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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  July 23, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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maybe might see if there is a miss with google that the entire tech sector sell off, what do do with their tech names? >> we say hold in there. look at case-by-case basis with those companies. what you see with alphabet, is different from nvidia and microsoft. what you want to do is peel back the onion a little bit. determine how much is idiosyncratic for that company. how much is a broad slowdown in tech spending great to see you, alan. thank you very much. 58 billion assets under management. that at regions with alan. thank you very much. here we go with the closing bell. four, three, two, one, here it is. [closing bell rings] tomorrow at lan patricof, the silicon valley guru. we have him on all things tech. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.
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secret service chief kimberly cheatle is officially out but still plenty of other questions about the failed trump assassination attempt. senator tommy tuberville on that and much more in just a few moments. but first up, fox news ashiah hasnie on capitol hill with the latest. ashiah, the story is not closed even though she is gone, what's cooking up there? >> reporter: larry, this is just the beginning, house democrats and republicans are telling me that kim cheatle resigning is simply not enough and that is why house speaker mike johnson and democrat leader hakeem jeffries today jointly announced a bipartisan task force to look into this assassination attempt. they want congress to step in. part of that oversight actually happened today, larry. with the pennsylvania state police commissioner testifying here on the hill. he revealed that the two officers with the butler county emergency services unit, they were inside that agr building
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where the shooter was up atop of, and to the best of his knowledge i said that they had a clear view of where that gunman would have climbed up on top of that roof but, larry, listen to this, they were apparently told to move to go search for him. lawmakers are now questioning who the heck made that decision? >> between the time he was spotted on the ground and identified as someone suspicious, until the shooting they had left that post to go look for him, is that what you're saying? >> my understanding is, yes, along with other municipal officers that responded to that area. that is based on interviews we conducted. i want to be very clear i don't want to establish a timeline minute by minute because we don't have that yet. >> i think that's revel laboratory. or the report kim cheatle was supposed to be here today. she declined before she
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resigned. fbi director christopher wray will testify her tomorrow. of course the fbi is leading this investigation. they're the ones that are supposed to put that report out in 60 days. perhaps we will get more answers but the more we find out, larry, the worst the story gets. larry? larry: ashiah, what's can you tell us anything about this task force, bipartisan task force, seven republicans, six democrats and who is going to staff up this task force? will there be experts, because you know i don't really trust the leaders of these agencies anymore. is there any new info on that? >> reporter: yeah. it is going to be made up of lawmakers, larry. so both speaker johnson and leader jeffries are appointing lawmakers on to this and there has been a lot of interest by many, many members on both sides of the aisle to be a part of this task force. so that shows you, there is a bipartisan push to get to the bottom of this.
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this isn't a joke. this isn't jockeying as aoc put it yesterday. this is a matter of the highest security measures for some of the most important people in this country. so congress is very much taking this seriously. i only thing i want to point out they don't have a whole lot of time to look into this. there is talk right now the house could leave at the end of this week for their summer vacation, their summer break. i don't know how much they can actually get done you know by friday, larry. larry: sure, of course, take a vacation. why not, go fishing. anyway, ashiah hasnie thank you ever so much. folks we will return to this story in just a moment but before that kamala harris, a big government california socialist plain and simple. and that is the subject of the riff. ♪. kamala harris was ranked the most left-wing senator in 2019, even more left-wing than bernie sanders.
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that according to boost track, which is an government tracking website and today's "wall street journal" had a beauty after editorial, entitled, what kamala harris believes. looks like big government socialism to me, california progressive style which is even scarier. let me quote from the journal. so mark her down as endorsing the spending blowouts that caused inflation. the green new deal, entitlement expansions and student loan forgiveness. until she says otherwise we should also assume she's in favor of mr. biden's five trillion dollar tax increase in 2025, all right? as joe biden's loyal veep miss harris will be accountable for the 20% cumulative rise in the cost of living as well as more than 4% drop in average weekly wages. both factoids a big blow to hard-working middle class folks
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who find themselves trapped in the biden-harris affordability crisis, that has a long tail over the course of their term but there is much more. ms. harris is a strong opponent of fracking. indeed in 2019 she endorsed a nationwide ban on oil and gas fracking. she is totallys who it will to fossil fuels. during her senate years and since then she talks about something called environmental justice. guess what that means? the green new deal war on fossil fuels will continue if she ever wins the white house. of course she's a big supporter of evs, and would end gasoline powered cars sending, of jobs to china. under those policies gasoline and electricity which have already gone sky-high during the biden harris years, they will blow completely sky-high under the vice president's california-style policies.
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you ain't seen nothing yet but there is even more to this. pack to her environmental justice model, okay? she links this to racial justice, economic justice, housing justice, and education justice. whew. that's a mouthful. sounds very woke to me. cancel traditional culture and history. dei on a grand scale. diversity, equity and inclusion. during the summer riots of 2020 she advocated defunding the police, although she was regarded as the so-called border czar at one point she supported eliminating i.c.e., immigration and customs enforcement. also as border czar she never once spoke to the border patrol chiefs, jason owens or raul ortiz. as senator, she teamed one bernie sanders in favor of his "medicare for all" legislation that was estimated to cause,
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wait for it, $35 trillion. that's $35 trillion, to nationalize our health care system. by the way, pay for it with higher income taxes she said. probably would require about a 95% marginal tax rate but i'm just guessing on that one. another beauty is her support for confiscating all firearms through some kind of buyback plan. on top of all of this, as a senator she supported universal basic income, or guaranteed income as it is called. she also supported rent and utility payment controls. so, it is fair to say judging by her record in the senate, and as joe biden's loyal veep, that kamala harris is a spender, a taxer, a regulator. that's why i refer to her as big government socialism. she is a redistributist. take from peter and give to paul. now think of it as the
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california model of everything which we have learned is a failed model. mr. trump, on the other hand, is a growth guy. make the economic pie larger, cutting taxes, minimizing regulations, limited spending, drill, baby, drill. think of that as the florida or the texas model of everything. who do you trust? blue state socialism or red state capitalism? well, i'm putting all my chips on red, and that's the riff. all right, joining us now, we bring back our great friend alabama senator tommy tuberville. senator tuberville. i betcha you put your chips on red too, sir. good to see you again. thanks for coming on. let me just play, i've got some sound, happening on one second, i've got some sound, trump and vance discussing this whole assassination attempt and their views on jesse watters prime
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minister time last night prime time. won't take just a moment. >> had a policeman saw a man with a gun. you would have thought that would be conveyed to other people. he was up there for a long period of time. they have tape of him moving all over the place and then they see him and they don't report him. >> i think the fact there has been no transparency here is what makes a lot of us say, what the hell happened and are we actually taking steps to insure it doesn't happen again? larry: so senator tuberville, want to get your thoughts on this, you've got these house hearings, okay, and miss cheatle has resigned. okay, fine. that will not really solve anything and my biggest concern is that the fbi's running this investigation and or the secret service is running part of this investigation and or the department of justice will have a hand in it. senator i must tell you in recent years i do not trust them and i would like to see some outside experts, don't know if
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that's possible, what say you? >> i'm with you, larry. i wouldn't trust anybody in the three letter agencies up here especially in any kind of law enforcement at the top of the ring. we come within a few millimeters of losing possibly the next president of the united states and the 45th president. organization is a key to success. i know a lot of the secret service agents that work with president trump. i play golf with him. i've seen them a lot. they work very hard, they're diligent. but there was no communication at this site. no communication between the secret service and the local police. somewhere the ball was dropped there. you keep thinking about this young man, 20 years old on top of this tin roof that in the middle of the day was probably 130, 140, 150 degrees, how in the world does that happen? you can't be up there long. it just almost a devastating ending to this. it was when we lost the fireman
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and two other people got hit but, larry, this was totally, totally mishandled and it all starts at the white house where there was not enough people t was a skeleton crew of secret service trying to do the job of probably should have been 20, 30, 40 more people. larry: mr. trump has said i don't know, yesterday or last night, he said cheatle from the secret service turned him down several times for more protection. he asked for more protection. he was turned down. i think right there is a problem. somebody has got to be culpable for that. i don't understand it, and i want to raise another point, you know, you mentioned 130 degrees up on the tin roof. there was a secret service person at one time i think, on that roof and the person left. why they left, no one seems to know. but they found the range finder, right? they located the range finder and let me just read you this brief timeline. at 5:45, quarter to 6:00 p.m.,
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local police identified the individual and called the report in. at 5 chen -- 5:51 a few minutes later the secret service spots the assassin. at 5:53 the secret service identified the individual as a threat. at 6:00 p.m., the officer reported on open security channel, he spotted an individual on top of the building using the range finder. 6:02, dequite the presence of clearly a threat, the secret service lets trump go on the stage. senator ron johnson has a much more detailed timeline but i think that timeline, they knew, they knew, they had information, they saw with their own eyes and their equipment and so forth and let trump go on the stage. senator tuberville, it is unbelievable story, by the grace of god mr. trump is still alive but this is an incredible story.
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>> it goes back to what i said earlier, larry, communication. there was no communication from local law enforcement to the see secret service. there is no way people around president trump every day, i know most of them, they would not have let him go on the stage had they known there was any type of threat. i've been to many of these rallies with him. i introduced him. i sit backstage with him. he is well-protected when it comes to the secret service. it was a drop of organizational skills from people all around. i'm still shocked, i know the lady that was in charge of secret service, 3.1 billion budget, 8,000 employees and she was a dei, basically appointee from joe biden, a good friend of hers. we almost lost a friend a former , great leeder of this country. hopefully the future leader of this country again. there was no excuse for this. we are very fortunate we came out with him not losing his life
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but we did lose either people. the job for this secret service is to keep everybody safe from something like this and again, when i pulled that trigger the secret service lofted this battle because that's their job, to keep them from pulling the trigger on anybody around any type of person like president trump. larry: i think, senator tuberville, i hope that these congressional investigations bring in outside experts, you know, non-partisan people, outside experts who can go through, hammer and tongs, verse by verse. i'm not going to believe the doj. i'm not going to believe the fbi. i hate to say that the field people are terrific. it is leadership there is the problem. senator tuberville, moving right along, i guess i painted kamala harris as a big california, big government socialist progressive and i think mr. trump is running a kind of texas, florida,
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pro-capitalist, grow the pie business guy. am i wrong? am i being too hard on her? i just, i mean she is going to have to deal with the problems of the administration, the affordability crisis and so forth. what she said in the past, in the senate she was the most liberal senate voting record. i mean i don't want to be too hard on her. it is not personal. i don't believe i ever met her. what do you think about this, california versus texas way i see it, or california versus florida. heck, call it california versus alabama, how about that? >> yeah. she was deciding vote, larry on the inflation reduction act. she came over as vice president, and made that vote but there couldn't be two different types of leadership or supposedly leadership from the left. i call it weak leadership if there is any leadership at all, but the idea of what they can do on the left with all this socialism and, kamala harris, cannot stand law enforcement, any type of law enforcement. she wants to give up our streets, our neighborhoods,
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everybody should be the same. everybody is not the same. everybody is not the same because you got to go by the law first. she doesn't. she is a lawyer. but she doesn't care anything about the law but president trump is so different in terms of growth of our country, building our country back, drilling for oil. she hates oil. she hates fracking. we have no chance for somebody like kamala harris. she is even farther left than joe biden, i didn't think they could pick anybody worse. but they did. someone i think will be their nominee. former president obama has not endorsed her. he may wait to see if she picks up the pool numbers. they might put somebody else in her place. some of the people up here jumping on the ship. that makes no difference of the american people see what is happening. they made to live what is happening. that is the main thing. they had to live with this sorry economy we're going through, the open borders kamala harris
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herself has in charge of. how can you put somebody in charge after situation, where you let 15, possibly 20 million people in our country. some of these people are good. most are garbage. they come from jails and prisons in other countries. they know that. we'll live in tough times in years to come because of a lot of these people that come in here with different agendas other than living in the great country we live here now. larry: just 30 more seconds, senator, can't help myself, love talking to you. in 2020, when the riots were happening, she was for defund the police officers and of course her whole history is dei, diversity, exclusion, and equity. i mean, inclusion and equity. i mean, what does that tell you? it is totally woke and it is anti-cops. among all the other things putting the economics aside. more dei, defund the police. eliminate i.c.e. never even talk to the chiefs of the border patrol. i mean really? how is she going to stand up to
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that. >> she is for globalization. she is for one world government. she is for this country going the way of socialism, maybe farther than that. no way the american people will go for that. they will have to do a great selling job. she well have to change her tune. she won't do that she is from california, she believes the nonsense that put the great state of california n we've seen what happened there. they have put them under. we bailed them out several times from the federal government. it is not going to be easy. it is going to be hard. we know what we're fighting trying to get president trump across the finish line. thank god he is safe and let's go. larry: thank you, senator tommy tuberville, always appreciate visiting with you. folks, coming up, president trump has the growthiest platform. okay? i want to make sure his vp, mr. vance, is on board with the growth -- growth thinkness.
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we'll ask steve moore when he returns. (♪) (♪) voltaren... for long lasting arthritis pain relief. (♪) i'm out here telling people how they can save money with experian. you got subscriptions? yeah, netflix. hulu. the free trial forgot to cancel it, that whole thing? that's actually me. what if i told you that experian has subscription cancellation, where you can just cancel them with a click of a button? boom. it's that easy to cancel. that's actually really cool. it's great. with subscription cancellation, people save on average $270 a year. say less. i'm thinking girl math, you can buy a pair of shoes with that. that's a lot of money. i actually need that. get started now with the experian app.
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larry: growthier, growthier always wins. joining us steve moore, committee to unleash prosperity hotline and host of "moore money" own wor radio. here is quote from mr. trump, on
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growthier. here it comes. >> we're going to reduce your taxes. still further we gave you the biggest one, we're going to give you more, it is going to lead to tremendous growth. we want growth in our country. larry: growth, can't get enough about growth, terrific stuff. steve moore, though, for all the good things jd vance is saying and his credentials and his story he is appeared several times at the convention and since the convention, he was in ohio yesterday, his hometown, jd vance has not once talked about the trump tax cuts or deregulation, not once and i'm not sure i understand why or whether that's a problem. just seems like it's becoming consistent and, i don't think that's a healthy thing, what do you think about that? >> well, i have gotten to know jd vance. i endorsed him strongly when he ran for the senate back in ohio.
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i think he is a good man. i think he served our country and i have great admiration for him. now do i agree with him on every issue, no. frankly i don't agree with donald trump on every issue, 85, 95% of the issues i do but when it comes to tax cuts i think maybe you and i and art laffer have to sit down with him for a little bit and just explain the supply side model. i think he is going to get it. i mean he voted, i believe he voted for the trump tax cuts. and then you know, on trade, i, art laffer are more free traders than probably he is. look, i'm not worried about it, larry. i think growth -- growthy is a good way to talk about it. that was most supply side, pro-growth, anti-regulation speech i heard a president give since ronald reagan left the white house. so i'm not worried about it, but i do think jd vance, maybe we need to nudge him a little bit in our direction. larry: look, the growth message,
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including drill, baby, drill, which mr. vance does talk about, okay? >> right. larry: i like the fact that jd vance up from poverty. he is aiming at the working folks. i like that a lot. a great patriot as a marine, venture capitalist, the second word in that phrase is capitalist but mr. trump's campaign has so much to do with lower taxes and role back of regulation, really as a way of cleaning out the swamp as well as promoting economic growth i think it is essential that jd vance adopt that language. i mean after all, he's the running mate. it is mr. trump who sets the policy and wrote the platform. >> yeah and trump has said he wants to continue to lower corporate and small business tax rates which you and i are very much in favor of. look, i think jd vance is going to come around to that position. i think he may need a little bit more economic education on that stuff. i am a little worried about you know, there is a big government
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conservatism that is emerged a little bit where some conservatives want to use big government to advance conservative causes. i don't think that is going to work, larry. i think the swamp is real. i think the deep state is real. we want to decentralize, take power out of washington back to the states and the people, as the 9th and tenth amendments tell us to do. trump is all aboard that agenda and i think jd vance will be there. you are so right by the way, if you do the pro drilling policies, you continue to cut tax rates, you reduce the regulations, i really believe this economy is going to explode with growth. larry: yeah. >> there was almost nothing in that speech that donald trump gave that i disagreed with. i just want to say one other quick thing, i love the fact that he, the republicans are talking about universal school choice for every child. that is an economic issue, larry. we need our kids to be the smartest and best educated and trained kids in the world. larry: and mr. vance agrees with that, and he has mentioned that to his credit.
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he again said a lot of good things, but he hadn't said the thing on taxes and regulations. donald trump at the convention said lower tax rates produce higher revenues. >> i love that. i love that. >> that has to be a historical first 250 years. >> worked in the '20s, '60s, '80s, worked for trump. >> thank you very much, appreciate it. coming up mere on "kudlow," border czar kamala harris wants to abolish i.c.e., never spoken to the border patrol chiefs. sheave is supposed to be the border czar. we'll talk about that and other things with congressman wesley nstahunt next up on "kudlow" slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown.
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larry: all right, kamala harris versus donald trump, young and minority voters have been blocking toe trump, is that going -- flocking to trump, is that going to change? will some of the senate races change? i don't know. joining us katie pavlich, editor
4:35 pm, fox news contributor, if that wasn't enough, tammy bruce, author of the new book, fear itself, exposing the left's mind killing agenda on shelves today. ladies, welcome. a lot of loose talk about race, okay, there always is, that is what democrats do. so i will ask both of you, katie, begin with you, is kamala harris going to stop trump's momentum for minority voters, young minority voters, working voters, young voters, themselves, is that, any of that going to change? >> she may not stop the momentum for people in those demographics who want better economic policy. but she may enthuse voters who didn't want to vote for joe biden. they are trying to refresh her. they will buy into a lot of repackaging. all the "vogue" magazines, cosmopolitan will be all over this, most amazing woman ever,
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women have to support women in that aspect. quite frankly she has been good on the campaign trail on abortion and getting out the vote. that is something they do have to worry about. in terms of economic policy, i don't think she will take those voters away. larry: that is the thing, she was part and parcel of the affordability crisis. cost of living jumps 20%, energy, gasoline, groceries. real wages are down. tammy, you think, no, you answer the question. i ask the question. i'm going to zip it and let you answer the question, please? >> already there is one headline where someone in the democratic party was saying that kamala harris is, you know, against the status quo. she is the person who is going to bust up the system. she is the system. she is a perfect example of the system but i do think that your point and what this could mean, bringing out a certain sliver of a section of a group of people could affect down ballot races particularly districts in minnesota or michigan, wisconsin, that if they are
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worried about the nature of the house, less the senate in this regard, that it could have impact on those races. i was thinking she wouldn't want to be to be sacrificial lamb to lose, this time out but may see '24 as her year. it doesn't make a lot of sense. trump will do a very good job on the issues, talking if issues, clearly her behavior, not doing anything about the border is a passive aggressive thing to do. larry: right. >> it is not just a failure. larry: people hate that. >> you've added into the absolute catastrophe and the same with the economy. so to try to pass her off as somebody new who has nothing to do with any of this, is an insult to the voter and they will not like it. larry: to quote churchhill, ran against alley ran in 1951, he said clement, you're a sheep in sheep's clothing. meaning you're a socialist in
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socialist clothing. that is what kamala is. that is the california model. she says, she has repeated she is against fracking okay? green new deal but she is against fracking, no oil, no gas, no lng. i'm looking at some of the senate races. sherrod brown in ohio versus marino. ohio is a oil and gas state. >> so is pennsylvania. larry: john tester in montana, think do gold, copper, oil and gas,. >> cattle as well. larry: what good is that. wait a second, go to nevada, jackie rosen is running in nevada. she is the incumbent. nevada is pretty close to the border. the border is going to be a big problem. border. she can't live that down. it will hurt the underticket. >> president trump did a phone call today with reporters. on the call he directly went after kamala harris's record on border. not running away from the fact
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she was in charge, completely opening border, destroying the legal system hough immigration is supposed to be processed in this country. they're not running away on that. on issue ever industries, when you get outside of the coast, she is from san fan california, she led the charge of every single regulation debilitating to industry. talking about industry, thousands of jobs. build solar panels or do something else. larry: send jobs to china. we have some tape on trump the point you were making. here it comes. take a listen. >> kamala harris was appointed border czar as you know in march of 2021 and since that time millions and millions of illegal aliens have invaded our country, and countless americans have been killed by migrant crime because of her willful demolition of american borders and laws. larry: there you have it. she can't climb out of that. she can't climb out of fracking. she can't climb out of the cost
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of living. >> her being now at the top supposedly, is an indication of disconnection of the democratic party, the level of chaos that occurred this is what america cares about. we know what the top issues are. she is the representative. well she hasn't had much scrutiny. she is definitely been presented as the person who has been responsible for this. when we say she hasn't done anything, she has done a lot. the result is what we see every single day. larry: california model. i just spoke about the california model. trump is running the texas model or the florida model. >> yeah. anti-central planning model. allows industry to thrive. taking regulation off of industry. larry: creating jobs. she wants to redistribute jobs. >> not jobs, wealth. larry: trump wants to get it, make the economic pie larger, an old one. that is 1980s thing. >> their line trump will take us back. well i hope so.
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and so do americans. and that should be embraced. of course we want to go back to energy independence, to better wages, to full employment, to a peaceful world where the bad guys are cowering in their caves. we send a dog after them. that is the world! we want to go back, embrace it. larry: we need trump tough. do you think sheep in sheep's clothing? >> i was going to ask you about, that a sheep's in sheep's clothing, socialist in sheep's clothing? larry: don't try to fool us into thinking -- >> is that a communist, is that a communist then? once you get enough layers it turnses into something else. larry: atly was a socialist trying not to be a socialist. churchhill wouldn't let him get away with it. i thought it was pretty good. i was around. thank you, kids. katie pavlich tammy braves. we have congressman wesley hunt.
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we have tape about some of today's hearings, do we have some tape? no tape. we're going just you and me. i do not understand, wesley hunt, i do not understand, you're a former military man, what these committees and investigations are going to do unless they bring in outside experts because i don't frankly, i hate to say this, but i'm going to say it, i do not believe the justice department, sir. i do not believe the leadership of the fbi. i do not believe the leadership of the secret service. i do believe in the rank-and-file of the secret service and fbi. but i do not believe in the washington leadership. therefore i'm suggesting that whatever investigations occur, it cannot be left to them, wesley hunt. they have got to bring -- and lawmakers may mean well here. you have got bipartisan support, i get it. but i think you have got to bring in outside experts toorg to organize, catalog, research.
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what you you think about that. >> i don't disagree with anything you said. christopher wray will be in front of house judiciary tomorrow. i will ask him very pointed questions about what happened. what we saw with president trump is absolutely colossal failure. as a military guy who understands how tactically things work and that was a complete blunder. i'm glad they had the secret service resign. that will not be enough. an american president was shot. i don't really care who it is. we the people, we in this country should be disgusted with what we saw. we should absolutely get to the bottom of this to make sure it never happens again. the skepticism towards the fbi, towards the cia, sir, it is warranted, we all feel it, we understand it. we have to go through the process having these investigations, having hearings, so we have idea what happened, doesn't happen again. make sure we put people in charge that are competent that can protect president trump moving forward. larry: i'm in favor,
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congressman, i'm in favor of the investigations, don't get me wrong but i'm worried about who is going to run them. my friend kash patel has a big op-ed about this. >> good guy. larry: he is a wonderful guy. he has been in charge of some of these kinds of investigations and he wants, you know, a new team. the oversighers, the legislative overseers, i'm fine with that, seven republicans, six democrats i'm good with that, but the people who do the actual work. i don't want to leave that up to the fbi and the secret service. the other thing, wesley, look, if you read the timeline, i'm sure you read the timeline. >> i have. it is inconceivable to me, it is inconceivable to me that the service would have let mr. trump go on the stage knowing what they knew about this shooter, about the pathfinder. it is incon seaverable to me. this is one of the greatest mysteries in history, how they could have done that. because the secret service knows
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better. they know better. i don't get that at all. >> there was a five minute window we could have taken this guy out is my understanding the rules of engagement are when the president is in direct line of sight can actually be fired upon up to us to do two things, either we take out that shooter or get president trump off the stage. there was plenty of time to do both. thank god president trump turned his head. thank god he is with us. i don't want to rely on thanking god. i want to in the future we protect the man properly, with the proper people, in the detail with the right mind set and skillset to keep him safe. you're right, i'm skeptical about all the agencies, why we have to have hearings to get to the bottom of it. at the end of the day we can't allow that to happen in the future. definitely a heightened sense of awareness around here. there are protesters in the capitol rotunda in the capitol right now, everyone has heightened sense of awareness which is a good thing. i don't want to see president
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trump put in position where he has to display another display of courage under fire because we can't keep him safe. larry: you all are going to go out, you have your summer recess coming in, whatever, you will leave it up to the bureaucrats again and that's what troubles me. >> unfortunately. larry: the bureaucrats love this. this is tailor-made for them, they're always working 24/7 to defend their self-interest. it is a the swamp, it's the swamp, wesley, the swamp has to be upended and ripped apart. there is a good place to start because of the bipartisan concern over what happened. i'm just saying. >> this is why president trump has to come back. we have to have president trump back. if we want to drain the swamp, get rid of this, drain agencies from all their power, strip power from bureaucrats. this is what democracy is all about. democracy is on the line november 5th. this is why we have to get him office. larry: we have to jump. wesley hunt. >> god bless you. thank you for having me.
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larry: coming up the senate is finally getting serious about permitting reform. how about this? we could have a drill, baby, drill situation. another part a senator that served with kamala harris in the senate. that being senator john cornyn of the great state of texas. don't miss a brand new season of "american dynasty" on "fox nation". featuring yours truly, if you can stand it, giving you a front row seat of the families that helped build america. it was the guilded age, one of my favorite parts. it is every tuesday. please they can it out. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower!
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i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. larry: all right, joining us now, texas senator john cornyn, very important that texas part. senator cornyn, there is a couple things here. the first one is, story about this permitting bill, oil, gas, coal, rare earth minerals, mr. barrasso, joe manchin, this could be a very big thing if you had a good president and a good senate? >> yeah. the impediments to actually building things in america is a lot of it is self-inflicted because of permitting problems, so i congratulate senator barrasso, senator manchin for getting this conversation started. i have no doubt under a trump administration we'll be able too get this addressed but it is a
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good place to start now. larry: people may not understand it, but permitting you know this, but permitting cuts the red tape, it cuts the time frame, it makes, i think one federal decision-making, just gets stuff done. actually it's green stuff as well as fossil stuff as well as rare earth stuff. >> absolutely. what you need transmission lines to transmit green energy as well as that produced by natural gas or nuclear power. larry: right. >> but you can't build those transmission lines without permits. in texas we do it fast. not so much the rest of the country. larry: yeah, got it. kamala harris is totally against fracking and against fossil fuels. i just want to ask you, you sir, you had the distinction, senator cornyn of serving in the senate with kamala harris. is it true she had the most liberal left voting record even further out there than bernie sanders? >> well it is very similar to bernie sanders, but larry, it
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was so short a time she passed through, it was almost like a drive-by but all of her policies, all of her policies are really anti-american energy which is really anti-american influence around the world because we're selling this to our friends and allies so they don't have to buy it from russia. larry: i mean, how is that going to play in the election? you have got all these states, including important senate races, i need not tell you, where they're in states that deal in fossil fuels and she is 100% against fossil fuels. places like ohio, or montana, just to maim -- name a couple? >> pennsylvania, exactly. this shoulding an important issue in the election. they know where president trump stands, drill, baby, drill. it was great for america, great for american jobs and great for our support for friends and allies but apparently kamala harris wants to go back to the bad ol' days before american energy was something we produced here at home.
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larry: senator, is the senate going to weigh in to this secret service investigation and so forth which has become such an incredible scandal? i know that director cheatle resigned but that is just the tip of the iceberg. is there anything growing on in the senate on this? >> yeah, there is going to be an ongoing investigation. i know there is already in the house but, yeah, we shouldn't let this just pass. this isn't just the ineptitude, the negligence or incompetent continues of the director it was that, and she should have resigned, i'm glad she did, but there is more systemic. having a presidential candidate, a former president be nearly assassinated ask a traumatic eve vent for the country, not to mention the people involved, families that lost loved ones during that terrible shooting. we need to get to the bottom of this. the number one job of the secret service is to protect the president. they didn't do it.
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larry: 100%. senator cornyn, thanks for joining us again, sir. we appreciate it very, very much. folks i will be right back with my last word ♪ in any business, you ride the line between numbers and people.
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