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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  July 22, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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know, which we think would be very likely to take place if he got into office, especially if you had a republican sweep, would provide a boost to the economy. there are offsets to that though. if he moves forward with his proposed 10% trade tariffs across the board that could be very inflationary, that would be, an offset to tax cuts. it is hard to unequivocally say, i think that is actually, if i can jump in on taxes, more like a negotiating tactic. he will come in, say 10% across the board but i do think that trump at the margin would be slightly better. [closing bell ridges] liz: jon mackay of schroders, great to have you on. big day for the nasdaq. powering to 18,000. see you tomorrow. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. the chief of the secret service
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flagrantly dodges questions about the failed assassination of president trump. by the way there is the fact kamala harris now jumping into the 2024 race, but she is biden 2.0, if you ask me. anyway, we have congressman byron donalds on all of that in just a moment or two. first up, fox news congressional correspondent ashiah hasnie has a big day out the capitol. a very explosive day. >> reporter: larry, this hearing was brutal. it did not go well for director cheatle. she told the committee today this security lapser was the worst she had seen since the assassination attempt of president reagan in 1981. she still believes she is the best person to lead the secret service at this time even though more and more people, democrats republicans are saying she has got to go.
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>> i don't want to add to the director's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, but i will be joining the chairman in calling for the resignation of the director. >> reporter: sew, larry, we didn't learn very much at all today from director cheatle because she really dodged practically every question thrown her way. she did tell the committee at this point no one has been fired over this because the investigative report is still not complete. it will take 60 days. that set off both republicans and democrats alike. >> i believe you're horrifying ineptitude and lack of skilled leadership is disgrace. mr. chairman i yield back. >> did her credibility take a hit. >> i believe so did with me. >> reporter: don't forget, larry, she was dragged here to capitol hill. this was because of a subpoena. she has now refused to come back
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tomorrow for a house homeland security hearing. this might have been the only time we sigh her here. larry? larry: thanks very much, ashiah hasnie. folks we'll get back to the secret service hearing in just a moment. first president trump's rnc was a knockout punch to the biden democrats. that's the subject of the riff. ♪. besides joe biden's bad health and his awful performance in the debate, his bad polling numbers, i think the final knockout punch for biden leaving the race was the incredibly successful republican national convention in milwaukee. that's right, the rnc was the final knockout punch for mr. biden. the convention was so positive, so optimistic, so united, so well-inspirationally messaged that leading democrats took one look at it, decided they needed a new horse. i'm assuming that horse is vp
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kamala harris but that's not my main point here. two days after donald trump's near-fatal assassination attempt, saved by the grace of god, he appeared on the convention floor rallying the troops once again and he bravely showed up each night to cheer on convention speakers and the speakers themselves were fantastic. many of whom were not lawmakers or politicians but ordinary folks talking about their curbside difficulties on the ground, chronically how difficult life has been during biden's years. came jd vance up from poverty speech, ex-marine, yale lawyer, exactly working folks coalition that donald trump has put together in recent years. then came trump's magnificent speech. the first half hour was an incredibly heart rendering narrative of the assassination attempt and his providential
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escape from it. nothing like that has ever been told at a convention. breathtaking. he said it calmly but he had energy and i was alert. in other words, he was definitely okay. then came the rest of the speech including his usual riffing for some entertainment. then of course his promise to close the border, stop the crime wave and far left woke cancel culture. stop the assault on middle class values, move america back to its historic meritocracy, drill, baby, drill, deregulate the economy. it was a growthier speech. it was a prosperity speech. it was a opportunity speech. here's a brief line. take a listen. >> we're going to reduce your taxes still further. we gave you the biggest one as i said. we're going to give you more and it's going to lead to tremendous growth. we want growth in our country.
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larry: there you go. by the way on saturday, at the rally in grand rapids michigan, he kept up the growthier drum beat. take a listen. >> i will cut taxes even further than we did before and that includes no tax on tips. we gave you already the largest tax cut in the history of our country, larger than the reagan cuts but now we will give you an additional tax cut, a number of tax cuts that will make it, we took in more money after the tax cuts than we did prior. we're going to slash regulation. we're going to bring down energy prices very rapidly. larry: in grand rapids, mr. trump also included this remarkable and truthful line. take a listen to this. >> as you're seeing the democrat party is not the party of democracy. they're really the enemies of democracy. they keep saying he is a threat to democracy. i'm saying what the hell did i
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do for democracy. last week i took a bullet for democracy. larry: wow, last week i took a bullet for democracy. how about that one concluding his convention speech on an optimistic unity note mr. trump said this. >> you have been told to lower your expectations and to accept less for your families. i am here tonight with the opposite message. your expectations are not big enough. it is time to start expecting and demanding the best leadership in the world. leadership that is bold, dynamic, relentless and fearless. we can do that. we are americans. ambition is our heritage. greatness is our birthright. we will unite. we are going to come together and success will bring us -- larry: all right. the mill walk key convention was safe, secure, united, inspirational, and growthier. it was beautifully produced and i don't like believe the
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democratic party will be able to conjure up anything even remotely like what happened at the rnc. and i do believe that convention will prove to be the final knockout punch for joe biden and the entire democratic party. just think about that. all right. that's my riff. now, we're going to put a president convention aside and move back to today's secret service assassination hearing. joining us now is florida congressman byron donalds who was in the hearing of the house oversight committee. byron, as always, sir, welcome back to the show want to play some of the important things. you were talking about timeline today. here is some of what you had to say. >> at what time did, was secret service aware of the active threat against president trump? director? , what time? in the five-days prior, when the security advance team did their
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work, did they identify the rooftop as a potential threat? >> again i'm pulling those reports and that information -- >> it has been nine days, madam director. did they notice a rooftop 150-yards away that was a potential threat, yes or no? >> i am certain that the rooftop was noticed. larry: wow. boy, i will tell you, byron, just give us your take. i want to talk to you about timeline in just a minute but give us your take from this hearing today. >> it was a disaster. it was a disaster for the secret service because i know a lot of those agents. got a chance to meet them over the last couple years. they are great men and women, not only serve president trump but they serve every american president and they do it with every fiber of their being but their director let them down in front of the entire world. that hearing was an absolute debacle. look, larry, i get it, there are some specific things she will not want to talk to or talk about in an open setting because
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it deals directly how the secret service operates. i respect that, but to show up with no answers, to stonewall, to obfuscate, to not even give any member of congress a straight answer on anything. half the time she referred to the fbi and their investigation. she doesn't run the fbi. she runs the secret service. she should have a full understanding of everything that occurred and be able to relay some of it, obviously not all of it, relate some of that to members of the congress and to the merge people. that did not happen today. it was an abject disaster, if somebody can find joe biden he needs to fire her immediately. larry: you raised issue playing the tape of some of the timing issues. i will never understand this. several hours before the shooting a range finder was picked up. that's one thing. at quarter to 6:00, 5:45, local police identified the individual
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and called it in on a report that the individual was scoping out the roof of the building. that is 5:45. at 5:51 the secret service spots the assassin, byron. at 5:53 the individual was identified by the secret service as a threat. at 6:00 an officer reports on the open security channel that he spotted the individual in question atop of the building. at 6:02, despite what is clearly, obviously a potential threat the secret service has trump go on the stage. in other words there is clear timeline issues. it is much more detailed than what i have given you. senator johnson has multipages here. i'm picking out some of the things but from the moment they found out about the range finder which should have been tip number one, and then all these other things, it is incredible to my they let him on. it is a darryl election of duty and it is a dereliction of duty
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of unfortunately, byron of the people, secret service agents on the ground! that's another, this cheatle woman, wherever she was, she wasn't there on the ground. agents were. how in the world could they have missed this and let the former president go up to put his life on the line for an assassin's bullet let? >> this is my point, larry. thank you for laying out for everybody the moment by moment pieces of information we already have. there obviously were agents on the ground. somebody dropped the ball. there was communications that did not get to the secret service and probably did not even get to the core security detail around president trump. so my questions were pretty clear. walk me through the chain of command, the chain of communication, from when people started identifying the shooter as somebody,ing a a potential up until the time the first shot rang out. she could not do that at a
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minimum, you have run organizations, larry. you know how this works. at a minimum you have to find the person who dropped the ball while you do your background work. maybe that person goes on administrative leave without pay or whatever the case might be but there has to be, there has to be information given to the public that, yes, we found the issue. this is a tragedy, but this is not what our agency is, this is not what our agency is about. the people responsible are being held accountable. just giving that would have been good information today. we got none of that from direct tomorrow cheatle. that is why the calls on capitol hill for her to be fired or resign are growing by the minute. larry: bipartisan calls i might add. the other point, congressman, i want to ask you this, i personally don't believe she should be in charge of this investigation. i think it should be taken out of her hands. with respect to the fbi piece of the investigation, i'm going to leave that to another day, but i don't think, i mean she says to
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you, many of the other house members, both democrats and republican house members in this hearing that she is going through the details and looking at the facts. she is not fit to run this investigation and i think experts from the outside should be brought in to run this investigation with all kinds of eyewitness interviewers and agent interviewers and so forth and so on. you see where i'm going here. defacto she will not be around as secret service head. she knows it. you know it. a lot of people know it. the reality we need outside experts. what do you think of that? is there a process for that, congressman? >> i agree with you, larry. first and foremost i think there needs to be a bicameral investigative unfrom both house and senate bipartisan because every member on capitol hill wants to get to the bottom of this. i think that is step number one. i think step two, i agree with
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you, secret service will do the internal review. it simply cannot be here. the white house has to finally step up to do the job of holding somebody accountable. if there is one modus operandi of the biden-harris administration, crises after crises happens to the united states and nobody is held accountable by this administration whether joe biden or kamala harris they don't hold anybody accountable. that breeds an environment of ineptitude. that is why donald trump needs to be the next president of the united states but you digress. we need to have house and senate members investigate this, i have a long with secret service, along with fbi. that work can be done. at the end of the day it is about every living, current, former president. it is about their families. it is about our constitutional republic. they must be protected. it has got to be airtight. we have great agents on the ground who do tremendous work on behalf of people they protect and secure every single day but
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the political leadership has got to either do its job or get the hell out of the way and it is that simple. larry: biden of course, never fires anybody, no matter how inept they may be. speaking of joe biden, speaking of the presidential race, there is a rumor circulating, you may have heard about it, that mr. biden is stepping down as the democratic candidate and i guess kamala harris, his vice president is the new, she is the new leading front-runner. do you have a thought on that one for us? >> my thought is, it doesn't matter if it is joe biden or kamala harris. it looks like it will be kamala harris right now the way the democrats are beginning to circle the wagons but i would just remind the american people, kamala harris is the border czar. she did nothing to secure our southern border. she talked about how she hasn't been to france either or to paris either. was so utterly ridiculous. she was there when joe biden unleashed a massive inflation, crippling every american family from coast to coast. sat right there, watched that
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decision happen. she was sitting right there when we lost afghanistan and 13 members of our armed services died, lost their lives unnecessarily because of terrible leadership. she's been there with joe biden every step of the way. if you remember, joe biden said when they came into office that they were a partnership working hand in hand. his failures of america are her failures of america. we need new leadership. that man is donald j. trump and senator jd vance as vice president of the united states. larry: well-said. congressman byron donalds, thank you ever so much. we appreciate it as always, sir. folks, coming up president trump's rnc growthy, positive, hopeful, how can democrats even hope to match all of that? we'll ask senator marsha blackburn, one of the key speakers and platform chairs. remember you can catch "kudlow" monday through friday 4:00 p.m. every day right here on fox business. if for some reason you can't get
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us at 4:00, text your favorite nine-year-old, she will show you how to dvr the show. you will never miss a single thing. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. ♪ oh in a valley, where the mountains glow ♪ ♪ are the hardest-working folks ♪ ♪ that you ever could know ♪ ♪ now the farmers work the land ♪ ♪ and the land is the home ♪ ♪ the home is the families ♪ ♪ and the families need care ♪ ♪ when care is close ♪ ♪ we all can grow... ♪ ♪ oh... ♪ jpmorganchase invests in healthcare
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republican convention, today's awful secret service hearings, maybe a little bit about kamala harris. senator blackburn, welcome, ma'am, as always. i want to quickly play a couple last lines from president trump's speech thursday night in milwaukee. just take a listen for one moment, please. >> we are americans, ambition is our heritage. greatness is our birthright. we will unite. we are going to come together and success will bring us together. larry: there you go. success will bring us together, we will unite. it was a growthy speech. the whole convention was fabulous. i know you were one of the chairs of the platform committee which itself was terrific. it had everything in it. i mean i, my thought here, ma'am, if not, tell me no, but all the things that have happened to president biden, i think this republican convention in milwaukee was the final knockout punch, okay?
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i know he was teetering for a variety of reasons. i think the democrats around him took a look at that convention and the messaging and what president trump said, oh, my god, we have to try a different horse. not that are that is going to succeed, that is what i think, that is how good i thought that convention was. >> i agree with you, it was a great convention. i was so pleased to be a part of it and, larry, it was a growth speech. it was a visionary speech from president trump. indeed we should say gop stands for great opportunity party because president trump made it very clear that he wants everyone to dream big dreams, and let's preserve that american dream for everyone. now what you see the democrats are doing as they know that they are running at a deficit. so they disenfranchise 14 1/2
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million democrat primary voters. they dump joe biden because they know he cannot win. now kamala harris is about as unpopular as joe biden and they may decide they're going to dump her by the time they get to, to the convention. kamala is, was, the most liberal member of the u.s. senate. she is for defunding the police, she is for fewer officers on the street, counseling for drug dealers. she is for 10 million illegal aliens that she has let in the country since she was the border czar. she is foreletting them vote. she is for letting prisoners vote. the list goes on and on. and we know that is not what the american people are wanting. we know that the american people have heard our message. they are listening. they are paying attention. donald trump is going to win in
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november. larry: you know, i like that word visionary, ma'am. i've got, i should have put that in my riff, visionary. i had a lot ofage why adjectives but that is a good one, adverb, whatever it is. on the kamala harris, thing, she is biden 2.0. if there is elbow room to the left of biden in the progressives running the country she's there. i mean what good is that going to do? i don't understand it? >> she terms herself a progressive and we know that the american people are tired of dei, they're tired of esg. they are tired of being broke. they are tired of seeing drugs in their communities. they are tired of gangs and crime and human trafficking and sex trafficking. they're fed up with the fact that our allies do not know that they're our ally and our enemies do not fear us and they're
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saying something needs to be done to put this country back on track and they're looking to republicans to do that. i think it's why if we work really hard, we will take the senate, we will pick up seats in the house, and we'll send president trump back to the white house. larry: last one, senator blackburn, i mentioned this to congressman byron donalds. i just don't think the secret service should be in charge of this investigation. that's just me. i don't think so. i don't think, you go ahead. i want you to speak to it because i know you've been hot on the trail. >> yes i am and kimberly cheatle should be fired. she should have been fired saturday night. it is unconscionable, that a lead agent of, of the lead agency after an assassination attempt could not go out and hold a press conference, and the fact that they allowed president trump on that stage, this
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investigation needs to be an independent counsel. congress needs to take its action. the department of homeland security, the doj, and the secret service does not need to be leading the investigation. they need to be coming forward with answers as to how in the world this could have happened. they have one job. it is to protect that protectee and you have kimberly cheatle who does not understand the seriousness of her job. the rank-and-file secret service get it. she does not. this is not like missing your sales figures or not hitting your quota numbers, or having a revenue shortfall. when you screw up, people die and that is what happened when president trump was shot on saturday in butler, pennsylvania.
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larry: well to use his line, it was, by the grace of god that he dodged that bullet. it was providential. >> you got it. larry: you know what senator, one last thing, we got to get out, the grace of god and providential and spiritual thinking was very much a part of that convention and i think americans yearned -- >> it was like a big, yes, it was like a big tent revival. larry: yes, yes. >> a political rally all week long. i absolutely loved it. larry: yeah. >> i thought it was the best convention we have ever had. larry: best one i ever covered. i can tell you that. we enjoyed it very much. senator marsha blackburn, thank you, ma'am, as always we appreciate it. >> you got it, coming up here on "kudlow," open borders, defunding the police, no more fracking, no more growth, no more tax cuts, no more anything. that's kamala, kamala's biden, i don't know what that is,
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kamala's biden 2.0 agenda. that is quite a phrase. anyway we'll talk about all of that with vivek ramaswamy. marsha blackburn started us off. it is biden 2.20, all right? maybe to the left of biden 2.0. it is worse than biden 2.0. i'm kudlow 1.0. i'm the original. we'll be right back. in any business, you ride the line between numbers and people. what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it. solving today's challenges while creating future opportunities. it takes balance. cla - cpas, consultants, and wealth advisors. we'll get you there.
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i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. larry: what is next for the democrats? they're looking for a horse to ride on, i don't know, very tough assignment. peter doocey is here. what's cooking? >> reporter: president bidenees doctors told us this afternoon his covid symptoms have come almost completely resolved. get he remains in rebow beth, beach, away from cameras and microphones. after this big announcement, it is already vice president harris
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here, leading official event. >> joe biden's legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history. in one term he has already, yes, you may clap. our president joe biden fights for the american people and we are deeply, deeply grateful for his service to our nation. >> reporter: nancy pelosi officially endorsing harris for president. hakeem jeffries not going to do that yet but he and the rest of the party brass are taking note of the $81 million in grassroots donations that came in, in the 24 hours after biden adopted. >> vice president kamala harris has excited the community. she's excited the house democratic caucus, and she's exciting the country. >> reporter: even though the democratic nominee does not live in delaware at the moment. that is where campaign head
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quarters is. so the vice-president is going to pop up at the campaign hq near president biden's home for a meet-and-greet with staffers whose job changed quite a bit yesterday. larry. larry: peter is she going to get the nod is kamala going to be the horse? >> reporter: it seems like it is if for no other reason at this point nobody is coming forward to say they're trying to whip delegates to challenge her at the virtual roll call. reuters pushed an item, the harris people are trying to have her southern up with delegate support by wednesday night. so they don't want a convention fight. >> wow. got it, peter doocy, the best of the best. thank you so much. joining us vivek ramaswamy, former presidential candidate, trump surrogate. vivek, i have don't know, the democrats are looking for a winning horse. i don't know how they're going to find one. actually the democrats are looking for a unicorn but there is no such thing as a democratic
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unicorn. vivek you know that the only unicorn in the race is donald j. trump. whoops. anyway, what do you think about this? >> look i think the democrats have gone to great length to try to defeat donald trump. why i still remain skeptical automatically it will be kamala harris. the reality is, the longer this goes in some ways it is actually better for them, because whoever their new candidate is, they hope november comes around while they're still in the honeymoon phase with the new candidate. bottom line for us it doesn't matter who they put up. we're not running against a candidate here. we're running against a machine. once we see it that way we realize our objective is to go in and dismantle that machine. in the administrative state, in the managerial class. that is what donald trump is going to do. the more we focus on our own agenda, irrespective of shenanigans, suffer, of the other side the stronger we will be whoever they put up. that is my view. larry: for all those reasons, which have been good reasons,
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you've been talking to us for quite a while, would think the secret service should investigate the secret service. i think they should don't. this woman is not qualified. her top lieutenants, anybody associated with what happened in butler, pennsylvania, should go. they need outside experts. bring in, this can't, they are not going to inform america about what happened and how it should be fixed. i just don't buy it, vivek. what do you think? >> i think that is yes, it is absolutely spot on but it goes to a deeper issue with our bureaucracy in the federal government, larry, there is no accountability period, across the three letter agencies, not just the secret service. the people we elect to run the government are not ones running the government, they're unelected bureaucrats setting policy across the board. you see a disaster or near disaster like this one, this is a wakeup call this is ubiquitous in the federal government. anybody who has been in
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washington, d.c., that is where power is exercised with zero accountability to show for it. so should there be outside investigations from outside of an agency when something goes wrong within one, of course? the deeper issue, we need to get in there to shut down that much of the bureaucracy. that hasn't happened in a generation. we have a once a generation to do it. not only electing donald trump. doing it against a backdrop of a supreme court that also agrees much of this bureaucracy is downright unconstitutional. there is one thing that saves this country for the next two centuries will be mostly to shut down the fourth branch of government. restore a government accountable to the people rather than the other way around. larry: 100%, you're totally on message. vivek ramaswamy, a little short today. thank you, my friend very, very much. great speech at the convention. we appreciate that. folks, joining us now, comments more on the democrat search for a unicorn, ha-ha.
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holly hemingway, chief editor at "the federalist," ben domenech, i will get it, editor-at-large at the spectator and fox news contributor. kids, i have want you to hear one more. this is towards the back end of mr. trump's speech at the convention. waying going to throw the convention -- do you have the convention, do we have the convention one? i want to play it one more time because it is so important, so uplifting and visionary to use marsha blackburn's, take a listen please. >> as you're seeing the democrat party is not the party of democracy. they're really the enemies of democracy. they keep saying he is a threat to democracy. i'm saying what the hell did i do for democracy? last week i took a bullet for democracy. larry: there you go. last week i took a bullet for democracy. mollie hemingway, what do you think about that line? that is some line. that kind of cuts through the fog if you ask me?
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>> amazing the democrats running this entire campaign caming republicans are a threat to democracy. you have in the trump canada i is the nomination, the people really choosing this person over and against clearly what the entire regime wants. this is beautiful picture what happens when the people get to pick that i recall own person. on the other hand you have in the democrat party, they did choose their nominee. it was joe biden, very powerful interests, media, other top democrats knew he was unlikely to win. so they summarily replaced him with someone else. it is very anti-democratic and very weird but it is what we are living through right now. larry: ben, you know, yeah that is not exactly democracy, molly has an important point. they may keep dumping other people. kamala, cut kamala up, next couple days, her polling is terrible, i don't know why it will improve any particularly in the swing state. they keep looking for a democratic unicorn. there is no thing such as a
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democratic unicorn, ben. what do you think? >> i think larry i will slightly disagree with you only because i think the media will do such a production job of trying to turn kamala harris into something she's not. so over the course of coming weeks in the runup to this democratic convention in chicago they will be fully invest in the that. she already has hollywood dollars coming her way. already has the backing of the soros machine and backing of nancy pelosi. i think with that consolidation she goes from being hypothetical to someone democrats will try to unite around. also they will try to guard against her having any slip just whatsoever. they will try to spin this into something she is really not. they will try to turn her into that unicorn. so i think it is important for the american people to see kamala harris who she is. someone that never won over voters. only occupying the position she
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is right now because of the democratic party elite as opposed to anybody actually picking her from the ground up. she was a terrible candidate in the past in california. she is a terrible candidate when sheave ran for president. the truth is she would not be in this position without those people in power choosing her over anybody else in this field, potential field who could potentially be a better candidate. larry: that's the thing, mollie. unicorns are only in your fantasies. it is a fantasyland thing. it is not a real thing. they tried it turn, the media, ben is so fond of, didn't really do that well defending joe biden if you think about it, really. they kind of went there. they were the debate ended all of that. as i said earlier in the show. i think the republican convention knocked biden out completely. i think it knocked out the democrats completely. they can't pursue anything like that. mollie, would you advocate the
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republicans, mr. trump, change his strategy all of sudden because of kamala harris, or is she in fact joe biden 2.0 and in fact she is the to the left of 2.0? >> yeah. there is something of a gift here for the republicans in that kamala harris is as ben notes someone who is even less popular than joe biden is or has been so unpopular. the media will engage in propaganda unlike anything we've seen until this moment to get her across the finish line but it will be difficult. she actually does not present anyway as moderate because of her record and track record. big argument biden was kind of moderate and kind of competent. and she is not moderate, at no point has she exuded competence on the trail. she is not in any way running from the biden-harris agenda. that means the campaign can continue but republicans should be aware democrats win election by moving ballots into the
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ballot boxes, not by having a good candidate or a good message. so they should note in any way rest on their laurels just because they have another bad candidate. larry: that is the mollie hemingway message and you are correct and i think they're on it. this year i think they're finally on it with elon musk and his pals helping to fund it. even suck a bucks called trump bad ass at the convention. that is all interesting. momly, thank you, ben domenech, thank you very much. folks, coming up, growthier wins, growthier, kudlow word. we'll talk about growthier with art laffer when "kudlow" returns commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at it's pods biggest sale of the summer is extended. save up to 25% on moving and storage until august 12
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and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. larry: growthier always whens. joining us growthier, art laffe. former reagan economist, recipient the medal of freedom. growthier always wins, that is my take, particularly the tax cutter wins, the tax hiker loses but the think is trump's convention speech was super growthy. he had a whole section on it. i was yelling from the side of the hall, growthier, growthier,
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he went and repeated the whole thing in grand rapids, michigan. what do you make of it, art? he is on the right shied? trump is the unicorn, trump is the growthier uniconcern? >> i would almost put him as "dumbo" be because "dumbo" had two growthier ears. no? larry: that is terrible. >> that is terrible. what can i say. he did a great job. he is growthier all the way across especially when it comes to kamala harris. she is even worse than biden on energy. she is worse than biden own the tax cuts and jobs act. she is worse than biden on health care transparency and she is worse than biden on trade. she wants to really restrict trade. she didn't even vote for the trump trade bills. you know, here you go. you've got a situation where you have got someone who is even less growthy than biden and biden was terrible on this.
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i think growthy wins all the way, larry, i'm with you on that. larry: it is interesting to me on this point, and it is a big point, not a small point, it is not like mr. trump had one sentence in his whole convention speech about growth. he had paragraphs in there and comes right back and repeats it in grand rapids michigan. he is convinced fortunately in my view, and i think yours too, he is convinced lower taxes, and less regulatory red tape which is killing mom-and-pop, of course liquid gold as you call it, drill, baby, drill, he is convinced growth is a winning message for the middle class, right? that's the key point. he is not letting up on that which i think is really -- the media has overlooked the his growth message for the better part of the last several years, for heavens sakes. >> that is true, larry, and he knows a lot about it. this guy is an expert on these
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policies. he made a living through them. he lived through them. he understands economics. he understands growth. he understands all the issues. he understands the price transparency in health care, how much is means to the country. he understands the role in energy. look how he applies in michigan, these guys are the anti-auto industry because of energy policies. look at it in regards to the tax cuts and jobs act, larry, the results are in. the results are exactly what you would hope they would be. sound money. he wants low inflation, which is also very good. kamala harris and joe biden don't get it. this is not their turf. they don't understand it and they would make markedly inferior presence to donald trump. clearly they would and trump is really not going to waiver, trump is not going to waiver. trump will not be defeated by someone suggesting something different along the way. he is not amenable to arguments in the wrong way, illogical
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arguments,. larry: one thing interesting, vice president kamala harris, not personal, i don't know her at all, she has come out, while running for president, while she was a u.s. senator, she and senator bernie sanders sponsored a complete nationalization of health care which was priced out -- >> that's what i mean. larry: it was priced out at $35 trillion. $35 trillion. now that's something. i hope somebody, maybe jd vance, somebody has to bring that up in the campaign, $35 trillion. let's nationalize the health care system. how about hose apples? >> you're completely correct. that is what i meant by health care transparency. trump wants to reduce the cost of health care, increase the quality of it through his executive orders. these people, kamala harris, especially, wants to go the other way. larry: i have to jump out. i'm impressed 35 trillion-dollar spending plan. 35 trillion. that is even bigger than five
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trillion. anyway, thanks, art. i will be right back with my last word. ...
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(♪) (♪) voltaren... for long lasting arthritis pain relief. (♪) larry: all right, just saying, kamala is no unicorn just saying. donald trump is growthier and guy benson in for liz macdonald is going to explain it all for us, go, guy, go for it. >> thank you, larry. great to see you. welcome, everyone to the "evening edit" i am guy benson in for e-mac today and tomorrow. tonight, the secret service director


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