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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  July 25, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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there's another choice. gentlecure. it sounded like everything i had been looking for. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to larry: in politics and the economy, tax cuts always beat tax hikes, and growthier always wins. kudlow proverb, and next up, the baton goes to tammy bruce for liz macdonald. >> larry, thank you it's an honor to have it tossed to me by you. thank you, sir. have a good night. yes, so this is tammy bruce in for elizabeth macdonald.
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welcome to the "evening edit." right now, we're awaiting vice president harris' meeting with israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu. also is this america's new workforce? >> ♪ >> tonight, former home depot ceo bob narkelli is here on corporate america's new job candidates and new police body cam footage from the day of trump's failed assassination attempt. i can't even believe i have to say that sentence. it has just been released. >> [police radio] >> tonight, we have the full revealing video. also, is billionaire elon musk donating 45 million bucks a month to trump or not? tonight, trump has the answer,
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but first -- >> thank you for your friendship, your long-standing friendship as we all know randy is a force. >> yeah, randy's a force all right kamala harris courting the all-powerful teacher's union today as its president randi weingarten continues to divide and fear monger after the failed assassination attempt against former president trump. the vice president also finally meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu today, this after skipping his address to congress for a sorority convention. critics arguing it was all- in an effort to court these lovely people. >> [chanting] >> which you know, makes me wonder, and maybe you too, is this the picture that democrats really want heading into november? anti-israel radicals cheering the destruction of american
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symbols, while former president trump defiantly raises his fist after someone tries to kill him. and literally, standing up for america. joining me now, from the house arms services, florida republican congressman carlos gimenez. congressman, welcome aboard. there's the new cycle has been so fast. we see shocking things every 10 minutes. it's not even like every month, and now with the news biden's not running, it's a remarkable dynamic that we see. where do you see this going in a sense with the violence, the d.c. police have said that they just didn't have enough people to handle it. what are your thoughts on what we've been watching? >> well, look. this is what we saw yesterday was kamala harris dissing the prime minister of israel, not being where she should have been right there at the joint session of congress, and by the way, he delivered a fantastic speech, but you know, that's just her
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kowtowing to that extremist fringe of her party. the pro-hamas demonstrators that we saw in washington tear down an american flag and burn it, and want to destroy america, and so now today, she's going to meet with netanyahu, so she wants to have her cake and eat it too but she really disrespected him yesterday by not showing up to the joint session of congress. >> you know, that empty seat, and her general attitude, you would think that there be a goal to maybe unify, after everything we've been through, but that seems to just be kind of a trick for them. i would think, you know, the american people are with israel. we understand what's happened ear, and she still does that. it seems as though there is a different kind of agenda going on here. >> well, look. she's got a large number in her own party that are actively supporting hamas. when benjamin netanyahu gave his speech a lot of the democrats, yeah, that were there, sometimes
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they would clap. sometimes they would stand but sometimes they would keep sitting, you know? and a large number of them didn't even show up. >> it's remarkable. >> because they support, yeah, they support the other side. they don't support israel. that's not where america is. >> and certainly it sends a strange message to the world. both our enemies and our friends but i want you to listen to this and get your take, because now that biden's not running, apparently there's no reason to continue to talk to the press. listen to this , sir. >> anyway, thank you all for being here. >> [overlapping speakers] >> remarkable. he's sitting there, with the prime minister of israel, and before we've seen him make strange noises at the press, but certainly not answering any questions. do you think that is the right way for him to handle this departure at this point? >> no, but i think it's
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the best he can do. look we know he's not fit for the job. he's not fit to run for the president of the united states. he's not fit to be the president of the united states and we know it. the gig is up. the gig was up a long time ago with guys like me and the republican party. we knew that he wasn't fit to be president but they try to hide it and see if they could somehow sneak him in one more time and now that he couldn't do it, so they turned on him. they really had a coo, and now they're turning to kamala harris who in 2019 was rated the most liberal senator in the senate, left of bernie sanders. that's the choice we have somebody left of bernie sanders. >> yeah, and we've got the signaling to the world just in the few seconds we have left, apparently we had to turn away both russian and chinese bombers near alaska. is this the kind of thing that it just emboldens the bad guys around the world? >> yeah, they know that we have
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a president that's not fit for duty, and yes, we're going to be tested. the next seven months are going to be very dangerous times not only for america but for the rest of the world because joe biden is our president. >> all right, well thank you, sir for joining us, appreciate it, thank you, congressman. >> it's my pleasure. >> well guess what? they are trying to push me out of the race. let me say this as clear as i can. i'm staying in the race. i am running and going to win again. >> are you 100% undoubtedly running for re-election? >> 1,000%. >> would you reconsider your decision to stay in the race? >> no, unless they came back and said there's no way you can win. me. no one's saying that. no poll says that. >> all right the creepy whispering is back. biden doing his best. his best impression of a president who was not pushed out by the democratic elite and the liberal billionaire donor
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class last night. >> i've decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. that's the best way to unite our nation. i know there is a time and a place for long years of experience in public life, but there's also a time and a place for new voices, fresh voices. yes, younger voices, and that time and place is now. >> wow that's kind of sad, and what a 180, and the liberal media, they laughed it up. >> the kid with the stutter did good. he did good. he fell on his sword. >> he raised the declaration of independence into the constitution. that's lincoln's move. what we saw was a quiet statesmanship. >> i was struck like all of you by the somberness of the speech. >> a powerful speech and a powerful moment in history. >> you know what? the liberal media also seems to have changed their tune.
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>> that was painful. i love joe biden. i work for joe biden. he didn't do well at all. >> right now as we speak, there is a deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic in the democratic party. >> biden's answers were in a lot of cases not coherent. deeply problematic. >> he did not do that. he did the opposite of that. he made them more panicked. the people who were texting me were even more panicked. they actually expected it to be better than it was, and now they're in a, i won't say a full fledged panic but it's getting there. >> well, trump not as impressed. simply grimacing while the image of a befuddled biden played on the tv in the background. his office speech was barely understandable and so bad, he wrote on truth social, the voice of reason, newt gingrich called out biden. >> he didn't decide to get out for the good of the country. he had nancy pelosi and barack
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obama orchestrating an all-out attack that would have destroyed him in the next week or two. this is where we've never seen anything like it in american history. >> well, joining us now, article three project president and founder mike davis. mike, welcome aboard. you know, your organization works to confront the weaponizing of the justice system. there's been a weaponizing of a lot of things that are going on, and yet, we're seeing something unfold in front of us that is clearly not in the constitution, and it's almost like so fast they're trying to do it so that we can't say wait a minute, and stop. what's your take on what we've been watching? >> yup, biden attempted to bankrupt trump, throw him in prison for the rest of his life. throw him off the ballot. he almost got trump killed by not funding his secret service protection and when biden
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failed, these democrat insiders, they orchestrated a bloodless coo and overturned the wheel of 14 million democrat primary voters and ousted him. nothing streams democracy than what these democrats just did to biden. >> almost it feels like the ultimate election interference in a sense, that you know, people pay money for these primaries, every state gets involved and people go to vote. some of them, you know, either by mail or actually on the day of, and they make, they decided this joe biden is not a different man than he was when those people were voting. it really does seem to just be about the polls and the numbers that you can't win with this guy, let's switch them out. so look, with the media, you saw that back and fourth also. there's nothing better to show the american people. first they covered for him that he was sharp as a tack. then they went after him on the night of the debate like oh, my god, the violins in
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the background, and now, he's the third coming after kamala harris is the second coming. he is the bravest man in the world. is this a good example of how americans get tricked by the conversation in media about what's really going on? >> look, i was raised by democrats. tammy you're a recovered democrat. you know how these leftist operate. they only care about power and biden was their useful idiot and he found out the hard way he's no longer useful. >> we've got a cnn clip in the time we have left. i want to play this for all of us to see. let's go with that. >> he is incapable of doing exceedingly difficult jobs. >> excuse me tell me how you know he's manifestly incapable? >> i'm sorry to say this is a sensitive matter where there are a lot of folks talking about this for some time. >> oh, yes my doctor tells me he might have something but he also says but he's not my patient. >> and look the deeper problem, the deeper question is, who is
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actually in charge at any given time. this notion that he's only sharp for six hours of the day? this is an incredibly volatile moment in part because of his failures. >> everything you're saying, i'm sorry, is speculation. let me tell you what's not speculation. >> [overlapping speakers] >> i've actually seen the guy at 9:00 at night. i have seen him after he's had five different events in 24 hours. >> do you think that makes you more objective? >> well you know, mike, mike davis, doesn't that indicate the chaos that's now running the democrat party? that was just chaos. nobody knew what was going on. we've got about 20 seconds here. >> yeah, president trump has the republican party united and strong and president biden has the democrat party divided and in chaos and the person most responsible for this besides joe biden is vice president kamala harris. she's been lying to the american people for years. >> yeah, it is definitely teamwork. no wonder the country's a mess.
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look they're a mess. thank you, sir, mike davis. to a business alert. the lawsuit lives. a los angeles federal judge denying disney's motion to dismiss the lawsuit which was filed by actress gina carono, after she was ousted from the disney plus mandelorian three years ago over social media posts comparing the political climate in the us to the holocaust. disneys stock closing down slightly today, it's also down about 1% this year. coming up now, is billionaire elon musk actually giving trump $45 million a month in donations or not? we have that answer. also, tonight, new police body cam footage from the day of trump's failed assassination attempt, has just been released. >> can't figure out how this guy got here. >> [police radio traffic] >> coming up, and see the full
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video, but first, is this the talent pool american businesses have to hire from? >> oh, well that's lovely. former home depot ceo bob nardella weighs in on the radicalized recruits joining america's corporate ranks right after this. maya knows how quality care can bring out a smile. but it's been a few dog years since she was able to enjoy a smile of her own. good thing aspen dental offers affordable, complete care all in one place. with flexible hours and weekend appointments.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. and schedule your free "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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>> radical anti-israel protesters, many of whom are young and liberal, of course, burning american flags around the capitol yesterday, also clashing with police. >> [inaudible] >> that's just
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awful. they also defaced monuments, of course. [cheering and chanting] >> and if that wasn't enough, they even went on, they went as far as to burn an effogy of netanyahu. >> [applause] >> [cheering and chanting] >> there was some response to this. here's trump responding to fox this morning. >> we have to work in congress to get a one year jail sentence
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where they're allowed to stomp on the flag and put lighter fluid on the flag and set it afire, when you're allowed to do that, you get a one year jail sentence and you'll never see it again, and all over the world, putin and president xi of china, all over the world, they're watching this. >> yes, exactly. now joining me now, former home depot ceo and chair bob nardelli. bob, all of this remains shocking. it's things that you just don't think you would see like hamas is here on an american monument, and yet, you come from the corporate world. these are people inevitably in college. they are studying things. they expect to go into our infrastructure. is this kind of radicalism? i think we've seen it. is that going to destroy american business? what do we do here? >> yeah, well, tammy, thank you for having me on. just by way of background, my mom and dad lived through the depression. they got married at fort bening,
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georgia. my dad is a captain in the army so i grew up in a home where we had tremendous respect and loyalty for this country and the flag, and it pains me when i see that type of behavior out there, and there has to be consequences for bad behavior. has to be consequences for that type of protesting, the defacing, you know, some of our tremendous monuments, so i hope that these individuals understand corporate america, many of the companies have policies where they will search social media, where they will do background checks, so they may not understand it today, tammy, but this could have a strong negative impact on their future careers so they need to think about that as they are out there doing these things in a careless and haphazard way. >> i've already seen, speaking of that, certain social media accounts, collecting the photographs of people and taking still pictures from the videos, because this is the vandalism of federal property.
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it's not just about jail for burning a flag and freedom of expression. this is obviously vandalism, and the destruction of federal property but we already know there's also some law firms that have said proactively, if you are participating in the jew hatred, in the anti-semitism on campuses, you are not welcome here. that's also perhaps a good way to go to let them know there will be a repercussion. >> tammy, we heard that loud and clear with some of the law firms adimate when we saw some of the campus protesting going on. we saw some of the biggest hedge funds, managers talk about they would not hire from universities that support it, this type of action, but i think, again, these young men and women have to understand there's potential consequences down the road for this type of behavior and you need to really make sure that they want to be part of that as opposed to expressing their opinions, again, free speech, and a civilized and
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social manner. >> yeah, that's perfectly said. it's certainly an american university element that we embrace, which is protests and freedom of speech, but this is not that. this is, you know, it's hate, and it's vandalism and it's everything else, but they don't think there's a repercussion, because there isn't in the immediate moment, but, sir, i think that this is making clear that there will be sooner than later. thank you, bob nardelli, appreciate your perspective. >> thank you. >> now to a business alert. southwest reporting a 46% dive in profit last quarter. it's now taking urgent steps to turn that around, one would think. the budget airline plans to start assigning seats and offering an extra leg room product to increase sales. that's of course genius. the stock is actually up now, 5% on net news and down about 20% year-to-date. now, coming up,
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could kamala cause a down-ballot red wave in november? >> there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. >> would you ban offshore drilling? >> yes. >> what is the solution for voters in the fossil fuel industry? >> giving the workers an ability to transition. >> oh, wow transition. the republican swing state candidate behind t t that hadsa. dave mccormick is here to talk about it. >> kamala harris is the most liberal elected politician in american history. did you know that? she's an ultra liberal politician. >> booo. >> she's absolutely terrible.
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>> the assassination attempt on president trump drawing attention to a rural part of pennsylvania that could be vital when it comes to which candidate wins the state and potentially
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the white house. madison alworth is in butler county with the issues driving voters in a county that could make the difference come november. madison? reporter: tammy, all eyes have been on butler county since the tragic events that happened here nearly two weeks ago but the focus will remain on butler because this county could help determine no november's electio. to the eye butler is exactly what you would expect from western pennsylvania. an economy with an emphasis on energy, exploration, agriculture, and manufacturing. but the county is a surprisingly complex place. its gone red twice for donald trump, by a nearly 2-to-1 margin. there's great enthusiasm for trump because he emmulates the values of butler county, the people that live and work here. >> despite that, both parties believe the state and national election could be decided here. >> every other ad is political-based. reporter: it's largely because of this steel mill. cleveland cliffs butler works plant has been in operation for over 100 years.
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jamie is the third generation of his family to work at the mill, but they almost saw their future disappear when the department of energy issued a ruling last year that would have rendered its steel unusable, because of environmental standards, and would have forced the plant to close. nearly 1,500 jobs gone. >> for that to close would have been devastating. >> the biden administration changed the rules in april after receiving blowback also from locals. secretary of energy jennifer granholm was sent to the mill to celebrate. >> do you think that will help the biden-harris administration maybe close that gap? >> i think it l help sway some people. >> but trump supporter and county commissioner kim gire says she's not fooled. >> they created this crisis during an election year, then they come in and become t the heros. >> whether the plant would have been saved at all had it not been an election year. i guess they didn't think there be any pushback. that i don't know but that's not who we are as people here. we take pride in making things.
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that's what we do here. reporter: the question is whether that support now transfers over to kamala harris. it's important to note that harris has spoken out very aggressively against fracking, which is an industry that is really important here in butler county. tammy? >> excellent, thank you, madison for that. that is key. now conservatives are praising a blistering ad launched by pennsylvania republican senate candidate and businessman dave mccormick linking his opponent senator bob casey to the policies of kamala harris. watch this. >> kamala harris is inspiring and very capable, the more people get to know her they are going to be particularly impressed by her ability. >> non-partisan has rated you as the most liberal senator. >> i am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass the green new deal. there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. >> would you ban offshore drilling? >> yes. >> what is the solution for voters in the fossil fuel industry? >> giving workers an ability to transition. we're not going to treat people
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undocumented and cross the border as criminal. that's correct. >> raise your hand if it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross the border without documentation. >> yeah, she's wrong on everything isn't she? the ad has over 1.5 million views in about 24 hours. that's fantastic. the senate seat is widely regarded as one of the best chances republicans have to take back control of the us senate in november. for more on all of this let's welcome pennsylvania senate candidate dave mccormick. oh, you're causing some trouble, dave. you're also a businessman. the messaging is loud and clear in your ad, and look, obviously, this is the kind of thing, why we can love the internet. not only are people in your state seeing this , but the people in the country are seeing it, because this is, she's worse than biden and let me just say, the reason it started to change and the biden administration changed their mind about that plant in april was because trump's numbers were high. they realized that his popularity was increasing, so we
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can still credit trump with saving that plant. tell me what you're hearing, and what's going on in pennsylvania. >> well, thank you for having me. you know, what's already happening is 80% of pennsylvania thinks the country is going in the wrong direction. 21% increase in prices, 60% of working families living paycheck-to-paycheck. the border crisis which is leading to 4,000 people dying of fentanyl, and in pennsylvania alone last year, and of course the war on fossil fuels, and the biden administration has been bad on this issue. the lng pause, the canceling the keystone pipeline so biden, harris, casey, have already been very very damaging to our natural gas industry which is the single-biggest driver of potential growth in pennsylvania and now we see that kamala harris will be much, much worse, in her own words and that adds blistering not because of anything i say but because
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those are her views. >> that's perfect. >> you just can't getaway from them and bob casey votes 98% of the time with biden-harris. he will be a rubber stamp for these views that will destroy our economy in pennsylvania. >> look, we know there's no denying. they promised us a return to normal and unity and it's a dumpster fire. at the same time, you're a business guy. a finance guy. it seems to be horrible people in washington. why are you running? because you love the country i'm going to guess. it's a pretty big -- >> i'm a pennsylvania kid born and raised and i went to west point and had a chance to serve in our great military and i really believe our country is in trouble and i think that if people don't step up and do their part, we're going to wake up one morning and not recognize the country we love so much, so this is truly about trying to have our great nation and feeling like we need change and i think i can bring change as a senator from pennsylvania. >> excellent and you're right.
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it's about everything we need to know, they've already said. it's like look at what they say. look at what they've done. not what they're trying to remove from the internet. dave mccormick, great job, pleasure meeting you, thank you, sir. >> dave mccormick >> he's a business guy. is billionaire elon musk, another business guy, is he giving donald trump $45 million a month in donations? or not? we have the answers but first, new police body cam footage from the day of trump's failed assassination attempt has been released. >> can't figure out how this guy got here. >> go, go. >> [police radio traffic] >> is that where the dude is too? >> yeah. >> yeah, i think they are on the roof. well, coming up, see the full video for yourself. but first, let's check in with our friends jackie deangelis and guy benson. they are in for dagen and sean to see what they have coming up
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next in the next hour right after me. on the bottom line. >> tammy bruce great to see you. we've got a big show ahead tonight on the bottom line. take a look at this lineup. stephen moore is here to talk about kamala-nomics. it's an important conversation and then you saw those american flags torn down and burnt by the pro-hamas rioters. well a group of republican congressmen put old glory backup at the end of the day. one from wisconsin is here with us. jackie: it's not just kamala's economics. stacey washington will break down her ideology and i'll give you a hint, it's kind of like socialism and we've got steve maloy hads with us because biden's campaign imploded but so tell you what it is at the top of the hour. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote
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soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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>> fox news obtaining new video from law enforcement from the scene after trump was shot at his pennsylvania rally. fox news jeff paul live in butler, pennsylvania with the latest. jeff? >> well yeah, tammy. its been nearly two weeks since the former president was shot and we are nowhere any closer to the biggest remaining question and that is why this all happened in the first place, but we are starting to get some crucial pieces of evidence that start to fill in some of
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those gaps. one of them being some new body camera footage released by the office of senator chuck grassley that shows what law enforcement found once they got on the roof where the shots were coming from. >> it is a device grey in color, five or six inches tall. >> and we also have some new video from our fox drone team, that first gives you a glimpse into what the perspective would have been from the person firing the shots. that's the roof on the bottom of the screen and to the right the area, the stage trump was speaking from. you notice trees covering one of the counter sniper's positions. the other angle is from the likely viewpoint of one of the counter snipers. the shooter's positions off into the distance next to the tree. now the fbi says the suspected shooter himself flew a drone around the rally site three times to scope out the event.
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fbi director christopher wray says he google searched how far away was lee harvey oswald from president john f. kennedy. >> the search was significant in terms of his state of mind. that is the same day that it appears that he registered for the butler rally. >> now wray went on to say they will leave no stone unturned and even though the suspected shooter is dead, their investigation is very much ongoing. tammy? >> thank you, very much. now the media is still saying it's trump that darn guy whose being divisive. >> we certainly saw donald trump ditch the whole nice guy approach. in fact that approach probably only lasted about 30 minutes into his convention speech. last night he was on the attack over and over again, at his north carolina speech. >> he can't say a kind word about anybody, and that speaks a lot to whether or not somebody
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can actually lead the country. this guy, every chance he's given, to say a kind word, literally about anybody, i think even if his daughter if he had one, or a dog or cat to be, in his house, it's just incredible to me that he continues on his path of hatred. >> remarkable the guy gets shot in the face but he's not being nice enough. trump saying last night that you can't be too nice. >> you know, i was supposed to be nice. >> [laughter] >> they say something happens to me when i got shot. i became nice. >> [laughter] >> and when you're dealing with these people, they're very dangerous people. when you're dealing with them you can't be too nice. you really can't be so if you don't mind, i'm not going to be nice. is that okay? >> [applause] >> they want me to be nice. >> all right joining me now, not that she has any opinions, new york post columnist miranda devine, she knows all about it. trump got shot but you know,
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miranda, some are saying he deserved it or he caused it because of just how he's not so nice. can you believe that this trajectory of this? i know we see a lot in this country blaming the victim but my goodness, they just can't help themselves. >> i know, i mean, i feel almost light-headed from all the gaslighting that's come from the left and talk about victim blaming. you're absolutely right, and it's just so hypocritical and again it's this bizarre psychological projection that democrats seem to engage in where they blame their opposition for their own sins. they're the ones that have engaged in really dangerous and divisive rhetoric calling donald trump hitler, putting him across magazine covers as literally hitler. joe biden never stopped. remember that awful divisive speech he gave in pennsylvania,
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the speech where he shook his fist and talked about ultra maga and fascists? he was basically demonizing not just donald trump but half the country and, you know, all the political violence that we have seen, for instance brett kavanaugh, an assassin or attempted assassin, breaking into his house, or steve scalise being shot at the baseball game, or now we've seen donald trump. this is all come from the left and it's all really as the result we don't know yet but i mean it's a good guess, as a result of this constant drum beat of demonizing donald trump as an existential threat. america is over if he wins the election. you know, if he really is hitler, then you're actually doing the country a favor in their eyes if you eliminate him. >> well that's it and
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the dangerousness also is it's not just about partisanship, like you're going to tip democrats over. the language is so overwhelming and becomes like a liquid fear that anyone whose mentally unstable can be pushed over that edge, so they keep saying oh, well we don't think he was a democrat or it wasn't because of whomever. it is the rhetoric that made trump the appealable target, and that means it's even a broader pool of nuts that get affected by this. >> you're absolutely right, and you know, it makes it almost a virtue to hurt trump or hurt his supporters and we've seen that with the way the fbi has gone after, you know, non-violent protesters and even put them in jail for trespassing, whereas antifa, the blm rioters, really violent people who were throwing molotov cocktails at cops, they got away
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scott-free and that again is seen by the left, by kamala harris who was urging rioters be bailed out. that's seen as a virtue. >> and even the hamas supporters in washington have been not putting, it's just like the other day, right? well, miranda thank you very much, great columns at the new york post as well as at fox news contributor. thanks. >> thank you. >> billionaire elon musk now saying he's not donating 45 million a month to trump, or is he in a way? trump reacted this morning, we have the sound. steve forbes, our friend, reacts next.
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are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? high taxes can erode returns quickly. at creative planning, your portfolio is managed in a tax-efficient manner. it's what you keep that really matters. book your free meeting today at >> are you still going to donate to trump. 45 million? >> i'm sorry. >> at no point did i say was going to donate 45 million a month to trump that was fiction made up by "wall street journal." liz: elon musk denying reports he is donating millions a month to donald trump, in a post on x he said he is making donations to america pac at a lower
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level and said that republicans are mostly but not entirely on the side of mermerit and freedom, musk endorsed trump on july 13 in after mass of assassination attempt on his life, this morning on "fox & friends" trump discussed his relationship with tesla ceo and his stance on electric vehicles. >> i have a good relationship with him, i think he is a nice guy, i disagree with electric cars for everyone, people should -- is ridiculous. you want to gasoline propelled car or you want maybe a hybrid, or a choice, that includes electric. but no elon and i have a good relationship, he endorsed me strongly. someone told he was giving me 45 million a month, i said that sound like a lot, he was giving 45 million, a reporter that wrote it he never told he was giving me 45, he said i strongly endorse you, despite the
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fact that i'm against the electric car mandate. liz: for more on all of this, let's welcome there he is, forbes media chairman, editor in chief steve forbes, thanks for being here, great on be on set. even trump thought it was funny weird amount of money, but donating to a pac is not donating to a candidate. it is to a 70 ideas. about the 70 ideas in electric cars. this seems to be the biggest example of an attempt using the climate change emergency to try to micromanage and central control for something that would change the american system. >> it is modern socialism this thing never could clear congress because the public would be against it do you it by regulation, tail pipe regulations and stuff like that, that is why i think you will see a revolt against this all these
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regulations, air-conditioners this don't work and dishwashers that don't work, can't have woodburning stoves. liz: that is so dumb. >> all this stuff. liz: just crazy. >> elon musk realizes you don't need subsidies there is a market for electric vehicles, you don't are to force stt on people -- force it on people, let people have a choice they might be more open to it. liz: you might working making it more appealable. >> you might have real entrepreneurs to buy the charges stations instead of department of transportation which has done 8 over 2 years. in 1920s. thousands of fas s gas st stations were invented. let m freetdz freedom
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work. liz: that is it that is all-time we have, steve fabulous stuff. >> thank you -- thank you steve forbes and it has been great i'll be here tomorrow night as well, lastly my new book just released, fear itself, exposing the left's mind killing agenda. this is of story that we told tonight, government other issues of people making you be afraid of everything so you retreat from public life and afraid to speak about the issues, this is a technique that is ancient. i tell you how you can overcome it, we can. we'll have a lot of this stuff coming up. i am tammy bruce in for elizabeth macdonald thank you for watching "evening edit" on fox business now to "the bottom line." jackie: thank you. guy: good luck with th


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