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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 26, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> this is, i think, a dynamic
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where there should be a debate and certainly president trump as we saw with the biden debate will be steady. he wins on the issues. >> it's very unclear what kamala harris wishes to do. there's no pick she can make that guarantees her a state like pennsylvania. >> first, they'll institute the hidden tax of inflation and rob you that way, then tax you on the higher asset prices that their inflation caused. >> republicans need to present everything you just presented and say what do you care about more? this excitement that there's a woman or your children? want your children learning about gender identity or math? >> the threats from these nations are serious and danger and something we've not seen since world war ii. stuart: our producers are playing a lot of rolling stones for me. thank you very much.
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i like it. ain't too proud to beg. 11:0 eastern time. it is friday, july 26th. look at this. that's a rally. a nice rally, especially for the dow industrials, which are up 1.5%. nearly 630 points and nasdaq is up 129. all right, show me big tech. most of them are doing pretty well a. couple of exceptions there, one exception. meta is up $11, microsoft up nearly 5, 1%, amazon, apple also higher. only alphabet is down and just 74-cents. yield on the 10-year treasury moving well below 4.25% and at 420 as of now. now this, this is a developing story. organized groups of saboteurs have attacked the french high speed rail system. in at least three locations, set fire to fiberoptic locations that are linked to signal boxes and it was expertly done and
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coordinated and effective and major rail lines into paris shut down hours before the hoping ceremony for the olympic games. it'll take days, per happen as week, to restore service. we don't yet know who did it and we're not going to speculate here. but we should point out that america is vulnerable. because we have an open border and known terrorists are here in large numbers. we don't know where they are. that's vulnerability and have the democrat convention fast approaching and an election just 102 days away. in france, whomsoever did this, did not strike directly at the olympic games but disrupted access to the games and very effective. they've had major impact on global event and that was their obviously their intent. we hope and pray our security forces can keep us save here. meanwhile, harris campaign will go to great lengths saying she was never the border czar and not responsible for the 8 million that flood into the country and some of who wish to
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do us harm. advanced denial of liability if something happens -- bad happens. again, we hope and pray that it doesn't. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: steve hilton with me this morning. maybe i'm going overboard but sense vulnerability in america when i look at what's going on in the olympics, what say you? >> you're completely right and very scary situation they were able to cripple such a key part of the french transportation system in effect so easily with such massive disruption. what it reminds us is that we are very vulnerable in our highly automated connected world and a lot of fragility in the systems and so you have to worry, exactly as you say when we have absolutely no idea who
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has been come into our country, people that want to do us harm. it's concerning. stuart: we hope and pray nothing happens in america, but if it did and i hope it does not, if we had a terrorist incident in this country before the election, i think the democrats candidate is toast because they get the blame for this. >> and quite rightly so. it's the number one responsibility of the president and leadership of the federal government. it's so keep the country safe. and the open boarders maddens that we've seen is the exact opposite of that. and remember, it's the direct result of their policies. they reversed the previous administration, the trump administration's secure border policy and undid all that and opened the flood gates so they should pay the price. stuart: governor newsom issued an executive order for state agencies to clear the homeless camps and newsom trying to play
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the hero here. what he's really doing is complying with the supreme court ruling, isn't he? >> well, it's not even that . i mean, there's a lot less to this than meets the eye. let's be clear about that, stu. he's not doing anything but telling state agencies to develop plans to do something and he's telling cities to try and do something as well. second point, he's now saying that we couldn't do anything about this homelessness crisis until the supreme court ruling. that's not true. the previous operational stream court ruling, the previous court ruling that the supreme court overturned said that you can't clear homeless encampments unless that's shelter available. there wasn't because that was failure of california government at every level to deal with the housing crisis. they could have had low cost shelter beds fable and left wing nonprofits arguing that the only
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shelter that is acceptable are apartments costing $6 to $7,000 and the tran sis agency, caltrans, cleared over 11,000 encampments since 2021, before the supreme court ruling and could have done this years ago but chose not to. stuart: you're a california guy. what do you think america would look like under a president harris? >> we don't need to speculate. the record here in california is the result of same far left policy agenda she signs up to and she's out there pushing right now. and what's the result? it is the worst run state in america and highest unemployment and lowest taxes and highest poverty rate and worst outcomes for the exact people the democrats claim hay represent and latinos and black americanss and disastrous outcomes and all
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that is what you'd get and just like biden, she's a machine poll cigs that caves to the far left and in california, the result os that have have been a complete catastrophe. that's why her record in california, particularly on crime, she brags about being a prosecutor and state attorney general, she pushed through the disastrous prop 47 that legalized theft up to $947 a day and causing crime and mayhem on our streets and that record needs to be front and center of the argument as that why kamala harris presidency would be a disaster for america. stuart: so it should. steve hilton, have a great weekend and see you again soon. >> thanks, stu. and you. stuart: the california supreme court delivered a big win for uber and lyft. ashley, what's this about? ashley: california court agree that had uber and lyft contractor model of business is constitutional and obviously that's a big win for the companies. two years ago, california voters
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overwhelmingly passed proposition 22 that allow companies to continue classifying their drivers as gig workers after the state had tried to sue the companies. and as a result, some changed the prop 22 decision and the dridrivers are employees that should be eligible for paid sick leave and health insurance. but california's high court disagreed and door dash called the decision "a huge victory while the labor union called it disappointing. stu. stuart: that's california. thanks, ash. back to the market. a solid rally for the dow. it's getting better. up 646 points on the dow. look who's here on a friday morning. know than hoenig, the man himself. all right, you say people should not buy the dips in big tech. why not? >> people love buying dips, stuart. they love a boar began. going from 50-40 and say i love
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it at 50 i should love at 40 and going from 40 to 30, if i love at 40 go for 30. if it goes from 50 to 30, the market is telling you something, you're on the wrong track. stuart, i've been see ago changing of the guard. in just the last ten days for example, large cap is down about 4% and small cap is up almost 8% so you've got to go where the action is and right now i'm trying to follow what's work, and not buying the dips if big tech. stuart: people tune in to you on a friday morning for your exotic pick of the week. >> not my fashion tips is what you're telling me? stuart: that's good. the value factor etf. >> this is what's been so
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unpopular in recent years but really what's working right now in that is small cap stocks and value stocks and even look now, stuart, names like at&t, phillip morris and classic value stocks up 52-week high and i do own this at and trader in and out and this is the isn't the name. if you're an investor looking three, five years scout a lot of money made in these and they're in the unpopular ports of the market right now. stuart: jonathan, thank you very much indeed. >> thank you, stu. stuart: taylor riggb is back to look at nvidia. >> yeah, you're getting some chip makers finally catching a bit of a bid when the big like like nvidia starts to move, we want to follow through and seeing nvidia and chip makers rallying after a tough week. stuart: deckers outdoor. what do they do? >> unbelievable consumer story
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and make ugg boots and hoka sneakers. this is a consumer telling us we feel pinched and are really frustrated with inflation and take a look, everyone is buying and stock is up 8%. they've now come out and have great earning ands raising outlook so this is actually a good read for one and we're getting on the consumer. stuart: got it. next one is corsera online learning. >> okay. so ai meets online learning platform; right. they just came out with an earnings and they said that they now have more than 2 million enrollments and signed up for ai courses and generative ai to take a class or learn more about it and people enrolling in online course and doing ai and this is incredible. stuart: 2 million and they paid for it i presume. nice business.
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dexcom. >> this is a glucose monitoring system. when everything is up, i want to take a look at what's down. not following the trend and dexcom down 41% and glucose monitoring system not having a good day and came out on earnings call and said a lot of their big strategic turn arounds frankly just did not meet their standards so this is a company that's now going back to the drawing board on some of those strategic reviews. stuart: got t taylor, thank you very much indeed. coming up, kamala harris is having a little trouble securing the support of some unions. we'll tell you why she's having a hard time. democrats attacking jd vance over his childless cat lady comments used to criticize kamala harris back in 2021. democrats say this proves he's antiwoman. tomi lahren will take that on. two mexican cartel leaders arrested in texas. one of them was the son of el chapo. what does this mean for the war on drugs at the border? chad wolf tells us next.
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stuart: one el mayo and the other the son of el chapo. what's this about el kansas city chiefs hoe's son tricking el myoowe. >> this is an enormous blow to the sinaloa cartel and played out from a scene from a movie. sources tell fox the son of the infamous cartel leader el chapo tricked the other powerful cartel boss, el mayo, into et
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dbroxing on a plane to texas where they were arrested. guzman and el mayo got obstructing cerumen a plane and told him that he were heading south to see property in mexico but the private plane flew north and leeanneed in el paso, texas. el chapo's son turned on el mayo and blamed el mayo for his father's historic capture and the u.s. was offering a $15 million reward to track down el mayo and considered a top leader of sinaloa cartel. juaquin guzman and his brothers took control of the cartel after el chapo was extradited to the united states. the sinaloa cartel is one of the most powerful and ruthless crime organizations that dominated drug trade here in the u.s. including all the recent fentanyl deaths and here's attorney general merrick garland
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announcing the arrest. >> fentanyl is the deadliest drug threat our country has ever faced and justice department will not rest until every single cartel leader, member, and associate responsible for poisoning our communities are held responsible. reporter: the two cartel bosses eluded law enforcement for decades and personally oversaw trafficking of tens of thousands of pounds of drugs into our country and are responsible for all of the related violence. stu. stuart: got t thanks, matt. former acting secretary of homeland security chad wolf joins me now. chad, does this change the criminal landscape at the border at all? >> well, any time you can strike a blow against the cartels, i'm all for it and i want to commend law enforcement for doing their job as well as others and i don't think we should try to sugar coat this. the cartels are going to continue to operate as we've seen in years past and you
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arrest or apprehend the leader of a cartel, and seven other leaders pop up to take his place. so we're going to continue to see these cartels operate as we take pretty dramatic action one way or another against these folks and i don't know that we're going to solve this issue, strictly by law enforcement means. stuart: what you're implying is that we could take out american forces could take out in some way leaders of these cartels, is that what you're implying and i think donald trump said we might try that. >> well, it needs to be a hole strategy like putting pressure on the government of mexico to do more and putting pressure on them and others with levers and look at them and other ways and other means to affect and really get at the heart of what the cartels are doing. these are multinational organizations and so there's a
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variety of measures you could think of taking as a whole of government approach against them. stuart: i want to ask you about the events in paris. the olympic games due to open literally in a couple of hours. massive disruption with saboteurs hitting the french rail system. i've been editorializing that we're vulnerable here because we have an open border, known terrorists coming across the border, and something like that that happened over there, i think we're vulnerable here. what say you? >> i certainly believe so and they're talking about the same thing and u.s. is vulnerable to an attack and to a number of things going on because we have an open southern boarder and can continue to see that and you mentioned a rail system, obviously we have an open transportation system as well.
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so all of those are causes for concerns and critically important why we understand who's coming into the country and for what reason and make sure they're vetted as well as they can be before they get here. unfortunately we've seen incident after incident over the last several months where that just doesn't seem to be the case and appears as though our strategy under this administration is to allow folks into the country and figure out who they are and try to find them and remove them if they are a threat. i think that's the wrong approach. stuart: however, migrant apprehensions have declined over the past few weeks and it seems like the asylum restrictions are working. would you agree with that? >> well, they're down but again, this is the administration that has caused that historic increase and now they want to take credit for trying to address the crisis that they saw. the number is still well above 1,000 apprehensions a day and again, secretary johnson said
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almost crisis level for border patrol and then the other aspect that i don't think a lot of people are focusing on is the number of illegal alien at ports of entry are increasing dramatically, over 300% increase so those numbers and those individuals don't show up in this border patrol number that the administration keeps citing so you have to look at nationwide numbers and when you look at nationwide numbers, they continue to be at historically high numbers. stuart: got t chad wolf, thank you for straightening us out on this. ashley, come back in. mexican cartels at northern border? ashley: why not? the southern border canadian authorities say they've arrested and charged human smugglers who are part of crime rings like the mexican cartels. the hot spot is the border patrol area that covers the border in rural northeastern new york. that's where a large majority of illegal migrants are coming into
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the united states. investigators say those migrants first fly to canadian hubs like montreal and ottawa and from there cartel smugglers take them to border areas that are lined with farms and small towns and temporal integration them to walk across the border. crime rings charge between $2,000 to $6,000 per person and run 3-7 people at a time. that's the normal mo. records show the migrants crossing the u.s. canada border are primarily from india, mexico, romania, guatemala, haiti, and venezuela. so they're simply flying into canada and smugglers take them to the border and say good luck. there it is. stuart: it's a pipeline. ashley: it is. stuart: thanks, ash. back to the market. let me see the biggest winners with the stocks in the dow. best winner is 3m up 17%. that's a gain and a half.
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let's see the chip makers because they've been under pressure recently but now there's a solid bounce back across the board. nvidia, amd, qualcomm, taiwan semi, monolithic power, all of them are up today. show me the cryptos, please. we have a bitcoin at 67 and change, ethereum up as well, remember the bitcoin conference is underway. donald trump addresses it tomorrow. coming up, benjamin netanyahu reportedly asked biden to fast track more weapon shipments to israel. we'll tell you why he made an urgent request. the national poll shows donald trump has a narrow lead over kamala harris and tomi lahren said republicans can't afford to be complaisant and she's next. ♪
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stuart: rally molds favorable inflation news pushing the dow up 600 points and nasdaq up 111. i'll call that a rally. taylor riggs back with us looking at movers. >> yankee candle and sharpy.
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stu, the next two stocks are the big winners in the s&p 600 small cap space for the week. we've talked a lot about this rotation this week out of big tech into small cap and this is it. the brands is a beaten raise and looking at redoing the real estate footprint and other turn around initiative and it's really good news for newell brands today. stuart: l-u-m-n. >> lumn technologies and they have a big brand and stock is reacting and basically microsoft going to be using lumn's network equipment and they'll be helping them expand their ai through azure cloud product saving lumn a lot of money and it's an ai explanation play. stuart: nsc. >> the dow transports are surging today and norfolk southern part of that and up 12% and really good earnings coming out and they said they're really
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tightening up some of the efficiency standards and after they proxy fight and more efficiency and more money, good for the stock. stuart: b-i-o-b? >> biogen is one of them basically europe rejected their approval of their new alzheimer drug. they're highlighting a lack of safety and efficacy standards and it's never good news when you come out and you don't get a drug approved. stuart: thank you, taylor. talking to you about openai. test ago new search tool called search gpt. tell me about it, ashley. ashley: yeah, openai promises this new search gpt is designed to quickly and directly respond to your questions with up to date information from the web while providing clear links to relevant sours. sounds good. tech company says you'll be able to ask foe low-up questions like
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in a conversation with a person. search gpt is described as a temporary pro toe type and plan is to integrate the very best features directly into chatgpt and openai and rivals are betting that most users would rather just ask a question and get it answered than dig through search results. sounds like stuart varney maybe. easy peasy. stuart: funny you should say that. you got me. stuart: now this. kamala harris trying to shore up support from unions and grady trimble joining us. there's key unions that have not endorsed her yet, is that correct? >> it is, stu. the united auto workers, teamsters and transport workers union are all holding off on endorsing vice president kamala harris for president, at least for now. the teamsters invited harris to speak to the members but they've yet to hear back. they also tell us the union's president, sean o'bryan, still
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waiting to speak -- sean o'brinn is still waiting for an invite to speak oturu dnc after success speech at rnc. mark kelly expressed concerns of pro labor relations that kelly now says he supports. >> if the democratic party wants to make a claim fair for the working people than don't put a candidate up that isn't against right to work and changes position only when under fire. that's an outrage. reporter: president biden often refers to himself as most pro union president in history. harris speaking to one of the big teacher's unions yesterday trying to appeal to those same workers. >> donald trump and his extreme allies want to take our nation
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back to failed trickle down economic policies. back to union busing. reporter: one part of my conversation with the transport union workers president that's interesting that he says it's possible they free some of their locals in the south who are more republican leaning to endorse a different candidate than the national union does and what that tells you is that it's clear union support for democrats is not as ironclad as it may be once was. stu. stuart: indeed, grady trimble, thank you. stuart: getting a one point lead over harris and one-on-one matchup. tomi lahren here with us this morning. obviously very tight race and republicans can't afford a big come placement. >> not complaisant, not comfortable. there's excitement in the trump campaign and the maga movement with everything that's happened in the last couple months and i
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get it, but focus that energy to get out the vote. i understand that we're enthusiastic but none of that matters unless people are out early voting and mail in voting and ballot harvesting where it's legal and making sure that these people stand at rallies with excitement are actually going out and voting in those large numbers that are going to be needed because that is going to be a harder c calculation and i know people don't think so coming up against vice president harris but it's going to be. the old age argument is now tossed up and unfortunately the democrats are now weaponnizing it against donald trump, imagine that. things are going to be much tighter. there's no comfort here. time to work. stuart: when does the honeymoon come to an end? it's in full force at the moment. she's in honeymoon situation. >> that's the beauty of what they did and the biden candidacy aand honeymoon period probably
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not ending and those 100 days, people will be so energized about kamala and enthusiasm gap is closing. biden didn't have it and trump did. kamala has it now and only has about 100 days to keep it up. not hard work for a democrat machine that's coddled by the mainstream media. stuart: ain't over yet, that's for sure. listen to this one though. jd vance is facing credit several schism over past comments he called out democrats that don't have children. democrats are calling vance antiwoman. what do you make of this? >> not antiwoman but the childish cat ladies or childless cat lady and might make trump supporters laugh or giggle but not making suburban women giggle that trump needs to win and bring into the fold and there's a huge gender gap coming into young men and getting more tram and conservative and women may be going the other direction and potential for first female president. kit kamala on being a radical
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and liberal and not a childless cat lady. don't call democrat women cat ladies. it's not gonna play well and doesn't bring anybody into the mix. we might find it funny but we're trump supporters so doesn't help. stick to the issues. nobody likes to hear about an apolicy but if he clarified some of the comments and i don't feel like women who don't have children are lonely cat ray i dids and but it would be good and needs to be done and jennifer aniston and other celebrities jumping on those comments and doesn't look good and it's a walk back and time for a slight walk back on jd vance's part. stuart: tomi lahren, thank you very much indeed. good to see you. new autonomous drone and it was about a game changer for the military and we'll tell you why. netanyahu earlier in west palm
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beach going to meet with trump at mar-a-lago and madison alworth has the story from florida after this. how can the experian app help you? hey everyone, i wanted to tell you about the experian app that i downloaded. i originally got it to check my fico® score but i can also shop for credit cards and i've learned about ways to save on my car insurance. this thing shows you your fico® score, you can get your credit card recommendations, and it shows you ways to save money. and i just raised my fico® score thirteen points, instantly, for free. it's super easy to use and you should download it today. find ways to save money, get your fico® score,
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stuart: following the latest updates on the saboteur for the paris high speed rails. the train was taken to the opening ceremony and had to fly there, fly to paris instead. check the market withs a solid gain for the dow and up 640 points and favorable inflation news first thing this morning and that's put the market nicely higher this friday morning.
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see a chart of crowd strike this week, please. they're back up today as the ceo says 97% of the censors affected by the outage are now back online for the ugly chart though. today, donald trump meets benjamin netanyahu at mar-a-lago, florida. madison alworth is in palm beach. what's on the agenda today? reporter: the meet asking not open to the press and not expecting to see the two together on camera and expectations about what will be discussed and things that the former president has said. the expectations are that they'll discuss u.s. protests in the war in gaza and hostage release and ongoing fighting. we expect the meeting between the lieder of israel and former president to take a couple
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hours. the prime minister spend thee hours yet and anti-israel protest and met with harris for fourly four minutes and vp and likely nominee for the party made public statements pledging her support and criticizing the handling of the conflict. >> i've had an un-waiverring commitment to the existence of the state of israel, to its security and to the people of israel. what has happened in gaza over the past nine months is devastating. we cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering, and i will not be silent. reporter: those comments could harm the negotiation process and ceasefire deal that is at the finish line. and netanyahu on his way to meet
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trump security and we've been beefed up here in west palm and all eyes on those two leaders, stuart. stuart: math madison, thank you very much indeed. now this, israel is reportedly pressuring the administration to fast track more weapons. give us the details, ashley, please. ashley: yeah, the reports claim the delegation circumlate ago list amok the lawmakers and senior officials that lays out basically the weapons system it needs and wants fast track and they say the weapons are needed to protect israel from increasingly aggressive iran and roxys and they want to bolster their stockpiles before the u.s. election in november, which could be the main option here or the main reason and it's unclear how vice president harris and former president trump would handle request for elective and israel motivated to win immediate approval from the current administration but some
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republicans accusing the biden administration of holding up the weapon sales to israel to pressure netanyahu to agree to the a ceasefire, stu. stuart: interesting story for you. u.s. air force has a new withouting edge drone. what's so special about it? ashley: puts the high in high-tech and called qx f 70a and can be controlled remotely or even fly on its own making decisions based on its programming and the data it collects and spooky and air force moving towards a mix of crude and un-crude vehicles working together and concept called loyal wingman and autonomous drones support and protect human pilots in the air and drones can fly longer missions without the limitations of human endurance and sent into dangerous or perhaps contaminated areas without hesitation and can make split
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second decisions based on data and algorithms potentially reacting faster than the human pilot could. this is in the direction we are headed, stu. stuart: that's the future, ain't it? ash, thanks. there's a lot of green right there because the dow is up 657 points that the moment. don't go anywhere. we'll be reading your friday feedback next. ♪ everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike.
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stuart: okay, that by the way, that is pacifica in california. and it is late july and only 55 degrees there right now. that is sure pretty. time for the friday feedback part of our show. just you and i, ashley. let's get startinged with this from -- started with this. ashley: uh oh. stuart: who would you and ashley
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root for if usa plays great britain in olympic soccer? be honest, your fans won't hold it against you. ashley, you're first. ashley: sounds like a trap and thank you. from a young age, i've suffered and as have all english fan when is it comes to futball/soccer. if someone is going to beat england and let's face it, many do, if it's the usa, i'm okay with that. stuart: that's a very diplomatic answer. flat out because it's soccer, i would support england. i just would. i was a soccer fan from way back when, and i'm still going to have the accent and i'd go with england i'm afraid. don't get too many complaints about that. this is from mark, stu, if you had a genie in a bottle with one wish, what would you wish for? okay. i like to be 18 again for six-hundredths.
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just that feeling again. and on top of the world, anything at all. that's what i would like. i'd give my right arm for that just as a matter of fact. maybe not. ashley: maybe not. depends if you're 18 and have the knowledge that you have now, that would be great. you know what, if it was miss universe call for peace on earth and that's not realistic. i would go with good health, nothing matters enless you have good health and there you go. boring but what's what i would say. stuart: that's a good one. this is from breanna, what's a hidden talent you have? ashley, go ahead. ashley: thank you. my wife says this to me and i never thought about it, she said you're a fantastic whistler. i find myself whistling along to tunes and says you are completely perfect pitch. i'll take that. stuart: do it. ashley: [ whistling ].
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stuart: that's very good. you can't wild horse saloon when will you're laughing. have you noticed that? hidden talent, reveal two. i used to teach my children geography by offering them money if they could name the capitols of various countries around the world. that was my way of getting money in their pocket and learning geography. it works and my hidden talent is i do know a lot of the world's capitols. second talent i speak swahili and i was in the peace core and speak a little swahili. i can make myself understood. that's a talent, baby. let me tell you. we're out of time and good questions this week i think. thanks to friday feedback, everybody. here we go with the friday trivia question. the deepest part of the ocean is how many miles in depth? 4, 5, 6, or 7 miles deep? the answer when we come back. ♪
11:56 am
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11:59 am
one another good question from our producers. the deepest part of the ocean is how many miles deep? four, five, six, seven miles?
12:00 pm
tradition has it you go first. ibly5 questions like this i go with the extreme. the mariana trench, seven miles. ibly1 same answer. i think it is the mariana trench, six or seven miles deep. here we go. you were right. it is the mariana trench, deeper than mount everest is tall. director james cameron visited the bottom of the trench in 2012, seven miles down. think of the water pressure on you. good question. great week. see you again monday morning. time for us to depart. coast-to-coast will start promptly and two seconds. ib


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