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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  July 24, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm
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l arry kudlow top of news, a stirring forceful tough and bipartisan speech by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in front of joint session of congress, in a moment we'll be joined by house speaker mike johnson to talk about mr. netanyahu's billion speech. but first tonight play clips from the peac speech. >> forces of civilization to triumph america and israel must stand together, when we stststand together something happens we win they lose. >> live that we wen, win, they lose. i love, that throughout the speech. israeli took took great care to conjoin israel and united states. >> our enemies are your
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enemies. our fight is your fight. and our victory will be your victory. >> and he took great care to make his appeal a bipartisan one, first to president biden. take a listen. >> i am to thank president biden for his tireless efforts on behalf of the hostages and hostage families, he rightly called hamas sheer evil. >> and then a nod to former president trump. >> i am to thank president trump for his leadership and brokers the abraham according and recognizing jerusalem as our capital and moving american embassy there. larry: but for netanyahu spared no scorn for pro hamas protesters what he launched this one. >> i have a message for the
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protesters, when the of tehran who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair are praising, promoting and funding you, you a have become iran's useful idiots. larry: a criticism that israel somehow starving gaza. >> israel has enabled more than 40 thousand aid trucks to enter gaza, half a million tons of food, that is more than 3,000 calories for every man, woman and child in gaza if there are palestinians in gaza who are not getting enough food it is not because israel is blocking it, it is because hamas is stealing it. larry: they are. then prime minister defended israeli arm, defense forces
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calling soldiers unafraid, and referred to them biblically as the lions of israel, and made it clear israel intendeds to complete the fight. that fight includes fight against hezbollah, fight against houthis, and the fight against the terrorist banker and puppeteer iran. . >> may god bless israel. may god bless america. and may god bless the great alliance bet between israel and america forever. larry: bibi netanyahu was at top of his game today in his congressional address. and i think he did himself and the cause of israel a lot of good. president biden has too often been too ambiguous about supporting our number one middle east ally and democrats new standard bear
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er kamala harris has too often li criticize israel in public and worse terms in private. israel natural political ally is donald trump who will meet with netanyahu friday in mar-a-lago, prime minister was wise to take today's speech a bipartisan one, israeli cause is just, prime minister benjamin netanyahu showed a ton of energy in defending that cause today. and i thought it was just what the doctor ordered. my take, joining us now. great pleasure, speaker of house mr. mike johnson, thank you for speaker, i know you are busy with netanyahu thing. which i thought of the brilliant, what do you take from that in your key thoughts. >> well i agree with our analysis, i thought he it a home run, he did what he needed to do project strength on part of israel commit to return of hostages
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americans and israeli. and clarify what the mission is. we must defeat and vanquish hack as and iran, iran is using -- hamas ex and iran it has same roost problem, i thought he did a good job of tying it together it was a bipartisan speech, i think that is important, support of america for israel has always been a bipartisan matter. i was shocked that kamala harris chose to boycott the speech today, she should have been sitting next to me up there, it is shameful. larry: it was a masterful stroke appealing in a bipartisan way, and masterful to conjoin u.s. and israel. again and again during the speech, and to thank america for its help, joe biden started out seemed to me strong supporter then he got ambiguous and then sometimes sounded like he was turning
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again it. what is your assessment of the biden administration and israel right now. >> it is really all over the map, that is the problem that af ambivalence has been a problem. we have been encouraging white house to project strength and make clear we're not equivequitying between israel and iran. at many points they have appeased wrong party biden-harris administration apieced iran, which is the source of the problem and questioned israel, withheld weapons deliveries. it is really a problem. we have to protect peace through strength. and we need a strong commander in chief with that resolve, i think what bibi did in the chamber was important, we got democrats in room to applaud at right spots, but many sat through some comments that say concern. larry: always. is let's move to there are
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topics. mr. speaker. you are putting together withwwith what k hakeem jeffries a of c task force to investigate the ca catastrophy. i am 100% in favor of a task force, i don't want to let the fbi leadership in washington or secret service leadership in washington or the justice department leadership in washington, i don't want them to be able to use their usual tricks and white wash their mistakes and hide from the american people what happened. and you know, let the swamp win this one. because, the stakes were so high as president -- former president said only by the grace of god is he around
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today. you can tell us a little bit about the task force and who will staff it up, sir? who will do the staffing and actual investigating? >> great question. the reason for task force is what you outlined we have to move with precision and be efficient and accurate, we have to get answers to american people and accountability. you are right. president trump is here but for the grace of god, it could have done just one scentimeter difference, we're happy director of secret service resigned but she took a week and a half too long to do so, i called on president biden to fire her, of course, he took no action, we had a lack of leadership and many lapses in security, purpose of task force is to move quickly with precision if they have subpoena authority resolution will pass on house floor today, 7 republicans 6 democrats, and people are folks with expertise and insight into
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issues investigated. the object testify move quickly, objective to move quickly, get answers and ensure this never happens again. larry: one thing just occurs to me as a lay person, not my field of expertise. you know, i would like to know how the secret service agent in charge of pittsburgh who presumably ran the butler field operation, what all secret service agents who were on the field that day, what were they thinking? when you look at timeline, and the discoveries, and the information, and what the orde ordinary folks attending the rally were doing this is inconceivable they let former president trump on the stage at whatever time it was inconceivable. inconceivable ist word we're scratching our heads figuring out how in the world such mis
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mistakes could happen. i don't think it was a conspiracy but it was incompetence, we have to assure secret service can do its job and primary mission is to protect our officials. it is a simple mission, and important, a complex one, but we need people in place who can handle that. on night of assassination -- failed assassination attempt, went 6 hours i was on phone with secretary mayorkas buck stops at his desk, i asked him very simple questions, were there drones? did we employee drones in the area, he could not answer the question, does not appear that happened there was a lot of lanc lapses. larry: you believe that task force will respect by when? >> -- report by when? >> a deadline in early december we're expecting interim reports along the way. as they uncover the information objective to get
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it out as early as possible. larry: all right one last one, mr. speaker. we appreciate your time. this is an odd story, we have a president of united states, but he is not going to be his party's standard bearer that thing vice president, some people are asking who is in charge. you yourself have said they disenfranchised 14 million democratic small d voters in course of this you are right about that i am curious to what mr. biden will say. you have rumors out there. democratic big wigs, pressured in with 25 amendment if he didn't step down. you have other rumors he might resign from his post as president. and in general, like, i am trying to figure out who is so first and what's on second, an old abbott and costello routine, what do you think about this whole story. >> i remember the reference, it feels like abbott and
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castello around here right now we're asking the same questions, i cease to be amazed by the biden harris administration, we made point if he is not fit to run for office for 4 months, he is not fit to run greatest nation in world, i think there is a tough and obvious truth that everyone can see, what we're concerned about, is our adversaries can see that as well, we lifs live in a very dangerous time. we don't want them to believe this is an opportunity, i will say you to, i am letting our as ve we're ready, willing to act in our interest at any moment, drama surrounding joe biden has nothing to do with resolve of american people. larry: thank you for that. all of the democratic
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leaders, including ms. harris is praising joe biden to high heavens, mr. speaker, my thought, if he did such a good job, why are you dumping him? wait because he is too old? to fragile? you told us just a few weeks ago he was fine. from the top to the bottom everyone said he was fine, he did a great job, he is really fine. no heal problems, i can't figure out why they got his of him. i am not that good at politics. >> they said he was more than fine but get literally running intellectual circles around the staff, he was competing in the olympics if you listened. kamala harris of the lead prognosticate or, the lead cover-up anxiet
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agent, they painted themselves into a corner, they did a big disservice to american people and i believe that american people will -- i think ultimate poll that matters is november 5, i believe it will go well for trump. larry: mr. speaker, mike johnson thank you, sir. >> thank you, sir. larry: coming up on kudlow, what is joe biden going to say in oval office address? some folks are wonder figure he will resign. -- wondering if he will resign? i don't know we'll ask senator eric schmitt, he is a smart guy, me may know, all thatan and more when kudlow returns. steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. why do some things have to be so complicated? we don't know either stanley...
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larry: one piece of nonpolitical news, stocks tumbled big time after disappointing big tech earnings, jerry gerri willis with more. >> ouch is what investors are saying, stocking plunging as earnings from big tech disappoint investors s&p 500 and nazdaq having worse day in two years, let's look at the close. here is what happened. the dow off 504. over a percent and s&p off 128, nazdaq town 654, lackluster results.
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trouble for google came in form of high capital spending, weighing down profitability and tesla reported week ev demand, profit margins fell to 5 year low. apple and amazon and microsoft all moved lower, microsoft by 3. 6%, defensive sector at the close doing best. utilities and health care names very well. whoever said that earnings are the mother's milk of stocks, converse, no earnings like poison, right? larry: profits are the mother's milk of stocks, i said that about 35 years ago, thank you, gerri willis. we appreciate it. joining us now missouri senator mr. eric schmitt,
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welcome. i am not going to ask you about stocks and profits, feel free if you have a strong opinion. i am interested in among other things, what is joe biden, president joe biden, what is he going to say tonight, and what do you think happened making him step down after denial? >> i think it is important to put speech in context we're about 5 weeks removed from the white house claiming that videos of joe biden looking lost were cheap fakes, it feels like a those years ago but it was just a month and a half ago, the debate showed in primetime, it knew what mainstream media was covering up, this guy is incapable, i think they got
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to him, they don't think he can win, that only thing that changed. the democrats decided to disenfranchize tens of millions of voters to install elite's selected candidate, if he had any honor he would resign tonight, but he wouldn't, if -- if he is not capable of being a candidate, he is not capable of being president.. >> number one, some people are speculating in media, that the big wigs in democratic party i guess barack obama on down, but i'll call them big wigs, i don't think much about democratic party any more. they say, that mr. biden was bullied. if he depar he didn't step down they would
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somehow push 25 amendment to get rid of him all together, you put credence in that? >> it is possible, i wouldn't put anything past them, only th thing democrat guiding principle is power and control, it not about a democratic process, not about you know not trying to put your cheap political opponent in jail for the rest of his life, not problems with sensors americans they dis disagree with, when they came to conclusion that biden could win, they tried to push him out, and they were successful, i think that had to have happened. after that nato summit, just a few weeks ago, he was defiant. nothing changed. i think they had to you know, made a real run at him to move, step aside. larry: other sort of semi bizarre thing is the last day or two, as this dirty
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deed is done. you have ms. kamala harris and all of the big wig democrats, praising joe biden as the greatest president since george washington. perhaps exceeding the presidency of george washington. so my thought is bying a simple mined guy, if he was such a good president, why are you not running him again. >> right. the fact is he is the worst president this side of woodrow wilson, there is no doubt. he was committed to running, he wanted to run against president trump one more time. he was going to lose, and the democrats have their convention they wanted to make a move. they are putting cam into this role, i liken it to a football analogy, everyone looks back up quarterback until they get in the game, you realize there is a reason why that is not the starting quarterback. there are holes in the game, she will be exposed in a way shes on not been since the
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primary she had to bow out early. and she will be exposed, she is the border czar, we have 10 million people here illegally, she is for the green new deal, displacing blue collar workers, right now it all they can do, trump i think fairs well against her. larry: a moment on border czar issue that is a hot topic, open borders, crime wave with that open border, and lack of public safety. i know with the economy and inflation but on the border, i don't see how she could possibly defend, the biden position on open borders as you say 10 million, with all of the crime and fentanyl and drugs. and so forth. but she herself is more radical she never talked to any of the border patrol chiefs, she has always defended and wants to
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provide financial assistant to the illegal immigrants coming across the border, i will add to, that way back in 2020, we had to go through the awful riots and various cities during the covid year, she was a defund the police person. how will they get around that? how will they get around that? the back up quarterback is now in play, third down and 12, how do they deal with that? >> here comes the blitz and she does not know how to check down, she? real trouble, once she is exposed with who she is she is out of spend with america, she most liberal senator more than bernie sanders during her time in the senate. she called for i eliminating all criminal violations. s, she is full-blown open borders and full-blown defund police, once this stuff comes out, honeymoon
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will last for however long, once we get past labor day and campaign in full swing, people will have a choice, they will have a choice between when they were prosperous and save safe and we had a secure border, versus the most radical nominee that is the choice. larry: senator eric schmitt thank you, we appreciate it. >> thank you. larry: we'll talk to newt gingrich. former speaker newt gingrich. we have today's speaker and former speaker, newt gingrich says that president trump has had an amazing 9 days. amen to that. by the grace of dpo god he is still around. >> and don't miss our special live coverage of president biden oval office address, starting 8 p.m., eastern time, right here on fabulous, fox business. i'm kudlow, we'll be right back. [farm animal sounds] ♪
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larry: former speaker, my friend, newt gingrich said president trump had an amazing 9 days. i could not process everything that was happening. immediately. i a d agree, newt gingrich joining us. it was information shock for sure. i mean. the headline to me, unleash on this thought, by the grace the god mr. trump survived in assassin's bullet. and then it goes into what i thought was the most positive remarkable good vibe growthy republic national convention. probably the best that we've seen in a very long time, i think by the way that rnc convention was so good a knock out punch for biden
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and democrats, they still don't know what to do about it i'm leading it to you, you can take the bit and run with it mr. speaker. [ laughter ] well, this was -- you know this was my 9th convention. first, i don't think you can over state the pr providence shall nature of mr. trump, he looked at right second the bullet that could have hit him in the head hit him in the ear, he could have been dead. in all 9 conventions it was most unified, most enthusiastic and i thought very professionally done. callista and i were give''s chance to talk to convention and country. and people were very attentive, they wanted to learn and be involved.
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they knew how historic this would be. i think that jd vance's introduction was effective, his wife is charming, i think that tai trump, the drgranddaughter probably stole the show, but it was powerful and set them up, on sunday, i remember, we were relaxed. it was calm. and then callista said, by the way biden just withdrew, i thought it w baba babylon bee, here we are. larry: yes. >> then we acquired san francisco radical, as democratic nominee. it will be wild. larry: couple quick bullets on this. so much to talk about.
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substantively, i thought this mr. trump's platform and speech, now the first part of that speech, was incredible he described narrated the attempted assassination. newt, beyond, that much has been written about that, not so much written about fact that cr trump gave probably the growthiest speech i heard even back to reagan, time gain trump talked about cutting taxes he did the laffer curb at one time -- curve at one time and talking about drill, baby, drill and deregulation and growth. that say very strong statement, i think that growth people win, redistribution is lose, i think tax cutters win and tax hikers lose, what do you think? >> well i think, that the republican national committee to make a huge
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effort to get that platform in the hands of every american, it is very short, and edited by trump it is his statement and very effective, everything in there as we run a project, america's new majority, everything in that p platform tracks with when american people believe, the better it is understood the better republicans will do this fall, it is important to recognize that reagan captured supply side economics, reagan was not a entrepreneur, trump gets the growth thing and understands that you can bring this country together if everyone is working and if incomes are going up and there are more goods and services, he has a vision of a very dynamic, positive emergency future. and i think more he communicates that particularly if you c contrast with kamala harris
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traps san francisco radicalism, she is the most radical nominee in democratic party history, including george mcgovern. larry: mcgovern later in life, he became an inn keeper, he became a capitalist. is it not the george mcgovern that i learned as a child. >> he wrote a great "wall street journal" article. explaining he was wrong. larry: that is the one. [ laughter ] i'm sorry. newt gingrich, you are the best of the best. all my best to ambassador callista. >> joining us now florida kaj congressman brian mast and cory mills, it occurred to me talking to
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newt gingrich. you have this san francisco, california ultra progressive democrat. that is my riff last night. you are both from florida. and i said, that i want a red state like florida economic model, which is no income tax. lower regulations, and pro business, and et cetera and et cetera. instead of the california blue state model, i don't think, i'll start with brian mast, time to speak up for the florida red state model that will determine that election. >> everything that moves to florida knows that as soon as they move there they get a raise they are not paying more and more and more in taxes like in new york city or anywhere in california. what do you think? >> that is right. only difference between new yorker and floridian is 6 months. the minute they electric at look at soft on crime,
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catch and release they come to great state of florida, they understand real leadership and we know limited government we don't lockdown our citizens we allow them to be free as our constitution intent neighborhood this is some some sense. are in trump as r respir-- trump a resident of florida. it is a clash of titans, i think i know who will win. let me go back, brian mast, what did you think of bibi netanyahu's speech. >> i would say he summed it up, one line, jen i genesis of the whar war, he said to israel every civilian death is a tragedy and to hamas every civilian death on a strategy that is what the war is about. larry: cory mills, i spoke with speaker johnson. you are satisfied with the
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bipartisan panel that will investigate the secret service fiasco will we get to the bottom of it line operators and agencies on ground, and interview civilians who are there pointing out the horrible kid on the roof. are you satisfied with what is going down? >> well, not yet, we have not actually formed this commission yet, i do look forward to being able to do a thorough investigation was not just t the, ve events at hand. but also what occurred prior to. what was search engine of 20-year-old, what 20-year-old does not have a social media press sense, what was encrypted accounts overseas and response of federal law enforcement officers. you know i was a counter sniper in advance team
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member with state department for years, i have done about a thousand, i can tell you we should request advance platform, security plan comps plan and counter sniper sketch book to understand what they did with range fans and where they determined mitigates measures there are gets they perceived with the building 160 yards away, line of sight adjacent to stage. american people need answers, not beline closes doored, not in classification but in front of american people to give confidence it will not occur again. larry: brian mast what are you expecting president biden to say tonight this say mystery to me, he out of nominee but in at president, he was greatest president since george washington, why are they not running him, i don't understand it. i have been a democrat in about 55 years, what do you think he will say? >> whatever he says it will be weak. and i say that jokingly, but
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truthfully. this guy that just got pushed out for president. is the same attitude that got him pushed out of afghanistan. the first major dom domino, the same guy that has been allowed to push out out at the border. larry: that is interesting point, cory mills, if he is as in bad shape as they now admit after that cover-up of his health and so forth, he is a national security risk. as brian mast suggests as others have. he really is. because, china is watching, iran is watching, and russia is watching, north korea is rashing, all our enemies are watching, lord knows what they will do. >> that is right, if you north fit to be able to run for reelection you cannot run the country today. our adversaries seeing this. if you think that weakness
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invites aggression because of joe biden in the white house, you have forgotten real strength and might of u.s. armed forces with joe biden he talked about ones to preserve democracy, this the s same party denying millions people who gave him the electoral votes, i don't want to hear them fighting about democracy any more, we know that president trump is only one taken a bullet for democracy.. >> and only one fighting to make the country worthy of sacrifice of veterans in my opinion. larry: representatives of the red state of florida, brian mast and cory mills, house members terrific. >> thank you, larry. larry: we'll talk with senator k katie britt. she said kamala harris is last person we should entrust our nation's future with, i am kudlow we'll hear
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britt in just a moment.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. larry: joining us now, welcome back alabama katie britt. we had newt gingrich on just a few moments ago he talk bodycam kamas a san francisco democrat.
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ultra liberal. a phrase that goes way back in time n 1984, gene kirk patrick, who was a democrat said she left the party because of liberal san francisco democrats. i think you know. as newt does he hit it on the head, you can go through all of the issues. housing costs, and open border, and inflation, crime, and two foreign wars, ms. harris taken positions aas biden's copilot and lift of the administration. >> kamala harris has failed. as vice president of united states first, there are few jobs she has, but ones shoo they have given her, she has
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proven she is not up to the task, you mention border, she was self proclaimed and biden gave her the responsibility of being border czar, we have the worst border crisis. contrast with fact she inher ited most secure border of all-time because of president trump and his policies, you think about ceremonial things like standing in for president when he cannot, she was not there to great netanyahu on the tarmac. then today, we have prime minister netanyahu, giving a joint address, she is supposed to be presiding over that, she chose to attend a conference, i have no issue, but it was 5 days long, she could have chosen to go at any time, they would have accommodated her, she chose to do that instead of standing here with israel, showing that in fact she is with far left wing of her party, and could not show up to stand with our great ally israel
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today. larry: i i didn't know that the conference is 5 days long that is very good information. other thing, senator britt, you are our economic expert. as far as the vice president concerned lock at her track record, the 20% rise in inflation during the biden terms she was his co-pilot and signed on to spending bill, the deciding vote for misnamed inflation reduction act. also, he she is a huge regulator, not personal just down her policies, she is very much in favor of regulating, and in favor of raising taxes on successful erners and businesses, and opposed to anything about fossfossil fuels that might bring down energy costs and help our national security overseas, these are economic issues she has to defend. what do you think?
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>> let's not forget she said she wants to make sure every migmigrant that comes in illegally has all of the financial benefits and opportunities that an american citizen has, she keeps going, she is of mind set this america to should produce no energy, we need to be energy independent and ddominant, she does not get it, we know that drives down the costs for every day americans, whether we're talking about they go to grocery store or gas pump or anything in between we need to do it for national security prelim preli -- purposes here policies are more liberal than joe biden, people need to wake up, listen to what she said and to her track record you will see he is left was left, he -- she is left of left, does not need to be california we need common sense poll seeds policies of donald
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trump achieving peace through strength. larry: i've not heard kamala harris talk about, never heard her talk much about foreign policy. in general. to your point, senator britt, if you produce more energy, just more, okay. produce more coal and oil -- natural gas is ultimate winner. you will put more supplies on the market, price will fall, when the price falls, iran getting hurt. thvenezuela gets hurt, russia gets hurt and china gets hurt because china has been buying that oil from the enemies of ours, our enemies would be hurt and united states would win, i would love to hear her on that subject, i have never seen that link. >> she has a lot of questions to answer, when we produce less too it allows
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much. that's it for kudlow,


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