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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 22, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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amount behind the domine's who needs primaries video the dnc, it's a sad day, the go to do what they do the republican party needs to do with they need to do to ensure we don't get a fourth term of obama policies. >> obama policies are an interesting choice of words. >> for years i voted for trump of his policies in the last two weeks made him seem heroic and more people are drawn to him, it could be trump's time. >> the trump train is something we will continue to watch and see how the market reacts after the breaking news yesterday that president joe biden is not going to be running for reelection and he has endorsed vice president kamala harris, a lot of news to go through, my thanks to both of you and maria for calling in, that is it for me, futures as you can see the dow higher by 55, we do have a green start to your monday amid everything else that is happening, "varney & company" is up now. >> good morning, everyone, less than 24 hours ago that president biden walked away from his
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campaign for a second term, the political world has been turned upside down, right after the announcement of wide split among democrats, biden and the clintons indoors kamala harris at the top spot for the democrats new ticket. obama, pelosi, jeffries and schumer have not endorsed her they wanted new candidate contest can you imagine the infighting that is going on here. harris says she wants to earn her place, the campaign was picketed $11 million in our right after the president stepped aside but one mega donor said he's closing her wallet to her, donald trump had harsh words for biden and he says he's the worst president in the history of our country, then he said he was going to run the country for the next five months, republicans are picking up on this calling biden to resign the presidency if he can't run a campaign how can he run the country. now to the markets, stocks are up, it is her first chance investors have had to respond to biden dropping out.
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a possible top of the ticket place for, hears, investors are commenting on this, a huge cellophane technology friday, what we see today i'm not going to ask the question, is that the trump rally especially the nasdaq up 202 points, now look at bitcoin, solid rally there, this is a trump train, crypto is moving up as investors think that trump is more likely to win it coin going to 66 right now. by the way trump will address the bitcoin conference later this month, gold heading towards another record, right now 2445 down a fraction but still very close to record territory, safe haven in times of turmoil, interest rates are from the tenure is below four and a quarter percent, 421 and the two year just about four and a half it is at 452. on the show today how is the president doing as a doctor
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should do a press briefing but that has been scheduled, the president has not been seen in public since late last week when he retreated to his beachhouse to recuperate from covid, what is this true condition, can he run the country. monday july 22, 2024, 105 days to the election, 28 days to the democrat convention. "varney & company" is about to begin. >> we have to get right to this, biden is out of the race and pass the torch to vice president harris giving his full endorsement, that's a busy day yesterday, take a stroll. we have not seen president biden and we have not heard from them other than a statement saying he is dropping out and a second statement endorsing kamala harris, nonetheless she is accepted and she writes this i'm
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honored to have the president endorsement to my intention to earn and when this nomination over the past year i've traveled across the country talking with americans of the clear choice in this momentous election, that is what i will continue to do in the days and weeks ahead i will do everything to unite the democratic party and unite our nation to defeat donald trump and his extreme project 2025 agenda but the problem is not all democrats are uniting behind, the hears including leadership, chuck schumer, hakeem jeffries, nancy pelosi, durbin and barack obama have not endorsed or, nor have vulnerable democrats and tight congressional races, my opinion the new reality for the party is this, is a political suicide to endorser or political suicide to run someone against her, senator joe manchin is rejecting rumors that he's considering reregistering as a democrat and throwing his hat into the ring. >> i am not running for office, i'm not looking, i don't need that as far as in my life.
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he is out in mounting calls for biden to resign now, donald trump says he is not fit to serve and i asked who is going to be read in the country for the next five months, john bolted to the wall street journal said the same thing having biden be a lame-duck is dangerous. stuart: thank you, that was a lot. for months kamala harris has insisted that biden was fit to serve, watch this. >> one thing that we know about our president joe biden, he is a fighter. >> i got this is the afterplay for the debate, the conversation that i'm in and i understand why everyone wants to talk about it. the choice in november between the two people on the debate stage involves extraordinary states. >> countless hours with the secretary of defense, the secretary of state, the heads of our intelligence community and
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the president was in front of and on top of it all. stuart: i think we need charlie hurt, he is here. her silence covering a biden's decline. i think it's going to be a strike against her, what say y you. >> is going to be a profound strike against her, the whole thing about the secrecy and continuing today, no one has seen president biden since this announcement was made, nobody and kamala harris has not seen him, had she spoken him, we don't know and that takes on next urgency when you think about the degree to which, the hears and the entire biden administration, both top democratic officials have been lying to us for months and years about the president condition and i have a lot of questions about the letter, i don't believe that joe biden wrote the letter. his signature looks weird, you have a momentous moment in
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american history like this with the system of politics that is supposed to be transparent, you would have the president come out and speak and you would have a photograph of the president writing the letter or signing the letter, you have none of that here, as bad as that is, when you put it against the backdrop of everything we've been talking about for weeks, all of these people have been lying to us for months and years about the president's mental condition, this is an extraordinary moment certainly the most extraordinary moment i've ever witnessed an american politics and i think it could be a moment that history will remember forever. stuart: absolutely will, obviously a divide between the democrats, biden and the clintons endorsed harris but no endorsement from obama or pelosi or schumer, it looks like we're going to see a contested convention of some sort.
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that will be very difficult for the democrats to get over. >> just trying to wrap my brain around what the perspective is versus people like nancy pelosi, maybe what she saying were getting get people space to come to, the hears and were not going to ram it down people's throats even though they are ramming it down people's throats which is why until the weight the democrat party does it we can look at a contested convention as a reporter put cover politics my whole life i've always wanted a contested convention in maybe we have it here but you literally have democrats talking about how she could not pick josh shapiro, the governor of pennsylvania as a running mate because he is jewish, that is going to hurt him with muslim voters, this is your modern democrat party, if that is the taste of what were looking at right now in a contested convention, this is going to be amazing this is going to be
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issued out like we've never s seen. stuart: thank you very much indeed, very important day, i'm glad you're here. speaker johnson warns that replacing biden to be met with legal challenges. >> each state has different roles how in when a candidate can be replaced on the ballot some required death, the speaker of the house is republicans can challenge the new democrat ticket because of the complex system of state rules. >> 14 million democrats voted to make joe biden the nominee. it would be wrong and unlawful in accordance to some of the state rules for a handful of people to go to backroom and switch it out because they don't like the candidate any longer, that is not how this is supposed to work they would run into legal impediments in these jurisdictions and there will be a compelling case to be made that that should not happen and i think they got legal trouble is that is their intention and their plan. >> the legal challenges are likely coming, this is a mess.
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thank you, we better check the market, this is the first time that they've had a chance to comment on the body withdraw from the campaign, look at ago especially the nasdaq a home of technology companies is up 224-point granted it was down on friday but that's a nice recovery, jeff sica joined us this monday morning as he usually does. i'm going to call that a trump probably, what say you. >> it is a trump probably but is also in ignorance is bliss because as president trump said we should be very concerned about the next five months it biden has not come out and address the nation and said why he resigned in now please at the wheel we have the enemy at the door the enemy is not at the door to other country but a lot of people came to the conclusion that joe biden has not been running the country up to this point so it's theater to them,
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the market is still trading the trump probably, the market is still anticipating the jerome powell interest-rate cut in september, there is still positive momentum, the earnings have been good and keep in mind, what people aren't thinking about, tesla and alphabet both have earnings this week, i think they're going to be great, there's other things to look at. >> silicon valley many in silicon valley have endorsed trump and advance, is that because biden's idea in kamala harris for wealth tax. >> i believe so. it is interesting to see all of the tech billionaires circling the trump ticket. what i see i work with a lot of the venture capitalist and are very concerned about the taxation of unrealized gains. as a matter of fact when i sit
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with one of them half of the conversation is about golf which is boring to me in the other half of the conversation is we don't want our unrealized gains tax because if they are taxed is going to annihilate our net worth, as much as they want to get behind when mark zuckerberg said trump was bad back to that generation that the ultimate compliment. so by him doing that it was an unofficial endorsement, that's where were going to see the support. stuart: jeff sica on a special monday morning, thank you. biden bowing out at the presidential race in a letter my opinion we need to see him he needs to go on camera, house ways and means jason smith on that, trump said the secret service never warned him about a person of interest before stepping on the stage in a pennsylvania rally.
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>> how did somebody get on the roof and why wasn't he reported people saw that he was on the roof. >> jim jordan will question secret service kimberly cheadle on capitol hill this morning, congressman jordan is next. ♪ i asked myself, why doesn't pilates exist in harlem? so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy. chase ink has supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help. and chase ink was that for me. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. choose advil liqui-gels for faster,
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stuart: monday morning teachers pointed higher especially the nasdaq up to a point premarket, kamala harris has brought in $49 million just since yesterday afternoon, madison alworth has been following the money i want
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to know what happens to the cash that has been raised by biden, where does that go. >> is going to go to kamala harris, expect a fight, last night the biden here is campaign amended the filings with the federal election commission to make here is officially the top of the ticket, that means that she takes over the campaign and the warchest which had $96 million of cash on hand in june, like i said this transfer likely will met b was some disagreement, recent campaign-finance lawyers have made the argument that the harris campaign does not have the authority to absorb the funds and we could see a challenge before the fec. but i've spoken to the fec election attorney and kamala harris does have the ability to hold onto the cash, now or the get more money coming in on this announcement, the campaign raise $50 million yesterday with overwhelming majority coming from small dollar donation pack
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act blue, they say they raised 47 million, the biggest donation day of the campaign cycle. there are some concerns over big-name donors one is john morgan who took to asked to say he will not be donating to the vp, you have to be enthusiastic or hoping for a political appointment to ask for friends for money, i am neither as others turn now, another issue for potential donors is a lack of endorsement from very big heavyweights on the democrat side, obama and pelosi holding their tongues on an endorsement, i'm wondering if an open convention can take place at the dnc, democrats have less than 30 days to figure out who the nominee will be in the clock is ticking. stuart: ticking rapidly, thank you very much indeed, the member of the house oversight committee, congressman jim jordan is with us this monday morning we don't know the president's true condition we don't know if he can run the country for another five months, should he resign. >> i think a lot of americans
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think so, what i'm focused on that we win this election and frankly i don't think it matters who the democrats put up, you cannot change the facts, the facts are we went from a secure border to know border and three and half years we went from two and under 2-dollar gas to 3-dollar gas from safe streets to crime and state and should record inflation i don't care for terrorists, biden, newsom, i don't think it matters, the facts remain the same and the american people understand that and then you add what they saw from president trump a week ago saturday, the boys, the leadership, the character under fire, that is what half the folks on the sharp contrast in making sure that we win this election so we can turn things around for the american people. stuart: it's nice to watch them fight among democrats, i know where you're coming from, let's change the subject, something really important, trump says the secret service did not warn him about the shoot before he
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stepped on the stage, roll tape. >> nobody mentioned nobody said there was a problem i would've waited for 15, they could've said let's wait for 15 minutes, 20 minutes i believe, nobody said that was a mistake, how did somebody get on the roof and why wasn't he reported, people saw that he was on the roof, you had trump people screaming. the woman in redshirt was screaming and the man on the roof and the other people there is a man on the roof has a gun, that was quite a bit before i walked onto the stage you would've thought somebody would've done something about. >> secret service director cheadle will testify before you today. what are you going to ask her. >> there are two big lines of questioning the first is what happened before why were resources denied when the trump asked for security resources, why were they diverted as been reported in the press that they
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were diverted to the nato at the ndc and of course in first lady doctor jill biden was also in the pittsburgh area of that particular saturday, frankly there is a finite number of buildings that need to be secure is not a huge number why weren't those buildings roof top line of sight why were they secure there is that line of questioning what the president was talking about what happened during the actual 609, the shooter is identified, 610 there notified about the shooter, 611 the bag i shoot president trump, 612 the counter sniper takes out the bag i in essex 14 the president is being taken off the stage by secret service, that five minutes is a critical five minutes, what took place and what was the second by second how did it all go down. as is been reported there's maybe not a seamless communication between local law enforcement and the secret service. if that is the case why was that so, there was before question, during question and i think oc
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members focusing on the two general areas. stuart: it'll be a lively hearing, thank you for joining us this morning. now this, before biden dropped out of the race alexandria ocasio-cortez commented on harris being his replacement. it's convoluted what she said. >> it's convoluted because she's so vocal about backing biden in the need to do that, she said there is no viable plan b, she said that on friday and biden dropped out on sunday, watch. >> if you think that there is consensus among the people you want joe biden to leave and they will support vice president harris you would be mistaken. i have not seen an alternative scenario that i feel does not set us up for enormous peril.
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>> in enormous peril, she does not see people backing kamala harris but she endorsed kamala harris or president and said the country must do the same now and fast. she reversed herself. >> convoluted that's what it was all over the place. check those features i see a lot of green. the dow up 80, s&p up 35 and the nasdaq strong up 230 points. the opening bell is next. ♪
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stuart: the market up this monday morning especially the nasdaq home of technology of 228 points after a significant selloff last friday. keith fitz-gerald with us, the futures are up, is this a sign that investors are happy the biden dropped out. >> it's interesting i was thinking this is going to be a muted reaction that clearly the markets have other things i think that trying to get ahead of whatever's happening, the traders i'm talking to before i came on the air are excited to have a clear playing field. stuart: do they think it's trump
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selection to lose, is it simplistic as that. >> no they don't, what they see as a lot of the baggage that is holding people back. a lot of the concern has suddenly vanished, they can't pick who there's going to win but let's give us a better playing field. stuart: big tech earnings are on deck this week, google and tesla, the first update report tomorrow. i believe you are expecting a very strong profit from the big tech group aren't you. >> i am, i think this is going to be historic earnings season in many different ways, you're going to see many consumer consumption and consuming information that will translate into revenue. stuart: if the tech outreach is beginning to wind down then we can expect tech stocks to go up significantly this week, should i buy the dip? >> let's put it this way i personally bought the dip and i went shopping pretty hard last
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week i would encourage any serious investor to do that because the markets are the only store on earth where people fear the sale we have great companies, great products, whatnot. stuart: where were you yesterday when you found out that biden was dropping out and what did you do. >> i was painting my deck and i put more paint on the roller i did not do anything other than that. stuart: i would've thought you were out there with your subscribers and everybody else, conference calls and everything, apparently not you were painting your deck. >> everybody took a deep breath and everybody knew this was coming and our research clients are very, about the stuff. >> i was walking down the street my home hometown and everybody was on their phone and the news was immediately biden is out you cannot walk a hundred yards. >> thank you for being with us on an important day we will see you again, markets are open and were expecting green across the board not as much as read last friday but a lot of green today
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the dow was open with 120 points, europe 40400, look at the dow 30, the majority clearly in the green at this morning. the s&p 500 to the upside look at the percentage, two thirds of 1%, 48 points, the nasdaq composite of 1% grain, yes it is 1.1% nearly 200 points, 17.9, big tech across the board all of them up, met up $11, alphabet, apple, microsoft up for in amazon up 57 cents all the big five technology stocks are up, let's have a look at crowdstrike we had a lot of selling obviously has the selling continue. >> down 11% on friday and down again this morning the software updates with the global tech outage an hour getting the downgrades i count two this morning, guggenheim mbt ig, they said the outages back for business there could have trouble getting new clients to
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sign up in the fact that restoring the reputation will take more time. the stock is down another 8.5% fresh out of the gate, several brokerages cutting their price target anywhere between 310 and 380 which is a good news because crowdstrike said 281. stuart: i always worry about liability, i think about liability for the damage that may have been caused by them, 70s could pay for that. stuart: next we have nvidia, where is nvidia it is up a little. >> up to present, they have a new chip reportedly for china is tentatively named to be 20 the b200 that comes out later this year, 30 times faster than his predecessor, the b200 not sure what the china version but you think faster more powerful. it would be compatible with the export controls i put a bid? on all of that, there are all the reports of the biden administration is going to
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increase the strictness with to get our technology into china's hands, who knows china is a quarter of nvidia sales unless the stock is up, piper seen the reasons are price target to 140, they report august 28. stuart: i'm expecting trump media is going to be up this morning. >> not that much wanted half percent, obviously majority trump owned, this is a way to predict his popularity and his ability to win in november. wall street is reacting to the fact that biden dropped out, if you look at the prediction market of two this morning then the odds of trump winning, they went down to 60% from 64 in harris chance as president rose from 27 - 40%, trump still wins but harris is doing better. stuart: how about the airlines, not so much the stock price but are they suffering from the tech outage. >> they are all down delta down to an a quarter percent, this is
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three days later that people are still reported that they cannot get where they want to go, delta clearly is the slowest to recover, 3500 delta flight scrubbed over the weekend, that continues this monday morning a blackeye for premium airline one for good customer service and they typically have a reliable operation, selling again. stuart: the stock was down 2.5%, verizon i know they reported before the bell, they are down 5.8%. >> is it is a dow stock, customers are not upgrading their phone, that was my take away the upgrade number fell by 13% in the retail customers fell by half a million quarterly profit down, revenue mrs. that is the damage on the board. stuart: what is elon musk saying about the robots. >> optimists weird looking ro robot. he says they're going to have them out there in low production for internal use only next year end other companies to use in 2026. we never believe elon musk
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timeline i think that's an honest criticism of them but we have tesla earnings tomorrow "after the bell" he micah questions about this, what is the latest on optimists, what are we going to see. stuart: you have any news on boeing some improvement with the factory. >> boeing is a dow stock appointed half% the seattle plant is running while the max production back to 38 just a month, head of the commercial airplanes unit is calling a transformational change in korean air placed a big order up to 50 of the wide-body planes and extreme minors, the getting customers. stuart: i should've bought the dip, i got burnt on boeing a couple of years ago so i did not buy the dip. check the big board for almost five minutes and the dow is up 139, 145 points, one third of 1%, the top winners among the dow 30 is amgen, boeing, american express, apple and nike all up, as for the s&p 500, i
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cannot read that. tesla on semi and henry schein. nasdaq winners, trade dress, tesla is on the list, and z scale are all on that. the ten year treasury like e number but i think politics is kind of important, the yield is down a fraction, four-point to 2%, gold i believe this is close to a record high, there's a record 2446, i'm sure, it's down 30 cents, looking for coin 67854 as we speak, the price of oil dropping below $80, 79 - 49, nat gas below $3, 2.23, the average price for a gallon of regular is 3.50 and diesel 3.82, coming up, the democrats are in disarray, it's an absolute mess, biden and the clintons indoors, the
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hearers, obama ample ocr not endorsing her, will cain breaks it down. if, the becomes the democrat nominee, americans can expect more of this, roll tape. >> president biden is self isolating both medically and politically. >> is he aware the entire party is giving up on him? >> i'm sorry we ran the wrong soundbite will have the right one in the immediate future will the border under the harris administration get worse, bill cueto on that after defended the president for ages the media flipped on biden, now watch t this. >> we don't have that either but were going to get it and when things go wrong in television you smile. we will be back ♪ ♪
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stuart: on the market the business about 11 minutes ago and were up 130 on the dow and the nasdaq is up to a 14 points, media folks, they have been calling for biden to step down for weeks, watch this. >> this is not going to end well if it continues to drag out, look at the events of yesterday, the events of the last three weeks and keeping him in the race, that is the real anger. >> biden is getting his butt kicked by his own party. >> president biden is self isolating medically and politically. >> is he aware the entire party is giving up on him. >> what is certain, he is not in a position to win the race and
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the longer. stuart: look it was here, the media made biden, why did they abandon him? >> the media made biden and broke biden in the media got rid of biden, think about this is interesting, joe biden was the first democratic nominee or incumbent with the media did not support going back to lyndon johnson. if you do your history in every single campaign that the democrats have brown and the full support of the media this was the first time that the media shucked the democratic candidate over the side, i said on your show when you asked me, i told you he was done the moment the media turned on him, why did they turn they did not have any use they saw the reality that the guy is falling apart and by the way they saw
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the reality months and months ago, to the degree that there is an attitude now that he cannot run, what hypocrites, they knew it months ago and they were supporting him months ago. when the whole world solid and they could not hide it that's when they said it's time to go. stuart: they turned on him when they realize they cannot win, when the polls started to go in trump's favor especially the swing states, that's when they turned and said we have to change. >> they did not see any way in which it could get better and it cannot, he could not win a debate number two, he cannot pick up where he was losing and states, the past for victory getting ever wider for donald trump he was toasted they threw him aside it's good to be interesting, how in the world what is there to support with cackling kabbalah i don't know how they'll get behind her because she's going to be
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terrible on the national stage. stuart: this is about the split among democrats, obama failed to come to biden's defense has caused to drop his reelection but as soon as biden dropped out, obama praised him as a great president. that is it about face but somewhat hypocritical, they're not) these guys. >> call it guilt on the part of the media for throwing them overboard, now they're praising him with what a wonderful president he was and how consequential he was. joe biden was never in charge of his administration, this was obama 3.0 that was running the shot, he never amounted to anything, i think is going to go down as his administration will go down as a complete failure, i think he's going to go down as one of the most inconsequential presidents in american history.
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stuart: that is a harsh judgment, thank you for joining us, we like to see you on the show and today was an important day. thank you, sir. i want to hear from lauren what are the former gop presidential candidates. >> i get a read a lot but start with governor ron desantis kamala harris was complicit to deny the fact that joe biden was not capable of discharging the duties of the office she was also the borders are during the border crisis of american history, democrats are rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic the policy remains the same. here is tim scott what greater threat to democracy that covers up the president help analyze for power whose rhetoric insights and assassination attempt who weapon nice is the legal system to political opponents the left will stop at nothing when they're losing, vivek ramaswamy were not ready to get to candidate were writing against the system, that's been a theme for vivek ramaswamy let's flash back to last
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november. >> i want to close with one message to the democrat party, in the dis- barge that joe biden will be the nominee we know he's not even the president of the united states is a puppet for the class, have the guts to step up and be honest about who you will put up so we can have an honest debate, biden should step aside and into his candidacy so we can see whether gavin newsom, michelle obama or whoever else. here we are almost a year later, 105 days until the new election and what he said rings true, the problem is democrats never had a debate, 14 million had to vote for joe biden. stuart: that's the way it was, why is rfk junior why is he going after the dnc for biden's decision to drop. >> he said the dnc was complicit in the cover. >> the reaction of the dnc, the obvious condition wants to hide
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it from the mark in public and to use their power over the democratic party nomination process to make sure nobody could compete with president biden in a way that would expose his deficiencies and as a result we are where we are today which is a crisis. stuart: is there a chance that kennedy switches and runs as a democrat. i think he thinks if the party cleans up the mess he might do it. stuart: that's a long shot it would take some doing on days to the election. coming up biden's campaign for second term has ended and all hell breaking loose inside of the democrat party, that is my take at the top of the hour. today's deadline for trump's lawyers to file their argument in the court of appeals for the civil fraud trial.
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what happens to the $470 million fine if this takes years to come to a decision. we have the story next. ♪
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stuart: trump's lawyers will make their case to challenge the new york civil fraud conviction, lydia hu has been following the story trump's finds its appointed $70 million, it's accruing interest every day, what happens if this takes years. >> interest will accrue daily, illustrated the power of the civil case over donald trump financial future it is incredible, earlier this year when judge arthur and ground handed down the judgment plus the fines. at that point in total $454 million for donald trump alone but here we are a few months later. as you pointed out more than $470 million reward the $110,000 in interest accrue daily, there
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are a host of arguments that trump's lawyers can throw to say he got it wrong. many expect the appellate court to reduce the damages at least, the appellate court already decided that trump his codefendants could post only $170 million less than the full judgment to protect his assets during appeal, that is foreshadowing, there is still no certainty it is possible that trump will have to pay some or all of this massive judgment someday in the interest will rack up the longer the appeal is fault, these arguments and briefs from trump's lawyers are reminded us of the law for him that trump is not over the civil cases continue even though we have the supreme court important immunity decision recently and skewered the criminal cases against him but new york attorney general letitia james and the judges hold a tremendous amount of power over trump and
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his financial fate. stuart: outrageous but that is my opinion, thank you very much indeed, the market has been open for 24 minutes we have the dow up 90 but the nasdaq powering ahead of 268, the ten year treasury, down at four-point to 2%, bitcoin, gold, that was close to a record high is stepped away but 24.42 announce, bitcoin rallying on the possibility of a trump win in november he's a bitcoin kind of god, 67-point to, oil $79 a barrel, not gas way below $3 and the average price for a gallon of regular gasoline up 350 and the diesel is 382, not much change, will cain how are democrats covid with biden's exit from the race, here is a hint, not well mike lee on how the markets are leading as a
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likely gross, jason smith on growing calls for biden to step down from the presidency not just his campaign and biden has covid, why haven't we seen him on camera, doctor marty makary, the 10:00 o'clock hour on "varney & company" is next. ♪ (♪) car, this isn't the way home. that's right james, it isn't.
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♪ ♪ >> send me on my way that is appointed message i would say from rusted root, there we have been on sixth avenue not that many people around, it is 10:00 o'clock eastern on a momentous long weekend let's get straight to the money, the dow has turned south, it is down nine points, the nasdaq holding onto a very solid gain u


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