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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  July 27, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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how to use the radio in my car it is all on the phone, spotify or whatever are you worried that sirius xm is awkward to be the thing. >> that's the challenge they have to try to get a younger audience because most of the audience is probably 50 plus, buffet is 93, the evaluation is relatively low and maybe they will have success in pandora. jack: to read more checkup this edition of barron' make sure you read andrew story, don't forget to follow us on access barron's online and facebook, and instagram for the latest show updates, that is all for us on "barron's roundtable". ♪ ♪ >> at the fox studios new york city this is "maria bartiromo
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wall street". >> happy weekend to all, welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was in position you for the week ahead. i am maria bartiromo, the mainstream media bending over backwards to rebrand kamala harris role in the biden administration. >> harris was put in charge as you said earlier of combating the roots of immigration, she was not and is not the borders are. >> she was never appointed borders are she was put in charge of diplomatic efforts of the northern triangle people have to counter the misinformation to the borders are she was not the borders are she did diplomacy in central america. >> she's not the borders or to the extent anybody who's a borders are is the secretary of homeland security. jackie: they got the memo time usa today, daily news quick to deny harris was ever tapped for border duty in the new york times with their own story making sure voters think that harris only had a limited role in the percussive economic policies of the biden administration it is convenient for democrats at the candidate
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is according to them not responsible for the two top issues facing voters right now as a new head-to-head poll shows trump leading harris by one point joining me to talk about it former utah congressman jason chaffetz and obama economic advisor robert wolf both are fox news contributors, great to see you both thank you for being here. we appreciate it. let me kick it off with you robert, was there a talking point memo that went around to ensure that the media would not call the borders are were would forget everything that joe biden said that she was in charge of. >> we know that there was a great bipartisan deal that could've been done that would've changed the border and immigration policy just a few months ago and that would've been incredibly game changing for immigration reform about former president trump didn't want to have the win for the biden here's a administration so
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it was dead in the house so when you have a conservative senator like langford i'm surprised that we didn't do what was best for the country and proceed. maria: i don't know how game changing with all due respect it allowed one and half million people into the country on a yearly basis. that was part of the pushback from conservatives but i'm talking about the rebranding of kamala harris this is a serious question. i understand on tiktok there is all the new memes saying how great kamala harris has been as vice president and i'm wondering if it's coming from the chinese communist party sentence on tiktok and who may want kamala harris to continue as often china policy, what is your reaction to the rebranding of, the here's the last few days. >> the trying to whitewash what she did and more portly what she didn't do she was a vice president of the united states, she does not get to excuse herself or the two biggest
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issues the economy and immigration to say that she did not do anything she was not responsible for anything how convenient is that. the border has been one of the top top concerns, what did she do what was the conclusion, climate change that was driving millions of people and didn't have anything to do with the enticement of open borders and free healthcare, she literally wants to give everything a person that comes here free healthcare and free education and free housing, give them a phone and she wonders why there's millions of people they came here as it relates to the economy, did she even have a clue how the economy works. the idea that working to clear her record she did not do anything for the last three and half years i think america is going to see through that. maria: i want you to take that on and give us your point of view, there is reports right now that dozens of kamala harris wall street supporters join the
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private call to strategize on a path to victory against donald trump, you were on the call, what can you tell us about the concerns and what was said about kamala harris and whether she will resonate with voters. >> there was a call about 40 wall street executives and ceos that went incredibly well partly because we have a different view than jason has on the economy, jobs have gone up, wages have gone up in inflation has come down and the deficit has come down dramatically since trump and there's a real debate to have the on the economy and that should be front and center and there's good to be an incredible number of business arrogance that will support this idea of, but here is for president. we should have the debate about the economy and unfortunately
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with 60 - 90 day spread if you like all these ads are going to be more personal attacks on each side i hope were able to have a public policy debate because it's one that should be front and center and i look forward to having that debate with any republican that wants to come on to debate the biden here's economy versus trump academy. maria: what about that, i want to get your take on the economic backdrop and foreign policy because former president trump met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu friday one day after benjamin netanyahu met separately with president biden and, here's the vice president axios reported that benjamin netanyahu was upset by the comments that harris made after their meeting is officials are warning that they could harm the negotiation over the gaza hostage and cease-fire deal. watch the. >> everyone who's been calling for cease-fire and to everyone who yearns for peace. icu and i hear you, what happened in gaza over the past nine months is devastating. we cannot look away in the face
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of these tragedies. we cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and i will not be silent. maria: axios is reported that minnesota uncommitted delegates to the dnc will not support harris until she commits to ending military aid to israel this is a real balance that she is walking as concern of jewish voters grow of the potential rise in anti-semitism under the harris presidency. >> she has not been a world leader on this issue probably. i thought we had an ironclad relationship with this instead of talking about the heinous attack that happened at israel and to this day american hostages, what i don't hear from vice president harris saying you give us our hostages back then we will begin to have this discussion, she is not definitive and does not know how to negotiate and she said i've never been to europe, she does not understand the world stage
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and she's trying to get this lesson for the last three and half years. america and the world have suffered under her so-called leadership, she supposedly went to guatemala to talk about climate change and figure out immigration. when it comes to israel she thinks there is a moral equivalent between israel and what hamas and terrorist organization did in slaughtering people do what they do if she wants to end the violence, be definitive but she is not she's trying to waiver and get the boat out of minneapolis for goodness sakes rather than doing what's right for the world in the country. maria: what do you say as someone who is jewish and whose family was impacted by the holocaust my grandparents are from russia and poland and all of their family guy died so this personal to me this is not political, i had conversations with the vice president as well as the second gentleman and i
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went to the united nations forum that he had. it is clear that they are not wavering on their support for israel and i think if you heard them they said the security of israel is front and center but it's also clear that what's going on from a human rights perspective we have to make sure that the food insecurity that is happening changes and we all want a cease-fire but we all want hostages released first in immediately i don't see the u.s. waving at all in their support of israel your respective whether republican or democratic president and we heard a lot of innuendos but this administration has not wavered. maria: what a moment in time and opportunity, a great opportunity
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to speak with you both on the very important issues, thank you, good to see you both, jason chaffetz and robert wolf the federal reserve referred engagement easing slightly but americans are not feelin centrum! it's scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. beth wants to get back to eating the food she loves. so she's been thinking about getting dental implants, but the cost seems like it's out of her budget.
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creative planning -- a richer way to wealth. maria: welcome back here's were marketed to another wild week with the s&p 500 and the nasdaq logging their worst day in two years on wednesday the stocks turned higher as we saw stronger-than-expected economic growth for the second quarter and the fed's favorite inflation gauge came in line with expectations the annualized rate slightly easing the still above 2% on pce inflation, federal reserve governor kevin warsh, it's great to see you, thank you so much for being here. >> great to be back with you. maria: assess the macro story today. >> the real economy is weakening and the bottom half of the population deals it more on the top half, the excess savings that they got on the post-covid
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world they spent it, the bottom half of consumers are pulling back and inflation continues to eat away at wages, the date on inflation has gotten a bit better, inflation is running closer than 3% to 2% over the last three and half years inflation is running around 23% higher than it was a view years ago so real americans are feeling the pinch, i suppose if the trajectory of inflation is going to the right direction, prices are not stable and that's with the fed's mission is. maria: what you're saying certainly is in step with what were seen with polls we have a new poll this week this is her not feeling the economy is getting better three and five americans believe the u.s. is currently in a recession, credit card delinquency at the highest levels in 12 years according to the philadelphia reserve. i want to get your take on what changes this and how do you get out of the slump what are the
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policies that you believe could get us out of this. >> the american people are smart and they get this to understand the country on the wrong track they understand the economy is on the wrong track, they're happy that they have a job but they know that these policies spending money that we don't have, printing money we don't have, borrowing from overseas can get you through november and through the year but that's not a long term sustainable strategy that's not how they run their households and their increasingly worried that is not how the government should be running, what you do you reverse the policies, you spend money that you can afford and you don't have the government get bigger and bigger, the government under the budget that the president vice president put up some months ago will have government spending the largest of american history, that's going to crowd out private investment in heard employment the government has been goosing things, they tried to keep rates at 0 for a long time only to
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have inflation to put the terrible tax on hard-working middle-class americans, the fed is trying to compensate for it but the american people have figured out that they needed change of policy, they need putin fiscal policy, putin monetary policy and the deregulatory tax and they can be hopeful that that is possible come 2025. maria: next week you have the july monetary policy meeting, two day meeting tuesday and wednesday and then of course the next meeting is september all better on the fed to cut rates in september, what you expect from next week's meeting in terms of language and what about the september cut, are you among them expecting it. >> i'll get my prediction the fed has been eager to cut interest-rate, chairman powell last december promised a bunch of rate cuts coming this year to get markets have been pricing those. markets have expected those in their eager to cut rates even as inflation continues to be high
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and volatile i believe you're going to do it and cut interest-rate in september and i believe the cut interest-rate in december and are going to deliver on what they said in the problem for financial markets, most of that has been priced in and they have to continue to be concerned businesses and households that might out of slade the inflation dragon quite yet. maria: a great point all around, it's a pleasure to have you on the program we hope you will come back soon. kevin warshaw yunus. kamala harri (♪) car, this isn't the way home. that's right james, it isn't. car, where are we going?
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and what kind of an impact would you expect. >> she is biden administration, along with kamala, came out for a capital gains tax of biden wants to take the corporate and come from 21%, here's has said 35% and makes a
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significantly higher, why would you invest or build a factory in the united states for 35 and at 15 - 25, would be higher than anything in europe, higher than venezuela, she wants more and carbon tax, she's been much clearer about the carbon tax even the biden was in the carbon tax leads inevitably to a value added tax because they want to extend the tax and energy to all things as they do in europe, there is a financial transaction tax which is usually been something on left-wing gaga land she has endorsed that along with the senator from vermont who is in gaga land and she holds hands with him and supports the idea of putting attacks every time there is a financial transaction in the country. >> they push for universal basic income as a time for u.s. editor kamala harris proposed 2000 for making less than $100,000 a year in 2020 and it additional $2000 for up to three children, what
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effect would that kind of policy have on the u.s. taxpayer. >> it would simply increase the number of people who have become depended on welfare and end up not working, what are the challenges that we have in kamala harris biden economy that welfare payments are so high and inflation is so damaging to wages to people that are not coming back to work, the percentage of the population of working age, that is working is not growing it is falling in a significant problem that workers are not coming out to work because of things like, kamala harris drawing more welfare, she also dropped the comment by biden and only to tax people to make more under more than 400,000 that he said married couples only 200,000 and by the way inflation is such that it
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goes lower that he made people more susceptible. her idea of the taxes she wants to raise on energy will hit everyone in the corporate income tax as she well knows is paid not by some guy named general motors it's paid for workers and lower wages directly it's paid for all americans in higher prices and is paid for retirees and reduced pensions 401ks, iras that are damaged by those taxes, the corporate income tax hits middle america first and last, that is who pays it, the left likes it because it's a hitting tax but attacks on middle america. maria: here is has push radical healthcare policy, she is back in medicare for all. i want to get your take on this that abolishes private health insurance even ensuring illegal immigrants again the wide-open border has had huge effects and here she says everybody should have insurance.
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>> she wants to have the government take over everything on healthcare, already the government does too much on healthcare and it raises prices, it raises cost the way that canada and the european countries deal with the higher prices is daycare, if you're over 75 years old this is not a good deal for you. maria: we will leave it there, great to get your take on elvis we will keep a spotlight on it, thank you. maria: g your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works.
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. maria: welcome back one thing ahead of next week you could own a piece of history from an mva hall of fame icon, the late kobe bryant personal locker in the staple center's upper auction the l.a. lakers used the locker for the majority of his legendary career including five nba champion ships, the
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estimates it will go from 1 - 1 and a half million dollars and part of the proceeds will benefit the los angeles lakers youth foundation empowering children through sports the winning bidder will receive a scrapbook in kobe's final game, we will follow with all on "mornings with maria" weekdays six -9 am eastern here on fox business, we will see you on sunday morning on the fox news channel at 10:00 a.m. eastern for "sunday morning futures" exclusive interviews with congressman byron donalds, for the governor ron desantis, former presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy" ability is to do president peter schweizer, join us live sunday morning on fox news that will do it on fox business, thank you for joining us, have a great rest of your weekend and i will see you again next time. ♪ "barron's roundtable" sponsored by global


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