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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 22, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ ♪ >> send me on my way that is appointed message i would say from rusted root, there we have been on sixth avenue not that many people around, it is 10:00 o'clock eastern on a momentous long weekend let's get straight to the money, the dow has turned south, it is down nine points, the nasdaq holding onto a very solid gain up to 42,
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the ten year treasury is below for the quarter% for 22, oil has dropped below $80 a barrel, 7939, bitcoin rallying trump is a supporter of crypto, $67190, down a little today but significantly higher on saturday morning, that is the market, now this sunday 1:46 p.m. eastern, president biden's campaign for a second term ended and all hell is breaking loose inside of the democrat party, the president is reportedly angry at the senior democrats who he thinks down to him in the back and forced him out. as the weekend unfolded it turned into obama, pelosi, schumer and jeffries who have not endorsed, but here's into favor and open convention versus the bidens and the clintons who do support harris and don't want a new candidate, that is an ugly split, so close to a
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presidential election, the fight began immediately kamala harris spent ten hours on the phone looking for support from labor unions, civil right groups and congressional democrats, no senior democrat has thrown his or her hat in the ring at this point but the opposition to harris is so widespread that a challenge has to come soon, after all time is running out the new york times says there is time for new candidates to go to public scrutiny, obama is calling for an open nominating process, he did not even mention harris, meanwhile the clinton say they are honored to join the president in endorsing vice president harris and will do whatever we can to support her. now we hear pointed questions launched at harris, how come you did not say anything about the president's obvious mental and physical decline, same for the president's closest advisers and his family, their silence was at best misleading and at worst a
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lie, is the president's true condition being concealed, possibly he did not appear on camera when he stepped aside from the campaign he's not been seen publicly since he retreated to his beach house late last week this is important because joe biden is still the president and with all the power that implies, speaker johnson questions whether he should be the president. if he can't raise a campaign and we cannot see him and we heard little from his doctor how can he run the country. were back to the same question, who is running the country, the suspicion jill and hunter biden and that's the way it's good to be for the next five months what a mess of the democrats making, second hour of "varney" just getting started. axios reports that biden took so long to drop out of the race because he had doubts that, the hearers could take on trump it
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was grim swing state polling that forced biden to step down, will cain joined me now i don't see a ringing endorsement for harris at this point, do you. >> not among the people that are called the shots of the democratic party as you laid out wonderfully in your mar-a-lago, she is still missing endorsements from hakeem jeffries, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer and barack obama and one thing we learned about the democratic party it's not a party of the people at the party of the elites in the corporate media and the billionaire do donors. i personally find absolutely scandalous and is a scandal, the only problem is competing with the scandal of an attempted assassination on the life of donald trump that the people who helped perpetuate a cover-up of the senility and mental frailty of the united states are those that stand to benefit, kamala harris new to your point and kamala harris took part in the
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cover-up, now she gets to reap the rewards, the only thing more scandalous than this is a party that deletes the voter, ignores the primary, that's their future be decided by billionaires and corporate media and political elites and does it while raising the banner of saving democracy, the only problem accurately pointing out the scandal of each of these stories they are competing with one another and that's insanity of the times were living in. stuart: i would agree with you a real split in the party at this point very visible in the clintons and biden versus obama input losey and schumer, direct split, how did they bring that together, how do they unify the party with 100 days to go to the convention, i'm sorry to the boat. >> i think that's an incredible question that we might be asking for the next couple of weeks. in my informal survey of the
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rest of the corporate owned media all they are writing beautiful obituaries to joe biden they are comparing him to george washington while they pull the knives out of the back now is the greatest american the put the country above self but i do find that fascinating that barack obama very pointedly declined to endorse kamala harris, baby he'll jump in with the media the media jumped in with harris and maybe he'll jump it although i think is a leader not a follower for democrats. stuart: if the democrats ever conclude that kamala harris cannot win and i think they're close to assuming that then it is all over for kamala harris, right? >> the name of the game in politics. >> the oval office. look across the hallway, the dead body in the oval office you can see your future and if you don't pull well they will take you out. on the bright side they may call
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you great american after they pull their knives from your back interesting view, we will see you again soon, thank you for being here. >> democrat congressman james clyburn is warning the party against a contested convention, what is he saying. >> he says it's not a good idea it's never been a winning strategy for democrats as history shows. >> if you go to the convention and have an open process in the convention it will come out the same way it came out in 1968, 1972 in 1980 when we had a processes on the floor of the convention in 1980 they lost to the incumbent president in 1972 we carried one state massachusetts and the district of columbia and all of us know what happened in 1968 when they took johnson out of the race.
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stuart: who is going to challenge kamala harris, that is the question, what is that person need to jump in today? soon so you can unify against that person also before the money consolidates around kamala harris to. if someone is going to jump in and has to be now. stuart: you asking questions. >> i don't have answers this is uncharted territory, we've never been here before. stuart: what is jd vance eight about, the hearers. >> he is in my opinion the best contrast to kamala harris and he told us why at the first trump vance rally in grand rapids, michigan on saturday. >> the vice president kamala harris, she does not like me, kamala harris said something to the effect that i have no loyalty to this country. i don't know, i did serve in the united states marine corps and
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build a business, what the hell have you done other than collect a check. >> we have to give credit my friends, she did serve as borders are during the biggest disaster open border we've ever had in this country. >> he represents great, a young dad of three, midwestern values, kamala harris is 20 years his senior and she's the face of liberalism of san francisco, whether she was vp or president. stuart: let's get back to the market, i see the dow has turned south of 50 points but we're still holding onto a solid lead for the nasdaq which is up nearly 200, mike lee joins us, biden is out how do investors play this. >> i think the odds for trump presidency since the debate and after the assassination attempt and after this weekend are skyrocketing and as a result you are seeing less concentration in the overall leadership in the market. in a trump presidency you would hope for lower energy costs, lower regulation, low inflation
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low interest rates in a broader economic growth. with that you will see less concentration of the mag 7 inches small and mid-cap set of been rallying substantially over the last couple weeks and maybe money flow out of the big names in my opinion would only be temporarily. stuart: trump looking like he's going to win more and more that encourages the rotation out of big tech into second and third-year companies, that your premise. >> correct good companies that need a better economic environment to grow their earnings the way the big companies have. >> big tech kicks it off tomorrow tesla and google that is tomorrow, what is going to happen. >> it has more to do for what's next for the company, what you seen in the last report of earnings pull forward of. >> until electric cars, the demand in the new seals you may see sales decline year-over-year and we want to know robo taxis and robots and all the other a.i. cool tech features that are propelling this company forward,
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that is what the stock performance is going to set on in google is about the cloud and what were hearing with a.i. it's expected for 27% earnings growth, i wouldn't be surprised if they beat that beat that nicely. we are in the age of a.i. the largest technology upgrade cycle in the history of the world. it's happening on the cloud and the biggest players that have the most market share. i expect great things from google and more money back into the mag seven, good times ahead for the market. stuart: a lot of people are predicting good results over the next ten days for big tech, should i jump into microsoft and buy the dip. >> i think this is a great opportunity. >> absolutely. i think the pullback of the big names is a point for people that it mr. run up in the mag seven names. stuart: thank you so much for joining us, super bowl again, lauren is looking at the movers, you better start with nvidia.
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>> getting back all the fridays losses, piper sandler reason it's a 140 and luke capital going to 175. >> has warren buffett been selling bank of america. >> there down he sold 39 million shares trimming his stake in the bank for the first time in four and a half years. >> about starbucks, there's a report to elliott investment management has built a sizable steak and pushing for changes starbucks is down 70% on the year end doctoring half% today. stuart: starbucks is down 17%. >> year-to-date over the past 52 weeks down 22% and year to date down 17 that hurts. >> now this the white house repeatedly denied reports of biden is in decline, roll tape. >> is the up for a second term. incredibly sharp and credibly probing an incredible demand of the details. >> president biden does more in
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an hour than most people do in the day in his age for experience and expertise is incredible asset and improves every day. stuart: that's hard to justify a statement. will anyone and biden's candidate be held accountable for covering up the presidents decline. speaker johnson is calling on biden to resign immediately, johnson said it biden can't raise the campaign how can he run the country house ways and means jason smith on the potential legal challenges democrats could face ♪ ♪ere e a lot of subscriptions? like the streaming services, music, fitness apps? probably like 6 or 7 around there. i do. i have a lot. what if there was a place where you could see your subscriptions and cancel the ones you don't like, all in one place? experian has that. oh, wow, i love it. i need that. and you could save $270 dollars a year. you're making adulting so easy.
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at truist, we believe the same is true for banking.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower!
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i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> the dow is up 11 but the nasdaq is up 231, shall be big tech, most are in full recovery by the looks of it, met up
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$13.490 alphabet is up in microsoft by $6, apple at 227, amazon 183 up 60 odd cents, jd vance called on biden's cabinet to invoke the 20 for the moment, that is a long shot. johnson's point in jd vance's point is that democrats have forced biden off the ticket, fees not fit to campaign how is he fit to serve. >> is it a coup against joe biden. >> sort of. >> there is a constitutional process of the 25th amendment if joe biden can't run for president he cannot serve as president and if they wanted taken down because is mentally incapable of serving invoke the 20 for the amendment you don't get to do this in the most politically beneficial way for democrats if it's an actual problem they should take care of it in the appropriate way. stuart: if you need kamala harris to invoke the 20 for the
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moment, to say the president is unfit to serve, let's say they can do that and she gets on board, you strengthen her hand, then she's president harris before the campaign, that makes her a better candidate. stuart: it's a long shot. >> a lot of people calling for. >> were talking about the absolute long shot when the whole story is in flux, speaker johnson is calling on biden to resign that is an important thing johnson says he seen biden deteriorate behind the scenes the house ways and means jason smith joins me now, we cannot see the president, we don't know his true condition, held up in his beach house, should he resign from the presidency. >> what we saw over the weekend were the elite democrat the democrat elitist throws him out of office to have him not run for reelection tells us one thing, they got rid of them for political reasons, not medical
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reasons, joe biden that we see today is the same joe biden in the basement three to half years ago during the last campaign. his cognitive status has been a question for the last three and a half years, the democrats have hidden it and that should be ashamed, vice president harris has been part of hiding it from the american people. stuart: should speaker johnson flow to the possibility of investigating those democrats who covered up biden's decline, do you think you should investigate it. >> absolutely we should investigate but also investigate the justice department, myself, jamie comer and jim jordan asked for the audiotapes when the interview joe biden and to this point they still have not released them and they came up with the conclusion that they could not bring charges against joe biden because he was a forgetful old man. stuart: how can kamala harris be the nominee if she was complicit in the cover-up of joe biden's
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condition. >> the fact that the democrat party is taking away the votes of 14 million americans, the party that says that there the party of democracy and the ones doing everything opposite, why are they doing this, all they care about is power, they don't want to lose power and they know joe biden cannot be donald trump so they're pulling for anything that they can add any hopes to be donald trump. >> shouldn't the trump vance campaign be looking forward and say were good to do this, this and this as opposed to looking back at investigating them for what they've done in the past. >> the trump campaign is looking forward in the house republicans making sure that we hold the administration accountable president trump with his speech last week and all the other
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speeches at the rnc, it's about making america great again, we are sick and tired of 20% inflation that's costing every american to put food on the table clothes on their backs and gasoline in their cars, donald trump can reverse the, kamala harris is the one that created the high cost of living. stuart: you think you're overconfident. >> you can never take anything for granted, we're going to work hard the omega people deserve to make sure that they have a fair election and they have a choice, the people that they had before them. stuart: your powerful guy and congress i want to ask you how did you find out about biden stepping down, did you find out like everybody else, 146 eastern on saturday afternoon. >> absolutely i found out about it on twitter much like x in numerous other individuals.
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>> were you shocked? >> i was not, the democrats for the last three weeks have been trying to force him out with you saul nancy pelosi, president obama, it's unacceptable that they were willing to freeze out 14 million americans who selected joe biden to be there nominee. stuart: jason smith thank you very much for joining us this morning, an important day, were glad to have you here. now this. donald trump's campaign released a new ad going after harris, ashley webster is back, take us to the new, welcome back is good to see you again. take us to the new ad. >> there was news going on when i was away, the trump campaign wasted no time posting an ad on x claiming kamala harris lied about joe biden's thickness for office, watch this.
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>> kamala harris was in on it. >> our president was in good shape and good health. >> , the new she could not do a good job so she did it. >> the ad also saul and highlights harris' accomplishments as vp including a border invasion, runaway inflation and is says killing the american dream. ouch. >> whitey campaign, welcome b back. >> vice president harris will visit milwaukee, wisconsin key battleground straight alexis mcadams has a report covenant, the number of illegal migrant crossings has been dropping could we see a surge at our southern border under harris administration, portable chill counsel art del cueto next on that.
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even better, these are the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. call unitedhealthcare today for your free decision guide. so if you have this and want less out-of-pocket costs... and more peace of mind... consider adding this. an aarp medicare supplement plan. take charge of your health care today. just use this...or this to call unitedhealthcare about an aarp medicare supplement plan. stuart: a nice bounce for technology stocks, the nasdaq up to a point, minor gains for the dow and for the s&p, i want to know what is going on with the meta ics all again, what is the
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story. >> there making a lot of moves with the headset they are in talks to purchase the stake in the owner of ray-ban the popular sunglass people in reported information that there set to put basically the equivalent of the vision pro on the market in 2026 of the follow-up in 2027. >> this is a story about the goggles. >> they are coming back. >> reddit. >> up-to-date as information reports that they have teamed up with the mva and the nfl to boost their revenue, reddit users will be able to access video highlights from the games in the competition, stock is up for an half percent because reddit would get more advertising because you have a loyal viewer when you talk about football and basketball. >> abercrombie and fitch they got an upgrade to the equivalent of price target 194 they see strong demand and the hollister having a turnaround. >> vice president, the hearers will hit the campaign trail tomorrow in milwaukee, she wants to be the democrats nominee for
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president, alexis ms. angela mcadams is in wisconsin, are the democrats in wisconsin endorsing harris. >> we are getting new names on endorsements as it rolls and throughout this morning we were just in milwaukee for the rnc, back here, the hearers could be in wisconsin tomorrow take a look this is who is rolling in from the dairy state to endorser, governor tony angers endorsing harris saying vice president kamala harris is a tenacious leader who has vigorously defended democracy and for the freedoms we hold dear and work tirelessly to do the right thing and deliver for us, this came after this morning only an hour ago that he had said everything to thank president biden for his service
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but did not endorse kamala harris kamala harris is expected to appear in wisconsin which would be the fifth visit to the state so far this year, wisconsin is a state that president trump won in 2016 by over 20000 votes that the first republican presidential victory in the state since 1984, 2020 trump lost the state by the same amount and it shows how wisconsin really comes down to the wire, amy klobuchar of neighboring minnesota another state the trump team has been eyeing and flipping red says harris will energize democrats. >> i think you're going to see no excitement, you see with the $50 million already raised and she's going to bring and breathe life into the campaign and i can't wait for that to be. >> it is not just in wisconsin, the democrats like michigan governor gretchen whitmer have endorsed kamala harris as well i was just in michigan hours ago we drove to wisconsin to talk to voters on the ground of the battleground state who said they're not excited about, here's andrew not excited about joe biden about his debate
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performance and they were not hyped up about former president trump we will have to see how things play out in wisconsin and minnesota and michigan, you name it we will have to see how the votes role in. >> thank you very much indeed, president biden tapped, the hearers to address the root causes of migration back in 2021 but her role as borders are has left many wondering what she's actually done to fix the migrant crisis, watch this. >> abolish ice. >> is not a position that you agree with. there's no question that we have to re-examine ice, were going to the board we've been to the border, the whole thing about the border, we've been to the border. >> you have not been to the border. >> and i'm not been to europe. >> national portable chill counsel art del cueto joins me now, just suppose that there was a future harris administration and do you think it would be a new surge at the border. >> were going to see a surgeon now because there waiting for
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the election thank you that president trump will win and there's going to be shut down or tighten up the border, we're going to see a surge and you caught me laughing at the beginning of the interview, her answers when it comes to the border, she is the borders are, a bit at the border, been here my entire life and i've never seen as bad as it has been under this administration and under the watch of the borders are, kamala harris. >> outcomes we've seen a decline in the number border crossings in the last few weeks because there has been a decline. >> there has been a decline in obviously there has been back and forth chatter in obviously south of the border in serious drug wars that of been happening lately and a lot of shootings back and forth, you don't see a lot of that because it hasn't been picked up by a lot of the media there is a serious drug war going on south of the border and also the temperatures
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especially in arizona, the temperatures will be's 107, when a ten and that drops it down some, make no mistake there is a large amount coming across the still has a lot of the agents preoccupied in administrative roles during the processing but what you also don't see is the number of got a ways, the number of got a ways are being factored in and individuals are asking for asylum rights at the ports of entry being factored in and the number of individuals that are being flown in from central america because it tried to avoid the whole trip and they're asking for assignment there, those numbers aren't being affected, it's going to play with the numbers as well. >> that is interesting, you can go to an airport and lack until latin america or central america, the lot the app and fly directly over the border straight into the united states to a city of your choice and that's not counted as a border crossing is it. >> it is not, that alone like i said is a lot of play with
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numbers and if there is no agents on the field because there preoccupied in the crossing, the god ways are being factored in and they don't even know how many god ways there are to be honest because there's no one there to count them. >> congresswoman elise stefanik says she's going to introduce a resolution today to condemn harris role as borders are, i'm inclined to say, what would that do. >> at the end the people need to know the truth and there should be a dereliction of duty to be honest, like i said she hasn't done anything as the borders are, the most memorable thing that she has done she came on tv and said don't come but realistically they kept coming because those are just words so you can keep the people satisfied and same doing something i'm telling them not to do this but she didn't introduce any laws in this administration has buckled and gone after every single law enforcement that has tried to put laws in place to defender nations border even better.
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>> art del cueto, thank you for joining us. >> always a pleasure. >> secret service director kimberly cheadle is testifying on capitol hill, i am quoting, she is proud beyond words of the secret service response to trump's assassination attempt, hillary vaughn has the latest from capitol hill next. ♪
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stuart: the dow is up 138 po points, a turnaround in the nasdaq powering ahead with the gain of 267-point, most of the big tech stocks are up, not all of them, most are up, let's check some of those that took a hit, at the top of the list is
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nvidia and has been taking a hit but it bounced back nicely up for the quarter percent as of right now, crowdstrike suffers from the tech outage that came about last friday it is still not completely resolved, crowdstrike is down another 10% as we speak, i think crowdstrike is down 11%, that was just on friday, now down another 20% plus in a limited time. stuart: this hurts future business this is a reputational down onto blackeye. >> to this morning. >> microsoft, that is recovering a little, it was down sharply on friday because microsoft devices were infected with whatever problem there occurred, that has been resolved gradually in the stock is back to 444, nowhere near it was the events of late last week, the secret service acknowledged that they denied some requests from trump for tighter security, what are they saying about this.
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>> is interesting, the secret service denied and refused to increase security from the trump campaign but now acknowledges that was not true, the about-face is a key focus of today's congressional hearing where secret service director kimberly cheadle who is on the screen getting drilled by jim jordan of ohio, she's going to have to explain the security lapse that led to the shooting of donald trump. in an interview with jesse watters that airs tonight on fox news, trump says nobody mentioned any potential threat before the attempted assassination, watch this. >> mistakes were made, they were monitoring the sky for an hour beforehand, no one told you not to take the stage. >> nobody mentioned and nobody said there was a problem and i would've waited for 15, they could've said let's wait for 15 minutes, 20 minutes, five minutes, nobody said, i think
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that was a mistake. >> homeland security secretary mayorkas has called what happened failure while some lawmakers calling on cheadle to resign or for biden to fire her, the secret service says cheadle does not intend to step down and so far she retains the support of both biden and mayorkas, we will see how long that last. stuart: right now secret service director kimberly cheadle is testifying on capitol hill about the assassination attempt on trump, hillary vaughn joined us, any fireworks so far? >> lawmakers are trying to get some answers from director cheadle about how the steps the secret service leading up to the rally and ultimately how they handled the situation once things unfolded at the rally in butler pennsylvania, the chairman james comer telling the director that she should resign and he doesn't think anyone should feel safe under her protection with the director of the secret service.
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>> americans demand answers, they are propagating them from the secret service. we are instead learning about new facts about the events surrounding the attempted assassination every day from whistleblowers and leaks, "the bottom line" under director checheadle we question whether anyone is safe. >> the washington post reported that top officials at the secret service denied trump's teams plea for more resources over the past year the report seen some of those included for additional sniper and specialty teams for outdoor events but they were at times denied by senior officials who said they didn't have the resources, cheadle responded to the accusations in the hearing today and said the assets that were requested for the rally and butler pennsylvania were given, she also says she is the one to blame and takes full responsibility if there was any
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security lapse of their secret service agency to protect former president trump. >> and you answer why the secret service did not place a single agent on the roof? >> we are looking into the advanced process and the decisions that we made. >> wasn't the building within the perimeter that should be secured, do we agree with that. >> the building was outside of the perimeter on the day of the visit but again that's one of the things during the investigation we want to take a look at and determine whether or not other decision should been made. >> the director also told lawmakers today that they did not realize that thomas crookes had a weapon before they allowed trump to take the stage at the rally. stuart: thank you, bill maher grilled pete buttigieg why no one has been fired over the secret service failure, what did he have to say. >> on the talkshow and hbo he
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asked the transportation secretary why secret service chief kimberly cheadle still has the job of the security value, watch this exchange. >> should joe biden fired the secret service, i don't understand that. >> i'm not in on the details of the homeland security side, i know there is a serious after action report and process in a whole lot of scrutiny going on. >> you would need a microscope to see it. >> the guy was on the roof, not that far away with the rifle for a long time. i've seen people fired for less and it looks bad. it looks like the other guy from the other party got shot, we will look into if we got time. >> something of the gravity happens you don't just -- off a decision you do a comprehensive process to find everything a piece of anything that could go wrong and then there's going to be accountability and change i am sure of that.
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>> we will see people do judge went to double down on the proper decision will be made about what if anything must be done to ensure secret service agents are up to task. bill maher putting his feet to the fire. >> coming of the white house physician said the president got his eighth dose of paxlovid, is that amount. biden told abc that the president's overall health absolutely played a role in his decision to end his campaign, so did biden's doctor misleaders doctor marty carey takes it on next. ♪
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stuart: a rally for bitcoin down 500 bucks at the moment, back up to $67000, it is rallying or has been rallying in part because donald trump is considered to be a crypto kind of guy and will address the crypto conference later this month, then we have this positive biden reportedly said the president decision to drop out of the race boiled down to the overall health and vitality, listen to some of
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bribiden's most recent gaffes. >> everything that we have to deal with -- if we finally beat medicare ♪ >> i named the secretary of defense a black man i named catania brown because of the people i named. >> guess what save billions of tons. >> i know what a botched job is, the vice president of the united states. doctor marty makary joins me now, we have not seen the president since late last week when he retreated to his beach house recovering from covid. i think it's important that either the president appears on camera or his doctor gives a
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full press briefing on the doctor's condition, are we being misled? >> we get very few peaks at the president and when people do are shocked at what they're saying and the question is what is he like privately we've been told to entirely different narratives, one that he sharp and intact and the other deterioration is obvious, that's what speaker mike johnson reported from his time with him. in the decision for him not to run in the letter, what was glaringly omitted and why he decided not to run i think people are saying they want to know back i think people want to know if he is capable of running the country of being president. he can't see him he's not talking to his doctor, he has covid but we don't know how bad. it's incumbent to come forward and let people know what's going on, do you expect to see or do you want to see a doctor's press
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briefing. >> it is clear that the information is being manipulated into tartu know what to trust, i think that would help if he is in fact sharp enough to do his job today right now then press briefing where people can see what he is like could help people form his opinion. >> biden's doctor says the president got an eighth dose of paxlovid yesterday. his doctor said the symptoms have improved significantly since last week. is that amount of paxlovid worrisome to you? >> it's a twice a day drug for a recommended five days. he may be in the course although the president has been getting some care that doesn't exactly fit guidelines sometimes. it does appear appropriate to treat him with paxlovid but the giant stove and to study and paxlovid came out and people under 65 had no benefit whatsoever, one of the modern scandals of paxlovid, one of the
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biggest public health campaigns that we've heard from the white house, a lot of money spent on paxlovid but with taxpayer dollars turned out it doesn't work for people under 65, the study came out here in half after the study completed that's when they found out the results. if you look at the covid vaccine they were completed because they said we have secret data we haven't published yet. when something doesn't work it took a year to have to find out. stuart: very worrisome with the president is 81 years old. thank you for joining us we will see you again soon. then we have donald trump casting down on biden's covid diagnosis, what is he say about it. >> this is old trump, he writes does anybody believe that cricket joe has covid, no he wanted to get out every since june 27 the night of the debate when he was obliterated, that was a big moment in joe biden's demise, that was the point in time when joe was revealed for what he is in a competent man
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who should've never been president, joe biden is not fit to serve he is destroying our country. that was a moment they cannot cover-up anymore, joe was exposed, the con was exposed, does the democratic party have to pay for the cover-up? i think so but i'm not sure, they will be held accountable but i don't think trump needs to talk with them. >> i don't think he needs to go in that direction. stuart: still ahead mark on biden announcing his ending his campaign in a letter. kt mcfarland on how world leaders are reacting to biden dropping out of the race jason rantz democrats weeping over biden, the 11:00 o'clock hour is next. ♪
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