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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  July 18, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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candidates have been nominated for the candidacy three times, four, six, 8? lauren: six. six. don't ask me why. stuart: i haven't a clue. i am going with four. the answer is 6. lauren: i've been right every day this week. thomas jefferson, grover cleveland, william jennings bryan, franklin roosevelt, richard nixon, donald trump. stuart: i was supposed to read the answer. thanks for sticking around. our coverage begins at 7:00 pm tonight. you will see trump's speech. adam: we are watching a continuation of a trend, the
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rotation has not automatically then to people going into traditional dow stocks are finding other places to hide. you and i were briefly talking get about this. i was joking with you. they usually last 2 or 3 days, i'm not going to sell them off. >> we are in the third day and when we go down we make headlines and it can happen quickly and that is our experience. people rotating into weaker stocks, the possibility of rallying and those are small caps. it is on the verge of its first cut, those tech names if you look at the semiconductor it is
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a 50% year to date, nvidia up one hundred 40% year to date, 20% in march. adam: when you have a 400% stock. and adjusted terms off to the races. how do people are just too that if there is more staying power? >> it is just rotating and that healthy. the leaders are the lacquer so they are finding stocks on sale, pfizer finally coming back to life after a two your downtrend. stuart: you are the expert. i think i qualify but one of the things i notice is they are rotating to your point but can't find a place to nest. what's going on? >> there's headline risk. we have headlines going after tech companies in taiwan, j.d. vance through a little cold
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water. the headline risk is there and look at it from where did we come? the russell 2000 has been underperforming so long. 's, the only major in text that hasn't made an 8% high. one of 27% from the low to december 23, '27% up 11% this week. when it comes to a party it comes in, something you 've got to watch. those moves happen quickly but does it sustain and broaden back and rotate into tech stocks? we will see that come august. they don't all reporter earnings like the banks did last week, pretty orderly. if you had taiwan semi, they were solid and guidance wasn't bad but we have headline risk.
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august and september. neil: not saying it is over but a big test for the second half. >> those sectors make the headlines. there was a great week, 9 of the top 10 stock marketwise are down by 5. 9%. berkshire hathaway, 490 stocks, we are seeing get -- neil: you are a nerd it. >> when it can support a narrative, when you go through these things you are put in perspective. 5% corrections a year on average. neil: rarely are days go beyond 1% or 2%. let me ask about the preview of coming attractions without
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moving on rates just yet. i noticed all the european markets which were largely flat to begin with, what the expectations were. a lot of people extrapolated that to mean it is not a gimme here that we cut in september. >> jerome powell is data dependent. may be all bets are off. he likes to telegraph things. most in the september camp don't expect something to be in july because he has ample opportunity to telegraph. i don't think it will dictate policy here. continuing claims continue to rise. that's narrative to the softening of the labor market, soft landing narrative, the manufacturing number went up, the highest level in two years.
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stuart: any number that is stronger than thought, housing activity wasn't bad. markets are playing that game. it's not helping. >> they are anticipating that cut on a big run. biotech stocks -- lauren: the latest period. >> anticipating that cut will stimulate things even farther. what we are getting through his headlines, intraday volatility between now and election day and so many wildcards thrown at us, these are not things people can complain for. this is not a full back and healthy rotation once we get through that. neil: i want to talk about how biden can be replaced by the
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democratic nominee. by the way, speaking on the 30 year fixed rate. it is 6.89% a week ago. bottom line, the trend would favor housing, all attention on donald trump, star of the republican convention, he speaks tonight to wrap it all up, third time in a row he's the party's nominee. grady sets the table in milwaukee. >> reporter: gop unity is on display all we can milwaukee. tonight the republican party tried to deliver a speech aimed at uniting a divided country. >> i think it will be a speech the country finds very
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unifying. people might get a different side of donald trump tonight that the media tried to tell you doesn't exist in terms of who this man is, a softer version of donald trump. he understands the moment, he has a real opportunity here. >> reporter: as for last night, one of the most poignant moments of senator j.d. vance's speech is when he introduced his mom to the crowd celebrating 10 years sobriety. he top growing about opioid addiction and how a than senator joe biden supported policies like nafta and what he called a sweetheart trade deal with china he said made life harder for working families. >> when i was a senior in high school that same joe biden supported the disastrous invasion of iraq. at each step of the way in the small towns like mine and ohio,
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next door in pennsylvania or michigan, states all across our country, jobs were sent overseas and our children were sent to war. >> reporter: vance mentioned rustbelt swing states quite a few times in his speech. we know he and vice president kamala harris spoke on the phone this week, both appear eager to debate but haven't landed on a date for it yet. the trump campaign says this. we don't know who the democrat nominee for vice president is going to be so we can't lock in a date before their convention. to do so would be unfair to gavin newsom, gretchen witmer or whoever kamala harris picks as her running mate. tonight, we have learned that yvonne, and milania trump will be inside pfizer forum for the first time in the family box and at the end of the program tonight, they along with vance's family will join the former president on stage for
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the balloon drop. should be quite a show, want to watch tonight and we can do that on fox business starting at 7:00 eastern. neil: grady trimble in milwaukee. let's go to peter doocy. the president of the united states has covid again at a time a lot of people are saying you should be doing more than self isolating on a beach, maybe you should isolate out of the democratic party. peter doocy with more on the fat. >> reporter: in the last minute the washington post is reporting barack obama is telling people privately he thinks biden's path to victory has narrowed to the point he should think about stepping aside. at theo's is reporting biden could drop out by this weekend. the campaign says that's not true but you mentioned covid. in the last 24 hours the few opportunities we've had to lay eyes on him he appears to be very sick. we got this video leaving las vegas, the clip looks like it
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is in slow motion as he struggled to climb the shorter staircase up to air force one. despite telling reporters just before that he felt good. than another clip. air force one got across country in three hours and 48 minutes, so fast a reporter said the plane was shaking but if you look at this clip, he needed a lot of help getting into the suv from the secret service. when inbound cnn reported nancy pelosi told him there's peril to the party if he doesn't leave the ticket. white house official and campaign officials say he's going to be the nominee but that is pelosi, schumer and how team jeffries delivering warnings in private as democrats friendly to the president suggest in public he's going to the part. >> i trust this man. he's been such a solid leader. he will make the right decision because he knows he has a solid legacy in american history is the most productive president of my lifetime.
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>> reporter: president biden has been asking if kamala harris can beat trump as down ballot democrats remain concerned about public statements like this one. >> it is about making sure, because high names are the secretary of defense, ketanji brown, because of people i named. it is about making it clear that american history is black history, black history is american history and built by it. that's why we are strong. >> reporter: the circle of people telling president biden to stay in the race is shrinking a. at rehobeth beach in isolation with covid he's not just quarantining but also in exile. neil: it is president biden who
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can dismiss joe biden. that will take a lot of persuasion. he is feisty about it and it is argued someone can do better than me, are they presenting him data that shows several people could? >> reporter: the public polls we are getting don't show kamala harris doing better against trump and that is part of biden's calculation. novelty does he want to see someone else it was much stronger against trump. he sees himself as the ultimate underdog. somebody from the time he was running for senate in delaware as a 29-year-old kid, he won. he has got it in his head that it's possible to beat trump and of course it is possible but democrats are worried, the positive polls for biden are the national polls. folks in his campaign in
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wellington don't do national polls because it's not a national election. it is state-by-state. the battleground states are the ones he's performing the weakest and he has a big decision to make, based on all reporting out there, he has shrunk his inner circle to the point even people that work in the white house who worked with him for 10 or 20 years are considered newcomers, he' s not listening to them. now as we understand it, he's by himself in the beach house trying to figure out what to do while he doesn't feel good. neil: wants to go to karl rove. former bush 42 deputy chief of staff, fox news contributor has a great column mapping out what is at stake for donald trump's speech tonight but curiously enough, as you pointed out, not what happens with biden, what
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do you think happens and how it changes the race if he does step down? >> i think he will step down by the time that column went to bed yesterday afternoon we know schumer, hakeem jeffries and nancy pelosi told him time to get out. adam schiff who would not act without nancy pelosi has gone public with that and today senator hickam looper of colorado, a well thought of member of the senate democratic caucus went public and my assumption is he's not a guy who seeks the public light. he would not have done this had not schumer greenlighted it and deafening silence from the obamas in the clintons who if they wanted biden to stay in would be damping this down by saying we support it so i think it is a matter of time before it goes and he ought to go. the polls are deadly to him.
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take our fox news poll. is his mental condition a risk to us security? 63% said yes including 62% of independents and 38% of democrats. is he involved in decision-making? 63% also say only someone or not all, and then, the white house been transparent and honest about his mental condition? 71% say no. they don't think he is up to the job and they won't trust what the white house says about his condition. those are deadly. the polls have shown some, it's going to be worse if he stays in the race. lauren: 20 that is what barack obama and hakeem jeffries and chuck schumer are starting to say when they make the argument you got to step down.
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at the more traditional level, national polls you hear these stories that president biden always comes back and says for all my troubles, donald trump isn't running away with it. are you saying what we are witnessing beneath the surface and what he's privy to from democratic pollsters who have their own data that his support is in fact melting? >> he has dropped, not that trump is moved up, biden has dropped. we vote for people because of two impulses. we like that candidate and we don't like the other guy. how those things are in our decision-making is important. what has happened is very few people are supporting biden because they are foreign, they are against trump. over time that means the enthusiasm gap will be to the advantage of the republicans. people are for donald trump because they like him and saturday increase to the enthusiasm of those people, he
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was saved from death by providential hand. the enthusiasm on the republican side is rising, on the democratic side is declining and the polls beginning to show diminution in biden's support, it's only going to get worse, not better unless they replace him and give the new person a chance to if you will, both sides of the equation. we don't want to have trump but get enthusiastic about fill in the blank, witmer, kelly of arizona, bashir of kentucky. they are stuck because no democrat is getting more enthusiastic about supporting president biden. neil: you are a walking encyclopedia. in the meantime, all these hearings, how the secret service could have been even worse. the secret service showing up
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at the republican convention was not a bright idea. the fallout for the secret service where you don't lose your job a lot of the time. in private enterprise, even worse after this. ♪ ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks! thanks! voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices so you can reach today's financial goals. that one! and look forward, to a more confident future. that is one dynamic duo. voya, well planned,
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i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx.
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ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. i move so much better because of cosentyx. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker.
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oo this is a good book title. adam: who know what and when at the secret service up to the chief who still has her job even though we are learning disturbing developments about opportunities that went unnoticed. the latest from chad pergram. >> reporter: there's an extraordinary piece of video, kimberly cheadle at the convention. senators are raging over the attempted assassination and angrier at cheadle especially now.
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>> the chief of the secret service. >> and you owe answers. >> taxing for crying out loud. >> cheadle told the senators, it was not not the proper forum to discuss the shooting. gop oklahoma senator james lankford and the gop north dakota senator kevin kramer. marsha blackburn of tennessee has had it with cheadle. >> she would not take five minutes and provide answers for the people and she's more concerned about donors than the people of this country. it speaks to the priorities. >> reporter: no democrats of called on cheadle to step down but the list of republicans asking her to quit is growing.
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>> i'm prepared to call on president biden to fire director cheadle. the oversight, the mistakes, the ineptitude was inexcusable. almost lost the life of a former president and there's been accountability at the top. >> reporter: cheadle is due at a house hearing monday morning. house oversight committee chairman james comber tells me his subpoena stands for monday regardless if she quits or is fired. neil: thank you very much, chad pergram. an important duda. congressman, where is she going get? i imagine she quits her job before the weekend but that won't matter. you guys want to talk to her. >> one of the reasons i have not called on her to resign
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which she should do and i want to hear from her. i want her to come before the committee and congress and she is scheduled and we have christopher wray coming before the house judiciary committee but it is inexcusable, i can't find any defense for what we saw. average americans watching this say is this the best we've got? the signal we are sending to the world, this is how we protect the commander in chief or former commander in chief and people talk about this being a problem because it was a former president, this is the republican nominee for president of the united states, the current leader of the polls in november. when our current commander-in-chief can't spell cat and we are looking at this attack on donald trump, that an attack on the country. we don't know all the details but they had him labeled
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suspicious an hour before. we know that by 5:51 the secret service, 11 minutes before the president took the stage and we don't know about the roof or the slope, 140 yards away is inexcusable. neil: you get intelligence briefings, only so much you can share but we are learning more about the shooter. 20 years old, searches on his phone indicate searches, the names of biden and trump. he was spotted to as an individual of interest depending who you talk to and he was spotted physically and our before the event last saturday in butler and some people did raise that and point him out as someone who should be watched. there's a lot that hasn't
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connected yet, but there is a pattern where it would appear authorities count too late. >> no question. the reason there are theories flying around whether it was purposeful or not, nobody can believe anybody could be this incompetent. that's truly the case. the fact is that is why we need to pursue the truth. we know there's a competency problem when you have an agency, the secret service tasked with protecting the president of the united states among other tasks and our entire apparatus from the defense department through the fbi, all our security agencies when they are focused on dei, the head of the secret service is the priority is 30% females and making sure dei is being done, 6 foot 2 and donald trump
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is president, the average american watching this, average americans in pennsylvania who were literally looking up and say there's a guy on the roof, if that is what we are left with in terms of protecting of the president, we know this is important because it's not just the secret service, it's our entire government that has been turned into a social engineering experiment. lauren: 1 the lost audio. i apologize, having some problem but i would love to get you back, you raise issues that will come up next week. chip roy of texas. we are trying to get more details on what is coming off of the phone. they were able to access it and they are coming up with a number of things including possible rationale behind this bizarre attack of that could
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have been a lot worse. we will keep you on top of that and all the growing support among formerly be grudging candidates in the republican party you are now big backers of donald trump even with donors. ken griffin is among them but how much money ken griffin hasn't how influential he can be, just spent $45 million on dinosaur bones. after this. ♪ ♪
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12:33 pm
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>> this thing is -- neil: where are we going here? that was a younger kid griffin.
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he just purchased a stegosaurus fossil a day after we learned -- a lot of people might say of the race that features old men and dinosaurs there's a tie in here. say what you will, that dinosaur is more than the surviving but thriving, his big speech day that but money men gathering around him is remarkable in and of itself. others a lot of money. to spend on a stegosaurus. charles: amazing transition. neil: where do you put that stegosaurus? front hallway? how would you put it? charles: my entire house, not his house. rich people are weird. his rich is rich.
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saved up a few bucks, ken griffin is worth $50 billion and what happens is when you get to be that rich, steve cohen got tired of art so he bought the mets. neil: how is that working? charles: some people said to ken griffin was looking at a buying a baseball team but he didn't, remember if it was the mets or someone else. there is some stuff that could be worth something in a few years. i used to collect baseball cards. if i didn't throw them out they are worth money now. there is a degree of conspicuous consumption.
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i've been covering rich people, being a fly on the wall for a long time. neil: there are a lot of flies on the wall. the fact that your friend can landgone said this guy is a fighter and you are hearing that from a lot of people. charles: the guy he started can -- home depot with his big. he told me he was thinking about it and worried and -- charles: last weekend, can we play this? charles: from ken griffin. ken griffin is not in here. charles: we don't have to go there.
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neil: i wonder what you make of that? going that way? the wind is at his back. charles: they were moving in that direction. there was an inflection point before the debate performance where people said -- these are business people, what is another four years of biden and kamala harris even if biden drops out? i think it happens this weekend. last night i reported a huge donor push for josh schapiro on the ticket. i would keep watching tv this week. there's all sorts of talk about an open convention and a nominating process. neil: you think it's going to happen? charles: i thought j.d. vance.
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i wasn't totally out on a limb. it began a lot earlier than the debate. he had the fundraiser, people moving already and they look at biden/harris, and administration that's far left on policies. bernie sanders and elizabeth warren have say. they don't like it. they have a say in who they selected. neil: the lesser of them. charles: they could at least do business with donald even though he likes to tweet. what do they call it? truth social? adam: very toned down. charles: much more well-known in the business community. neil: i love the fact you are
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not wearing a title. charlie's brilliant point, seeing more democratic powers saying maybe it's time to go. the most powerful of all, barack obama may have just weighed in on that after this. ♪ and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys?
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what does a good investment opportunity look like? at t. rowe price we let curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and what promising new treatment advances can make a new tomorrow possible. better questions. better outcomes. the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere.
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but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx.
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>> of president obama were to say biden should stop beside would biden's campaign be finished? >> i can assure you president obama will never ever ever come out and say that. there's a small group of people in the party, some on the hill, that could change things if they all made the decision. >> reporter: should those people speak up and speak out against biden? >> i'm not going to speak against him.
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it is his choice. most of us care enough about him to leave that to him. if he decides to run, i will be with him. neil: that was last week, the first part of the interview hillary vaughan had with emmanuel cleaver, didn't think barack obama whatever do anything like that even hinting his former vice president not sitting out this race but barack obama joins a path that includes the likes of chuck schumer, hakeem jeffries, nancy pelosi saying the biden path to victory is shrinking. i was noticing off of our lows that story got out, the prospect of the race changing,
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potentially stronger democrat challenging donald trump did at 100 points to the dow. i don't want to extrapolate too much. >> very convenient leak to the washington post. barack obama is really saying this. there is no more powerful leader in the democratic party. it looks within the next few days we may get a final decision what's going on. as for the market, doesn't like uncertainty, this will shore up the polls, what you want to focus on are the congressional races. neil: that was the worry for democrats. general polls are pretty good. >> that is why adam schiff came out and pelosi is more vocal. they are more concerned about losing the house.
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they like a leader from one party and divided government would do better. neil: versus run of the table. normally democrats, republicans. >> statistically true. neil: the markets digesting that and other things but how did they take this news? >> that is what this election cycle brings us. that's why i try to block out the noise and focus on price action and what we saw, semiconductors came off of the low. nvidia opened up lower. we are seeing things stabilize in those sectors that have been beaten down. it was positive going into this. in the last segment, broadening out the rally.
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neil: when we use this, having nothing to do with those developments. >> it renews a headline, trading like crazy. we focus on the longer-term trends. neil: the worry about the tax cuts donald trump wants to make permanent, might have a tough battle especially if the house is down. >> those tax cuts and more certain tone we had was one of the catalysts. there is too much time, the news cycle will change dramatically. still at the democratic convention in the nominee, who knows who it is going to be. this headline while it may
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cause knee-jerk reactions. let's pump the brakes. jerome powell, 4 fed policy drives this bus and that is what people are lacking good. thank you for bringing that to the forefront of what we are following. it is fed policy that shifted and caused the massive rotation and small-cap to catch up. fed policy is going to drive it. why cut in an election year? that favors the party. each side will argue that. fed policy will dictate the overall trend in this market but those headlines we saw in the last 30 minutes, knee-jerk reactions. we will see how this shakes out in 30 minutes. neil: the fast-moving developments, responding to this.
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>> another $1.2 billion in student loan forgiveness trying to energize the youth base trying to fight in this, under public service loan forgiveness plan affects nurses, law enforcement, teachers bringing the total debt forgiveness to $168 billion taxpayers are floating using rule changes that single-handedly ballooned the deficit to almost $2 trillion. >> president biden: we were going to keep relieving student debt. we are going to end medical debt. already made sure medical debt can no longer be put on a credit report. >> is not going to stop regardless of the ruling against his original plan. now the president will reportedly focus on the supreme
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court justices themselves, his administration preparing to ask congress to add term limits to the supreme court as former head of the senate judiciary committee biden resisted major changes to the high court but now the left of the democratic party pushing because of the recent court rulings. mike johnson says that a desperate campaign rhetoric. >> the number of justices, they want to impeach a couple of them. it would never be passed through congress. it is in the constitution they serve for life based on good behavior. we have to change everything about the tradition, the way the court is organized. >> reporter: fox news polling showing the list of voters concerned about the supreme court, eighth on the list. student loans not in the top 12 which they looked at, issues on that polling.
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neil: we are getting more depth to this story, barack obama the latest to sell the notion that president biden can't win this race. no indication that president biden has any response to any of this after this.
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when the sawdust settles and the engine roars the thing you care about is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ known for nights to remember. known for creating memories. known for strong family ties. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 17 types of cancer, including certain early-stage
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and advanced cancers. one of those cancers is a kind of bladder and urinary tract cancer called advanced urothelial cancer. keytruda may be used with the medicine enfortumab vedotin in adults when your bladder or urinary tract cancer has spread or cannot be removed by surgery. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ, tissue, or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation, or have a nervous system problem. keytruda is an immunotherapy and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways
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to treat even more types of cancer. it's tru. keytruda from merck. see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at, and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you.
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. 20 the most consequential election of our time. i wonder about people buying this today. better than $14.2 million in sales. the nation wrapped up conventions and all that stuff. that is more than $14 billion up double digits from last year. just amazing. "the big money show" now. jackie: there is always time for prime day.


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