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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  July 26, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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what are the leading indicators that are happening in the market right now and we see a lot of leading indicators that give us some concern. basically we're seeing credit defaults are increasing. the optimism around the corporate earnings has been deflated and then a bizarre barometer but one that's important is pet sales have gone down, spending on bet sales has gone down and it's the lowest number since 2009 which means consumer confidence is plummeting. liz: oh, my goodness barbara great to have you on this friday. folks what a crazy week. >> [bell ringing] liz: a rollercoaster of five sessions but the dow finished the week strong, on monday, famed wall street analyst recall the 2008 financial crisis. larry: hello folks welcome to
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kudlow. i'm larry kudlow. stocks up big today after getting crushed wednesday, so i want to know, is this a trump rally? is this a kamala rally? is it your mother-in-laws rally or is it a no one really understands rally? i don't know, in fact, maybe it's a gerri willis rally how about that? our own gerri willis standing by with more of this. gerri what's cooking? gerri: i've got to tell you it's all in the green today. good news no matter whose rally it is, investors tame inflation data, rate cut optimism soaring as a result, the dow back above the 40,000 level. you can see right here up 1.64%, 654 points. the s&p higher by 59. the nasdaq which has been in the toilet up 176 points. the federal reserve's preferred inflation gauge hitting its lowest level in more than three years. core pce, personal consumption expenditures up 2.5%,
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june-to-june all just in time for next week's fed meeting. hopes high for a september rate cut. meanwhile, tech and cyclicals propelling the broader markets as earnings continue to be a positive story. 3m, the big performer on the dow, the maker of post-it notes up 21% on a positive earnings outlook and you'll want to keep your eyes on tech next week. apple, microsoft, amazon, will all be posting results. back to you. larry: gerri willis, you can't figure wednesday was clobbered, probably down 600. so today is up whatever it's up, 700. it's really something. i don't know. anyway thanks for your reporting we appreciate larry: folks, back to this breathtaking stock market and trump versus canal versus your mother-in-law story and steve hassett waiting in the wings in just a moment but first up, i want to know why no one beside bb netanyahu is talking about we
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win, they lose, total hamas removal. that's the subject of the rift tonight. thousands of idiots protesting and prime minister netanyahu met privately with president biden is vice president harris and then former president trump. that's a lot of meetings. perhaps it represents three separate governments for all we know. i am concern that had even after his stirring, inspiring, forceful speech before congress, the prime minister seemingly has not made any progress towards convincing the leaders of all these potential governments. they must support israel's effort to destroy hamas. in other words finish the jab and listen to this.
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>> when we standing to, something very simple happens, we win, they lose. larry: there you go. he is totally 100% right. if you read the readouts, you don't find any reference to that kind of netanyahu rally and at least mr. trump talks about stopping iran and in the past he's seemingly favored a total victory by israel in a short period of time and perhaps he said that privately to netanyahu and not in the readout nor the presser that followed their meeting. what he did say referring to his successful pro israeli accomplishments like moving the u.s. embassy to jerusalem and the path breaking abraham accords. what he said was he couldn't understand how any jewish people could vote democratic. perhaps so. but with san francisco socialism running wild on the ballot, i
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personally don't know how anybody can vote democratic as an aside. the canal harris people put out a statement and seem much more concerned about hamas and their palestinian coconspirators and garbling some gibberish about that not seeing the war through a binary lens and talking about complexity of the situation. sounds like she's leaning away from israel, when is what a good san francisco radical progressive would be expected to do. but not so long ago. there was a lot of talk about de-hamasification, comparing to de-gnat seizure disordersification -- de-natziification during and after the second world war and that's the we win and they lose and i don't hear that anymore. there's a lot of talk about a ceasefire and hostage release but details are scarce and the whole story seems big. hamas not told anyone who and how many hostages are still
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alive. american hostages may still be alive but neither biden or kamala seem to talk much about them and biden's whole goofy floating peer plan to deliver humanitarian aid fell apart in a couple of weeks but the liberal media doesn't want to talk about that anymore. and it's hard to tell whether prime minister netanyahu who is a very brave man is nonetheless boxed in by a combination of domestic unruly politics and lack of support from the biden kamala administrations and my last thought is when can sensible people know the difference between good and evil get back to we win and they lose. that's my riff. we'll come back to this later on with the distinguished
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congressman mike walz. anyway, back to the economy and stock market is steve forbes and editor in chief and kevin hassett, former chair of economic adviser and gentlemen, welcome as always. steve moor, as an aside, you know a ton about foreign policy. i just, i know i'm mixing apples and oranges in this first segment, but am i wrong? i don't see the kind of support that bb netanyahu deserves and we win and they lose as a quick aside. >> it's a sound impression on russia and china and iran itself and supported israel and they've made great progress in rafah and point-blank layupsed out civilian casualties are the lowest for any kind of urban warfare in recorded history and more they get that done fast, better off we'll all be. let victory happen and do the de-hamasization of gaza and he laid it out and it seems to have
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gone over the heads of some of the people. you've got a war brewing in northern israel and iran on the verge of nuclear power and getting missiles to deliver that stuff to the united states and not to mention israel and the rest of the world. you have a you have a lamb duck in the white house. there's no question about that.
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larry: the first half of the year and real gdp up 2.1% and feds preferred inflation and up 3.3% and it was up last night and it was on the data and going going back to take a look on tech sector and it was unbelievable and one of the big pieces of news and ai competing with going and will a chat search with openai and think about it, google is a big monopoly spending with extra penny and bought things with the competition as well and going
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for this and the fed cutting in september and seems like people think they're going to do it and it's a huge mistake if they do and gdp at 2.5 range and inflation still above target and right before election and that's how president trump is going to respond not needing to get it on the political line. larry: going over the economy by the bidens and all the high energy and consumer prices are up 20% and average weekly wanes for a typical family and it's not such a hot story and as far as this occurred to me, what
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little life is in the economy and trump tax cuts and corporate tax cuts and individual tax cuts and things like standard deduction, they're still in play. they're still in use, and i think they're supplying the only genuine juice to the economy. >> when you don't crush the economy, there's all this entrepreneur zip and in the 1970s, terrible decade and look at what was happening and fedex being created and apple was being created and the banking triple-demic and air conditioners and boil in the summer and name of i don't know what and it's going to be regulating into oblivion.
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larry: it's all modern conveneses and what happened. what if we have kamala president? what does that mean? >> we're flourishing because most of the places flourishing is there's people in government that doesn't understand what they're doing and trying to regulate them. that's the story of the american economy and kamala harris had the most liberal record and trying to wipe it clean of anybody in the senate and she is the only senator that never cosponsored anything with a republican and very, very far left and giving you a lot like the biden first year policies and explosion and spending and big tax hikes and run away inflation and probably a
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recession. that's her record. larry: trying to erase it off the internet and all the bad stuff and steve forbes, credibility crisis and gdp is one thing and it's okay and growing at 2% less and growing better than 3 it should be as kevin suggested. inflation has a long tail and burying what middle class people take home as what ronald reagan said and it's the achilles heel and it was the fail like kamala and getting to that later in the show and on this point here, the affordability crisis, kamala harris was the co-pilot and she casted decisive vote for 2021 bill and the american recovery relief bill, 1.9 trillion and
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later on cast deciding vote for misnamed inflation reduction act at 1.2 trillion and she'll have to accept that and she'll have to rebut that and how did she get out of that box? >> tries to deflect saying that donald trump is the boogie man and do you believe in killing babies up to the moment of birth. they can only go on personalities and by the way, the cost of live asking even worse as we've discussed and excludes interest rates and interest you pay on car loans and larry: those numbers used to be in the cpi especially the mortgage rates and car loan ratos and i don't know they had
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the credit card rate and that's a important point. kevin hassett, i'm going to ask you final thought, final thought. buy or sell on the stock market? >> i'm buying. i think right now there's so much technological innovation coming it's going to be a great three or four years in the stock market, even if kamala harris wins. larry: steve forbes? >> agree but fighting socialism and not needing congress to pass these like the combustible engine. larry: kevin had it right except for the last four words. gentlemen. thank you. steve forbes and kevin hassett. coming up, half a dozen democrats voted with the republicans to condemn kamala harris for failure on the boarder and by the way, in that resolution, she was the border
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censor czar. we'll talk about that and other thing withs super congresswoman claudia tenney and congressman pat f fallon from texas. all that when kudlow returns. catch kudlow monday through friday at 4:00 p.m. on fox business and can't catch us at 4:00. text your favorite 9-year-old and she'll show you how to dvr the show and you'll never miss a supply side tax cut. i promise you. ♪
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passed a resolution blasting kamala harris for being the border czar and completely failing. fox news griff jenkins got a lot of details for us. griff, what's cooking? reporter: good afternoon, larry. deputies are trying to spin the border crisis as a positive for harris. believe it or not, they were claiming she was not the border czar and arguing his role was limited to root causes of migration from mexico and northern countries but, larry, the numbers don't lie. according to cbp data committee taxer three and a half years of biden harris administration, ill lee croationings of immigrants from the northern trifoliate angle are up 140% over trump's
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years. 4.3 million recorded under biden harris to trump's 1.8 million and that doesn't begin to capture the unimaginable loss suffered by americans like rachel moren's mother. >> vice president harris was supposed to go to central america and find out what the roll cause was for the immigration. and deal with it there. it was 8.7 million illegal immigrants coming into our country. if it was any other country, it would have been considered an invasion. reporter: not on democrats are on board with the re-branding of harris and the border czar debate and six of the democrats are joining republicans and passing a resolution condemning harris as a failed border czar. and republicans are questioning two, larry, whether harris' role was limited to root causes and why didn't she once made or
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speak with the current border patrol chiefs that are most familiar with the push factors and drive migration from that area. who knows. finally fox learned one last thing, larry, there's been more than 200,000 known got aways this fiscal year alone, which adds to national security concerns. larry. larry: great stuff and texas congressman pat fallon and, claudia, you know, part -- she was the czar and you can't get around that. it's been a disastrous story and i don't know how she gets that and as griff suggested, she didn't talk to the border chiefs and border patrol at all and she also talked about defunding or getting rid of ice all together and how about that one. she accused some of the ice and other people of being part of
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the ku klux klan. subtract the cake and the dish the cake sits on. >> yeah, we've got to be careful with kamala harris. she has a horrible records, she cackles and easy to meme her and make fun of her and make some kind of attacks about her personality, but her real record is abysmal. as you've pointed it out it's the illegal immigration and failure to follow through and fact that joe biden blatantly stated that he hired kamala harris because she was basically a diversity, equity, and inclusion hire and wanted to hire a black woman or person, a minority woman, but look, every woman feels that way. you want to make sure that you are not that diversity hire. i know that's how i've always felt when i was the first partner in my law firm and all those things but i think trump needs to be careful here. we need to really focus on her record and and it's important
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because her record was terrible and she cited the ministry of gaza that was coming from hamas for the casualties and what happened in gaza the other day. instead of citing un, which is not much more credible but more credible sours. what she is issue did the bottom line to me, larry, she's uninformed and she's lazy, and she's going to go out there and try to run the fluff campaign. i think the best attack on her is going to go at her on substance. because she doesn't have any. larry: i agree. >> scratch the surface with her, you get nor surface. larry: i agree. i don't know if she herself was a so-called dei pick as vp. i don't know that i've said that and i'm not going to say that and in addition to all of the economic mistakes and open border mistakes foreign policy
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and she's a supporter of dei across the board and it's having a bad influence across america and pat fallon, i want to bring you in on that point. i'm not calling herself a diversity pick. i don't know that . i have no idea. i'm just saying that dei is the opposite of merit and dei is the opposite of traditional american families and their culture and natural rights approach morals. that's the problem. dei is those crazy, useful idiots protesting violently outside of bb n netanyahu's brilliant speech on israel the other die. dei fostered anti-semitism and still does to this day. in fact, i got one more for you that i've forgot about this pathway and here it is, you'll recall, both of you recall, the biden administration passes an
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infrastructure bill $2 billion worth of broad band that's supposed to be connected to recall areas and unserved areas and urban areas. two years later, not a dime has been spent, not one single household in need has been connected from this money. you know the major reason for that, pat? the dei qualifications and stipulations that have stopped builders from building and so forth. what do you think of that? that's to me the problem request kamala harris and dei. >> larry, you said it very well. for the liberals, they focus and are obsessed with what you are instead of who you are. merit should account for everything and who you are is everything. what you are is immaterial and the fact they have $42 billion sitting there and that is the district and i want to see some access for rural folks to the broad band.
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they're beyond that 8 ball if you will. they're more concerned about the political decision and awarding the contracts to the supporters and can somehow sake back to them and it's obscene and i thank you for calling it out. larry: people on the left criticizing me for the mere mention of dei and they like to confuse the issue. it's not personal with me. i don't know ms. harris at all, and i have no idea what was behind her pick as vice president. i'm not making that point. the point i'm making is that diversity, equity and inclusion in the colleges and universities and the schools, in the businesses and in government is a very bad force and undermines the whole culture. it's cancel culture. you know -- you know that.
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it's cancel culture. >> harper lanesly, it's about -- larry, it's about equal opportunity and not equal outcomes and if you needed life saving brain surgery, you wouldn't give a hoot what they look like or their gender. you just want the best. we should have that standard for everything. period, end of story, full stop. larry: claudia tenney, another one for you on the subject of politics. heaven forbid. in joe biden's speech to the nation and the world where he answer nod questions at all about the push that removed him from being the democratic standard there. it was a push. i read from the supreme court and hear a lawyer and term limits and how about packing and divisional justices and basically wants to run against the supreme court and my
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question is kamala harris echoed similar things down through the years as senator and candidate and running against the supreme court all that stuff and they ruled in favor of donald trump immunity. is that what we should expect? >> they've always been after the supreme court when they don't get what they want with their authoritarianism at administrative level and executive branch and go after the supreme court and talking about this every time they lose. all the supreme court is doing is realigning our constitutional sensorineural ration of powers principals and all they're doing and just saying we are balancing freedom and as our constitution of self-governance and ability to be safe and ordered liberty and they don't like that and want 100% democratic type of solutions out of supreme court and want to make the supreme court and super-legislature and exactly what it was designed no the to b. when they done get what they want and we win the supreme court and i don't say we win. we don't always win.
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when the constitution wins and the people win, they get upset and contested control it and it's all about control, power and undermining the democracy and real truth and democrats project everything coming to the supreme court and a very scary thought as a daughter of a judge and lawyer that we are going to start manipulating our justice system as we've done with weaponization with the abuse of process and lawfare and all those things undermine our system of justice and they undermine it and people don't feel that they have the faith in our justice system anymore and really powerful agencies like the department of justice and fbi and cia with the way we've seen them maying especially when it comes to president trump.
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larry: talking about the push but bidenflation oturu dbrox get out. claudia tenney and pat fallon, thank you. kamala harris totally 100% against any and all fracking. okay. i mean, really talk about extreme positions and we'll ask north dakota governor doug burgum when we come back what the heck that means. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours.
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>> there's no question i'm in favor of banning frack and starting with what we can do on public lands. larry: how do you make a statement like that where there's no more fracking, ever? we is have north dakota governor doug burgum and know as thing or two about fracking. she wants to ban fossil fuels and i'm going to read quick. wants to ban fossil fuels in
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cars, trucks, buildings and homes and power plants and this is from when she was a candidate for president. she wants to ban offshore drilling and ban the aforementioned fracking and she wants a $10 trillion fund to get us to zero emissions energy by, i don't know, 2045 or some such thing. even for a san francisco radical progressive whatever, this is really off the wall. off the charts. how do you do that? the biden harris administration and talking about growth and stopping u.s. energy and clean energy production in favor of the foreigne adversaries and its bad for the environment because
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the folks overseas don't produce it as cleanly as we do and they're funding these proxy wars against us in europe and the middle east. there's not a thing about it good for americans but there's a lot of other policies that putin and ayatollahs and china would love. larry: if you ban fracking and went to zero emissions business, what would that do to our economy? say in ten year os r 20 years, what would that do to our economy? i don't think any of the people have ever figured that out. others have but they haven't put a pencil to it and talking about the loss of millions of jobs, okay, our gdp which strang so rapidly and lose 10, 20% of gdp and i'm thinking that and you're the expert on it and that's what i'm thinking. >> and there's nothing about this that would increase inflation versus lower inflation
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and just as bad on liquid fuels and coming to team china and wants to shut down all the emissions from electrical plants and that's exactly how we would lose the arms race with china and that would be existential threat for sure and going to lose that race. larry: their stock fell almost 20% in one day and principle reason was their losses on electric vehicles continued to mount and they lost between $5 and $5.5 billion on evs and i don't think it's because ford doesn't make good evs. i think it's because there's no demand for it. >> the market demands was largely artificial here and the infrastructure to support that is on the back of the taxpayers
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and not on the back of the consumers and because with a 500,000ev charging stati statios up as most extensive way going with carbon negative oil production for $60 a ton versus 90 and if we go with co2 and something with 15 times for efficiently and going with the ev mandates are and then kamala, she supported getting rid of gas powered cars by 2035 just like california has and so this is simple, if you want your car choice taken away, you'll go with kamala harris.
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larry: thank you, doug. we're going to switch gear as bit and bring in south carolina congresswoman nancy mays, welcome to the show. the fbi director thinks that mr. didn't take a bullet. now, where this comes from, christopher wray, i don't know. here's dr. congressman rodney jackson, your colleague on this show last night. here's what he said. >> it was absolutely a bullet and track of a bullet and scooped out jurisdiction as it would be in the track of a bullet and had telltale other damage associated with it. larry: some people are reporting that that bullet ricocheted off trump's ear and injured the other people in the crowd. tell me what christopher wray is up to and why is he saying in in
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the face out of all this evidence? >> clearly number one in making that statement this week, christopher wray is in attempted assassination denier. that's what he is and what is his aim? i mean i guess he's got trump derangement syndrome and trying to dis-correct trump in this and it's disgusting and quite frankly un-american and we all want answers and he's trying to deflect and trying to deflect and dodge any questions that we have that congress has either via judiciary and other investigations and i hope he'll be compelled to be more honest and with the american people. when the task force gets started because this is ridiculous. eight shots were fired and one man died and two people injured and donald trump literally took a bullet for our country. larry: yeah, great statement. took a bullet for knock seizure disorders and hell of a statement. larry: he was injured and i guess he's healing and i haven't
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physically seen him and talked to him a few times and thought he gave a great presentation at the convention and rally. you hinted a in the a moment ago. i don't want the heads of the fbi or the justice department or the secret service or the cia or anybody from the dni area. i don't want them to dominate this investigation and we can't rely on them and they've proven that time and time again gone all the way back to the russian hoax and hunter biden's laptop. >> 51 signers of the letter saying the laptop was fake. larry: i'm for the rank and file, fbi, secret service, that's different. i don't want the big shots in washington to run it. can we get around that in this investigation? >> i don't know that we can. you can't trust them at this
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point. we've had years where they've gas lit the american people and lied to them and doing anything in their power to discredit and keep trump out of the oval office and middle america coming back to vote in november and they'll vote him back into office and i hope we get leaders that will be honest no matter who's in charge and coming with facts and information and saw kim cheatle forced to resign this week because she came before the oversight committee and couldn't answer a single question. i walked a i way from that hearing thinking did they purposely hide information from her in anticipation of her testimony and not able to provide any facts or data or information? what are these guys doing and where are they hiding it from us? why are they hiding it from america? >> so far we've got zero information from the feds and
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agencies and we're getting it all from local and state law enforcement and sunday night when i got a briefing, a report sunday night, it was senator ron johnson's report and got all the information where it belonged. larry: the timetable. it was phenomenal. >> 57 minutes. he had it all and all from local law enforcement and god bless those men and women who came out with the information immediately. i wish we could get the rest from the federal government and no luck. larry: you read the time line there and senator johnson made the time line and say how in the world did they let trump go on that stage know hag they clearly knew? >> easy to see the guy with the roof of the gun and flew a drone over the rally hours before and took photographs of him 57 memberships before the first shot was fired. what happened in the 57 minutes? larry: that's it. we should find out and we will
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find out by hook or crook. thank you, nancy mace. >> good to see you. larry: coming up, is there anybody left that agree withs bb netanyahu, we win and they lose. i ask that had at the start of the show and we'll talk to congressman mike walls about it all when kudlow returns. ♪ choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation.
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4:52 pm
>> i sympathy her re-mashes were disrespectful and not very nice. pertaining to israel. i don't know how a person who's jewish can vote for her, but that's up to them. larry: well, there you have it. of course you can ask whether anybody should be voting for kamala harris and that's a different segment and joins us to talk about bb netanyahu and israeli situation ask florida congressman and senator mike walz. thank you for joining us. i began the show with a riff on the subject and he gave one hell of a speech to congress and it was a great speech and, you know, reaganesk terms, we win and they lose. that kind of thing. it's wontedderful and the problem i'm -- wonderful and the problem i'm having, congressman, i don't hear anybody echoing that in the subsequent two days
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and don't hear the biden white house or kamala white house and even mr. trump, i don't hear them saying we win and they lose. i don't hear them saying that israel must finish the job completely with hamas. and i'm just worried that israel will not get support to do that. >> first, larry, kamala wasn't even there to echo it and i told speaker johnson just leave the chair empty. that would have sent a message in and of itself with her term of absence of the leadership. indies pure tone averageful fact president trump was the first president in modern history or probably entire history to leave the middle east better off than when he found it. isis defeated, iran broke and literally peace accords breaking out across the middle east and that's because they had a fundamentally different approach. sit the palestinian issue aside for a moment, and focus the
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region and israel on their common enemy, iran. and once those two come together then deal with the palestinians, which they were on the verge of doing with saudi, and israel normalization and it was a threat and blown the entire thing up and till they go back to focusing on iran as core of the disease, right now harris, biden, the world should be pressuring iran and pressuring hamas about the hostages. instead, biden and harris are pressuring israel and exact wrong approach and who's watching harris not attend and most of the democrat leadership not attend bb's speech and then that insulting press conference harris gave afterwards and iran is watching and hezbollah is watching and houthis and they believe time is on their side. this is actually going to move arrests backwards by showing daylight between us and israel
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and that's why bb is so frustrated and went down to mar-a-lago. larry: i think mr. trump in his presser mentioned iran and that's a good thing. the other two governments, biden government and the kamala government as i call them, they department mention it. but, you know, look, i believe sincerely believe and have fought for this, i want israel to finish the job. i want de-hamasification like de-natziification after world war ii. you follow me? i want them to clean hamas out 100%. and i'm just not hearing that from any of the -- ease meetings in washington and so forth. i heard bb ask for support on that. but i'm not hearing anyone giving him support. last few seconds, mike. >> that's because that's not their intention, larry, their intention is get to a ceasefire and get this off the headlines and if hamas cops back later, so be it.
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their goal is ceasefire, and get it off the headlines because it off the headlines because it's political. larry: all right. congressman mike walz -- -really? -get a quote at (♪) you know, you only get one body. it might be the perfect size to do this. your body may take up a lot of space. or have to speak with its hands. but no matter what body you're born with, you only get one. let's fight like hell for it. (♪) ♪ me and my friends ♪ ♪ ♪ it's feeling right, ♪ ♪ we're loving life when we're together ♪ ♪ me and my friends ♪
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5:00 pm
larry: i tell you with, america must choose good over evil. netanyahu's cry like reagan's, we win, they lose. we must support that and crush hamas altogether. and then tammy bruce will run the united nations right after this the show. [laughter] tammy: watch out, man.


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