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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 24, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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hould be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go. >> let's not kid ourselves, this thing is going to be a
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horse race, which she has in the next couple of weeks some real opportunities to build on what is already happening. >> kamala harris never gotten one single vote to be the nominee of major party. not in 2020, and not this year. not not one hope. last time she ran for president, tulsi gab bard ended her cam main fast. >> who's running the country? >> they're so afraid of the pro hamas, pro hall sinequan part of their party they don't want to show up for netanyahu's speech to our congress. >> this woman has no record whatsoever. she's a thorough california progressive, bernie sanders with liplipstick if you will. ♪ stuart: i love it, tom petty.
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it's a great song. hi, everybody. it's 11:00, serious stuff going on here on the market. look at that market selloff and 413 points and dow is down 325 points. if you show me big tech, how it's affecting those indicators and first off microsoft is down $10 and apple is down $3. sorry, apple down $5, nearly $6. taken together, they're taking 115 points off the dow industrials. those two stocks alone. and the rest of big tech is hammering the nasdaq down well over 400 points at this point. the yield on the 10-year treasury not having any impact on the markets so far this morning. it's down at 4.21%. down three basis points, market selloff. now this, so kamala harris is the anointed one chosen in back
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rooms because party leaders didn't want a divisive competition between rival candidates. it's a coronation and democrats are rallying around her to give a sense of euphoric unity but not everyone is happy. viewers of this program have often heard me sing the praises of brett stevens, a new york times editorial writer. his latest column is titled "democrats deserve a contest, not a coronation". in his opinion, the back room choice allows party leaders to ignore the obvious weaknesses of harris' candidacy. for example, she's unpopular. as of monday this week, 52% of voters do not approve of her. she hasn't had a positive approval rating in three years. she does not have a good campaign record. she won only one competitive race and that was for california attorney general and won that by less than 1 point. she's a bad manager. there's a constant churn among her staff. stevens said she has a pension for what he calls excruciating
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burralty and that's not a good quality. it's full-time for us to do what we've been doing and that time is every day. that's crazy all right. trump will exploit this kind of thing and convinces many voters that harris is a lightweight. she's a san francisco liberal, out of line with most americans. all these weaknesses could have been exposed if it had been a contest among candidates and party leaders went for coronation instead. stevens believe it'll end in failure "decide in haste, repent at leisure" he says and i think he's right. third hour of varney starts right now. stuart: lisa boothe joining me now. lee s harris has obvious weaknesses and why are democrats so fervently supporting her? >> look at what the media is
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willing to do to try and elect her? just a month ago, stuart, we were told that videos, raw footage of joe biden clearly showing cognitive decline, those were cheap fakes. anyone saying otherwise was a liar. and then we saw the debate where hysterologied to even walk on the stage and americans saw with their own eyes what the truth was that joe biden was slipping cognitively and not up to the teskying and democrats were the party elites and donors and set joe biden up with the early debate to take him out and strong arm him and bully him out of running for reelection and then they even stalled kamala harris with even getting a single vote in a primary or caucus. look at what the media is willing to do to protect and help the democrats to push propaganda and look at what the democrat party is willing to do. do you think that anything is beneath these people? stuart: no, i don't. think think this is their last great hope. they can't switch courses again. it's kamala or nobody.
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they've got to rally around her if they want to do anything in this election. >> well, i've been saying that for awhile that if it's not joe biden, it'll be kamala because what are they going to do? admit to us that we not only majorly screw up with joe biden and got it wrong with the vp as well. we have diverse to the best of my recollection equity skin collusion and not skipping over the first female president and first female african american president. all the firsts they're obsessed with. it has to be here and they've anointed her and it's a coronation and installation. look, the thing is both parties right now are in a race to define her and she has high name id because she's been the vice president and a lot of americans know who she is and know in the context in the presidential candidate and seeing the trump campaign preparing for the debate and preparing for kamala harris and up for advertising, blaming her for the coverup, owning joe biden the biden administration's failures and also for being a san francisco
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liberal, someone wildly out of touch with every day americans. stuart: kamala harris leads donald trump 44-42 in the latest riders poll. this was taken monday and tuesday of this week, right in the middle of the action. is this just a temporary bump for harris? >> well, there is one poll and what i'm more interested in is seeing the state breakdowns in the battleground states. we don't have great polling there yet and we'll know a bit more. everyone is in the field now and we'll get better answers on that there's a honeymoon period right now. i've been of the mind that the race would tighten initially if a reaction to a new race essentially; right. we now have a new candidate on the democrat side, but i would wait, let the dust settle a little bit and give it a few weeks. let the impact of some of the advertising panning her as a san francisco liberal hit the public and let them digest and we'll see where the polls lie. is this the new normal in terms
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of polling? i know that yet, stuart? i don't think she's yet been painted -- i don't think americans fully know who this woman is yet. i really think we can't tell -- we're not there yet if i'm being honest. stuart: lisa, thanks for being with us. see you soon. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: we need to check the markets. and a lot of red ink out there and dow off 400 and nasdaq down 430 points. and david suzu ski joins me now. we planned to talk about the housing market and your concern about the housing market and i want to talk about what's going on on the market this morning. how do you explain a 400 point drop for the nasdaq and 400 point drop for the dow? what's going on? >> good morning, stuart. the drops are based on the market being a little overheated and last week tech sectors experiencing significant selloffs and came with a lot of volume so this tells me that big
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traders right now are selling and they're taking some profits and raising some cash and maybe taking one out of warren buffett's book sitting on more cash than ever in berkshire athletics directorway's -- hathaway's history and the tech stocks are running hot and maybe cooling off. stuart: we have earnings coming up in eight days and final out how they're doing financially and i'm talking big tech now. those earnings reports will be very important. will they stop the rot or where they reinforce the rot and send stocks down further? which way do you see it going? >> we're seeing profitability in the corporations and specifically the largest and that's likely to continue at least for the short term and if we see a pullback here today, i expect that to be short term right now just given the liquidity and what the fed still has the ability to do. but ultimately it comes down to
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the consumer and if you can see how the con super is doing and see how the economy ends and you happen might not be in step with what we're seeing in prices here. stuart: would you advise your people to do any bottom fishing? dip buying on big tech? today? >> absolutely. stuart: you would? >> yes, absolutely. i'm buying today. stuart: what are you buying? >> so we've got an ai revolution. i think apple is really going to be positioned very well here in this revolution because of the new chips that are coming out, new phones that will be likely coming out fourth quarter this year. big organizations on a ton of cash and amazon really solidify itself within the economy and my kids don't know how to buy things in this world normally. they say get it on amazon. a lot of trends continue to move forward and we'll see them drive the market up higher. stuart: dip buying is your tip
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of the day. david, thank you for joining us. appreciate it. >> appreciate you. stuart: lauren, disappointing earnings from tesla and stock down 11%. lauren: i know, and now a downgrade with a 20% downgrade to the share price and ai already priced in. they reiterated their sell. as we've discussed or show, tesla reported lowest profit margins in five years because they've cut prices on evs and they're postponing the new stuff, the growth catalyst whether that's the robotaxi or the cheaper car. stuart: there's a company called lamb western, i know that they supply potatoes to mcdonalds. why are they down 27%? lauren: a double miss in earnings report but the commentary was terrible. global visits to restaurants are down because menu prices are up and that trend is likely to last for the next fiscal year. stuart: wow, 26%. lauren: yeah. stuart: that's a hit. ulta. lauren: downgraded piper sandler and worried about margins and
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ulta is too promotional and get like five e-mail as day, 10% off this, 20% off this and can't sustain it and stock's off 5%. stuart: thanks, lauren. coming up, fec, federal election commission chair said the democrats could have trouble accesses biden's campaign funds. listen to this. >> seems like what the democrat wills do is take the money and republican, give to the harris campaign and not bother to get any fec guidance and just deal with any consequences on that after the election. stuart: sean will explain to me what happens next. primary supporters are so opposed to supporting trump that they're actually backing kamala harris. we'll tell you how haley is responding to that. i don't think she likes it. vice president harris skipping out on benjamin netanyahu's speech to congress but going to a sorority event in indiana. that's an insult to our principle ally in the middle east.
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morgan omorgmorgan ortagus -- ms takes that on after this. more varney after this.
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and peace of mind they deserve. we don't have to worry about whether we lose power or not. if the utility company does not come through, our generac does. after the hurricane happened, we just want to be prepared for anything. 8 out of 10 home generators are generac, with thousands of satisfied customers. number one thing to prepare for is extended power outages. don't make it so hard on yourself, have a generac home standby generator. and owning a generator is easier than ever. special financing and low monthly payment options are available, and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. call or go online now to request your free quote.
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stuart: we've got google and tesla, very disappointing earnings late yesterday. and many novice torrs believe that's create a patent for big tech over the next seven days ds and wig tech way down all across the board and biggest losers on the nasdaq and hub of all the technology companies and tesla
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down 11%. consolation energy, qualcomm down 5%. that's a selloff, especially in big tech. and vice president harris skipping n netanyahu's address o congress and instead will be in indiana. what are they saying about her skipping the netanyahu address? reporter: plenty of other democrats are boycotting this address in support of the war in gaza, it's a scheduling issue she said and not indicative of change in her policy or positions on israel. the event she's choosing to attend today instead though is the historically black sorority zeta phi beta convention and trying to win the key southeasting block of the democratic party and her campaign is laying out its strategy and "multiple paths to victory". in a memo, campaign chair said
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harris polls well with key groups in the democratic base and expand the support in the midterms and the shift in the race opens up additional persuadeable voters largely black, latino and under the age of 30. and the campaign is point-blank layupsing to the enthusiasm since president biden dropped out. in the battleground state of wisconsin had the largest crowd of the cycle according to the campaign and the presumptive nominee pointed to her background as a prosecutor laying out her plan to go after former president trump. in system of articulation in those roles i -- >> in those roles, i took on perpetrators of all kinds so hear me when i say i know donald trump's type. in this campaign, i'll proudly put my record against his any day of the week.
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reporter: this afternoon democratic party leaders are voting on rules for the nomination process and if passed, the delegates could virtually vote on the nominee as soon as next thursday, which would open the door for vice president harris to announce her vice president nominee and her selection after this. stuart: thank you very much indeed. former state department spokesperson morgan ortagus is joining me now. harris snubbing netanyahu but trump will host him at mar-a-lago on friday. what message does that send? >> it shows what a presidency would look like by either of the two candidates if harris will clinch her party's nomination, which she will probably. she's taking a play book out of her boss, president biden's play book and taking a page from that is what i meant to say. he did not pree side in 2015
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over the speech that bb netanyahu gave to congress and biden was upset with bb netanyahu for obstructing cerumen pausing the jcp and iran nuclear deal. he didn't show up either. so there is precedent for this and i it's not good. i don't know why her team is saying it's a scheduling issue and come out and tell the truth she's beholden to an extreme left wing base of the democratic party and they don't support bb netanyahu or stronger ally israel, and she's afraid of them and that's why she's not showing up. it's not a scheduling conflict, she's afraid. stuart: how will this go down with jewish voters, people in the democratic party that are jewish? >> this is what i've been arguing in bipartisan form to jewish voters, take away all the noise and look at israel policy and tell me which that you support. under president trump we had peace and abraham accords and peace deal in 26 years and
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president biden and kamala harris there's been war and chaos. is she not only snubbing israel today, as president if she's elected, we can expect she'll not be a steadfast or supporter of our allie and probably continue -- alley and continue to capitulate as biden has. stuart: in beijing, china brokered a peace deal between rival palestinian fashions and what role does china play in the middle east? >> chinas has been tenacious throughout the world trying to expand their influences and economic conferences with saudi and uae and gulf states and strongest allies in the region and middle east don't feel like they can fully count on us and i've heard it nonstop over the last four years and allies and friends have had to hedge and hedged with china. listen, as americans, we want
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that -- these countries to stand by our side and in the geopolitical region of the world, we want them to take our side. we've been an un-reliable friend and ally and they feel like they need to hedge. does it surprise me? no, it's the same country, china, that broker and agreement between saudi and iran a few years ago and this administration found out and woke up and saw the television news of saudi and iran shaking hands in china. we're not leading autoall. stuart: morg morgan ortagus, als good. thank you for joining us. >> thanks, stu. stuart: several major labor unions urging biden to stop military aid to israel. tell me synergy home, ashley. ashley: i will indeed, stu. in a letter to president biden, they said u.s. military aid to israeli government should stop immediately to bring about a peaceful resolution in the war with hamas according to the unions and president of the
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american postal workers union said this "working people and our unions are horrify that had our tax dollars are financing this ongoing tragedy. we need a ceasefire now and the best way it shutting off military aid to israel. goes onto accuse benjamin netanyahu of violating u.s. laws on foreign aid leading democrats to call on netanyahu as we know is visiting washington this week to resign over his handling of the war in gaza. stu. stuart: thanks issue ash. i've got to tell you on the market, s&p having worst day of the year and nasdaq is having the worst day since july 17th. of this year or last year? it's a bad day for nas damage lauren: on july 17 fell 2.8%. stuart: this is as bad.
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we're down 2.6%. that's pretty bad. coming up, all very familiar with vice president harris' word sackmary lads. here's a few -- salads and a few of her greatest hits. roll it. >> you think you fell out of a coconut tree? just there's something about thf us went to school on the yellow school bus. >> i really love venn diagrams. the circles; right? stuart: the new york times wants you to believe word salads are an endeering quirk. we'll have the story. jay johnson is defending harris and he says she was never really the border czar. does that mean the migrant problem is not her fault? so marsha blackburn take it is on, next. ♪
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ingredients in many clean energy and defense technologies. energy fuels. stuart: the selloff continues and dow down 380 and nasdaq down 360. we better take a look at nvidia. a former high flier. what's happening? lauren: down 3.33%.
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there's a tech selloff and tesla. on the call yesterday, elon musk said they're doubling down on super computer dojo and helps with full self-drives and using nvidia chips. elon musk says, look, nvidia is great, we love the chips, but they're hard to get and they're expensive so they're making more of their own chips. that would be a negative. stuart: all caught up in the selloff. at&t. what's happening there? lauren: it's a winner and says a lot. up over 4%. stronger subscriber additions in the quarter on demand for higher priced plans and many plans are for unlimited data, customers willing to pay for that and added 419,000 subscribers in the quarter. stuart: huge down day and at&t up 4%. take that . lauren, thank you. kamala harris received to high profile celebrity endorsements. from who, ashley? ashley: not that we care but george clooney and melinda
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french gates, bill gates' ex-wife and clooney told cnn biden was saving democracy by withdrawing from the race and he was excited to do whatever he can to support harris in her "historic quest". french-gates said harris is inspiring america and a vision to make it a reality and didn't immediately commit any money to the campaign. harris has received the support of barbara streisand, spike lee, mark hamill, john legend, robert deniro and as we know, celebrities know better. so there you government and apparently netflix cofounder is donating money because they're political experts and we should pay attention. stuart: absolutely and sarcasm is a low form of whit and perhaps the highest form of intelligence. ashley: but very effective. stuart: there we go. thanks issue ash. jay johnson defended harris' handling of the border.
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roll it. >> she assumed the role that vice president biden had during the obama administration and democracy with central america and that was the role she had and he gave it to her. she's not the border czar. it's the secretary of homeland security. stuart: it's a definitional thing. senator marsha blackburn make as welcomed return to "varney & co." this morning. senator, johnson claims that harris was never named border czar. i'm inclined to say so what. my response is that on march 4, 2021, joe biden named kamala harris the czar by saying she was handling the border for the administration so, yes, she was put in charge of that border on
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her watch. you've had 10 million illegal aliens come into this country. now come la harris wants to give them the right to vote and she wants to give them a path to citizenship. the american people know that the biden harris administration, their border policy was an open border and they're living the effects of in their communities every single day and they see the fentanyl, the fentanyl deaths, the crime, the gangs, the human trafficking, the sex trafficking and every town is a border town and every state a border state because of kamala harris not actually getting that border closed. stuart: senator, you left something out if i may say so, in california, illegal migrants get free healthcare across the board. kamala harris will extend that nationally. you can't afford anything like that. it's immoral to boot.
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what do you think? >> well, look at the fact that we can't make certain that our veterans get healthcare, and you have the caseworkers at the va that are taking their time away from veterans in order to schedule healthcare for people that have illegally come in the country and kamala harris has supported doing away with private health insurance and having the federal government as the only provider of healthcare for the american people and there again, that's something the american people do not want. stuart, you're right, california can't afford that, the united states can't afford that free healthcare for all. stuart: i'm going to change the subject for a moment, this is important. the secret service is encould your honoring trump to not -- encouraging trump not to hold large outdoor rallies anymore. that seems to be a restriction on trump's campaigning style,
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isn't it? >> it would be a restriction and of course we're grateful for the rank and file secret service that jumped in to protect the president on july 13th, and we know that the secret service needs to find a way to protect not only president trump but also the current president, vice president, and the other living former presidents. the secret service needs to find a way to do their job. and to do it when these individuals are outside of the building and not put the constraints on them on where they can go. so it's the secret service that -- we've got to dig into what happened on july 13th. get to the bottom of this. see what the advanced planning was and operational planning was on the day of. i'm please that had we saw the resignation of director cheatle.
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she should have been fired on july 13th. but, stuart, you can't just not give answers. you cannot use lack of protection as an excuse. you have to get to the bottom of this. stuart: we have reforms to make. senator marsha blackburn, thank you for being with us today. see you soon. >> you got it. stuart: now, the new york times is spinning kamala harris' history of word salads. they're making it seem like a positive thing. ashley, can you explain this one to me? ashley: not really. the new york types is trying to position harris' unflattering viral moments as celebratory artifacts, whatever that means. amanda hess is the culture critic and wrote a piece called the triumphant come back of harris meme calling the vice president a highly memeable candidate and calling her word
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salads a quirk and not existential threat to american democracy and the times critics say harris' go to catch phrase, which is what can be unburdened by what has been something that has long been ridiculed by conservatives. while shy says it's being reclaimed by harris supporters adding that the incoherence of her phrasing only makes it more interesting as a hook on tiktok. sorry, but that is utter rubbish. bottom line, harris has a problem speaking with any clarity and that's a big problem. stu. stuart: tell it how you see t ash. you just did. i'm going to tell everyone what's coming up now with current technology. we can create 19 weather and climate simulations a day, but with ai, researchers created 70,000 in one day. and the models were accurate. we'll bring you the report. and kamala harris may have
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issues accessing the roadway mains funds from the biden campaign and sean cooksy said democrats are trying to silence him on this. he's next after this. ♪
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what will you do when the power goes out? power outages can be unpredictable and inconvenient, but with a generac home standby generator, your life goes on uninterrupted. because when your generac detects a power outage, it automatically powers up,
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giving your family the security and peace of mind they deserve. we don't have to worry about whether we lose power or not. if the utility company does not come through, our generac does. after the hurricane happened, we just want to be prepared for anything. 8 out of 10 home generators are generac, with thousands of satisfied customers. number one thing to prepare for is extended power outages. don't make it so hard on yourself, have a generac home standby generator. and owning a generator is easier than ever. special financing and low monthly payment options are available, and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. call or go online now to request your free quote.
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stuart: we're following the selloff for you and just as bad as it was an hour ago. the nasdaq is now down 467 points and that is over 2.6% and almost as bad as the big selloff in july earlier this month. 350 points in the paints down for the dow and down 0.87%. microsoft, apple, and visa are three dow stocks and they're all down sharply and they're shaving 195 points off the dow industrials. 8:00 p.m. eastern tonight, president biden addresses the nation from the oval office.
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jacqui heinrich at the white house for us. jacqui, how will he convince the country he's capable of handling the presidency till january? reporter: his party decided for him that father time got the best of him and they've got greater chances of winning in november with a younger candidate, but the white house faced a lot of criticism that it wasn't transparent enough about the state of the president's health in the months leading up to the debate, and they're now under pressure over questions about if he can't lead the par turnovers and to a victory in november and another four years, can he lead the country through the end of his term? press secretary yesterday dismissed all the questions as ridiculous and she was in an appearance on the view, but the president will have to find a way to explain his about face on his thinking on this decision and he should remain at the top of the ticket and it was just a few weeks ago he was saying he is the most qualified and at
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that time, he was defending his decision to abandoned his 2020 pledge, which was to serve as a president and bridge to future generations. >> i think i'm the best -- i know -- i believe i'm the best qualified to govern, and i think i'm the best qualified to win. >> he believed it was the right thing to do for this country, but emotion mall. the right thing to do for this country, the american people is to give it to someone who is incredibly qualified. reporter: biden will have to navigate this new message without calling out party leaders that abandoned him after 54 years in public service. we're focused on how he'll spend the first few monarchies of his term as a lame duck president. >> trying to bring peace to the middle east and war in gaza and continuing to deal as effectively as he has been with ongoing aggression by russia
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against ukraine. reporter: expecting foreign policy golls to be front -- goals to be front and center should kamala harris win in november and plan to clean house and cabinet officials not just looking for jobs but hearing from officials here they're gap eling with their own grief -- grappling with their own grief and questions about their future. stuart: jacqui heinrich, thank you very much indeed. catch president biden's owl office address here on fox business, 8:00 p.m. eastern tonight. the biden campaign's war chest currently holds over $91 million. harris wants access to those funds. federal election commission chair sean cooksy joins me and with us today. if the money is donated to the biden/harris campaign, her name is on that ticket. why can't she get the money? >> well, stuart, it's a complicated question because it's an unprecedented situation to have a nominee drop out
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before the party convention. the main reason is just because of that, because we have kamala harris on the ticket, on the committee paperwork, but she hasn't been formally nominated yet. and raises a lot of yeses whether this is permissible and whether it's an illegal transfer and what the rights of the donors are that thought they were giving to joe biden. i've been raising a lot of those questions, but seeps like democrats aren't really interested in the answers. they want to take the money and run and now they're telling me to shut up. stuart: any doubt in anyone's mind that harris will get the money? it will then be litigated but you don't have a decision till way after the election so the whole point is moot, isn't it? >> at the federal election commission, the wheels of justice turn very slowly. any enforcement matter that starts this week i think is unlikely to get a final resolution before the election, whwhich is only 104 days out and if parties have a problem and want to raise a challenge, they
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need to find a way to get right into federal court. stuart: got t sean, i'm sorry this is so short, but i think they'll get the money. sean, thanks for joining us and see you again real soon. >> thanks for having me. stuart: nicky haley sent a cease and desist letter to a group called haley voters for harris. what's this about, ashley? ashley: the group has no affiliation with nicky haley but claims to be reaching out to a subset of haley voters that will vote their consciouses but haley herself is taking legal action demanding the democrat pact immediately cease and desist from lawful use or unlawful use from name, image or likeness. haley also issued a statement on this saying "kamala harris and i are total opposites on every issue and any attempt to use my name to support her and her agenda is deceptive and wrong".
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if the pack ignores their request, they'll contact the justice department and fbi. stu. stuart: thanks, ark. show me the dow 30. i expect to see a lot of red on the board, and am i right? i'm right. not all red but a lot of it right there. the dow off 350 back just over 40,000 and about three quarters of the dow 30 are on the red. all right, monday. earth -- no, sunday, on sunday earth had the hottest average temperature ever recorded. and is this evidence of global warming? climate guy marc morano takes that on next. ♪
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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- so abraham lincoln once said, "don't believe everything you read on the internet." oh, i see what they did there. misinformation online is real, and so are its negative and harmful effects. stay smart. the more you know. stuart: sound was the hottest -- sunday was the hottest temperature ever recorded on earth for the whole earth. the next day, monday, the word got hotter still with the global average temperature going to 62.87 degrees fahrenheit.
11:53 am executive editor marc morano joining me now. the the hottest day ever recorded on earth, everybody will take this as evidence of global warming. what's your response? >> you have to understand what this is and what this means. every year now they're trying to claim the hottest day ever. go back five, ten years and claim hottest year or decade. now we're reduced to hottest day. climate skeptics have been ridiculed if they say a cold winter or cold winter day or snowstorm is evidence that climate change isn't real and now one day is used as evidence of man-made global warming and this group admit this is is a statistical analysis based on climate models and openly concede they invent temperatures where none exist. they construct through climate models they can control all the inputs and this is statistical garbage. another temperature data shows we're cooler but even this temperature claim, which the
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washington post hype admits it's indistinguishable from the previous year, hundreds of a -- hundredths of a degree difference well within the margin of error in other words it's a political statement to get us scared that the earth is boiling. stuart: is the world hotter now than in the 1930s? >> that's a great question. i'd say the 1930s, great question. joe biden's epa actually shows that -- stuart: well, you're the climate guy. is it hotter now than in 1930s, yes or no? >> probably warmer than 1930s but go back to the immediate evil warming period, a few hundred years before that it was cooler and roman period cooler and periods showing joe biden's epa shows 1930s heat wave in the unit by far much hotter than anything we're experiencing today and 75, 76% of all states set their high temperature record before 1955. that gives you an idea of unprecedented heat and doesn't
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hold up to noaa data or epa or national climate assessment. they know this and this is pure hype. stuart: i'll leave it at that and don't have time to get into this argument. it's all statistical hype. come back at some point. we'll get into this at some point. >> but we are warming -- stuart: all these reports of super high temperatures, 120 degrees in the mideast, and it's just a statistical anomaly. i have to get to grips with this. i'm out of time. i'm out of time. coming on a hard break. see you later. check the markets, please. selloff continues and dow down 340 and nasdaq is up -- down 458. microsoft, apple, and visa are three dow stocks taken together, they're all down and they take 195 points off the dow industrials. nasdaq taking a real beating today and that is down, okay that's down 2.6%. you've got a selloff right there. wednesday trivia question: the
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ocean state in which state -- is which state's nickname: delaware, rhode island rhode island, south carolina, north carolina? the answer when we get back. ♪ ♪ (alarm sound) ♪ amelia, turn off alarm. amelia, weather. 70 degrees and sunny today. amelia, unlock the door. i'm afraid i can't do that, jen. ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ why not? did you forget something? .. future isn't scary. not investing in it is. you're so dramatic amelia. bye jen. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at it's pods biggest sale of the summer is extended. save up to 25% on moving and storage until august 12 and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, use promo code big25 to save.
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12:00 pm
stuart: another good one from our producers. the ocean state is which state's nickname? you have the honor of being first, ashley. ashley: they are all on the ocean but i will go with number 2, rhode island. lauren: i second that, rhode island. stuart: i'm going for delaware. reveal please. the answer is rhode island. the smallest state in the union, boasts 400 miles of coastline, adopted the name in 1972 to promote tourism. the ocean state in rhode island. quick check of the markets. we've got a selloff going on. the biggest losers on the s&p, going down in percentage terms. time is up for us but coast-to-coast starts now.


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