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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 16, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: love those beetles. 10:00 eastern. you see the dow industrials up 435 points. one third of 1% higher on the s&p, the nasdaq is a fraction higher. the tenure treasury yield below 4.4%. the price of oil all over the place, down $80 a barrel. it is 63-5 right now. the lowest read on homebuilder confidence. edward: it's down 3 months in a row and the lowest reading of 2024. if there's any good news it is that the national association of homebuilders expect rates to drop later this year. stuart: no impact on the markets, nice rally.
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now this. j -- j.d. vance as donald trump's pick for vice president. he's 39, the republican party's challenger. the same night president biden is interviewed on nbc. by ms. 80 one. he's the democrat party's passed. past. what a contrast. the future and the past, the young and the all. i found it painful to watch the president. in my opinion he's too old for the job, spent much of the interview trying desperately to show he has still got it. he got feisty with his interviewer, why don't you ever talk about 28 lies trump told during the debate? so much for lowering the political temperature. asked about his cognitive decline he said i've got 22 major events. my mental acuity has been pretty damn good. our president spent virtually no time looking to the future
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and the vision he has for america. it was defense of the past that highlighted the difficulties of the president. some commentators criticized j.d. vance's policies but not policy on display last night. it was his youth and how long he's shaping the republican party. if trump wins this november, j.d. vance could be the 40 eighth president. he would be in his 40s like john kennedy when he talk office in 1960. he has three younger children. trump asked to speak to his 7-year-old and the young man, touching thing to do. imagine having youngsters in the white house again. vance looks to the future highlighting the opportunities of the present. as of now the republican party is united around trump and his youthful vice president, democrats are divided. it is the age of decline of their leader. that's the problem. second hour of varney getting started.
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didn't take long for the media to start attacking j.d. vance. listen to what van jones had to say. >> scary dude because if you were hoping after this near-death experience and we would have a kumbaya convention, this would signal donald trump is planning on doing a lot of hard governing. he's got somebody who is a pit rule, an attack dog, he went to law school. he's going to be making a bunch of stuff happen. if you're worried about project 2025 this is a guy who will keep you up at night. stuart: he's an oil booster and out of human caused climate change.
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are voters going to buy that line of attack? >> good to talk to you. i don't think they will but the pickup by donald trump will be attacked by the media. if he picked marco rubio, a cuban-american in havana, picked up bergram, north dakota man, susan collins were the vp nominee she would be attacked, susan collins voted to put a rapist on the supreme court. whoever the republican vp nominee is going to be that person would be attacked for the media. best thing j.d. vance can do is speak on his own behalf, very articulate and energetic, defends himself very well. stuart: the teamsters union may not back either candidate. the union president praised
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vance as trump's running mate. >> he has been great on teamster issues, cosponsored airline manufacturing bill that addresses outsourcing of critical and line maintenance to china and also supported paid sick leave for railroad workers. he's been right there on all the issues and how the us marine represented as a vice president can. the youth is great. often times people are overlooked because of their age but should be looked at because of their ability. stuart: if biden fails to secure the teamsters endorsement how big a blow is that to biden's campaign? >> a significant blow. the teamsters are large union. to get a union endorsement that comes with money and volunteers. they will knock on doors, hand out literature, make phone
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calls and do grassroots support which is important and some may do it on their own. a lot of critical states like pennsylvania. susan: biden -- black entertainment television and deliver remarks, this is all part of a full court press for the black vote. how's it going? >> not greater. donald trump is getting 20% of black vote in poll after poll, 28% and 18% of the black vote goes towards republican nominee, bad news for democrats. the whole thing collapses.
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i hope donald trump and j.d. vance seek the black vote, grateful policy standpoint. stuart: see you again soon. republicans like trump's vice presidential pick. what are they saying? lauren: he brings a populist message that appeals to working americans. he hasn't upbringing in rural kentucky and ohio. here are those lawmakers. >> a working-class guy who will appeal to rustbelt voters in wisconsin. will determine the outcome of this election. >> blue collar photos. left behind by the democratic party and america. >> someone who is more junior and doesn't have dc experience
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and being a military man, this is something the american people want. lauren: they want vance because he's not a politician. he has very little political experience. if you take his military experience, he signed up for the marines after 9/11. he says he has the courage to fight wars and the wisdom to avoid them. stuart: david barneson will cover the markets. i want to know why you are not a fan of j.d. vance, why he could cost trump the election. tell us why. >> there's a sense in which he is an incredibly impressive person. 's biography is one of my favorite books of the last 20 years but he does represent more than fdr republican which is ironic. he likes certain new deal
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programs, government intervention, industrial policy, talked about not being a fan of the business tax cuts. you are right, politically he is populist. i'm a reagan conservative. i favor more limited government. there are certain advantages j.d. vance has, i think he represents a shift into something more governmental about how to solve some of these problems. i'm not sure that's the right message around the conservative you post. stuart: dow industrials having the best day since late may. a lot of that is from 30 dow stocks. would you say this is a trump rally? >> the s&p is up, the nasdaq down, the dow is up one stock. i don't think this is a trump rally but i don't think there's
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been a certain pricing get over the last several weeks, and i don't think this election is over but they are making a mistake. it's advantage trump but there's 31/2 months to go. markets can't price it in. the house is up for grabs, predicting an election for months in advance. stuart: start with johnson & johnson. what is so good about it. >> there is too much excitement in the political world. one of the stalwart dividend growers of all time. we voted for 25 years, we've grown the dividend every year, and low multiple high quality management, it is a staple
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everyone should own. stuart: tell us about verizon. >> 6.5%, by free cash flow. they have grown the dividend. they've been growing at every year. they made a big investment. stuart: 6.5% yield attracts me. see you again real soon. you've got the movers. lauren: they are over 3%. leading the s&p, this could be the trump trade. it is 1.4 sellers cut traces, and if rates come down a more normal market for the housing sector.
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the analyst company palantir. lauren: valuation is way too stretched and hard to justify, stock is up 70%. stuart: we got shopify. lauren: they say the stock is going from $57-$82. they turned the corner of balanced growth and mark marhaney says shopify is better than amazon. he says it is going up 20%. stuart: next, trump is scheduled to speak at a bitcoin conference in nashville. lauren: he will give a keynote address saturday the 27th. vip tickets cost $850,000 per person. it starts at 60,000.
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crypto watchers say that event and trump's speech at the event our catalyst in general. vice president will pick j.d. vance, $250,000 in bitcoin. crypto currency is mainstream. just seeing this. the trump campaign raised $3 million in crypto currency. bitcoin, ether, you name it. stuart: thanks. special counsel jack smith will appeal a judge's order to dismiss trump's classified documents case as biden's lawaffair strategy failed, jason smith deals with that. video shows witnesses frantically warning about the trump rally shooter taking position on the roof. >> on top of the roof, look. there he is right there. right there, see him. >> on the roof.
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on the roof. stuart: we are learning a local police officer reported the suspicious man on the roof 30 minutes before the gunman opened fire. details next. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. ♪ go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms ♪ unlock support from the schwab trade desk—
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stuart: the dow is on pace, their big winners on the dow 30 stocks. unitedhealth and goldman sachs and caterpillar together are adding 280 points to the dow. a source told fox, a local police officer, suspicious person at the pennsylvania rally 30 minutes, jonathan's areas in butler, pennsylvania
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with the new details. >> reporter: saturday's events, external and external investigations are going to look into whether opportunities were missed that could have prevented the shooting from happening in the first place. a lot enforcement source tells fox news digital a local officer took a picture of a suspicious man carrying what appeared to be a range finder and showed state police 30 minutes before the shooting and citizens alerted police, on a rooftop on top of the building which was part of a building complex being used by a police counter sniper team. in an interview the head of the secret service explained why there was not a law enforcement presence on top of that building. >> that building has a sloped
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roof at its highest point. there's a safety factor that would be considered. the decision was made to secure the building from inside. >> reporter: two federal sources convey reports a local officer climbed to the roof and spotted the gunman but quickly retreated. butler county sheriff michael sloop tells k dka news that the officer had both hands on the roof to get up on the roof, never made it because the shooter turned towards the officer and smart fully, the officer let's go. coming back to our live shot, this is the general area shooter was operating as you can imagine, it has been an active crime investigation seen. today was the first day that we saw workers being allowed to return to their worksites. there is still a small police presence. moments ago, we saw a team of investigators show up here.
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they had a ladder and what appeared to be some building schematics. stuart: special counsel jack smith plans to appeal the decision to dismiss trump's classified documents case. her ruling ignores precedent set by higher courts. jason smith joined me now. has biden's lawfair strategy failed? >> when we saw the case being dismissed, it proved what donald trump and we've been saying for a long time, lacked the statutory constitutional authority to go forward with the prosecution. they need to give it up because the courts have spoken. stuart: do trump's legal troubles go away if he wins the presidency in november? >> it is absolutely
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unconscionable, what donald trump is experiencing. he's been impeached twice, they tried to bankrupt him, they have prosecuted him numerous times, try to imprison him and some guy tried to shoot him. they are never going to give up in trying to push back on donald trump. stuart: last night as trump entered the arena he looked subdued, he looked almost choked up because of the emotion coming at him. is he a new trump that emerged last night? >> think about last night, 48 hours when someone attempted to daycare his life, that puts a lot of things in perspective much like milania trump's letter put it in perspective. he's a good father, a husband, someone who loves music. these are real person. a lot of times in politics people are focused just as some
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being and not a human. whenever he came in yesterday, you see his emotions, his real heart. donald trump is a very kind person. just doesn't always come across. stuart: thanks for joining us. see you again soon. nikki haley will speak tonight, the second day of the convention. has trump united the republican party? john thune on that. trump was met with applause after narrowly surviving an assassination attempt three days ago. bill melugin on what to expect tonight. ♪
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call or go online now to request your free quote. stuart: the very sharply higher. they are very big game. it is down 56 points was let's start with boeing. it is up.
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lauren: the dow is higher, this is the bottom. it is $21 a share. the production and delivery ramp-up looks better and starts the breach to china. stuart: charles schwab is down. lauren: 7% fell by 17%. it is the lowest since the start of the pandemic. stuart: sketchers. lauren: sketchers are the third-biggest, illegally copies its shoes, specifically the freeport casual shoe. it is two patents. stuart: it is a big deal, day 2 of the republican convention,
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make america safe once again. it is all about crime and immigration. >> today's theme is hard to beat. when donald trump came to the floor he got the crowd very riled up. it was electric, take a listen. [crowd chanting] >> reporter: tonight's headline speaker is nikki haley who was invited by the trump team. it was a brutal primary season, they were constantly attacking each other, he called her birdbrain, she stayed in the
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race so long, we were in the room with her when she dropped out of the race in march. she didn't endorse him at the time, told trump to earn the support of voters, she released her delegates telling them to vote for him. a possible sign they are burying the hatchet. eric trump said it's a sign the party is coming together. >> it's going to be a great message, nice to see. politics is brutal but also brutal on the other side. kamala harris, used to call joe biden a racist. it happens on both sides. >> reporter: aside from nikki haley, they expect a slew of senate candidates to speak tonight including a few in states trump is trying to flip read. caria lake will be here and jim justice and sam brown. that attempted assassination took place. take a look at the pfizer forum in milwaukee, today's theme,
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make america safe again, the emphasis on crime, the southern border, both those topics constantly show up as top issues for voter concerns in fox news polling during this election cycle. a mom who lost her son to fentanyl spoke out. >> the night he passed away on, he was at university of wisconsin in his dorm room. had upset night on valentine's day. took a pill, it was fake, look real, killed him within minutes. >> reporter: earlier this going the dnc announced their first paid media campaign of attack ads against the trump vance ticket, they will be putting up 16 billboards in the milwaukee area, donald trump and j.d. vance. the temporary pause on attack ads after the attempted assassination caused it to be over. stuart: thanks very much. i've got a question for you.
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what happens to j.d. vance's senate seat if the trump j.d. vance package wins in november? lauren: republican mike do a picks his immediate replacement. that person serves the two year term. then a special election. after that a regular election in 2028 for the full six year term. vivek ramaswamy is friends with vance, they graduated together. vivek said he would consider taking vance's senate seat if the ohio governor asks him to. he is also said to have a passion of taking on the regulatory state. maybe a cabinet position would be better. we will see. the ohio democrat senator sharon brown is one of the most vulnerable in the senate. republican bernie marino could when and ohio could determine it.
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stuart: j.d. vance is a republican who holds the seat now. if he steps aside a republican could take it and the other guy is vulnerable but you could have two senators from ohio. big deal. ohio is a major state. back to the markets. dow industrials up 500 points. three stocks are count for much of again especially united health which is a tear this morning. this could be called another trump rally. the rally continues with trump leading the campaign with his vice president will pick. unitedhealth, goldman, boeing, unitedhealth, huge gain. 5% on the upside. lauren: third-quarter earnings. stuart: let's bring in senator john thune, the minority whip in the united states senate.
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it seems there's two wins to the republican party, old-style republicans, moderate and the m80 republican. has trump united the two sides? >> reporter: if you look at this convention as a ton of unity, people around the country are rallying around donald trump, his vision for the future, acknowledging this administration, the biden administration is the presidency, high prices and open borders and i think the american people want a change, they realize what they have isn't working, $13,000 more for year for everything than they did before biden took office so this is a time for change in the country and this is a party and a presidential candidate is going to articulate a vision this week to rally americans, unify americans and take us to a better place. the american people know it. stuart: if the trump/vance
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campaign wins in november, j.d. vance could become the 40 eighth president of the united states somewhere down the road. is he the future of the republican party? >> he has a bright future. he has a compelling personal story. he is a great messenger, very articulate. i look forward to watching him. that something to put money down on. he can speak to someone, in a way that resonates with them, that broadens the appeal of the party and donald trump has done that and j.d. vance adds to and enhances our ability to connect with americans that -- stuart: it seemed like such a contrast last night at the convention was j.d. vance, 39-year-old, youthful, future of the party, on nbc, 80 when-year-old president
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interviewed by lester holt, he was getting feisty and testy in defending the past, seemed like such a contrast almost at the same time. >> we benefit from it. president biden does not. that's one of many contrasts not least of which was policy differences between these two nominees and democrats have their time in august but this has been a great meeting so far. we hear from senator vance and donald trump but there's a lot of energy around the republican party, sense of unity and i think there's a sense of unity that breaks out across the country coming out of this. stuart: senator john thune. programming note, special coverage of the republican national convention at 7 p.m. pm eastern on fox business. the lead, marvel and entrepreneur in the rose spoke
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at the convention last night, she said the liberal media brainwashed into thinking trump was a racist. trump is making a bigger push for blue collar voters by tapping j.d. vance, the ohio senator has broken on several economic issues. madison alworth breaks down the atomic scorecard.
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that commitment is to make sure, that the word homeless and the word veteran are never in the same sentence again. we're in bradenton right now because tunnel to towers has decided help homeless veterans who want to get out of homelessness, get into a better part of their life, it's a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide housing for the veterans that need it most, not shelters, homes. it's not just a place to sleep it's actually wrap around services and that's what is so impressive. as someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. these are my brothers, my sisters, the people we fought beside one of the hallmarks of military service is the only people behind it that sticks with me. i know that every veteran who raised their right hand and swore to support and defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. we have things that we carry inside of us, what tunnel to towers is doing with this village is helping veterans that have mental health issues needs. we have veterans that suffer every day. and so to have this facility to service our veterans
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that are in so need it just the pride is just exploding. we want to make sure that when our veterans are coming home, that they're coming home to something that actually feels personalized and homey for them. that's a home. that's a home with dignity and walls and air conditioning. it's beautiful. i was able to walk through one of the comfort homes today. that moved my heart. i'm just telling you it did when i walked in. and it'll help the heart of that veteran. that's what's important. the care and the give and the love that tunnel to towers has for our veterans is amazing. the people that donate to tunnel to towers, they are amazing. that eleven dollars is changing your life because your giving and it's changing somebody else's to do it. it just an honor to be involved with it. this is all that is good in america. and i am incredibly proud to stand with them. they matter. they save lives. you should support them.
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stuart: trump's vice presidential pick said j.d. vance is a fierce critic of bidenomics. madison alworth with me this morning. what economic policies does he support? >> the laconic report card for you. we will start with areas where he differs from donald trump and the republican party as a
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whole. the freshman senator has pushed for a more active role of the government in the economy, praised president biden's federal trade commission chairman for antitrust fight. he himself has opposed tax breaks for corporate mergers with stock sensitizing giant mergers act which places and the lemonades the deferral of tax per shareholders against stock merger, ohio rep has also called for a higher minimum wage. there are areas where he is more in line with the party. he blames bidenomics for inflation saying americans don't buy it. the biden administration's green policies are hurting the industrial heartland. he's also a fierce critic of running up the deficits, opposing the latest round of ukraine aid and the data was raised by his grandparents, his grandmother called student debt forgiveness a massive windfall to the rich. he said last night because of
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his life experience he sees himself as someone who will help execute the america first agenda. >> i grew up in a poor family. my grandmother who raised be used to negotiate with the meals on wheels people to give her additional food to feed me. how does family like that deal with president biden's grocery price inflation. how to deal with gasoline energy price inflation. it's got more expensive to live a good life in this country. >> reporter: the ohio native has lived the american dream. he joined the marines ultimate graduating from yale loss will, work for a law firm for venture-capital firm and went on to launch his old firm and raised $90 million there. that has helped with another important economic piece of politics. fundraising. vance helped trump they may fundraiser in cincinnati, $4.5 million and a june
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fundraiser in san francisco, before he was even on the ticket. stuart: biden's campaign chair warned about the stance on abortion. role it. >> no matter the harm to the american people, he wholeheartedly endorsed trump, is probably anti-choice and wants to take women back decades. he supports a nationwide ban on abortion, criticizes exception for rape and incest survivors saying two wrongs don't make a right and calling those circumstances inconvenient. stuart: that's from the biden side. vance supports trump's stance on the issue, leave it to the states. will there be a problem for the ticket? >> i don't think it will be. i think biden's campaign would have made these accusations regardless who trump ended up picking as his vice president
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because this is all they have 2 run-on. abortion, fear mongering. it shows a real fear on the side of the biden campaign. what trump is done by picking j.d. vance is helped provide a vision for the future of the republican party even when donald trump was off of the scene and that is something the biden campaign cannot compete with because who is there alternative to biden? kamala harris. quite a stark difference. as a young voter when looking forward to the future of these parties, j.d. vance is a more compelling figure than kamala harris could ever hope to be. stuart: nikki haley will speak at the convention tonight. what do you want to hear from her? >> i want to hear unity. i want to see all sides of the republican coalition come together. i know many people here in milwaukee feel the same way. this is a historic moment following the assassination attempt on donald trump. for the first time may be since
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he has come on the political scene, there's an opportunity to convince americans to change their mind about him. this is one of the issues with trump, everyone has strong feelings on him either way. this is an opportunity to persuade some people who might be persuaded to speak differently. nikki haley can do that. see speaks to a different second of voters, she can help bring them into the fold now. stuart: thank you very much indeed. celebrity spoke at the rnc last night, right after the liberal media. what did she say? lauren: i grew up being told trump was a racist and when she finally sought out her own information, what she was told and believed was a lie. >> i hear about the truth and the truth is the media lied to us about donald trump. for a long time i believed those lies which i realize donald trump and his supporters don't care if you are black, white, gay, or straight, that is when it hit me, these are my
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people, this is where i belong. when you cut through the lies you realize the truth. american families are better when donald trump was president. lauren: she's a model and a rapper and his famous. van jones on cnn said what she said last night, her message coming from her is the most dangerous message for democrats. stuart: coming up, secret service director kimberly cheadle says the buck stops with her. >> the secret service is responsible. >> the buck stops with you? >> the buck stops with me. stuart: after trump's assassination attempt, she's refusing to resign. tom homan on that. special coverage of the national convention continues at 7:00 p.m. :00 pm eastern on fox business, stay with us. we are coming back. ♪
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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stuart: the dow is on pace for to best day since may 31st.
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there are couple big winners. unitedhealth, goldman sachs, caterpillar responsible for 330 points of the upside move which is a 588 points. tom, you are going to speak at the convention. it's all about making america safe. what will you tell us about the border? >> same thing i said before, donald trump gave us the most secure border in my lifetime and this administration came in to office, unsecured a secure border. i will talk about the success of the trump administration and move immigration to a 45 year point. stuart: if trump wins, would you come out of retirement if he asked you to run the border again? >> if he asked me to come back, the countries facing
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catastrophic illegal immigration, the biggest national security vulnerability this country has ever seen, how many came from a country that sponsor terror? we don't know. we've got to million people, we know who they are and where they come from. stuart: kimberly cheadle says she won't redesign in the wake of trump's assassination attempt and secretary mayorkas defended her. >> does the president have confidence in the secret service director? >> i have confidence in the director of the secret service, 100% confidence in the secret service. what you saw on stage saturday with respect to individuals putting their lives at risk for the protection of another is exactly what the american public should see every day. it is what i in deed do. stuart: if the secret service
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was responsible for securing the president, they are responsible for the lapse in security on the rooftop. i don't think miss cheadle will resign. >> he shouldn't resign. she should be terminated. don't let her resign. it's -- who cares reset? i don't think there is a single secret service agent in force that respects. he has lied to the american people. from somebody, most americans, who cares what he says. i agree with one thing. most people, they did a heroic thing. within two seconds when the first shot rang out, they ran up the stairs, crossed the stage, the president got behind
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the podium like trained to do. they didn't know how many you votes were coming. how many shooters. they put themselves tween any incoming rounds. hats off to those men and women, they performed excellent. having a guy with a rifle on the roof is a major thing but needs to be independent investigation. i don't want the fbi investigated against. the oversight committee needs a full investigation of what happened and make sure it doesn't happen again. stuart: we will be watching you at the convention. see you later. still ahead, martha maccallum saying biden does not regret his past remarks on trump and jerry merker on biden's feisty interview with nbc. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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11:00 am
>> on his dealing with china and de


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