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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  July 29, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. senate judiciary committee begins its investigation of failed trump assassination attempt tomorrow, senator ted cruz on that and more. but first up fox news jeff paul, live in butler, pa with new, interesting stuff, jeff what you got cooking? reporter: the fbi saying they conducted roughly 450 interviews as they search for searches to how this happened and why, they say crooks, they described as loner was highly intelligence. over the past year or so investigator say he used various aliases to make purchases for firearm supplies and materials to build explosive devices. fbi detailed crooks' behavior in days leading up to shooting.
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they say high surveilled site and practiced at a gun range. on the day of the shoot, crooks first visits butler, bought ammo and went home and returned to the rally site and flew his drone, local police identified him as a suspicious person, text cobbta appear to show a picture of crooks with a local rove tells the group, if up to the notify secret service snipers to look out, i lost sight of him, there was communication problems that day. >> he was looking up and down the balding and wander -- buildinged and wander around. >> what do you think is s transpiring. >> i assumed there would be someone coming out to speak with this individual or find
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out what is going on. >> we all failed that day. >> how so. >> life is lost. >> yeah. >> people died. reporter: fbi also detailed crooks climbed on the roof not using a ladder but hvac system and piping and moved across roof don'ts rooftop. then later shot and killed himself, they found two explosive devices in his car. but it appears they didn't explode due to the receiver being off. no word on when the fbi plans to interview former president donald trump. we do know that at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, there will be the beginning of a senate judiciary hear ocing on this topic. larry: there is an i issue, explosive devices in car, i think of them as
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bombs, there were reports about homemade bombs at home. what is the bomb story with this character? reporter: sounds like fbi says he had a couple explosive devices he made, in his car, he had two there and one at home, the one in his car was ready to go. the receiver on those devices, according to the fbi was not on. the explosive device they found at his house, it didn't have the supplies to blow up or a receiver. that is the story with the two different things, they don't know what kind of damage it would have caused. it could have blown up had that receiver been on and he clicked it. larry: all right, terrific jeff paul thank you. >> we will come back to this in just a moment. but first, no matter what her campaign claims, kamala
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harris cannot ban her fracking ban. that is the subject of the riff. over the weekend a spokesperson for kamala harris attacked donald trump over his criticism that ms. harris supports a ban on fracking, a spokesperson said he is no longer supports bain on fracking or maybe she never did, when she ran for president in 2019 here is what she said. >> there is no question i'm in favor of banning fracking, starting with what we can do on day one around public lands. >> that sound like no fracking to me, even no leasing and no fracking on public lands but now she changed her position. but hang on, madame vice president you have not actually said you changed your position spokespersons don't count. you have to say it whether
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it is true about a fracking ban or supporting the biden-harris administration that killed keystone exxon pipeline and stopped fracking in anwar or in alaska national petroleum reserve or greatly scaled back offshore drilling in the gulf of mexico, they might as well be a ban on fracking, i don't mean to be personal but whatever you say your war against fossil fuels policy is likely to be continued should you become president. your foreign policy has dropped oil sanctions on iran. you have imposed strict sanctions on alaska. and elsewhere here in the u.s. now the u.s. is producing about 13 million barrels of oil per day, that is right now. roughly where we were at the end of the 2019
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pre-pandemic. were not for your war against fossils and various green new deal spending, u.s. oil production today, could be 15 or 16 million barrels per day. and at that rate, world oil prices would be closer to $40 a barrel than 85, if that were the case iran would not be financing a war, h hamas hezbollah against israel or would russia vin saided ukraine, and gasoline prices would be closer to $2. and if that were the case, cumulative rise of inflation during your term would have been closer to 10%, not 20%. and of if that were the case, real wages of a typical working family would be over 5% higher during your term, instead of 4%
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lower. and if that much the case, then there would be no affordability crisis. so you see, madame, even though you may not be in favor of a ban on fracking, w. stops every oil rig, cancels every oil lease, postpones every investment. i would say you have come close to that aforemantioned fracking ban, in view of unpopularly of your inflation and economic and foreign wars, don't you wish you had banned that fracking ban in the first place? that is the riff. all right. now, great pleasure joining us now -- joining my now, texas senator ted cruz, we have not seen you in a while, i see a smile on your face, i know you like my riff, you know i liked it
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let me riff you with the riff, i want to get to jury judiciary hearing tomorrow. it is odd, u you know, if not exactly a ban on fracking, it is pretty much a ban on fracking, leasing and production. and so oit is caused us no end of problems, has it not? you think they regret this? >> i don't think they do. in 2020 when she ran for president. kamala harris was unequivocal she would ban fracking and shut down oil, grass drilling on federal lands and offshore and onshore, joe biden and kamala harris today have waged a war on u.s. oil and gas production, they are proud of over 90 different actions they have taken to make it hard tory drill here in u.s. to make it harder to create jobs, acts that had affect of driving up
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inflation, up the price of a tank of gas, and there is a lot of differences between joe biden and kamala harris but joe biden has been a puppet for last 3 1/2 years. kamala harris is a true believer, i served in se senate can kamala, i know her she believes this nonsense this is a 100 day head fake, she will pretend, no never mind, i didn't mine any of, that don't count on it, it is the same campaign suddenly claims, that chief not the border czar -- she was not t the border czar, joe biden and kamala harris want the 11 1/2 million people to come in all they are doing now is engaging in campaign misdirection.
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her radical record, she can't run away from it. larry: let's go back to the judiciary committee, you will enter into the investigation, house his a bit of a head start, and house came out today, with their task force 7 republicans, and 6 democrats. so now with your hearing coming up, seems like we're getting closer to some interesting issues one is the failed communication between the local police and secret service. and i guess the fbi. i'm not sure where the fbi fits in terms of on the ground. but maybe they were fbi agents there on the ground as well. one thing i want to ask you, miranda devine wrote a column in "new york post" because fbi and secret service have a dei problem,
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all right, diversity, equity and inclusion. equity is different from equality, as you know. do they have a d dei problem is that where there is no communication, that local cops have given up on secret service or fbi and didn't want to share, or are there more technical re issues at stake. >> that say problem. they put dei above doing their job in the biden-harris administration. it is why everything they touch as been a disaster, we had a disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan they put politics above the safety of our servicemen and women. when the secret service, this hearing tomorrow is important. i and a number of other senators call forward this hearing. we need to get to the bottom of why we saw the most catastrophic security failure of the secret service in at least 43
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years, at least since the ronald reagan attempted assassination there has not been a security failing of this magnitude. and there are a host of questions, you know, we had a briefing call with all 100 senators and now resigned head of secret service, where in that hearing, that briefing call, she dodged every single difficult question, she took no accountability, i hope we get to bottom of why there were so few agents assigned and no aerial protecting and terrible coordination with local law enforcement. i believe it this administration puts partisan politics above doing their jobs. and protecting the american people, i think that is why they did not assign adequate protection to protect donald trump because for them, donald trump was th the enemy so they were not willing to make the decisions to give security that needed to be given that i hope and pray is given at
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least now. larry: well you know, mr. trump himself has praised and i think rightly so, those secret service agents who collapsed on top of him and protected him. >> absolutely. larry: that is a wonderful thing they did their job, but somehow or other, i don't know if it was washington level secret service, or fbi, i'm skeptical of these agencies in washington, sir, my skepticism almost knows no bounds. throw the cia into that or maybe it was pittsburgh office of fbi or secret service. you know. i am sciment skeptical of leadership not rank-and-file, i asked speaker mike johnson and others, you have to get investigators in there, senator cruz, who do their own work. and do not let the top brass of these agencies don't let them control it you will never get to the bom bottom of it. >> you are drawing a person
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distinction, the line agents they put their body between the gunman and president trump, demonstrating incredible h heroism. we know. my concern and failure is not on the part of the line agents but on the part of political leadership, appointed by joe biden and kamala harris, and by the way, i have a sneaking suspicion one of the real reasons why biden wanted this head of secret service in there, is because she had been on his personal detail before. and they wanted the secret service not to let the american people know about how badly his mental condition had deteriorated. you and i many others have been pointing it out for years they insisted now, it is great until he has to drop out of the race, it so beobvious. i think that they put
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politics above doing their job, i hope tomorrow they are willing to answer questions, sadly, i expect in tomorrow's hearing for them to play the same sort of dodging refusing to take awoundbility and answer basic questions, how many threats were there against donald trump, why was there not more agent assigned and why were not drones or helicopter, i am expecting them to dodge those questions. >> where is christopher wray, you have deputy fbi not the director. i think he has a lot of explaining to do. i am running out of time. i just got two lightning round questions. news breaking, maybe not new, joe biden will run against supreme court. i will bet you that kamala harris will run against supreme court because they didn't like the immunity question and they say they are not going for court pack buging but they do.
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and iron if you had term limits to supreme court, justices, famous liberals like ruth bader ginsburg would not have been around to be famous liberals, a lightning round on war against the supreme court. highwayhow bad is that. >> terrible this administration is most radical, joe biden and kamala harris decided they are willing to destroy the supreme court to undermine its legitimacy and the rule of law, because it is the one branch of government they don't control, they are angry their justice is willing to defended the constitution and bill of rights and free speech and religious liberty and second amendment, they are willing to burn it to the ground, thithis an assault on protection of our constitutional rights this is from people that bang their chest and say they are about democracy, they are actions they indicate a
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contempt for democracy. larry: last one, jd vance, good, man? bfabulous story up from nothing yale law school, you went to harvard you -- a decent law school. you know. can't get him yet -- cannot get him to say that he is in favor of pro growth tax cuts or extending trump tax cuts or deregulation, this san odd story. -- this is afte is an odd story, he will not have growth message that president trump has so brilliantly portrayed at the whole campaign including convention and recently. we have to have an intervention? what do we need to do to get hem on growth side? >> jd vance is a good man, a friend, someone who i
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barnstormed all over the state of ohio campaigning with him. to support him getting elected to senate. but, there is a lot in press that are focusing on jd vance a view on foreign policy or anything else, let's be clear. when this election is over, president will be donald j. trump it will be donald trump policies that matter. and you and i know what trump will do, we will cut taxes and repeal job killing regulations and stand with our friends defeat our enemies and secure the borders, we know that because trump has done is already. larry: i got it thank you, senator ted cruz from great state of texas thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up next, for former fed governor kevin warz said the balance sheet is not over yet on set to talk about it i'm kudlow, you know tax cuts, pro growth, if you cut tax rates, you will increase tax
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fellow -- i am going to at hoover eh hoover institution. >> still teaching. >> the best line might consider is bl blasphemy but monetary policy has something to do with money, we have charts to show a good picture of so-called monetary base. or fed balance sheet, there it is. it has just exploded in the last 15 or 20 years. it has come down a tiny bit. that is the point you make in the article, not this obsession with the fed funds rate but this monetary policy is about money, and money is about inflation. >> that is right. going into this meeting this week, h you hear central bankers are they cutting rates this week or september and november, they are hiding the ball, the ball is
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about financial assets, central bank bought starting in 2008 crisis, but it accelerated during the pandemic, and in 2021, in 2022, sure enough, the explosion of money of the printing press inflation went with it id. over last 3/4s they start bringing down balance sheet, and sure enough inflation fell, what worries me they will get off of that business, they have been signaling balance shoo sheet is slowing down, as a result, i don't know their theory of inflation but a better theory say they will have a problem if they keep at it. larry: put that chart up there. you can see the explosion from the financial meltdown mustever high came on federal reserve, but -- just before he came on federal reserve in in 2006 like any bank as a balance
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sheet. footings of the federal reserve, you can see two explosions one after financial meltdown over mortgagers and oak second over the pandemic. now, you're point is, it makes you suspect, makes anyone who understands this suspect. that the lower inflation or disinflation may not be permanent. >> right. money is a dirty word in central banking. but good common sense says too much money chases too few goods is key on inflation, we don't know where the economy will be 12 months from now there are elections and changes in policy, we know if you keep prints press going the improvement in inflation will disappear, fed does not seem worried about anonymous chinese tha -- does not seem worried about
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inflation. >> other thing you mentioned. is mr. j. powell not to be personal but on policy basis has encouraged the federal government federal spending massive federal spending which shows no signs of abating. >> the assets, they are treasure that the secretary of st treasury are issuing, i don't believe over last decade or last 4 years, that congress would have authorized this massive surge in spending in 2021 and 2022 if they thought it was going to be expensive, what kept interest rates down? because the feds were buying the assets it was a cappive audience the fide -- captive audience the federal reserve. >> stocks are booming. that does not tell you that anything is tight. financial markets that are loose, lower rates, and
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higher share prices, it may not be only thing, it means what credit conditions are not tight. >> they say that the monetary policy is tight. it is restrictive. look at wall street, hard to find that since chairman powell and his colleagues promised in december they would be cutting rates have has about 12 trillion in u.s. stoke ma stock market wealth that come flawjs a lot of sin. >> i want to them to focus on the plan sheet and assets. larry: that is it. you could have limit government spending too. >> we should try, that a deregulatory tax cut is what this economy needs to sustain itself next year. larry: kevin warsh, former fed former in man about town. >> not at all. larry: still teaching school, the stanford kids
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would just listen to you. >> we want them back in the classroom not protest lines. larry: you said it coming up. kamala harris, is handcuffing israel. when we need is some trump tough foreign politicker policy. stalk about that with john ratcliffe, you can catch c kudlow. monday through friday at 4 p.m., if you can't, text your favorite 9-year-old, and she will show you how to dvr the show. and you will never miss a supply side policy. i'm kudlow, he is warsh we'll be right back. (♪) what took you so long? i'm sorry, there was a long line at the thai place. you get the sauce i like? of course! you're the man!
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in middle east. >> israeli foreign minister, bennett, joining us now to talk about this john ratcliffe. you know, i just. sometimes seems to me that after kamala harris met with bibi netanyahu, she issued a statement, that was more of a criticism of iz israel than hamas, and within 24 hours, or whatever. all of a sudden hezbollah started to rain down rockets on the poor children, playing soccer in israel. i don't know, is that a coincidents in your judgment? >> it is not. it is a clear demonstration how clueless kamala harris is about gio appr
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geopolitics and important of what american leaders and perspective leaders say and signal to allies and adversaries when she put a statement after meeting netanyahu saying i will not be silent, and portraying a false narrative somehow israel was attacking innocent palestinians as opposed to israel responding to an attack, by hamas palestinians, she sent a message to hamas, and to its puppet master iran and hezbollah that these actions again israel would be tolerated by the biden-harris administration. she is off to a terrible start in terms of the trying to demonstrate that she has the capability to serve as commander in chief. and make good decisions. the first thing she defense to plow off bibi netanyahu speech before congress, she was supposed to convene, she went to a sorority meeting
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then comes out with these comments as you point out. really led directly to hamas -- a hezbollah attack on innocent israelis something ha is too common under the biden-harris administration. and would continue under harris administration. larry: not to put to find a point on it, i don't care what hezbollah says they are using iranian rockets. the fact is -- it is just as much as -- the thing s here is what i don't get. i want a policy which we had briefly right after the horrible october 7 massacre. what happened to let israel finish the job? let israel finish off hamas once and for all? or what happened to the
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dehamasification policy that some of us talked about then. or even at minimum, john ratcliffe, when will the united states government, okay the biden-harris administration, restore the sanctions on iranian oil because that is their source of financing for hamas and hezbollah? the sanctions, the oil production, which china is buying. those are just some little ideas how to make this story better, so that you know, bibi netanyahu can say we know good or evil. we win they lose. i don't hear that stuff. >> well you won't. you will not hear it from biden-harris administration or a harris administration. you will hear it if donald trump returns to white house, in january. if kamala harris is elected, we'll have 4 more years of same disastrous decisions
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and policies that have been em-- have emboldens and enriched iran. to your point hamas wing of democratic party, progressives got loud. and joe biden and kamala harris wanted to win presidential election, and they let that dictate policy, they put politics and power over national security. can't tell you, how important the israelis are to us. they are a indispensable intelligence partner to us in most important volatile region in the middle east. and the biden-harris administration has flipped it ons had head. what is concerning kamala harris's to run the same disasterrous foreign policy playbook that joe biden has been running, her chief foreign policy adviser philip gordon, who is he? he was state department official under barack obama. and was integral part in
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drafting the iranian nuclear deem that enriched iran, gave them billions and put them on path to start this. all which you know first hand donald trump reversed. what only thing that changes is is donald trump and maximum pressure campaign that left iran poorer, broker and less less -- influence shall, we could put our foot on the throat of the iranian terrorist regime as soon as donald trump gets back in the white house. larry: i rickon soy, john ratcliffe, thank you, didn't know about gordon, but that say very important point, john thank you. >> now we switch gears bridge back tennessee senator marsha blackburn. a great friend of show and a great friend. big crypto night in nashville, tennessee.
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here are some things that donald trump said about bitcoin and crypto. >> bitcoin is not threatening the dollar. the behavior of the current u.s. government is really threatening the dollar. on day one, i i'll appoint agnew s sec chairman who believes that america should build the future not block the future? if we don't embrace, crypto and bitcoin other countries will, they will ni dominate. larry: that last one, by itself, cannot let china dominate, they are poking around in crypto too, we have advantages he mentioned a bitcoin, -- anyway you were at this, tell us about it. >> yes, it was quite a convention. a lot of bitcoiners were
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there. i was so pleased that president spoke. and following his remarks. vivek ramaswamy and i did a fire side chat, talked about how bitcoin and opportunity to self co custody and have financial freedom and tratransactional f freedom and use bitcoin as a value we think that federal fed -- federal government beginning to have a strategic resevere of bitcoin they have 210,000, most from asset forfeitures. we think that the ability to begin to build that reserve, use those funds to pay down the debt. at a point in future, we think that is a wise choice. larry: that is interesting point, paying down the
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debt. you know, on this point about the stock pile, he mentioned a gold stock pile, in fort knox that is like strategic petroleum research ruined by the bidens. that is not federal reserve domain that is the executive branch a domain or has to have congressional appropriations. i am going, better to stop central bank digital currency when treasury and fed always want, they want to control it. trump is not -- he doesn't want a weaker dollar he thinks it is competition will make it stronger. >> absolutely. it will. and i'm glad you mentioned central bank digital currency, that is something i am very much opposed, to i know that you reremember larry when china wanted to load the digital yuan to everyone's phone when they
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went to beijing o olympics we blocked our athletes and warned others, not to do this. because when you have a central bank digital currency that's leads to social credit, that gives the government the right to turn your currency on and off and control what you can spend your money on. we never want to go there. and bitcoin is the opposite of that. you can say it is a digital gold. you can talk about the freedom for someone to self custody and maintain that transactional freedom it is the opposite. larry: other thing, is, i am not being personal, because i know gary gensler a long time, but at sec has been
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justs opposed to development of crypto, and has piled on rule after rule that has done a lot of damage to business, it not be bad to replace him. >> i think it was a huge applause line and president got a standing ovation when we said let's get gary gensler out of the way. because of the way that sechas gone after some of the companies, and we want to see innovation in this sector. and when you have gary gensler and sec. and some of this administration blocking innovators at of turn it is frustrating. but you know, laye larry, not only bitcoin and crypto assets, but you see this across the board, they don't want to innovate with it comes to clean coal
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technology or energy. and it goes on and on and on. with every industry. they want is power, they want control. they want to make the decisions. and thank goodness we have gotten a good decision on chevron. we have court kind of go after the fcc for one of their funds. that is a good thing, because we need to get the federal government out of the way out of your pocketbook and off your back. and free up free markets so people with en n innovate and solve problems we face of day. larry: it's time for a change. >> it's time for trump. larry: thank you, so much senator blackburn. >> see you soon.
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>> you got it. larry: coming up. kamala harris can't escape her record, her record, period, end of sentence, we have liz peek coming up and caroline downey when kudlow returns. [jeff laughs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, look at these guys. they are playing great. meanwhile, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. not to mention the kitchen remodel, and we'd just remodel the bathrooms last month. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. so you're like a guru now? oh here it comes— join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real live conversations. empower. what's next. (♪) (♪) bounce back fast from heartburn with tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪)
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larry: joining he now liz peek and caroline downey, thank you. liz peek, bernie sanders with lipstick. brutal. really. talked about it on the radio. this all of other business tied in. not real against a ban on fracking, she is. >> they are trying to redo kamala harris' history. and she is a progressive san francisco democrat. that is who she is. she has always aligned with bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. they have come out most supportive, they love her policies. she is bernie sanders intense the country should be worried. this is what the drus trump team needs to talk about her policies banning fracking, offshore drilling, and hizer taxes -- higher taxes that is where they have to go, she south of
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mainstream. larry: speaking of her top supporters senator warren said that with certainty, a president harris would go for amest iny and citizenship for 10 or 11 million illegals. >> if there is any other question she is not border czar that is evidence she is anarchist candidate. she abandoned border, and supported bail fund, get those rioter in 2020 off the hook, she in some ways to the left of bernie sanders. bernie sanders resisted getting rid of the filibuster, she wanted to get rid of filibuster to pass the green new deal, and laughed at biden in 2020 when she said the constitution is an obstacle,
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she has no regard for our constitution that surpasses bernie sanders. >> zero hedge -- you head him? abolish i.c.e., compare i.c.e. to kkk, bans fracking, that is too easy defund police. healthcare po illegals, ban private health insurance. quite a track record. >> it is, and her track record of last 3 1/2 years is zero, what has she done. it is amazing that media who is just been so substantially em embassy em-- embarrassed is onboard with irk erasing her history, she is being out . touted as law and order candidate. in california she -- made the state more lawless. she has no core.
7:56 pm
larry: she wants to ban the fracking ban, but she can't ban that ban, he is right out there with it. >> too konduzing. couldn't fusi. >> i'll be back. jen x is plannig a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. things will go wrong for your customers. but your business can make it right, with watsonx assistant. ai that can help resolve problems
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♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪
7:59 pm
♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪
8:00 pm
the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. (train horn blares) - [narrator] it's 1877,


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