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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  July 23, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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call unitedhealthcare today for your free decision guide. so if you have this and want less out-of-pocket costs... and more peace of mind... consider adding this. an aarp medicare supplement plan. take charge of your health care today. just use this...or this to call unitedhealthcare about an aarp medicare supplement plan. larry: elector blue state socialism, that'd be california kamala harris, red state capitalismst that'd be florida and donald trump. i'm putting all my chips on red. so guy benson, in for liz macdonald, are you a betting man? where are your chips going? guy: i'm not a getting man, but in this case i'm going with you.
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larry: good point. have a great show, guy. guy: thanks so much, larry. i'm guy benson, welcome to washington, thanks for watching "the evening edit." so did president biden magnanimously drop out of this race, or was he -- he shoved? tonight a new report is exposing how democrats orchestrated giving old joe the heave ho for quite some time. also tonight -- >> stonewalling! >> -- nation's attempt. you owe the people answers. you owe president trump answers -- guy: well, that was senator marsha blackburn just days ago, and she is here with her reaction to the secret service chief finally resigning. but first, there are new concerns that kamala harris' record or might be bad for taxpayers and businesses alike. i would say so. and a new warning is out that her economic policies could mirror president biden's. i think they would be worse. kamala rallying in battleground wisconsin today. to she's out there trying to
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sell her agenda which in many ways is far left to those swing state voters. >> as attorney general of california, i took on the big wall street banks and held them accountable for fraud. when our middle class is strong, america is strong. [cheers and applause] donald trump is relying on support from billionaires and big corporation cans. corporations. and he is trading access in exchange for campaign contributions. he literally promised big oil companies, big oil lobbyists he would do their bidding for $1 billion in campaign donations. guy: all right. so same old song. there was some news there out of wisconsin as kamala harris confirmed to that crowd that she has secured just enough democratic delegates and then some to become her party's presumptive nominee. >> so, wisconsin, i am told as of this morning that we have earned the support of enough delegates to secure the
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democratic nomination -- [cheers and applause] guy: in washington democratic leaders chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries endorsed harris today. schumer had a bit of a moment, babe a kamala déjà vu moment he was trying to get people to clap. well, here's how it went. >> we are here today to throw our support behind vice president kamala harris! [applause] i'm. clapping, you don't have to. [laughter] >> joe biden's legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history. if in one term he has already -- yes, you may clap. [laughter] [applause] guy: schumer was so excited. president biden, meanwhile, like an afterthought -- he is the sitting president -- but he was seen today for the first time since dropping out of this race. as a joe announced he will be addressing the nation about that decision tomorrow night in prime time. now let's get to this, the
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latest or turmoil in the democratic party has some voters wondering is kamala harris just a brand new candidate in the race but with the asylum high-spending, taxpayer-bilking, small business agenda-crushing policies? well, edward lawrence has that report for us from the white house tonight. edward? >> reporter: well, guy, the names have changed, but the policies remain the same. the start of vice president kamala harris' campaign for president has the same mention as the president biden campaign for president. vice president kamala harris still calling president trump a threat to democracy. she is still following the same policies from the last three years, pushing government spending which spiked inflation and supporting the expiration of the trump tax cuts which would increase tax on just about everyone. still, she's making the case for the next four years. >> we believe in a future where every person has the opportunity not just to get by, but to get ahead. [applause] a future where no child has to
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grow up in poverty -- [cheers and applause] where every worker has the freedom to join a union. >> reporter: she broke the 2090 to- year record on casting tie-breaking votes in the senate including one moving along the inflation reduction act. right now the life is normal feel at the white house, well, that's gone. representative mike waltz still says don't underestimate the domestic machine. >> the media complex is completely pivoting and cheering her on and presenting her as a some kind of cackling moderate. we can't lose sight of the fact that -- and we need to get out there in the voters' minds she is the number one most liberal senator, according to gov track by her voting record, she's to the left of bernie, to the left of elizabeth warren. >> reporter: and the democratic elites still pushing vice president kamala harris as the head of their ticket even though no democratic voters voted in a primary for the vice
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president. back to you, guy. guy: edward, thank you very much for that report. meanwhile, we have another massive story that we're following. secret service director kimberly cheatle throwing in the towel today. in a letter obtained by fox news, cheatle writes the to her colleagues, quote, in light of recent events it is with a heavy heart that i've made the difficult decision to step down as your director. this after she got, well, destroyed on the hill yesterday. >> can you answer why the secret service didn't place a single agent on the roof? >> we are still looking into the advance process. >> how many times did you tell them no, and what'd you tell them to no to? >> i can tell you in general terms -- >> why is the secret service protective perimeter shorter than one with of the most popular semiautomatic weapons in the united states? >> there are a number of weapons out there -- >> yes or no? >> i would have to get back to you. >> that is a no. guy: yikes. and, of course, we'll remember this, she was chased down by
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multiple senators at the rnc as well. >> stonewalling! >> -- you owe the people answers, you owe president trump answers. guy: well, that voice belongs to senator marsha blackburn, and she is now here with us this evening. senator, always good to see you. >> good to see you. thank you. guy: is this the ultimate case of too little, too late or better late than never? >> what we have is a situation where she should have been fired on that saturday night. and she has persisted. she couldn't give us answers on the phone call that we had wednesday afternoon with her, can and then she shows up yesterday and she still cannot give answers. and to not even know how many total agents were there, how many other federal agents, how many local, how many state, she never went to the site.
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she didn't reassemble the team. and walk through this and try to figure out where they went wrong. was it advanced planning? was it the operations plan if? was it the day of assignment? and, guy, she just did none of that. she went to milwaukee, she held a cocktail party in a a luxury suite for the secret service partners. when we went to the and said we'd lo to ask you some questions, can we have a few minutes, she refused. we offered to move to a quiet spot. she refused. she didn't want to give answers because she did the not know the answers. and the lack of preparation shows the rack of respect, the lack -- the lack of respect, the lack of caring that she has for the american people. she's more concerned about donors than she is about protecting the individuals that
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the secret service is there to protect, our president, our vice president, our former presidents, presidential families. r individuals in the administration that have had threats. and they know this. they still did the not -- did not do their job. and it's not like somebody missed their case work numbers or somebody missed their sales quota thats. when the secret service screws it up, people die. and you have corey comperatore who lost his life. you have two people still hospitalize ad. you had the assassination attempt op president trump. on president trump. and for her ten dates out to have no answers is completely unacceptable. she should have been fired, and she has resigned, but we still need the answers to what went wrong. guy: yeah, and i think that's really the key point because now she's gone, right?
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>> right, that's right. guy: all the failures are in the past. she's no longer running the agency, but those failures still matter if moving forward. clearly, there were people on the ground there who messed this up extremely bad ifly on multiple levels -- badly. are you confident that the many things that went wrong will actually be fixeded? that's the lesson that's essential here. >> it is the essential lesson in this. and getting to the bottom of this, making certain that whomever cleared donald trump to walk on that a stage, whomever cleared him when they knew they had established a potential threat? that individual ought to be fired. whomever was in charge of that outer perimeter and did not have somebody on that building or at the water tower, they should be fired. this is, it's hard to imagine if more things having gone wrong.
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and, yes, whomever was responsible, with we need to know what happened, we need to see those plans, we need the secret service to to correct their proto-- protocols. but those individuals need to be fired. guy: all right, senator, i want to turn to the democrats' new candidate, brand new candidate. we're in the middle of the general election, they just swapped out joe biden. in comes kamala harris. i'm pretty certain that you guys overlapped a bit in the u.s. senate. >> we did. guy: what is your sense of her and her agenda? >> her agenda is to the left of bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. gov track ranked her the most liberal senator in the u.s. senate. she is for gun confiscation. is she is for the green new deal and was willing to do away with the senate filibuster in order to pass the green new deal. she would like to pack the court. she voted against the tax cuts
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in 2017 and has said she would let them expire. it will be the largest tax increase in american history. s that is her agenda. she's for an open border, 10 million illegal aliens. she wants to register all of them the vote. she wants to let prisoners vote. she thinks drug dealers need to have counseling rather than locking 'em up and making them serve the time to which they've been sentenced. and for her to say that she has been a prosecutor and that she's tough on crime, oh, no, she's not. look at the crimes that are being committed by illegal aliens coming into this country, by the gangs that are streaming across that open border because the border czar never went to the border. she didn't go out and work with the border patrol, still hasn't.
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and she is by far the most liberal person who served in the u.s. senate. she does not deserve to be president of the united states. guy: all right, senator blackburn. on a side note, i know you've been working hard on this, kids' online safety act. we're tracking it. we're out of time, but we'd love to have you back to discuss that, maybe on my radio show as well. that is something we're keeping an eye on. senator marsha blackburn from tennessee the, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. guy: we've got a fox business alert up next here. and according to an exclusive report by the information tech giant apple is working on -- oh, this is interesting -- a foldable iphone that might be leased as early as 2026. they're -- released. they're taking on samsung which has a similar design already. apple closing slightly up today and up over 20% year to date. coming up here, did joe biden drop out of this race for the good of the country, or was
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he toss thed out on his ear by force? if detail now in a new report exposing what the democrats were doing behind the scenes. we'll fell you in on that. but before that, that didn't take long, the liberal media, well, they did their jobs briefly, exposing joe biden toward the very end there. but are they going to stay onboard with hard-nosed reporting when it comes to his successor, kamala harris? huh. we'll see what jason rantz thinks about that next. ♪ >> you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? [laughter] ♪ ♪ clem's not a morning person. or a...people person. but he is an "i can solve this in 4 different ways" person. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you with a plan that's right for him. let our expertise round out yours.
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this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> he's totally focused, he's very sharp, and the proof is in the performance. >> there is no question i have heard for two years how sharp joe biden is. >> but comparing that guy's mental state? i've said it for years now, he's cogent. but i undersold him when i said heft cogent. he's far beyond cogent. in fact p i think he's better than he's ever been intellectually, analytically. guy: hmm. that wasn't that long ago. so the media went from covering
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for joe biden the to suddenly exposing him. >> not honest to say that this is justs one night. there have been moments like in that people have seen in front of the cameras and other moments with cameras not there. >> i've been talking to a lot of people, i tell you with, i think i've come across one who's still riding for biden, okay? i'm just telling you honestly. i'm not advocating, just analyzing. so the walls are closing in. >> the drips and leaks might be the thing to finally break the dam. >> guy: and then it almost felt like they were coming up for slogans for donald trump at one point. >> a bullet couldn't stop trump, a virus just stop thed biden. >> donald trump used to split republicans and unite democrats. now it's the opposite. if he's uniting republicans and bodying democrats. gave guy all right. but now biden's out, kamala's in. mission accomplished.
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are they going to hold on to this recently-discovered objectivity? well, not if today was much of an indication. >> i have learned exclusively from a source close to harris that beyonce kid give her approval to harris and her campaign to use this song. >> getting beyonce to green light using one of her hit songs as your walkout music -- >> it's great to have george clooney and beyonce. >> i have never seen anything like this in my entire life. the democratic party is energized and united. guy: i also have not seen anything like the in my entire life, although it kind of seems familiar, what the media's up to. with us to discuss is the host of the jason rantz show out in seattle, jason rantz. jason, great to see you. >> good to see you. guy kentucky all right. so the media's super excited about beyonce and the song, she got permission to use the song out on the stump. we got details about what sweatshirt she was wearing on sunday, what she had for dinner that night. it was pizza is, jason.
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very hard-hitting stuff. >> yeah. i can't wait to get more of this. i'd like to know what kind of shoes she wears, what hair care products she uses. i'd love to know all these really important details. i think this is what she meant by the passage of time and how there's great significance of the passage of time where you've got media coverage that says one thing for a long time until they get outed, and then they have to switch over and say something completely different just to save some face. they're very clearly going to stick with this beyonce-style -- [laughter] of coverage. everything is super excited, everyone is super pumped because they see their role, and they have always seen their role in left-wing media about a purely getting and keeping trump out of office. that's all that they were up to to. and so god going with joe biden this entire time was just to serve that purpose. and yet after the debate they realized that they can no longer with a straight face continue down that line, otherwise they'd lose what little credibility any
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of them have left. and so they tried to or at least they helped to orchestrate what it is we saw over the weekend. and now, of course, let's be honest and clear here. joe biden being removed from the ticket kicking and screaming makes him a patriot. guy: no, it's kind of mind-blowing, head-spinning, jason. and the thing is, i saw there was a media analyst on another network who said, see, what are these crazy conservatives talking about? they say we're in the tank for joe biden. well, look at this reporting we just did and look at the results. it's like, no, no, no. the cause, the capital c cause is democrats winning and protecting joe biden, lying on behalf of joe biden, calling anyone noticing realities about joe biden liars and all those other things. that was in service of the cause. and when they collectively decided now actually the cause might be harmed by joe biden remaining in the race, then the cause required them to take him down which they kid pretty swiftly.
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they did pretty swiftly. >> precisely. and we're going see that same strategy unfold if over the course of the next several weeks, up until november. the second that you say anything critical of kamala harris, it's because you're a racist and a sexist. we're going to get that -- we're already getting it. pramila jayapal, the congresswoman from here in seattle, was on "the view" yesterday already going down that path. and we're seeing it on x from the same people who previously defended joe biden and said he was perfectly capable of doing the job. heir now switching their talking points, and they're going after anyone dare to question anything about all of the accomplishments of kamala harris whom we're told is very accomplished by people who then follow up by not naming anything that she actually did as vice president. guy: yeah. actually, bret baier, our colleague here, asked a question of the campaign chair yesterday, what's her number one achievement as vice president, and he said it was her passion for entrepreneurship which i
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don't even know what to do with that. i've never really seen that passion. and also having passion for something is not an accomplishment. be that as it may, they're going to try to do what you described, and this is the thing, jason. we've seen even when they have leaked internally negatively about a her, when the white house has planted negative if stories about her and there's all these democratic sources saying she's a nightmare to work for and the turnover of the staff, the immediate response from her every time is sexism, racism. is she's used the playbook against her own party, they're going to use it against all the critics. fine, it's coming. will it work? does that persuade anyone? >> so i think it might work in the sense of stopping some people from being vocal because the average person doesn't like being called or labeled any of these names. but i think for the most part because they've overplayed their hand for so long, it doesn't quite have the same punch. it's certainly not going to work, i think, on independents
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and conservatives who have clear problem -- clear problems with kamala harris, and i think they are going to put that out there. so the more the response being just, welsh you're a sexist, you're a racist, the more questions as to whether or not they're just trying to hide something because i think it turns out i'm old enough to remember exactly what they did with joe biden and age -- [laughter] and when we were pushing back against all we've been saying for the last three and a half years or longer, they're going to compare the two. hey, this strategy of sort of shutting down any criticism and observations kind of remind me of what they did with joe biden when they called him too old. so i don't think it's going to work as well. guy: uh-huh. i agree they're going to try, certainly. and i would just say for the republicans, just play her words. play her own words, play her own positions and stances. it's not racist or sexist to do that, and i think it's really damning if they were to do so. we'll be watching this for the next four bumpy months. jason rantz, or thank you. >> thanks, guy.
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guy an upscale grocery chain known as whole foods, you may have heard of it, welsh they're settling a lawsuit that accused the company of illegally firing a worker who refused to remove their black lives matter face mask and complained about racism. the terms of that agreement were not disclosed, but amazon's stock was unfazed by this matter, closing up just over 2 president if today -- 2% today and 24% so far this year. well, kamala harris now trying to sell herself as the law and order candidate. okay. former prosecutor. but remember not that long ago she wants to reimagine the police and other similar things like that. jason chaffetz will react to the tape trail when we come back. ♪
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guy: well, vice president kamala harris is trying to market herself to voter as the law and order candidate. here she was earlier to today in
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wisconsin. >> as leah told you, before i was elected vice president, before i was elected united states senator, i was elected attorney general of the state of california, and i was a courtroom prosecutor before then. [applause] and in those roles, i took on perpetrators of all kinds -- [background sounds] predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. so hear me when i say i know donald trump's type. [background sounds] and in this campaign i promise you i will proudly put my record against his any day of the week. gave guy let's talk about that record. -- bye guy. she said a lot of things on this front including calls like this. remember this? >> for far too long the status
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quo thinking has been to belief that by putting more police on the street, you're going to have more safety, and that's just wrong. a big part of this conversation really is about reimagining how we do public safety in america. which i support. guy: reimagining is always an interesting word. let's discuss this with fox news center and former utah congressman jason chaffetz. hey, jason, good to ceo you. -- to see you. >> thanks for having me. guy: all right. so i remember very well in 2019 and especially 20020 20 the thas was applauding slashing police budgets. she was praising the defund the police movement. she also was encouraging strongly her supporters to donate to a bail fund to release violence rioters and other criminals. now she's trying the make this pivot back to a previous iteration of hermit call career can which is tough as nails prosecutor as if the intervening years never happened.
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will she get away with that? if. >> not if she's held accountable, not if people fairly look at her record. notice she just bypassed the last three and a half years where, you know, as the border czar the board border was pretty much totally open. she's been supportive of sanctuary stay9s and cities. she -- states and cities. she doesn't want to turn over criminals that are illegal aliens in our country, doesn't want to turn them over to i.c.e. to have them dealt with and to have law and justice administered. and you're right, or guy, she was out there on the front lines promising that this is a movement that wasn't going to stop where she was out there helping to raise money to pay the bail to get people back out on the streets as fast as they possibly could essentially to do more rioting and more protesting. you can protest your government, but you can't do so violently. and if these people have been arrested, so her record is
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abysmal. she has to go back 20, 30 years and say, hey, i was a tough person. that's just laughable on its face. guy: and you just run through the years. shoo e not a supporter of the -- she's not a support per of the death penalty. she wrote in her own memoir about being a progressive prosecutor. we know how that's worked out in so many cities. you also talk about her current record as the vice president. you've got this wave of migrant crime in a lot of american cities resulting in murders and other horrible things victimizing innocent americans. you mentioned the mass lootings that we referenced was all on her watch destroying businesses large and small. you think about the campaign trail where she's saying, okay, fine, i'm going to go against donald trump. he's a convicted felon. i get it, i understand why they're going to make that juxtaposition. but based on some of the examples we just offered there, it's not quite the clean hit
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that i think democrats hope it will be. >> yeah. she may get a laugh line from some hard core progressives, but make no mistake, she's one of the most liberal, progressive vice presidents we've ever had. she really has accomplished nothing. as you highlighted before, so -- to say that her best accomplishment is being enthusiastic, i mean, that's really what she's got at this point. to try try to snooker the american people saying she's tough on crime, she can't back that up. and she has no answer on the economic issues let alone the foreign policy issues where, again, this world is a much more dangerous place because the biden harris ticket has been inept. guy: well, jason, the the trump campaign, the rnc apparently not too concerned about this. here's lara trump. >> well, yeah, they've been trying to the label donald trump as a convicted felon now for a month. that was a whole play there, brian, obviously. we know what that one was all about and, clearly, the american
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people didn't care. they came out in a huge way and gave us historic fund raising in the days after that wrongful conviction. guy: all right, jace, i'll get your quick reaction to that and the last word here -- jason. >> well, essentially she said in her speech today we want to be california. how's it going in california? if how's the homeless problem? how's the budget goingsome if how's all that? if she's going to hearken back to when she was the attorney general, the united states of america doesn't want more california at this point. other than maybe their weather. guy: yeah. it's like we can have maybe a national referendum on on the california -- call fornication of america. jason, thanks so much for dropping by. >> thanks, guy. dye kentucky here's a question, the ev market cooling? elon musk's tesla just reported disappointing earnings as revenue actually rose 22% last
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quarter. -- 22% -- 2% last quarter. tesla's stock is down 8% for the year. coming up here on the program, does the biden and now-harris campaign really think they can make kamala cool? if. ♪ [laughter] ghei guy oh, i'm not an expert on cool, i'll admit it, but we have a tiktok influencer to weigh in on whether he thinks they can pull that off. but first, let's check in with our pals jackie and brian, they can preview for for us what they've got coming up at the top of the hour on "the bottom line." jackie: hey, guy, you're very cool. brian: i was just going to say, you're very cool. [laughter] kamala's trying to do this cool thing, so we've got david webb on the program. he's going to take us into this brat meme thing leaning into. he's going to have to decipher that for me. and andy puzder. when you hear how much money we're spending on interest in
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the debt, your blood is going to boil. jackie: then, of course, kurt kurt knutsen because we're still working through that crowdstrike debacle as a country. it's impacted so many people. we'll talk about that. and rnc chair, co-chair, lara trump will be with us as a well. we'll talk to her about kjp. she's apparently looking for a job. brian: well, i guess she needsdg one, huh?er jackie: sh: e does. e you at the top to hav the houra . daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking. after careful review of medical guidance and research on pain relief, my recommendation is simple: every home should have salonpas.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker.
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guy: well, the biden campaign is now the harris campaign, and they're going to try to turn kamala's famous cringe into something resembling cool, i guess. well, here's some of the cringe. >> we've been to the border. we have been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe. the significance of the passage of time. so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires, what delaware we need to do to create these jobs. and there is the such great significance to the passage of time. the brilliance of this inaugural class and pitts leaders is the ability -- and its leaders is the ability to see what can be unburdened by what has been. you've got to be able to see what can be unburdened by what
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has been. up burdened by what has been. guy: well, i'm burdened by the passage of the time watching clips like that. [laughter] my goodness. but the media say, no, no, don't worry about that. actually, she's a master of social media too. >> charlie xcx is a pop artist, she has a wildly popular album out this summer that's called brat. this is cover. last night she tweeted this: kamala is brat. >> camilla -- kamala is brat. [cheers and applause] and that is good. [laughter] if. >> kamala has branded her twitter page with the same aesthetic of the outlet's, another gen-z word -- >> from my producer who will spit out her coffee,s i am supposed to say that's brat. and for those who don't -- are not in the know the way i am, that is a cool thing. guy: all right. so there's a brat challenge,
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whatever that means. is social media just going to embrace kamala harris and all these foibles and rye to turn them positive somehow? if let's talk about it by welcoming in national review staff writer caroline downey and tiktok influencer and gen-z political commentator, link lauren. link, if you can explain the brat thing to me slowly, please, because i'm old. >> explaining it in five minutes would be like explaining chinese to the helen keller. what i can say is by any standard, kamala harris is a viral sensation. she's tapped into again dis, millennials, white suburban women. you go to any quo georgia or pilates class right now, they are ready to to vote and mobilize for kamala harris. however, there is a big difference. we've got a long way to go now between now and november 55th, and things are going to shake out. kamala harris is being prop pded
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up by the mainstream media, they're giving her this pass. they're making her this obama 2008 god-like figure who can do no wrong. but everybody buckle up, it was going tock a wild ride. she's hot to trot, she's going to come back down to earth. guy: caroline, the obama comparison, i sort of get it. they are really going to try to replicate that. but i think a big problem with that plan is she's not obama. she's not anywhere near asal a lented as a barack obama, caroline. and that's maybe a flaw in the plan. >> absolutely, guy. and, you know, to link's point the atlantic said that viralty is no guarantee for victory. and about this whole brat's net in, gen-z loves to lean into these bizarre archetypes. but at the end of the day, i mean, the art -- artist behind the album herself defined brat as a messy, blunt and volatile tale who relishes the spotlight.
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so my question is, or why is kamala so eager to embrace this as a compliment? i mean, when you think about it, she has more contempt and disdain for our republic's norms, so in that way it's accurate. finish remember that she once laughed at biden hen he tried to argue that the constitution is actually an obstacle to to instituting a gun ban via executive order. so she does have this attitude of entitled, you know, disdain for the constitution. if i want something, i'm going to get it. but, you know, this is not -- this is an epithet. whereat is not something -- brat is not something she should take as an accolade. guy: but i guess you kind of owning it, that's what you're supposed to do. here's this pop star saying she's brat and she's, like, yes, i am. [laughter] a lot of people, whatever that means, fine, congratulations. you're brat. the other is coconut tree? everyone that i know on the left
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in their bio now has the mowy withs of a coconut and a tree because they're for kamala harris and i guess they're, again, just sort of leaning into this strange phrase that she uses and then does her big laugh falling out of a coconut tree. link, i guess it's, like, a show of solidarity? [laughter] is it appeals to people who are not in that consider -- appealing to people who are not in that demographic? >> absolutely not. most americans are less focused on this coconut tree kamala meme situation. they're more focused on how they're going to keep a roof over their head. americans are focused on kitchennen table issues like how can i afford gas, groceries, how can i afford a home. this is what americans are focused on. i think in time they'll remember how much of an ab jebt failure with kamala harris has been. she was an abject failure in 2020, she didn't even make it to the iowa awe caucus. she was the border czar as vice president and oversaw the worst immigration crisis in american
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history. so when people learn about her record, i think they'll come home to realize she is not the moment. guy: i defined of wonder, caroline, what did coconuts cost in 2019 versus today? or if you want to install a beautiful coconut tree in your backyard with, what did that cost, let's say five years ago versus today? that might be closer to people's overall concern than showing that they're can cool with their emojis and memes. but it's what they're returning with -- running with, it's what democrats and the left always do. i think the quality of the candidate himself or herself matters more than anything else. link, caroline -- and, caroline, you have to get back to me on that, thanks so much for joining us. [laughter] >> thank you, guy. guy: all right. coming up next, did joe biden drop out or was he shoved? new details emerging. we'll share them with you. also we'll get a preview of the president's big oval office speech tomorrow evening after this. we've got former sniper,
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but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do. >> what we saw from this president the last couple of days was a human decency, a good man, someone who
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decided not to put himself first like we've seen before. >> he has put people over politics and patriotism over personal position. this another heroic act in a long running series of heroic acts by joe biden. >> like when your grandpa, you have to take the keys, take his keys, he is fighting you. you get the keys back. then you just cry. guy: well, we heard their hero narrative that joe biden graciously dropped out. sources say highest levels of party had to threaten president biden with forcible removal from office unless he stepped down voluntarily, one source
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claiming well o orchestrated removal plan had been in works for weeks but stubborn joe fought every step of the way, he amed want to stay in president biden is address the nation tomorrow night about this decision. for more on this, let's welcome in former sniper, congressman, cory mills of florida. congressman, what can the president say tomorrow? what are you expecting to hear from him. >> i think he will try to outtout his record, i think he will try to spin things that are economy is better, our borders are more secure and we're better off now than the trump administration. i think he will still try to make the argument this is a fight about argument. he needs to address if you are too unfit, you are
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likely too unfit to remain in the seat. undoubtedly, there is a democratic coop that was doigoing to to toss biden out. guy: you think in his heart of hearts he wants to go. >> no. guy: i think here wants to stay. i think they forced him do this. >> that is right, they forced him do this and probably made a promise they would invoke 25 amendment so long as he would step down they would let him serve out of wit remainder of his term. they need to investigate what has happened under his watch, we can't just allow the continual failures that have gone on under this dang administration to be
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swept under the rug as they conclude their weekend at bernie's routine. guy: secret service director out resigning. >> bottom line, i was a state department advance encounter sniper guy, i have done thousands of these advances, her stepping down does not erase the fact that investigation needs to go and everything needs to be on the table. i think that j13 commission needs to go forward and get the facts and findings. guy: this cannot be anywhere near over. it is just the beginning congressman cory mills thank you, sir. >> thank you. guy: with that. thanks for watching i am guy benson in for liz, appreciate you here on "the evening edit" on fox business, now time to hand it over to b "the bottom line" to jackie and brian. jackie: thank you. brian: thanks gu


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