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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  July 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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starting to reorient hair positions here, that maybe we've gone too far too fast sort of like last year so we should position for more risk and owning more high quality names. liz: eric, really quick, we're one week away from the dow announcement, from the fed announcement. what do you think will happen? a surprise rate hike by any chance in july? >> probably a punt until september. that is probably the most likely outcome. signaling but no action for the fed in this current month. liz: wow. big day. thank you, both of you, big voices we appreciate it, sean o'hara, as always eric friedman. s&p and nasdaq have lost their gains for the month. they are both now negative for july but heck there are two more days in the week. [closing bell rings] the dow losing about 493 points. a big show tomorrow once again. that will do it for us. "kudlow" is next. ♪.
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i'm larry kudlow, welcome to "kudlow." a tough, bipartisan speech by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in front of a joint session ever congress. just a moment we'll be joined by house speaker mike johnson to talk about mr. netanyahu's very brilliant speech and some other things but first up i just want to play some clips from the speech itself and i begin with a reaganesque declaration from the prime minister. take a listen. >> for the forces civilization to triumph, america and israel must stand together. because when we stand together something very simple happens. we win, they lose! larry: i love that, we win, they lose. that is one of reagan's favorite lines about the old communist soviet union. anyway throughout the speech the israeli prime minister took great care to conjoin israel and the united states. here is some of it.
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>> our enemies are your enemies. our fight is your fight and our victory will be your victory. larry: there you go. he also took great care to make his appeal a bipartisan one. first to president biden, take a listen to this. >> i want to thank president biden for his tireless efforts on behalf of the hostages and for his efforts to the whos damage family as well. he rightly called hamas, sheer evil. larry: and then a nod to former president trump. here it goes. >> i want to thank president trump for his leadership in brokering the his tore abraham accords. recognizing jerusalem as our capital and moving the american embassy there. larry: but, but, but, mr. netanyahu spared no scorn for pro-hamas protesters when he launched this one. take a listen. >> well i have a message for these protesters.
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when the tyrants of tehran, who hang gays from crains, murder women for not covering their hair, praising, promoting funding you you have officially become iran's useful idiots, yes, useful idiots. he also rebutted charges that israeli troops were using excessive force amongst civilians in gaza. he cited impressive numbers, that israel is somehow starving gaza. listen to this. >> israel enabled more than 40,000 aid trucks to enter gaza. that is half a million tons of food. that's more than 3,000-calories for every man, woman and child in gaza. if there are palestinians in gaza who aren't getting enough food, it is not because israel is blocking it. it is because hamas is stealing it. larry: of course they are. then the prime minister defended the israeli a army, the defense
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soldiers, calling the soldiers, unbowed, umdaunted, unafraid and referred to them biblically as the lions of israel and he made it very clear israel intends to complete the destruction of hamas and continue the fight. and that fight includes the fight against hezbollah, the fight against houthis, and most importantly the fight against terrorist banker and puppeteer iran. then mr. netanyahu concluded with this thought. >> may god bless israel, may god bless america and may god bless the great alliance between israel and america. larry: i will cone conclude with this thought. bibi netanyahu was at the top of his game in the congressional address. i think he did himself and cause of israel a lot of good. president biden is often too ambiguous by supporting our number one middle east ally. the democrats new
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standard-bearer kamala harris too often criticized israel in public, even worse terms in private. israel's natural political ally is donald trump who will meet with netanyahu in mar-a-lago on friday but the prime minister was wise to make today's speech a bipartisan one. the israeli cause is just. its prime minister benjamin netanyahu showed a ton of energy in defending that cause today and i thought it was just what the doctor ordered, all right? my take. anyway, joining us now, great pleasure, speaker of the house mr. mike johnson. mike, thank you, mr. speaker. i know you're very busy with the netanyahu thing which i thought was brilliant and what did you take away from that? what were your key thoughts as you were listening to that speech? >> well i agree your analysis larry. i thought he hit a home run. he needed did exactly what he needed to do.
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strength on the part israel. commit to the return of hostages both american and israeli hostages and clarify what the mission is there. we must defeat and vanquish hamas and ultimately iran. iran of course is using production services, hamas, hezbollahing, houthies all the rest. it all has the same root of the problem. i thought he did have a very good job tying it all together. it was a bipartisan speech. that is important. the support of america for israel has always been a bipartisan matter. i was rather shocked kamala harris chose to boycott the speech. she should be sitting next to me and it was pretty shameful and she will have to answer for that. larry: i thought it was master if you recall and i thought it was masterful to conjoin the united states and israel again and again during the speech and thank america for its help. you know, look, joe biden started out, seemed to plea very strong supporter. then he got so ambiguous,
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sometimes it sounded like he was turning against it. what is your assessment of the biden administration and israel right now? >> well it's really been all over the map. that is the problem. that ambivalence has been a problem. we've been encouraging the white house all along to be more forceful, to project strength, to make clear that we're not equivocating between israel and iran. at multiple points along the way they have appeased the wrong party. the biden-harris administration has appeased iran which is the source of the problem and they have questioned israel. they have with held weapons deliveries at certain time. it has been a problem. we have to maintain peace through strength. to maintain peace through strength we have to project strength to do that. i think what bibi did in the room today in the chamber was very important and i think we got democrats in the room to applaud at the right spots but many of them sat through some of
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those comments. that is a concern. larry: it always is. move to other topics. mr. speaker you're putting together with hakeem jeffries, a bipartisan task force, that may not be the right term, whatever you're going to call it to investigate the secret service catastrophe and the near assassination of former president trump and i wondered whether you would talk to it because i have said to some of our guests this week while i'm 100% in favor of such a task force i sure don't want to let the fbi leadership in washington or the secret service leadership in washington or the justice department leadership in washington, i don't want them to be able to use their usual tricks and whitewash their mistakes and hide from the american people what happened and, you know, let the swamp win this one once again because, the stakes were so high, as the former president himself has said, only by the grace of god is he around today and so forth
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and so on. can you just tell us a little bit about this task force and who is going to staff it up, sir? who is going to do the staff being and the actual investigating? >> great questions, larry. the reason for the task force is precisely what you just outlined there. we have to move with precision, to be precision and accurate. have to get answers for american people and accountability that the american people are owed. you're right, president trump is here but for the grace of god. it could have gone just one centimeter difference we're having a totally different conversation. we're happy that the director of the secret service resigned but she took a week 1/2 too long to do so. it should have happened i am male. i called upon president biden to fire her. of course he took no action. we've had a lack of leadership and really many lapsers in security. so the purpose of the task force is to move quickly with precision, if they will have subpoena authority the resolution will pass on house floor today. there will be seven republicans, six democrats.
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people that populate this committee are folks with expertise and insight into issues that will be investigated. objective to move quickly, get answers to make sure this doesn't happen again. as you noted stakes are far too high. larry: one thing occurs to me, as a layperson this is not my field of expertise. i hopep your investigators will be experts. i would like to know how the secret service agent in charge of pittsburgh who presumably ran this butler field operation i would like to know what all of the secret service agents who were present on the field that day, what were they thinking? when you look at the timeline and the discoveries and the information, and what the ordinary folks attending the rally were doing, it is just inconceivable they let former president trump on the stage, at whatever it was at 6:02 p.m., inconceivable. >> inconceivable is the right word. we're all scratching our heads figuring out how in the world such mistakes could have happened.
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i don't think there was a big conspiracy. i think it was utter incompetence at highest levels and the stakes are so high, it is so dangerous. we to get down to the bottom of it. we have to insure the secret service can do its job. its primary mission is to protect our initials, former presidents and hue executives in the government. it airs simple mission, important one, it is a complex one. we need people in place who can handle that. on the night of the failed assassination attempt, within six hours of event i was on the phone with secretary mayorkas at dhs, the buck stops at his desk, i asked him very simple questions like the one you asked. i asked were there drones? did we employ drones in the area? he couldn't answer the question. doesn't appear that happened. there were lots of lapses. i think the information will be alarming but it has to get out there. larry: do you think the task force will report by when? >> they have a deadline for a final report in early december but we expect intter rim reports along the way as they uncover
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the information. the objective will get it out as quickly as possible. we will have serious people doing serious work and i'm confident we'll get that done. larry: one last one, mr. speaker, you're always wonderful with your time, we appreciate it as always. there is an odd story i guess, we have a president of the united states, but he will not be his party's standard-bearer. that will be his vice president. some ask who is in charge. yourself said they disenfranchised 14 million, small d democratic voters. you have rumors out there. democratic bigwigs pressured him with the 25th amendment if he didn't step down. you have other rumors he might resign from his post as president. in general, it's like, i'm trying to figure out who is on first and what's on second. that was on old abbott and costello routine when i grew up. i don't know whether you knew them either. what do you think about this whole story? >> remember the reference and it
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feels like abbott and costello around here right now. we're asking the same questions. i cease to be amazed by the biden-harris administration. it is the keystone cops running the oval office up there. who knows what joe biden will come up with. he will stick close to a teleprompter i an assure you of that. we made the point if he is not fit to run for office for four months, he is certainly not fit to run the greatest nation and the lead be superpower in the world. i think this is a tough, obvious truth everybody can see with their own eyes. what we're concerned about, larry, our adversaries can see that as well. we live in a very dangerous time. we don't want russia, china, north korea, any of their allies to think in any way this is opportunity. i say to you at end of each one of these interviews, i'm letting our adversaries, know, the united states congress, the united states military, the american people are ready to act in our interests at any moment. the drama surrounding joe biden has nothing to do with the resolve of the american people. larry: that is a very important
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point, thank you for that. the other thing is all the democratic leaders including ms. harris is praising joe biden to the high heavens. he did the greatest job in the history and all the rest of it. my thought is, you know, mr. speaker, if he did such a good job, why are you dumping him? wait a minute we're dumping him because he is too old, too fragile, his cognitive skills, but you told us a few weeks ago he was fine. from the top to the bottom every one said he was fine. he did a great job. is really fine, no health problems at all, therefore i can't figure out why they got rid of him. i don't understand it, sir. i'm not that good at politics. >> think said he was more than fine. he was quite literally running intellectual circles around the staff. he was working harder than anyone. he was going to compete in the owe olympics if you listen to them. kamala harris was the lead coverup agent.
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they painted themselves into a corner because they said things they knew were not true for a long, long time. they did a big disservice to the american people, i think the american people the ultimate poll that matters is november 5, and i think it with will go well for president trump. larry: yes, sir. mr. speaker mike johnson. we very much appreciate for your time. talk again soon. >> thank you. >> what will joe biden say in the oval office address tonight. some folks are wondering if he is going to resign? i don't know. we'll ask senator eric schmitt. he is a smart guy. he will probably know. all that and more when "kudlow" returns. voltaren... for long lasting arthritis pain relief. (♪) ♪ oh in a valley, where the mountains glow ♪ ♪ are the hardest-working folks ♪ ♪ that you ever could know ♪
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plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to larry: one piece of non-political news stocks tumbled big time today i guess after disappointing big tech earnings, our own will gerri willis standing by with more. what do you think? >> larry, ouch. earnings from gig tech companies disappointed investors. the s&p 500 and the nasdaq having their worst day in two years. let's take a look at the close. here is what happened. the dow is off 504 points. that is oaf a percent. the s&p off 128. the nasdaq down 654. that is 3 1/2%. it was lackluster it results
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from tesla and google fueling fears that the dominance of megacap stocks may be ending. trouble for google came in the form of high capital spending weighing down profitability while tesla reported weak ev demand, profit margin fell to a five-year low. now the other big tech cap stocks like microsoft, moved lower. microsoft by nearly 3.6%. defensive sectors at the close doing the best. utilities and health care names doing very well indeed. larry, whoever said that earnings are the mother's milk of stocks, well, the converse, no earnings, it is like poison, right? larry: profits are the mother's milk of stocks. i said that about 35 years ago. it is one of the few things i got right. thank you, gerri willis. >> you're welcome. larry: we appreciate it very much. joining us now is missouri senator mr. eric schmitt.
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mr. schmidt, welcome sir, as always. i'm not going to ask you about stocks and profits and all the rest of that, although feel free if you have a strong opinion, but what i am interested in, among other things, what is, what is joe biden, president joe biden not democratic standard-bearer, but president joe biden, what is he going to say tonight, and what exactly do you think happened making him step down after denial, denial, denial? >> well i think it's important to put this speech or whatever he is doing, this address tonight in context. larry, we're about five weeks removed from you know the white house claiming that the videos of joe biden looking lost were cheap fake. now that feels like a thousand years ago but it is like a month 1/2 ago and i think what the debate proved, it showed in prime time what everybody knew, that the mainstream media was covering up that this guy isn't capable, right? so i think they got to him because they don't think he can win. that is the only thing that
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changed here. everybody knew he was having these issues but they knew he was going to lose to trump. the democrats decided i guess to disenfranchise tens of millions of voters, to install the elites, install their elected candidate which is totally bizarre. if he had any honor at all he would resign tonight. but he won't. he won't resign, he should. if he is not capable of being a candidate, he is not capable of being president. i called this week, larry for the 25th amendment to be invoked by the cabinet. larry: that leads me to two related questions. number one, some people are speculating, in the media and so forth, that the bigwigs in the democratic party, i guess barack obama on down but i will just call them bigwigs because i don't know much about the democratic party anymore. i haven't been a democrat in over half a century. but they're saying that mr. biden was bullied. that if he didn't step down they were going to somehow push the
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25th amendment to get rid of him all together, just dump him all together, you put any credence in that? >> it's possible. i wouldn't put anything past them because the only thing the democrats are guiding principle is power and control. it is certainly not about a democratic process. it's certainly not about you know, not trying to put your chief political opponent in jail for the rest of his life. not any problem censoring americans they disagree with. they're willing to bulldoze, all the norms, everything to win. when they finally came to the conclusion biden couldn't win, they pushed him out and they were successful. i think something like that happened larry because after the nato summit a few weeks ago, he was defiant. nothing changed nothing changed between now and then. i think they made a real run at him to step aside. larry: other sort of semibizarre thing in this whole story, now the last day or two, as this
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dirty deed is done you have ms. kamala harris around all the bigwig democrats aforementioned praising joe biden as the greatest president since george washington, perhaps even exceeding the presidency of george washington. so my thought is, being a simple-minded kind of guy, if he was such a good president why aren't you running him again? >> yeah that's right. the path he is the worst president this side of woodrow wilson, there is no doubt about that. but he was committed to running. he wanted to run against president trump one more time. he was going to lose. like i said the democrats have their convention. they wanted to make a move. but look, they're putting kamala harris into this royal -- role now. i liken it to a football analogy. everybody likes the backup quarterback until the backup quarterback gets in the game until you realize that is why he is not the starting quarter
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back. she will be exposed in ways since the primary where she had to bow out very early. she will be exposed as border czar. 10 million people are here illegally. for the green new deal. displaces thousands of workers. once they examine the record, she will be problematic for them. now it is only thing they can do. trump fares well against her as well. larry: just on the border czar issue, that is such a hot topic, open borders, the crime wave gone along with the open borders, lack of public safety, become as national issue, with the economy and inflation, just on the border, i don't see how she can possibly defend, first of all the biden position on open border, as you say, 10 million with all the attendant crime fentanyl, drugs so forth, so on. she herself is more than anything more radical. she never talked to any of the border patrol chiefs. she has always defended and wants to provide financial
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assistance to the illegal immigrants coming across the border and i will just add to that, way back in 2020, when we had to go through those awful riots in various cities, during the covid year, she was a defund the police person. how are they going to get around that? how are they going to get around that, as you say the backup quarterback is now in play, it is third down and 12, how will they deal with that? >> here comes the blitz she doesn't know how to check down, she doesn't have that in the playbook, right? she is in real trouble, once she is exposed who she is she is out of step with real america. she was the most liberal senator, more liberal than bernie sanders during her time in the senate. called for eliminating all criminal violations if you come here illegally. she wants them to be civil violations. full-blown open borders and amnestied. full-blown defund the police. talks about reimagining policing. talking about taking money away from police departments.
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once this stuff comes out the honeymoon will last however long it will last. once we get past labor day, larry the campaign is in full swing, people will have a choice when they were prosperous, when they were safe, we had a secure border, versus the most radical nominee any party has ever had in the history of this country. that will be the choice. larry: yes, sir. senator eric schmitt. thank you, sir as always. we appreciate it. >> thanks, larry. larry: folks we'll talk to newt gingrich, former speaker newt gingrich. we have today's speaker and former speaker. newt gingrich said president trump has had an amazing nine days, fortunately by the grace of god she is still around. don't miss our live coverage of president biden's oval office address tonight starting at 8:00 p.m. eastern time, you can watch it right here on fabulous fox business. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back.
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larry: all right, former speaker, and my dear friend
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newt gingrich said president trump has had an amazing nine days, quote, we just lived through a truly historic of unpredictable and profoundly dynamic events. even as i live through them i couldn't process everything that was happening immediately. boy, do i agree with all that. joins us now, newt gingrich, former speaker and fox news contributor. newt, it was information shock, that's for sure but i mean, the headline to me, i just unleash you on this thought, by the grace of god, mr. trump survived an assassin's bullet by the millimeter, grace of god, as former president said but it goes into what i thought, the most positive, remarkable, good vibe, growthy republican national convention, probably the best one we've seen in a long time. by the way the rnc convention was sew good, it was a knockout
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punch and joe biden for the democrats. they still don't know what to do by that convention. i leave it leave it to you, you can take the bit and run with it, mr. speaker. >> well, this was my ninth convention. first of all i don't think you can overstate the providential nature of president trump's survival. he is looking over here. he comes back at exactly the right, so the bullet which would have hit him in the head hits his ear. he could have been dead. we would be in a totally different country at this point. that really set the stage for everything. in all nine conventions this was the most unified, the most enthusiastic and i thought very professionally done. calista and i were both given a chance to talk to the convention and the country. she did on religious liberty and i did on national security and foreign policy and the people were very attentive. they wanted to learn, they wanted to be involved. they knew how historic this was
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going to be. i think jd vance's introduction was very effective. his wife was charming, although i have to say i think that ty trump, the the granddaughter probably stole the show but net effect was very powerful and set them up. on sunday, we were totally relaxed, everything was calm, all of sudden calista says, oh by the way biden just with drew. i thought it was "the babylon bee." to have something posted on "x." larry: yeah. >> it's crazy. larry: just like that. >> so here we are. larry: yes, here we are. >> then, and then we acquired a san francisco radical as the democratic nominee. so it's going to be wild. larry: a couple quick bullets on this, there is so much to talk about, substantivelily i thought
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mr. trump's platform and speech, now, the first part of that speech was incredible, what he described, what he narrated the attempted assassination but, newt, beyond that, much has been written about that, not so much written about the fact that trump gave probably the growthiest speech i ever heard, even going back to reagan. time and time again trump talked about cutting taxes. at one point he talkerred about the laffer curve, revenue went up after we cut taxes. drill, baby, drill, deregulation and growth, growth, growth. that is a very strong statement and i think growth people win. redistributionists lose. i think tax cutters win and tax hikers lose. what do you think? >> well i think first of all that the republican national committee should make a huge effort to get the platform in the hands of every american.
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it is very short. it was personally edited by trump. larry: yes. >> and it is his statement and it's very effective. i think you will find that virtually everything in there, as you know, we run a project called america's new majority project. virtually everything in that platform tracks with what the american people overwhelmingly believe. the better it is understood, the better republicans will do this fall. second i think it is important to recognize that reagan really captured supply-side econmics but reagan was not an entrepreneur. trump really gets the growth thing and trump really understands that you can bring this country back together if everybody's working, if incomes are going up, if there are more goods and services and so i think he has a vision of a very dynamic, very positive american future. i think the more he communicates that particularly, if you contrast it with kamala harris's
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san francisco radicalism, her desire to raise taxes, her desire to kill the energy industry, go down the list of everything she believes, she is far and away the most radical nominee in democratic party history including george mcgovern. she is more radical than mcgovern would have been. larry: by the way mcgovern later in life, when he became an inn keeper in new england, became a capitalist. talked about it at some length. i interviewed him once or twice on a different network. is this not the george mcgovern i learned when i was a child? anyway, newt gingrich -- >> he wrote a great "wall street journal" article explaining that he had been wrong. larry: [laughter]. i'm sorry. newt gingrich, you're the best of the best. all my best to ambassador calista. folks, joining us now florida congressman brian mast and cory mills. gentlemen, welcome. you know you guys, just occurred to me talking to newt gingrich
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who always puts me in a great frame of mind, you've got this san francisco, california, ultraprogressive democrat, this was my riff last night, fellows, you guys are both from florida and i said that i want a red state like florida's economic model which is no income tax, low regulations, pro-business, et cetera, et cetera, instead of the california blue state model. i don't know, i will start with brian mast. it is time to speak up for the florida red state model. that's going to determine this election. >> everybody that moves to florida knows that soon as they move there they get a raise because they're not paying more and more and more in taxes like in new york city or anywhere in california. what do you think about that? >> that is exactly right. the only difference between a new yorker and a floridian is about six months. the minute they look at soft on crime, catch-and-release, taxation they come to the great state of florida which is the
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freest state in the nation and they understand what leadership looks like. but they also understand in florida we know limited government. we don't lock down our citizens of the we allow them to be free as our constitution intended. larry: i know. this is in some sense, mr. trump now resident of florida, this is the florida model versus the california as newt put it, the san francisco model and, it's a "clash of titans." i think i know who is going to win but we'll see. anyway, gentlemen, let me go back, brian mast, what did you think of bibi netanyahu speech today? >> i would say he summed up, one line stuck out to me he summed up the genesis of the war what is going on with the war, to israel every civilian death is a tragedy and to hamas every civilian death is a strategy. that is what this war is all about. larry: wow, that is putting it -- we had a lot of clips. we didn't play that one. cory mills, if i might, i spoke to speaker johnson earlier in
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the show. are you satisfied with this bipartisan panel that will investigate the see cvs service fiasco? will we get to the bottom of it? will we get to the line operators, the agents who were on the ground? will we interview the civilians who were actually there pointing out this horrible kid on the roof and so forth? are you satisfied with what's going down here? >> well, not yet because we haven't actually formed this j-13 commission yet but i do look forward to being able to do a true and thorough investigation not just the events at hand to determine whether it was negligence, dereliction of duty or purposeful intent, i don't think we can take anything off the table without the vision but also what occurred prior to. what was the search engine of the 20-year-old? what 20-year-old does not have a social media presence? what was the encrypted accounts that he had overseas? and also, what has been the response of the federal law enforcement officers in their coordination efforts? i was a counter sniper advance team member with the state
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department for years. i've down about a thousand of these advances and countersniper operations. i tell you we should request the advanced platform, the security plan, the comps plan, as well as countersniper's sketchbook, what they had done with their range fans and where they are determined mitigating threats they received especially a building 160-yards away, line of sight, adjacent to the stage. these are mistakes that need answers. american people need transparency and accountability. not behind closed doors. not in classification, but in front. american people to give confidence this won't occur again. larry: brian mast, what do you expect president biden to say tonight? the whole thing is mystery to me. he is out as nominee but in as president. he was the greatest president since george washington, so why aren't they running him? i don't understand anything about this but i haven't been a democrat in about 55 years. what do you think he is going to say tonight, brian. >> whatever he says it is going to be weak. i say that jokingly but say it
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truthfully. this guy just got pushed out for president it is the same attitude got him pushed out of afghanistan, which was the first major domino. larry: good point. >> the same guy allowed us to be pushed around on the border. that is weakness that is the same guy that got pushed out of this race, and that is leading america so we're told. larry: that is such an interesting point. cory mills, if he is in as such a bad shape they now admit after this coverup of his health and so forth, cognitive abilities or lack thereof, then he is a national security risk as brian mast is suggesting as others have suggested. i mean he really is, because china's watching, iran is watching, russia is watching, north korea, all our enemies are watching very carefully. in order flows what they are going to do. >> exactly right f you're not fit to be able too run for re-election you're not fit to run the country as it is today. our adversaries are seeing this. spiker johnson said in a warning to other adversaries if you think weakness invites
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aggression because of joe biden sitting in the white house you forgot the real strength and might of the united states armed forces. i tell you right now, when it comes to joe biden he talks about wanting to preserve democracy but this is the same party denying millions of people who gave him the electoral votes when it comes to the nomination. now they're denying the voice of american people. i don't want to hear them fighting for democracy anymore. we know president trump is the only one taken a bullet for democracy come to 9 two of them. >> taking a bullet, he is evenly one fighting to make this country worthy of the sacrifice of veterans in my opinion. larry: representatives of the red state of florida. gentlemen, can't thank you enough, brian mast, cory mills. >> thank you, larry. larry: terrific stuff. all right, folks we'll talk to senator katie britt. she says kamala harris is the last person we should entrust our nation's future with. how about that? i'm kudlow. we'll hear from senator katie britt in just a moment.
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kamala harris, as a san francisco democrat, ultraliberal democrat. that is a phrase goes back in time, 1984, great jean kirkpatrick, was a democrat, because she left the party because of san francisco liberal democrats. newt hit it on the head. go through the issues, inflation, crime, the open border, housing costs, interest rates, two foreign wars. i mean ms. harris, i don't get personal, it is not about personal, it is not about policy, but she has taken positions as biden's copilot but also has senator way to the left of even the biden administration it seems to me? >> look, i mean, kamala harris has failed miserably as the vice president of the united states. firstobviously there are very few jobs she actually has but the ones they have given her she has proven she is not up to the
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task. when you think about the border, you mentioned itself, she was self proclaimed, biden gave her the stopsability of being the border czar. what which have is the worst border crisis in our nation's history. contrast to the fact that she actually inherited the most secure border of all time because of president trump and because of his policies. you think about the ceremonial things she is supposed to do, like standing in for the president when he cannot. she was not there to greet netanyahu there on the tarmac. you think about today. here we have prime minister netanyahu giving a joint address. she is supposed to be presiding over that. and she chose to attend a conference instead. look, larry, i have no issue with her attending a conference but the truth is, that conference was five days long. she could have chosen to go at anytime. you know they would have accommodated the vice president when ever she could make it but she chose to do that instead of standing here with israel, showing in fact she does not. she is with the far left-wing of her party and could the no even show up to stand with our great
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ally israel today. larry: i didn't know about that, that that conference was five days long, i did not know that. that is very good information. the other thing, senator britt, you will be our economic expert. i mean as far as the vice president is concerned, look at her track record, 20% rise during the biden term. she was list copilot. she signed onto the spending bills, she was the deciding vote of the misnamed spending reduction act. she is huge regulator, again this is not personal, going down her policies. very much in favor of regulating business. she is very much in favor of raising taxes on successful earners and businesses and she is totally opposed to anything about fossil fuels that might bring down energy costs and might help our national security overseas. again, i'm not getting personal here. these are economic issues she is going to have to defend. what do you think? >> oh, completely and let's not
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forget she said she wants to make sure every migrant who comes here illegally has all of the financial benefits and opportunities that an american citizen has. she keeps going. you mentioned obviously energy. she is of the mindset that america should produce none essentially. we need to be not only energy independent, we need to be energy dominant and she just doesn't get it. you and i know that that not only drives down costs for everyday americans, whether we're talking about when they go to the grocery store, the gas pump or anything in between, but we also know we need to do it for national security purposes. she has not wrapped her head around that. in fact her policies are even more liberal than joe biden. people need too wake up. listen to what she has said. listen to her track record and you will see that she is left of left. she is not what america needs. america didn't need to become california. we need the good, common sense policies of donald trump, securing our border, creating
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stable prices and actually achieving peace through strength. larry: that is important linkage, i have not heard ms. hairs talk about. i never heard her talk about foreign policy in general. to your point, another brit, if you produce more energy produce more coil, produce more oil, natural gas is the ultimate lynner i think, you put more supply on the market, the price will fall. when the price falls iran gets hurt, venezuela gets hurt, russia gets hurt, and even china gets hurt because china's been buying that oil from all these enemies of ours. so all our enemies would be hurt and the united states would win. now i love to hear her on that subject. i never have seen a link between energy security and national security? >> that's right. she has a lot of questions to answer, larry. she absolutely does because when we produce less too it allows our adversaries to hold our
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allies in the palm of their hand. she is not capable. larry: katie britt, thank you ever so much. oh yeah. take a swing at your kitchen reno... we meant that literally. sofi personal loans. low, fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. honestly, i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. great. one more thing to worry about. it was all too hard to deal with in the beginning,
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larry: congrats to prime minister net an ya haw for an absolutely brilliant speech before congress today. now, let's back him up, for heaven sakes. and let's all listen to edward lawrence, in for liz macdonald, up next. edward: thank you, harry. truly an economic legend, larry, i appreciate it.


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