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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  July 22, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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wants an open convention. now this, before the break we asked how many states does the appalachian trail go through. the choices eight, ten, 12 or 14. ashley is back, you go first. >> i miss this i think it's 12 or 14 but i'm going to go in 12, number three. >> four of the five days last week i was right, i'm going with number ten. i'm going with ten as well. the answer is 14, the trail stretches, if you look on a map maine down to georgia, we can see him 14 states could involve, that is it for "varney & company", great to have you back, we will see you again tomorrow, "coast to coast" starts in five seconds three seconds. thank you for the buildup, we are following the same thing,
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you did it beautifully and three, as expected the markets are trying to digest and so far so good and what was the cataclysmic change, very few people saw passing this week and with joe biden that he would step down as a democratic choice for president but he still going to serve out the rest of his term and that is leading to some confusion in the markets and again, on both parties particularly republicans are saying joe should go in the uncertainty it doesn't mean that the markets panic over this, this might come back from last week's, let's get the reed st stand, all the cfr research chief investment strategist, what do you make of the market reaction to all of this, kamala harris on the white house south lawn moments ago is say the ncaa of it, the president should be admired and we should be respected and this was a brave move, et cetera without talking about herself, again, she is the
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focus of this attention in the market so far aren't going crazy over that were they factored in donald trump victory, what is going on. >> good to talk to you again. i think the political situation is good headline but the interest rates and corporate profits that focus for "the bottom line" and that's what the market is really looking at right now, we have the interpersonal consumption expenditure report on friday which is likely to show no change to slightly lower readings and i think investors are anticipating a continued downward move and inflation and therefore giving said chair powell additional reason to cut rates in september, also we are looking at q2 earnings that are likely to be up 9.3% versus the initial estimate of 8.1, right now i think wall street is feeling pretty good. >> you mentioned jerome powell
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and i would imagine that he is far more crucial for the market for the time being then either joe biden or kamala harris, even that matter donald trump in the immediate future he weighs more heavily on the markets direction, what do you think. >> i think you're absolutely correct, investors have been anticipating the start of the fed easing cycle in the market has done actually better than it normally does in the 11 months of the last rate hike in the first cut going 30 plus years the s&p 500 has gained more than 15% of on average small caps up nine and half% on average and we've seen the large caps up more than that driven by a.i. tech is driven by a.i. in the rest by a.i. meaning earnings and inflation right now it likes both.
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neil: what do you think of the rotation baby back to technology some of the other stocks within the s&p 500 not just the magnificent seven have been doing well in the come back monday whatever you want to call it, who and what is driving them? >> you could see a bounce back monday because we did have a sharp selloff in the tech area last week investors taking profits because of concern that maybe we have gone too far too fast with the large-cap area, right now the s&p 500 is trading at a 35% premium to the average pe over the last 20 years, tech stocks trading at 75% premium recently, i think investors are taking profit, the rotating into the has-beens, mid-cap stocks, small-cap stocks because they currently have discounts to their average p/e ratio over the last 20 years by 2030%, they
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look very attractive and if the fed does indeed start to cut rates that should provide the boost that they're looking for. >> think is very much an interesting read on the market so far, so good for the markets will get a read from grady trimble, the white house and the backup of all of this of who controls that come january 20 year grady sets the table, it will be kamala harris event. >> it was it just wrapped a mother vice president alluded to the events of the last 24 hours, she did not necessarily address them head on, she talked about president biden's recovery from covid and says she's doing well and looking forward to getting back on the road, then she sort of praised the president for his accomplishments in his terms as president but she did not discuss that she seems to be the only or major candidate for the
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democrats and take a listen to what she had to say, 15 minutes ago. >> joe biden's legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history, and one term he has already, you may clap, our president joe biden fights for the american people and we are deeply deeply grateful for his service termination. >> almost as soon as president biden bowed out of the race and announced he's backing his vp, kamala harris, the donation in additional endorsements came in, they are having holdouts, take a look at this these are all of the governors who were floated as possible presidential candidate who are now backing kamala harris but there is a lot of money coming into the biden of the biden campaign another harris campaign since he dropped out. in the democratic campaign says
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it raised almost $47 billion in grassroots donations in the hours after president biden dropped out until 9:00 o'clock last night. we don't have an update since then and sense harris' name is on the filing she gets access to what the biden campaign already had in its coffers, $96 million in cash on hand at the end of june although there could be legal challenges to that especially from republican aligned groups. it is unclear whether anyone in the democratic party will take her on or how the dnc is going to proceed, will there be a mini primary and will all the delegates and the primary coalesce around harris which is what is happening right now all of that to be determined, for its part, the trump campaign is already on the attack today accusing vice president harris of engaging in a cover-up to shield biden's age and cognitive decline from the american
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people. >> how many countless meetings and our state kamala harris spent with joe biden covering this up over the last several years, kamala harris was a chief enabler for all of this, there is real answers that are owed to the american public, what did kamala harris no and when did she know it. >> there are several important and notable people than the democratic party who have withheld their endorsement to vice president harris, those include the obama's who put out a statement yesterday but did not back harris as well as jeffries, the leader of the house of representatives and chuck schumer on the senate side and nancy pelosi that is withheld her endorsement at this point as well. a lot to shake out, it's full speed ahead for harris as she is headed from hear from wilmington, delaware later today to say hi to the campaign who now works for her.
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neil: i guess they do, thank you for that, grady trimble was telling you about the governors another top name democrats who were on the list of possible competitors for kamala harris but have come out among the michigan governor gretchen whitmer that will serve as co-chair of the harris campaign, that was pretty fast we don't know if any others have gone back but were on the competition list, we will see and were also following the donors and how they feel about this, remember some of the donor money had been frozen because they said unless joe stepped down, they would not be giving another penny and a lot of their pledges would be frozen in place, there again beginning to unfreeze, not from all of them, charlie gasparino has the latest, what are you hearing. >> biden campaign was at 0 kamala harris campaign is now at 60 meaning $60 million. it's pretty amazing and the minute she was named joe biden dropped out of the race
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yesterday and i got a call from a democratic wall street bundler who told me it's going to be harris and the monies going to come flowing in, whoever it is and it was obviously harris. there can have plenty of money and i think that was one of the issues that forced joe biden's hands that was literally a complete donor revolt and we will see where it goes from here, the interesting thing, there is a lot to the story in is not quite over yet you have to go to a convention and there has to be some sort of about, anything can happen between now and then, jason miller you showed a clip of him and makes a really interesting point, this is an interesting scandal so to speak the american people were essentially denied a real primary from the democratic side, the democratic party apparatus covered up for joe
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biden's mental and physical issues, she was part of the cover-up. it's going to be a talking point going forward in if you think about it it's unsettling that you cover-up the president's mental decline in that the last minute you do a switcharoo and the vice president who by the way the last time she ran she did not do that great she got a single delegate back in 2020, she had an interesting debate moment of joe biden where she attacked him and she flamed out after that and we heard the debate performance by tulsi gabbard unit was all of our. the american people, the democratic party and the american people haven't really been given an alternative to donald trump here that was voted on, that was one thing that can stick. you can't look at the short-term markets right now is any
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indication this could get harry for the markets there is a trump trade that was put on, yes the markets are looking at interest rates and corporate earnings, they always do but you also project out, if it looks like donald trump could lose the race and remember the polling from joe biden's deficiencies were tight and she is net net better because she's vigorous and younger. if it looks like he can lose and the republicans don't get the house in the senate which is what the trump trade was saying particularly before last week they started the trade-off because it looks like joe biden is going to drop out, you could see these markets change, kamala harris is for regulation, more taxes, the trump trade is opposite, deregulation, less taxes keep that in mind going forward. >> thank you very much, kevin o'leary of leary investors chairman, the one thing no
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matter where you stand on this it did get me thinking it happen sometimes, this is a precedent being established were a bad debate a really bad debate forced this and force the democrats hand another's hand to get out, who is to say in the future that this can be used as ammunition and the bad poll, you were out of their. is that a good president. >> i think that was an unusual debate in terms of longevity issues and that was unique to the debate but charlie made a very good point and i look at this whole thing through the lens of an investor, i talked to you in previously about the trump trade, is not about trumpets about policy, right now with this development over the weekend i had a chance to have many phone calls with many investors including those that are democratic about what happens next, i'm going long
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energy, i like the narrative coming out of the energy sector is one of the low cost sectors that's been overlooked in the policy that is being proposed through trump particularly through doug burgum which looks like he may be the energy secretary or interior state and he would be very much this, i would like to double down but now i have to take pause, i am wondering if she really going to head the ticket as detailed earlier, she's immensely unpopular with their own party she flamed up the first and many democrats i talked to think she carried california which sounds crazy and so unpopular there and in terms of policy, if you hate trump your going to vote for her but surely got the votes what has to happen now to see how much risk i have all my energy trade, can she defined a new vision for the country. if i got the sense that she had a chance of winning with a better idea for the country
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beyond vote for me not trump, then i might have to pull back my decision on doubling down on energy. right now i haven't done that, my take i don't have a political bone in my body i never made money with politics and made money with policy, right now if they run her at the top, i stay double energy, unless i see something before august 7 that tells me she has a plan to capture the independent voter, right now she's only saying i'm a prosecutor and he's a felon i know that already, what you got on policy you can win independence in the swing states i haven't heard that yet, the risk she's got is that he will define her by saying she owns all the problems with inflation and she definitely owns the border problem that was her mandate and say what did she do on the border.
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neil: all of that stuff that you just mentioned, she's pretty competitive with donald trump at the polls that may be short-lived but joe biden was competitive in the polls and they showed a maternal tracking polls with his own party that showed a melting down in those internal polls show the same meltdown within the party for her, the only reason i mention that, for all of the drama back and forth, this is still a fairly tight race, wonder what you make of that. >> i think you're making a great point, it may be that she makes a difference in the swing states, you got michigan, what can she do, get it back, she is a is really more problem with the muslim boat, i look at the things of the lens of an investor but i'm asking myself if you're going to the chaos in your going to have a convention why not do what was done in the 60s, do jump ball if you really want to win and you are a democrat why don't you throw it
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all against the wall and see who comes out on top, maybe she is the story that she is extra 60 million or whatever but that is nothing compared to what you're going to need to get to get november and win. for independent voters, this of course would make me understand that they're in it to win it and then i would really be pulling back until i saw who's going to get the policy out the door. right now i'm still leaning toward staying on the pro energy but this is a moving target, i think they're going to have a process. if i was selling an asset which i do in my advisory saying we have a buyer, i say no, we're going to run a process let's throw it at the wall see what other terms and see what comes on the meatgrinder let's have a process, kevin o'leary great catching up with you, the last
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time a sitting president has done this everybody knows in 1968 when lyndon johnson did it was considered an act of bravery, it did not help the party very much that year but there are other examples of what is at stake in these type of historical moments, doris kearns goodwin on that after this. ♪
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and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217. >> i do not believe that i should devote an hour or day of my time to any personal partisan word to any duties other in the awesome duties of this office, the presidency of your country. accordingly i shall not see and i will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president. neil: that was the last time we
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hadn't come to president saying i'm not seeking another four years, let alone a chance to be renominated by my party, joe biden with the latest essay probably won't be the last i love these historic moments they give me a chance to talk to the single best historians on the president doris goodwin her latest runaway bestseller love story i highly recommend it it does look back at the 60s. , your thoughts on what joe biden did some argue it's a great thing and republicans you might be shocked say you read the writing on the wall and the parties going to lose anyway, your thoughts. >> it was the hardest decision he had to make with lbj, the president never wants to relinquish the presidency and the hardest thing to a second term that's the way you get remembered to finish the job set out to do even abraham lincoln in 1864 said it was more important to win the second term than the first it would mean his
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administration was endorsed by the people and he said i want to finish the job and somehow in the last three weeks before biden was able to make the decision to stand down he kept thinking that he would come back before with the adversities and maybe he can come back with the disastrous debate performance and despite the pressures on the outside he kept saying i know i can do this but finally the pressures reach the point where congressmen and senators were telling him that their constituencies did not think that they could believe that he had the age or the fitness for the job because of the health consideration that they were seen in the age and he had to realize with the polls that he had to do this, it'll be considered by bidding people, it already is as something courageous and it's hard to put the desire for the future against her own present desires, when johnson withdrew from the race it was considered the great stunning move, for those of us that live through it was a shocking thing, even much more than biden because it was no consideration that he was going
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to do it we knew he had been battered in new hampshire and he was likely to win wisconsin and he did not win the nomination unlike biden but we did not know that the elders and the party had told him that the only way he continued the work was to send 200,000 more troops and only be a stalemate and he made the decision to wind down the war yet he knew if he did that he would have to be believed and he couldn't be believed as a candidate so we came forward, the whole first part of the speech was about the war and stopping the bombing and hope to bring the north in the last p part, you know what is interesting the last part they weren't sure the people close to them deliver the last part it was possible he might in the speech with the war because he was going back and forth and back and forth, lady bird said she knew he was probably going to do it and she felt every tick of the clock she was so uncertain what was going to happen or if it did happen she knew what was it was going to
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mean to lose the presidency and to lose everything he had been losing until living for a public service. >> it's hard to give a good thing, i would crazy glue my hands onto the teleprompter. i think they take the teleprompter and get out of there. it's a big sacrifice but i'm wondering what comes of it right now, you're a great historian and this was done under different circumstances, had we not had that debate which again biden himself is pushing in retrospect a big mistake but that debate sealed, you gotta go, i'm wondering what is to stop the future pressure on the white house and cabinet, a bad poll, bad debate, bad event, that is a slippery slope isn't it? >> i think you're right, i think we have to remember even before the debate three out of four people thought that his age was a problem and it would be a
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problem in the presidency, not because where he was then but how old he would be in the next four years, for lyndon johnson, what are the reasons he did do that, he knew all the men in his family had died at 64 it had a major heart attack when he was in his 40s and he wasn't sure he could live through the next term, in fact having won that election he would not win through the next term, i think that was already there, just a bad debate minus the age problem wouldn't have been impossible to overcome. neil: i am wondering we have a lot of residents i think james polk stood out as one that came into office, go ahead, they like to stay there for the most part i guess it's a great house you never deal with traffic, the commute is pretty good and is the staircase down what keeps them in the high-pressure job where they get so old so fast. >> second terms even though they
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do help you award yourself if something good happens, often difficult second term and the pressures are enormous the pressures on lyndon johnson before he withdrew from the race none of the days were pleasant he would go outside and people were yelling at him, how many kids did you kill today the war was so pressuring and at the same time he cannot sleep at night he had a dream that he was swimming in the river when he was trying to get to shore and he tried to move toward the shore and he wasn't getting any closer and still he wasn't getting to shore into circumstance he was under enormous pressure, teddy white with the night of the withdraw up in new hampshire he said he had seen them five days before and his eyes were sunken in his voice was so soft you can hardly hear what he was saying, when they saw him on television even before he heard what he was going to say he said to my husband something is up, something is change, look at his face and his face was composed, look serene he knew he was making a decision for his health in the country and hopefully for
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his own legacy in the pressures would be relieved he hoped. neil: very tight time, i apologize but your thoughts on what happens to democrats, usually divided parties lose and i'm looking back to 1968, that might've been george wallace with the third party challenge that got 48 electoral votes, he might've one that year but what do you think now. >> absolutely right the divided party at a convention is going to be deadly for nominee, the question among the democrats they may be slow and decided in a primary, my guesses when they get there it's hard to imagine attacking one another and they know what's at stake right now. i'm not sure how divided they will be at the time of the convention and it seems like, who knows what's going to
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intervene between now and then faith seems to come back everything the moment and you and become together with historic event, will be checked the next one, here we are every week, the debate the assassination attempt in our biden standing down, here we are again. neil: here we are, i'm flying with that part but my hands are crazy glue to my teleprompter. always good seeing you. thank you. a great read on all of this. an unfinished love story added to the great legion of books, whole 60s experience and what we went through then. but we got through it and no doubt i think the democratic governor of connecticut thinks we will get through it now, ed lamont after this.itra ♪
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is be what we want to show you the three governors governor of illinois, and michigan, all at this time making it very clear as things stand i think i said illinois but is michigan, the bottom plate all of these governors touted as kamala
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harris alternatives are in fact saying there supporting kamala harris and witmer is cochairing that campaign. it's kind of interesting in itself, connecticut governor ned lamont with us and what he makes of all that, joe biden he supporting kamala harris, where does that stand i think i got that right, where are you on this? >> i'm strongly supportive of kamala harris, based on what you heard from doris kearns goodwin i think you're going to find the democratic party united in this choice is so exponential unified republicans and democrats alike are quite united and they know what's at stake will. >> the republicans are not rightly saying will are rearranging the chairs on the titanic, it is a conclusion that it is donald trump's race to lose, do you buy that? >> he came out of the convention
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united, all of his strongest opponents lined up like a hostage video and they sung praises to the dear leaders, it was united in a thinker going to find the democrats. >> to be fair it was not a hostage, you don't flip over but anyway finish that line. >> i was having fun but i think you're going to find the democratic convention deeply united and supportive kamala harris, it's a continuum of joe biden three to half years in office but at least for the democratic point of view it's made a positive difference for the country but that's with the election is going to be about. neil: i know everyone here old and the three and half years of his but the american people loved it so much but you would think he would've been doing better in the polls and that debate changed everything i get that but in the case of kamala
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harris she is number two and part of the record that did not designate with american voters, what makes you think it will now? >> i'm not sure people had questions about the track record and i think president biden inherited an economy that was flat on his back and now is the envy of the world i think israel concerns about president biden's age and that weighed in the polls and as you are for the last few weeks all the questions were about president biden and none of them were about donald trump, that is about to change. neil: it might but a lot of americans bragging about the economy and how much better woody took over, still in the midst of covid and a lot of people look at that and either blame donald trump or not, he was elected and that's all that matters end of story and, that is not designated with americans every time they go to the
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grocery store try to fill up at the tank, they are seen some improvement but higher prices than when he took office, she is part of that. >> she is part of that but part of the fact of for new jobs in this country than any other three and a half year. in one of the strongest growing economy this came back from germany and the convention election with trepidation their economy is a lot slower in europe and a lot of mbs united states. neil: it is still early, great catching up with you, it is been a while. >> it's been a while, nice to see you. ned lamont, we've been telling you about the donors i've been trying to keep track of this, one of the big among them obama fundraiser peoples corporation, a lot of people want to run for
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mayor, governor integrate president too, one step at a time i want to get your reaction to the biden move, you don't think it's going to make a huge difference one way or another, no matter what the donors do, can you explain. >> i believe ultimately harris is the best position to be the nominee and you see the rest of the party coalescing around her and the challenge is going to be to distance herself from the last four years of the biden hears administration which they titled biden hears to put her in a position so she can run for president. i think she presents the mother challenges to the democrats as well. i agree the democrats will come out of the convention united but there's going to be a bit of a fight with the progressive wing and harris being a more moderate this candidate and that's one of the things given obama the
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presidency right now. neil: a lot of hesitancy, the clintons are fine going with kamala harris talking about bill and hilary and barack obama does stand out by not saying kamala harris you are the person, why not, what is going on there. >> the clintons if anything are loyal, they practice old-school politics kamala harris was a big supporter of hilary's and bills before that, they would repay that by supporting her and they want to see calmness because democrats have a high mountain to climb from where they were, i think there are bigger challenges that are going to explain to all of the voters and democrats in particular how they received is for all of these months in the last several years. neil: you mentioned loyalty, i thought of that as well, with the agree or disagree with the decision and you not get exhibit
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much loyalty, whether you like joe biden or not, republicans are sticking to a man or woman, maybe like chris christie with her nominee even though some of them might not personally flip over the guy but much more unity and loyalty among republicans then to democrats, do you think the boomerang even to the point of older voters who say you kicked out that guy because he is old, where is the loyalty there? >> i think president biden should've made this decision i year or year end half ago but he did not and he was the leader of the party and the establishment should've given him a more graceful way to exit and they could've done this privately, they did not he ultimately did what he thought was best for the party and what he thinks is best for the country now and i applaud them for doing that. however, i think the way that they treated him is going to come back to hurt us as much as
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the deception. i would not under if a size the fact that to a person they were all telling us that the president had the energy of a 40-year-old and he was more energetic and more engaged in many of them who were decades younger, this was a big deception and they will have to answer to that. i think donald trump should become more presidential and be less on attack mode right now. i think also he will run effectively against harris kamala harris is similar to candidate style and hilary clinton and negative for 51% right now which are very high. neil: we will watch closely, always great catching up with you, i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> in the new meantime i want to take you to washington for the secret service director kimberly cheadle, she is still on the job
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and the director of the secret service and a lot of republicans a couple of democrats as well want to know why she is in the job after the near successful assassination on donald trump about nine days ago. we will take you there, a lot of people say the leader would've been out days ago, after this. ♪ a raymond james financial advisor gets to know you, your passions, and the way you enrich your community. that's life well planned.
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there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. neil: they said this would be a lengthy hearing it could go into the hours in maybe late afternoon, hilary vaughn at the hearing featuring the service director kimberly cheadle and it's getting rather heated. >> it is getting heated director kimberly cheadle did show up today under subpoena to take questions but she hasn't given many answers that explain how the assassination attempt on former president trump was allowed to happen. her hands are tied and she wants to wait for the multiple investigation into this event to play out which will be two months from now.
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lawmakers wanted more information on why the secret service denied trump's campaign request for the month leading up to the attack but cheadle did not have insight and tried to deny the her part untrue department to that. >> more than once i asked for additional help and you turned them down, what did they ask for and how many times did you turn them down asic questions. >> without having all the details in front of me, what i can tell you. >> you didn't get briefed on how many times you turned down the trump detail when asked for additional help. >> you didn't get briefed on that before you came to the hearing knowing you to get asked that question the fact that you can't answer how many times you did that is printed on frustrating not just for me but for the country. >> i hear your frustration. >> it looks like you were cutting quarters that's what it looks like is that true. >> i'm here because i want to answer questions. >> cheadle could not explain why president trump was allowed to
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take the stage and stay on stage when multiple people had been yelling at law enforcement trying to warn them that this shooter thomas crooks was on the roof with a gun. >> the moment that the shift surrounding the president were aware of an actual threat. >> that is a threat right there the guy is on the roof and everybody is yelling at him and directing the officers attention, the rally was not caused at that point, correct. >> we're still combing through communications. i can speak in generalities. >> i don't want generalities i want specifics. the answer is no you did not consider pausing the rally, correct. >> the people in charge of protecting the president that day would never bring the former president out if there was a threat that was identified>> wh. >> there was a remarkable exchange between congressman ro khanna who brought up the former
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director of the secret service tort night after the assassination on president reagan on 1981, cheadle said knight remained on duty in spite of that but ro khanna corrected her said he did not stay on duty he resigned something that cheadle refused to do at the hearing today and lawmakers are frustrated about that. neil: i guess i picked that up, hilary vaughn thank you very much i want to go to the former secret service special agent served as a supervisor of the protection division of the two presidents george w. bush and barack obama, great good to hae you on. >> thank you for having me on i don't know where to start unpacking that testimony but a bipartisan effort to get to the bottom of this nine days after this event occurred mission insurance investigation has not revealed the questions and the answers to the questions that were asked. the questions the big ones with the democrat was the shooter
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interviewed we should know whether or not they were interviewed were not she started to say that they sent someone if that shooter was interviewed by protective intelligence team, most likely if they asked the questions why do you have a bag what's in the bag why are you walking around the site this could've been averted and she has answer that question yet. i've been in the shares division when conducting these investigations they take between three twomac five days to complete, it's been nine days some of the simple questions that are asked have not been answered yet and i think it's important that she's forthcoming to the merc in public. i understand how difficult this is but she needs to answer the questions. neil: do you think presidential candidates are safe right now at their events? >> i do believe there safe and the incident made them safer i'm
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sure the secret service with full confidence in is doing everything that they can to enhance her methodology. neil: thank you for your great service. in the meantime we're focusing on the crazy day in the market as well as more flight delays after this what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it. solving today's challenges while creating future opportunities. it takes balance. cla - cpas, consultants, and wealth advisors. we'll get you there. good morning, georgia. we're so happy to be in this great state and be with all of you today.
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making history, showing the united states and the world how to properly care for our heroes who cared for us we're here to break ground on our newest veterans village. it■ll house ninety of our heroes it is in a state of dilapidation. and we are going to be performing a full renovation of this property in houston, we're able to treat them one on one, and i think that's the real breakthrough that tunnel to towers has made. we treat the veteran as they are where they are. each of these units is an efficiency apartment. it has their own kitchenette with a cooktop, microwave, full size refrigerator and their own bathroom. it's their home. many people believe that we■ll be building shelters. we don't build shelters. if frank siller won't stay there or our donors wouldn't stay there, we're not putting anybody else there. we have financial training we have job placement, interviews. everything that they need to get back on their feet and return, if they can to the community. we■re here to help them do that. the idea here is that this is not a handout. it's a hand up.
12:57 pm
so the more support we that we recieve, the more we can support our veterans. well, once you become member of the tunnel to towers family, you're in it. after our groundbreaking, similar to this project we've got projects coming up in denver, colorado. all the way up to buffalo, new york, and extending out to las vegas. the second prong of our program, is our national case management network. anywhere in the united states where a veteran or their family are experiencing homelessness. we provide them with direct financial assistance so we're able to help veterans in real time if there's a veteran at need or at risk, you simply contact us either through our telephone number at our headquarters, or through we are dedicated 100% to eradicating veteran homelessness in the united states. we will not leave our veterans unsupported. we will not give up until no one is left behind.
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neil: delta canceled about 600 flights just today this is continuing with all the lights went out and everything powered down last friday is still a residual effect i think brian brenberg knows a thing or two he experienced it firsthand but the big money show guys are going to take it through the next busy hour. >> i am intimately familiar and a half something to say in just


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