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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 29, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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♪ make it in their image for so far, they have been unable to do so because the supreme court is a book report. one of the key points is he saying if the u.s. doesn't do it, china is going to do it so this is a very competitive strategic move. >> it might not come out as nicely as we want but do we want people to say anything nice? >> out of the gets bigger break for the entire market but the split between the companies that do and don't is going to be very pronounced. it's not about the environment, the green is about money, money. a climate change industrial complex becoming one of the largest enterprises in the world and they will do everything they can to keep this about weird
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statements j.d. vance has made or more electric language donald trump uses because they don't want those issues. ♪ ♪ 11:00 eastern time monday, july the 29th. straight to the markets. we still got that rally going. we got for the nasdaq of the valley is elsewhere. the dow was up 100, now down 119. enter loss for the s&p big tech, very much in the news this week. all big tech up exam apple down 39 cents. the ten year treasury yield becoming down, down to 4.18%. we are down to one basis points there.
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that's important to the nasdaq, downside move on the nasdaq composite. thanks, everybody. now this. politics in the election provided the excitement recently but this week money gets back on the front burner. four giant tech companies tell the world how much money they've made and how much money they expect to make in the future. the most profitable and the most valuable companies in the world. big deal and they are all american. tuesday afternoon, microsoft reports, wednesday it's meta. thursday, apple and amazon's. these reports will focus on ai big tech, so much is made of its introduction and now it's time to see what the impact of what impact ai has had. earlier this month, tesla and google's result disappointed and stops so lost. amid the forecast anyone with money and big tech is hoping there's no disappointments from any of these big tech giants.
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he could sink the market. one more money item playing out now, big.the big crypto conference over the weekend, donald trump appeared. he's a big.full and says the government should buy big coin as national reserve and never sell it he says the price is going to the moon. kamala harris was invited to speak with did not show up. crypto politicized. they claim rally, looking at 68, 69000 today and today big tech rally. we dedicate straight to our market guest who knows about these things. jason katz, manager of god. welcome back. what you think is in store from these four big tech companies this week? >> it was great but not great enough for the big tech companies. we will get more of the same. the numbers simply won't be back in the focus will be on the spend on ai but like the google
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ceo said there's a bigger risk and not spending so i do think we are getting to where rubber has to meet the road, a return on this investment. >> how do you think it's going to turn out? would you make any forecast for these big companies? >> my expectation as they will be expectations, raise guidance but still a modest selloff because we need the use case, we need to see spending on ai translating it to profitability and we will know that for six to 12 months. >> the stability, i would have thought the crown of so much they are making so much money the risk of real 50% drop is not real. >> there's always that chance for that type of drawdown but well-made, these are the safe haven trade to the extent they have fortress balance sheet and
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predictable earnings growth so if we get a slowdown in the economy or worse yet, a recession which we are not forecasting. >> any effect on the market from the recent turnaround and pulling for the election? kamala harris has come up in the polls, cultural is even. it's possible you will get a harris victory, how does the market think about that x. >> i think that market cares a lot about but above all, perhaps divided government in which case nothing gets done ignorantly generally has been for the market, maybe not for the american people at large but generally speaking for investors, divided government is the best scenario. >> sure you saw what donald trump was saying over the weekend was the u.s. to be capital of the world, he had the strategic stockpile of bitcoin, are you in favor of that? >> absolutely not in favor.
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it's become politicized like you mentioned in previous comments, a smart political move. as an investor, i'd be careful because you will get a binary reaction to the crypto universe in the event that trump doesn't when. at the end of the day currency has to be backed by taxpayer dollars and some time federal reserve and other central banks will have electronic version of currency but they will be faxing of taxpayer dollars to creating crypto is reserve currency of the world is completely and utterly bad idea. >> the federal reserve will do it in the future? >> electronic form of currency so it will be no but it won't be the iteration that we see today in the form of bitcoin and others. >> you are a wealth management guy, you put wealth people's money into crypto? >> i don't and i don't for a variety of reasons. i don't see utility, if you can't translate in it, number
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one. the various characters are mostly the ones leveraging it right now, it's not quite time time for people i work with. >> donald trump. >> i don't think he is. [laughter] >> you are all right. >> janet yelling thinks the world needs to spend $3 trillion year to fight climate change. steve forbes with me now. i do think it's realistic. the will can't afford 3 trillion figure, organic? >> no if it did, you wouldn't have a world economy can work. that's a prescription for poverty around the world and depression. take the environment, where you get the minerals are alternative energies from x china, africa and also, it a windmill on the wind farm requires 30 feet deep with 2500 tons of reinforced
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concrete. these things go out of power after 20 years, you need to replace them. how do you take that up 2000, 500 tons of concrete? a huge environmental disaster. if they are serious about emissions, there is an answer. natural gas and nuclear power. they don't want to hear that. >> you can't do that. it worked for us because the tracking deal and be reduced co2 emissions for than anybody else in the world using that gas but they will never let you do that. >> the last 20 years over $6 trillion invested in this and we reduced carbon imprint from fossil fuels about 2%, 86% of the world's energy from fossil fuels and 20 years ago about 83. imagine if that 6 trillion had gone for something like cleanup
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water, fighting diseases like malaria, something useful in the world instead of gargantuan waste which is one reason growth rates are so low. >> why do we keep going the way they think they will fight co2 you emissions? trillions into it when i think it's a failure, isn't it? >> a massive failure. the twins are tied into it, political contributions does become a religion and industrial complex. >> thank you very much, indeed. i'm getting a little old. he said that, what is it, environmental industrial com complex. >> it's all about lobbying so you take resources that could be used for gross, developing the rest of the world and wasting it in something that doesn't really work. >> but you realize you are killing the planet, you do know
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that? >> the planet will survive, it has for 4 billion years. will humanity survive? [laughter] >> you are all right. coming up, the justice department accused tik tok of sharing and storing sensitive user information. we have the story. elizabeth warren says kamala harris if she's elected, she will find a way to get 11 million illegals pathway to citizenship. president biden was to overhaul the supreme court including term limits and ethics code and changing presidential immunity. formal federal prosecutor andrew czajkowski thinks is not going to fly. andrew is next. ♪
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easily transfer your services in the xfinity app. bring on the good stuff. all right, we received an update from the fbi on the assassination attempt on donald trump. there still no motive but here's what we do know now. the suspect of the gun legally transferred to him from his father last year. he made 25 gun purchases in the spring of 2023 using online aliases. he went to a shooting range days before the rally and used with the fbi believes was the same weapon he used at the rally we know the shooter fired eight rounds before he was killed. the fbi revealed donald trump has not yet been interviewed. today president biden will endorse several sweeping changes to the supreme court including term limits and code of conduct. david spunt is with me. take us to the proposed changes. >> is going to do this at the
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lpg library and austin texas vice president harris will be the one to answer for the proposals. her campaign is announcing is one 100% on board. no immunity for crimes of former president committed in office, term limits for supreme court justices and also a binding code of conduct for the supreme court. the first would require change to the constitution itself in the form of an amendment after the supreme court ruled earlier this month former president donald trump was largely immune from prosecution in his federal trial court alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election. biden calls it the no one is above the law amendment. the second proposed change, term limits for supreme court justices. right now they enjoy lifetime tenure. the president was set to change, biden supports the system in which the president would appoint the justice every two years to spend 18 years in active service on the supreme court. the third and final, binding code of conduct for the supreme
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court justices. the key phrase -- accordance enforceable. justices should not be exempt from enforceable code of conduct that applies to every other federal judge. critics say changes just won't happen. >> wants to destroy the coat, they want to pack the court so their initiatives from biden be dead on arrival in the senate. they have no desire to make the corporate, just trying to make it more liberal. >> mike johnson said in a statement moments ago the proposal will be dead on arrival in the house so republicans in both the senate and house saying it's going to go nowhere. it is notable president biden is not calling pack the court or act justices but there's concern about these proposals will see how far because ultimately congress will have to get involved because the president says he wants to do this, it doesn't mean it's going to happen. >> you got that right. thanks very much indeed. former federal prosecutor andrew
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czajkowski. odyssey these one by one, what you think of term limits? >> term limits would require an amendment, the constitution demands that supreme court justices have a term for life so that's an initial hurdle to this extreme type of idea. it's something that is undoable basically but shows the extreme policies and ideas coming from the biden-harris camp trying to essentially undo the laws they don't like. >> and ethics code. >> ethics code is interesting, they are susceptible to impeachment if they violate the law or engage in other types of crimes or misconduct that elevates to that level but when you have code of conduct, who's in charge of that? the supreme court has justices there as ultimate arbiters of ethics in our country so as of the people approved to sit on the supreme court essentially
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that role in and of themselves. it's congress trying to take control and i don't think it's a fair check on the system. >> biden suggest the president would elect, select one justice every two years and they would serve for 18 years. what is that about? >> want to get into this idea of court packing, expanded the course of the leftists or progressives have focused on the supreme court, and if to get the laws the way they want them to be, we could see that go downhill and spiral quickly especially be careful what you ask for because if they start to expand the number of people in the court they might not like who that is. imagine if they passed that right now, the trump administration, if reelected, he could have a superduper majority on the court so they can spiral into silliness, it's a plug for
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votes. >> what about the changes to presidential immunity? >> you have to be careful when you critical of the idea of the recent decision the president has immunity. a lot of different senior positions throughout the country have immunity. presidents going to have some degree of immunity, you have to be able to act as a public official without the fear of prosecution. police officer do, judges, prosecutors. there's this idea that some people aren't necessarily above the law but the law applies differently to them so no matter what the constitutional amendment would be, there is still some degree of immunity with these types of jobs. >> donald trump pledged to end birthright citizenship if elected. what kind of legal challenges with that base? if you make it to america and deliver a child in america, that child is american, that's birthright. he wants to change it. >> it's not challenge at the supreme court directly yet.
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in the 14th amendment is says laws shall apply equally to all people in our country born or naturalized here so there's a strong argument to make that that type of law would require constitutional amendment in and of itself however, there's nuanced legal arguments that perhaps the idea of being born here requires that you did so under certain terms like the product of legal immigrants to have come here so donald trump basis of particularly high legal hill to climb if he wants to go that direction but it's not been tested so hard to give a definitive answer. >> sounds like biden wants to supreme court and trump want immigration -- none of it will happen. >> it's all politics. >> thank you for joining us. elizabeth warren says 11 million illegals need a pathway to citizenship. how would it work?
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>> good question, she didn't give any details but creating that pathway to citizenship must be part of comprehension immigration reform. >> i believe we need to create a pathway to citizenship. all of that is part of what we need to do for comprehensive immigration reform. kamala harris will work with congress to get that done. it's a question of who do you trust in the border? you trust someone is better prosecutor and has been there in a border state who works with congress toward a solution for do you trust someone who says chaos is politically helpful? >> harris fail at the border and vows to round up and deport illegal migrants. warn claims harris as you saw there, it's going to work better with congress to find a solution
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both trump and dance lasted harris on immigration and border security but j.d. plants claims she will whittle away to prevent noncitizens from voting saying harris wants to hand over control of our country to people who shouldn't even be here in the first place. >> thanks, going to get back to the subject of money right now. look at microsoft. we are looking at this because it kicks off big tech earnings. tomorrow walking up to the earnings report, microsoft down 13% at 425. the biggest winners on the nasdaq, there are quite a few. tesla is one of the big ones, $8 at 228. crab strike coming back a little bit from losses for the last week. coming up, before becoming a senator, mark kelly created a company that specializes in spy
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balloons. the company was probably founded by a person close ties to the chinese communist party. that hurt his chances? we have the story. israel preparing for more strikes against hezbollah. the white house says israel has every right to respond. morgan ortagus' takes that on next. ♪ daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪)
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on the markets, split decision not that much price movement. the dow is down 80, the nasdaq is up one. we are really keeping an eye on the pool big tech names. microsoft, meta, amazon and apple. all of them are up except apple down a fraction of 83 cents. only the group does, donald trump spoke with the quaint property of the weekend, is a huge bit coin bowl but could do right now -- for quite is at 6 679. modest balance from leaders late last week i should say. sec, federal communications commission pushing for more regulations on political ads. why? >> they want a regulation that
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would require the use of artificial intelligence broadcast and tv radio ads to be disclosed so the proposal goes to the public comments now but it's unclear if it will be enforceable before the november elections although is he's the agency wanted in place by then but not everyone agrees. commissioner brandon says the agency is overstepping authority in the federal election commission warning the proposal basically intrudes on its jurisdiction. under the plan political offenses with ai would be required to include on air announcement immediately before or after it states. but ai is being used. an interesting subject. >> tik tok is accused of harvesting since of information about users. the justice department calls it national security threat.
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hillary vaughn on capitol hill. how is to talk responding to that? >> they are denying it saying in a statement nothing in this brief changes the fact that the constitution is on our side, never put forth claims. today once again the government is taking this unprecedented step while hiding behind secret information. we remain confident will prevail in court. the d.o.j. is accusing tik tok of collecting information on americans doubt expose their views on major divisive issues like gun control, abortion and religion. the tik tok parent company in china able to access the sensitive personal data about american users to share sensitive information. by dance or tik tok to manipulate, china could further existing line influence operations and amplify efforts
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to undermine trust democracy and exacerbate social division. oral arguments begin in september, if the judge upholds the law that demanded tik tok divest or base, they will have to do that by january 19 in the new year or they will face a ban in the u.s. >> israel has every right to respond to the hezbollah rocket attack that left 12 children dead in israel. former state department spokesperson morgan ortagus is now. could avoid at all work but are we usually secretly urging israel to be restrained? >> probably, they haven't been over the past ten months since october 7. that is the fundamental flaw with the way in which the biden-harris administration used foreign policy. i think in their attempt always trying to ratchet things down that they escalate so being
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pacifist trying to say don't go to work, don't respond, but only makes things worse in the region and a group of people that have misunderstood the middle east for a long time. not only are they the same people that took us in the j cop, they opposed whatever our administration, there was a long night when we took out sole soleimani, they came out blazing of us think we would start world war iii said, we got the abraham accords so their actions, the biden-harris administration is about to oversee another major war in the middle east because they are escalatory by not taking hard things you need to do. not only to deter hezbollah and lebanon but this all comes back to iran, the i rgc. >> i don't feel kamala harris backs israel and the way some people in the democratic party do back israel. i think she is a skeptic. i think she is pro- hamas.
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>> you have to look at public statements, that would lead you there. foreign-policy, she's not shown of large ability to study the issues and deeply understand them. her team signally this morning that she is not going to do a foreign policy speech anytime soon so she's got a real conundrum because similar to biden if she does things to support israel, that will inflame her face but if she doesn't support israel, they will end up in the next 99 days before the election with another major war in the middle east. we are running out of theaters in which biden -- harris can't oversee another war. >> if there is a second front, are we going to supply weapons israel needs? >> we should we better. we are already involved. >> will be delivered them on time? >> we should, we better. i don't know what the democrats will do it will be a lot of pressure, i know senate republicans will.
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we are at a dangerous time, the united states of america is at war in the middle east. if you look at what's going on with the who these, the united states navy has not seen the action world war ii. that is the cap here. we are extending to block them from their drones and ballistic missiles. we are using the entire year's worth of purchases to defend these ships. u.s. navy seals died in operation a few months ago, three soldiers died in jordan from iranian made drones of the u.s. military personnel whether you are stationed in one of these ships or embassy in iraq, both diplomats and u.s. military are being attacked and shot through drones, other sophisticated hardware from iran. we are at war in the middle east, president biden hasn't declared up with that doesn't make the reality any different.
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>> you know what you're talking about. appreciate it. one of kamala harris' potential vice president to fix helped found the spy balloon company. what are we talking about here? >> the democrat senator from arizona after his life as an astronaut, kelly cofounded the company in 2012 with the plan to provide space tourism using blooms but that mission evolved quickly to provide intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance to the u.s. department of defense as well as providing data to organizations like nasa but the company received several grants of capital from ten. if you remember, that's a chinese company with close ties to beijing. kelly stepped away from that in 2019 to prepare for his u.s. senate but ties certainly could become an issue.
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by the way, according to pull from abc news, kelly leads and favorability ahead of pennsylvania, josh shapiro in kentucky governor andy beshear. >> organizers of the olympics are apologizing for any offense opening ceremony cause. explicit mockery of the last supper. they say the message of unity and tolerance was achieved. nigel farage will be here to respond to that. kamala harris time senator, one of her key pieces of legislation was the lift, a universal basic income program. she tried to bring something like that back she wins in november? that's next. ♪
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check the markets, the dow is now suddenly quickly done 135 points, plastic down 25. the market turns itself. let's check out for big tech names, these four companies report this week, to microsoft and apple, amazon, medical of both up not that much priceless there. check that the biggest losers on the dow industrial, down 130 points. caterpillar, honeywell, chevron, boeing. supporters of basic in some backing emily harris they believe she will put the program in place based on her past voting record. lydia hu joins me. how much would nationwide universal basic in some program cost and how does she plan to pay for it? >> we reached out to get her latest thoughts and still waiting to hear back on the
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details but we took a look at her past record and she proposed the policy, those similar to universal basic income and that would cost $3 trillion over a decade. it was called the middle class act kamala harris made this proposal as a sender and presidential candidate in 2019. here's what would have done, they would have offered low and middle income workers $3000 refundable tax credit person, 6000 a couple. that meant even if you didn't know taxes, you are still eligible for a refund. to pay for it kamala harris wanted to reveal tax cuts and jobs act for people earning more than $100,000 so he proposed a refund for low income earners and elimination of tax break for higher income earners. there is growing interest in land like this and universal basic income.
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take a look at this map, dozens of democratic led these encounters across the country piloting what they call the i income programs, nearly 8500 people received monthly payments ranging from $200 all the way up to $1000 a month and interest in big tech, open ai, ceo, funding a three year study and recently published, ubi programs pay their bills but the interesting part, it does not help them get a better job. some people that received these payments started working class. critical concerned and the critics who say what exactly are we trying to accomplish with universal basic income? what is the cost and what is the trade-off? higher taxes, eliminate the programs, what will it look like? >> not everybody wants to climb the food chain. great stuff. >> automakers taking a hit on the push to go electric.
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all right, what kind of hit and how bad is it? >> a lot of investment but a little return. a bumpy ride, a combination of a lot of things. twenty expenses, vehicle and treatment operations, all those things have pressure profits but yes, there is a costly transition to electric vehicles. it hasn't exactly taken off. ford, tesla, jeep makers all saying share prices for last week after posting earnings disappointing. even gm whose results got caught in that. pricing also an issue that has to be pointed out as consumers struggle with higher interest rates in turn forcing automakers to drop the selling price which is fighting the bottom line. automakers down except tesla up
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nearly 4%. >> thank you. it's that time when we check out the stocks. look at them on your screen. it's a fairly even split. the dow itself is down 91 points. new pulses prime minister to use nigel farage to get closer. what does nigel go back? next. ♪ ♪
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with so much entertainment out there wouldn't it be great... ...if you could find what you want, all in one place? show me paris. xfinity internet customers can enjoy the ultimate entertainment experience and save on some of the biggest names in streaming, all for just $15 a month. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. nearly a month since nigel farage was elected to the british parliament, leader of the uk's reformed party and he joins me now. welcome back, always good to see you. a new poll of british voters think prime minister should use you to get closer to donald trump. have you anything to say about that? >> british press trump will probably wind in november and
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become president again, number 47 it secure our prime minister. he is very dependent child, somewhat introverted, mildly socialist, internationalist globalist lawyer and doesn't have much of anything. with the likes of donald trump, he's foreign secretary has said the most of the abuse of things about trump repeatedly over the years on twitter, now x. the idea is maybe they need to be a broker between the british government and trump of his number 47. the other thing is simple, i agree with socialist politics, i don't agree with the labour party but the relationship between the usa and uk is vital for world peace if they want help with that, i certainly would. >> you flew to the states to meet with trump after the shooting, have you been in touch with him? >> i have been in touch with him
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and his family. outrage particularly from the sense that a shooter with a rifle could have gotten away with 125 years. total failure from secret service. it didn't used to believe in miracles but trump survived that, now i do. i'm one of those who genuinely believes he's been spared for good reason. >> you know right now is under attack as he always has been by the media in the united states. i guess it's even sharper now because they want to support kamala harris because they think trump might beat her so they are piling on, that's nothing new. >> if trump is under attack, something is going scarcely wrong and that's what the vast majority is there to do. america is partial to say that's not a problem. obviously everyone picking up kamala harris.
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the truth is she will step on every banana skin between note now and november 5. she's accident-prone, medical will look on the left but not thought through, she's inconsistent. i strongly believe the more the american public see of her, the more states she makes, the better it looks for trump. >> organizers of the paris olympics issued an apology after the opening ceremony explicitly mocked the last supper. what if they do that? >> they were going to mark anything to do with religion. true, isn't it? the intellectual political parties in france are filled with self-loathing about its values so drag queens, a mockery of the last supper sums up the modern-day elites in paris.
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i don't believe any religion is above mockery, lampooning but if that is the showcase reference with this big global event, it's a sad, very poor reflection and will be president in two years time. >> you are running the reform party, can you give me 30 or 60 seconds of what the reform party wants to do? what reforms do you want? >> the conservative labour party merged into a union party, high tax, big state, open-door immigration, low productivity, they are useless in britain is in decline. reform, i will reshape the center-right of british politics completely on the basis that i believe family, community and country. patriotic, believe in strong borders and small business, free
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enterprise and putting our own people first. i was the man that pushed brexit what they thought i was mad. you watch me this time. >> you sound a lot like donald trump with a british accent. >> funny us, whenever i meet him, we say we agree more with each other than anybody else we government. [laughter] >> you will all right. don't be a stranger, come back again soon. time for monday trivia question. ♪ one of the more useless questions with ever asked, jane that is played with how many wooden blocks? forty-five, 58, 54? the answer when we return. ♪
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11:58 am
so, what's your glucose number right now? good thing you don't need a fingerstick. how's all that food affect your glucose? oh, the answers on your phone. what if you're heading low at night? wow, it can alert you?! and you can even track your goals. manage your diabetes with confidence with dexcom g7. the most accurate cgm. learn more at
11:59 am
stuart: before the break jane got his plate with have any wooden box, this is a ridiculous question we ever asked, i suppose if you're involved in intense trivia this comes in handy, how many wooden blocks, 51, 54, why do you tell us your thoughts ashley. >> pretty vacant up in the old brain box right now.
12:00 pm
i'm going to go with 48, number two. stuart: doesn't have to be an odd number? or does it have to be an even number, it doesn't make any difference does it. what did you go with ashley, what did you say. >> 48 number two. >> okay i think it might be a bit more than that, i think 54. the answer is 54, the game was first released to the public in 1982, the harrods department store in london the tallest recorded jenkintown was 40 completed levels. you have very steady hands no shaking. it is not for me i don't think at my age, thank you very much for being with us i know we will see you tomorrow, we love you and to leave you with the four big tech stocks that report this week, they are all higher as we walked towe


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