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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 19, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? >> when donald trump walked out that first night and just the look on his face, he looked like a different man. >> this is a very sad circumstance. i think democrattings honestly have no one to blame but
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themselves for the situation they find themselves in. >> the president has been very clear his retribution is going to be success. he's going to fight every single day for every american family, and that really was the whole theme of this entire convention. >> no executions whatsoever because the responsibility with the president of the united states is on the secret service. >> it's obvious that president obama, who i think really does run the party at this point, has cut the dogs loose to go after him. >> only person that's less popular than joe biden is kamala harris. stuart: i thought so. no other can say good-bye. lauren: oh, i was thinking it was saying good-bye to biden. for the campaign. stuart: we should ask the
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producers. lauren: so many options. stuart: 11:000 eastern and it's friday, jewel 19th. the dow industrials down 266 points and minor losses for s&p and nasdaq. show me big tech, please. it's a mixed picture there. not bad. meta, alphabet, apple, amazon up but microsoft is down again. 439 obstructing cerumen microsoft. 339 on microsoft. 4.23%. now this, it's been a no good, awful week for the president. is doesn't come much worse than this, a week ago there were rumblings that joe had to go, now he's in isolation at his beach house recovering from covid and reading headlines like these, just look at that. he's widely expected to step aside from the election race possibly this weekend. a very disappointed president must be asking how on earth did this happen. well, the week went downhill
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rapidly when an assassin's bullet came within a half inch of donald trump. iconic picture of bloodied trump vowing to fight was in sharp contrast with the confused and shuffling president. earlier biden was trying to show he was up for the job and did an interview addressing black voters but forgot names and mumbled, lost his train of thought. basically he failed the test and very quickly senior democrats became more and more forceful in urging that he just step aside. senator schumer, congressman hakeem jeffrey, former speaker pelosi reportedly orchestrated a series of quiet contacts and showed him polls that suggested he can't win and that money was drying up and democrats in congress let it be known that him on the hick, the democrats would lose the senate and fail to retake the house. in politics, that's really serious stuff. biden grudgingly started to concede that maybe he'd think about it. then came covid and the difficulty the president had
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climbing the stairs to air force one and in isolation at the beach house and no one knows when he comes back and the collective opinion of everyone in politics that he's on the way out and soon. this must be a terrible disappointment for him. he spent decades chasing the oval office to find his reelection is virtually mappable and all this is happening as donald trump emerges triumphant leading in the polls and leading a united party. politics can be cruel. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: steve hilton with me this morning. it looks like biden is on the way out. what's next? who's going to replace him? it's going to be harris contraindication for cerumen; r? >> well, assume that in a party completely obsessed with identity over actual competence, experience, or results, that
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kamala harris would be the front runner because she's clearly the vice president. this party is in such utter shambles, who knows what they'll do. every hour the story seems to change. is it going to be biden stepping out this weekend and endorsing kamala harris to avoid a messy, made up primary at the last minute? then you get briefings from the biden camp saying oh, no, it's all a mistake. he's staying in. this is all put out there by his enemies then you say -- you hear reports saying that they're going to go ahead and believe in democracy so much and they have open contact with stars and talent they have and meanwhile what they're not addressing and their agenda with the far left policy agenda is the thing that's turning off the voters. the results have been disastrous and there's nothing they can do to change that, whoever they put at the top of the ticket. stuart: pretty bad situation.
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how about governor newsom. he wants to replace biden, does he or doesn't he? >> stuart, he's -- what gavin newsom wants, he wants biden to stay because he's the one that wants to become president next time around in 2028 and he thinks that's his best shot. here's the scenario. make sure that trump wins, biden loses and arch rival from california, kamala harris is out and gavin newsom has two more years of california being the leading anti-trump figure setting himself up to run in 2028. that's why even this week, gavin newsom's own political pack were spending hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to prop up biden. that was going on this week. it's been reported this morning. stuart: that make as lot of sense to me, it really does. you were at the convention. how do you feel about trump's
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speech last night? the new trump? softer, kinder, gentler appearing to independents? was is that kind of speech? >> well, it certainly appealed to independents but the thing i think is important to understand about the speech and in fact about the trump we're seeing on display this week in the convention, i would argue that in many ways this is the real trump that's been there all along and he is someone that wants to bring the country together and might not have looked like it in much of his first term and he was under attack the whole time and he was telling me, just before covid that because of the success of his policies, the country was coming together, and that's what he wanted to do. so i think what you're seeing in a way is a more confident trump saying i'm going to be myself, i'm going to acknowledge what happened, and tell the story in an incredibly dramatic way that
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we saw. i don't have to in any way alter who i am. i can be myself and people that know him were there all along and the whole country saw for the first time and it was very effective and again, coming back to the substance, it was the message that was so strong but policy agenda and strong borders and getting rid of inflation that plagued families and all of that as well as delivery made it so effective. stuart: fascinating. steve hilton, thank you and have a great weekend. see you soon. quick check of the markets and the dow is headed south a bit further. we're down nearly 300 points there but minor losses for s&p and nasdaq. but there's some red ink there. jonathan hoenig joining me now. you said there's a changing of the guard that we're moving away from big tech. the area is coming out to the ai
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deal. >> we've been talking for weeks and technology stocks were melting and you saw phillip morris, ford motor. talking about ford motor and proctor & gamble and honeywell and stocks at new 52 week highs and tech getting annihilated and there's a real danger the entire market will go with it and some extent we're due for a real shakeout but there's a bull market and tag tier. not in the old familiar names and none of the microsoft and ai-related names and value oriented names and they've been overlooked for quite some time. stuart: this global tech outage, have any impact on the market for any of the time? >> not a longer term but can't deny that and issues at one or two companies can affect the global economy and going 10, 15, 20% of the market index and that's the real risk together and that's coming with the major
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large cap tech stocks and, stuart, most lose money here and they'll buy the dips and people love buying dips and going on the way up and not on the way down. resist the urge to buy the dips in big cap techs and anything like 2000, microsoft or oracle could be dead money in ten years. stuart: don't say it. >> don't blame the messenger, stuart. there's been magnificent runs and urging markets for example and from 2001-2010, big cap tech was dead and emerging markets kicked butt and that's where i'm looking right now. stuart: emerging markets, low volatility and eelv is the symbol. >> yeah, low volatility in the name and we could use that and this is an etf and it's focusing on value oriented emerging market names, couldn't get more out of favor and not that sexy but about 4% and trading at 12 times earning ands they're dirt cheap at a time the market is
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looking at new direction and don't own it at capitalist but it's on my list. lauren: at the scene la is losing -- tesla losing ground and they sold about 52,000 vehicles in the state and down 24% versus last year. down today, tesla, what a month, up 22% this month thus far. stuart: i presume that halliburton is doing very well. the stock is up. lauren: no, it's down sharply. this is the top oil field services provider and think that because there's huge demand. strong profits came in in the quarter, but here's the problem, warning of softer activity in north mitigating circumstance for the second administer of this year, riding out the summer going into the winter holidays. stuart: intel down again? lauren: the chip dip concerned
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that the u.s. could stop proproproducts from being sold n china and made using american technology and thought not to be exposed like amd and nvidia. stuart: thanks, lauren. coming up, donald trump says he survived the assassination attempt because god was on his side. watch this. >> there was blood pouring everywhere and yet in a certain way i felt very safe because i had god on my side. stuart: we will ask resident theologian jonathan morris what he thinks about politicians making claims about god. widespread outage making -- we have that story for the outage. secret service reportedly shorthanded at trump rally in pennsylvania. lawmakers demanding answers. what happened. missouri congressman mark alford
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet.
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and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. going for them. that's now 10% of the deputies. that's 27 in all. the first member of the congressional black caucus to call for a withdraw and representative garcia is a member of the congressional hispanic caucus calling the biden to step aside.
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in front of congress and what's the latest on this? >> they think she's going to show up and two goals understanding the motive of the shooter and explanation of former president trump exposed to gunfire. why some questions were utterly vexing. >> it's very startling and the red flag and getting to the bottom of it and was he not being groomed or powered by some other entity. >> the hearing is monday before the house oversight committee and kheatle had four gop senators at rnc and ducking their calls as they chased her through the halls. they're flabbergasted. >> this is a personnel problem.
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absolutely the leadership has taken their eye off of their core mission and we let donald trump take the stage and there's a threat out there and you don't take the threat out until he's been shot. clearly you've lost your whole mission of protecting donald trump. >> there's multiple investigations into the security lapses and the house and senate are not the only ones running inquiries and two probes by the department of homeland security and fbi. one bright spot and the inspector general and he's a straight shooter and most encouraging bright spot and seeing messes like somebody i can trust with the investigation. >> there's no word whether cheatle will appear at an additional hearing on tuesday and fbi director director wray and that hearing was planned
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before the shooting. stuart: chad pergram, thank you very much. republican congressman from missouri joining me now. was the secret service shorthanded at the trump rally? secondly, we're being told that nonsecret service being used to protect trump. what do you make of that? >> a security lapse and we all know that on the briefing call we had earlier this week with secretary -- excuse me, director cheatle and they admit that had. this was the biggest security failure for the secret service since ronald reagan was shot. there was evidently a short anl of people. shortage of people. look, they use local law enforcement to -- not in place of secret service but to keep the area sterile. now, it's the secret service's
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duty to make sure that in their planning that they have the adequate numbers to protect the former president. they did not do that. we've got to find out what's happened and how to keep that from happening again. that's why this committee hearing is going to happen first thing monday morning. i implore director cheatle to show up for that and there's some talk her boss, secretary mayorkas going to prevent her from appearing and testifying and we need answers and we've got to quell the rumors and tamp down on the conspiracy theories running rampant. they do not know what happened, and they said on this call that they're open to all possibilities. stuart: may i switch subjects for a second. mr. trump's speech last night, was it the new trump, softer, gentler, kinder, more appealing to independents or going back to habits of looking for retribution, how do you see it?
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>> stuart, i think what we saw yesterday, last night, for an hour and a half, one of the best speeches i've heard president trump do and i think it really showed america that the trump we know in person when we've spent time with him and he's a kind, gentle person. look, this has become, i think because this attempted assassination on his life, this has become a convention of reconciliation and restoration, and we saw that yesterday. president trump reaching out his hand to everyone in america to heal us. to help us heal as a nation. the democrats are going to have a tough time comp competing with that. back on march 7, i got yelled at for an hour and seven minutes by president joe biden is still trying to recover from that, and if you contrast the state of the union address from what we saw last night, it is a clear, clear division in thought, in process, in attitude, and how we want to
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bring this country together. stuart: congressman, i just want to check this out, remember the illegal migrants that went on tiktok to encourage other migrants to squat in american homes, according to reports, federal authorities believe that man worked in venezuela's military intelligence unit. how is someone like that able to get into our country? >> well, because of joe biden and biggest liar since pinocchio, secretary mayorkas, throwing the doors open four years ago saying there's no problem. there is a problem. they've let criminals, thugs, killers, rapists and people want that to do us harm. not everyone that's come into our nation is like that, but there's enough of them here that want to attack us from inside. they're doing that with tiktok, they're doing it on the streets. look, this is a real issue. we have to -- and i know president trump said last night one of the first things he's going to do is secure the border
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on day one, tom homan is going to help out with that and we're going to deport these thugs, we must. stuart: yep, we must indeed. congressman, great to have you on the show. much obliged to you and see you soon. now this, global tech outage is reportedly affected migrants on the border. tell me more about that. lauren: they use the app cvp1 and schedule appointments for that and the app got called up in the outage and wait times for the appointment are not being displayed and air messages are coming up. lauren: that's a positi positiv. stuart: microsoft and crowd strike and two companies and they're held somewhat responsible for it. see some of the big banks and
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have they come down at all and morgan going with morgan stanley and going down 2%. some healthcare names, many of them are not affected by the outage and they've not seen a sharp drop in that and none are down and coming up, fox spoke with gen z youngsters at republican convention and asked about the top issues and no surprise. it's the economy. listen. >> i have a fivemont old daughter and i want her to have a better future than i had and only way is if she can afford cars and groceries. system of articulation stuart: we'll break down all the tough issues for you. religion was a theme at the convention and i don't think i've ever seen faith play such a big role. jonathan morris will share his thoughts on faith at the rnc.
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stuart: we better take a look an 400 points in the nasdaq down 107 points and we've got something of a friday selloff here. that's going up. we better take a look at netflix and they reported it's not a bad report. lauren: stock's been all over the place and it's a range of six percentage points today and they had 8 million subscribers in the quarter and it's a major beat. operating margins were stronger and despite all the money, billions on content, they're able to bring that in through subscriptions on the ad tier and ubs said the stock is going to $750 and right now it's down three quarters of 1%. stuart: they said 720 or 710. it's going up they say. meta. lauren: nice gain today. it had been higher by over 1%. it's change ago bit as i speak. this is why the stock is higher and it's notable.
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ceo mark zuckerberg did an interview with bloomburg saying i'm not endorsing but the comments he gave were very positive and that image of trump-appointed after being shot in the ear and raised his wrist and that was "one of the most badass things i've ever seen in my life". coming from a mark zuckerberg type, that says a lot. stuart: thanks, lauren. trump thanked god for surviving his assassination attempt. watch this. >> i will tell you exactly what happened, and you'll never hear it from me a second time because it's actually too painful to tell. there was blood pooring everywhere in a certain way and i -- pouring everywhere and in a certain way i felt very safe because i had god on my side. i felt that . i'm not supposed to be here tonight. not supposed to be here.
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stuart: jonathan morris joins me now. do you get a little nervous when politicians claim to have god on their side? >> i got chills when i heard the president say that, and i've now heard it many times and chills in the best of senses. it feels to me like president trump, former president trump experienced god's presence in his life in the way he's never felt it before. yes, i get nervous about politicians and god is in favor of this policy. when we try to put god on our side and in this case, he was saying no, god was with me. protecting me and that was an experience that nobody can deny. stuart: we've had guests and pendants on this show -- pundits
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on this show calling it devine intervention. >> i cannot say it was or wasn't. if that happened to me or a loved one, i would say that's the only way i can describe it. the other sited of the coin is what happened and the line of what gets injured and look at pure, rational perspective and i think you can say we do not understand the ways of god. but the deepest part of christianity and deepest tenant of christianity is that god is a personal god that intervenes in human affairs. president trump experienced the intervention of devine providence. stuart: this occurred to me, i think there was a real focus on faith at the rnc. listen to this speech from detroit pastor. roll it, please. >> to all my friends back in detroit who are democrats, i want to ask you this one simple
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question, you can't deny the power of god on this man's life. you can't deny that god protected him. you cannot deny that it was a millimeter miracle that was able to save this man's life. could it be that the king of glory, the lord got strong and mighty, the god who is mighty in battle protected donald trump because he wants to use him for such a time as this. stuart: i don't think i've ever seen faith play a bigger role in any convention in my life. how about you? >> yeah, i would say in part because of the circumstances but also in part because the republican party has chosen not to eliminate faith and religion from its party platform, from its environment. the democrats, and i wish it weren't the case, i wish both parties, i wish both celebrations were a celebration
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of god and the life of politics and vice versa. unfortunately the democratic party has chosen to wipe the face and the name of god from anything to do with politics. that's a very dangerous and stark contrast to what we saw right now in milwaukee. stuart: jonathan morris, resident theologian. see you again real soon. donald trump took a moment to honor corey comperatore, he's the father and fire fighter that died shielding his daughter and wife during the bullets. lauren: he paid homage saying there's no greater love than to lay down one's life for others. >> corey, unfortunately we have to use the past tense. he was incredible, he was a highly respected former fire chief, respected by everybody. was accompanied by his wife, helen, incredible woman, i spoke to her today, devastated, and
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two precious daughters. he lost his life selflessly acting as a mum shield to -- human shield to protect them from flying bullets. he went right over the top of them and was hit. what a fine man he was. [ applause ]. lauren: that's the human side of trump, he reached out to victims. he asked for that uniform, asked if he could use it on the rnc stage, his idea, then he kissed it. that's human, that's real, that's sometimes what's missing from his opponent, president biden. stuart: it was real and it's the new softer, gentler trump. thanks, lauren. coming up, president biden student loan bailout dealt a blow and we have the full story. what happens next. one purpose of trump's acceptance speech to render home in america. we'll break down all those
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stuart: all right, on the markets, we've got the dow down 400 and nasdaq 231. plenty of selling in friday. check out the airlines and some had widespread outages early this morning. the stocks are not really suffering that much all though we've got jetblue and southwest down more than 2%. this outage is related to problems at microsoft and in particular cloud strike, those two are down. setback for biden's student loan bailout and what happened this time, edward? >> a federal appeals court paused just the same portion of the student loan forgiveness plan until it can be adjudicated in court and affects about
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8 million people in the plan and biden administration keeps losing in court over and over related to student loan forgiveness plan and so far president biden has all taxpayers supporting about $168.5 billion in student debt cancellation and affects 4.76 million and 271 million tax returns that irs handled and they paid for the loans and biden student loan forgiveness plan is an issue for the committee and responsible federal budget and adds to the deficit and debt. >> we were on an unsustainable debt path long before debt consolation and just make it is worse. as i said, if you add up all of president biden's proposed debt cancellations and we'll be talking about $1 trillion over ten years. reporter: yeah, president biden will try to work around the court rulings in the statement of education secretary and president biden and vice president harris and i continue to believe that college affordability is a cause worth fighting for and we're not
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giving up, there seems to be an arrogance from the white house and president surrounding the law and defying the law. >> we have forgiven student loan debt for nearly 5 million americans. [ cheering ]. >> and twice as much for our public servants including teachers, nurses and fire fighters. you're welcome. reporter: in this election year, student loan forgiveness plan has not energized voters and the way the president thought it might. stuart: thank you, housing becoming increasingly unaffordable and dominic nickels in north bay village in florida near miami. donna marie, on average, how much do people spend on rent right there? reporter: stuart, it's a lot of money. these behind me are $3,000 a month for rent. back in 2020, that same
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appointment was going for $1350. that's almost 150% increase in four years and high cost of living and that was a big topic for former president donald trump at rnc acceptance speech. >> mortgage rates have quadrupled and the fact is they don't matter what they are because you can't get the money anyway and can't buy houses and young people can't get any financing to buy a house and total household costs increased an average of $28,000 per family under this administration. reporter: now, 40 hour workweek is no longer good enough for millions of americans working minimum wage jobs and a new study found in florida, the average minimum wage worker making $12 an hour has to work 98 hours a week to afford a modest one bedroom apartment. here in miami, locals are quickly being priced out. in the 70% of monthly disposable income to afford rent according
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to zillow data and one said he earns above minimum wage at $78,000 a year and still drove lyft and had to tutor students on the weekends to stay afloat. >> i make a decent amount of money, it's not enough. i love it down here, but it's just -- it doesn't make sense anymore. my car insurance went up, my cable went up, the gas went up, everybody is struggling. they're working three, four, five, six jobs. it's ridiculous. reporter: in a recent fox news poll, 74% of voters with a housing cost have problem withs their family and for millennials under 30, it's the number one problem and as for george, he told us unfortunately he's having to leave florida because of the rising costs. stuart. stuart: thank you very much indeed. this is just coming out and just as important, another senator
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calling for biden to step aside. senator martin heinrich from new mexico released a statement saying it's in the best interest of our country for biden to step aside. this comes after four more democrats in the house came out to calling for biden to step aside. that makes 28 democrats calling for bide ton withdraw from the campaign. lauren: four senators now. democrats had 23 seats to defend in the senate. stuart: yep. lauren: this is big. stuart: look at dow industrials, down 430 points and as you can see from that chart on the left hand side, it's not really a chart but a block of stocks, most of the dow 30 are down. don't go anywhere. friday feedback is next. ♪
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stuart: it is 75 degrees in chicago as we speak. it is friday feedback and just you and i together today and that's it. let's get started. this is from jim. trump outsmarted the democrats by passing the torch to the next generation first by picking a 39-year-old vice president and he just made the democrats look old. it's not easy, not hard to make joe biden look old and when you have a 39-year-old vice president, you make yourself look young. lauren: i said it earlier, it's an election of contrast. age is a contrast. 39 for the vice president, this is the future of the republican party and vance for president in 2028 potentially. stuart: this is from elijah, stu, you have a deep love of the beatles. i don't have a deep love. i have an appreciation for them. lauren: you can resite every
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song and year. i've never seen paul mccartney. not even up close. lauren: i saw him one time at met life stadium a few years ago. he was 75 or so at the time and i remember saying it was in the terrain and garage bags around us because it was raining and it was that moment and i remember it. stuart: the giants stadium to see the rolling stones. amazed to see mick jagger, 80 years old. lauren: gives me hope. stuart: kate writes, i love all the great financial advice on your show, but what's the dumbest purchase you've ever made. i'll keep my re-mashes to stocks and bought people express, airline many years ago, lost everything. busten chicken many years ago and lost everything. bought boeing about five or six
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years ago about $400 a share. it collapsed all the way down to $200. lost my shirt. that was pretty dumb. lauren: can't remember the name of the company but one of the first stocks i bought individually as an adult. it was a shoe that rolled up and i thought it was a brilliant idea and told the idea to my father and can't remember the name of the company but we lost everything. stuart: did your dad as well? lauren: yes. stuart: oh, dear. this is from laura, i loved your back and forth with alexi on the show. why is the premier league the best in your opinion? that's simple, it's the most competitive league and look at them in italy or spain or germany. it's a limited number of good teteams and the british -- englh premier league there's ten and all competing vigorously with each other and bringing in much more money and all the world star players. lauren: very good explanation and ask me my thoughts.
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is this your way of saying you miss ashley webster? stuart: yes. have you got an answer? lauren: back to you, stuart. stuart: thank you. i was amazed with all the names on the list and one name not on the list is hillary clinton, surprising. that's not surprising. expect them to go with hillary? that's out of the question, isn't it? are you surprised? lauren: i feel like her name has popped up and she's trying to get back in the conversation a little bit, but she should enjoy her golden years because of grandchildren. stuart: there's no way. stuart: this is from sandra. stuart and lauren, did you stay up and watch the entire rnc convention? it was magnificent, music was outstanding and kept us going. lauren: i did. i watched it in parts and start it had last night and finished this morning on repeat. trump likes opera, i did not know that. they played a lot of opera at the convention. yes. stuart: i didn't know that . lauren: me neither. you learn something every day. stuart: certainly do. this is from peter, we love
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hearing you talk about your travels around the world, what's the most beautiful mace you've ever been to? bali in indianapolis knee supra aural headphones. this was 50 years ago and i was on the beach in bali 50 years ago living on the beach. they're called little huts and for $1 a night, you can sleep, got to shower and got toasted bananas. lauren: like a cheaper version of a hostile. stuart: sort of. beautiful, looked right out on the beach. there it was and the sunsets right there. that was good. lauren: that's on my list. stuart: what do you got? lauren: what's the question? stuart: most beautiful place you've ever been? lauren: this studio. most beautiful place i've ever been. stuart: game, set and match. thanks to everyone for sending their feedback. please keep them coming. friday trivia question, where was the republican party founded? new york, kentucky, wisconsin?
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11:58 am
11:59 am
it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. stuart: we asked this. where was the republican party founded. illinois, new york, kentucky, wisconsin?
12:00 pm
before you enter, you have been right every day this week. keep your streak going good. what is it? lauren: kentucky? stuart: you've been right all this week. i say kentucky too. [buzzer] stuart: four members of the whig party established the republican party, their primary goal to advocate for the abolition of slavery, the first republic and president elected was abraham lincoln. you did well. four out of four. well done. well done. our time is up. "varney and company" will now exit and coast-to-coast, neil cavuto will take it now. neil: who was there a month later? abraham lincoln?


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