&p up 50 points and almost 1% and nasdaq powering ahead and up 1.25%. big gain. now look at djt. this is donald trump's kind of vehicle i guess you could say. 31% higher today. this is on the expectation increasing. you see this at betting markets and expectation of a trump win
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in november. djt up 32%. my next guest had a front row seat at trump's rally and saw the entire thing ploy out in front of her eyes. she'll give us her firsthand account next. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. ♪ go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms ♪ unlock support from the schwab trade desk— our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. ♪ and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. ♪
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brought my plus-one. jamie? stuart: dow up 300 and nasdaq up 232. that's solid green. it's up 1.5%. lauren: earnings today and going for the dow stock and jp morgan and citi group and wells fargo playing double digit gains in investment banking revenue. stuart: one stock we haven't checked and we should is nvidia. lauren: up almost 1% and pushing towards the closing high of 135 and hit last month. we'd seen in the past couple of weeks market rotate a bit out of big tech and that money is coming back in.
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the earnings get closer and stock at 130 now going to 165 and look at name from the beginning of last year jade ya is up. 785% since the start of 2023. stuart: my goodness me. lauren: harp to wrap your mind around it. stuart: hard to get around this and judge aileen cannon dismissed the classified documents case against donald trump. lydia hu is here following the story for us. walk us through it. why is the case dropped and what does it mean for trump? stuart: she's differing from >> she's differing from other ones and the special prosecutor jack smith and unlawfully appointed to prosecute donald trump here. we have the former president reacting to this big news posting on truth social and in this you'll see, stuart, saturday's attempted assassination writing this, as we move forward in uniting our
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nation after the horrific events on saturday, this dismissal of the lawless indictment in florida should be just the first step. follow quickly by the dismissal of all witch hunts and the cases she's facing and let us come together to end all weaponization of our justice system and make america great again. stuart, this effectively ends the documents case down in florida for now. big win for tram and many consider this documents case and brought 40 felony counts and they willfully kept classified materials and consider to be the most problematic case for donald trump and it was the likely easiest to prove for jack smith and here judge cannon has the appointment for the clause of the constitution and she finds that the use of special prosecutors creates really office that meets congressional oversight and senate confirmation baa trump's lawyers pointed out, jack smith just a
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private city and it's the setting with no authority to prosecute trump. judge cannon noted this "in the end it seems the executives growing comfort in appointing regulatory special councils in the more recent era has followed ad hock pattern for the little and putting an end to that and noted several other judges addressed this issue and jack smith the prosecute eric in this case can appeal this decision and would be first considered by eleventh circuit court of appeals and this important point here, it would delay the issue past the election. big win for donald trump on the issue. stuart: thank you very much indeed. now this, my next guest sitting right in the front row at the trump rally with the former president attempting a form r assassination attempt. did you hear the pop pop pop?
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take us through what you saw? >> i was in the front row, the podium was in front of me. no one between me and donald trump other than the barrier. he was speaking and brought up the visual and turned his head to show the visual and i think that saved his life. this was the number when i left office. then all of a sudden pop pop, i heard four out of my left ear. i saw him crouch, then the four came up on the stage and pushed him to the ground. over to the right were all the photographers in front of that and prior to that they were thrown in the heap on the ground we were in shock and because of it. i thought, oh my gosh, they shot the president and they shot all the photographers. stuart: wow. >> then you see the big black
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guns came up and i heard clear right, clear left, lift him up. they lifted president trump up straight and i could see his face and it was still rosie and red and he looks good. red blood on the corner of his cheek. and donald trump said i have to get my shoes. oh, man, his shoes must have been pushed off when they got him down. he wanted those shoes on. then they turned him and i saw the ear and blood from the top to bottom and in my mind i thought, he got hurt by being pushed to the ground. that's what i was thinking. nothing happened to him and he looked good, no blood on his shirt, suit looked good. then he starts -- they wanted to move him and he didn't want to move. they were like pushing him and the arm came up. fight, fight, fight and the
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crowd erupted. it was his way of saying i'm okay to all of us. stuart: some saying he shouldn't have said fight fight fight. that's the wrong thing to say at that moment. what's your reaction to that? >> what was he going to say? i'm okay. he's donald trump. he just, this is my answer. this is why he said it because people have asked me, weren't you afraid? >> i said no. nobody in our row moved an inch. nobody ran. they knew the only person that was in trouble was that -- only one that gunman or whoever it was wanted was the gentlemen at the podium. stuart: how long before you -- that was our thought. stuart: how long before you're -- >> didn't anybody push you or shove you? nope, not a person. stuart: no panic at all? >> no panic at all. you can see the panic only
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occurred way to the left of me on the riser because that's where the people were shot. that was the only way i knew anybody was shot. the gentleman running for the senate walked behind me, the row behind me. nobody wanted to walk in front of me because nobody wanted to get to that stage. dave mckormick walked behind me and mind him is el and blood from the right side from top to bottom like a streak. >> he was walking and he must be okay and he mug have been near somebody that was shot. later we found out he actually hugged somebody and i heard that those people in those bleachers, there was no ems, nothing. people in those bleachers carried everybody down to the ambulance. i mean, no one was afraid for themselves. it was an unbelievable experience. no running or screaming. no oh, i'm afraid. no ducking. i want to add one thing if i
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can. stuart: sure. >> before donald trump entered the stage, you know the big american flag that was above it on the cranes. it was 90 degrees hot all day, still a big wind came which we were like loving. sitting in that seat from 12:00 on. it twist that had american flag into a picture of an angel. two wings and a body. i mean, people were like look at that. and there was a retired fireman next to me and said doesn't that look like an angel. then of course the crowd is like fix the flag. fix the flag. they lowered it and moved it back. i think between the flag and the ear, that's why donald trump is alive today. stuart: erin, thank you very much for being with us today. that was the most colorful picture of what happened i've ever seen. erin, thank you so much for joining us.
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we really appreciate it. >> thank you. stuart: donald trump's campaign launched a do understood if me in support of the shooting victims. they raised a lot of money, haven't they? lauren: almost 3.9 million and counting. 52 plus thousand donors including heritage foundation and put in 50,000, kid rock 50,000, vivek ramaswamy 30,000. you know, people are looking at this event and think they want to unit the country and they want to help the two people that got hurt and the one that died. stuart: some celebrities are speaking out about the assassination attempt. who are we talking about? lauren: a lot. jason aldean said this is the image, iconic, what a warrior looks like and donald trump and the actor tim robbins and a couple of years ago he made this documentary of right wing politician that staged an assassination. he posted about it and he said, anyone drawing a parallel between my film and the attempted assassination let's be clear, what happened yesterday
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was a real attempt on the presidential candidate's life and denying the assassination attempt was truly in a deranged mindset. he's coming out and saying endless conspiracy theory, let's unify the country. george strait, amber rose, kid rock, john rich and said an angel protected trump stuart: i've not heard that before. lauren: i hadn't heard her story and john rich posted a bible quote and said there was an angel watching out for trump. stuart: fascinating. thanks, lauren. coming up, politicians on both sides say the intense political rhetoric needs to cool down. watch this. >> we just have to turn down the kinds -- the temperature on this and this election is going to be the biggest kind of election in our lifetime. we have months ahead of us. stuart: fair enough. we'll see what senator roger
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marshall has to say about that. protesters are gathering outside of the republican national convention despite this weekend's assassination ateam and the march will be peaceful and family friendly a. report from milwaukee next. daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow...
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like clean water. and what promising new treatment advances can make a new tomorrow possible. better questions. better outcomes. stuart: big e inwinner is caterpillar, jp morgan, apple and express. cryptos and a trump play believe it or not and trump is big and going on the end of this month and back to 63,000 this morning. a solid gain for ethereum as well. right now p protesters in milwaukee and did the
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assassination acement change plans at all? assassination attempt change plans at all? reporter: sure didn't, stu. bind me there's a few hundred protesters with coalition of more than 120 activist groups here for press going to have about an hour's time and going to march and i'm going to take you for a walk through and you should see the groups that are pro palestinian protesters and women's productive rights and pro immigrant rights and lgbtq and really everybody made up and you see signs like this one over here and lock him up. a very direct message to president trump and this group tells me, stu, they're not just making a stop in milwaukee and they'll go to chicago as well and you're seeing some signs like this and go no fascist tram and no genocide joe and we asked flores the cochair of the march on rnc and it's saturday's events change anything. here is what he said to us.
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>> i think trump raised a lot of hate and the shooting has nothing to do with us and we're going to continue with the marchs we planned. reporter: it's on and that march starts at noon local time. we're about three blocks and the pfizer forum in that direction and they have a parade route and march route that the city is approved about a mile long. it'll get the protesters about one block within the forum itself and a lot of delegates going for the official kickoff of rnc and interesting to see the police say they'll be engaging among those on the march route to make sure everything goes smooth. stu. stuart: got t griff. thank you very much. now this, biden rescheduled a trip to texas today following attempted anassau county nation of trump. lauren, is biden pausing the campaign? lauren: temporarily. he's rescheduled his trip to austin, texas, that was
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happening today and would be commemorating the 60th anniversary of the civil rights act and they really dug it and going for him going for the first democrats and biden should end his campaign and all that's been dialed back a bit. that'll air tonight and a pause if you will on some parts of the campaign. stuart: vice president kamala harris pressing pause on the campaign. lauren: she was scheduled to be in palm beach, florida, tomorrow and she's moderating a council on productivity rights and abortion and alongside republican women and independent women and wanted to persuade them they should vote for president biden to protect reproductive rights. now that event has been postponed and look at current state of affairs and both sides taking the temperatures down a bit and focusing on the issues; right. for democrats, their winning issue is abortion. stuart: all right, thank you, lauren. it's that time when we show you
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the dow 30. i'm going to have to change the script at some point and i say the same thing. this is giving you a sense of the market. i have a sense there's an awful lot of buying and plenty of green on the screen and dow up 330 points in the paints and 40,330 is where it is at. and billions of dollars were funding the secret service for going to know how could, how we could still have such a security lapse and hillary vaughn has that story on capitol hill after this.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet.
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and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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stuart: lawmakers demanding answers from the secret service after assassination attempt and learning that the shooter purchased am in addition hours before -- ammunition hours before the shooting. hillary vaughn on capitol hill. where does the investigation stand right now, hillary? reporter: stuart, we're getting breaking dee 'tiles about who was -- details about who was covering that building where thomas crooks set up and fired his gun from. a law enforcement source is telling our own jake gibson and didavid spunt that the law enforcement responsible for
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clearing that building that no one got up there and it was a responsibility for the rally point with the sniper teams and the local sniper team was actually and going with them in or near and access to them and here on capitol hill, lawmakers are expected to get a briefing tomorrow on the security fellow and next week and also getting a director of secret service and forcing some answers. >> we've been communicating back and forth with the director by next monday she should have a lot of answers and full scale committee hearing and demanding answers that every american has about what went wrong and trying to determine if we're in a better shape moving forward to
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protect donald trump but joe biden. >> richy torres writing why was the roof not cleared before a shooter and the security failures cannot go unanswered and there must be a postmortem of what went wrong and he's colead ago bipartisan effort of mike to cosponsor a bill to provide tram and president biden and robert kennedy jr. that does not have secret service protection at the moment and enhanced secret service protection and two saying anything less would be a disservice to our democracy and some democrats are coming under fire and congressman benny thompson is being criticized for introduce ago bill that spring that would have stripped trump of entire detail calling for convicted felons sentenced to prison to be ineligible for
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secret service protection and thompson saying i'm grateful for law enforcement fast response to the incident and glad the former president is safe. we're also learning this morning that the senate homeland security committee chairman is going to also be holding a investigation or launching a bipartisan investigation into all the security steps that led up to this fatal event from happening. stuart. stuart: hillary, thank you. roger marshall joining us now. your committee is calling for an investigation to the shooting. got it. do you want hope hearings so we all can see what's going on? >> stuart, good morning from milwaukee from the convention. yes, they need to be open hearings, but i want to pause and say first of all it was almost prove den issue that president trump was spared during that assassination ateam.
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the counter sniper is waiting for the property coal and taking out the -- protocol and couldn't engage till they told him and that's what we need to investigate and i want to praise the secret service and made a clean shot in the most pressure-filled moment of his life and other secret service agents tackled the president hard and literally knocked the shoes off him and they did their job, yes, there were failures and yes, absolutely. let's keep it open as possible. stuart: senator, politicians on both sides need to tone down the rhetoric and bring the temperature of politics down in our country. do you think this is a turning point for politics? >> i do. and we'll see how long this moment lasts. both sides need to turn their rhetoric down. i'm going to try and turn the rhetoric down, but it is really hard when the president of the united states says that his chief opponent is a threat to democracy and when their
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weaponnizing the justice department against him and that being said, go after the policy not the person, and i call on anybody that follows president trump, there's a peaceful way to do this and register to vote and that's where the focus should be is november 5 getting scout voting. stuart: trump is changing focus for his unity -- his speech, acceptance speech and changing toward entirely unity. think that's a winning strategy? >> of course it is. i've never seen a republican party so unified going into a convention and with a group of folks and a couple hundred republicans and that's how i would describe this. we're unified and we want to make america great again. we want to make america wealthier again. we'll talk today about how we make america wealthy again and we slash regulations and we cut
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taxes and set energy free and reward innovation and hard work and it's simple and not a complicated plan and need to execute that plan perfectly. stuart: think is trump's election to lose now? they're texting me saying i get it. trump is a fighter. it's ready to get us out of this situation. 24 is a moment in history and like we're making history this week here and stuart: getting a brief reprieve from the news. this is the monday trivia question and truly trivial. how long does it take mars to orbit the sun?
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687, 721, 774 or 818 days? the inquiring minds want to know. we'll be back with the an. ♪ ♪ there was a tree, down in the woods ♪ ♪ the prettiest tree, ♪ ♪ that you ever did see... ♪ ♪ now the tree has roots that need water to grow ♪ ♪ grow jobs, grow skills ♪ ♪ make the whole world go. ♪ ... that make jobs happen, that make communities happen. together, we make momentum happen. (♪) with wet amd, i worry i'm not only losing my sight, but my time to enjoy it. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo.
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orbit the sun? how many days? 680, 720, you haven't got a clue so guess? lauren: 721 days number two. stuart: i am convinced it's 818. lauren: oh, are you convinced? stuart: i'm wrong. lauren: we're both wrong. stuart: 687 days while the earth rotates at 67,000 miles an hour around the sun mars moves a bit slower taking nearly a full extra year. lauren: well look at that. stuart: we've got that. we're much wiser now, aren't we? "varney" & company is just about over, but "coast to coast" will start in about four or five seconds. actually it's now three. here's neil. neil: thank you, you know, stuart i think you hit on the key issue here it is donald trump's election to lose and repeated a number of times in the broadcast and that's how the markets are reflecting this. unless there's a big surprise it's playing out a potential trump win, maybe a big win. stuart: i agree. neil: here we go, thank you, stuart, very much. we are following


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