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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  July 17, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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stuart: the trivia question. the sunflower is which state's official flower? colorado, indiana, missouri, kansas. lauren: kansas which i am guessing get. my gut feeling is kansas. stuart: i will take my time and say indiana. lauren: why? stuart: i might have known. stuart: that is it for "varney and company" and in ten seconds we will join coast to coast with neil but i have 10 seconds left. 5, four, three, two. it is yours. neil: all this breaking news, the trivia question, who cheats? who is looking it up? nobody?
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stuart: we are honest stand up citizens. neil: good that you are buying get what they are saying. thank you very much. just want to bring you up to date on our contradiction in markets. looking at its 20 fourth record of the year. the nasdaq is having its worst day of the year. don't cry for nasdaq technology holders but it's a split in the sentiment years. money is finding a way of repositioning, a trend dramatized it today but has been going on a little while in dramatic format. this is the trend that, don't know if it represents a
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complete about-face, more traditional investments or widening it out to the russell 2000 having a good day with alternative investments but what do you make of the split read in the market? >> the market has to rotate and when sectors get overheated they have to correct. than they have to bounce back and our job is to figure it out. last thursday, the market got hit hard, that was the shot across the board, first time tech did this. it to technical inclusions so traders got a little cautious and this week every time the market tried to rally they made lower highs as most of those tech names lost their 8 day moving average, 21 day moving average, tech is not the hot sector. it needs to digest which is
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good, can't cry for check, what a crazy 16 months. tech went through a digestion phase and they passed the baton to small caps last week and the banks last week. stuart: you are an encyclopedia, good representation of tech stocks but they still enjoy returns for shareholders. i wonder, what drew this was the united states considering restricting tech imports to china to attack investment in china. it didn't take much for chip stocks and others including nvidia which was off for confirmed, meta down 3%. is that over a killer a preview of coming attractions? >> it is part of of the
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process. it wasn't a one day wonder. they put their top in on june 28th and every rally, it just so happens revenue guidance wasn't great and people are worried about something in the next quarter the reinforced that. donald trump coming out and saying again he wants to restrict some ai chips to china so those 2 together, mix it up a little bit with technical damage and it's a little more severe than what we've seen, not just about today but the last two weeks with huge gains into the june 20th time. neil: healthy development, they are doing a little bit better,
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much seems to rot and what the federal reserve does, 100% certainty to a rate cut. what do you make of all of that? >> they started the year, they wanted 4 or 5 rate cuts going to 2 or 3 and the funds rate is 64 basis points for cuts. all the fed cities in september and the percentage is 118%. my personal view is the market has to we can little bit, the second half of july into august is usually the softer time so we have to come in and send them in a little sour and they cut rates in september. they cut rates even if inflation is in the right direction to the downside.
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neil: it is a good indicator it. of flying high, no reason to do anything. >> they say the fed doesn't watch the stock market but 100% they do and dictate some other rhetoric. we hit a new high in the s&p, risk everywhere. i feel some of that has to be reined in in the next 4 to 6 weeks, a token cut september 18th to show they are heading in that direction if the economic news gets weaker the way it has been. neil: anytime i interviewed him, the district president, always have the financial network on.
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grady trimble in milwaukee, big night tonight for j.d. vance to address the conventioneers. >> reporter: for the first time since donald trump tapped him as his running mate since he is a relative newcomer to politics this is an opportunity to introduce himself to the american people. we expect them to focus on his upbringing, growing up in poverty, rising to graduate yale law school, become a marine veteran and serve as a us senator. he will discuss how that informs his views on issues like inflation, trade, and immigration. >> j.d. vance is the embodiment of the american dream, serving in the military, graduating, moving on to the united states
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senate where his campaign was a conversation about ohio voters. he never forgot where he came from. >> reporter: last night it was a display of unity from the gop, several of the former president's primary opponents spoke. florida governor ron santos went after president biden, spoke about concerns with his age and cognitive ability, talked about how he has been bad for the border and the economy and we heard from his ex political rival who stayed in the race the longest, nikki haley. she called on voters to cast ballots for trump even if they are not one hundred% on board with everything he says and does. she says just coming together as a party isn't enough. >> to my fellow republicans, we must not only be a unified party, we must also expand our party.
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we are so much better when we are better, we are stronger when we welcome people into our party who have different backgrounds and experiences. right now we need to be strong to save america. >> reporter: the theme today is make america strong once again. the head of the rnc says that applies to foreign policy but it applies to a host of other issues as well including making the border stronger once again and making the economy strong once again. rob: bank of america managing director, very good to have you. you were early on the conga line to donald trump, look at the latest.
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committing serious money to that. we've got on and on, ben horowitz, giving directly or through their firms to political action committees. what is the latest? is the latest? >> the latest catalyst, people are fed up with president biden's policy. you see a sea change in where i play in which is tech investing, venture investing. many of these folks are not republicans as of the last general election. by his own admission, social and business suicide. in my cohort, seeing exactly the opposite including david sachs who had a speaking role
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in milwaukee. as someone who was a supporter in 2020 from this cohort to today, i see a massive difference but part of a broader public shift in support for trump. neil: the news development, technology stocks, the us is considering restrictions on tech imports to china. and the mds, meta and others getting pounded. what did you make of that. >> i think my position is reflective of a new version of what we call patriotic capitalism which means unfettered globalization where china sets the stage, not play by the rules but have unfettered access to our markets, our exchanges needs to be re-examined.
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that relationship might take on a different format. if that leads to mega stocks having a few bad days, long-term better for relations with the world because the status quo of the chinese american relationship can't be allowed to continue. neil: if that holds, donald trump returns to the white house, trade tariffs on everything, you could make an argument no matter your political or patriotic position, could be rough for the market. the global market. >> look at it with in the context of the trump economic agenda, it would take place in tax cuts as well as aggressive deregulation as well which would enhance productivity. you would restrict legal immigration which is harming
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wages for the american worker and put that together, the tariffs which i might add president biden has continued in china from the trump administration. at the minnesota fact, absolutely you can, one flank of the economy and the american worker, you have plenty of other countries to do business with. neil: the saturday attack on the president, changed everything. even the president's demeanor, trump is our guy, candidates campaigned against him, praising him and allowed to speak. what do you make of the dynamics of last saturday change the republican party.
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>> yes. as you point out, a horrifying scene made every one, democrat and independent friends to take a step back and look at what's important which is we are all americans and we need to bring the temperature down for sure. i have observed that. i've been in milwaukee, he changed his remarks he's giving tomorrow in light of that event. ict your point a real tone shift. the other side is doing that which i was encouraged by. i've been troubled as i talked to you in the past with the vitriol we've seen against donald trump and all the way to 2016 accusing him of being a foreign agent in a baseless manner. we need to come together and have a policy discussion, have that more friendly debate.
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this is one of the clips you just played. neil: you always been a calming presence. you don't play that until then. good seeing you. >> nice to see you, have a wonderful day. neil: we will cover what the gop pollster extraordinaire is looking at. going into that speech tonight to hearken on something, this rallying around donald trump, you are much smarter than i at that, something has changed. what is your sense of that? polls are mixed whether it is helping him that way but it is certainly helping his image. what do you make of that? >> the way i see it this is an event that's going to change people's vote.
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what it is going to do is galvanize republicans. in many ways, one of the themes we've been hearing of the last several years, republicans are tired of being on the outside, they are tired of being judged, they see the world as unfair and against them. this moment crystallized that for every one. many republicans who might not have been excited about donald trump announcing we've got to come together. trump has signaled a shame -- people feeling more connected to him. what's going on is instead of seeing a shift in the polls, we see voter enthusiasm. it it is major impact on voter turnout. especially when looking at how un-enthused the democrats are about president biden. we will see a very energized excited base, a unified republican party, a change in
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message and tone, will bring the party together and ultimately lead donald trump to win in november. neil: the biden is worried about internal research coming to them from 14 states where the president is losing substantial grounds, these are off of democratic polls. don't know how reliable that story is but some state-by-state polls, nothing has moved the needle to the degree you might think this could be a sign of what could be happening. what do you think? >> looking at swing state polls, president biden should be concerned. is behind in states he won handily in 2020. he's neck in neck in states he led. we never saw donald trump
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performs this well in 2016-or 2020. donald trump outperforms the polls. if i were on president biden's campaign i would be concerned especially when you look at swing states. is running away with georgia, with pennsylvania, wisconsin, these are states that president biden should be ahead and he is not. the rumors are probably true, the campaign has got to be concerned and not sure they found footing on what to do with it. the concern people have about president biden being minimized, we are seeing people more concerned. neil: we talk about tesla and elon musk, some incredible figures but what caught our interest is how he's bolting from california, he will take space x and move their headquarters out of that state.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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neil: elon mux has just asked out california. is taking space x and moving out of california to texas. we don't know exactly why. what's going on? >> reporter: elon musk is relocating space x to the lone star state and this decision is in response to new california legislation. governor newsom signed a first in the nation law prevents schools from notifying parents of their child changes a gender, their pronouns in school. this could cause permanent damage to kids and said this is the final straw attacking both companies moving from california to texas. the billionaire said this would
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force families and companies to leave in order to protect their children. newsom fired back on social media, a screenshot of a poster in 2022 in which donald trump was criticizing elon musk and newsom and it, you bend the knee, a reference to his recent of the former president. i can't share musk's response on the air because i'm a lady but he wasn't shy. lots of folks are happy. texas governor greg abbott says this cements texas as a leader in space exploration. this isn't a new move for musk. he move tesla headquarters in 2021. we spoke with the check ceo from the area who says more businesses moving it is brilliant. >> to keep everybody is not always realistic.
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opportunities for amazing talent and fully capable of that. >> reporter: space x has thousands of employees. musk did get the exploratory force but there's a sizable base, not good for california's tax base. neil: i read what musk said, not wise to reveal. thank you. great job. back with us, the trading chief strategist. one thing i noticed that lost in the sauce is today prime, the first day was successful, $7.2 billion of spending going on, 12% from a year ago. the consumer doesn't appear to be dead but what are your thoughts? >> the mood isn't great.
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look like amazon was about to take an all-time high, then telling shares almost every day above 200 and change. that stopped the momentum. the next time people look at it as we get close to earnings and attack for another week or two. as far as musk is concerned he says things like others like us can say, we don't have the power to back it up. going to texas is brilliant. texas is -- the tax ramifications besides kids and gender, i can't even talk about that because i'm not allowed. california is a tough state if you are a moderate in the middle or a little on the right. to me, taxwise, agendawise,
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he's allowed to change his opinion based on how people change and a lot of people are changing their opinion on trump. trump has gone a little more in the middle versus as far right as he was and that's and that having a lot of people that were undecided come back a little bit. neil: whether it's a vp candidate or the candidates themselves or business titans and what they are saying about donald trump, that wastes time. here is where they are now, take it or leave it and move on. let me get your impression of this amazon report on the underlying economy. we've got surprisingly strong news on housing starts and also seeing this spread to some manufacturing activity. it's not the end of the world. this expectation of rate cuts on the opening of the show
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might be too premature. what do you say? >> i agree with you. the amazon prime, reinforcing the goldilocks narrative which created the rallying of the markets. goldilocks isn't gold, recently we added weaker data which has given the fed, reduce 1/4 or so. about prime information reinforces the goldilocks. for a while bad news is good news for the market. the bad news becomes bad news, more people are worrying how slow we are getting and what will rates due to that. markets are threading the needle, how much longer can the market thread the needle between data and rate cuts and
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growth with elevated pes? neil: we talk about the trump parade, people noticed after developments here where there was this rush the donald trump is a shoe in for reelection, there was an inflationary play on tax cuts, whether he was looking at tariffs or inflation, treasury rates backing up. that is essentially reversed back to what it was before the saturday shooting. what does that mean, back to seemingly looking at a slow down, what could that mean? we will follow after this. ♪ a lot of code.
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neil: interesting development, jackie heinrich, the democratic national committee saying her virtual voting which was a bad idea, will not begin before august 1st. to vote for president biden in the democratic ticket, this is a new development, back and
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forth, key democrats worried. >> a number of democrats pushing back on the dnc, any early nomination was august 7th, looking at the fifteenth. would stifle the process and staple debate where they could replace the president as the nominee. representative huffman said a few moments ago, they will not rush the process in july. the discussion about his candidacy is preserved for another couple weeks. the president said it would take a direct order from the lord almighty to get him to step aside and he would schedule for clear and convincing data that someone else could. it would take getting hit by a
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train. he remains firm in the position he wants to stay in but congressional democrats are not dropping the discussion, the letter is still being discussed on capitol hill among a number of them, a letter that said would be a terrible data to stifle debate on the unity of the party at this time. and party leaders have abandoned their push, since the election landscape with the assassination attempt on donald trump. 65% believe biden should withdraw. governor mike watts serves as the chairman of the rules committee, there are legitimate reasons to move forward, there's an early nomination. >> 15 august, i don't think, not just ohio.
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there's a time when voter restriction is not a bug but a feature of the republican party. i don't trust ohio to do this. we need to get these things done. >> reporter: president biden is refusing a cognitive test to make people feel better about his candidacy. >> president biden: doctors say you have this problem or that problem, a transitional candidate, i thought i could move from this to pass it on to someone else. i didn't anticipate things getting so, so, so divided. quite frankly, the only thing age brings is a little bit of wisdom. >> reporter: the president is in las vegas. he will address a civil rights convention this afternoon. we will hear him hone his message trying to call for
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unity, bring down the temperature but go after trump. neil: i want to go to don peebles, former barack obama fundraiser judging get from what i've heard, joe biden is no barack obama. we are learning of this other meeting the president was having. in a zoom call with democrats who were worried, the saturday before the incident in pennsylvania. the online news site where a lot of the attendees were shocked to see you the incoherence of president biden. his mind was wandering, and what do you make of that?
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>> he tripped over his words before he became president for a number of years. the democrats are stuck. and they have misled the public. and he will fight tooth and nail to remain a candidate. only he gets to decide if he's a candidate. if he continues, to evaluate his capacity to become president of the united states because that would be likely. that is giving a lot of consternation on the democratic political leaders is of the us senate. they don't have a chance of recovering in the house or democratic control of the house.
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this is, donald trump is poised to be president, poised to win before the debate. and how he handles all this is changing the perception. neil: the renewed surge of party players to take him off the ballot. the fact of the matter is joe won't go until joe does go of his own accord. >> i don't think he is going anywhere he will be the nominee. and she will emerge as an important player. and they think trump will
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advance to lead the country. it will force the democrats four years from now to put forth candidates. it is more unifying. the playbook in terms of that, litigating with him and put him in jail. the public has had enough of this and there's a next essential threat to our democracy, having a president who's not coherent to run the country. jack: internal tracking polls, the official polls that are out still show a tight race but internally those inside and these democratic polls show a meltdown. is that what you are saying? >> look. it is like patrick marhomes or
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tom brady going against joe namath. tom brady is beyond his prime and very competitive. i don't think president biden has the skills necessary to beat donald trump. in 1980. neil: always learn a lot, reflecting the views of those who don't say or thinking it. the secret service, if it were a private company or accountable as a public company to shareholders, the chief would be fired by now. that isn't happening. ♪
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> welcome back to coast to coast. i am chad pergram. mike johnson is setting up a task force to investigate the shooting of donald trump.
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there are concerned about kimberly cheadle at a house hearing on monday. >> we will streamline this and move it quickly. alejandra mayorkas may not allow her to attend. >> reporter: james comber will issue a subpoena for cheadle to testify. the department homeland security has not been forthcoming with lawmakers. the this compels cheadle to show up monday. >> we don't know if the director will show up to the briefing that is scheduled today for all of congress and don't know if she's the one who will show up to our hearing on monday. >> reporter: johnson says centralizing the speaker's office accelerates the probe but. lawmakers worry about transparency. >> the american people will demand answers. congress will demand answers.
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one of the key things congress does, they want oversight right away. >> there are two separate virtual briefings for lawmakers, one for the senate at 3:00 pm eastern time. the house goes at 3:30. among those briefing members, fbi director christopher wray. neil: chris sununu, the new hampshire governor, without getting into the details, the secret service, very united republican convention would notwithstanding, what do you think? >> reporter: not just having united republican party but the contrast. the next 48 hours goes as well as the last 48 hours, compared to the disarray the democrat party is in. six of ten democrats want don't do much don't want president biden is are nominee and don't know what to do about it.
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president biden is not willing to do it. whoever is advising president biden, i feel bad for the guy. whoever he's taking advice from is not working in his interests or the interests of the american people or his party. it's very selfish going forward. i tell the republicans of this is far from over. over one hundred days to go. a lot can happen between now and november. don't take anything for granted, make every phone call, make sure all the other candidates are campaigning hard and we could finish strong but you've got to finish strong, got to put all the effort in the last miles of the race. neil: do you feel bad for president biden? >> he is a person, just an older guy. i don't want to to collect elder abuse but there's a lot of bad information he's taking, clearly not in charge, not making decisions for the country or his own decisions.
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the secret service, that issue as bad as it is going to be for the secret service and that department is a real sign that nobody is calling the shots at the top and the fact that she is still there is amazing. this is the private sector, she would have been fired two days ago. little information we've gotten, there's false information. if you are only going to give a little information at least give the truth and give the straight facts which they have an inability to do. that rises all the way to the presidential office, no question. i feel a little bit bad, he's an older guy, lost, can't put a sentence together but the most important thing a we have good candidates on our side, republicans are doing well. neil: you are in new hampshire and not at the convention. you are not invited. >> no, milwaukee is a logistics nightmare. kind of a 24/seven job.
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neil: you get along with the trump folks, part of this unified party. right? >> of course. we get along very well. neil: chris christie, donald trump and he became friends, ripping a problem, early indications, on this ticket are less than promising. and rather than reaching out to a broader problem to the assassination attempt against donald trump was to turn directly to the current, flawed, demonize the other side, labeling at the feet of democrats and saying stuff like that that makes chris christie persona non grata but what do you think of what he is saying?
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>> we used to be good friends. i'm not talked to him in a long time. the day he got out of the race it was clear he was walking away from the republican party. neil: you haven't talked to him, i'm sorry, when you through your support behind nikki haley. was that the trigger point? >> shortly thereafter. we had a couple things. i don't want to make about chris christie but he was clear anyone who supports trump isn't in his brand and went out on a tough, sour notes. the upper double down on that. we are supporting candidates up and down the ballot. this is a time to win. you can't govern if you don't win and republicans need to win elections are about choices. not the perfect candidate, don't have that on either side. you 've got a and b and most people are not going for president biden.
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neil: governor chris sununu. seeing them uninterrupted is part of the allure of fox business. you can catch us tonight doing just that. more after this. louis! cut! more mud! action! louis, louis! cut mud on her face! louis! okay everybody, that's lunch! (♪) (♪) mud mask? no, no, no! compare hotels in the app raising twins and as a
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single mother, presented, quite a few challenges. the financial aspects of oh my gosh, how am i going to provide for my family? i'm going to have to get two jobs. thomas kennedy, he was a major in the u.s. army. tom loved hockey. he went to west point, to play hockey. and ended up falling in love with the army. he was a father. he was, a great husband, he would give you a shirt off of his back for you. in 2012, tom was deployed to afghanistan. he was on his way to a provincial governor's meeting, tom was killed by a suicide bomber. when the bomb went off, tom was in a group of four that were, killed in the incident. the morning i found out. our world has just been upended. you know, with not having tom around to be here in our everyday life, my sister moved in with us, and she helped me with the day to day life of raising, two year old twins. in 2018 i was diagnosed with breast cancer. kind of threw a wrench in to what we had established as our, our daily life and our new normal.
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1:00 pm
neil: is the great contrast of the day, the nasdaq having its worst day since 2,022 and the dow having potentially at the best day of the year, 41,000 for the first time. they call that a financial conundrum but money is coming out of tech, more traditional stocks widening this out so that could be a bullish signal. brian brenberg to lead the charge. brian: i am brian brenberg


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