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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  July 16, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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server farms. completely dysfunctional use of capital. they should be investing and buying in start-ups. this is what happens when, you know, an administration puts their thumb on the scale of the free markets. and, you know, just -- we need free markets to operate freely. it's kind of baked into the name, isn't it? liz: i couldn't agree more about free market capitalism. nvidia right now down 1.a 5. that is, of course, the poster child for the a. a.i. revolution. j-california, thank you very much -- j-cal, thank you very much. dow closes at a record, up 726 the points. s&p, that's a record as well. s&p, that a makes it the 39th record close of 2024. that'll do it for us. stay tuned for "kudlow." ♪ ♪ larry: hello, folks. welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. according to a new report, u.s.
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authorities learned of a potential iranian assassination not if against president trump weeks before the shooting many pennsylvania last saturday -- in pennsylvania last saturday, and the authorities inexplicitly covered it up. former national security adviser robert o'brien and the brilliant kellyanne conway on that and much more in just a if few moments. but first up, let's get to this story. fox news' bryan llenas standing by with all the details. bryan, this just is off the charts, in my view. what you got in. >> reporter: larry, this is a development that is only going to lead to more scrutiny and questions about the failures in protecting form ifer president trump. to fox news can confirm that in recent weeks before saturday's assassination attempt, former president trump's secret service protection was increased because of intelligence about a credible threat from iran to aa saws nate the former president -- asaws mate the former president. two federal law enforcement sources tell fox news the department of homeland security received intelligence from a human source on an iranian plot
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if to assassinate former president trump. it's unclear as to how far along this plot was developed. the secret service and dhs has increasingly been concerned about trump holding outdoor events. these concerns have been expressed to the trump campaign. the former president has been an increased target since he ordered the killing of iranian general qassem soleimani in 20 20, but fox is told this specific threat developed over the past few days. very important to highlight though that at this point, at this time this iranian plot is not connected in any way to the 20-year-old shooter, thomas crooks. if national security spokesperson adrian watson saying this in a new statement to fox. quote: as we have said many times, we have been tracking iranian threats against former trump administration if officials for years dating back to the last administration.
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these threats arise from iran's desire to seek revenge for the killing of qassem soleimani. we consider this a hardball and homeland security matter of the highest priority. larry, we also know a joint intelligence bulletin from the if fbi and dhs was published this week and shared with multiple law enforcement organizations warning of potential repeat attacks and retaliation following the attempted assassination of former president trump. larry? larry: bryan, just one thing. look, terrorists have been coming across the open border including iranian or middle eastern terrorists for three and a half years right now. why is this all of a sudden brand new? in other words, why are the intelligence authorities suddenly coming up with the idea that they might want to kill donald trump who is iran's enemy? >> reporter: the it's a great question, larry. i think the timing on this specifically and timing which we all have questions as to how this shooter was able to get
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within 150 yards of the former president, these are all questions that homeland security committee in congress is going to want to ask the head of the secret service, kimberly cheatle, as well as fbi's directer and dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas. they have demanded a committee hearing on tuesday next week, you better believe these questions are going to be top of mind, larry. larry: no, i got it. thank you for the update. it sounds like ever cover your you know what, to me, but anyway, bryan llenas, thank you ever so much for the update. now, folks, a little bit different. trump and caterpillar having a huge rally. stay with me on this. that's the subject of the riff. ♪ ♪ larry: all right. suddenly, stock markets are mounting a huge spike, spiking rally, and i have to believe it has something to do with donald trump's providential escape from an assassin's bullet. today alone the dow is up over 700 points. yesterday, over 200 points.
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i don't think this is a coincidence. stock markets are frequently forecasters of the outlook for the health, wealth and welfare of the american economy. indeed, one could add the health of the entire country. let's not forget mr. trump's policy platform is the growthiest anyone has seen in 44 years, since ronald reagan. but there's no trump growth thinkness without trump himself. when the former president appeared on the floor of the republican national convention last night, he looked healthy, in fine form, sporting a small bandage around his right ear. the convention went wild. if it was his first appearance since he was saved, by the grace of god, on saturday. countless millions watched this event including investors. what's so interesting about the stock market rally is it's being led by old-fashioned industrial
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companies like caterpillar, also by higher risk entrepreneurial, smaller companies that populate the russell 2000 index. which is also booming. now, think about cat for a moment. the the quintessential american manufacturing company. think farm tools and equipment. think cheaper fertilizers and crops. think middle america. think working folks wearing heavy gloves, hard hats and, of course, the very famous cat hat. people working with their hands, people benefiting from lower taxes and getting rid of thousands and thousands of pages of onerous, burdensome, red tape paperwork. think of farmers who don't know a thing or couldn't care less about something called dei, diversity, equity and inclusion. cat, farmers, manufacturing, it's a wake-up call at a dawn, and they work your tail off all
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day. her tock rah is city is the key. meritocracy. think about smaller business now booming on the hopes of tax cuts and deregulation. by the way, making the trump tax cuts permanent not only means lower business tax rates, it also means those farmers and other working folks can write off that cat equipment immediately. it's called expensing in year one. it saves a bloody fortune in tax payments both now and ten years into the future. think about mr. trump's new vice presidentialing running mate, j.d. vance, who rose up from virtually nothing, graduated from ohio state, excelled at yale law school, served his nation in the marine corps, wrote a brilliant book and, among other things, has been a successful venture capitalist. if now, hold on a second. that phrase venture capitalist, the second word is capitalist. as in free market. free enterprise.
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meritocracy. think about donald trump and all that his biden democratic opponents have been slinging at him for years, the phony russian hoax, the phony lawfare, how he has stood the up to the test time and again. think strength. think tough. i want to put those words together. trump, capitalist, free enterprise, tough. if you think hard enough, it's not too hard to think why the american stock market is suddenly exploding and absolutely loves the trump tale, perhaps the greatest political comeback in american history. and that is my riff. already. we're going to talk about lots of different things here. joining us is the great kellyanne conway, former counselor to president trump, and my very dear friend robert o'brien, former national security adviser. don't be scared. i'm not going to throw out stock
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market questions, although i think you could both handle it. [laughter] but the fact is, kellyanne, i think there's a link between this market -- 700 and something points today, 20 the 0 yesterday. come on, after what happened over the weekend, after mr. trump's providential, god-given recovery, and i just -- i love the caterpillar tractor story. >> yes. larry: they're leading the index. they're up almost 4 percentage points today. this is a company that would benefit exactly from the trump platform program of lower taxes and regulations and the small cap stocks as well. and people saw trump. you can't have the platform, you can't have growthier -- >> that's right. [laughter] -- without trump. and you had trump -- larry: without trump. he's alive, god bless him, and healthy. sorry. [laughter] >> why are you sorry? it's your show. we're just enjoying ourselves. [laughter] for this occasional opinion.
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larry, you're right. whenever i hear i want trump's policies without trump's personality, guess what? good luck with that. larry: that's right. >> you don't get everything you just described and those trade deals and iran on its back and kim jong un not shooting off nukes and putin not invading or or annexing sovereign nations. all of that, nato saying maybe i should pay a little bit more to the common defense, all of it, the secure border. you don't get that without a personality of a leader, a commander in chief and a president who is resolute, who is determined, who is strong. not arrogant, strong. determined. not authoritarian like they say. and everybody saw that last night. you saw i think a humble, subdued trump who is grateful to god that he's here among us. now, the markets love it but so does everyone else. that matters a lot. for a while last week kamala harris was overtaking joe biden before all this, and now the narrative has changed to joe biden. the other thing is look at who's
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in the investor class now. it's been this way for decades. it's everyday americans. when they see sean o'brien last night from the teamsters, first time ever, for 20 minutes talked about how this is the party of the worker, this is donald trump's republican party. that new platform if aligns with the america first agenda, but it's fair, it's more inclusive -- larry: this is a caterpillar, farmer's -- >> i love it. larry: -- get up at dawn, work all day party. that's what trump's done. he's completely changed -- robert o'brien, you've made fortunes in the stock market. [laughter] >> i wish. larry: but really, kellyanne makes some great points. you know, having the teamster president on last night was very, very interesting. he got a great reception, all right? he was fire and brimstone. he a talked about working men. down here on the convention floor, that's what you've got. it's brand new gop. what you thinking? >> i'm thinking energy, larry. we know we're going to add 32 the million barrels -- the 2
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million bares a day. larry: yes. >> a million for the keystone pipeline, 25 miles of pipeline, all the guys finishing up, we'll get a million barrels a day into houston from canada. north american oil. we get another 322 million -- 2 million barrels from the federal lands and offshore. that incremental oil takes oil down to $40 a barrel. larry: yes. >> the ayatollahs have no money, putin has no money, inflation gets killed because -- larry: fertilizer is cheap for the farm possessor, just wanna say -- >> 100. the truckers drive the groceries to the grocery store a lot cheaper because they're not paying $100 gas like americans. so inflation goes down. this is an energy d and caterpillar, caterpillar has made some equipment farmer, earth-moving equipment to all the pipeline guys and all the -- larry: it's the quintessential american -- >> unbelievable.
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larry: -- people that work with their hands and they wear hard hats or they wear caterpillar baseball hats, and they drive tractors -- >> they're part of the republican if party now. larry: it is the quintessential american company. >> oil and gas overseas and -- [inaudible] larry: the iranians have been after you for years. you had secret service detail, but you tell me you just lost your secret service detail. what do you make of this story that broke today? if the intel community, whatever that means these days, they knew about an iranian assassination if plan against trump for weeks but didn't say mig? really? are they -- anything? are they just trying to cover their ass, or is this for real? or maybe we need to change the entire intelligence community. you're in the thick of it, former national security advise or. >> it's for real. chris wray's been telling everyone that there's more than he's ever seen in his career, the fbi director. the one thing he's not going to
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get caught out on is this the, the border's wide open, hezbollah cells, jihadi cells, iranian-shia cells -- larry: coming across the open border. >> wide open, the expressway. so they pulled my detail. thank god i've got a great home state governor and sheriff -- larry: when said -- did they pull your detail? >> six months ago. so we hired private security. we've got a great home state governor who's given me state troopers to help out, but the trump detail should have been twice as big as it was. the president -- and it's not about me. and the fact that he escaped that assassination was a gift from god to this country. to him and his family, of course, but to this country. larry: this secret servicewoman, she was on the tape today saying the slope of the roof where the shooter was was too steep. it wasn't steep. >> oh, my goodness. larry: should she be fired? should she be fired, okay, almost a rhetorical question. joe biden never fires anybody. >> he doesn't fire anybody.
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larry: a businessman p hint-hint, knows to -- >> no one tells you the truth, when no one tells you the truth about your poll numbers, about your debate performance, about the state of the world, you don't need to fire anyone. >> right. larry: i guess so. you live in ignorant bliss or whatever it's called. should she be fired -- >> we had a catastrophe in afghanistan a, no one fired. larry: that's right. >> this woman's not getting fired. the bidens don't fire anybody, and she's there to protect joe biden. larry: i mean, we love the secret service. they're there to protect the president, they'll take a bullet for the president. but their main mission is to stop bullets from going at the president, and she failed p. she said today, i don't know, i saw a little blip this morning, we make some mistakes. really? robert o'brien, really? we made some mistakes? i would say we made some mistakes keeping her. >> the secret service agents are the most dedicated men and women in the world. they'll take a bullet for you. but the leadership is showing it's problematic.
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larry: kellyanne, last word. tonight is safety and start night. -- security night. how the hell do we get that when the border's open and when the democratic party, the ruling party, they're against the cops, they're appointing phony judges, they're running lawfare? what's the theme tonight? if. >> the theme tonight is the opposite of that. we want to defend the police, not defund the police. we more generously resource or and more deeply respect law enforcement, the guys and gals in blue, border patrol. also people want safe and strong communities. they feel that crime is out of control. they feel like they don't have everyday affordability, but they also feel insecure about the state of their communities. but it's the opposite of a porous border. we've let in so many millions of people, larry, that it approximates more folks than the population of about 40 states. i mean, think about that. and now it's a number one and number two two issue, because it's everywhere. you'll hear a lot of that. but i think it's also the sense of uncertainty under joe biden and kamala harris. and here people will feel i can go back to what we had,
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prosperity, opportunity, safety and security. national security, economic security, housing security, security from crime, drugs and gangs locally. i think safety's a big one, make america safe again. they're going to see donald trump, the commander in chief, who can do that. we are so unsafe around the world because of joe biden. larry: safe streets, safe towns, safe homes, safe families, safe businesses is a tax cut. it's a tax cut. if you're worried, if you're worried about going on the street, first of all, you'll never start a new business on those streets, that's for sure. and second of all, you're going to move your family out, and that is not good for anything. it's loo -- like a tax cut. i gotta get out. you're both fabulous. they ought to give you your detail back, for god's sakes. i can't believe. i want you safe. thank you very much. >> god bless you. larry: coming up here on "kudlow," guess what? it's the republicans who are
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united and the democrats hopelessly divide. . -- divided. what fun. let the games begin. senator katie britt, house majority leader steve scalise coming right up. stick around with "can kudlow." caterpillar, folks. the quintessential american country to go with the quintessential president trump. we'll be right back. ♪ when the sawdust settles and the engine roars the thing you care about is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker.
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oo this is a good book title. ♪ larry: really it turns out republicans are the united party, democrats are hopelessly divided. i mean, joe biden giving these little talks has convinced no one and, if anything, more people -- no one. and i don't think they can knock him off. but we'll talk about that, and mr. trump's appearance on the floor of the republican convention in milwaukee last night was electrifying. our guest, alabama senator katie britt, just told me and my old and dear friend house majority leader steve scalise of louisiana who, with god's grace, looks like a million bucks, and it's great to see both of you here. senator brit, thank you for this. your word, electrifying. >> it was, absolutely. the energy surrounding the president when he walked into the arena, when they played god mess bless america -- god bless
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america, you could see on his face a seriousness. as leader scalise said, a focus. we can feel the party not only uniting, but we can feel the nation if uniting. uniting with his vision and wanting to take it back for everyday americans and give them hope. there's a hopefulness, and it was exciting to be a part of. larry: family looked good. they all had smiles on their faces, which is a very important sign. >> they did. larry: there was some smiling -- >> there was some smiles, but also there was a seriousness of what's occurred over the last 48 hours. wesley and i were honored to have the opportunity to sit right there with theming right behind them, and you could tell with the children, they almost lost their father. we, obviously, almost lost a tremendous leader of our nation, but they almost lost their dad. so feeling that, the seriousness, the sadness, the heaviness of it but also a hopefulness of what's to come. you could see a renewed strength in president trump. i mean, there is no doubt that
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he has a vision for the future and that he knows that every day is a gift, and i believe he will get to work, we will be ready to go. we're going to take back the white house, we're going to retake the senate, we're going to hold the house, and when we do, we're going to do great things for the american people. and i'm excited about what's ahead. larry: steve scalise, i was saying in the opening segment and in my riff with this big stock market rally led by traditional manufacturing companies like caterpillar, donald trumps has written the most -- i call it the growthiest platform in 44 years, since ronald reagan in 1980. but you cannot have trump's growthy platform without trump, and i think's add -- had a big impact on stock market. almost out of the blue. and so i think the god gift that senator britt talks about, i
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think it's had a major impact. it ripples throughout the country. people are saying there's a sigh of relief. i mean, i think they're rooting for him. completely different from what might have been two, three, four years ago. >> yeah. and, harry, i think there are a lot of people that might have written president trump if off before that are giving him a second look. you've seen some people in the media demonizing him, and it's such a personal level, such an evil way, and i think people -- melania trump's letter, i think, helped change that too where he said, you know what? he's a husband, he's my husband. he cares -- he loves music, he's a wonderful person. it helped humanize him in a way where the left tries to demonize hem as this caricature, and he's not. he's a wonderful person. the night i was shot, he came to the hospital that night -- larry: of course. >> he helped console my family. every week after he would call my if wife to check in on her and the kids. jen, how are you and the kids doing? that's the kind of person he is that most people don't get to
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see. and i hope more people get to see is it. but i think you see that in him now after saturday. he knows how close he came. the whole country knows how close he came. i do think there was divine providence in saving him, just that slight turn of the head. but now i think there's almost a louder voice that he has to speak in a different way. he even said he's going to change the tone of his speech and kind of the focus. and i think more people are going to be watching that might not have wanted to hear what he has to say k. and if they just listen to his message, his message has always been one of optimism, of how to get the middle class back up again. larry: he's running as a common sense centrist right now because the other party is so far left, they're out the side door. you can't even find them anywhere. [laughter] >> that's true. larry: i don't care what the issue is. on abortion, for example, he's taken, essentially, a centrist position, okay? exclusions for the life of the mother, rape and incest. let the states decide.
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katie, senator britt, i want to go through something else with you. >> okay. larry: chuck schumer, senate democrat, joe biden are ma nikeically -- ma ma ma knew -- maniac withly opposed to the citizenship bill. you would think in this day and age, that would be important -- >> well, it's just common sense. you should be able to prove that you're a citizen to vote in our elections. but they have ulterior motives here, larry, i hate to say it. you look at what's happening with the influx of our border. we have put forth amendment after amendment to help protect voting here in our nation to make sure that only legal citizens have the right to vote, and yet those continue to be blocked on the senate floor. and so instead of actually worrying about real things like this, securing our elections, like how do we drive gas prices down, you're looking at our unsecure border, chuck schumer has decided to take a different tactic. he has moved into what i have called the summer of scare
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tactics. he has put bill after bill on the floor that seem to be a solution in search for a problem. it is absolutely absurd. he's using it to scare the american people instead of actually doing the job he was elected to do, and that's create real solutions for actual problems out there and move our nation forward. so, unfortunately, it's more of the same with them. i mean, you looked at the fact that noncitizens can vote in washington, d.c. and in local elections -- larry: yes. >> larryly -- larry, there are more foreign assets in washington, d.c. than any place across the globe. additionally, you think about the chinese communist party and all the people that they have working at their embassy. those people are actually voting in the election that decides the direction of our nation's capital. it's despicable, it's fundamentally un-american. we have to to protect the right to vote. it has to be for citizens only, and we're going to have to keep push. and, unfortunately, chuck schumer's going to do nothing about it.
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it's going to be one of those things that we have to start working on, on day one when we take back control. larry: steve scalise, another topic that's very important, it's in the news today, the intel agencies did not reveal that they had evidence of the potential iranian assassination against donald trump. i don't know, this is the last few weeks. you would think three and a half years later, have learned something. that's my question. is it time for a complete overhaul from if top to to bottom of the fbi, secret service, the dni, the the cia and, in all honesty, we've seen abuses in these institutions. america needs good ones. we don't seem to have them. leadership at the top looks awful now the secret -- i don't want to beat up on the secret service. i've lived with them through two administrations in my time in government. they will take a bullet for a president. but to give up a bullet like that, what's your take on that? can we look toward a complete if
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overhaul of these intel law enforcement agencies? >> yeah, larry, the leadership starts at the top, and that's where the with big failures have been happening. and think it's a lack of focus. you know, what is their mission today? the secret service, you know, you look at their web site, and they're talking about dei hires and lgbtq. no. their job so to protect the president of the united states and the former presidents. all the a other stuff has nothing to do with their mission and, clearly, they've lost that focus. and that's why this i think this current head as serious -- has serious questions to be answered. also some of this might be by design. you see the weaponization of the federal government against political opponents. donald trump being front and center. i think anybody that looks at this objectively, when you see all of the forces of government going after a donald trump for years now, especially since he announced again that he was going to run for president, you saw a complete if shift in the biden administration and in all of the agencies going after him. let's go find something on him. you know, these cases are
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finally starting to get thrown out. just the other day, thank goodness, you know, the jack smith -- the judge, why are you even here? larry: jack smith if got fired. >> yeah, he got fired by a federal judge. not by joe biden. joe biden doesn't fire anybody. the debacle of afghanistan, one of the worst in our military history where leadership failed, the leaders that made those decisions are still making decisions, and you wonder why there's so many other problems. why is iran not being taken seriously as a threat? why is china not properly being taken seriously as a threat? because the leadership at the top is joe biden, and joe biden doesn't want it to change. donald trump, you know, will make those changes. larry: i believe he will. larry: the american people are not safe and secure. larry: there's never enough time. i love having both of you. >> thank you, larry. larry: please say hello to saintly wife judy kudlow -- >> your wife's a saint. [laughter] larry: she is. 37 years later, coming up here
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on "kudlow," trump and caterpillar having a huge rally. i want to talk about that with governor doug burgum and a few other bits and snatches too. i'm kudlow, stick around. we will be right back. ♪
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♪ ♪ larry: all right. joining me now, north dakota governor doug burgum. governor, welcome back to the show. i know you're terribly grateful, like all of us, that mr. trump is alive. his appearance on the floor of the convention last night was, katie britt called it electrifying. i want to ask you though, you're a successful businessman and investor and so forth. we're having a massive stock market rally, almost out of the blue, and i just have to think it has something to do with the fact that a bullet grazed his ear and, with god's grace, he sur sacrifice -- he survived.
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because you can't have a growthier platform from trump without trump, and i think he showed the whole world last night there's plenty of trump left. i mean, think about that for one second. >> well, absolutely. and i think all of us, you have to wake up, hey, divine providence at work for us to be one millimeter away are from a very different week week. we would have been a nation in chaos and deep mourning if we'd lost president trump. i think the market is maybe a reflection of how people are feeling which is they, from the minute he raised his fist, that photo that david mill ifs took is going to be the photo of the century, it's going to be in every children's history book 100 years from now exemplifying the strength of leadership and what he brings to to america. and i think the market also understands that president trump's going to win. it's going to mean that he's going to whip inflation. we're going to have more energy at lore costs which is baked into every cost of every amazon delivery, every tank of gas -- larry: glasses, sneakers -- >> everything. larry: -- operating rooms.
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>> yes. so when we can drive that down, and then, of course, that drives national security up because right now the iranians, the russians are getting filthy rich off of the market opportunity that's been created by joe biden waging a war against u.s. energy. larry: i couldn't agree more. i don't think everybody's going to agree with with my opening riff which was relating trump to the stock market. and even trump to caterpillar which was one of the leading stocks, a very old fashioned, industrial machinery, farm plant kind of company. but you'll never talk me out of that. and ors you know, your point about energy, even in the farmland, for example, one reason farm price are high, one reason food prices are high is fertilizer. >> yes. larry: one reason fertilizer prices is high is because oil and gas is so high. >> yes. larry: the is it one leap from the other to the other? >> absolutely. fuel is a big cost in agriculture whether it's for your tractor, your combine. we had a huge increase in fertilizer prices over the last
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couple years, and natural gas, more natural gas, convert that that into fertilizer, into nitrogen. and so the war the biden administration's had on energy is also a war against agriculture not just because of the fertilizer prices, but if you want to the kill an internal combustion machine, you're also killing biofuels, you're killing ethanol. and the ag -- the price of land from illinois to north dakota today is set by the price of the fuels, not the food. larry: right. >> so when you dell the fuel part of agriculture -- kill the fuel part of agriculture, if biden gets elected again, you'll see a drop in the price of farmland in america, and you'll see the collapse in the farm economy. larry: time is short, i've got to get out. i know i'm looking at a future energy secretary or probe anything else you want in the cabinet -- >> thank you, larry. larry: i'm sorry. we're running short. let's go straight to gerri willis for all the details on this fabulous stock market. >> reporter: a sweet stock market rally today, you've got to love that. what was it, rate cuts? it's also the trump trade, even
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some good news from the world of the economy. i want you to the take a look at some of those numbers. the dow up significantly here, bigtime, 7422 points. nearly -- 7422 points, the s&p up 35. not as much, obviously, as the dow. the nasdaq higher by 36. all three indexes ending higher, pardon me. and it wasn't the usual s&p 500s powering the major indexes. for example, a.i. darling nvidia down 22% -- 2% today. and you mentioned it before while industrial bellwether caterpillar was up 4%. take a looked at that. now, one pocket of strength, small caps with the russell 2000 up 3. the fifth straight day of gainings x. if it was hopes for a trump agenda that would stress the lore interest rates -- lower interest rates and less regulation. look, already traders put the chances of a september rate cut at 100%, some even saying a cut
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at the end of the month, believe it or not. first time this year we've seen 100. positive economic news also playing, retail sales held steady in june defying expectations that a tired consumer had slow spending. so good news for markets today. i know a lot of boomers who are very happy. back to you. larry: i'm a happy boomer. trump train. i like that a lot. [laughter] thank you, gerri willis, as always. joining us now, charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor and fox news contributor and katie pavlich, editor and fox news contributor. we'll depart the stock market. i know you're relieved at that. [laughter] although i both know -- >> -- lost money, you're mentioning -- larry: no, you've got to be fully invested all the time. here's the headline, katie, start with you. elon musk is committing around $45 million a month to a new pro-trump super pac. he's in with palantir, the
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winklevoss brothers, kraft and some others. formed in june. the pac is focusing on register thing voters, persuading -- registering voters and mail-in ballots in swing states according to one of the people. ground game efforts. to me, this is the can -- finally, the republican response to zucker bucks. now we have gop bucks -- [laughter] or we have elon musk bucks. >> musk bucks. larry: go. what do you think about this? this is big. this is big. >> huge. $45 million a month is a lot of money. it's really interesting how the times that -- have changed. elon musk was an obama guy, voted for him, i believe. larry: right. >> now he's woken up, as many of these tech tycoons have, to the anti-free market, anti-creativity, central planning, suffocating policies and regulations of the left which joe biden has taken and
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implemented on a federal level. and they have vilified all these guys for stepping out of the box of silicon valley and not towing the line typically of what people in san francisco want you to think. but this is very good news for the trump campaign. and not only are these people cultural player players in the tech world, they overall have an impact on the culture. they also all have big platforms. he also owns x, going to be supporting president trump. larry: you know, what's very interesting about this? if also, and listening to everything you said -- by the way, you had a great long sentence in there, i wish you would put out stuff -- >> it was very impressive. larry: that was a beauty. you uncorked a lot of beauties -- >> this is why we hang around you -- >> doing my best, guys. brought it for the convention for you both. larry: just think about this for a minute. j.d. vance is very close to the silicon valley, successful investor peter thiel, and the two of them are very close to a
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successful silicon valley or something investor now in texas, elon musk. i think trump has some wisdom here. people should not overlook that. and and i just want to add one thing from my riff. mr. vance is known as a former venture capitalist. the the second word in that phrase is capitalist. which i like very much. please, charlie hurt, pell tell me -- tell me more. >> and, of course, grew up poor in appalachia which is, perhaps, my favorite part of the whole story. that's the whole point of capitalism. it can take good, qualified people who grew up poor on food stamps in appalachia and rise them to the, raise them to the highest levels of government. and not only do you have the culture with these people, not only do you have tens of millions of dollars a month being spent by these people on a ground game in the election, but you also have some of the smartest tech people there are. larry: yes.
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>> and our elections -- our campaigns have become so increasingly tech-heavy, you can target people in ways that we could, old paper ballot -- larry: no, no. yes a hundred times. but i'm saying the youngish, techie people are coming to trump. >> yeah. larry: like young people in general. >> well, because he's offering them a freedom agenda. he's saying i like bitcoin. if you, you know, if you're worried about the future of the dollar, we want to make sure that you're able to do things like buy bitcoin and other kinds of cryptocurrency. he's recognizing the housing crisis, the affordability crisis. one of the number one things for young people is not being able to find housing, not being able to to buy a house. they feel they can't make it because of government regulations and inflation. so while biden thinks that just forgiving student loans and offering additional government handouts and programs is the answer -- larry: i'm sorry we're short time. i truly am sorry.
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i really like vance, thiel, musk. i'm telling you, it's very powerful. it's kind of like ruth and bear rig in. >> i like kudlow, kirk and pavlich. [laughter] larry: i just want you to dictate that first sentence, because it was very -- >> i'd have to run it back. march a arkansas we have the tape on it. it was a beauty. [laughter] coming up here on "kudlow," a group of incredible gop fighters who support president trump's agenda, they're running for the senate to take the senate back. we'll talk to montana senate candidate tim sheehy and ohio senate candidate bernie moreno next up. katie pavlich, what a wordsmith. lord. ♪
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why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. ♪ ♪ larry: all right. big senate races. joining us now, tim sheehy, montana senate candidate, bernie moreno, ohio senate candidate. gentlemen, welcome. appreciate it very much. you're both running behind trump in the polls. i'm not saying you're going to lose, i'm just saying why are you running behind trump in the polls? if boom. >> my opponent ran for office for the first time when richard nixon was in the white house. he's run 11 times statewide, and everybody knows him. i've been a business guy my
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whole life, 60% name id. we're going to kick his butt once that that number gets into the 90s. larry: are you a capitalist? >> absolutely. larry: our new vice presidential candidate was a venture capitalist. if how about out of montana. you're polling slightly ahead of your opponent, but trump's to -- can you catch up to trump? that's the race. >> we'll try. after this weekend, literally he's bulletproof, so we'll see. we are going to close the gap. we're ahead, as you mentioned, but like bernie said, ditto. i'm an a entrepreneur, first-time candidate, combat veteran, and now i'm running for the senate because we've got to save this country. jon tester's a 30-year politician, at lot of name idea -- larry: you can't get a single ounce of truth out of that man. i have seen him wreck careers with lies out of montana. i just want to say that. thank you for your service to our country and to your wife, the same story. i'm just saying, you've got to whup him. you really have to whup him.
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for the good of the country, for the good of morality. >> i couldn't agree more. larry: yeah, you know, i figured. it's a showstopper. what's your issue out in the ohio? which is republican, you should win it. >> my opponent's a political cicada, he's remerged as a bipartisan, bipartisan loving democrat? larry: sherrod brown, are you kidding he? >> he has president trump in his commercials in a positive way, he says he's with trump on trade, on the economy, on the border, and if to you spend enough money lying to people, that's a what can happen. larry: he has nothing to do with trump. your biggest issue, last 20 seconds or so? >> you know, at the end of the day it's southern border. we're a northern border state with a southern border problem. drugs are pouring into montana. people are feel thing it, they're tired of it. larry: you are so right. every state is a border state now. so that's got to be big coming across the northern border. i'm truly sorry we've run out of time. tim sheehy, bernie moreno. please, would you both win?
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it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. larry: my last word, trump rally. my last word, trump trade. can't have growthier platforms without donald trump and he showed up last night and the whole world saw it and stocks exploded and that's my take and if you disagree with it i beg to differ. i'm so sorry. and i guess elizabeth macdonald is up next. liz: larry you just crammed a whole show in 10


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