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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 24, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. grab your aviation goggle, the country's largest air show takes off this weekend, and kelly saberi is live at the eaa air adventure show in oshkosh, wisconsin. kelly. >> reporter: maria, the show is meant to inspire the youth to become pilots, but before we can do that,, or we have to take a look back at history. take this uc-78 bobcat which came from texas, courtesy of the national world war ii museum. the wasps were the women air force service pilots. this was a uc-78 which was used in part of the training, amazing that they have it here. i'll send it back to you, maria. maria: i want to thank this incredible panel, thank you. >> oh, thank you, maria. maria: have a great day, everybody. varney and company picks it up. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. kamala harris is the anointed democrat nominee for president.
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she's made her first campaign speech, and she's turned left. she outlined a very progressive agenda. the democrats and much of the media is euphoric. they think they have a unified party. one poll taken on monday and tuesday shows harris two points up on trump. around 1 p.m. eastern in indianapolis, harris makes her second campaign speech at 2 p.m. eastern, prime minister netanyahu addresses congress. harris will not be there. this is her first foreign policy decision, an insult to america's strongest ally. at 6 p.m. donald trump holds rally the -- in charlotte, north carolina. will he respond in kind to the personal attacks harris has made on him? he says he's up for multiple debates. at 8 p.m., president biden addresses the the nation. his job? to convince the company he is capable of handling the presidency until january of next year. another very pull day in politic it is. to the market. a strong reaction to earnings
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reports from tesla and google. both disappointed. both stocks way down. all the indexes are down. the dow off maybe 200 to. look at the nasdaq, down 2800 points. -- 280 points. bitcoin, $66,000 per coin. the 10-year yields just below 4.25%, 4.21. the 2-year still close to 4.5, actually, 4.40. gold, $24711. gas, $3.511. that is up one cent, diesel, in change at $3.83. star columnist brett stephens writes that the democrats made a bad decision to the coronate kamala harris. she says the backroom deal allowed party leaders the ignore harris' weaknesses. decide in haste, repent at leisure, that's what he says. new video9 from the attempted assassination. it shows the authorities had a eyes on the shooter well before he fired. theyst lost track of -- they lost track of him.
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and then there's trump on the golf course playing u.s. open champ bryson dechambeau. trump was vigorous, fun, and he played some very good golf. you'll see it. it is wednesday, july 24th, 02024. "varney & company" if -- is about to to begin. ♪ that don't impress me much. stuart: that don't impress me. okay. well, maybe -- [laughter] lauren: trump is saying that about his new contender? stuart: i don't know whether producers got that one, but that's certainly germane to politics. maybe it's harris, maybe it's trump, i don't know. it is 103 days til the election, and the gloves are off. trump and harris wasted no time going after each other. lauren, take us through it. lauren: kamala harris is now the shiny, new object for the democrats, right? this was a party that was at a
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funeral just hours ago a, and now they're, like, dancing at an open bar wedding, okay in. [laughter] but that that high, it's expected to wear off because harris is starting to run on her record as what? her record as a former prosecutor. watch. >> as leah told you, before i was elected vice president, before i was elected united states senator, i was elected attorney general of the state of california, and i was a courtroom prosecutor before then. so hear me when i say i know donald trump's type -- [background sounds] and in this campaign, i promise you i will proudly put my record against his any day of the week. do we want to the live in a country of freedom, passion if and rule of law or a country of chaos, fear and hate? lauren: in the past three and a half years -- [laughter] look, madam vice president, do you want to run as a prosecutor again or commander in chief?
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if i mean, that's the question. forget about your record as the a.g. of, like, california. you're running for the office of the presidency. either way, trump is painting her as a further left than joe biden. >> she's destroyed san francisco which is a hell of a thing to do. if she becomes president, kamala harris will make the invasion exponentially worse. and just like she did with san francisco, just like she did the with the border, our whole country will be permanently destroyed. lauren: so the border is obviously her achilles heel, but is she a candidate for rule of law as she said in that first bite? she bailed owl contract -- out criminals. stuart: thanks, lauren. in milwaukee after her first campaign rally, voters seemed to have a mixed reaction. roll it. >> i was not inclined to vote with biden or anyone because i didn't like him, and now that she's here, i see that it's kind of a reset. >> i was just going to ride with
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biden until he told me he wasn't ready, and now i see the energy, this is just a shot of adrenaline. >> i don't know if she's going to win, it's a toss-up. but i think she has a decent shot. >> i would rather have somebody else. i don't know who, but is this the best america's got right now? stuart: take a look at this. a new national poll puts harris two points ahead of trump, 44-4 the 2. let's bring in karl rove -- 42. is this just a temporary bump up for harris? >> well, we don't know. let's remember the rule, let's not count on one poll to make big judgments. let's look at the average of polls. but, look, stuart, if this race was tied, that is to say within a couple of points, donald trump ahead of joe biden by two or three points when we all a knew what was going on with joe biden, when they pull him off the field and elevate her, let's not kid ourselves, this thing is going to be a horse race.
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and she has in the next couple of weeks some real opportunities to build on what is already happening. think about it, they name the -- they announce that she's going to -- that biden's out to and she's in, and they raise $10 100 million in 24 hours and get $154 million more in pledges for their super pac. so there's a lot of enthusiasm in the democrats right now mainly because they've gotten rid of what they knew was a sure loser. let's see if she's able to exploit the the next couple of weeks. but the republicans should not kid themselves. this was a horse race before with a damaged presidential candidate, it's going to be a horse race in the coming weeks, and we could find ourselves in a a place where she had a good pick for vice president and a good convention that sort of has the same sense of unity that the gop convention had and if she has a good acceptance speech, she could -- and then comes roaring out of chicago with a week worth of activity between the end of the convention and labor day, it shows a lot of
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enthusiasm and excitement, she could be ahead by labor day and we've got a horse race on our hands. stuart: president biden's back at the white house now, and tonight he's going to address the nation from the oval office. are to you expecting a campaign speech for harriss? look, my -- for harris? if my opinion would be he's got to show he's got the ability to run the country for another six months. otherwise a lot of people will be calling for him to resign. what say you? >> i totally agree. and i think he makes a mistake if he turns it into a campaign speech. we need to hear his valedictorian address. why did he do it, what is he going to focus on. and he's got to, you're absolutely right, cause us to believe that he's up to the job for the next several months. he's got until if january 2020th, this president. i think -- 20th, this president. companion to that, it's a mistake for republicans to be calling for the 25th amendment or for him to resign because if it were to happen, first of all, it's not going to convince any if undecided voter.
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but if it were to happen, it would elevate her to the presidency, and there'd be some sympathy and a rally around the flag moment that would make her even stronger in the moment. stuart: tonight's the night if. karl rove, thanks for joining us. see you soon. programming note, president biden creases the nation tonight from the oval office, 8 p.m. eastern. it'll be his first public remarks since dropping how of the race. you can catch it on fox business. google and tesla reported earnings yesterday. they are pulling the nasdaq down significantly. look at 'em go down, those two socks. start with tesla, lauren. what went wrong? lauren: off 8%. investors want tomorrow's riches today. tesla reported the lowest profit margin in five years after it cut car price, it spent money on a.i.. it postponed its robotaxi event to to october, and at that point they're just going to unveil prototypes. andthen they said they won't deliver that -- i call it the model 2, the cheaper car, until the first half of next year at the earliest. so all the growth prospects have
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been delayed. stuart: it's down $19, 8%. what about google? lauren: they're spending too much money. cap-x about a billion dollars more than analysts expected. also a some weakness in their youtube ad revenue. stock's off 4%. their cloud revenue jumped 29%, tops $10 billion for the first time, and i think that goes to show regardless of what investors are saying right now, for google a.i. has been and will be a meaningful growth driver the for them. stuart: but the stock is down 4% and change right now. okay. let's bring in tesla analyst garrett nelson. garrett, that what's your biggest takeaway from tesla's report? [no audio] don't know whether you heard me there. garrett nelson, what's your biggest takeaway from tesla's report or? if we have an audio problem, do we not? he froze. the video and the audio froze. there you go. all right. let's tell you what else is
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coming up a little later. coming up, black lives matter is not happy with the democrats' choice of harris as their nominee. blm calls democrats the party of hypocrites. joy reid says if black people don't back harris, they're going to look crazy. roll tape. >> you're going to look real crazy being on the other side of that line, particularly as a person of color. but really as a anyone who claims to have any connection to the culture. stuart: florida congressman byron donald takes that to -- donalds takes that to pieces. he's next. ♪ so don't ask me no questions, and i won't tell you no lies ♪ ♪ so don't ask me about my business, and i won't tell you good-bye ♪
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stuart: we had a few problems with garrett nelson, but he's back. tell me, you analyze, study tesla. what's your biggest takeaway from last night's earnings report? >> sure. thanks for having maine well, this wasn't a great overall release for tesla. in fact, it's the fourth straight quarter they've missed on the bottom line. and we've been bullish on the stock. it's had an incredible run up about 700 percent% -- 70% since their last earnings release in april, and so we decided to lower our rating if a buy to the a hold -- from if a buy to the a hold. our new 12-month price target is $240. stuart: why did you cut the price target? you were at 250, now you're an at 240 to. what's the big problem here?
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>> yeah, is our estimates have come down here. our issue is tesla's a story stock, and pit really relies on -- and it really relies on positive catalysts to drive the stock price higher. and while we continue to believe in the long-term story here, the near terms and the intermediate term are pretty murky. you know, they've delayed the robotaxi day until october, and we don't think there's going to be a whole lot in terms of catalysts or positive news developments over the next couple months. tesla's also a high beta stock and historically the market hasn't performed very well in the months of august and september. so we think, you know, a hold is a right place to be here. stuart: okay. we hear you loud and clear this time, garrett. thanks for getting back to us. we appreciate that. i'm not going to do much with tesla in the immediate future. thank the,, garrett. kamala harris seemed to move even further to the left during
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her first campaign rally yesterday. edward lawrence at the white house, take us through what is her or new progressive pitch. take us through it. >> reporter: not even new. in fact, when in the senate, the vice president was ranked as the second most progressive senator in the senate according to the independent gov track, second only to senator bernie sanders. as a senator, vice president kamala harris support pd universal basic income, supported rents paid by taxpayers, ago medicare for -- also medicare for all. now, some of that she alluded to in her campaign speech last night. listen. >> a future where no child has to grow up in poverty the -- [cheers and applause] where every worker has the freedom to join a union concern. [cheers and applause] where every person has aboard to if -- affordable health care,
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affordable childcare -- [cheers and applause] and paid family leave. >> reporter: so as a presidential candidate in 20 to the 19, she proposed financial transactions tax which economists would have warned would have hit retirement savings. she has called for pharmaceutical excise tax and a bank tax. she wants to ban or all fracking which would crush the pennsylvania economy for years. the concern for vice president's critics is that she would foster a much less friendly business environment. >> when you look at a her talking points, when you look at what a she did as a senator, she has a track record that we can look at, it was an absolute disaster. this idea that she would lift up the middle classesome she would brit -- bankrupt and destroy the middle class. again, we've got to define her because the woke media is going to be complicit this trying to cover up her past in the same way they were complicit in covering for joe biden. >> reporter: so vice president kamala harris leaves washington,
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d.c. in about 90 minutes going to indiana just as the president of israel comes to d.c. to talk with congress. back to you. stuart: got it. thanks, edward with. yesterday biden was seen for the first time in public since he dropped out of the race. he ignored questions from the press. watch this. >> reporter: what are you going to tell americans tomorrow night? if. >> [inaudible] >> reporter: why did you drop out, mr. president? was it -- why did you drop out of the election? >> reporter: was it a difficult decision to make? stuart: republican congressman byron donalds joins me now. congressman, the president seemed to be struggling there. bearing that in mind, who do you think is actually running this country? >> at this point, stu, i have no idea. it might be kamala harris, it might be the other high-up officials in this white house, could be jill biden, could be hunter biden. we don't know. this is the one of the things that's to very, very perplexing about the state and the curious
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circumstances upon which joe biden went from democrat nominee to somebody nobody has seen in a week. there are a lot of questions here. we need to be looking very, very closely at. stuart: congressman, listen to what m if snbc host joy reid says about minorities who are not in line with kamala harris. watch this, please. roll it. >> you going to look real cra crazy being on the other side of that line, particularly as a person of color. but really as anyone who claims to have any connection to the culture. you're going to look real weird and real lonely on that side to. you really are going to look crazy being on that side given the cultural phenomenon of vice president camilla debbie harris. stuart: congressman, weird and crazy if minorities don't back harris? what do you respond to that? >> first of all, that's race
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weight. let's call it what it is. cultural phenomena is? kamala harris has never gotten one single vote to be the nominee of a major party. not in 2020 and not this year. not one vote. last time i saw her run for president, tulsi gabbard ended her campaign viciously like it was a game of mortal a combat. but number three and most importantly, kamala harris' record is destructive of rural families as a it is of urban families. it has made massive inflation in the united states. she was the tie-breaking vote for joe biden's american rescue plan which unleashed an inflation that crippled urban families and crippled rural families. she is the border czar, and she failed masterfully, and that failure allowed fentanyl to ravage all across the country killing kids and killing adults in urban areas and rural areas. her record is one of failure; failure of the american people whether you are black, hispanic or white. that's my response. stuart: we'll take it.
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congressman byron donalds, thanks very much for being with us this morning. always appreciate it. see you again soon. >> thank you. stuart: now this, the trump can campaign has filed a complaint with the federal election commission. what's this about? lauren: it's about $91.5 million. the biden campaign transfer thed its cash to the harris campaign just like that. trump says that's in violation of campaign finance laws. it's uncertain how this will hold up legally because harris was part of that original biden ticket. either way, the fec will likely not resolve this before november 5th. stuart: eric to. figured that. thanks, lauren. check futures, please. we've got some red ink on the board. lots of out, actually. the dow's down 200, the nasdaq's down 2800. the opening bell -- 20 the 80 to. the opening bell is next. ♪ rock me, mama, like a wagon wheel. ♪ rock me, mama, any way you feel. ♪ hey, mama, rock me ♪
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15% return with zero risk? - just ignore that, son sounds way too good to be true definitely do a background check does this seem right? i got a random message from my investment firm asking me to wire money
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- they wouldn't do that seems like a scam - [narrator] no matter your age we can all learn something about investing so explore our resources at - does this seem right? (laughter) - hi! stuart: we will open up this morning with stocks headed down. look at the nasdaq, down 283 at this point. kyle wool with us to look at the markets this morning. some market watchers on this
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program expect big tech earnings in the next few days to be spectacular, all of big tech. what do you say to that? >> i think everybody's looking at the magnificent seven. 9 and the first two stocks kicked it off last night with alphabet and tesla, and tesla's down 8% today. i think they had some pretty interesting things to say, and alphabet had decent earnings, but the stock the's i been up 30% year the date. a lot of these stocks have moved up a lot, so i hope they're not priced to to perfection right now, stuart. stuart: is this the start of a movement out of big tech? >> i think you're seeing the rotation for the last couple of weeks. we've seen money go into the russell 2000, the small cap index, but i do believe that the large, mega-capping stocks might still have some places to to go. if you listened to elon last night, he actually asked if he could put $5 billion into xai,
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which is his a.i. start-up, and he had the boldness to go out on x and do a poll, and and other 70% of the people on x approved him to do. that he would need shareholder and board approval, but you're talking about a guy who thinks tesla could be a $20 the trillion -- $202 trillion company. -- 20 trillion. i wouldn't just buy the mag 7 blindly here. stuart: okay. you believe tesla can move up from $2225 shares. we had a market analyst just a few moments ago who said his target price is $240. would you agree with that? what do you think? >> i think the stock might have more upside. again, it's frat year to date, up 70% in the last three months, it's down 8% right now. i would look at this as a buying opportunity, and if you look at -- if you believe in elon musk, i think the stock could go higher. stuart: what about google? they're down, i believe, about 4% this morning after a
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disappointing result yesterday. have they got any upside potential from $173 where they are now? >> i believe so. i think if you look at google's digital ads, they did better than expected. i think their cloud is doing quite well, and i think their integration of a.i. into the bottom line and around the corner, stawt, starting this friday on nbc you will see to olympics, and i think google will do very well with digital ads in the in the olympics and going into the election. so i do think alpha a bet could have some upside here. stuart: kyle wool with, you're giving some support to those of understand who are in big tech and don't wish to sell. thanks for joining me this morning, see you later. we've got a few seconds to go, ten seconds to go before the market opens. you can see a large crowd there at the nasdaq, getting ready to push the button. we are going to see some red ink this morning. tesla and google disappointing results yesterday. those two stocks are down. that kind of setting a pattern for the market overall.
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we're open, and the dow industrials are down 200points, right around 200, and there are far more sellers than buyers among the dow 30. the s&p 500 is also a down. let's have a look at the percentage decline for the s&p, down .91%. that's a substantial drop, 50 points down. the nasdaq composite, that may be down even more in percentage terms. yes, it is. 1.5% lower. 261 points. big tech, across the board, these are the big shakers on wall street, apple, microsoft, amazon, meta, alphabet, they are all down. alphabet in particular, that's google, down 5%. if let's pull out google and tesla in particular. as we've been telling you, they reported yesterday with. alphabet down 4.8. the tesla down 211 points -- th. at&t just reported first thing this morning. the stock is up. i guess they stacked up well against verizon. lauren: yeah. what was similar in both reports
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is the customer is more slowly upgrading their phones. that's a more cautious customer, but the reports are different because at&t has less churn, less people canceling. here's why. they have an unlimited plan. investors and customers love it, and they're willing to the pay up for it. they added 419,000 subscribers in the quarter, but the estimates were 285,000. that's a huge beat. stuart: how about crowdstrike? is the bad news still coming? lauren: well, so finally you have an update. they lost a quarter of their value in a couple of days. they've reviewed their systems, and they're making changes. they're going to stagger the deployment of their software updates, first a few users, see how it goes, then the blast to everybody. they say last week's software bug originated from one rogue file that hit every single window windows machine as soon as those machines were powered on. web bush is going to 315 which is above where crowdstrike is
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now, but, yeah. now they're in congressional crosshairs too about how this happened, because it's still the disrupting flights -- stuart: is the time when the dip buyers buy many, or do they wait and see what is going to do about it and fine them, whatever. who knows? ups. now, remember, they reported a 12% down yesterday. lauren: yeah. they're still down. stuart: down again today. lauren: okay, at least five brokerages cutting their price targets. i have barclays at $120 to. that's the -- lowest. and now ups cutting prices to drive volume. so their cheaper shipping option was responsible for they are profit miss in their quarterly report, and now they're doubling down on that. touting, hey, we have cheaper prices overall just to get more customers to come in and ship. they're a bellwether for the economy, so this is not good news. stuart: no dip buyers yet. visa reported yesterday. why are they down again? lauren: and they're a dow stock,
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down 3%. a rare revenue miss. they're seeing. softness and and that travel recovery boom has faded. at least half a dozen brokerages cut their price targets. so the question sod to, visa a doesn't generate the excitement of big tech, so do you buy this weakness knowing they're a solid company without a near-term catalyst. >>? i was looking at the cross-border spending which gives you a sense of international travel. great for europe. tough taylor swift concert, you have to olympics in paris, but for china? not so good. stuart: it seems like that's an economic indicator as well. lauren: i agree. stuart: low income if customers not spending much, that that's an economic indicator. lauren: yeah. stuart: how about apple? is this miles per hour leagues, spain is opening an investigation into them -- mino- lauren: it feels like wince, waxer with, repeat for me, because those new privates laws in the european union are a headache for apple, but it's now a migraine.
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they just keep popping up. spanish regulators want to know, hey, apple, are you putting these unfair and illegal trading conditions on developers who used your app store to reach customers? this probe will take years. stuart: yep. lauren: if apple loses, they pay tens of billions in penalties, so 10% of their worldwide revenue, but it's happening drip by drip, over and over again. stuart: and the europeans have now become the key regulators of american companies. that's what's happening here. deutsche bank just reportits first loss in four years. why should i care? lauren a lauren germany's biggest bank. i don't know why you should care. down 7, their first loss, as you noted, since to 2020. they set aside over a billion dollars for a legal case, likely scrapping their dividend as a well. stuart: they're down 7%. that's a that a -- nasty drop there. tesla's tech theft claims against rivian, anything on that? lauren: so tesla's misfortune
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with their earnings is also hurting rivian and this. four years ago tesla sued rivian. they said you're poaching our employees, and with that you're stealing our trade secrets. we don't like it. they sue. four years later, rivian's still trying to dismiss this suit. a judge finally says, no, no, no, no, rivian. tesla gave us way more information than we need. this case is going to trial. there's a hearing today to find out the details, when, where, etc. so tesla winning thus far. both stocks are down. stuart: okay. check the big board. big picture, please. we are down 150 points on the cow industrials, more than one-third of 1%. you're at 40,20 the 0. dow winners headed by united health, then there's verizon, jpmorgan, chevron and ibmall on that list. the s&p 500, who are the winners? enphase energy, teledine, seagate, at&t on that list of winners. nasdaq, siriusxm, xl energy, diamond if shamrock and old
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dominion freight all on that list. no big names there. the 10-year treasury yield coming down to 4.3221. the price of -- 4.221. the price of gold, $2448 per -- 2468 per ounce. oil, $77.65. nat gas, $2.13. if average a price for a gallon of regular, $3.51. that is up one cent. no change for deals. the average is still $3.83. coming up, senator chuck schumer officially endorsed kamala harris for president. >> we are here today to throw our support behind vice president kamala harris! [applause] if i'm. clapping. you don't have to. [laughter] stuart: okay. not much enthusiasm today. liz peek will address that. the chair of the federal elections commission says the democrats are trying the silence him after he said harris might not get the funds from bind's war chest. -- biden's war chest.
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watch this. >> was he bullied out? >> he made an assessment -- >> was he bullied? >> he made an assessment, craig, that this was the best thing for not only the american people, but the democratic party. stuart: pearce if morgan is fired up about this and he's going to be on the set with us next. ♪ so here's my number, so call me maybe. ♪ hey, i just met you and this is crazy -- ♪ but here's my number so call me maybe. ♪ and all the other boys try to chase me -- ♪ but here's my number, so call me maybe ♪
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so the next time there's a power outage, your home powers up. power your life with generac. call or go online to request your free quote today. stuart: on this markets this morning, plenty of red ink. the dow's down 140 points. the nasdaq really taking it on the chin, down 325. and look who's here, making his first appearance on "varney & company,"s the very welcome
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entrance of piers morgan. great to have you. >> great to be here. an honor, privilege. stuart: oh, get out of here. flattery is the -- >> you only booked me for my act a sent, just admit it, stuart. [laughter] lauren: [inaudible] stuart: quiet on the set. why do you think president biden should resign the presidency in his speech tonight? >> i think this whole situation is a complete farce, and i think the world is looking on and thinking, what is going on here? you've got kamala harris who, clearly, the whole democratic machine has moved behind her. the hollywood as far as, the big politicians are all coming for kamala. it's like she's the president, but she's not. and there is still a president joe biden who's just revealed in a statement to the world that he's unfit to continue four months of campaigning to be president again and yet want wants to to to believe he's fit to be president of the united states and commander in chief. i'm sorry, i just think it's a complete joke. and i think the right thing he should do tonight -- he won't do it, but the right thing to do for america if he really cared
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about the national interests would be to resign as president. stuart: i think he should tell us who's running the country. he's not going to resign -- >> no, he's not. stuart: i want to know who's running the country. the man does not look like he's there all the time. >> because he's not. i've written a column for the new york post for the two years saying time and again, i'm sorry, he's suffering from cognitive decline. either he's got senility or dementia, there's something going wrong with him. we saw so much ed of it. it was a weird conspiracy, wasn't it, by the mainstream media who didn't want to tell the american people what they were watching and hearing with their own eyes and ears, and that has all blown up where on the debate stage with donald trump we all saw that, actually, all the stories were true. all the a denials and all the claims that he'd never been sharper were complete nonsense. and it was inevitable he'd have to go. but the -- from that moment on, we know he's not fit to be
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president, so why is he sill president? stuart: do you think kamala harris is a good candidate? >> i would compare it to the tie titanic and it hits a iceberg, any vessel will do, right in. [laughter] the trouble with kamala harris is she's getting the honeymoon period. it's not going to last very long because at some stage people will go back and remember her record as vice president to president biden. and, by the way, this is the woman who was the immigration czar and said don't come in, and 8 million people promptly came in. and she wants to defund the police, blah, blah, blah. there are so many things that i think once this settles down, this initial excitement and euphoria, and once americans remember she's been there the whole time too, she's not a new person on the block here, been the vice president the whole time, once that kicks in and reality kicks in, then i think you're going to see this mystique chipped away. stuart: shall we change the subject entirely? >> yes! [laughter] stuart: why not.
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bryson dechambeau was impressed by trump's golf game yesterday. take a look at his reaction to trump putting. roll it. >> go in, go in. [laughter] let's go. he made a solo birdie. good job. are you kidding he? [laughter] stuart: did you know he was as good a golfer -- >> i knew he claimed to be a 6 handicap. i knew from rory mcilroy that he did play to his handicap. he plays a lot. but i watched the whole thing for an hour yesterday on dechambeau's very, very entertaining youtube channel. trump is a really good golfer. i play a lot of golf, and he would beat me quite easily. he's 78 years old -- stuart: he's vigorous. >> he smacks it down the middle. he's a very good chipper, and the dechannel woe, i think, is -- dechambeau is the u.s. open, wow, mr. president, you're a proper player. so i actually think if you go
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back to the debate exchange, of course, with biden where biden was trying to claim beat a 6 handicap. do me a favor, i've seen biden play golf. he's a 106 handicapper. trump, however, was telling the truth. he really is a 6, and good luck to him. i just watched it open-mouthed. after all the kind of stuff about, no, he can't be, he's not that a good, he actually is a proper e serious golfer. stuart: and i'm told on occasion he will play 20, 25 holes, more than one round -- >> right. and that shows he's got a lot more stamina, he's never had a drink in his life, he's never if had a cigarette, he's never taken a drug. so actually, despite what people think, he's got remarkably youthful torso, and we saw that with the golf. dethat many bow at the end was, like, hey. stuart: you're having too much fun on american television. >> the thing is, everyone's a sucker for the british act a
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seven. eventually, we get found out, don't we? until that moment, we love it. because there's an implied sense of higher intelligence. stuart: oh, stop it. [laughter] it was a pleasure. come again soon. >> really enjoyed it. stuart: good stuff. coming up, kamala harris' first outing as newly-minted candidate for president. she's going left and promising a wildly expensive socialist agenda. that is my take, coming up top of the hour. new, chilling video of the moment the trump rally gunman opened fire. watch this. [inaudible conversations] [gunfire] [bleep] [background sounds] stuart: that's just in to us. and now trump reportedly will not hold anymore if outdoor rallies. seem to be restricting his campaign. congressman greg steube addresses that point after this. ♪ ♪ -- and cut me off.
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stuart: yes, we have that new video of the moment the gunman opened fire during the trump rally. it is dramatic. show it to us again, please. roll it. [inaudible conversations] >> -- on the roof! [gunfire] [background sounds] [gunfire] [bleep] >> run! stuart: now we find that trump reportedly will hold off on any more rallies outside. he will stay indoors or hold these rallies in stadiums with fully-controlled entrances. florida congressman greg steube joins me. it seems trump's campaign style has been restricted by this. he loves these outdoor rallies. he's good at 'em. >> yeah: and that's what his trademark is. it wasn't a problem for the secret service while he was president, i was at a rally in sarasota a couple years a and we had 40,000 people there. you can't put 40,000 people in an indoor facility unless it's
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the like a football stadium at the university of florida or a university. it's certainly restricting the size of the crowds. he had 100,000 people in new jersey. democrats haven't been able to do that. they're touting there was 3,000 people at kamala's first rally, and that pales in comparison to the amount of people that come out to hear president trump speak. stuart: should the secret service throw more resources so that trump can campaign any which way he likes? >> he should be able to campaign however he wants. if the president wants an indoor rally, fine. it wasn't a problem when he was president. there has been multiple requests by trump's secret service team to to mayorkas and the secret service to get more assets, and they were refused. that's a fact. you had biden's mayorkas and homeland security refusing secret service enforcement to the trump campaign, and that is a huge problem. part of that caused the challenge that the assassination attempt that we've seen. so secret service needs to do its job, and if president trump wants to have an outdoor rally
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with 100,000 people, they should be able to do that. stuart: congressman, prime minister netanyahu's going to the address congress later on today. the i'm sure you will be there, but more than two dozen democrats and kamala harris will not be there. i think this is kamala harris' first policy embarrassment, because i think she has insulted our ally, israel. what say you? >> 1000%. and every jewish-american in our country should reck maize that the now-supposed mom me of the democratic party is refusing to be at an address from the leader of israel? that should tell the tall tale of where they have fallen not far-left progress i side of their party they are so abride of the pro-hamas, pro-palestinian part of their party that they don't even want to show up for netanyahu's speech to our congress right here in the united states. stuart: got it. congressman steube, see you again soon. thank you, sir. >> anytime. stuart: check those markets, please. the sea of red ink is still there. we have the dow down 260 to, the nasdaq's down 330.
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323. still ahead, biden's health concerns persist. dr. marc siegel on what he makes of the president's first public appearance. morgan ortagus will explain china's middle east moves. where are they -- what are they angling at? democrats rushing to support kamala harris and ignore her track record. tennessee senator marsha blackburn if on that. the 10:00 hour is next. ♪
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stuart: don't start now. good morning


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