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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 18, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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visit >> the energy in the room at the rnc is electric whereas you have democrats who are resigning themselves to loss. >> the market like as trump presidency far more than a biden presidency because a trump policy is alaska letting american ingenuity blossom and
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move forth. >> what we saw out there was a very by thing to make action. action is faster than reaction. >> if there's a recession, take it now and that's the least cost way of finally getting inflation down to 2% if it's possible. >> world is still going to be on war with wars raging on two continents. getting rid of biden doesn't solve that. it's like get rid of the arsonist but the fire is still raging. stuart: it is all about tonight, blake shelton. to want is trump's night at the -- tonight is trump's national championship at the convention. 11:00 eastern time on thursday, july 18th. on the markets, well, it's a mixed picture, nasdaq is down 33 and dow is now up 3. not much price change at the point and big tech is a look at that and earlier all down and now they're all down except for
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meta, which is up $5. alphabet, microsoft, apple, amazon down. yield on 10 year treasury yield that's coming in at 4.17%. and now this, tonight donald trump takes the stage to accept his party's nomination for president. it is a personal triumph, impeached, vilified, threatened with prison and yet there he'll be, standingal and leading in the -- standing tall and leading in the polls of anion contested party and what a contrast with president biden. he has covid so he's in isolation. his handlers are probably relieve that had they have an excuse to keep him out of the public eye. his stumbles and gaffes keep coming, he mumbles and his sentences trail off as he loses his train of thought. we've seen this, and we see it getting worse. the decline is speeding up, i can't find anyone who seriously
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believes he can do the job for another four years. look at this, split screen of biden having trouble climbing the stairs to air force one, he did have covid, still got it. trump walking very deliberately into the republican convention. cnn's van jones put it like this >> bullet didn't stop trump, a virus just stopped biden. you've got nominees of this party giving their but kicks and biden is getting kicked by his on party and deputies are coming apart and republicans are coming together. stuart: it'll be obvious tonight and united republicans divided democrats and going to take the stage and a frail joe biden retreats to the beach house and 109 days till the election. third hour of varney starts now.
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♪ stuart: joe concha with me this morning. joe, there's a big story brewing here and axios said biden could be out by this weekend. what say you? >> i don't see any other course at this point, stu. i mean, you just played all those clips, clips quite frankly we've been playing for years on this network and obviously the things this president has said have been utterly conf confusind showing he's in serious mental decline and these things simply do not reverse themselves. democrats know that now. they have to go to hail mary and that's kamala harris, who has 285 million in her war chest that cannot be transferred to another candidate if they want to install another gavin newsom or gretchen whitmer or anyone else. this is the end. stu, what if we were talking one
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month ago today on august -- sorry, on june 18th, and i told you, stuart, in the next month joe biden will have the most disastrous debate of any presidential candidate in history and donald trump will be shot at and nearly killed, a millimeter saved his life obviously his ear was blown off and at this point biden is gone and trump is easily in the driver's seat right now to become president again. you'd say really? all that's going to happen? and it's happening in front of us. stuart: seems like he's going tg from his own voter liberals saying it has to be kamala harris at the top of the ticket and she's more unpopular than biden. what a situation. >> yes, again, if you told any republican a month ago, kamala harris is your nominee and most would take that scenario and while we talked about biden's in
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mental decline, there's something broken about kamala harris' brain and taking her out of the telepromter, she says profoundly confusing and odd things and just isn't ready to have basic answers to basic questions and number one on her resume bay the way is border czar. she was asked one time by nbc news, why haven't you been to the border, her answer was well, i haven't been to europe either. well, you're not in charge of europe but you're in charge of fixing the border. numbers are numbers and authenticity, she's got problems there and remember, stu, in 2019 she ran for president. she didn't even get to 2020 because democratic voters rejected her. so many so. if you're trump right now, whether harris or biden, you're looking good. very good. stuart: trump speaks and cassioppi cementing the republican nomination. will we hear from a new trump? >> we'll see this theme of ewety. trump has two campaign managers that really have his ear that he really trusts and know are
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loyal. that's chris lacevida and susie wild and both seem to be giving him the right information at the right time and unity is the way to go. you just got shot at a couple of days ago and your theme is to bring the country together. when donald trump got up from the gunshot wound and put his fist in the air and said fight fight fight, he was telling not just his supporters but the country and the world that i will not be knocked down, i will not be taken out. this comes down to strength versus weakness and republicans look strong and look energized and this convention, zurich was run almost flawlessly and nearly perfect in terms of the message and in terms of energy and coming together behind trump at the right time and that's where we are. chicago in a couple of weeks for the democrats and may not know who their nominee is and that place is begun that look like at least outside and gaza for five days with all the protests going
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on. complete anarchy and compared to here it's calm and not guilty many protests and republicans unifying message, that's the theme right now. unity and it'll be pushing again by president trump which will be the most watched i would imagine acceptance speech in rnc and any party's history. >> thanksfor being with us. see you again soon. >> that includes donald trump's speech starts 7:00 p.m. eastern here on fox business. >> nasdaq down 63 and all over the place today and lou basenese is here with us and they're settling everything down for us. why are you con syringes that had we we will not get a rate cut in september? >> because literally everyone is sure that we're going to get a rate cut and when everyone thinks everyone is likely wrong issue that's just ann ebbing doal thing. but look at data -- anecdotal
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thing and employment is strong and gdp growth revised upward friskas and inflation data, it's not there and we're not near target and september rate cut is purely political and powell doesn't have to do that and president trump said i'll let him serve out and finish this term if he does the right thing. and a political move is not necessary by powell now. they should wait till after the election if they cut rates. stuart: markets don't seem to care that much. >> no, governor waller giving everyone false hope. we're going to cut rates and we're getting closer. they're not saying how close. is it july? september? november? december? it's keeping hope. stuart: meanwhile the rally overall broadening out and that's very important. >> it's a great distinction. if i looked at stat today and top ten stocks in s&p 500 down average of 5.6% in the last week. the other 490 up an average of 3.6. stuart: is that right? >> reversal and magnificent 7 and eli lilly and broadcom
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dragging the indexes down and 490 components rallying and spreading out and look at the chart for small caps and micro-caps and looks like elon musk spacex rocket went straight up in the last week. total change in sentiment and dynamic in the market. stuart: that's another one i missed. there you go. always good advice and sitting for three hour as day and maybe i should. thank you, lou. take a look at apple, something is going on there. lauren: bloomburg reporting they're in talking to license for films from hollywood to boost their portfolio on their streaming service. apple tv, tv plus and didn't give a figure but apple spends what, about $7 ball year on content in general that's nothing compared to netflix and also a drop in the bucket for what apple brings in in revenue every year. stuart: no verne nordisk and -- novo nordisk and eli lilly are
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working on a one day pill that takes the weight off. lauren: take the pill for 30 days and lose on average 6.1% of body weight. stuart: this is your area. >> yeah and fear not, el lie lily has a bill -- eli lilly has a pill that works more effectively and pharma pfizer has a pipeline candidate and you'll move away from injectables and costs are too prohibitive into the one day -- once a day pills really cost effective and not only that, they're effective in bringing down weight and all the other ailments that come from them. stuart: what a difference. pill versus injection. give me the pill, please. match. lauren: what a week. up 11%. some hedge fund and activist saying maybe go private. but now tinder that's their moneymaker. they're using artificial intelligence to help users cureuate profiles and ai will tell you which are the best photos to use and which will come across better.
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an eye match maker. >> striking by a cord. stuart: thanks, lauren. coming up, gold star families rip intoed biden's botched afghanistan withdraw at rnc. >> joe biden has to go. he failed the american people. >> we have another son serving in the army. and we do not trust joe biden with his life. stuart: we will she you more of their emotional remarks. there's a split in the democrat party and some members call the president genocide joe for supporting israel. is that driving jewish voters away from the party? we're going to dig into that. lawmakers drilling the secret service director over failure on the trump assassination attempt and what happen ifs she's fired
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or resigns and congressman cory mills takes that on. where do we go if she's out? we'll be back. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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stuart: i hope you saw this but secret service director was given a very hard time by senators blackburn and barrasso at the convention yesterday. now she's going to capitol hill and going to testify publicly and she's testifying on monday of next week. hillary vaughn on capitol hill. hillary, that's going to be one explosive interview. reporter: stuart, it base chips act took a subpoena to secure the secret service director, kim
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cheatle on capitol hill on monday and he'll be here to answer lawmaker questions in a public hearing in front of house oversight committee and the spokesperson saying "director cheatle agreed to comply with chairman c comer's and and demad answers about the attempted assassination of president trump and the secret services egregious failures". she'll be facing a lot of tiktok members of congress and the secret service has bailed on several briefings on the matter. even one briefing they managed to do and they were livid and more angry and allowed four questions on the call to be asked and then hung up the phone on senators who still had more questions and senator john barrasso on that call says "this was a 100% cover your blank briefing.
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he, the suspect, was identified as being suspicious one hour before the shooting and had a range finder and backpack and the secret service light sight of him and no one has taken responsibility and no one held responsible and the president was almost ki killed and the hed of the secret service needs to go". she's refusing to go and refusing to take follow up questions from the senators when they ran into her at the rnc yesterday. [inaudible]. >> you're the head of the secret service. >> we want answers.
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>> you will answer. reporter: stuart, absolutely remarkable video and i've not seen anything like this here on the hill when lawmakers chasing after someone they're trying to get answers from. if that's a taste of what's to come in these public hearings, cheatle might have a good reason to try and run and try to hide but again, congress has subpoena power and they can drag her here before committees if they want to. stuart. stuart: hillary vaughn, capitol hill, thank you very much, hillary. congressman cory mills, republican from florida joining me now. why didn't the snipers take the shooter out sooner? thinking maybe we need to change the rules of engagement. >> well, actually i work with the state department for the counter sniper team and going to have all our experience and there's a lot of reasons for this investigation going and we need to look at it and request and subpoena the cyber data books and look at range sketch
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showed and look at range to lay out and they indicated them and there wasn't enough resources to put someone on the roof and they claim for the slope and look at roof and nothing that's out of the norm and it's the latter and they come from them and why this individual coming for them and resource issue and i would ask why not go for these and calling the doors of the policy and deterrents and so much about the sad advanced teams with this and what they looked at and identify as a threat and deem for the water tower that's a couple hundred yards awhey and easy shot as well and especially a building that's 160 yards and perfectly adjacent and line of sight to the president and why wasn't it indicated with a high threat to mitigate them and putting them up there and there's too much about that that looks at only not just gross negligent and very much dereliction of duty and how much
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can be intentional and overlooked and how much of this -- there's just -- i don't want to take anything off the table until we have an open investigation by the house. stuart: the new york post reports that first lady jill biden helped get kim cheatle her job as head of secret service. there's some question here that identity politics maybe play ago role in her appointment running the secret service, what say you? >> well, this is the issue, varney, when you go ahead and prioritize dei, you get die. we need to get back to meritocracy and back to who qualified the best with weapons and service weapons and how they're operating proficiencies and tactics and operations and back to understanding these are people's lives and our political candidates and even those that are nominees and those in elected office are constantly receiving different types of death threats and not only the rhetoric ramping up but the fact that we're in a very tumultuous
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time and a j-13 style commission is warranted and we need to dig into this because you want to talk about a j6 select committee, that was ill legitimized and talk about going home peacefully by president trump as a way to incite violence and the rhetoric for president biden putting trump in the bullseye and these are very, very troubling things to say and in the united states and hi heny ii and saying can no one rid me of these and it's a completely open perspective and i don't want to take anything off the table and trying to silence him and imprison him and trying to kill him. stuart: it was a meddle some preece is what he was called. cory mills, thank you very much. precise language there. congressman cory mills, thanks for being with us, sir. >> thank you, varney. stuart: relatives of the 13 service members killed during the botched afghan withdraw spoke out against biden last night.
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emotional stuff. what did they say, lauren? lauren: they revived perhaps the lowest point in biden's presidency. here's one of the gold star moms. >> now we have another son serving in the army, and we do not trust joe biden with his life. we have faith in donald trump to lead our military. please join us in supporting donald trump for president and mondayer in chief. [ cheering ]. lauren: they said the names of their sons and daughters. these are the 13 men and women that lost their lives in kabul august 26, 2021, three years ago. stuart: lauren, thank you. check out the biggest losers on the nasdaq. there are 22 and big losers
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right there. sirius xm and cadence design and laboratories and all down 3, 4, 5, 6% and two year treasury yield and concentrate on 10 year and two year is interesting too and moving up just shy of 4.5%. internal polling from democrats shows that every potential replacement for joe biden will do significantly better in a race against donald trump. we'll dig into that for you. jewish coalition of the speech at the convention and jewish voters tend to go democrat and do we see that change this year. matt brooks responds after this. ♪
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but the choice won't be easy with exceptional offers on the e-class sedan, c-class sedan, cle cabriolet and cle coupe. hurry, these dream offers won't last forever. come in now through september 3rd. stuart: on the market this is morning, the nasdaq down 180 popoints and big tech is really selling off today and dow itself down is 32 and at 41 -- 132 at 41,000.
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>> how do we do. >> it's on the cusp of making biggest acquisitions ever and cybersecurity firm whiz. we're always going to be playing catchup and cyber thieves are one step ahead of us and normal reaction on the deal like google going to find the next company going to be acquired and too risky for investors and lets you own cyber eminent spree and cybersecurity spree and raise the value wayses out of these compcompanies and rising tide ls all boats and playing well to the etf and backing out at new -- breaking out at new all time high. stuart: it's the hack. >> first cybersecurity etf and around for over a decade and unique component on to the scene and innovators on them and going for the area.
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stuart: u.s., israel and more going next week and any closer to a ceasefire release deal. lauren: these secret talks between those three nations about a postwar strategy and suggests they're close tore a ceasefire, hostage release and parpart of the end of the war. starts with the reopening of the rafah crossing between gaza and egypt who is in charge of that and egypt wants the palestinian and egypt saying absolutely not and going to be absolutely right. stuart: thank you, lauren. for the first time ever, leader of republican jewish coalition spoke at republican national convention. watch this. >> president trump will bring back law and order so that american jews can once again wear a keefah and walk the
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streets without fear. stuart: that was matt brooks and he joins me now. jewish voters typically vote democrat. will it be different this year? >> there's no question, stuart. thank you for having me on the show. hopefully with can rally the markets a little bit and we'll rally a jewish vote come november and we've seen the reality is that the jewish voters have historically been democrat and no question about that and we've seen over the last several election cycles an unmistakable shift in which republican haves been getting inroads year after year among jewish voters and in 2020 in particular, you have to go back to ronald reagan in 1980 to see a republican get as high a share nationally and jewish vote as donald trump did and in key battleground states, places like florida, he got 43% of jewish vote in places like georgia, he got 50% of the jewish vote. those votes and those
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battleground states matter and help decide elections and we're confident given the fact that president trump is the most pro israel president in history and we'll continue to make gains and build upon that support, especially given how bad the democrats are on these issues that the community cares about. stuart: there is a chronic split in the democrat party, some memberrings of the party call the president, call him genocide joe. how can jewish voters stay with the democrat party? >> that's a great question and we feel to peel away disaffected democrats and the party as i said in my remarks to the republican convention and the sad reality and it is sad because we should have two strongly pro israel political parties in america and the sad reality, stuart, is that we have one pro israel party and it's the republican party. stuart: jd vance's position. what's that on israel? i think he's been a very vocal supporter; right?
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>> he's not only that but, i mean, i know jd vance, senator vance very well. i've spoken to him recently and he will be an unbelievable supporter and echo and help president trump as they build on his incredible pro israel legacy and more importantly about jd advance, he's not shy about going into -- jd vance, he's not shy about going into hostile autoyenses about why he's pro audience and making the case to support israel. stuart: thank you for joining us, matt brooks. all good stuff. >> stuart, thank you very much for having me. stuart: sure, come back soon. come back. >> i'd love to. stuart: new fears that american aid to afghanistan may fall into the hands of the taliban. what's going on? lauren: so, the u.s. aid sent two to afghanistan for development $293 million and inspector general report shows that's the amount of money that
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was sent to afghanistan that might have got into the hands of taliban into terrorist hands because they can't account for it. was it vetted? it's like missing money. you're allotting funds to help afghanistan out after our withdrawal and this audit finds they don't know where a lot of this is. stuart: why are we spending $293 million to develop a country which ran us out of town? i don't get that. really don't get it. but thank you, lauren. coming up, fox sports analyst says there's parallels between a successful team and a strong political party. he's gonna be here to explain that analogy. 76% are cutting back a lot on our spending just to afford the necessities. former trump official mitchell brown takes that on next. ♪
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stuart: big tech taking it on the chin today and nasdaq down 158 points and not helping the dow either. it's down 181. price of gold moving to record highs recently and 2,469 an ounce. cryptos and bitcoin struggling back to 63, 64,000 and 63.7 it's 3406 and final night of rnc and donald trump accepts the nomination and brady is on the acceptance speech and more on unity. >> reporter: for sure, stu. the attempted assassination changed everything and trump said he planned to say and
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started from scratch and write a speech that meets a moment. >> i need to review this. as have a different tone and have to lay off the pathway forward how we unit the country and not just with words or tone and it's very important and how we bring about that success and it's going to do exactly that tonight. reporter: jd advance using his speech as a opportunity to introduce himself to the american people ask one of the most moving moments he introduced his mom to the crowd celebrating her almost ten years of sobriety and growing up in poverty in ohio and mom struggles with opioid addiction and how then senator joe biden voted for policies that he says
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>> out of touch politicians are destroying their jobs and about the factory worker in wisconsin who makes things with their hands and is proud of american craftsmanship. it's about the energy worker in pennsylvania and ohio who doesn't understand why joe biden is willing to buy energy from dictators across the world and can buy for frequency conductive his own citizens here in our cone country. reporter: looking ahead to tonight in addition to the former president and hearing from the owner and hulk hogan and could call it a night of fighters. stuart: yeah, fight night. final night continues at
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7:00 p.m. eastern here on fox business. a new poll shows 76% of volterss are cutting back on spending just to afford the necessities of life. >> back to 2019 and trump doesn't necessarily have to go out and give the plan about inflation and people remember this and know what gas looked like in 2019. they know they didn't have to go back in line with the grocery store and return two items in 2019 and that's not the reality today so for trump it's referencing back to what life was like and he doesn't need prescriptive at this moment and a reflexive statement. >> deputies did internal polling and outperforming them and republicans want biden to stay at top of the ticket and you
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guys and republicans, you want trump to go against biden because you think you can beat him easily, isn't that it? >> yeah, the race for republicans and the race staying in the same position in the top of the ticket and not as easy as dems think. if it was, they'd have replaced him but harry, when talking about polling better, it's in the margins and she does a bit better than biden and stuart: top democrats believe that biden will be out and dropping out of the race as soon as this weekend. that's not what you want but that looks like what's going to happen and you're going to be facing kamala harris. she's probably going to be at the top of their ticket. >> yeah and if she is, that's a blessing for republicans and i've been tracking her image
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since the day she took office and statistically polled worse than biden up till the last few months and she's not overwhelmingly popular and sitting laying in wait was someone and the american republican, i'd be a bit more worried and what she stands at and represents in her track record in the past, i'm not as worried as some people are. stuart: got t mitch brown, thank you for joining us always. lou basenese stuck out the whole hour with us. fox poll 76% of us are cutting back just to afford, to afford the necessities of life. and the economy will be a problem for biden in the election. >> oh, it is. stuart: or whoever is at the top of the ticket. >> feeling like the economy is better and inflation sunned control and it's rising and every day americans, things are still expensive at gas pump and grocery stores and home insurance and car insurance and this is a be the l that
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president trump will inherit and will have to show and demonstrate there's policies that can counter act these inflationary pressures. >> it's not that prices down and they're staying at high levels they've attained previously. >> what every day americans look at is what's the money in the checking account at the end of the month? inflation headline number could level off and two monarchies ago it was 0% growth month over month and we see high prices no matter where it is we look. stuart: yeah, i go to the super market and hear people gasp. lauren: i put things back on the shelf all the time and proud to do so because that's my form of defiance but how do you get them to bring down prices? corporate tax rate of 15%. stuart: that's not going to happen. lauren: or minimum wages forced down their throat when they can't afford it. >> biden's argument of all greedy prices is not true. that's not economics. stuart: the leftist spin doesn't
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work. show me the market. even split. pretty much even and 192 points holding on to the 41,000 level as we speak. but it's falling. remember the library and he popped into the headlines and young soccer star yamal wearing the no. 19 jersey and that's the number made famous by lionel messi. fox sports on the new phenom. alexei is next. ♪ known for nights to remember. known for creating memories. known for strong family ties. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 17 types of cancer, including certain early-stage and advanced cancers.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere.
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but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. stuart: fox sports soccer analyst alexei is at the rmc and joins me now. alexei, i don't get t you're from deep blue california but you're republican. i guess you're a republican because you've had to live in california for a listening time, is that it? long time, is that it? >> yeah, i live in california and work in soccer, i'm like a unicorn when it comes to being a republican. look, you know, after a wonderful summer of soccer with copa america and euros on fox, i said i have this week off and
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i'm going to come out and satisfy my curiosity and maybe morbid curiosity and proud registered republican in the great state of california and have faith in my party, it's not behind faith and i will come out here and kind of validate that support. it's been incredible. incredible week and so many wonderful conversations and hearing people speak. there is a unity out here so it's fun to, i know we're preaching to the choir here but it's a cool place to be. stuart: talk about 17-year-old soccer sensation yamal and wearing no. 17 next week like lionel messi. is he the next pelle? >> -no other players and for that matter, you look at him, he's left footed and he's not quite in the same frame and body frame of a messi but he can have the same type of impact and this is what we do. he was 16 during most of the tournament and then turned 17
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and youth blinds us sometimes and we say, we're going to protract it out and if he's this good now, think of what he can be. he's the real deal. when he starts for spain, it's not because he's 17 years old. it's because he's that good. doesn't matter his age but he's the best player on the right side and off wing cutting into the stronger left foot and takes players on and finds the pass and scores goals and this is someone that i think is worth the money and absolutely will bring eyeballs, more eyeballs and not just to spain but to soccer. stuart: i wish he'd play in the english premier league because that's the most competitive league with the best players and best teams and it's really intense. i think these guys should test their medal, you don't agree with me? i know. go ahead. >> says you. says you. so why is the epl the best league? best for lamine yamal to play? because it's sexier? has more money is and media over there? stuart: no, because that's the place where you get tested as a player. that's why the french guy,
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what's his him, mbappe, he won't play in the english proudly supports mere league and off to real madrid and won't test himself against the premier league. he wants the weaker competition. >> oh my goodness, stu. why -- hold on. this beautiful arrogance over there coming to the epl. i love you guys. you guys are so insuffer rabble coming to your soccer. stuart: insufferable? we speak the truth, alexi. we simply speak the truth. >> you invented the game and have it all down and coming home at some point. stuart: okay, one last one for you, this is serious stuff, the chaos at the copa america soccer final, you saw it, raising concerns about security of the world cup here in 2026. are our cities going to be ready for this? >> yeah, we'll be fine. i was with the incredible no show down in miami and people
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were put in danger and it was unnecessary and it happened on our watch less than two years before the 2026 world cup and while it wasn't the united states' fault and the federation down in south america was organized this and playing in the tournament here and it's on them and on us and it happened in the united states and we don't want to see that and everything will be fine and fifa organizing 20 tv and the u.s. will be involved and huge crowd and another seminal moment in the united states. stuart: english premier league soccer in three weeks and i'm sure you'll be blued just like . thank you, alexi. >> i love the epl. i love it all. stuart: alexi, you're all right. see you soon. what we've got now, the thursday trivia question. how many candidates, major party candidates have been nominated for the presidency three times?
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have a generac home standby generator. and owning a generator is easier than ever. special financing and low monthly payment options are available, and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. call or go online now to request your free quote. stuart: how many major party
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candidates have been nominated for the candidacy three times, four, six, 8? lauren: six. six. don't ask me why. stuart: i haven't a clue. i am going with four. the answer is 6. lauren: i've been right every day this week. thomas jefferson, grover cleveland, william jennings bryan, franklin roosevelt, richard nixon, donald trump. stuart: i was supposed to read the answer. thanks for sticking around. our coverage begins at 7:00 pm tonight. you will see trump's speech. adam: we are watching a continuation o


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